IRC log of swhack on 2002-06-28
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 00:00:53 [MorbusIff]
- holy fuck!
- 00:00:56 [MorbusIff]
- i just found an easter egg in something
- 00:01:09 [MorbusIff]
- AaronSw, do you have quickeys?
- 00:01:18 [AaronSw]
- not yet
- 00:01:35 [MorbusIff]
- i think i found a cool easter egg
- 00:01:52 [AaronSw]
- what's it do?
- 00:01:53 [MorbusIff]
- yeah, definitely
- 00:02:10 [MorbusIff]
- it shows a window called "3 haired, 4 eyed cross eye smiley hockey playing monster"
- 00:02:16 [MorbusIff]
- it's a rounded picture.
- 00:02:16 [MorbusIff]
- a drawing
- 00:02:37 [AaronSw]
- what webcam program do you use?
- 00:02:49 [MorbusIff]
- coolcam
- 00:03:02 [AaronSw]
- how long does the demo last?
- 00:03:24 [MorbusIff]
- unlimited.
- 00:04:08 [AaronSw]
- nice
- 00:06:31 [AaronSw]
- whoo, webcam!
- 00:07:07 [MorbusIff]
- whoo!
- 00:07:12 [MorbusIff]
- ack! no meta refresh page!
- 00:07:26 [MorbusIff]
- i am lazy! furnish me with meta! <G>
- 00:08:07 [deltab]
- you shouldn't need a separate page
- 00:08:09 [AaronSw]
- hold, on, let me get the cron job up first
- 00:08:22 [AaronSw]
- deltab, what's the correct header?
- 00:08:35 [MorbusIff]
- a cronjob?
- 00:08:35 [MorbusIff]
- coolcam should do it for you.
- 00:08:40 [deltab]
- it's not standard
- 00:08:40 [MorbusIff]
- it has ftp upload capabilities.
- 00:09:03 [MorbusIff]
- server push?
- 00:09:14 [deltab]
- but it "Refresh: " and a number of seconds
- 00:11:31 [AaronSw]
- odd, apache is adding the header 4 times
- 00:11:46 [deltab]
- the meta tag used is <meta http-equiv="Refresh" value="5"> I think
- 00:12:07 [AaronSw]
- ahh, needed to change Header add to Header sert
- 00:12:09 [AaronSw]
- err set
- 00:12:32 [MorbusIff]
- AaronSw:
- 00:12:38 [MorbusIff]
- ./popread && perl -pi -e 's/\n/\r/g' "../Documents/Eudora Folder/Mail Folder/test" && /Developer/Tools/SetFile -c CSOm -t TEXT "../Documents/Eudora Folder/Mail Folder/test" && osascript quickeys-bridge.script
- 00:12:38 [MorbusIff]
- that's my final command.
- 00:12:50 [redmonk]
- redmonk ( has joined #swhack
- 00:13:24 [MorbusIff]
- downloads the mail, filters, fixes the linefeeds and c/t, and then runs a simple applescript that loads quickeys which loads a mouse recording that opens eudora, sets the mailox and does a filter
- 00:13:24 [MorbusIff]
- heh, heh.
- 00:13:40 [MorbusIff]
- it works perfectly:)
- 00:13:45 [AaronSw]
- amazing
- 00:13:48 [AaronSw]
- AaronSw has changed the topic to: see me at home: | see you at oscon:
- 00:15:39 [AaronSw]
- whoa. camera fell
- 00:15:45 [MorbusIff]
- what's in you rmouth?
- 00:16:00 [AaronSw]
- teeth
- 00:23:34 [redmonk]
- redmonk has quit ("Snak 4.8.3 -")
- 00:23:58 [MorbusIff]
- i wanna see your face.
- 00:23:58 [MorbusIff]
- not your cute widdle hands.
- 00:24:28 [MorbusIff]
- eyeball.
- 00:24:28 [MorbusIff]
- mmm.
- 00:24:30 [MorbusIff]
- * MorbusIff pokes,.
- 00:26:04 [MorbusIff]
- heh. cams are fun.
- 00:27:23 [MorbusIff]
- who's that?
- 00:27:29 [MorbusIff]
- ben?
- 00:27:31 [AaronSw]
- noah
- 00:27:50 [MorbusIff]
- jesus christ, there's so many of you
- 00:28:12 [AaronSw]
- look, it's morbus!
- 00:28:48 [MorbusIff]
- oOohh.
- 00:28:55 [MorbusIff]
- noah, morbus and jesus christ. nice <g>
- 00:29:33 [AaronSw]
- whee, hall of mirrors
- 00:30:49 [MorbusIff]
- heh.
- 00:31:01 [MorbusIff]
- i can't stand the dock on the left hand side.
- 00:31:01 [MorbusIff]
- i have so many thingies in mine though
- 00:31:18 [AaronSw]
- yeah
- 00:31:28 [AaronSw]
- the dock on the bottom just wastes so much screen space for me
- 00:32:08 [MorbusIff]
- the thing is, the dock works perfectly at the bottom for me, cos i used those stickie folder things in 9.
- 00:32:08 [MorbusIff]
- you know, the popup folder tab things
- 00:32:17 [MorbusIff]
- i hate the hide feature.
- 00:32:28 [MorbusIff]
- i man, it sounds good, but it never seems fast enough for me.
- 00:32:37 [MorbusIff]
- and sometimes, when i'm bored and thinking, i run the mouse over the icons and watch it animate.
