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Etymology of O.K.

posted by sbp at 2001-12-29 22:28 (permalink)

sbp: There's a surprising about of debate over the topic, but this article is pretty conclusive
sbp: cf. Linguist: Eymology of OK
sbp: """The earliest known citation is from
sbp: the Boston Morning Post of 23 March 1839: " [...] he of the Journal, and his train-band, would have the 'contributions box,' et ceteras, o.k. -- all correct -- and cause the corks to fly." This was a facetious suggestion by a Boston editor that a Providence
sbp: editor (the Journal mentioned was in Providence) sponsor a party.""" - FAQ Excerpt: O.K.
sbp: Also: O.K. alright, Wordorigins letter O, O.K., Etymology of
sbp: So, it was coined by the Anti-Bell-Ringing-Society, in Boston, c.1839, and stands for "oll korrect"

Weblog Accessibility

posted by AaronSw-UK at 2001-12-29 22:15 (permalink)

AaronSw-UK: I hope that our weblog passes these tests.
sbp: Heh, heh
sbp: I like """Web Access Initiative recommends in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (a must read if you care about accessibility)"""
sbp: That's the Web Accessibility Initiative. Unless he's marked up "Access" with an <abbr> element? Nope, didn't think so
sbp: Oh, and this is great: """<FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><B>Style Sheets</B>"""
AaronSw-UK: lol
sbp: But good advice, anyway

E 0.8.10 Supports Mac OS X

posted by AaronSw-UK at 2001-12-29 22:05 (permalink)

AaronSw-UK: via Wes

UK Trip Update

posted by AaronSw-UK at 2001-12-29 21:54 (permalink)

AaronSw-UK: I do like London. I want to move to Marlyebone and be a hip urbanite who goes to Jazz clubs and listens to world music while eating at restaurants named after animals which serve food from around the world, while wearing cool clothing and picking up trash people have left behind.
sbp: Me too, me too! Oh, yes!
AaronSw-UK: And we can live in fancy modern office buildings playing table tennis and working on projects that take over the world by ensuring no one can take over the world.

Giraffe, the Restaurant

posted by AaronSw-UK at 2001-12-29 17:50 (permalink)

AaronSw-UK: We went to this restaurant last night -- I absolutely loved it.
AaronSw-UK: Website coming soon to Giraffe.net.

Aaron Swartz and Sean B. Palmer
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