IRC log of swhack on 2002-06-21

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:04:28 [anthron]
anthron ( has joined #swhack
00:05:32 [anthron]
anthron has left #swhack
00:06:47 [Morbus]
lordanthron from aol.
00:06:48 [Morbus]
* Morbus groans.
00:42:36 [sbp]
Gotta run
00:43:57 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff ( has joined #swhack
00:54:42 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit (No route to host)
01:07:40 [gac]
gac (~chatzilla@ has joined #swhack
01:13:52 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Hi all. I've published the reasons for my appeal on OPN over on . Please take a look. The site might be a bit lagged off and on. Thanks.
01:29:30 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Hi all. Just to mention. If you've tried to get the site, it's on my DSL and it gets pretty booked up. Try again when you get a chance. Thanks. (
01:45:08 [AaronSw]
sorry, was at family time
01:46:05 [wmf]
hey AaronSw
01:46:25 [AaronSw]
01:46:45 [wmf]
good NY Times link; I'm surprised no one else has picked it up
01:47:16 [AaronSw]
ah, the TCB one
01:47:38 [AaronSw]
yeah, i subscribed to the new york times "articles on freedom" list, get all sorts of neat things
01:49:49 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff has quit ("")
01:51:11 [wmf]
Rebecca Blood sent me a free copy of her book
01:51:25 [AaronSw]
she has a book
01:51:27 [AaronSw]
01:51:51 [wmf]
01:52:22 [AaronSw]
i can't understand why farber is for DRM
01:52:34 [AaronSw]
is he actually evil and i've just been misinformed? i thought he was supposed to be a good guy
01:52:54 [wmf]
I don't know
01:53:07 [wmf]
maybe he believes non-evil DRM is possible
01:53:39 [AaronSw]
do you really need "Practical Advice On Creating And Maintaining Your Blog"?
01:53:55 [wmf]
01:54:03 [AaronSw]
or is she just trying to buy out the winerists?
01:54:30 [AaronSw]
(I really invented weblogs! Mwhahaa!)
01:54:37 [wmf]
if I wrote a book, I'd send copies to my friends
01:55:29 [AaronSw]
oh right, you're part of that whole i-got-drunk-in-bruce-sterling's-house clique
01:55:46 [wmf]
Rebecca and I go back farther than that
01:56:01 [AaronSw]
oh yeah?
01:56:15 [wmf]
think I-got-drunk-at-Deepleap's-dotcom-launch-party clique
01:56:29 [AaronSw]
wow, Deepleap. those were the days
01:57:15 [wmf]
woo, serial ATA is almost here!
01:57:28 [Ash-w]
01:58:44 [gac]
whoa. people remember deepleap.
01:59:09 [AaronSw]
hi gac, nice to meet you
01:59:22 [AaronSw]
i'm Aaron Swartz,
01:59:41 [gac]
I am one of those I-got-drunk-at-deepleap's-dotcom-launch-party elitists
01:59:50 [wmf]
all right
02:00:08 [Ash-w]
02:00:09 [Ash-w]
02:00:09 [AaronSw]
now wes get's to play name-that-drunken-fool!
02:00:13 [AaronSw]
02:00:19 [wmf]
02:00:24 [chumpy]
A: Dumb Warnings from AaronSw
02:00:24 [Ash-w]
02:00:25 [Ash-w]
02:00:31 [wmf]
that reminds me of the famous photo from that party
02:00:40 [AaronSw]
02:00:51 [AaronSw]
A:|Dumb Warnings: Blockbuster Insists DVDs Must Be Rewound
02:00:57 [chumpy]
titled item A
02:01:11 [AaronSw]
pointer to famouys photo?
02:01:15 [wmf]
me and Sarah Bruner; afterwards she had no recollection of meeting me
02:02:02 [wmf]
.google SXSW Wes Felter Sarah Bruner
02:02:04 [datum]
SXSW Wes Felter Sarah Bruner:
02:02:20 [wmf]
nope, that's not it
02:02:27 [gac]
02:02:29 [wmf]
.google SXSW Wes Felter Sarah Bruner deepleap
02:02:31 [datum]
SXSW Wes Felter Sarah Bruner deepleap:
02:02:33 [gac]
photos from the party there
02:02:48 [wmf]
AaronSw, your bot is broken
02:02:53 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Hi all. Thanks for your kind words and support. The page is being mirrored on which should have considerably more bandwidth.
02:03:08 [AaronSw]
wmf, good point. i forgot to add the no results option
02:05:14 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw fixes
02:05:22 [AaronSw]
.googlecount <datum> SXSW Wes Felter Sarah Bruner deepleap:
02:05:23 [datum]
<datum> SXSW Wes Felter Sarah Bruner deepleap: 0
02:05:39 [datum]
datum has quit (Remote closed the connection)
02:05:45 [datum]
datum (~datum@ has joined #swhack
02:05:47 [AaronSw]
.google SXSW Wes Felter Sarah Bruner deepleap
02:05:50 [datum]
SXSW Wes Felter Sarah Bruner deepleap: sorry, no results were found.
02:06:50 [AaronSw]
happy now?
02:07:06 [wmf]
yeah, that looks more reasonable
02:07:29 [AaronSw]
Hm, have there been any wallops? I wonder if the wallop functionality is working.
02:07:55 [wmf]
there was one
02:08:34 [modebind]
modebind ( has joined #swhack
02:08:41 [AaronSw]
one tonight? gyess it's not working :(
02:09:15 [wmf]
I've seen 3 in the last few hours
02:09:34 [AaronSw]
i think you're thinking of globalmessages
02:09:55 [wmf]
I don't know the difference
02:10:14 [AaronSw]
one starts with [GlobalNotice]
02:10:41 [wmf]
all lilo spam goes in the same mental category for me
02:12:36 [modebind]
modebind has quit ()
02:12:38 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Hmmm, final message for a while. has been reloaded with the proper page. Thanks.
02:14:23 [Ash-w]
<wmf> whiny loser category
02:14:39 [AaronSw]
you're just smug because you have a job
02:14:50 [AaronSw]
I have no respect for jobby-job people like you.
02:15:04 [AaronSw]
Sitting there all day, doing stuff you're told to. Bleh.
