IRC log of swhack on 2002-06-22

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:00:13 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw -> dinner, EOW
00:01:37 [AaronSw]
wow, some popular japanese weblog translated my haikus into japanese
00:01:47 [sbp]
00:01:53 [sbp]
oh man, that NPR thing is too sad
00:02:15 [sbp]
but really its a good policy. they're like "don't link to us!", and the rest of the world is all "fine!"
00:02:29 [sbp]
00:02:34 [AaronSw]
as in "fine, we'll link to you"
00:02:47 [sbp]
heh, so it seems
00:03:16 [AaronSw]
ewww. my referer logs are scary
00:03:31 [sbp]
lots of gay pr0n sites again?
00:04:34 [sbp]
and shouldn't you be shovelling food down your mouth and retiring for the day by now?
00:04:46 [AaronSw]
oops, apparently dinner is really ready now
00:04:47 [AaronSw]
00:04:51 [sbp]
00:32:41 [walloper]
<lilo> This is a WALLOPS message for OPN. These messages contain non-critical comments, announcements and server admin information. Currently they're also used for fundraising status. To turn them off, turn off user mode 'w'. On most clients: '/mode <yournick> -w'. Thanks.
01:00:47 [walloper]
<lilo> Hi all. The goal is $12,000 and currently we have $11,751 more to go. The explanation is on .... thanks to everyone who's helped so far!
01:30:00 [Seth]
Seth has quit ()
02:18:23 [wmf]
wmf ( has joined #swhack
02:18:43 [wmf]
02:21:17 [gac]
gac (~chatzilla@ has joined #swhack
02:21:51 [wmf]
hey gac
02:24:56 [jeremiah]
02:27:16 [gac]
02:27:21 [sbp]
* sbp has XSLTed, and has not produced a great deal of bugs
02:27:25 [sbp]
* sbp is relatively happy
02:34:56 [Seth]
Seth ( has joined #swhack
02:37:17 [talli]
talli ( has joined #swhack
02:37:34 [talli]
talli has left #swhack
02:43:35 [walloper]
walloper has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
02:43:48 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
02:44:11 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
02:44:11 [loggy]
loggy has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
02:44:17 [walloper]
walloper (~nobody@ has joined #swhack
02:44:22 [sbp]
sbp (~sean@ has joined #swhack
02:44:24 [loggy]
loggy (~swhack-lo@ has joined #swhack
02:44:24 [loggy]
* loggy is logging
02:44:36 [datum]
datum has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
02:44:57 [datum]
datum (~datum@ has joined #swhack
03:41:30 [kensaku]
kensaku ( has joined #swhack
03:45:20 [wmf]
03:45:38 [chumpy]
A: from wmf
03:59:21 [tansaku_xz]
tansaku_xz has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
04:09:30 [Seth]
Seth has quit ()
04:21:20 [adam_]
adam_ ( has joined #swhack
04:36:56 [wmf]
wmf has quit ("use the chi!")
04:38:35 [gac]
gac has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
04:38:59 [thelsdj]
thelsdj has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
04:47:46 [eikco]
eikco ( has joined #swhack
04:51:24 [eikco]
eikco has quit (Remote closed the connection)
04:51:35 [eikco]
eikco ( has joined #swhack
04:54:41 [eikco]
eikco has quit (Remote closed the connection)
09:17:36 [justme]
justme ( has joined #swhack
10:04:59 [kensaku]
kensaku has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
10:31:13 [walloper]
<lilo> Current state of my personal fundraising effort: The goal is $12,000. We have $11,727 more to go and about $210 in uncleared checks and pledges. Check on to find out what it's all about. Thanks to everyone who has helped.
10:36:43 [justme]
justme has quit (No route to host)
10:52:46 [tansaku_xz]
tansaku_xz ( has joined #swhack
11:08:19 [kensaku]
kensaku ( has joined #swhack
11:09:18 [walloper]
<lilo> Side note: I went back and totalled what you all sent me when I first asked for help. It was more than I thought. If I've figured it right, it came to $3,122.35 after PayPal fees and reimbursements.
11:09:57 [walloper]
<lilo> We used that money to get up to date on our car payments, car insurance and utilities, for food, gasoline and prescription drugs and for our July rent. We have some food and gas money left over. Thanks massively to everyone who helped out there, as well.
