IRC log of swhack on 2002-01-22

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:00:17 [tav`]
00:00:22 [tav`]
class html_elements_parser(SGMLParser):
00:00:22 [tav`]
def reset(self):
00:00:22 [tav`]
self.pieces = []
00:00:22 [tav`]
00:00:22 [tav`]
def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
00:00:23 [tav`]
self.pieces.append("<%(tag)s>" % locals())
00:00:25 [tav`]
def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
00:00:27 [tav`]
self.pieces.append("</%(tag)s>" % locals())
00:00:29 [tav`]
00:01:31 [sbp]
00:03:09 [sbp]
no, I don't trust it. It doesn't seem to handle comments correctly
00:03:44 [tav]
that's cos it doesn't handle comments
00:03:57 [tav]
def handel_comment(self, text): foo
00:03:59 [tav]
00:04:03 [sbp]
00:04:14 [sbp]
I mean, that function doesn't handle comments correctly
00:04:25 [sbp]
"""For example, the comment "<!-text->" will cause this method to be called with the argument 'text'."""
00:05:49 [sbp]
the XML Recommendation clearly states: [15] Comment ::= '<!--' ((Char - '-') | ('-' (Char - '-')))* '-->'
00:06:55 [tav]
well, subclass and modify the methods to your heart's content
00:07:03 [tav]
use that inheritance power!
00:08:06 [tav]
what about htmlparser ?
00:08:09 [tav]
the new one?
00:08:21 [sbp]
I might use that
00:08:38 [sbp]
but I'm comfortable with RegExps
00:08:43 [tav]
the new one's not based on the sgmlparser, and at a guess is more compliant
00:09:23 [sbp]
00:09:34 [sbp]
* sbp used it for
00:12:22 [deltab]
000552Z <sbp:#swhack> I mean, that function doesn't handle comments correctly
00:12:27 [deltab]
why do you say that?
00:12:33 [hazmat]
hmm... are you looking for an html parser?
00:13:34 [sbp]
it thinks that anything that matches r'<!-.+?->' is a comment. That's not true - it may be invalid
00:14:10 [deltab]
what function are you referring to?
00:16:27 [sbp]
00:16:43 [AaronSw]
00:16:44 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw waves
00:16:44 [AaronSw]
00:17:41 [AaronSw]
man, that t3 was fast.
00:18:05 [AaronSw]
i clicked those links on audiogalaxy and turned around and the songs were done downloading
00:19:14 [sbp]
00:19:14 [sbp]
This method is called when a comment is encountered. The comment argument is a string containing the text between the "<!-" and "->" delimiters, but not the delimiters themselves. For example, the comment "<!-text->" will cause this method to be called with the argument 'text'. The default method does nothing.
00:19:14 [sbp]
]]] - Python 2.2 manual, \Doc\lib\module-sgmllib.html
00:19:15 [sbp]
it'd still work if I used it, but I don't want to use a module that thinks that "<!-text->" is a comment
00:19:17 [sbp]
and the RegExps work rather well, IMO
00:20:26 [deltab]
oh, that's just a bug in the TeX source:
00:20:27 [deltab]
themselves. For example, the comment \samp{<!--text-->} will
00:20:27 [deltab]
cause this method to be called with the argument \code{'text'}. The
00:20:50 [deltab]
-- means en dash to TeX
00:21:01 [sbp]
00:21:11 [deltab]
and tex2html makes it into hyphen-minus
00:21:32 [tav]
what we'd do without a genius like deltab around
00:21:42 [sbp]
00:22:01 [tav]
* tav sticks tongue out at sbp, so my method is still valid, and is elegant ;p
00:22:25 [deltab]
your method is valid but many pages are not
00:22:26 [sbp]
well, what can I say? I'm just a big RegExp-loving fool
00:22:37 [sbp]
yeah, that's the problem
00:22:37 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw giggles at deltab's comment
00:23:08 [AaronSw]
for every problem their is a solution that is elegant, valid and unusable due to the mistakes of others.
00:24:03 [tav]
that's a really intelligent sounding bunch of lies
00:24:17 [AaronSw]
heh, yeah. they're called jokes
00:24:27 [AaronSw]
"Hello. My name is [deleted] and I’m the Customer Service Manager
00:24:28 [AaronSw]
at Crucial Technology. [...] we want to make sure we fully address all of our customers’ needs."
00:24:28 [AaronSw]
They could start by learning where commas go.
00:25:22 [deltab]
and apostrophes
00:25:29 [tav]
ehm, where the commas?
00:25:40 [AaronSw]
yeah, well that's one place where commas go: not where apostrophes belong.
00:26:13 [deltab]
* deltab sees no commas or apostrophes
00:26:21 [sbp]
WTF are you talking about, Aaron?
00:26:23 [tav]
what are you on about AaronSw?
00:26:25 [tav]
00:26:30 [AaronSw]
00:26:45 [tav]
i reckon he's lost it
00:26:49 [AaronSw]
I see: "[...] I,m the Customer Service Manager [...] al of our customers, needs"
00:26:59 [AaronSw]
s/al /all /
00:27:10 [tav]
heh, we saw different
00:27:14 [AaronSw]
00:27:15 [deltab]
002605Z <AaronSw:#swhack> "Hello. My name is [deleted] and Im the Customer
00:27:15 [sbp]
We see apostrophies in their proper places. Your client sucks
00:27:27 [AaronSw]
deltab doesn't seem to have
00:27:29 [deltab]
no, Microsoft sucks
00:27:34 [sbp]
* sbp tries the logs
00:27:35 [AaronSw]
00:27:36 [tav]
deltab: i saw "I'm"
00:27:42 [AaronSw]
must be windows suckiness
00:27:43 [sbp]
* sbp too
00:27:48 [deltab]
tav: you're using a Microsoft OS
00:28:22 [AaronSw]
Microsoft employees never learned their grammar. See also: Word's Grammar checker, numerous examples on google.
00:28:32 [AaronSw]
I guess they think ,s and 's are the same.
00:28:38 [tav]
tav` didn't see most of what AaronSw pasted
00:28:51 [tav]
AaronSw: yea
00:28:52 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw apologizes to the Microsoft employees who do know grammar
00:28:58 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: SeanP!
00:29:01 [deltab]
AaronSw: what you pasted included C1 control characters
00:29:03 [tav]
try spell checking 'esp worldwide ltd' and then grammar checking it
00:29:09 [AaronSw]
00:29:15 [AaronSw]
deltab, aha.
00:29:17 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
00:30:06 [deltab]
AaronSw: Windows renders them as apostrophes, your software as commas
00:30:31 [AaronSw]
I believe I've seen some Linux software render them as commas too.
00:30:35 [sbp]
the logs show it correctly:
00:30:43 [AaronSw]
or incorrectly
00:31:02 [sbp]
half full/half empty
00:31:13 [tav]
00:31:23 [tav]
well sbp and i and the logs see them correctly
00:31:27 [tav]
obviously AaronSw is wrong
00:31:28 [AaronSw]
odd... in the logs i see like a backwards `
00:31:33 [sbp]
* sbp ^5's tav
00:31:45 [AaronSw]
sbp and tav use Windows, so obviously they're wrong too.
00:31:56 [deltab]
I see <PU2>
00:31:57 [sbp]
I see an apostrophie, but when I paste it into CygWin, it shows a backwards `
00:32:06 [sbp]
<PU2>? neat
00:32:14 [sbp]
aah, i18n
00:32:19 [tav]
00:32:33 [tav]
i hate how irc descends into this
00:32:49 [tav]
* tav goes back to his todo
00:32:51 [AaronSw]
i think this only happens with geeks
00:33:20 [sbp]
00:33:26 [deltab]
yes, because everyone else uses Windows
00:33:40 [deltab]
00:33:44 [AaronSw]
Note how Crucial followed up, and has a site that's a joy to use (most of the time), whereas Dell did not and has a super-sucky site.
00:34:32 [AaronSw]
speaking of fourmilab, fermilab is quite nearby. good place to go for birthday parties -- kids love atom accelerators
00:34:40 [deltab]
AaronSw: perhaps you could ask them to set their mail client to send only ASCII
00:34:57 [AaronSw]
At least it wasn't in HTML.
00:35:41 [deltab]
well, thank them for that
00:35:59 [sbp]
people should use text on the Web and HTML in emails. We'd all be... um... so much better off
00:36:14 [AaronSw]
"Dear [deleted], it appears your mail client, 42B5ACAC.132FCE88.e50eb3888bf3a3330156333d41a337a4, is sending proprietary Microsoft character."
00:36:42 [sbp]
you need an "a" or a plural in there
00:36:54 [sbp]
sending a proprietary Microsoft character/sending proprietary Microsoft characters
00:36:54 [AaronSw]
What an odd name for a mail client.
00:37:09 [sbp]
Yeah. Why not call it "Fred"?
00:37:20 [AaronSw]
perhaps they hashed the name or something
00:37:39 [sbp]
no, that's probably the version :-)
00:38:29 [deltab]
AaronSw: where did you get that from?