02:15:34 [AaronSw]
Nah, I'd rather be... a lumberja... I mean writer!
02:15:38 [Ash-w]
02:15:51 [AaronSw]
I gave in and bought the Salmon of Doubt tonight.
02:15:55 [Ash-w]
<AaronSw> I put on women's clothing.. and hang around in bars!
02:16:09 [Ash-w]
lol @ jobby-job
02:16:12 [AaronSw]
Heh, did you see my "I'm an espian and i'm ok" parody?
02:16:18 [Ash-w]
02:16:19 [Ash-w]
02:16:25 [wmf]
anybody here used Gentoo? it's going around at the office?
02:16:34 [Ash-w]
wmf: I used a previous version, it was pretty kickass.
02:16:44 [Ash-w]
wmf: But then I'm a freebsd junkie, so it's to be expected.
02:16:49 [Ash-w]
Their ports system is really good.
02:16:51 [wmf]
hmm, why did I use a question mark there?
02:17:11 [Ash-w]
wmf: My theory is that your brain is losing fluid.
02:17:17 [wmf]
02:17:28 [Ash-w]
* Ash-w adds some castrol GTX to wmf's brain cavity
02:17:39 [AaronSw]
02:17:39 [AaronSw]
<AaronSw> I never really wanted to be an espian. I always wanted to be... a lumberjack!
02:17:39 [AaronSw]
<jillium> Oh, I'm an espian and I'm OK!
02:17:39 [AaronSw]
<jillium> I work all night and I sleep all day!
02:17:40 [AaronSw]
<AaronSw> I crash new servers, I write my code
02:17:40 [AaronSw]
<AaronSw> I rmdir lost+found
02:17:42 [AaronSw]
<AaronSw> On sunday's I go bowling,
02:17:44 [AaronSw]
<AaronSw> And convert dollars to pounds
02:17:46 [AaronSw]
<deltab> hahahah
02:17:48 [AaronSw]
<AaronSw> I better stop before I get beaten up.
02:17:50 [AaronSw]
02:17:55 [Ash-w]
02:17:56 [Ash-w]
that's great.
02:17:57 [AaronSw]
heh, losing fluid
02:19:00 [AaronSw]
yeah, gentoo is like the low-cut jeans of the linux world
02:19:08 [wmf]
today Tony installed Gentoo without reading the docs
02:19:33 [wmf]
I can't imagine how many times he's installed it before
02:19:52 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw notes he installed Mac OS X without reading the docs
02:20:12 [AaronSw]
but i gave in and read the docs because they were so freakin' pretty
02:23:33 [AaronSw]
hm, and such still work
02:23:43 [wmf]
yeah, it's weird
02:24:07 [wmf]
I want my mudpie rumors!
02:25:13 [AaronSw]
ooh, i've been blogged
02:25:38 [AaronSw]
I was going to go on about the analogy, but realized it would involve talking about the rear-ends of unix-users.
02:26:00 [wmf]
you just don't want to go there
02:26:07 [AaronSw]
no, i don't
02:26:17 [AaronSw]
but i'm sure will
02:45:00 [BenSw]
BenSw ( has joined #swhack
02:45:42 [tansaku_xe]
tansaku_xe ( has joined #swhack
02:47:23 [BenSw]
02:56:04 [AaronSw]
am i the only one who finds it ironic that the BSD license is "viral"?
02:56:44 [BenSw]
BenSw has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
02:57:09 [wmf]
in what way?
02:57:32 [AaronSw]
all modified versions must include the same copyright notice
02:58:16 [wmf]
that's not viral
02:58:26 [AaronSw]
why not?
02:58:38 [AaronSw]
it infects modified versions, but not binaries...
02:58:53 [wmf]
because it doesn't expand to cover other source files
02:59:23 [AaronSw]
yeah, it's a LGPL-level of "infection"
02:59:42 [wmf]
i.e. none
03:00:14 [AaronSw]
well, it depends what oyu mean by viral. it's certainly rather copyleft
03:00:48 [wmf]
it's not copyleft, because you can add arbitrary additional copyright notices
03:02:34 [AaronSw]
Hm, yeah. I still think that people use licenses as shorthand for intentions
03:02:41 [AaronSw]
thus, i believe in haiku licenses
03:03:17 [AaronSw]
you can copy this / but make modified versions / free in source code form
03:04:09 [AaronSw]
if you touch this file / my lawyers will come kill you / so kindly refrain
03:04:51 [jeremiah]
* jeremiah is back (gone 07:14:28)
03:04:54 [jeremiah]
03:05:06 [AaronSw]
if you use this code / you and your children's children / must make your source free
03:05:19 [jeremiah]
what's wrong with that?
03:05:45 [jeremiah]
hmm well the last one was sorta evil
03:06:32 [jeremiah]
my hands are gloriously clean
03:06:36 [jeremiah]
I washed dishes for 4 hours today
03:08:01 [AaronSw]
03:08:06 [jeremiah]
oh yeah
03:10:24 [jeremiah]
should make some test code for this plesh stuff so I can start like 8 servers and have them play around
03:10:24 [jeremiah]
we have errors but I can't figure out what they are right now
03:11:03 [AaronSw]
I wonder if there's a way to disable Classic...
03:11:12 [jeremiah]
I thought there was
03:11:21 [jeremiah]
I haven't seen it start in forever
03:11:27 [jeremiah]
but maybe I just only use new apps
03:14:16 [wmf]
delete it?
03:14:28 [jeremiah]
that'd make entirely too much sense
03:17:13 [AaronSw]
too distructive for my taste
03:18:01 [BenSw]
BenSw ( has joined #swhack
03:19:33 [jeremiah]
who's steve?
03:19:37 [jeremiah]
on the plesh site
03:20:07 [AaronSw]
03:20:16 [jeremiah]
my friends shared an elevator with Jim Kimsey this weekend
03:20:18 [jeremiah]
I was sorta jealous
03:20:42 [wmf]
03:21:17 [jeremiah]
now I thought steve case was the ceo of aol
03:21:21 [jeremiah]
but apparently it's kimsey
03:25:28 [jeremiah]
[off] so apparently my new boss is one of the kennedys, or so it seems being that he's 1) a polotician 2) named kennedy 3) from mass
03:40:31 [jeremiah]
AaronSw: when I have one node with id 1 and one with id 20 they seem to look for nodes with ids at 2, 3, 5, 9 and 17, why is that?
