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Last update: 2001-11-16 22:32 UTC
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Meet the DotGNU Crew in 2002 at LinuxWorld NYC

posted by sbp at 2001-11-16 22:31 (permalink)

Tom and Bequi: The web journal that brought down the wall

posted by AaronSw at 2001-11-16 13:26 (permalink)

AaronSw: By Mark Bernstein
AaronSw: By Mark Bernstein
AaronSw: Mark writes: "What they wanted, I think, was a manifesto or an oracle; I gave them a fable."
AaronSw: """The Indie kids are wearing black armbands."Do you guys always wear those black things?" Tom asks Bequi, hoping he isn't asking something foolish.
AaronSw: "Do you guys always wear those black things?" Tom asks Bequi, hoping he isn't asking something foolish. "Just on days of mourning." "Someone died?" "Of course not. It's November 2, the anniversary of the Great Betrayal. The day the old U.S. sold out to Microsoft."
AaronSw: Bequie remembers her manners. "But I think it's all old-fashioned. We should be friends! I'm NOT observant. Just 50 years ago, my great uncle actually did contract work for Microsoft itself!"
AaronSw: Another awkward silence. Tom's ears redden."""
AaronSw: I respond saying that indieTech should "blow the Alliance's stuff out of the water" and that "all the schools were closed in 2023 when attendence rates fell below 20% due to the incredible popularity of unschooling".

Aaron Swartz and Sean B. Palmer
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