- 00:32:42 [MorbusIff]
- helps me concentrate. its fucked up
- 00:34:27 [AaronSw]
- hide feature
- 00:34:41 [AaronSw]
- oh, the autohide thing?
- 00:35:00 [AaronSw]
- * AaronSw stacks books
- 00:35:30 [MorbusIff]
- yeah
- 00:37:01 [MorbusIff]
- AaronSw, how do you report spam to razor?
- 00:37:12 [AaronSw]
- me specifically?
- 00:37:14 [AaronSw]
- i wrote an applescript
- 00:37:24 [MorbusIff]
- you wanna mail it to me?
- 00:37:47 [AaronSw]
- it's for entourage
- 00:41:06 [MorbusIff]
- that's alright
- 00:41:30 [AaronSw]
- it requires the python osa plugin
- 00:42:01 [MorbusIff]
- ok. nevermidn <g>
- 00:42:16 [AaronSw]
- heh
- 00:42:25 [AaronSw]
- it's pretty easy, just cat the email to razor-report
- 00:42:41 [MorbusIff]
- yaeh, i was really looking for how you did the command stuff in as.
- 00:43:07 [AaronSw]
- ah
- 00:43:12 [AaronSw]
- i used python :-)
- 00:43:16 [MorbusIff]
- hehehe
- 00:43:22 [AaronSw]
- that made it easy
- 00:43:41 [MorbusIff]
- man, my system works real well here.
- 00:43:46 [AaronSw]
- but i think you can call the command line from AS now
- 00:43:49 [MorbusIff]
- i'm really happy with it.
- 00:43:55 [AaronSw]
- too bad it won't work at work
- 00:43:55 [MorbusIff]
- yeah, i think you can.
- 00:44:06 [MorbusIff]
- true.
- 00:44:14 [MorbusIff]
- thats alright though
- 00:44:23 [MorbusIff]
- i wouldn't expect it to. it's windows.
- 00:44:24 [MorbusIff]
- blech
- 00:44:32 [MorbusIff]
- man, i like seeing you.
- 00:44:34 [MorbusIff]
- whoo.
- 00:44:38 [MorbusIff]
- man, i feel like a perv.
- 00:44:46 [MorbusIff]
- i'm *watching* you Aaron.
- 00:44:50 [MorbusIff]
- wanna meet somewhere? wink, wink.
- 00:46:08 [MorbusIff]
- pringles!
- 00:46:20 [AaronSw]
- for my antenna
- 00:46:21 [AaronSw]
- heh, heh, reload now
- 00:46:24 [MorbusIff]
- airport hub!
- 00:46:33 [MorbusIff]
- 00:47:03 [MorbusIff]
- you wuv me, and you know it <g>
- 00:47:12 [MorbusIff]
- don't make me get my cam ;)
- 00:47:17 [wmf]
- wmf ( has joined #swhack
- 00:47:53 [AaronSw]
- ok, reload now :)
- 00:47:55 [AaronSw]
- hey wmf
- 00:48:02 [wmf]
- swhack
- 00:48:04 [MorbusIff]
- heheheheh
- 00:48:08 [wmf]
- heh
- 00:48:40 [MorbusIff]
- evening wmf.
- 00:49:22 [MorbusIff]
- brb
- 00:49:23 [MorbusIff]
- MorbusIff has quit ("")
- 00:50:44 [wmf]
- poor David Mc
- 00:50:51 [Morbus]
- Morbus ( has joined #swhack
- 00:51:10 [AaronSw]
- yeah, i'm tempted to go over to his house and help
- 00:51:51 [AaronSw]
- <DMc> I'll put you on my weblog
- 00:51:52 [AaronSw]
- <Genius> what you say !
- 00:52:01 [wmf]
- heh
- 00:52:24 [wmf]
- I've never set up an airport base station, so I can't really help
- 00:53:12 [Morbus]
- * Morbus starts writing directions on eudora/spamassassin
- 00:55:17 [wmf]
- * wmf manages to fend off some Mormon missionaries
- 00:55:32 [AaronSw]
- they came to your apartment?
- 00:55:36 [wmf]
- yep
- 00:56:02 [AaronSw]
- <wmf> what are you doing here?
- 00:56:02 [AaronSw]
- <mormans> we were sent here by are leader, THE SUPREME ASH
- 00:56:15 [wmf]
- heh
- 00:56:23 [wmf]
- what's the difference between Ash and God?
- 00:56:42 [AaronSw]
- i dunno
- 00:56:51 [wmf]
- God doesn't think he's Ash
- 00:56:54 [wmf]
- @
- 00:56:56 [AaronSw]
- groan
- 00:56:58 [Morbus]
- uh. aaron?
- 00:56:58 [chumpy]
- A: Ransom Love to Focus on UnitedLinux from wmf
- 00:57:03 [AaronSw]
- Morbus?
- 00:57:11 [wmf]
- A:|C: A Dead Language?
- 00:57:12 [chumpy]
- titled item A
- 00:57:21 [Morbus]
- i think people will know your webcam address if they're looking at your cam
- 00:57:26 [AaronSw]
- heh
- 00:57:47 [AaronSw]
- not if it gets pirated!
- 00:57:53 [Morbus]
- hehehe
- 00:58:02 [Morbus]
- * Morbus loads it up into iCamMaster
- 00:58:07 [Morbus]
- i'm gonna suggest it.
- 00:58:11 [wmf]
- yeah, it always sucks when peopl warez your webcam
- 00:58:13 [Morbus]
- you'll be pirated everywhere in a week!