00:38:43 [AaronSw]
John: Sue, what version of Microsoft Outlook Express Mail Electronic Sender System are you using?
00:38:44 [AaronSw]
Sue: Well, I'm using 42B5ACAC.132FCE88.e50eb3888bf3a3330156333d41a337a4, of course.
00:38:44 [AaronSw]
John: What? You haven't upgraded to 42B5ACAC.132FCE88.e50eb3888bf3a3330166333d41a337a4?!
00:38:45 [AaronSw]
00:38:50 [AaronSw]
deltab, the X-Mailer header.
00:40:34 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
00:40:44 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
00:40:50 [AaronSw]
deltab, tidy with the -fix-mshtml-2000 option will do something like what the demoroniser appears to
00:42:45 [AaronSw]
oops, actually its word-2000: yes
00:43:07 [AaronSw]
I like how Tidy says: "This looks like HTML proprietary."
00:43:19 [sbp]
:Tidy a :Decrapulator .
00:44:11 [AaronSw]
I got Bryan Bell to run his designs thru Tidy. I'm quite excited. He wanted to use PNG and CSS, but he says that he's worried about browsers that don't support them.
00:44:22 [AaronSw]
He also says that Manila won't let him put in ALT tags.
00:44:30 [AaronSw]
ok, gotta run. dinner
00:46:03 [deltab]
that X-Mailer thing looks like a UUID
00:46:15 [deltab]
the last part
00:46:35 [deltab]
the first parts might be timestamp and IP address
00:48:31 [sbp]
1: "Hey fellas, get on board the Brad fad"
00:48:36 [sbp]
2: "What's that?"
00:48:41 [sbp]
1: "the fad of Brad"
00:48:47 [sbp]
3: "Er... right"
00:49:02 [sbp]
1: "Don't delay!"
00:49:50 [sbp]
water always acts so odd when it's hot
00:53:34 [sbp]
crap! I just remembered that I used to write plays
00:53:46 [sbp]
argh, another supressed memory surfaces
00:54:43 [sbp]
as long as I didn't walk around the stage clapping my hands and going, "come on people", I think I'm in the clear
01:11:45 [sbp]
* sbp rethinks EARL
01:11:54 [sbp]
what are we using it for?
01:13:21 [sbp]
I feel a bit guilty having been in a group that's been working for so long on a language that no-one actually uses yet
01:15:40 [sbp]
* sbp reads
01:16:10 [sbp]
the WCAG test case is important
01:29:57 [AaronSw]
lol! @ the plays
01:30:47 [AaronSw]
I directed a rendition of famous some poetry thing
01:30:56 [AaronSw]
I forget the name now, but it was famous, so you should know
01:31:36 [AaronSw]
<sbp> I feel a bit guilty having been in a group that's been working for so long on a language that no-one actually uses yet
01:31:36 [AaronSw]
How do you think RDF Core feels?
01:33:22 [AaronSw]
Hmm, sometimes I catch myself singing songs from "Stan Freeberg modestly presents The United States Of America"
01:33:39 [AaronSw]
well, more like humming
01:38:43 [sbp]
* sbp returns
01:39:07 [sbp]
"Aaron Swartz, director" - sounds pretty good
01:39:14 [sbp]
RDF Core: lol!
01:40:32 [sbp]
perhaps if we made EARL non-RDF, it'd start "working"
01:41:31 [sbp]
* sbp is pretty sure that EARL would work, if used for anything... which is why I'm working on that API again
01:46:06 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw sets up procmail scripts to filter yahoogroups messages
01:46:40 [sbp]
you and your new toy
01:46:50 [AaronSw]
01:46:55 [AaronSw]
it's fun
01:52:11 [AaronSw]
hmm, i see a recommendation of maildrop
01:54:27 [AaronSw]
this looks useful:
01:55:25 [sbp]
01:55:25 [sbp]
01:55:26 [sbp]
File "", line 73, in test
01:55:26 [sbp]
parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
01:55:26 [sbp]
File "/usr/lib/python2.2/xml/sax/", line 93, in make_parser
01:55:26 [sbp]
raise SAXReaderNotAvailable("No parsers found", None)
01:55:28 [sbp]
xml.sax._exceptions.SAXReaderNotAvailable: No parsers found
01:55:30 [sbp]
01:55:37 [AaronSw]
heh, doom!
01:55:38 [tav]
01:55:49 [tav]
01:55:53 [AaronSw]
fink install python2.2-xml # shoulda used debian
01:56:10 [sbp]
lol @ No tav available
01:56:24 [tav]
01:56:27 [tav]
.wn ailable
01:56:34 [tav]
.dict ailable
01:56:34 [xena]
01:56:35 [AaronSw]
SAX ails tav
01:56:42 [AaronSw]
i guess it makes his client go beepy
01:56:48 [tav]
01:56:53 [tav]
i got a double beep
01:57:01 [tav]
* tav adds to his ignore list
01:58:23 [sbp]
argh, damn SAX
01:59:04 [AaronSw]
tav needs to expand his vocabulary. learn new words like:
01:59:05 [AaronSw]
all' ottava
01:59:06 [AaronSw]
01:59:06 [AaronSw]
01:59:06 [AaronSw]
01:59:06 [AaronSw]
01:59:07 [AaronSw]
01:59:09 [AaronSw]
01:59:11 [AaronSw]
Batavian Republic
01:59:13 [AaronSw]
01:59:15 [AaronSw]
01:59:21 [AaronSw]
01:59:22 [AaronSw]
01:59:22 [AaronSw]
01:59:23 [AaronSw]
01:59:25 [AaronSw]
four-line octave
01:59:27 [AaronSw]
great octave
01:59:29 [AaronSw]
01:59:31 [AaronSw]
01:59:33 [AaronSw]
Gustavo A Madero, Villa
01:59:35 [AaronSw]
01:59:37 [AaronSw]
01:59:39 [AaronSw]
01:59:41 [AaronSw]
01:59:43 [AaronSw]
01:59:46 [AaronSw]
01:59:47 [AaronSw]
01:59:49 [AaronSw]
01:59:51 [AaronSw]
01:59:53 [AaronSw]
01:59:57 [AaronSw]
stave off
01:59:59 [AaronSw]
02:00:01 [AaronSw]
02:00:03 [AaronSw]
02:00:05 [AaronSw]
02:00:07 [AaronSw]
02:00:09 [AaronSw]
02:00:11 [AaronSw]
02:00:13 [AaronSw]
02:00:15 [AaronSw]
02:00:17 [AaronSw]
02:00:19 [AaronSw]
02:00:21 [AaronSw]
02:00:23 [AaronSw]
02:00:25 [AaronSw]
02:00:27 [AaronSw]
Vestavia Hills
02:00:29 [AaronSw]
Villa Gustavo A Madero
02:00:31 [AaronSw]
02:00:33 [AaronSw]
02:00:35 [AaronSw]
courtesy of
02:00:52 [AaronSw]
.wn atavism
02:00:53 [xena]
atavism defined as:
02:00:54 [xena]
- n : a reappearance of an earlier characteristic [syn: {reversion}, {throwback}]
02:01:02 [AaronSw]
02:01:43 [AaronSw]
Heh, that's quite clever, actually. Whenever tav comes up with something that someone has already come up with before, we can just call it a tav ism.
02:01:59 [sbp]
oh man...
02:02:16 [sbp]
as if working with SAX isn't painful enough
02:02:23 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw giggles
02:02:42 [tav]
.spell tav
02:02:53 [xena]
potential spellings for tav are: PTV, TV, TVA, trav, tan, -ative, Tuva, teas, tem, tar, ter, terr, tease
02:03:07 [AaronSw]
Tuva music is...interesting
02:03:13 [tav]
yea, i be a real cock tease
02:03:14 [AaronSw]
tav's an -ative.
02:04:04 [tav]
02:05:29 [sbp]
well, it works on Windows, but not on CugWin... argh!
02:05:37 [sbp]
er... CygWin
02:06:41 [sbp]
ugh, I need Python2-xml
02:07:03 [sbp]
SAX: doom and despair in a handy package!
02:07:35 [tav]
i hate cygwin python
02:07:44 [tav]
apt-get install python2.2-xml
02:07:54 [sbp]
maybe I should use a DOM package - then people could port it fairly easy
02:07:56 [sbp]
ooh, thanks tav
02:07:58 [tav]
and activepython22 ;p
02:08:07 [sbp]
$ apt-get install python2.2-xml
02:08:07 [sbp]
bash: apt-get: command not found
02:08:13 [tav]
02:08:18 [sbp]
apt-get apt-get
02:08:21 [AaronSw]
i wonder if they have apt for cygwin. they have it for redhat
02:08:32 [tav]
they are porting it for windows
02:08:32 [AaronSw]
.google apt cygwin
02:08:33 [xena]
apt cygwin:
02:08:47 [sbp]
02:08:48 [sbp]
02:08:48 [sbp]
> Is there a cygwin port of apt done anywhere?
