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AaronSw: How can RDF help this?
AaronSw: aka "IT", "Ginger"
AaronSw: sbp seems to have found a mirror.
sbp: """Segway Human Transporter (HT) functions like an extension of you; like a dance partner able to anticipate your every move. It uses powerful motors and high-speed computer processors to mimic human equilibrium. It leverages aerospace engineering and robust software to track your position. And it does it all without you noticing it. The technology is so advanced, it doesnt feel like technology at all. It just feels right.""" - http://www.segway.c
AaronSw: A product of DEKA Research.
AaronSw: It looks like might know what Ginger is... but some don't think so.
AaronSw: It's just a scooter... I can see why some are in denial.
sbp: """Not only does it have no brakes, it also has no engine, no throttle, no gearshift and no steering wheel. And it can carry the average rider for a full day, nonstop, on only five cents' worth of electricity."""
AaronSw: New York Times knows what it is too, it seems.
AaronSw: Still, something smells fishy to me.
sbp: """Kamen's dream of a Segway-saturated world won't come true overnight. In fact, ordinary folks won't be able to buy the machines for at least a year, when a consumer model is expected to go on sale for about $3,000."""
AaronSw: Time also has a fancy Flash explanation.
AaronSw: He's right on, I agree with all of these.
AaronSw: Not only that, I was just about to ask him about this and he wrote about it on his weblog!