- 00:58:16 [AaronSw]
- heheh
- 00:58:21 [wmf]
- that's why Palladium is critically important!
- 00:58:34 [Morbus]
- say it again! *critically*
- 00:58:41 [AaronSw]
- yeah, i'm like totally worried about my email getting pirated
- 00:58:48 [wmf]
- for you, Morbus, anything
- 00:58:58 [wmf]
- that's why Palladium is CRITICALLY important!
- 00:59:51 [wmf]
- anybody know an app that can put a webcam image in the dock?
- 01:00:02 [bip0lar_]
- bip0lar_ has left #swhack
- 01:00:37 [AaronSw]
- * AaronSw downloads icammaster before realizing he doesn't need to watch his webcam
- 01:00:47 [wmf]
- heh
- 01:00:53 [Morbus]
- AaronSw, you can watch many.
- 01:00:58 [Morbus]
- i could ship you off my folder <g>
- 01:01:04 [wmf]
- <AaronSw> wow, this webcam is awesome
- 01:01:04 [AaronSw]
- can you watch them in the dock?
- 01:01:13 [Morbus]
- nope, but you can add them to the desktop
- 01:01:18 [AaronSw]
- <AaronSw> weird -- this guy looks just like me
- 01:01:25 [Morbus]
- its shareware though. stops after 30 minutes.
- 01:01:42 [Morbus]
- [off] cracks are avalable, but they get blocked quickly (webcheck)
- 01:02:01 [wmf]
- [off] firewalling, baby
- 01:02:18 [Morbus]
- [off] heh, heh.
- 01:02:36 [AaronSw]
- 01:04:25 [wmf]
- I wish versiontracker could figure out that I'm using OS X
- 01:04:31 [AaronSw]
- me too
- 01:04:38 [Morbus]
- * Morbus chimes in
- 01:04:50 [wmf]
- I'm sure that "OmniWeb" string in my user-agent makes it hard to tell
- 01:05:18 [AaronSw]
- heh! maybe you're running NeXT...
- 01:05:56 [wmf]
- * wmf tries PhotoStickies
- 01:10:18 [wmf]
- * wmf shrinks AaronSw into the corner of his screen
- 01:10:38 [AaronSw]
- see i have an excuse since this is fir work
- 01:10:52 [AaronSw]
- ooh, lurk lets me shrink into the dock
- 01:11:11 [AaronSw]
- you need a webcam, wmf
- 01:12:13 [wmf]
- it seems that irez doesn't want to sell me a kritterdigital
- 01:12:23 [AaronSw]
- why not?
- 01:13:02 [bipOlar]
- bipOlar ( has joined #swhack
- 01:13:30 [wmf]
- maybe because it's a "professional product"
- 01:13:59 [bipOlar]
- bipOlar has left #swhack
- 01:14:26 [AaronSw]
- don't want kritters to be taken by the camgirls
- 01:14:50 [wmf]
- heaven forbid that the masses should get ahold of such advanced technology
- 01:16:18 [AaronSw]
- wow, the space shuttle has a webcam
- 01:27:52 [Psycho]
- Psycho (Psycho@ has joined #swhack
- 01:32:15 [AaronSw]
- where'd you get the tcpa-faq link, wmf?
- 01:32:36 [wmf]
- that web site that millions of people (except you) read
- 01:32:43 [AaronSw]
- oh
- 01:33:44 [wmf]
- :-)
- 01:35:16 [boxscar]
- boxscar ( has joined #swhack
- 01:36:30 [boxscar]
- whose in?
- 01:38:26 [AaronSw]
- aha! dave farber likes it because he invented it
- 01:40:25 [boxscar]
- i wanna copy a cd but it keeps defaulting. anybody know how to get around that lil prob?
- 01:42:43 [boxscar]
- boxscar has left #swhack
- 01:45:50 [AaronSw]
- if DMc got pages on his tibook thru the ABS, what's the problem?
- 01:46:29 [wmf]
- I don't know
- 01:46:39 [wmf]
- although it sounds like he has NAT on
- 01:49:26 [Morbus]
- goddamit. now quickeys keeps crashing
- 01:53:10 [Psycho]
- Psycho has quit ()
- 01:54:28 [Morbus]
- Morbus has quit ("")
- 01:56:09 [AaronSw]
- Why does the ABS need an IP?
- 02:15:57 [wmf]
- I wish I knew what the UI for the Airport Admin Utility looked like
- 02:16:26 [AaronSw]
- i only know what the OS 9 one looks like
- 02:16:38 [AaronSw]
- 02:16:43 [AaronSw]
- that should give you some idea, tho
- 02:18:39 [wmf]
- I don't really trust that
- 02:18:59 [AaronSw]
- in what sense?
- 02:19:05 [AaronSw]
- it matches up very well with my memory
- 02:19:16 [wmf]
- they've added some features I think
- 02:19:32 [AaronSw]
- probably
- 02:22:53 [wmf]
- how did you break your base station??
- 02:23:22 [AaronSw]
- Hm, I don't remember.
- 02:23:42 [AaronSw]
- I know it's sitting in pieces downstairs, and we own a non-Apple replacement.
- 02:24:48 [AaronSw]
- I think it just stopped workign one day.
- 02:25:15 [AaronSw]
- It's annoying because the new one doesn't support AppleTalk.