03:40:58 [AaronSw]
that's how the chord algorithm works
03:41:02 [jeremiah]
03:41:12 [jeremiah]
where in the finger class would that code be? do you remember?
03:41:14 [AaronSw]
it's just for initialization
03:41:33 [jeremiah]
because it seems that the notifying isn't working properly
03:41:38 [jeremiah]
so i'm trying to debug it
03:41:43 [AaronSw]
which notifying?
03:41:46 [jeremiah]
when I add a third node we get endless loops
03:41:52 [AaronSw]
ah, yes
03:42:04 [jeremiah]
node 1 tells node 2 it's there and everything is fine
03:42:29 [jeremiah]
node 3 joins to node 2 and then asks node 1 for node 3's sucessor and node 1 doesn't seem to know about node 2
03:42:33 [AaronSw]
-> #semplesh, pls
03:51:42 [thelsdj]
thelsdj has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
04:00:11 [eikeon]
eikeon ( has joined #swhack
04:05:12 [wmf]
wmf has quit (
04:05:12 [BenSw]
BenSw has quit (
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tansaku_xe has quit (
04:05:12 [datum]
datum has quit (
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gac has quit (
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sbp has quit (
04:05:12 [Ash]
Ash has quit (
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pixel has quit (
04:05:12 [uberfunk]
uberfunk has quit (
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AaronSw has quit (
04:05:12 [loggy]
loggy has quit (
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chumpy has quit (
04:05:12 [Ash-w]
Ash-w has quit (
04:05:39 [wmf]
wmf ( has joined #swhack
04:06:05 [BenSw]
BenSw ( has joined #swhack
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tansaku_xe ( has joined #swhack
04:06:05 [datum]
datum (~datum@ has joined #swhack
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gac (~chatzilla@ has joined #swhack
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sbp (~sean@ has joined #swhack
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Ash (~amathews@ has joined #swhack
04:06:05 [pixel]
pixel ( has joined #swhack
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uberfunk ( has joined #swhack
04:06:05 [AaronSw]
AaronSw (~aaronsw@ has joined #swhack
04:06:05 [Ash-w]
Ash-w (~aaron@ has joined #swhack
04:06:05 [chumpy]
chumpy ( has joined #swhack
04:06:05 [loggy]
loggy (~swhack-lo@ has joined #swhack
04:07:35 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Hi all. Two main rotations in the same area of the country just stuttered. We're watching it.
04:08:47 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Sorry all, that was unclear. Two OPN main rotation servers in the same geographical area just pinged out and returned. We're looking at it.
04:23:49 [BenSw|Bandersnat]
BenSw|Bandersnat ( has joined #swhack
04:29:22 [wmf]
wmf has quit ("BitchX: shaken, not stirred")
04:29:28 [BenSw|Bandersnat]
04:29:29 [tansaku_xe]
tansaku_xe has quit (" or nothing at all")
04:29:53 [BenSw]
BenSw has quit ("blah blah blah")
04:30:05 [BenSw|Bandersnat]
BenSw|Bandersnat is now known as BenSw
04:46:54 [eikeon_]
eikeon_ ( has joined #swhack
04:46:54 [eikeon]
eikeon has quit (Connection reset by peer)
05:00:44 [eikeon_]
eikeon_ has quit ("Client Exiting")
05:04:13 [loggy]
loggy has quit (
05:04:13 [chumpy]
chumpy has quit (
05:04:13 [gac]
gac has quit (
05:04:13 [Ash-w]
Ash-w has quit (
05:04:14 [Ash]
Ash has quit (
05:04:14 [pixel]
pixel has quit (
05:04:14 [sbp]
sbp has quit (
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uberfunk has quit (
05:04:14 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
05:04:14 [datum]
datum has quit (
05:05:10 [datum]
datum (~datum@ has joined #swhack
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gac (~chatzilla@ has joined #swhack
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sbp (~sean@ has joined #swhack
05:05:10 [Ash]
Ash (~amathews@ has joined #swhack
05:05:10 [pixel]
pixel ( has joined #swhack
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uberfunk ( has joined #swhack
05:05:10 [AaronSw]
AaronSw (~aaronsw@ has joined #swhack
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Ash-w (~aaron@ has joined #swhack
05:05:10 [chumpy]
chumpy ( has joined #swhack
05:05:10 [loggy]
loggy (~swhack-lo@ has joined #swhack
05:08:13 [BenSw]
BenSw has quit (Remote closed the connection)
05:31:28 [loggy]
loggy has quit (
05:31:28 [chumpy]
chumpy has quit (
05:31:28 [gac]
gac has quit (
05:31:28 [Ash-w]
Ash-w has quit (
05:31:28 [Ash]
Ash has quit (
05:31:28 [pixel]
pixel has quit (
05:31:28 [sbp]
sbp has quit (
05:31:28 [uberfunk]
uberfunk has quit (
05:31:28 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
05:31:28 [datum]
datum has quit (
05:32:17 [datum]
datum (~datum@ has joined #swhack
05:32:17 [gac]
gac (~chatzilla@ has joined #swhack
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sbp (~sean@ has joined #swhack
05:32:17 [Ash]
Ash (~amathews@ has joined #swhack
05:32:17 [pixel]
pixel ( has joined #swhack
05:32:17 [uberfunk]
uberfunk ( has joined #swhack
05:32:17 [AaronSw]
AaronSw (~aaronsw@ has joined #swhack
05:32:17 [Ash-w]
Ash-w (~aaron@ has joined #swhack
05:32:17 [chumpy]
chumpy ( has joined #swhack
05:32:17 [loggy]
loggy (~swhack-lo@ has joined #swhack
05:38:49 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Hi all. We're going to try moving a server or two. High impact. Please bear with us.