02:08:48 [sbp]
Not as far as I know.
02:08:48 [AaronSw]
02:08:49 [sbp]
02:08:52 [AaronSw]
02:08:52 [tav]
.google debian/win
02:08:53 [xena]
02:08:56 [sbp]
02:08:59 [tav]
.google debian/win32
02:09:03 [xena]
02:09:05 [sbp]
* sbp beat him to it, for a change
02:09:24 [tav]
.google debian/win32 apt-get
02:09:25 [xena]
debian/win32 apt-get:
02:09:59 [AaronSw]
what package format does cygwin use? RPMs?
02:10:36 [tav]
02:11:02 [sbp]
* sbp tries getting the tar.gz from
02:11:04 [AaronSw]
or .exe apparently
02:11:05 [tav]
02:11:07 [tav]
02:12:19 [AaronSw]
hmm is still in stage 1
02:13:19 [tav]
sbp: or.... you could use activepython
02:13:34 [sbp]
WTF is activepython?
02:13:41 [tav]
.google activepython download
02:13:41 [sbp]
for CygWin?
02:13:42 [xena]
error: [Errno socket error] (111, 'Connection refused')
02:13:44 [tav]
02:13:49 [tav]
02:13:50 [xena]
error: [Errno socket error] (111, 'Connection refused')
02:15:17 [sbp]
great, well, that didn't work
02:15:20 [tav]
02:15:21 [xena]
2002/01/22 02:16:59.4012 Universal
02:15:23 [tav]
.google activepython download
02:15:24 [xena]
activepython download:
02:15:28 [tav]
02:15:31 [sbp]
(installing what's-its-name, that is)
02:15:43 [tav]
.google activepython download -perl
02:15:44 [xena]
activepython download -perl:
02:15:49 [AaronSw]
02:15:55 [tav]
.google activepython
02:15:56 [xena]
02:15:56 [AaronSw]
tav, it's your lucky day
02:16:01 [tav]
02:16:34 [tav]
google sucks as a personalised reputation server
02:16:47 [AaronSw]
it just doesn't like you
02:17:02 [sbp]
Huh? I have SAX working in Windows Python 2.2; why on earth would I need ActivePython for?
02:17:12 [tav]
sbp: ah
02:17:19 [tav]
then use windows python2.2 then
02:17:33 [tav]
why are you wasting time w/ cygwin ?
02:17:35 [AaronSw]
more wisdom from the mouth of tav
02:18:13 [sbp]
talk about going around in circles
02:18:24 [sbp]
talk about it!
02:18:26 [tav]
well? why are using cygwin python?
02:18:43 [sbp]
Because CygWin rocks
02:18:47 [tav]
cygwin does
02:18:55 [tav]
but doesn't mean you have to use cygwin python
02:19:31 [sbp]
ooh, you're right!
02:19:34 [sbp]
$ "c:/Program Files/Python22/python.exe"
02:19:34 [sbp]
Sandman #62 found
02:19:47 [tav]
add it to your path
02:20:09 [tav]
i can send you my l33t .bash_profile if you want
02:20:50 [AaronSw]
sandman #62?
02:20:51 [sbp]
02:21:15 [deus_x]
Yay, I figured out how to use /etc/hosts and NetInfo in OS X.
02:22:40 [AaronSw]
ooh... do share. i found how to load it, but i have to load it every time i make a change
02:22:54 [deus_x]
Oh, well, that was pretty much my discovery: how to load it.
02:22:58 [AaronSw]
02:23:16 [AaronSw]
morbus showed me how to do that
02:23:23 [deus_x]
Is there a decent reference to NetInfo out there, or am I just blind?
02:23:35 [deus_x]
(I'm willing to accept the latter possibility.)
02:23:57 [AaronSw]
.google macwrite /etc/hosts netinfo
02:23:57 [xena]
macwrite /etc/hosts netinfo:
02:24:06 [AaronSw]
.google /etc/hosts netinfo
02:24:07 [xena]
no results found.
02:24:09 [AaronSw]
02:24:12 [AaronSw]
.google /etc/hosts
02:24:13 [xena]
no results found.
02:24:17 [AaronSw]
.google /etc/hosts
02:24:18 [xena]
no results found.
02:24:20 [AaronSw]
02:24:38 [tav]
02:24:53 [deus_x]
I finally found a brief mention of /etc/hosts and niload in a PDF at
02:25:42 [deltab]
02:26:03 [AaronSw]
hmm, audiogalaxy is offering a gold version for a "small monthly fee"
02:27:22 [deus_x]
Hmm. That's just so clearly named. It can't be it.
02:27:28 [AaronSw]
02:28:22 [AaronSw]
here's the note I wrote to myself:
02:28:27 [AaronSw]
sudo niload -v hosts / < /etc/hosts
02:28:36 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: SeanP!
02:28:55 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
02:29:56 [deus_x]
There... jot that down in me local wiki.
02:31:37 [AaronSw]
man the tidy debian package is out of date
02:32:13 [sbp]
right, now, what was I doing? Oh yeah, writing an XML parser
02:35:37 [tav]
rss 1.0 > 0.92 right?
02:35:48 [tav]
in terms of quality
02:36:04 [sbp]
heh, heh, heh
02:36:09 [sbp]
no, because Aaron worked on it
02:36:47 [tav]
well, i was hoping for why it's better, besides "its rdf"
02:37:07 [sbp]
02:37:28 [deltab]
depends what you want to do with it
02:37:30 [sbp]
* sbp doesn't know enough about 0.92 to comment
02:38:04 [AaronSw]
02:38:14 [AaronSw]
1.0 good
02:38:21 [tav]
02:38:28 [sbp]
because it's RDF
02:38:36 [AaronSw]
02:38:45 [sbp]
er... x10sible
02:38:48 [AaronSw]
02:39:16 [deltab]
0.92 is easier to parse
02:39:21 [deltab]
02:39:37 [tav]
what other benefit is there to it?
02:39:38 [AaronSw]
02:39:48 [deltab]
02:39:55 [tav]
02:40:03 [deltab]
Dave Winer likes it :-)
02:40:21 [AaronSw]
orchard parse all
02:40:30 [AaronSw]
no type. hand lotion
02:42:04 [AaronSw]
02:43:07 [deltab]
02:43:41 [tav]
he has lotion on his hands...
02:43:48 [deus_x]
I was going to say.. x10ible. Does that mean it drives wireless cameras looking at young girls, and makes your lights blink on and off?
02:43:58 [tav]
02:44:39 [AaronSw]
makes billboard pop-up too
03:01:09 [AaronSw]
giggle: "The FBI agents were nice and really just wanted to know if I knew anyone with access to bio type stuff. I told them that a friend of mine has a cute roomate who studdies biology. They were under-wellmed."
03:01:17 [AaronSw]
03:05:06 [sbp]
* sbp tries Expat instead
03:05:17 [AaronSw]
03:07:53 [AaronSw]
Wooho! Native widgets:
03:10:04 [AaronSw]
03:10:31 [AaronSw]
it's purty
03:11:21 [tav]
rss .93 ?
03:12:59 [AaronSw]
ugh, enough, enough
03:13:10 [AaronSw]
just go with 1.0. why are you asking?
03:13:18 [tav]
wtf is .93 ?
03:13:24 [tav]
just saw it in the eff one
03:13:31 [sbp]
Umm... so, does Expat allow for subclassing, or what? Doesn't seem to...
03:13:32 [AaronSw]
it's like 0.92 except with more random tags
03:15:16 [sbp]
ah, no, it does
03:49:23 [tansaku]
tansaku has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
03:50:28 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw gets dnscache running on vorpal
03:51:39 [AaronSw]
it's now an ORSC-compatible dns server
03:56:51 [AaronSw]
04:18:17 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: SeanP!
04:18:35 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
04:25:23 [sbp]
heh, this EARL API is quite funny
04:25:35 [sbp]
it reads like a story, since I haven't deleted any of the early
04:25:38 [sbp]
early junk
04:25:48 [sbp]
so there's the initial SAX tests, which all failed
04:25:52 [sbp]
then a bit more hacking
04:25:56 [sbp]
then some swearing
04:26:02 [sbp]
then a decision to use Expat
04:26:05 [sbp]
and then the Expat stuff
04:54:12 [AaronSw]
a tragicomedy
05:14:29 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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05:29:42 [AaronSw] will give me $35 to put up a banner ad on my review of "Things Fall Apart". crazy
05:32:40 [sbp]
ooh, do it, do it!
05:32:53 [sbp]
.google "Things Fall Apart" Aaron
05:32:53 [xena]
"Things Fall Apart" Aaron:
05:33:01 [AaronSw]
05:34:00 [AaronSw]
sbp, how do I answer this: "What am I supposed to to with table summaries? I don't have a clue why they are important or even how to notate them. [help]"
05:35:10 [sbp]
summaries? like, captions?