- 02:31:10 [wmf]
- you could just not use AppleTalk
- 02:31:42 [AaronSw]
- well, occasionally my brothers want to print something so i need to
- 02:31:44 [tansaku_xz]
- tansaku_xz ( has joined #swhack
- 02:31:57 [AaronSw]
- i, having a paperless life, never need to print something
- 02:32:10 [wmf]
- I don't even have a printer
- 02:32:22 [tansaku_xz]
- I have several printers
- 02:32:47 [wmf]
- M8K comin' soon at this rate
- 02:32:55 [tansaku_xz]
- sometimes technical papers are difficult to digest when not on paper
- 03:51:09 [AaronSw]
- @
- 03:51:18 [chumpy]
- B: The Future of Audiogalaxy from AaronSw
- 03:51:25 [AaronSw]
- B::You get to vote!
- 03:51:28 [chumpy]
- commented item B
- 03:58:31 [AaronSw]
- google guy: "with that infusion of cash [from the VCs] that made my day
- 03:58:35 [AaronSw]
- (beat)
- 03:58:37 [AaronSw]
- a lot harder"
- 03:59:11 [AaronSw]
- google guy is Jim Reese
- 04:06:13 [wmf]
- wmf has quit ("BitchX: it tastes like poo")
- 04:12:46 [AaronSw]
- Google head of operations: "although we are philosphically against patents[...] we have to keep proprietary for business reasons" "we would like to contribute code back to the linux community"
- 04:31:29 [AaronSw]
- * AaronSw <- sleep
- 08:21:57 [tansaku_xz]
- tansaku_xz has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- 09:35:06 [tansaku_xz]
- tansaku_xz ( has joined #swhack
- 11:11:35 [tansaku_xz]
- tansaku_xz has quit (" or nothing at all")
- 11:34:16 [pixel]
- pixel ( has joined #swhack
- 11:51:54 [Morbus]
- Morbus ( has joined #swhack
- 11:55:29 [pixel]
- pixel has quit ("Leaving, Swiging My Piece of Ass.")
- 12:14:58 [pixel]
- pixel ( has joined #swhack
- 12:35:50 [tansaku_xz]
- tansaku_xz (sam@ has joined #swhack
- 13:05:20 [bitsko]
- bitsko (~KenMacLeo@ has joined #swhack
- 13:05:39 [Morbus]
- bitsy bitsko.
- 13:05:47 [bitsko]
- cest moi
- 13:18:50 [Morbus]
- [[[
- 13:18:50 [Morbus]
- Consider this a virtual pat on the back. We're actually surprised no one has found this sooner.
- 13:18:50 [Morbus]
- I've attached a prettier way to display it.
- 13:18:51 [Morbus]
- ]]]
- 13:18:57 [Morbus]
- i found an easter egg. and that's what I get back.
- 13:19:00 [Morbus]
- i was hoping for a car.
- 13:19:28 [bitsko]
- whazzat?
- 13:20:09 [Morbus]
- in quickeys for X.
- 13:20:15 [Morbus]
- there's a hidden window with a funny name and drawing.
- 13:20:22 [bitsko]
- ah
- 13:20:23 [Morbus]
- i found it last night fiddling with eudora and spamassassin
- 13:21:00 [tansaku_xz]
- tansaku_xz has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- 13:24:06 [Morbus]
- [off] or at the very least, a legal serial number in my name ;)
- 13:25:01 [bitsko]
- hehe
- 13:30:04 [AaronSw]
- [off] heh! a speaking invite from comdex
- 13:30:14 [AaronSw]
- [off] they'll probably card me at the show floor and not let me in
- 13:31:04 [Morbus]
- [off] heh, heh!
- 13:31:15 [Morbus]
- [off] tell em you're a midget and that you're offended.
- 13:31:20 [Morbus]
- [off] then swig some beer.
- 13:48:21 [Morbus]
- oooh, if this works well, it looks good:
- 13:48:47 [Morbus]
- i wonder if it can detect id3 changes and save new files accordingly.
- 14:27:10 [pixel]
- I've been using a program called Total Recorder for windows (actually bought a license).
- 14:27:23 [pixel]
- does the same thing, does it real well.
- 14:27:35 [pixel]
- you can even schedule it to start/stop recordings.
- 14:27:54 [pixel]
- I have it set to record a bunch of talk shows off a local radio stations stream.
- 14:28:01 [bitsko]
- would that be a FiMo?
- 14:28:16 [bitsko]
- * bitsko really reached for that one
- 14:28:57 [pixel]
- FiMo?
- 14:29:39 [bitsko]
- TV --> TiVo, FM --> FiMo
- 14:29:56 [bitsko]
- I tell ya, it was a reach
- 14:31:23 [pixel]
- 14:31:30 [pixel]
- actually, it'
- 14:31:32 [pixel]
- oops.
- 14:31:56 [pixel]
- it'd be more like SiCo.
- 14:32:03 [pixel]
- SoutCast TiVO :)
- 14:32:54 [pixel]
- I have a nice little script that automatically dumps the recorded MP3s to my palm pilot (which plays MP3s), so I can listen to them on the way home from work.
- 14:33:31 [bitsko]
- nice
- 14:33:43 [bitsko]
- * bitsko needs toys
- 14:34:22 [bitsko]
- next toy is the entry-level 5.1 sound system for the big tv
- 14:48:40 [AaronSw]
- ooh, fimos are cool
- 14:57:33 [sbp]
- fimos?
- 15:03:18 [pixel]
- like a TiVo, only for FM radio.
- 15:03:23 [pixel]
- FiMo.
