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AaronSw: "Culture is owned in the south by these plantation owners. Culture is free in the north in the sense you get to use ideas freely." (north is silicon valley, south is hollywood)
AaronSw: "That huge market of illegal trade in John Grisham's ebooks... is fueled by what Skylarov did." <laughs />
AaronSw: "In America technologies that somehow interfere with intellectual property are somehow more evil than handguns." (when comparing the treatment of Dmitry Sklyarov to that of employees of Smith and Wesson)
AaronSw: "You didn't know it was circumventing a copyright protection system when you went into the kitchen to get a beer..." (when talking about the ReplayTV suit over skipping commercials)
AaronSw: "Culture is owned in the south by these plantation owners. Culture is free in the north in the sense you get to use ideas freely." (north is silicon valley, south is hollywood)
AaronSw: "I can't avoid pessimism, it's by contract required." (talking about his new book)
sbp: """IndigoMail (formerly called SendMail for Windows) is a command line program for sending E-mail messages over the Internet."""
sbp: """It allows sending of messages from the command line, CGI script or batch file. It is a Windows version of the popular Unix Sendmail program. It allows easy migration of perl scripts from Unix to Windows since it uses the same simple interface as the Unix Sendmail."""
sbp: From the makers of IndigoPerl, which I think I downloaded and ran at some point
AaronSw: There's a lot of good stuff in the O'Reilly Weblogs: 11/05, 11/06, 11/07.
sbp: Courtesy of that news aggregating thingy written in Perl
Morbus: I heard the developer of AmphetaDesk was pretty cool. Maybe I'll meet him at a con.
sbp: An IRC bot type deeley. Easy to modify to do more advanced things, logging, chumping... er... logging
sbp: Latest version has bugs (reports DanC), but Aaron and Sean have had few problems with it
sbp: For GabeW, who wants a decent logger bot in Python!
AaronSw: He says it _probably_ has bugs.