05:35:24 [AaronSw]
he's responding to a Tidy complaint
05:35:38 [sbp]
do with them: put a little description of what the table does/is/should do, and make sure you style it with CSS, otherwise it'll suck
05:35:54 [AaronSw]
style it? isn't it an attribute?
05:36:26 [AaronSw]
.google w3c table summaries
05:36:27 [xena]
w3c table summaries:
05:36:35 [sbp]
Hmm... yeah
05:36:52 [sbp]
* sbp was thinking of the caption element - what's that for, then? Pff...
05:37:04 [sbp]
05:37:05 [sbp]
summary = text [CS]
05:37:05 [sbp]
This attribute provides a summary of the table's purpose and structure for user agents rendering to non-visual media such as speech and Braille.
05:37:10 [sbp]
]]] - somewhere in the HTML docs
05:37:18 [sbp]
05:37:58 [sbp]
and for caption: When present, the CAPTION element's text should describe the nature of the table.
05:38:38 [sbp]
that's... um... well, it's HTML, so not all that surprising
05:39:24 [sbp]
I favor <caption> over summary= for i18n, but the semantics in the draft seem to suggest that summary= is more important
05:39:51 [sbp]
* sbp adds it to his huge list of "stuff that sucks in HTML"
05:40:14 [AaronSw]
Bryan on why he doesn't use CSS: "I don't want to have to leave flip comments for people who don't use Internet Explorer."
05:40:43 [sbp]
as to the difference between purpose and nature: they should have coordinated the vocabulary with the XLink group :-)
05:40:52 [AaronSw]
05:41:32 [AaronSw]
what are the latest stats on CSS browser usage?
05:41:51 [sbp]
dunno. I try not to think about it too much, because it scares the crap out of me
05:42:23 [sbp]
actually, there aren't a great deal of good stats. places, because they're all so incomplete - surveying just a few browsers
05:42:43 [sbp]
so you can't really take any of them as being close to "the truth"
05:43:03 [AaronSw]
of course -- they're statistics
05:43:06 [sbp]
plus, there are varying levels of CSS compliance, which makes it even more confusing
05:43:20 [sbp]
58.7% of all statistics are toal lies
05:43:24 [sbp]
er... total
05:43:41 [AaronSw]
i just need some lies that support my point ;-)
05:43:55 [sbp]
05:44:11 [sbp]
.google CSS browser usage Internet Explorer Netscape
05:44:12 [xena]
CSS browser usage Internet Explorer Netscape:
05:44:29 [sbp]
ooh, that was successful
05:44:33 [sbp]
.google CSS browser usage
05:44:34 [xena]
CSS browser usage:
05:45:04 [sbp]
there you go
05:50:49 [sbp]
Gotta run
05:50:56 [AaronSw]
05:50:59 [sbp]
sbp has quit ("Homer: 20 dollars? I wanted a peanut!")
09:41:44 [Emberwild]
Emberwild has quit ()
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tansaku has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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15:04:06 [deus_x]
Hmm. I was digging Radio 8, but now I find myself coming back to AmphetaDesk.
15:19:51 [hazmat]
hazmat has quit (
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tav has quit (Excess Flood)
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tav ( has joined #swhack
16:15:33 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
16:21:45 [AaronSw]
if you are a spammer, please send email to or If you're not, don't send mail there unless you want it to be classified as spam
16:22:21 [sbp]
ooh, they changed so that it now read "phonemic" rather than "phenomic"
16:22:32 [AaronSw]
16:22:38 [AaronSw]
a small victory
16:22:57 [sbp]
indeed :-)
16:23:29 [AaronSw]
Fortune: "If everything is coming your way then you're in the wrong lane."
16:23:37 [sbp]
heh, heh
16:24:43 [AaronSw]
ooh, spamassassin 2.0 is coming out soon
16:33:52 [sbp]
* sbp listens to the Beach Boys
16:52:06 [sbp]
Hmm... Expat seems to think that "<blargh>" is a valid XML document
16:52:34 [sbp]
oh, perhaps it's non-well-formedness checking
16:53:05 [sbp]
yep, it seems so
16:53:10 [AaronSw]
16:56:57 [sbp]
ah, xml.dom.minidom is better
16:57:47 [AaronSw]
how do i install a product in zope?
16:58:34 [sbp]
* sbp guesses that that particular question is not aimed at him
16:58:45 [AaronSw]
i guess i just throw them in lib/python/Products
17:04:23 [AaronSw]
what kind of a port is 9673? who's going to remember that.
17:04:31 [sbp]
heh, heh
17:04:33 [AaronSw]
heh. "Congratulations, your Zope is up and running. To view some shameless Zope propaganda, please visit the included QuickStart material."
17:04:42 [sbp]
it'd be alright if it was your PIN number, or something
17:04:48 [AaronSw]
17:04:55 [sbp]
so, who forced you at gunpoint to install Zope?
17:04:56 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw goes to change his PIN number
17:05:01 [AaronSw]
17:05:03 [sbp]
heh, heh
17:05:15 [AaronSw]
i typed apt-get install python and it downloaded Zope. it's clearly been brainwashed.
17:05:23 [sbp]
heh, yes
17:07:31 [AaronSw]
it wants the password i gave it when i installed. i never gave it a password. it says if i forgot it's in the access file in the zope directory. there is no such file.
17:07:53 [deus_x]
I once tried rewriting Zope in perl.
17:08:06 [AaronSw]
what happened?
17:08:23 [sbp]
did your computer explode?
17:08:24 [deus_x]
Well, it's in a SourceForge project, but I ran out of free time and never picked it up again.
17:08:37 [AaronSw]
17:08:51 [deus_x]
I got pretty far, then started thinking it needed at least a 2/3 rewrite or maybe a re-implementation in Java
17:09:11 [AaronSw]
OK, so I run their password setting utility on the nonexistant password file. i fill out all the prompts and then I get a Python error:
17:09:11 [AaronSw]
File "", line 113, in generate_passwd
17:09:12 [AaronSw]
return pw
17:09:12 [AaronSw]
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'pw' referenced before assignment
17:09:35 [sbp]
17:09:40 [deus_x]
I liked the idea of serving up objects by URL, but hated all the things like bobo_modification_time laying around in Zope
17:10:03 [hazmat]
most zope programmers hate them to, but they abide.
17:10:20 [AaronSw]
will they go away in zope3?
17:10:23 [deus_x]
I tried to abide, but it kept making me grind my teeth.
17:10:30 [AaronSw]
ok, so I go to RTFM but all the documentation is in .txt.gz. what's up with that?
17:10:32 [hazmat]
you can use the zpublisher part independepntly of zope anyways
17:10:44 [hazmat]
that part is what does the url mapping to objects and methods.
17:11:03 [hazmat]
for an example checkout some the ZLite package from
17:11:12 [deus_x]
I need to get away from perl is what I need to do
17:11:20 [hazmat]
AaronSw: yes, most of the ugliness will disappear from zope3.
17:11:41 [hazmat]
hmm.. bad link
17:11:48 [deus_x]
Yup, unknown host.
17:12:24 [hazmat]
17:12:31 [AaronSw]
i'm starting to think the compilers of the Debian package hated zope or something
17:13:04 [hazmat]
that also includes stuff for the aspect oriented programming project for python, transwarp.
17:13:11 [sbp]
* sbp runs his new AltTag checker over, and finds that some fail - ooh!
17:13:26 [deus_x]
If Zope3 causes me less teeth grinding, I'd be elated.
17:13:29 [sbp]
17:13:30 [sbp]
17:13:30 [sbp]
<h2 class="headline"><img alt="" width="17" height="11"
17:13:30 [sbp]
src="Icons/right" />
17:13:31 [hazmat]
whats the name of the zope in java project?
17:13:31 [sbp]
17:13:42 [sbp]
.google Zope in Java
17:13:43 [xena]
Zope in Java:
17:14:22 [hazmat]
zope3 is less magic more explicit, interfaces/unit tests for everything, and a sane design.
17:14:47 [AaronSw]
OK, so I created my Zope user, but when I go to the management screen it says "You are not authorized to access this resource."
17:15:18 [hazmat]
did you give the user the manager role?
17:15:27 [AaronSw]
17:15:31 [AaronSw]
i can't log in, remember
17:15:43 [hazmat]
shutdown zope.
17:15:50 [hazmat]
go to the directory where zope lives
17:15:52 [hazmat]
17:16:05 [hazmat]
python -u aaronsw -p secret inituser
17:16:08 [hazmat]
restart zope
17:16:28 [AaronSw]
oh, it's called inituser... it said it was called access
17:16:46 [AaronSw]
hmm, nope - same error
17:16:56 [hazmat]
it can be, but that does something slightly different and more annoying imo, or at least it used to.
17:17:19 [hazmat]
huh... is this a naked zope or is it being fronted by something else?
17:17:55 [AaronSw]
it's ZServer being run bu debian
17:18:03 [hazmat]
its the debian package?