- 15:03:40 [pixel]
- bitsko coined that one :)
- 15:04:34 [Morbus]
- pixel: your FiMO - does it split the songs into files?
- 15:04:38 [Morbus]
- or is it a single large file of the stream?
- 15:04:55 [Morbus]
- i'd love to get some game music from various broadcasts, but only if it's id3'd into ind. files.
- 15:05:16 [sbp]
- * sbp looks up like 5 degrees and goes "oh yeah"
- 15:05:49 [pixel]
- hmm. let me see.
- 15:06:19 [pixel]
- it's busy. hold on.
- 15:07:44 [bitsko]
- 15:08:56 [GabeW]
- GabeW ( has joined #swhack
- 15:09:42 [bitsko]
- @
- 15:09:45 [AaronSw]
- "the power and richness of Windows any time and anywhere"
- 15:09:48 [chumpy]
- C: from bitsko
- 15:10:01 [AaronSw]
- C:|Transmeta gadgets and paradigm shift gear grinding
- 15:10:03 [chumpy]
- titled item C
- 15:11:02 [bitsko]
- C:describes a gadget using a Transmeta Crusoe CPU in a "PDA box" that then plugs into your desktop, then you can move into your laptop.
- 15:11:15 [bitsko]
- C:but I have to ask, what's the big deal?
- 15:11:21 [AaronSw]
- i didn't know transmeta made iBooks...
- 15:12:11 [Morbus]
- pixel: don't think it does.
- 15:12:56 [bitsko]
- C:I can see the nicety of having, say, a FireWire drive with a nice PDA screen and input; but then you plug it in to your N-Way desktop or laptop and it becomes "just another CPU".
- 15:13:27 [lilo]
- [GlobalNotice]
- 15:13:48 [lilo]
- [GlobalNotice] Just take a look if you get a chance.
- 15:14:29 [AaronSw]
- lilo is not a choice in the pop up menu!
- 15:15:54 [bitsko]
- C:even better, you're running either a VM (Java, CLR) or portable binaries (Amiga VP Code) so that you can use the low-powered Transmeta Crusoe alongside your high-powered Intel or PowerPC
- 15:16:55 [AaronSw]
- oops, it has to be two :s, bitsko
- 15:17:07 [AaronSw]
- i.e. C::describes a gadget using a Transmeta Crusoe CPU in a "PDA box" that then plugs into your desktop, then you can move into your laptop.
- 15:17:11 [bitsko]
- silly app, what's up with that? :)
- 15:17:15 [AaronSw]
- heh
- 15:17:40 [bitsko]
- C::describes a gadget using a Transmeta Crusoe CPU in a "PDA box" that then plugs into your desktop, then you can move into your laptop.
- 15:17:43 [chumpy]
- commented item C
- 15:17:59 [bitsko]
- C::but I have to ask, what's the big deal?
- 15:18:00 [chumpy]
- commented item C
- 15:18:16 [bitsko]
- C::I can see the nicety of having, say, a FireWire drive with a nice PDA screen and input; but then you plug it in to your N-Way desktop or laptop and it becomes "just another CPU".
- 15:18:17 [chumpy]
- commented item C
- 15:18:35 [bitsko]
- C::even better, you're running either a VM (Java, CLR) or portable binaries (Amiga VP Code) so that you can use the low-powered Transmeta Crusoe alongside your high-powered Intel or PowerPC.
- 15:18:37 [chumpy]
- commented item C
- 15:25:24 [Morbus]
- second entry:
- 15:25:37 [bitsko]
- @
- 15:25:40 [chumpy]
- D: from bitsko
- 15:25:49 [Morbus]
- "I'm impressed. I don't know if I've seen anything install this easy since the days of DOS."
- 15:26:43 [bitsko]
- Morbus: nice
- 15:27:03 [bitsko]
- D:|the services grid
- 15:27:06 [chumpy]
- titled item D
- 15:29:05 [bitsko]
- D::Jon refers to Graham Glass discussing grid computing as the future, detailing the use of SOAP toolkits and "The server publishes a named interface; the client asks to bind to it; Gaia makes the connection. If multiple instances are running, work is distributed among them. If an instance dies, failover is automatic."
- 15:29:07 [chumpy]
- commented item D
- 15:30:05 [bitsko]
- D::This is about as non-RESTful as one can get, if it's truly as described.
- 15:30:07 [chumpy]
- commented item D
- 15:30:35 [redmonk]
- redmonk ( has joined #swhack
- 15:30:52 [pixel]
- morb: it won't split the files.
- 15:31:03 [redmonk]
- hello
- 15:32:02 [bitsko]
- D::So instead of having the grid computer simply be a distributed tuple space, with everything at a URL, and processing happening asynchronously, we're locked into APIs and either synchronous or over-layered-asynchronous distributed objects.
- 15:32:05 [chumpy]
- commented item D
- 15:32:48 [bitsko]
- D::With a little hope that the SOAPsters are "getting" REST, the worst won't come to pass, but we'll have to wait and see.
- 15:32:51 [chumpy]
- commented item D
- 15:33:22 [AaronSw]
- whee, my patches were accepted:
- 15:33:36 [pixel]
- anyone know of a place where I can get stock quotes in an RSS feed?
- 15:33:59 [pixel]
- actually, any XML-based feed will do.
- 15:35:04 [AaronSw]
- i just have plain text. xml is evil
- 15:35:30 [AaronSw]
- if you insist...
- 15:38:13 [pixel]
- hey. you're the RDF guy. how can you say XMl is evil?