05:42:56 [loggy]
loggy has quit (
05:42:56 [chumpy]
chumpy has quit (
05:42:56 [gac]
gac has quit (
05:42:56 [Ash-w]
Ash-w has quit (
05:42:56 [Ash]
Ash has quit (
05:42:56 [pixel]
pixel has quit (
05:42:56 [sbp]
sbp has quit (
05:42:56 [uberfunk]
uberfunk has quit (
05:42:56 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
05:42:56 [datum]
datum has quit (
05:43:40 [datum]
datum (~datum@ has joined #swhack
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gac (~chatzilla@ has joined #swhack
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sbp (~sean@ has joined #swhack
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Ash (~amathews@ has joined #swhack
05:43:40 [pixel]
pixel ( has joined #swhack
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uberfunk ( has joined #swhack
05:43:40 [AaronSw]
AaronSw (~aaronsw@ has joined #swhack
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Ash-w (~aaron@ has joined #swhack
05:43:40 [chumpy]
chumpy ( has joined #swhack
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loggy (~swhack-lo@ has joined #swhack
05:45:20 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Hi all. We've rehubbed both of the problem servers but aren't sure the new hubbing will be more stable. We'll have to see how it goes.
05:51:53 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw -> sleep
06:44:58 [tansaku_xe]
tansaku_xe ( has joined #swhack
07:10:28 [tansaku_xe]
tansaku_xe has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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tansaku_xe ( has joined #swhack
08:13:50 [thelsdj]
thelsdj ( has joined #swhack
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tansaku_xl ( has joined #swhack
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kensaku ( has joined #swhack
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tansaku_xe has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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tansaku_xl has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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tansaku_xs ( has joined #swhack
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tansaku_xs has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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tansaku_xs ( has joined #swhack
10:58:45 [kensaku]
kensaku has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
11:03:09 [gac]
gac has quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.8 [Mozilla rv:1.1a/20020611]")
11:09:43 [pixel]
morning all.
11:52:14 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
12:21:05 [uberfunk]
uberfunk has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
12:44:02 [BenSw]
BenSw ( has joined #swhack
13:10:31 [tansaku_xz]
tansaku_xz ( has joined #swhack
13:27:00 [tansaku_xs]
tansaku_xs has quit (Connection timed out)
13:32:28 [Seth]
* Seth waves to sean
13:47:21 [AaronSw]
lol: 'Another gripe: Spirit, Southwest Airlines' in-flight magazine, had a piece this month complaining about how most Americans can't identify the Constitution's guarantee of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Maybe that's because it was the Declaration of Independence.'
13:47:21 [BenSw]
BenSw has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
14:03:15 [Merdal]
Merdal (~fdsf@ has joined #swhack
14:05:43 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Hi all. We're in the middle of fundraising. You'll probably see a couple of global notices per day. Current status: we need about $11,877 more to reach our goal. .... there's more detail on WALLOPS if you want to see things happening, just +w your client. Thanks.
14:07:42 [walloper]
walloper (~nobody@ has joined #swhack
14:17:00 [AaronSw]
"I don't understand why Yosh and Uzi and other people I know are so comfortable down in Southern California. But Public Opinion here in San Francisco is pretty soundly against Southern California as a concept. "
14:17:18 [Merdal]
i can tell
14:17:21 [Merdal]
14:26:48 [Merdal]
Merdal has quit ()
14:29:26 [AaronSw]
Lessig, on why he got interested in technology: "the conferences had better coffee."
14:29:37 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has changed the topic to: Lessig, on why he went into technology: "the conferences had better coffee."
15:16:30 [walloper]
<lilo> Hi all. Clarification, and I'll add it to the site page later. The purpose of this fundraising is to keep me going while I work on finishing up the nonprofit setup (501c3) and begin to raise funds. The contributions are going directly to me, not to the nonprofit, which is not ready to accept them. Thanks.
15:20:31 [Ash-w]
fucking psycho
15:24:56 [walloper]
<lilo> Thanks to another contributor and to everybody so far! Current status: we need about $11,858 to reach the goal of $12,000.
15:48:52 [DDiego]
DDiego ( has joined #swhack
15:48:53 [walloper]
<lilo> This is a WALLOPS message for the Open Projects Network. These messages contain non-critical comments and announcements and detailed server admin information. To turn them off, turn off user mode 'w'. On most clients: '/mode <yournick> -w'. Thanks.
15:49:49 [walloper]
<lilo> For the time being, expect to see detailed messages about the state of fundraising here, and you may not want to have wallops on if it's a problem. Thanks.
16:00:14 [datum]
datum has quit (Remote closed the connection)
16:00:23 [datum]
datum (~datum@ has joined #swhack
16:02:48 [DDiego]
DDiego has left #swhack
16:08:13 [Seth]
* Seth waves urgently to sean
16:55:29 [eikeon]
eikeon ( has joined #swhack
16:56:32 [eikeon]
eikeon has quit (Remote closed the connection)
17:00:44 [eikborg]
eikborg ( has joined #swhack
17:04:19 [AaronSw]
sbp, your timeNow is broken
17:05:43 [eikborg]
17:05:51 [eikborg]
eikborg has quit ("bye bye!")
17:06:34 [eikborg]
eikborg ( has joined #swhack
17:07:33 [eikborg]
eikborg is now known as grrrrrrrr
17:07:42 [talilee]
talilee ( has joined #swhack
17:07:45 [Morbus]
17:07:49 [grrrrrrrr]
grrrrrrrr is now known as eikborg
17:08:21 [Morbus]
17:08:29 [eikborg]
Yes :)
17:12:59 [talilee]
talilee has left #swhack
17:22:14 [Morbus]
hey, AaronSw, here's one for the quote db ;)
17:22:15 [Morbus]
17:22:15 [Morbus]
[14:21] <@Morbus> tell me something exciting.
17:22:15 [Morbus]
[14:21] <pixel> the cow jumped over the moon.
17:22:15 [Morbus]
[14:22] <@Morbus> and shat on the earth.
17:22:15 [Morbus]
[14:22] <@Morbus> and that's why I look like this.
17:22:16 [Morbus]
[14:23] <@Morbus> fucking cow.
17:22:18 [Morbus]
17:30:19 [eikborg]
eikborg has quit ("bye bye!")