17:18:07 [AaronSw]
17:18:58 [hazmat]
than their probably running some sort of wierd packaging scheme.... sigh.. i could walk you through this, but to be honest it would be easier (for both of us) if you grabbed a source version.
17:19:08 [AaronSw]
17:20:33 [hazmat]
i'm not saying anything about .debs and dpkg and friends. just that zope can be setup in a lot of different ways, and that vendors tend to set things up differently depending on their proclivities.
17:20:33 [sbp]
why don't you install a real server instead?
17:21:29 [AaronSw]
Gregor Hoffleit is responsible for this Debian package.
17:23:13 [hazmat]
if you really want to stick with it, you have to track down the start files, check the env vars, figure out where the maintainer setup INSTANCE_HOME and SOFTWARE_HOME and then do the zpasswd thing in the instance home.
17:23:34 [hazmat]
alternatively a google search might help
17:23:40 [hazmat]
.google debian zope INSTANCE_HOME
17:23:41 [xena]
debian zope INSTANCE_HOME:
17:23:49 [hazmat]
.google debian zope INSTANCE_HOME maintainer
17:23:49 [xena]
debian zope INSTANCE_HOME maintainer:
17:24:07 [hazmat]
17:24:12 [AaronSw]
17:24:16 [AaronSw]
# If you want to use INSTANCE_HOME, enable the following line
17:24:17 [AaronSw]
#ZOPECTLOPTS="-I /var/lib/zope-dir"
17:24:50 [hazmat]
ugh.. and he's using the zctl script, of which their only half-dozen versions floating around.
17:25:18 [AaronSw]
ok, ok, i'll get the src
17:25:23 [AaronSw]
Zope-2.4.3-src.tgz ?
17:25:37 [hazmat]
i would just go with 2.5b4
17:25:41 [AaronSw]
not the x86 binary?
17:25:44 [hazmat]
17:26:11 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw carefully deletes the /view before wgetting
17:26:20 [hazmat]
i love glyph's sig quote.
17:26:32 [AaronSw]
which is?
17:26:47 [hazmat]
'you are in a maze of twisted little applications, all remarkably consistent'
17:26:51 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: SeanP!
17:27:02 [AaronSw]
17:27:10 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
17:34:13 [AaronSw]
if i and picky: raise SystemError, i
17:34:14 [AaronSw]
SystemError: 256
17:34:14 [AaronSw]
17:34:27 [sbp]
does anyone here have a recommendation on how to cook sweet potatoes?
17:34:39 [hazmat]
aaronsw what version of python
17:34:42 [hazmat]
cd zope_src
17:34:46 [hazmat]
17:35:12 [hazmat]
zope2.5 needs python2.1
17:35:19 [AaronSw]
17:35:25 [hazmat]
nope, that won't work
17:35:37 [AaronSw]
17:35:42 [hazmat]
z3 will be the first official platform to use python2.2
17:35:52 [hazmat]
you can get 2.5 to work, but it requires elbow grease.
17:35:59 [hazmat]
it sucks, i know.
17:36:14 [hazmat]
but their are alot of changes internally in python at 2.2
17:36:57 [hazmat]
actually in z3 extensionClass and friends aren't needed, cause they use the new style objects, so the only things in c are performance enhancement.
17:38:12 [AaronSw]
with 2.1 i get:
17:38:13 [AaronSw]
if i and picky: raise SystemError, i
17:38:13 [AaronSw]
SystemError: 512
17:38:18 [AaronSw]
double the systemerror!
17:38:37 [hazmat]
* hazmat greps through
17:40:37 [hazmat]
hmm... (i'm losing hope), probably need to clean out the directory from the 2.2 attempt, just rm and untar again, and try to run the script again with 2.1.
17:41:49 [AaronSw]
i'm running:
17:41:49 [AaronSw]
$ python2.1
17:41:58 [hazmat]
17:41:59 [AaronSw]
17:42:22 [AaronSw]
i deleted the directory and tried again, same error
17:42:33 [AaronSw]
oh... above it is:
17:42:35 [AaronSw]
././../Components/BTree/BTree.c:2003: `EXTENSIONCLASS_PYTHONICATTR_FLAG' undeclared here (not in a function)
17:42:35 [AaronSw]
././../Components/BTree/BTree.c:2003: initializer element is not constant
17:42:35 [AaronSw]
././../Components/BTree/BTree.c:2003: (near initialization for `BTreeType.class_flags')
17:42:35 [AaronSw]
make: *** [BTree.o] Error 1
17:42:35 [AaronSw]
17:42:51 [hazmat]
what gcc version do you have?
17:43:10 [AaronSw]
$ gcc --version
17:43:10 [AaronSw]
17:43:30 [AaronSw]
anyone here have a machine at MIT?
17:44:25 [hazmat]
aaronsw, i'm going to migrate some of this to #zope to get some help.
17:44:32 [AaronSw]
heh, ok
17:55:52 [sbp]
<AaronSw> gasp!
17:55:52 [sbp]
<sbp> [puzzlement]
17:55:52 [sbp]
<AaronSw> [surprise]
17:56:01 [sbp]
yes, I thought I'd go and observe the poor fool
17:56:07 [sbp]
18:02:03 [AaronSw]
Wow. Amazon made their first-ever profit.
18:02:15 [sbp]
18:02:51 [hazmat]
YET, from #zope has said he can't help because he's busy.
18:03:19 [hazmat]
so, its SOL time.
18:03:55 [hazmat]
cause i don't know what the problem is, and i need to get back to work myself at the moment. bummer.
18:05:08 [AaronSw]
oh well
18:05:10 [AaronSw]
.acronym SOL
18:05:12 [xena]
SOL: Sadly Outta Luck (polite form), Office of the Solicitor (US Department of Labor), Satellite Of Love, Scandinavia Online, Seafarer's Open Learning System, Semantic Operating Language, Sequence Order List, Shadows of Luclin (Everquest expansion), Shazzam - Outta Luck (Gomer Pyle polite form), Shoot-Out Loss, Short On Landing, Simply Out of Luck (polite form), Simulation Oriented Language,
18:05:13 [xena]
Small Out-Line Integrated Circuit, Smile Out Loud, Sobbing Out Loud, Solenoid, Solicitation, Solution, Sons of Liberty
18:06:05 [AaronSw]
'Common sense is creeping into the Georgia State legislature, where a sweeping zero-tolerance-for-weapons-in-schools bill has resulted in discplinary action being taken against students who bring such potentially dangerous items as a Tweety Bird keychain fob to school. Now, Georgia lawmakers are trying to modify "zero tolerance" to include "common sense."'
18:07:24 [AaronSw]
18:07:29 [chumpster]
A: from AaronSw
18:07:31 [AaronSw]
A:|How the Wayback Machine Works
18:07:33 [chumpster]
titled item A
18:08:26 [AaronSw]
A::With [Richard Koman|] and [Brewster Kahle|]
18:08:27 [chumpster]
commented item A
18:08:48 [hazmat]
.wc kibosh
18:09:01 [AaronSw]
.wn kibosh
18:09:02 [xena]
kibosh defined as:
18:09:03 [xena]
- v : stop from happening or developing; "Block his election"; "Halt the process" [syn: {stop}, {halt}, {block}]
18:09:59 [hazmat]
cool, xena is the key to a good vocabulary ;)
18:10:19 [AaronSw]
18:10:56 [AaronSw]
A::" As you'll read in this in interview, the folks at the Archive have turned clusters of PCs into a single parallel computer running the biggest database in existence -- and wrote their own operating system, P2, which allows programmers with no expertise in parallel systems to program the system."
18:10:56 [chumpster]
commented item A
18:12:10 [AaronSw]
A::100 terabytes, 200 queries per second, on 400 Linux and FreeBSD machines.
18:12:10 [chumpster]
commented item A
18:16:01 [AaronSw]
A::"We program the computer using a technology called P2, which we'll be putting out as open source for other people to able to operate parallel clusters of Linux or FreeBSD or Solaris boxes. P2 is a Perl script that takes commands and runs them on remote boxes, splits up data to be able to run on them, and then brings back and correlates the data."
18:16:03 [chumpster]
commented item A
18:17:08 [AaronSw]
A::They plan to let users run P2 scripts over the archive. "And then our challenge will be how to manage, say, 10 to 20 programs running at the same time over the data sets and not have people clobber each other. Kind of timesharing, but at the hundreds-of-computers level."
18:17:09 [chumpster]
commented item A
18:31:53 [sbp]
Hooray, I managed to create a program which reports in EARL whether or not a page fails the "Alt Test"!
18:34:16 [sbp]
heh: "Where the Library of Congress has a budget of $450 million a year, you can be sure we don't."
18:34:30 [sbp]
A::"Where the Library of Congress has a budget of $450 million a year, you can be sure we don't."
18:34:33 [chumpster]
commented item A
18:36:30 [AaronSw]
18:36:58 [AaronSw]
tav: "from what i can understand, fake ids are the accepted norm in the usa. i believe that really says something about the society that would breed such a culture."