- 15:38:17 [pixel]
- (thanks for the link!)
- 15:38:26 [AaronSw]
- RDF has nothing to do with XML
- 15:38:32 [AaronSw]
- XML is very, very evil
- 15:38:47 [GabeW]
- * GabeW introduces n3 to pixel
- 15:39:19 [redmonk]
- * redmonk yawns at YARVSA
- 15:39:57 [redmonk]
- (Yet Another REST Vs. SOAP Argument)
- 15:40:03 [GabeW]
- ah
- 15:40:03 [pixel]
- hehe
- 15:40:10 [GabeW]
- i thought you were referring to n3 ;-)
- 15:40:19 [redmonk]
- heh
- 15:40:25 [redmonk]
- nah. n3 is cool.
- 15:40:40 [redmonk]
- aaronsw - you seen reportlab?
- 15:40:47 [AaronSw]
- no
- 15:40:48 [redmonk]
- i just saw it - looks cool.
- 15:40:50 [GabeW]
- and google doesn't have yarvsa
- 15:41:01 [redmonk]
- python imaging library - for charts and stuff
- 15:41:11 [redmonk]
- 15:41:22 [GabeW]
- perty kewl stuff
- 15:41:33 [AaronSw]
- ooh
- 15:42:02 [redmonk]
- uesed here:
- 15:42:11 [pixel]
- I jsut ran across that this morning frmo someone's weblog.
- 15:42:16 [pixel]
- yeah. that was it.
- 15:42:17 [redmonk]
- to generate pdf's of warchalking symbols
- 15:42:17 [pixel]
- hehe
- 15:42:48 [redmonk]
- the script is here:
- 15:45:05 [GabeW]
- my someone has too much time on their hands
- 15:45:48 [redmonk]
- very cool though
- 15:53:41 [pixel]
- ok, so what makes XML evil?
- 15:57:57 [AaronSw]
- it's painful to type for documents and HTML has so many more tools
- 16:06:35 [Morbus]
- bitsko: that guy who mentioned the DOS day thing works at microsoft apparently.
- 16:06:47 [Morbus]
- bitsko: or, at least, he has a microsoft email address on his site
- 16:06:52 [Morbus]
- which is pretty cool.
- 16:11:14 [GabeW]
- is the rdf model and syntax stuff baked, baking, falling apart, what?
- 16:11:53 [pixel]
- aaron : so I'm guessting you don't like storing RDf in XML?
- 16:12:02 [AaronSw]
- yeah
- 16:12:03 [AaronSw]
- <telecon>
- 16:12:12 [GabeW]
- i think xml/rdf is rdf's biggest difficulty
- 16:13:50 [sbp]
- yep
- 16:14:01 [pixel]
- why is that?
- 16:14:19 [GabeW]
- it obscures relatively simple semantic structure ..
- 16:14:43 [GabeW]
- it takes thought to convert a circle and line diagram to and from a rdf/xml serialization
- 16:14:45 [pixel]
- that's what XML is good at :)
- 16:17:13 [sbp]
- obfuscating stuff? yeah
- 16:17:13 [Morbus]
- [[[
- 16:17:13 [Morbus]
- I like the automatic updating feature of Mac OS X. The Mac machine I inherited was running a really old version of the OS. I've installed two levels of updates so far, and doing a third level right now. It's almost as easy as updating Radio or Frontier.
- 16:17:14 [Morbus]
- ]]]
- 16:17:17 [Morbus]
- heh, heh.
- 16:17:18 [Morbus]
- flipping winer.
- 16:18:44 [pixel]
- he can't make up his mind. today he's touting the wonderful Mac. and yesterday it was a peice of shit.
- 16:42:01 [bitsko]
- otoh, rdf's second biggest difficulty is the ambiguity thrown in by most RDF techies
- 16:42:28 [bitsko]
- far worse than, say, vCard's modifiers
- 16:44:20 [Morbus]
- there's no human in rdf.
- 16:44:38 [Morbus]
- its turning into it's own programming language.
- 16:46:23 [Morbus]
- of course, that's my impression.
- 16:46:27 [bitsko]
- it's not so much the data model, as much how you can (and some try so hard to do) make statements about statements about statements
- 16:46:31 [Morbus]
- * Morbus backpedals, because he desires the love of bitsko
- 16:47:00 [bitsko]
- * bitsko leans in for the hug, and then backpedals himself
- 16:47:50 [Morbus]
- heh!
- 16:48:13 [Morbus]
- i mean, i get the purpose of rdf.
- 16:48:17 [Morbus]
- but i don't "get" the complexity.
- 16:48:32 [Morbus]
- and i've been over this a zillion times with sbp and aaron.
- 16:49:00 [bitsko]
- you don't get where it's complex, or just don't get how RDF can be so complex?
- 16:49:25 [bitsko]
- the "simple" part of RDF is actually very simple
- 16:50:37 [Morbus]
- "can be so", i think.