17:30:30 [eikborg]
eikborg ( has joined #swhack
17:30:38 [Morbus]
17:30:56 [pixel]
17:50:11 [justme]
justme ( has joined #swhack
17:58:37 [GabeW]
GabeW ( has joined #swhack
18:11:21 [sbp]
* sbp waves
18:11:24 [sbp]
what's that about timeNow?
18:15:17 [AaronSw]
.time cst
18:15:17 [datum]
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 13:15:47 CST
18:15:22 [AaronSw]
it's 2:15 here
18:15:30 [AaronSw]
it doesn't seem to account for daylight
18:15:33 [AaronSw]
savings time
18:15:42 [sbp]
ah, no. it doesn't. didn't expect it to
18:15:50 [AaronSw]
.time cdt
18:15:50 [datum]
Sorry, I don't know about time zone CDT.
18:16:05 [AaronSw]
.time you don't support dst, loser
18:16:16 [sbp]
note that America moves over to DST at a different time to Britain, AFAIK
18:16:23 [AaronSw]
yes, it does
18:16:27 [sbp]
and I'm not sure when those times are, so I didn't bother to implement them
18:16:43 [AaronSw]
i think python knows... you had a link earlier
18:16:59 [sbp]
there's a cool mx package for times and stuff
18:17:00 [AaronSw]
18:17:06 [AaronSw]
yeah, was looking at it
18:17:09 [sbp]
I was going to use that, but it'd have been a hassle
18:17:13 [AaronSw]
it says that the C doesn't have any timezone stuff in it
18:17:16 [AaronSw]
hassle: why?
18:17:37 [sbp]
I'd have to have downloaded it, read the documentation... so much effort
18:17:43 [AaronSw]
18:18:48 [sbp]
anyway, dinner time
18:18:49 [sbp]
Gotta run
18:20:41 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Hi all. I'm currently asking for help from the users. The information is on . Please take a look. Thanks.
18:20:56 [AaronSw]
he was sure on long
18:32:43 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit ("")
18:35:55 [datum]
datum has quit (Remote closed the connection)
18:38:38 [datum]
datum (~datum@ has joined #swhack
18:41:15 [AaronSw]
.time edt
18:41:15 [datum]
Sorry, I don't know about time zone EDT.
18:41:19 [AaronSw]
.time cdt
18:41:19 [datum]
Sorry, I don't know about time zone CDT.
18:41:47 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw takes advantage of mxDateTime's table:
18:41:47 [AaronSw]
{'KST': 9, 'CADT': 10.5, 'EETDST': 3, 'MESZ': 2, 'WADT': 9, 'EET': 2, 'MST': -7, 'WAST': 8, 'IST': 5.5, 'B': 2, 'MSK': 3, 'X': -11, 'MSD': 4, 'CETDST': 2, 'AST': -4, 'HKT': 8, 'JST': 9, 'CAST': 9.5, 'CET': 1, 'CEST': 2, 'EEST': 3, 'EAST': 10, 'METDST': 2, 'MDT': -6, 'A': 1, 'UTC': 0, 'ADT': -3, 'EST': -5, 'E': 5, 'D': 4, 'G': 7, 'F': 6, 'I': 9, 'H': 8, 'K': 10, 'PDT': -7, 'M': 12, 'L': 11, 'O': -2, 'MEST': 2, 'Q': -4, 'P': -3, 'S': -6, 'R': -5, 'U': -8, 'T':
18:41:47 [AaronSw]
ADT': 11, 'Z': 0, 'GMT': 0, 'WETDST': 1, 'C': 3, 'WEST': 1, 'CDT': -5, 'MET': 1, 'N': -1, 'V': -9, 'EDT': -4, 'UT': 0, 'PST': -8, 'MEZ': 1}
18:50:55 [walloper]
<lilo> Current status is about $11,845 from the goal of raising $12,000. Thanks to our evening contributors and to everyone who has helped.
18:52:09 [sbp]
wow, wallops is quite a source of income
18:52:35 [walloper]
<lilo> This is a WALLOPS message for the Open Projects Network. These messages contain non-critical comments and announcements and detailed server admin information. To turn them off, turn off user mode 'w'. On most clients: '/mode <yournick> -w'. Thanks.
18:54:01 [datum]
datum has quit (Remote closed the connection)
18:54:23 [datum]
datum (~datum@ has joined #swhack
18:54:30 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw wonders why datum isn't seeing wallops
18:54:42 [AaronSw]
.time cdt
18:54:42 [datum]
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 14:55:13 CDT
18:59:13 [BenSw]
BenSw ( has joined #swhack
18:59:13 [BenSw]
BenSw has quit ("Client Exiting")
19:01:43 [pixel]
pixel has quit ("Leaving, Swiging My Piece of Ass.")
19:02:42 [sbp]
what is it with pixel and his ass swiging?
19:02:53 [sbp]
.google "Swiging My Piece of Ass"
19:02:54 [datum]
"Swiging My Piece of Ass": sorry, no results were found.
19:04:40 [sbp]
Gotta run
19:05:00 [GabeW]
GabeW has quit ("Client Exiting")
19:33:34 [Ash-w]
Ash-w has changed the topic to: LIELO, PANHANDLER OF THE NEW MILLENIUM
19:33:34 [eikborg]
* eikborg noted new topic
19:34:09 [AaronSw]
19:34:18 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has changed the topic to: * eikborg noted new topic: "* eikborg noted new topic"
19:34:18 [eikborg]
* eikborg noted new topic
19:37:03 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
19:38:27 [Morbus]
daves home.
19:39:59 [AaronSw]
19:40:33 [AaronSw]
[off] i sure hope he didn't try and shoot himself too
19:40:43 [Morbus]
[off] heh!
19:40:59 [AaronSw]
[off] it's not funny
19:41:19 [Morbus]
[off] the thought of dave shooting himself is funny, because he never would. he's far stronger alive.
19:41:28 [Morbus]
[off] it's an irony I find chuckable.
19:41:34 [Morbus]
[off] er, a contrast.
19:41:39 [Morbus]
[off] you know.
19:43:35 [Morbus]
heh: "Can semen cure the blues? A researcher says male ejaculate may act as an antidepressant -- but other scientists aren't swallowing his theory."