11:13:53 [tansaku_xz]
tansaku_xz has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
11:56:28 [justme]
justme ( has joined #swhack
12:31:16 [kensaku]
kensaku has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
12:59:29 [justme_]
justme_ ( has joined #swhack
13:01:36 [justme]
justme has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
13:14:48 [talli]
talli ( has joined #swhack
14:33:09 [justme_]
justme_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
14:57:37 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Hi all. I have a website up at explaining my current situation. I'm asking for help on a personal basis to keep working as OPN head of staff and to finish setting up the nonprofit corp. Please take a look, and thanks.
14:57:37 [talli]
talli has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
15:34:16 [sbp]
* sbp waves
15:36:11 [sbp]
wow, SMG may be married, so the rumours go...
15:43:24 [justme]
justme ( has joined #swhack
16:21:08 [justme]
justme has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
16:59:25 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Hi everybody. I've started sending two messages a day for fund raising, asking people to help so I can keep at this. I'm skipping the second message today and replacing it with something that I hope will be helpful.
17:00:07 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] If you have an opinion on the network, and my role in it, now is definitely the time to participate.
17:00:58 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] If you want the opportunity to tell me directly what you think about me, please come to #question. I can't listen to everybody on channel or on message, but I definitely need to hear from you.
17:01:19 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] So I'll tell you how you can talk to me about it, and I hope it won't be too hard or take too much time.
17:01:51 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] If you use the network, this is *definitely* a time to make your presence known. It will mean a lot. Please come to #question. Thanks.
17:03:30 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Again, I hate to stress this, but I am *really* going to need your opinion, good, bad or indifferent. Please come to #question. Thanks.
17:09:23 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Okay, one last time, and then I'll get started. When people express the opinion that "everybody says that x", the only way I will know if it's true is if *you* are part of the everybody who makes your voice heard. Please come to #question. Thanks.
18:07:56 [talli]
talli ( has joined #swhack
18:08:01 [talli]
talli has left #swhack
18:10:24 [wmf]
wmf ( has joined #swhack
18:17:23 [sbp]
* sbp joins #question
18:17:27 [sbp]
it's still raging strong
18:18:59 [quasi]
yeah, go tell lilo to get lost ;)
18:19:41 [sbp]
there are 225 people in there
18:50:17 [walloper]
<lilo> Thanks to everyone who commented. Greatly appreciated.
19:20:34 [wmf]
.seen aaronsw
19:23:29 [sbp]
datum doesn't have that functionality, and it's Saturday
19:47:06 [Ash-w]
19:47:12 [Ash-w]
19:47:29 [wmf]
hey ash
19:47:37 [sbp]
heh, I'd been waiting for Ash's response...
19:47:42 [Ash-w]
Hi wmf!
19:47:51 [Ash-w]
How are you enduring your saturday?
19:47:55 [Ash-w]
sbp: heh...
19:48:04 [Ash-w]
[14:48] --- Cannot join #question (Channel is invite only).
19:48:05 [Ash-w]
19:48:21 [wmf]
Operation: Enduring Saturday is in the house
19:48:35 [Ash-w]
19:48:44 [wmf]
I think I'll go to a work party today
19:48:48 [Ash-w]
19:57:51 [Ash-w]
Is anybody actually in #questions?
19:58:00 [Ash-w]
or #question or whatever
19:58:07 [deltab]
19:58:19 [Ash-w]
Well, I meant is anybody in *this channel* in there.
19:58:23 [Ash-w]
I'd be interested to see alog.
19:58:24 [Ash-w]
19:58:29 [deltab]
19:58:37 [Ash-w]
Ooh, can you send me a log when it's over?
19:58:44 [sbp]
it's +m right now
19:59:02 [Ash-w]
sbp: yeah, +m is lielo's style
19:59:14 [deltab]
it was -m for a while
19:59:41 [deltab]
Ash-w: sure
19:59:50 [Ash-w]
19:59:53 [Ash-w]
20:22:58 [justme]
justme ( has joined #swhack
20:40:27 [wmf]
wmf has quit ("party")
20:51:40 [oierw]
oierw has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
21:10:38 [justme]
justme has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
21:13:43 [oierw]
oierw ( has joined #swhack
21:27:33 [Ash-w]
Ash-w is now known as dogcow
21:33:22 [sbp]
heh, OPML makes me giggle
21:35:17 [dogcow]
22:04:53 [dogcow]
hey deltab, did that #question thing ever finish?
22:05:18 [sbp]
it hasn't been active for hours now
22:05:22 [dogcow]
heh heh
22:05:28 [sbp]
just people leaving every few minutes
22:05:30 [dogcow]
Well, like I've been paying attention.