- 16:54:17 [sbp]
- it's because there have been a lot of people expressing their opinions on various bits of the architecture
- 16:54:24 [sbp]
- committee thinking
- 16:54:39 [sbp]
- so RDF kinda has a mind of its own
- 16:54:56 [sbp]
- but as bitsko says, at the base it's really simple
- 16:55:03 [bitsko]
- if one sticks to the node-view, and has a concrete schema, it's really simple. like core-RDF, for example
- 16:55:10 [bitsko]
- s/core-RDF/core-RSS/
- 16:55:36 [bitsko]
- ie. as long as you're talking about one resource, and just its properties, that's easy
- 16:55:54 [bitsko]
- it maps right to mappings/hashes/objects, for example
- 16:56:06 [sbp]
- there's a great tension between constraints on the model and application level constraints, such as you get in RSS
- 16:56:15 [AaronSw]
- RDF is very simple
- 16:56:21 [bitsko]
- hehe
- 16:56:25 [AaronSw]
- RDF is way simpler than XML
- 16:56:25 [bitsko]
- that's funny
- 16:56:44 [redmonk]
- that'sm like saying English is simple b/c it has verbs, nouns, and objects
- 16:56:45 [bitsko]
- RDF is not simple when you start making statements about statements
- 16:56:51 [sbp]
- yeah compare the core bits of RDF (RDF infoset?) to the XML infoset
- 16:56:57 [sbp]
- no, even with reification, it's simpler
- 16:57:02 [bitsko]
- nor when you have no concrete schema
- 16:57:08 [sbp]
- reification is just a set of three properties, plus an implied type
- 16:57:11 [bitsko]
- simpler than?
- 16:57:17 [sbp]
- of course, one can build complex applications on RDF...
- 16:57:18 [Morbus]
- see, you know, i'm already lost.
- 16:57:21 [Morbus]
- <g>
- 16:57:26 [sbp]
- but that's something on top of RDF, not RDF itself
- 16:57:31 [sbp]
- one can express the XML infoset in RDF
- 16:57:43 [bitsko]
- there's really no analogy of statements-about-statements in most existing frameworks
- 16:58:23 [sbp]
- huh?
- 16:58:46 [sbp]
- anything where you have a set of statements there's some type of reification or context at work
- 16:59:52 [oierw]
- oierw has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- 17:00:32 [sbp]
- hehe:
- 17:00:49 [sbp]
- Gotta run
- 17:02:16 [bitsko]
- if I have an RSS item, and it has a dc:date, and that dc:date might be the creation date or might be a posted date, then it really starts to bog down
- 17:02:40 [AaronSw]
- why?
- 17:03:38 [Morbus]
- i'll be using dc:dates in the next version of ampheta.
- 17:04:14 [bitsko]
- AaronSw: because it starts becoming unmanagable
- 17:04:27 [AaronSw]
- thats fud
- 17:04:30 [Morbus]
- i won't be making a diff between create/post in ampheta.
- 17:04:31 [bitsko]
- thx
- 17:04:35 [AaronSw]
- :-)
- 17:04:36 [Morbus]
- i don't think there's a need to.
- 17:05:07 [AaronSw]
- sorry, on phone
- 17:05:21 [eikeon]
- eikeon has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- 17:07:01 [bitsko]
- on the one hand, existing languages do not have the native language facilities for accessing the data model, so one must use an RDF library, and in particular an RDF Query language, to easily get to concretely specified (schema'd) data
- 17:07:32 [bitsko]
- so one can generally throw out Py, Perl, or C# syntax for accessing properties
- 17:08:17 [bitsko]
- (let's say that's a given, and we'll shortly come up with a native-syntax for accessing deep RDF properties, based on an RDF Query lang)
- 17:08:44 [bitsko]
- then there's still the problem of "too-much-data"
- 17:09:29 [bitsko]
- that's the problem outside the boundaries of concretely specified app models
- 17:09:53 [bitsko]
- and becomes especially apparent as one builds soups of RDF data from a variety of sources
- 17:19:59 [bitsko]
- where's the RNG equiv for RDF?
- 17:20:44 [bitsko]
- maybe that's the wrong q.
- 17:22:22 [bitsko]
- a different q would be where's the simple-syntax for RDFS :)
- 17:25:05 [pixel]
- pixel has quit ("Leaving, Swiging My Piece of Ass.")
- 17:26:31 [bitsko]
- Morbus: but just for reference, the simple stuff is simple
- 17:26:46 [bitsko]
- and easily translated into Perl ;)
- 17:27:56 [Morbus]
- heh, heh. oh, i was supposed to be listening? <G>
- 17:28:00 [Morbus]
- i got confused about 100 lines ago.
- 17:28:19 [Morbus]
- we should code an RDF::Simple module.
- 17:28:20 [Morbus]
- <G>
- 17:28:36 [bitsko]
- * bitsko mumbles Orchard, then shuts up
- 17:28:41 [Morbus]
- heh, he.h
- 17:28:41 [bitsko]
- :)
- 17:36:38 [bitsko]
- RDFS Compact Syntax -- that's what I meant earlier about RNG-equiv for RDFS
- 17:36:58 [bitsko]
- (there's no such beast, I think, but getting one would be nice)
- 17:49:23 [AaronSw]
- lol
- 17:49:42 [AaronSw]
- NewsForge's response to complaints about the quality of their articles:
- 17:49:47 [AaronSw]
- >blah, blah, blah blather <snip>
- 17:49:47 [AaronSw]
- So?
- 17:50:49 [bitsko]
- heh
- 17:53:35 [Morbus]
- heh, heh.
- 17:54:05 [bitsko]
- * bitsko wonders if AaronSw is off phone yet
- 17:55:51 [AaronSw]
- nope
- 18:01:49 [eikeon]
- eikeon ( has joined #swhack
- 18:14:37 [AaronSw]
- am now
- 18:14:43 [AaronSw]
- what's up, bitsko?
- 18:15:48 [bitsko]
- I was hoping you'd explain how the more complex parts of RDF become easy.