19:44:16 [Morbus]
19:45:32 [BenSw]
BenSw ( has joined #swhack
19:46:27 [BenSw]
19:48:21 [Morbus]
AaronSw, any thoughts on XFML?
19:49:26 [AaronSw]
hm, hadn't seen it
19:49:34 [jeremiah]
[off] so I'm really f-ing curious what happened to dave
19:49:40 [Morbus]
19:49:51 [Morbus]
[off] I as well. did you see the winerlog thing about the "condition" spin?
19:50:17 [justme_]
justme_ ( has joined #swhack
19:54:48 [Morbus]
19:55:28 [Morbus]
And he added: "But there's no need to worry, as although they can escape they are perfectly harmless and won't be taking over just yet."
19:55:35 [Morbus]
19:56:11 [AaronSw]
19:56:22 [Morbus]
19:56:32 [Morbus]
that's kinda cool, though.
19:56:40 [jeremiah]
[off] now why would jrobb update his site to add 'but hoarse'
19:56:50 [Morbus]
[off] yeah, exactly.
19:57:00 [Morbus]
[off] its like "ok, ease their fears, but make sure it's not TOO good of an ease".
19:57:19 [Morbus]
AaronSw: ever done stuff with voice xml and phone systems?
19:57:30 [Morbus]
i've been thinking of an amphetadesk gateway.
19:57:36 [jeremiah]
[off] so... I think it was a heart attack
19:57:42 [Morbus]
people call in, pick a site, get the news.
19:57:44 [AaronSw]
yeah, actually...
19:57:48 [jeremiah]
[off] if I wasn't a nice soul I'd start a pool to guess what it was
19:57:54 [Morbus]
[off] heh, heh.
19:58:19 [Morbus]
AaronSw: I was actually contacted a year ago to hook AmphetaDesk up that way to some company.
19:58:23 [Morbus]
but they never followed through.
19:58:28 [Morbus]
now, i'm thinking its a decent idea.
19:58:28 [AaronSw]
19:58:46 [AaronSw]
i've done some stuff with tellme studio
19:58:48 [Morbus]
wasn't there some blogger a while back that did something like that?
19:58:57 [AaronSw]
yep, kottke/osil8
19:59:05 [Morbus]
yeah, exaclty
19:59:16 [AaronSw]
voicexml is pretty easy -- just another xml format
19:59:21 [Morbus]
19:59:37 [Morbus]
it'd be very very easy to create a template in ampheta to spit out the parsed rss in any format.
19:59:49 [sbp]
heh, heh @ "but other scientists aren't swallowing his theory"
19:59:51 [Morbus]
i've actually been designing a "check these items, create an rss 1.0 feed" sorta thing.
19:59:57 [Morbus]
and it's really really really simple.
20:00:15 [Morbus]
if I exported a voicexml, how would that hook into tellme? i know nothing about it.
20:00:36 [AaronSw]
You give tellme a URL to a voicexml file on your server
20:00:43 [jeremiah]
sbp: you gotta wonder why with the amount of men in science and the computer buisness they ever use the term swallow
20:00:47 [AaronSw]
when you call tellme it GETs the URL and follows the instructions
20:00:52 [Morbus]
20:00:57 [Morbus]
so, that'd be really really simple to do.
20:00:57 [AaronSw]
then it follows links based on waht the users says/dials
20:01:04 [AaronSw]
20:01:20 [Morbus]
is it a freebie sorta thing? like, if i exported 100 voicexml files, how easy would it be for the user to pick one?
20:01:34 [sbp]
heh, that escaping robot this is hillarious
20:01:39 [sbp]
20:01:40 [Morbus]
isn't it? <G>
20:01:47 [AaronSw]
i think it's free still. you basically get a 5-digit number the user dials
20:01:51 [sbp]
20:01:55 [AaronSw]
an extension
20:01:58 [Morbus]
"NooOOOO! I smart robot! i survive! gaak five is alive!"
20:01:59 [Morbus]
20:02:04 [sbp]
20:02:24 [Morbus]
AaronSw: we should hook something up as an experiment. that'd be super neat.
20:04:25 [sbp]
get on the phone to AmphetaDesk now: just call hot-sexy-AmphetaDesk chat on 1-900-RSSCUM
20:04:28 [AaronSw]
Morbus, yeah... "get gamegrene from your phone!"
20:04:30 [AaronSw]
"ewwwww! i've got gamgrene on my mouth"
20:05:08 [sbp]
where RSSCUM is short for "RSS-cue me", i.e. from not having any news feeds. ahem
20:05:21 [Morbus]
heh, heh.
20:05:32 [Morbus]
AaronSw: think of it! "the latest google news, through the phone!"
20:05:36 [Morbus]
i mean, what greater way to demo the idea.
20:05:43 [Morbus]
everyone loves google, and you're flipping site.
20:05:48 [sbp]
um... Google already have that service, don't they?
20:05:49 [AaronSw]
20:05:52 [sbp]
through Google labs?
20:06:07 [Morbus]
yeah, but this is bootstrap. bootstrap is way cooler than inbred.
20:06:08 [Morbus]
20:06:12 [sbp]
ah. sorry
20:06:22 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit (
20:06:22 [walloper]
walloper has quit (
20:06:23 [walloper]
walloper (~nobody@ has joined #swhack
20:06:35 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
20:06:59 [justme]
justme has quit (No route to host)
20:07:35 [Morbus]
* Morbus grumbles
20:08:59 [AaronSw]
Morbus, /server
20:09:13 [Morbus]
20:09:18 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit (Remote closed the connection)
20:09:32 [AaronSw]
um, he was supposed to come back...
20:09:41 [sbp]
heh, heh
20:09:52 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
20:10:03 [Morbus]
20:10:50 [Morbus]
heh, heh: 21:10:02 <AaronSw> um, he was supposed to come back...
20:10:58 [Morbus]
i couldn't find my flippign console window ;)
20:13:16 [Morbus]
AaronSw, you got linked on
20:13:19 [Morbus]
20:13:30 [AaronSw]
20:23:45 [justme_]
justme_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
20:31:05 [Morbus]
20:34:43 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw -> bike
20:37:03 [walloper]
<lilo> Hi all. One of our main rotation servers,, was just taken out of the lineup with a bit less notice than we normally expect, due to some mixups. It was not full, fortunately, as it was functioning in a backup capacity. But thanks to scoop of for having provided it, we appreciate it a lot.