18:37:19 [AaronSw]
tav: 'side note: just realised that my ideal aieru (the pen of the 21st century?) would be in the form of a katana. gives a whole new meaning to "the pen is mightier than the sword".'
18:38:37 [AaronSw]
heh, rael...
18:38:43 [sbp]
aieru? katana?
18:38:54 [AaronSw]
aieru = wearable computer; katana = sword
18:39:15 [AaronSw]
I can just imagine Rael saying "That's ever so slightly surprising!"
18:39:24 [sbp]
heh, that's quite neat
18:39:34 [sbp]
* sbp can't imagine Rael saying it, but it's still funny
18:39:58 [AaronSw]
he has a funny british-californian accent
18:42:46 [AaronSw]
Rael has the accent of a Brit who's ever-so-slightly-surprised to find himself in California.
18:44:17 [sbp]
fear my mighty XML well-formedness and alt tag checking Python script!
18:44:23 [AaronSw]
18:44:34 [AaronSw]
(please don't run it on my site. please don't run it on my site. ...)
18:44:51 [sbp]
18:45:21 [sbp]
* sbp runs it on his site
18:45:34 [sbp]
a simple "print doAltTest('')" is all it takes
18:45:47 [sbp]
fuck me, you're the first site to pass!
18:45:56 [sbp]
18:46:00 [sbp]
<> <> _:fpreqfj .
18:46:00 [sbp]
<> <> <> .
18:46:00 [sbp]
<> <> <> .
18:46:01 [sbp]
<> <> .
18:46:04 [sbp]
_:fpreqfj <> _:lhonley .
18:46:05 [sbp]
_:fpreqfj <> <> .
18:46:05 [sbp]
_:fpreqfj <> _:piyalmb .
18:46:09 [sbp]
_:lhonley <> <> .
18:46:10 [sbp]
_:lhonley <> <> .
18:46:14 [sbp]
_:piyalmb <> <> .
18:46:14 [sbp]
_:piyalmb <> "AltTestcase" .
18:46:15 [sbp]
_:piyalmb <> "" .
18:46:17 [sbp]
_:piyalmb <> "Test for all alt tags in document" .
18:46:19 [sbp]
18:46:21 [AaronSw]
i have no idea what that means, but woohoo!
18:46:24 [sbp]
18:46:39 [AaronSw]
where did you get variable names like lhonley from?
18:47:08 [sbp]
import random # 8,031,810,176 combinations
18:47:08 [sbp]
for x in range(7): label += string.lowercase[random.randrange(0, 25)]
18:47:08 [sbp]
return '_:'+label
18:47:24 [AaronSw]
18:47:36 [AaronSw]
what's the point?
18:47:41 [sbp]
for each pair of thingies, there's a 8,031,810,176/2 chance of a collison. I'm fairly optimistic
18:47:52 [AaronSw]
18:47:54 [sbp]
18:47:58 [sbp]
18:48:10 [AaronSw]
why not just use set names?
18:48:20 [sbp]
nah, too easy :-)
18:48:35 [sbp]
because it's generated in pieces - like building blocks of EARL
18:48:57 [AaronSw]
why not have a little namedispenser: return 'page' + n
18:49:19 [sbp]
18:49:30 [AaronSw]
n is an increasing number
18:49:37 [AaronSw]
and page is whatever it is the bNode identifies
18:50:33 [sbp]
well, in fact, it still checks for bNode clashes, and I'm *hoping* that one day it will raise the error, because it'll be a story to tell at parties (or #swhack, anyway), but I really do think that a one-in-a-billion chance is good enough :-)
18:50:52 [sbp]
s/, b/. B/
18:51:01 [sbp]
er... the second one
18:51:02 [deus_x]
What kind of parties do you go to? ... because I want to be invited :)
18:51:10 [sbp]
Heh, heh
18:51:42 [sbp]
well, #swhack has been one big party since 2001-07-25. Well, kinda
18:52:12 [AaronSw]
"The Longest Cocktail Party"
18:52:14 [deus_x]
Where's the booze?
18:52:15 [sbp]
* sbp notes that he had to prefix the first "well" because of the damn commenting syntax
18:52:22 [sbp]
you have to bring your own
18:52:37 [sbp]
yeah, very HHGTTG-esque
18:52:38 [AaronSw]
.google "The Longest Cocktail Party" beatles
18:52:39 [xena]
"The Longest Cocktail Party" beatles:
18:52:45 [deus_x]
Ahh, okay. I've got some great nacho cheese dip I can bring.
18:53:13 [sbp]
oh, interesting. I was thinking of the world's longest party in The Hitchhiker's Guide
18:53:36 [sbp]
ooh, nacho cheese
18:53:41 [AaronSw]
buy your copy:
18:53:58 [deus_x]
Funny, I just discovered someone had AudioGalaxy'd me HHGTG in mp3 and it came up in my shuffle. Nice surprise.
18:54:02 [sbp]
Homer: Nacho, nacho man. I want to be a nacho man
18:54:27 [AaronSw]
the radio show?
18:54:50 [deus_x]
Yup, the BBC radio show.
18:57:45 [sbp]
Gotta run
19:13:17 [AaronSw]
so i grab the binary Zope and run ./install:
19:13:19 [AaronSw]
There were errors during Python module compilation.
19:13:19 [AaronSw]
19:14:14 [AaronSw]
19:14:15 [AaronSw]
from __future__ import rested_snopes
19:17:02 [deus_x]
Crap, sbp left. Was just starting to try getting rdfwiki going
19:17:13 [AaronSw]
i can (sorta) help with that
19:17:32 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
19:17:41 [deus_x]
Well, mostly I just have the and it wants a pkl but doesn't create one.
19:17:47 [deus_x]
Wondering if I'm missing some files.
19:18:23 [AaronSw]
i remember solving this...
19:18:42 [AaronSw]
logster, grep rdfwiki.*pkl
19:21:02 [logster]
I'm logging. I found 3 answers for 'rdfwiki.*pkl'
19:21:03 [logster]
0) 2002-01-22 19:18:42 <AaronSw> logster, grep rdfwiki.*pkl
19:21:04 [logster]
1) 2002-01-22 19:17:41 <deus_x> Well, mostly I just have the and it wants a pkl but doesn't create one.
19:21:05 [logster]
2) 2001-09-05 03:53:23 <sbp> er... create a rdfwiki.pkl file somewhere, too
19:21:10 [AaronSw]
logster is a speed daemon
19:21:10 [AaronSw]
i think i just did a touch rdfwiki.pkl
19:21:31 [AaronSw]
yeah, see
19:22:50 [AaronSw]
man, that was back when sbp said "he he he" and we jumped at the prescence of deltab.
19:29:22 [AaronSw]
One or more of the available Robert Morrises are speaking at EtCon
19:29:44 [AaronSw]
I think I'll call it HAP2002
19:29:55 [AaronSw]
maybe HAP02
19:33:53 [AaronSw]
19:53:22 [AaronSw]
19:53:27 [chumpster]
B: Maine Indymedia - webcast news from AaronSw
19:53:33 [AaronSw]
B:|Bill introduced that would reinstate draft in the US and US territories.
19:53:35 [chumpster]
titled item B
19:54:15 [AaronSw]
B::Under this Bill, everyone between the ages of 18 and 22 in the US and territories (an estimated 9 million people) would have to go thru basic military training.
19:54:16 [chumpster]
commented item B
19:54:20 [AaronSw]
B::via Morbus
19:54:21 [chumpster]
commented item B
19:54:36 [AaronSw]
B::s/everyone/men/ -- it's optional for women
19:54:37 [chumpster]
commented item B
20:02:19 [AaronSw]
if this goes thru expect a lot of sex change operations
20:04:42 [deus_x]
Ack. Finally back from some net outages over here
20:05:07 [AaronSw]
wb. we were talking about the bill to reinstate the draft
20:05:15 [AaronSw]
in the US and territories
20:05:16 [deus_x]
20:05:22 [AaronSw]
yeah, exactly
20:06:02 [deus_x]
And there was just a commentator on NPR the other day saying how the US army is so great because it's a volunteer army.
20:06:42 [AaronSw]
<spin>but wouldn't it be much better if everyone got to volunteer!</spin>
20:06:55 [deus_x]
That's doubleplusungood
20:09:04 [AaronSw]
B:: Checkout the [Kuro5hin coverage|] and [info from the Congress|]
20:09:05 [chumpster]
commented item B
20:16:21 [AaronSw]
time for a walk
21:01:08 [deus_x]
logster, grep rdfwiki.*pkl
21:01:34 [logster]
I'm logging. I found 5 answers for 'rdfwiki.*pkl' (showing 0...4)
21:01:35 [logster]
0) 2002-01-22 21:01:08 <deus_x> logster, grep rdfwiki.*pkl
21:01:36 [logster]
1) 2002-01-22 19:21:10 <AaronSw> i think i just did a touch rdfwiki.pkl
21:01:37 [logster]
2) 2002-01-22 19:18:42 <AaronSw> logster, grep rdfwiki.*pkl
21:01:38 [logster]
3) 2002-01-22 19:17:41 <deus_x> Well, mostly I just have the and it wants a pkl but doesn't create one.
