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AaronSw-UK: Get your name on Slashdot!
AaronSw-UK: OSDN jumps on the do-it-yourself ads bandwagon (1, 2).
AaronSw-UK: Buy: Amazon,
AaronSw-UK: A good book -- I knew much of the history, but many of the anecdotes and short histories in this book were new to me. The author writes well, tying everything together very nicely, but his dumbed-down explanations of technical concepts are a bit grating at times.
sbp: More wonderful nonsense from the vicinity of Ah, the hillarity
sbp: ""warm and fuzzy" tingle me rabbi" gets the swhack award for both funniest and most disturbing search result
sbp: Or would that be "request"? I don't know what I'm typing anymore
AaronSw-UK: A GPL/LGPL AudioGalaxy client for UNIX and OS X
sbp: Sans-serif wins out on this one, because it's easier to read on screen media
AaronSw-UK: Just wait until we get electronic paper...