20:38:33 [Morbus]
don't forget to send money.
20:41:52 [Morbus]
20:41:53 [Morbus]
20:41:56 [Morbus]
top picture.
20:41:59 [Morbus]
man, that tickles me.
20:42:04 [Morbus]
$100 (no kidding!) <G>
20:42:15 [Morbus]
oh man. heh.
20:42:43 [sbp]
Morbus is about to blow a funny fuse
20:42:58 [Morbus]
you don't think that's comical? sheesh.
20:43:15 [Morbus]
i mean, they could flipping ebay for 20 of those monkies for cheaper <g>
20:43:55 [sbp]
I'm saying that it's so funny that you're about to do a cartman
20:44:07 [Morbus]
screw you, sbp. i'm going home.
20:44:11 [Morbus]
(in 15 minutes)
20:44:14 [sbp]
heh, heh
20:44:28 [sbp]
Stan: but, Cartman!
20:44:37 [sbp]
Cartman: er: screw you guys. home
20:53:28 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
20:53:55 [walloper]
<lilo> Hi all. Current status is about $11,765 from the goal of raising $12,000. Representing a bit under $100 worth of contribution so far from night users. We also have about $110 total outstanding in uncleared contributions and pledges. Thanks, everybody.
21:00:05 [sbp]
.google Python CMS
21:00:06 [datum]
Python CMS:
21:00:27 [sbp]
what's somewhat neat
21:01:09 [sbp]
Dear dairy: give me some milk
21:29:51 [Seth]
well i got a sailor agent to read N3 .... now off to the salt mines
21:29:52 [eikborg]
eikborg has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
21:41:45 [walloper]
<lilo> Current status is about $11,751 from the goal of raising $12,000. Still at $110 in uncleared contribs and pledges. Thanks everyone!
22:02:45 [sbp]
hang on... they were at 11845, then 11765, and now 11751...
22:02:49 [sbp]
where's all the money going?
22:02:56 [jeremiah]
what's walloper raising money for?
22:02:58 [jeremiah]
to support the irc network?
22:03:02 [sbp]
22:03:09 [sbp]
visit !
22:03:16 [jeremiah]
if i had more than 3 bucks in my paypal account...
22:03:18 [sbp]
gah. didn't you see the messages? :-)
22:03:20 [sbp]
heh, heh
22:05:16 [jeremiah]
yeah I just sorta tune most of irc out
22:05:27 [jeremiah]
whoop, time to go on a date, the later I'm back the better the date went... heh
22:05:35 [sbp]
heh, heh
22:05:38 [sbp]
have fun
22:05:58 [jeremiah]
22:06:05 [jeremiah]
22:06:08 [jeremiah]
* jeremiah is out
22:07:08 [AaronSw]
22:07:18 [sbp]
22:07:58 [AaronSw]
hm. it isn't sending wallops because it isn't seeing them
22:08:15 [sbp]
you're folding walloper into datum?
22:08:52 [sbp]
/mode datum +w
22:08:56 [AaronSw]
22:09:15 [AaronSw]
i know, but it was supposed to do it automatically
22:09:18 [AaronSw]
time to read the rfc
22:09:46 [sbp]
I think that we should have one all-purpose bot
22:09:53 [sbp]
fold loggy and chumpy into it too
22:09:59 [AaronSw]
yeah, i plan too
22:10:03 [sbp]
22:10:16 [sbp]
* sbp was kidding, but O.K.
22:10:22 [AaronSw]
22:10:46 [AaronSw]
it'll probably never happen, but i can plan
22:10:50 [sbp]
22:11:02 [AaronSw]
a multi-channel py logger would be nice tho, that might happen
22:11:04 [sbp]
planning is nearly as good as doing when it comes to IRC bots
22:11:17 [sbp]
22:11:36 [sbp]
the thing is, logster can't be all that complicated, surely?
22:13:56 [AaronSw]
yeah, i'm not sure why it's so long
22:13:57 [AaronSw]
must be perl
22:15:14 [sbp]
heh, heh
22:24:56 [AaronSw]
should i have the wallops msged just to me instead of the channel?
22:25:49 [Ash-w]
AaronSw: Nah, they're funnier this way.
22:26:08 [AaronSw]
ok, that's another vote in favor of privmsgs...
22:26:16 [AaronSw]
to me
22:26:18 [sbp]
22:26:26 [Ash-w]
22:26:27 [AaronSw]
.wn bwuckle
22:26:28 [datum]
Sorry, I couldn't find bwuckle in WordNet.
22:26:34 [Ash-w]
22:26:35 [datum]
LILO SUCKS ASS is defined as:-
22:26:36 [datum]
1. (trademark) a type of inflatable air mattress
22:26:38 [sbp]
22:26:42 [sbp]
22:26:43 [AaronSw]
22:27:07 [AaronSw]
honest, i don't write this stuff, i just parse it
22:27:25 [sbp]
summer's coming: get your "lilo sucks ass" before the hosepipe bans kick in!
22:27:46 [Ash-w]
22:27:46 [Ash-w]
22:28:05 [Ash-w]
Ash-w has changed the topic to: <datum> LILO SUCKS ASS is defined as: 1. (trademark) a type of inflatable air mattress
22:28:06 [AaronSw]
weird. i don't see it on the website...
22:28:41 [AaronSw]
22:31:09 [datum]
datum has quit (Remote closed the connection)
22:36:05 [datum]
datum (~datum@ has joined #swhack
22:36:08 [AaronSw]
.wn lilo is cool
22:36:11 [datum]
Sorry, I couldn't find lilo is cool in WordNet.
22:36:29 [sbp]
.wn fanboy
22:36:31 [datum]
Sorry, I couldn't find fanboy in WordNet.