21:01:39 [logster]
4) 2001-09-05 03:53:23 <sbp> er... create a rdfwiki.pkl file somewhere, too
21:02:37 [deus_x]
Strange, the 2001-09-05 chatlog is not linked in at
21:02:45 [deus_x]
But it exists, it seems.
21:03:18 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
21:05:58 [deus_x]
sbp: Oh, hey. I'm poking at rdfwiki but it needs an rdfwiki.pkl Is there a oneliner or something to create one?
21:06:52 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: SeanP!
21:06:56 [deus_x]
21:07:11 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
21:11:11 [deus_x]
Ah hah. I figured out what to do to make the rdfwiki go.
21:12:54 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: SeanP!
21:13:13 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
21:13:55 [sbp]
* sbp waves to deus, and catches up from the logs
21:14:15 [sbp]
you have to create an empty text file called rdfwiki.pkl, but I guess you figured that out
21:14:16 [deus_x]
Haloo! Looks like you've got some turbulence.
21:14:49 [deus_x]
Well, I created rdfwiki.pkl, made it webserver-writable, and then went to rdfwiki?go=yes
21:15:53 [sbp]
did it work?
21:16:02 [deus_x]
It seems to have worked, yes.
21:16:30 [sbp]
21:16:53 [sbp]
it's not all that flashy, but it's bare-bones working
21:17:07 [sbp]
in fact, later versions have more features, but they're a bit rougher, so I didn't put them onlin
21:17:15 [sbp]
it could do with being re-written
21:17:22 [deus_x]
Now I just have to figure out exactly what it's for. And do lots of reading on all things semantic web
21:18:08 [sbp]
heh. It's just a Wiki, but one with Semantic Web Power(TM)(C)
21:18:41 [sbp]
if you go to ?showstore=yes or something, it gives you a dump of the stuff in the Wiki as RDF
21:19:19 [sbp]
and people should be able to add in huge RDF files of their own - the idea is that everybody contributes to it, like a database of documentation and ordinary data
21:19:32 [sbp]
and then the CGI lets you browse it, as if it were a big database
21:19:46 [deus_x]
I think my problem is that I haven't fully grokked RDF yet.
21:19:56 [sbp]
ah. Try semanticWeb-long and swintro
21:20:01 [sbp]
.google semanticWeb-long
21:20:02 [xena]
21:20:05 [sbp]
.google swintro
21:20:06 [xena]
21:20:09 [sbp]
* sbp bows
21:21:16 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw is back from his walk, and now has revolutionary fervor in him
21:21:23 [AaronSw]
deus_x, want to join the plex project?
21:21:28 [sbp]
ugh. You should walk about less :-)
21:21:34 [sbp]
it affects your brain somehow
21:21:44 [AaronSw]
heh heh
21:22:01 [AaronSw]
I want 110% from everbody before the o'reilly con.
21:22:02 [sbp]
deus, are you still there?
21:22:13 [sbp]
Hmm... what if we can only provide 107%?
21:22:25 [AaronSw]
Fine, I'll take it.
21:22:26 [sbp]
the FIA would be alright with that, wouldn't they?
21:22:36 [AaronSw]
21:23:11 [sbp]
uh huh
21:23:16 [AaronSw]
What's that?
21:23:29 [sbp]
.google FIA 107% rules
21:23:29 [sbp]
21:23:29 [sbp]
.google FIA 107% rule
21:23:30 [xena]
no results found.
21:23:32 [xena]
no results found.
21:23:40 [sbp]
21:24:03 [deus_x]
* deus_x adds them to his wiki.
21:24:17 [deus_x]
Whoa, net's back up?
21:24:28 [AaronSw]
21:24:49 [deus_x]
Wow. Our net keeps going up and down here, but I'm IRCing through a proxy which stays connected and logs while I'm gone
21:24:51 [sbp]
21:25:04 [AaronSw]
yeah, dircproxy is cool
21:25:11 [deus_x]
Yup, that's the one.
21:25:17 [sbp]
* sbp wants that
21:25:23 [AaronSw]
i asked you!
21:25:29 [sbp]
did you? ooh! ooh!
21:25:35 [deus_x]
Oh, and re: Plex project, sure but not sure how helpful I'll be yet :)
21:26:05 [AaronSw]
OK, so here's the thing: we only have to get the Plex running once, and then make it upgrade itself. By the time it gets made illegal (if that happens) it'll be too late.
21:26:19 [sbp]
21:26:21 [deus_x]
I made the mistake of playing with the regex triggers in dircproxy, for fun I had it page me when anyone said "monkey". Then I let slip that I'd done that.
21:26:29 [AaronSw]
21:26:38 [AaronSw]
21:27:15 [deus_x]
So all day, my phone was visited by members of #perl on monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey
21:27:32 [AaronSw]
oh man
21:28:51 [deus_x]
Hmm. I really need to play with python more.
21:29:09 [AaronSw]
you could play with it while working on the Plex ;)
21:29:19 [deus_x]
My brane is far too saturated with perl.
21:30:24 [deus_x]
* deus_x wanders back to
21:30:59 [deus_x]
Ooh, Chord. I've heard of that.
21:33:17 [sbp]
aw, bummer
21:33:30 [AaronSw]
21:33:33 [sbp]
erm... because if you hadn't heard of Chord, you'd be...
21:33:35 [sbp]
oh, forget it
21:34:15 [sbp]
[more wonderful off-log shenanigans spill over into the regular logs]
21:40:12 [AaronSw]
so, deus_x, want to hear my big plex speech
21:40:14 [AaronSw]
21:40:35 [deus_x]
AaronSw: Sure :) I may get dragged away to a meeting though
21:40:54 [AaronSw]
ok. i'll make it short then.
21:41:23 [deus_x]
But my logging ears are always open :)
21:41:52 [AaronSw]
we're going to build a worldwide decentralized network that will do three things:
21:41:52 [AaronSw]
- let you get any file you want quickly
21:41:53 [AaronSw]
- let you ask questions of the entire Internet
21:41:53 [AaronSw]
- let you leave messages for anyone who wants to listen to them
21:42:31 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
21:42:40 [AaronSw]
we want to make it a universal protocol. a system on which you can layer anything, and in doing so make it easy, decentralized and leaverage the network effects of the other parts of the system.
21:42:44 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
21:43:55 [deus_x]
Sounds like a sufficiently broad set of goals :)
21:43:55 [AaronSw]
does that make sense?
21:44:01 [AaronSw]
21:44:27 [deus_x]
Kind of. Part of my problem, is I'm just starting to read up on semantic web concepts, which I only partly had before
21:44:52 [AaronSw]
so the basic idea of the semantic web is that we give types to links.
21:45:05 [AaronSw]
so instead of <> -> <>
21:45:14 [AaronSw]
it'd be: <> --worksFor--> <>
21:45:17 [deus_x]
Like, I don't immediately grok the greatness of a triple.
21:45:31 [AaronSw]
a triple is just a typed link
21:45:34 [deus_x]
Oh, is that it then? type name value ?
21:45:38 [AaronSw]
21:45:44 [deltab]
heh, return of the arrows
21:45:48 [AaronSw]
except we call them subject ---predicate--> object .
21:47:21 [AaronSw]
they're broad goals but we think they're definitely realizable
21:47:32 [deus_x]
Ahh okay, bit of a difference (scanning through semanticWeb-long right now)
21:47:52 [AaronSw]
a difference between what?
21:48:20 [deus_x]
Well, it's not just as simple as "boolean eatsFood yes" so not just type name value
21:48:36 [AaronSw]
oh... i see, no it's different than that.
21:48:55 [AaronSw]
it'd be more like:
21:48:55 [AaronSw]
john eatsFood yes
21:48:55 [AaronSw]
eatsFood objectType boolean
21:49:27 [deus_x]
Heh.. meta ad infinitum
21:52:34 [deus_x]
Okay, my brane is on the ground floor of triples. Will have to poke around a bit more to grok it.
21:53:47 [AaronSw]
feel free to ask qs in here or #rdfig
21:54:09 [deus_x]
Oh I probably will :) I have the notion that I should be interested in this, even if I don't quite have it yet.
21:57:27 [AaronSw]
feel free to visit #plex too
22:09:34 [AaronSw]
hmm, they moved the date of EtCon later.
22:09:44 [AaronSw]
now it's immediately after WWW2002... urgh
22:29:02 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: SeanP!
22:29:22 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
22:33:09 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Client Quit)
22:33:20 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
22:35:36 [AaronSw]
sbp, youd dirc is up on port 5700
22:36:00 [sbp]
22:36:03 [sbp]
IP address?
