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<rm> Would the theme song of the Python Logging System be "I'm a lumberjack, and I'm ok"?

Last update: 2002-03-19 20:03 UTC
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Eyesight of the future is here

posted by redmonk at 2002-03-19 20:02 (permalink)

redmonk: Move over Terminator, Borg
redmonk: Laser projects image on retina
redmonk: "And once you get there, you realize what a great ride it was and it was all worth it."
redmonk: hehe
redmonk: [via /.]

LEGO motion tracking robot

posted by redmonk at 2002-03-19 18:29 (permalink)

redmonk: The best quote: "the most important thing I've learned is that the physical world is still not perfect. Bummer."
redmonk: Nate is a LEGO freak and robotics nut. He wrote the algorithms himself for this project and provides source code and pics.

The Effects of Drugs on a Web-Based Lifestyle

posted by AaronSw at 2002-03-19 17:44 (permalink)

redmonk: I hope my code doesn't look like that after a few cups of coffee...

The IBM Glass Engine

posted by AaronSw at 2002-03-19 00:37 (permalink)

AaronSw: A database of Philip Glass' work, presented in a novel new format for browsing the different axes (density, velocity, date, title)
rm: Gives a whole new meaning to "playing the glasses"
AaronSw: The bounds-adjustment system is an ingenious way of finding relationships -- it'd be cool to use such a system in scientific experiments -- much easier that visualizing n-dimensional graphs.

A Logging System for Python

posted by rm at 2002-03-18 23:38 (permalink)

rm: like log4j...
rm: but not
rm: Would the theme song of the Python Logging System be "I'm a lumberjack, and I'm ok"?

demoroniser - correct moronic and gratuitously incompatible Microsoft HTML

posted by deltab at 2002-03-18 00:32 (permalink)

Aaron Swartz and Sean B. Palmer
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