- 18:16:00 [AaronSw]
- What's complex about RDF?
- 18:16:04 [bitsko]
- I know a good query syntax can take one half the way
- 18:16:22 [Morbus]
- 18:16:50 [Morbus]
- brb. new trillian skin.
- 18:18:26 [Morbus]
- Morbus has quit ("")
- 18:18:41 [Morbus]
- Morbus ( has joined #swhack
- 18:19:29 [bitsko]
- the complex part is statements about statements
- 18:20:12 [Morbus]
- Morbus has quit (Client Quit)
- 18:20:23 [bitsko]
- * bitsko sees Morbus bug out ;)
- 18:20:30 [Morbus]
- Morbus ( has joined #swhack
- 18:20:59 [AaronSw]
- statements about statements are conceptually simple (morbus said DW is lying)
- 18:21:04 [AaronSw]
- what's complex about them?
- 18:22:29 [Morbus]
- Morbus has quit (Client Quit)
- 18:22:37 [Morbus]
- Morbus ( has joined #swhack
- 18:31:33 [AaronSw]
- sbp, want to write a regexp for me?
- 18:33:51 [oierw]
- oierw ( has joined #swhack
- 18:34:10 [oierw]
- oierw has quit (Remote closed the connection)
- 18:34:15 [oierw]
- oierw ( has joined #swhack
- 18:35:57 [AaronSw]
- another busy day of moping
- 18:48:38 [bitsko]
- conceptually simple, but programattically difficult to resolve
- 18:49:19 [bitsko]
- unless made very concrete. iow, as long as everything is spelled out concretely, it's easy.
- 18:49:32 [AaronSw]
- i don't know what you mean by conterely here
- 18:50:37 [bitsko]
- where the information provider spells out exactly which statements can be made about other statements
- 18:51:15 [AaronSw]
- information provider? i like the model where the reader just ignores the statements they're not interested in
- 18:51:57 [bitsko]
- heh, that's a useful principle until all the statements you're interested in happen to be layered over everything else.
- 18:52:04 [AaronSw]
- layered?
- 18:59:18 [bitsko]
- n'er mind. I'll continue to watch as practical applications come about.
- 18:59:37 [AaronSw]
- heh
- 19:25:30 [oierw]
- oierw has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- 19:32:02 [bitsko]
- have a good weekend, y'all!
- 19:32:04 [bitsko]
- bitsko has left #swhack
- 19:49:46 [sbp]
- * sbp returns
- 19:49:46 [eikeon]
- eikeon has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- 19:49:48 [sbp]
- was just watching Ash play at Glastonbury
- 19:49:48 [eikeon]
- eikeon ( has joined #swhack
- 19:49:50 [sbp]
- good set; I thought they did more songs, but they only showed quarter of an hour's worth
- 19:49:54 [sbp]
- I could have sworn they were out for half an hour (they were doing interviews when they were playing live)
- 19:50:08 [AaronSw]
- Ash sings too? i don't want to know what that sounds like
- 19:50:20 [AaronSw]
- 19:50:44 [Morbus]
- loll.
- 19:52:31 [sbp]
- heh!
- 19:52:32 [sbp]
- [[[
- 19:52:32 [sbp]
- Joseph Reagle wrote:
- 19:52:33 [sbp]
- >blah, blah, blah blather <snip>
- 19:52:33 [sbp]
- So?
- 19:52:33 [sbp]
- Tina G.
- 19:52:34 [sbp]
- ]]]
- 19:52:39 [eikeon]
- eikeon has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- 19:53:07 [eikeon]
- eikeon ( has joined #swhack
- 19:53:29 [AaronSw]
- as i said, dedicated to journalistic principles
- 20:05:10 [AaronSw]
- newsforge...liesforge...
- 20:05:22 [sbp]
- wow, the guy from the Thin Blue Line is on Eastenders now
- 20:28:44 [Morbus]
- Morbus has quit ("")
- 20:41:37 [thelsdj]
- * thelsdj is getting a mac
- 20:44:06 [thelsdj]
- i'm having someone fix up an ol G3 for me
- 21:07:21 [sbp]
- cool, what specs?
- 21:08:56 [sbp]
- not that it matters. a Mac is a Mac :-)
- 21:30:54 [thelsdj]
- its like a base G3 266 with processor upgrade to 300 (probably can overclock it to 350) 256 ram, ide, usb card, uh not much else heh, i'm getting it cheeeap
- 22:13:14 [GabeW]
- GabeW has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- 23:00:03 [AaronSw]
- duuude, you're getting a mac!
- 23:08:57 [wmf]
- wmf ( has joined #swhack
- 23:09:04 [wmf]
- swhack
- 23:09:10 [AaronSw]
- wmf
- 23:09:33 [AaronSw]
- am i required to heckle steven levy? or is it only highly recommended?
- 23:09:44 [wmf]
- I'm not heckling him
- 23:10:43 [AaronSw]
- I think McCusker's going to kill you ;)
- 23:10:49 [wmf]
- the poll is funny too:
- 23:11:00 [wmf]
- I feel bad that I f'd his base station
- 23:12:20 [wmf]
- anyway, hopefully he'll get it right tonight
- 23:12:50 [wmf]
- [off] people in #infoAnarchy are advertising how losing they are
- 23:48:21 [AaronSw]
- 23:56:39 [wmf]
- @
- 23:56:45 [chumpy]
- E: from wmf
- 23:56:57 [wmf]
- E::Fire when ready.
- 23:56:58 [chumpy]
- commented item E