22:05:34 [dogcow]
sbp, got a log?
22:05:35 [dogcow]
22:05:35 [sbp]
it's still on +m, and lilo isn't there
22:05:39 [dogcow]
22:05:41 [sbp]
I only have part logs
22:05:43 [dogcow]
22:05:48 [dogcow]
See, he should post the logs.
22:05:53 [dogcow]
But he won't, since he's a bastard.
22:05:55 [dogcow]
22:06:22 [sbp]
well, people were saying things like he should use the money to get professional help and so forth...
22:06:26 [deltab]
it's been silent since before you first asked; just some people leaving
22:06:28 [sbp]
so no, I don't think he'll be posting them
22:06:44 [deltab]
59 left
22:06:47 [dogcow]
22:06:49 [dogcow]
That's great!
22:07:00 [dogcow]
deltab, do you have a full log then?
22:07:09 [deltab]
22:07:21 [dogcow]
Could you send it to me?
22:07:21 [dogcow]
22:07:23 [dogcow]
22:15:51 [deltab]
unfortunately I can't get the nick changes
22:24:06 [dogcow]
eh that's fine
22:29:04 [deltab]
I'm ready to send
22:29:28 [dogcow]
22:29:33 [dogcow]
see if you can dcc me.
22:29:46 [dogcow]
22:29:51 [dogcow]
I didn't know i could get DCC's in here
22:29:54 [dogcow]
22:29:56 [dogcow]
Thanks deltab!
22:29:59 [dogcow]
You rule.
22:30:07 [dogcow]
* dogcow adds deltab to cool-people-list.txt
22:30:16 [deltab]
22:30:39 [sbp]
.google cool-people-list.txt
22:30:49 [datum]
cool-people-list.txt: sorry, no results were found.
22:31:23 [dogcow]
sbp: It's not public, duh!
22:31:32 [dogcow]
cat cool-people-list.txt | grep sbp
22:31:35 [dogcow]
No results found
22:31:40 [deltab]
dcc get dogcow cool-people-list.txt
22:31:42 [dogcow]
22:33:00 [dogcow]
22:33:19 [dogcow]
what programs will handle ansi codes?
22:33:25 [dogcow]
so I can read this non-munged
22:33:25 [dogcow]
22:33:31 [deltab]
22:33:36 [dogcow]
Oh really?
22:33:37 [dogcow]
22:33:45 [deltab]
with the -R option
22:34:05 [dogcow]
22:34:07 [dogcow]
Thanks deltab!
22:34:37 [deltab]
003421 ùíù Topic (#question): changed by lilo: Thanks for coming.
22:35:20 [deltab]
the timezone is BST, btw
22:37:00 [dogcow]
*** getafuckingjob ( has joined channel #question
22:37:00 [dogcow]
22:38:32 [dogcow]
192336 ùíù LikeLiloOrGoEfne [] has joined #question
23:17:44 [gac]
gac (~chatzilla@ has joined #swhack
23:22:46 [sbp]
gah, where's Aaron/jill/Morbus when you need them?
23:24:22 [gac]
I don't know.
23:24:40 [gac]
oh that was gah not gac
23:24:45 [gac]
23:31:15 [dogcow]
23:31:25 [dogcow]
23:31:27 [dogcow]
* dogcow kicks sbp
23:31:29 [dogcow]
<- Aaron
23:38:33 [sbp]
23:39:03 [sbp]
gah, who's gac when he's not hanging around on swhack?
23:39:50 [dogcow]
23:39:51 [sbp]
ooh, dogcow just revealed his secret identity! It's (the other) Aaron!
23:39:52 [dogcow]
23:39:57 [dogcow]
23:40:06 [dogcow]
23:40:08 [dogcow]
23:40:14 [sbp]
heh, heh. silly you
23:40:15 [gac]
gah, I don't know!
23:40:24 [sbp]
* sbp gets out some kryptonite
23:40:31 [dogcow]
dogcow has changed the topic to: || <- Please sign the petition!
23:40:52 [dogcow]
sbp, aren't you a python h@x0r?
23:41:52 [sbp]
I am indeed
23:42:00 [dogcow]
23:42:03 [dogcow]
help a brotha' out
23:42:22 [dogcow]
I need to grab a webpage.
23:43:02 [sbp]
23:43:08 [sbp]
oops, sorry, carry on...