22:36:09 [AaronSw]
22:36:20 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Client Quit)
22:37:09 [sbp]
sbp (~sean@ has joined #swhack
22:37:39 [AaronSw]
hey there
22:37:49 [sbp]
22:37:55 [sbp]
* sbp waves from Vorpal
22:38:34 [sbp]
O.K., let's test the disconnection thingy
22:38:38 [AaronSw]
22:38:43 [AaronSw]
bye sbp
22:38:45 [AaronSw]
we'll miss you
22:38:51 [AaronSw]
maybe not...
22:40:03 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw twidles thumbs
22:40:57 [sbp]
cool, it works!
22:40:59 [sbp]
<AaronSw> whee
22:41:01 [sbp]
<AaronSw> bye sbp
22:41:03 [sbp]
<AaronSw> we'll miss you
22:41:05 [sbp]
<AaronSw> maybe not...
22:41:07 [sbp]
* AaronSw twidles thumbs
22:41:09 [sbp]
did you say anything else?
22:41:30 [AaronSw]
22:42:05 [sbp]
ooh, and I didn't disconnect :-)
22:42:14 [sbp]
many thanks, Aaron!
22:42:22 [AaronSw]
of course
22:42:44 [AaronSw]
i remembered when i first offered it to you. you said something like "why would i want that?"
22:43:22 [sbp]
I guess I was just used to being off of IRC more than being on it
22:43:42 [sbp]
now, with more connectivity, the disconnection spots are more annoying
22:43:52 [AaronSw]
yeah, i suppose so
22:44:01 [AaronSw]
you can always /dircproxy quit when you really want to go
22:44:14 [sbp]
why would I want to go? :-)
22:44:26 [AaronSw]
so you're going to be on 24/7 now?
22:44:38 [AaronSw]
uh oh... we'll have to cancel all the sbp-bashing parties
22:44:43 [sbp]
if that's alright. That's what you do :-)
22:45:22 [AaronSw]
heh, this feel sort of like mr.slimey just meeting eyrinthia
22:45:40 [AaronSw]
(i had to use that analogy sometime)
22:45:57 [sbp]
22:46:07 [AaronSw]
in "True Names"
22:47:12 [sbp]
.google "True Names" eyrinthia
22:47:13 [xena]
no results found.
22:50:09 [AaronSw]
i probably misspelled it
22:50:50 [AaronSw]
22:51:18 [AaronSw]
22:51:25 [sbp]
.google Mr. Slimey "True Names"
22:51:27 [xena]
Mr. Slimey "True Names":
22:52:07 [AaronSw]
ugh, mr. slippery, sorry
22:52:54 [sbp]
oh dircproxy is so cool
22:53:10 [AaronSw]
heh, what happened?
22:53:21 [sbp]
my connection folded, for some reason
23:02:45 [AaronSw]
hmm, they're demoing peek-a-booty at codecon
23:03:21 [AaronSw]
heh! "libfreenet, the only functional Freenet implementation not written in Java (C) (presented as a case study for how not to do things -- the developer has given up and does not want to create an implementation for the post-0.3 era)"
23:07:23 [AaronSw]
heh, this thecircle guy uses the test on The Ring as his backgrop for his slides
23:11:05 [AaronSw]
man, he really reinvent chord...
23:12:12 [AaronSw]
lol: "some random data is needed.... Please bang on the keyboard like a monkey."
23:12:28 [sbp]
heh, heh
23:14:54 [sbp]
Um... ah yes, I was wondering about date datatypes in EARL... O.K.
23:17:15 [tav]
23:17:39 [tav]
re: libfreenet, we have a working .4 implementation
23:17:55 [tav]
one not written in java
23:19:38 [tav]
yea, thecircle's cool
23:20:32 [tav]
yet another atavism - sounds a lot how i described a certain network would work, to oierw back in june
23:20:40 [tav]
s/lot/lot like/
23:21:38 [sbp]
[datatypes: and now I've been distracted *again*]
23:22:30 [AaronSw]
thecircle is just chord insofar as network is concerned
23:22:35 [AaronSw]
have you run the app, tav?
23:22:55 [AaronSw]
i'm trying to chat up with folks about the plex
23:24:06 [AaronSw]
they've done so much!
23:24:13 [AaronSw]
file sharing, people finding, a trust metric for news
23:24:19 [AaronSw]
a GUI, proxying thru firewalls
23:24:21 [tav]
no, i haven't managed to successfully get gtk working
23:24:45 [tav]
trust metric for news?
23:24:46 [AaronSw]
i thought gtk was just gnome
23:24:52 [tav]
in python
23:25:04 [AaronSw]
oh... i just did an apt-get install python2
23:25:23 [tav]
it works w/ py2.0 ?
23:25:27 [AaronSw]
23:26:06 [AaronSw]
trust metric: yep you rate trust on 1 to 10 and then news flows along trust conenctions
23:27:01 [tav]
hmz, it compiled and installed the gtk modules ?
23:27:25 [AaronSw]
yeah, but i was running on redhat
23:27:33 [AaronSw]
it didn't compile them, they came with
23:27:40 [tav]
23:28:08 [AaronSw]
the client does IRC over the network too.
23:28:40 [tav]
23:28:54 [tav]
they've fully implemented all this?
23:29:01 [AaronSw]
yeah, seems so
23:29:23 [AaronSw]
the shell also supports arbitrary shell and python commands
23:31:06 [AaronSw]
and it's all written in python
23:31:13 [tav]
is there a cli?
23:31:19 [AaronSw]
don't think so
23:31:48 [AaronSw]
i'm behind a nat, so i'm using mu2 to proxy.
23:32:05 [AaronSw]
hmm, it's all UDP
23:32:15 [tav]
yea, noticed
23:32:20 [AaronSw]
cool, it lets you search on filenames and id3 tags
23:32:32 [AaronSw]
has minimal swarming
23:32:42 [tav]
all for just over half a meg
23:32:47 [tav]
quite a package
23:32:59 [AaronSw]
yeah, i'm surprised you haven't bought them yet
23:33:07 [AaronSw]
i guess it's cuz he doesn't hang out in #iA
23:33:19 [tav]
i didn't realise it did all that
23:33:31 [tav]
it spoke of lots, i just thought it had a basic circle implementation
23:33:34 [AaronSw]
cool, everything is digitally signed
23:33:49 [AaronSw]
and encrypted
23:34:03 [AaronSw]
it has this weird representation of your public key as a little line drawing too
23:34:45 [AaronSw]
appears to do relaying too
23:34:52 [tav]
23:35:31 [AaronSw]
(this is what happens when you have people who can really code)
23:36:03 [AaronSw]
his "future directions" include plexnames (i.e. dns via trust connections)
23:36:25 [AaronSw]
he says he doesn't have an efficient algorithm for it tho
23:36:42 [tav]
23:36:59 [AaronSw]
do you?
23:37:40 [tav]
i believe so
23:37:56 [tav]
also can enhanced to provide hansel and gretel (sp?) routing
23:38:44 [tav]
23:38:59 [AaronSw]
hmm? breadcrumbs?
23:39:03 [tav]
can't install python-gtk
23:39:15 [tav]
requires python-base
23:39:25 [AaronSw]
why don't you have that?
23:40:18 [AaronSw]
ok, where do i sign up for this? i need to talk to this guy!
23:40:44 [tav]
yea, i initiated conversation w/ him after seeing his presentation
23:40:54 [AaronSw]
how'd that go? is he on irc?
23:41:08 [tav]
no, he doesn't like irc. wise man ;p
23:41:39 [sbp]
<DanC_> xena, easy on the in-your-face URLs, OK? give me a title along with the pointer, would ya?
23:41:40 [sbp]
- #rdfig
23:41:40 [AaronSw]
heh. indeed
23:44:29 [AaronSw]
so via email then? did you communicate in a public forum?
23:44:34 [AaronSw]
. o O ( this is tav, of course not )
23:44:58 [sbp]
oh dear, please don't
23:45:20 [sbp]
I've escaped people using the ". o O" syntax for quite a while - don't you start!
23:45:29 [AaronSw]
what's wrong with it
23:45:39 [tav]
. o O ( i wonder what sbp thinks of this )
23:45:41 [sbp]
and I'm sure that ". o O { dream }" looks better
23:46:17 [tav]
{ } ?
23:46:19 [tav]
23:46:53 [hazmat]
hazmat has left #swhack
23:47:03 [AaronSw]
I wonder how long he's been working on this.
23:47:43 [AaronSw]
he's got some really beautiful photography too.
23:48:13 [AaronSw]
i want to be like this guy.
23:48:20 [AaronSw]
too bad he lives in australia
23:49:35 [tav]
bwhahaahaha! gtk compiles!
23:52:44 [AaronSw]
cool, they sent me a PDF of my article. it's all pretty
23:53:29 [AaronSw]
me: here you've built [PyChord] and have the services I planned to build on top
23:53:29 [AaronSw]
pfh: only half? ;-)
23:54:43 [AaronSw]
pfh: just looking at the plex page now
23:57:43 [sbp]
.google thecircle
23:57:43 [xena]
23:59:25 [rillian]
rillian ( has joined #swhack