23:43:39 [dogcow]
I just need a place to start at :)
23:43:45 [dogcow]
I haven't programmed in python since like 1.3
23:43:49 [sbp]
s = urllib.urlopen(URI).read()
23:43:59 [sbp]
will get the crap from the URI URI, and read it into s
23:44:09 [dogcow]
23:44:14 [dogcow]
That's easy.
23:44:15 [CygBot]
CygBot (~sbp@ has joined #swhack
23:44:33 [dogcow]
I'm using python since I wasn't able to quickly find an http library for lisp.
23:44:47 [sbp]
$ python -c "import urllib; print urllib.urlopen('').read()"
23:44:50 [CygBot]
> Homer: Woohoo!
23:44:50 [CygBot]
> [end]
23:45:22 [dogcow]
CygBot: Woohoo!
23:48:34 [sbp]
$ echo yeah, bitch!
23:48:37 [CygBot]
> yeah, bitch!
23:48:38 [CygBot]
> [end]
23:48:46 [CygBot]
CygBot has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
23:48:49 [dogcow]
23:50:15 [dogcow]
wtf, no python interpreter installed
23:50:19 [dogcow]
* dogcow shoots mandrake
23:51:01 [sbp]
I still think that we need some kind of .Ash function on datum
23:51:05 [sbp]
23:51:21 [datum]
23:51:55 [sbp]
see, if you were on debian...
23:51:58 [sbp]
apt-get python
23:52:04 [sbp]
or apt-install. something like that
23:52:35 [sbp]
future versions will have spc2txt hooked up, and you'll just go "get me Python, damnit!" and it'll get and install it
23:52:44 [dogcow]
sbp: Yeah, but if I was on debian I'd have to kill myself.
23:52:54 [dogcow]
I just snagged the source and I'm compiling it.
23:52:56 [sbp]
heh. Mmmkay, why's that?
23:53:04 [dogcow]
debian is totally insane, is all.
23:53:19 [dogcow]
At least, coming from an old-school unix background.
23:53:26 [sbp]
Ash's hate list: Debian, LIELO, Luserland...
23:53:34 [dogcow]
23:53:35 [dogcow]
23:53:43 [sbp]
23:53:43 [dogcow]
I think a system should be buildable from source automatically
23:53:53 [sbp]
you were going to protest that for a second, weren't you?
23:53:53 [dogcow]
debian doesn't lend itself to nice easy full-system builds
23:53:54 [dogcow]
23:54:03 [dogcow]
Eh, I don't HATE Debian or anything.
23:54:16 [dogcow]
I just think that if they made a few small changes to the way they do things they would have a lot more users.
23:54:28 [sbp]
you called it (and I quote) "totally insane"! a second ago
23:54:42 [dogcow]
"totally insane" does not mean that I hate it
23:54:46 [dogcow]
it just means that it's CRAZY1
23:54:46 [dogcow]
23:54:52 [sbp]
23:55:17 [sbp]
what small changes would you make if you ran the debian ship?
23:55:18 [dogcow]
My network management system is slated to have good debian support.. it's the easiest linux system to programmatically manage, at least.
23:55:39 [dogcow]
Well, first of all I'd change their FTP site to have a sensible layout!
23:56:09 [dogcow]
It's really confusing to find the 'new yet stable' boot disks, for example.
23:56:24 [dogcow]
And I'd switch from having 3 different versions to having two, ala freebsd
23:56:27 [dogcow]
-current and -stable
23:56:32 [dogcow]
or -unstable and -stable
23:57:11 [dogcow]
With freebsd i can ftp to and go to /pub/FreeBSD/releases/4.6-release and snag boot floppies from the subdirectory "floppies"
23:57:22 [dogcow]
which is substantially less confusing than the debian ftp layout.
23:57:47 [gac]
23:57:56 [dogcow]
mmmmmmmmmbsd is right
23:57:56 [sbp]
* sbp notes that bad FTP layouts turn dogcow into THE HULK
23:57:57 [dogcow]
23:58:12 [dogcow]
also, i'd redo the installer to be less TOTALLY INSANE
23:58:20 [dogcow]
Since right now it sucks ass.
23:58:29 [dogcow]
It's like they TRIED to design the worst installer possible.
23:58:36 [sbp]
23:59:15 [dogcow]
And perhaps the biggest problem with debian is that if you make suggestions like this, debian-ers FLAME THE HELL OUT OF YOU
23:59:26 [dogcow]
"What?!? You're crazy, the way we do things now is THE BEST"
23:59:33 [dogcow]
"No, I'm not going to look at the way some other system does things!"
23:59:33 [dogcow]