22:36:46 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has changed the topic to: <datum> LILO is defined as: 1. (trademark) a type of inflatable air mattress
22:37:53 [sbp]
ironically, by removing "SUCKS ASS" from the topic, the topic now SUCKS ASS
22:39:30 [AaronSw]
well, i had to keep it up-to-date with the codebase
22:39:44 [sbp]
yeah. right. blame the codebase
22:39:45 [sbp]
22:40:02 [Ash-w]
22:40:02 [AaronSw]
bad docs are worse than no docs and all that
22:40:26 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has changed the topic to: <datum> ASH-W IS DEFYNED AS "lame"!!!*!&*!^&!&*!*(!
22:40:37 [sbp]
heh, that's more like it
22:43:21 [sbp]
argh. it's impossible to get on the 25 quotes page anymore. the quotes just don't change since everybody goes to the top page and votes for them
22:43:36 [sbp]
they should hide the link for a while or make it harder to find
22:44:24 [AaronSw]
or just remove the + voting link
22:45:16 [sbp]
heh, heh:
22:45:24 [sbp]
"Quote not found"
22:45:35 [AaronSw]
what was that?
22:46:00 [sbp]
that was the "hey, let's make a quote to put in the quotes database, and then get voted down to -25!" quote
22:46:09 [AaronSw]
22:46:13 [AaronSw]
few too many SUX
22:46:17 [sbp]
22:47:51 [AaronSw]
heh, 461
22:48:22 [sbp]
22:49:59 [AaronSw]
22:51:04 [sbp]
heh: 6706
22:51:35 [AaronSw]
this is like the joke about the information theorists
22:52:12 [sbp]
heh, oh man:
22:52:32 [AaronSw]
so many repeated jokes
22:56:28 [AaronSw]
yeah, this is just like the information theorist joke
22:57:20 [AaronSw]
23:00:43 [AaronSw]
23:02:52 [sbp]
heh, heh:
23:03:05 [sbp]
we should stop doing this, really
23:04:12 [AaronSw]
23:08:15 [AaronSw]
23:08:15 [AaronSw]
<rik> and the problem with them is...?
23:08:15 [AaronSw]
<Ash-w> They were sucky overall.
23:08:15 [AaronSw]
<rik> they seem to be okay at the moment
23:08:15 [AaronSw]
<Ash-w> Eh, they're fine overall.
23:08:16 [AaronSw]
<Ash-w> Just have some annoying things.
23:08:18 [AaronSw]
23:08:36 [AaronSw]
23:08:37 [AaronSw]
<Ash-w> Honestly, they're not bad machines. I wouldn't mind having a few again.
23:09:49 [AaronSw]
- indecisive infoanarchist ash
23:11:00 [sbp]
23:11:10 [sbp]
grep socks /dev/sockDrawer
23:14:40 [AaronSw]
ooh, i been blogged!
23:15:06 [AaronSw]
well, i thought it was funny
23:19:22 [sbp]
23:19:27 [sbp]
that's rather brilliant
23:19:47 [sbp]
time to catch up on the ol' AaronSwWeblog then, I guess
23:20:09 [AaronSw]
thanks. i came up with it in swhack last night
23:20:35 [sbp]
oh. must have been whilst wmf was here
23:24:33 [sbp]
heh, heh; Kahle: "There are only 5 billion people in the world and they can only be typing 60 words a minute, 24 hours a day. So, that bounds it," -
23:24:44 [sbp]
he didn't reckon with the awesome power of "while 1"
23:26:01 [AaronSw]
23:31:45 [Ash-w]
23:31:59 [Ash-w]
AaronSw: My first instinct is to say "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
23:32:10 [Ash-w]
Because we did have a bunch of problems with them.
23:32:14 [AaronSw]
23:32:18 [Ash-w]
But then I remembered that they weren't consumer boxes.
23:32:24 [Ash-w]
They were internal intel testing machines.
23:32:27 [AaronSw]
23:33:01 [Ash-w]
The ISP1100s we got that were the production machines functioned perfectly.
23:34:32 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw wonders wh these technetcast mp3s won't play
23:37:08 [sbp]
lol! "<Twister> vim is great, but I honestly need an editor that can delete lines." -
23:37:27 [Ash-w]
23:37:53 [Ash-w]
23:38:16 [Ash-w]
23:38:36 [Ash-w]
23:39:17 [sbp]
heh, 3065 is quite good
23:39:26 [AaronSw]
heh, is there some secret emaacs fan quotes page?
23:40:05 [sbp]
heh, I wonder just how many lines in swhack begin with "heh"?
23:40:15 [Ash-w] <- ROTFL
23:40:27 [sbp]
23:40:34 [Ash-w]
Ash-w has changed the topic to:
23:40:35 [AaronSw]<ash
23:41:15 [sbp]
Ash can't remember whether those are his quotes or not
23:41:51 [sbp]
ah, although #625 might explain that
23:41:56 [Ash-w]
Actually I think most of them are not me.
23:42:12 [AaronSw]
hm, MadHatter is on this network
23:42:20 [Ash-w]
Oh, really?
23:42:25 [AaronSw]
*** MadHatter is (Hatter)
23:42:28 [Ash-w]
I wonder what channels he's on.
23:42:39 [Ash-w]
If he's on OPN, that one could have been me.
23:42:46 [Ash-w]
I used to ban *lots* of people on #FreeBSD.
23:42:54 [AaronSw]
23:43:22 [Ash-w]
Hee hee.
23:43:30 [Ash-w]
Man, the old freebsd crew ruled.
23:43:31 [AaronSw]
*** zaney was kicked by Ash (I know you're not stupid! Don't think you can fool me!)
23:43:34 [AaronSw]
23:45:20 [Ash-w]
Alright, I'm outta here..
23:45:23 [Ash-w]
have a good evening folks.
23:45:26 [Ash-w]
* Ash-w zooms home
23:45:28 [Ash-w]
23:47:24 [sbp]
23:48:54 [AaronSw]
23:49:31 [sbp]
23:49:46 [sbp]
23:50:42 [Ash]
Ash has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
23:51:18 [sbp]
23:51:19 [AaronSw]
i better stop... the jokes are getting funny
23:52:19 [sbp]
just put your head between your legs
23:53:37 [sbp]
this is great stuff:
23:53:51 [sbp]
23:53:52 [sbp]
23:53:53 [sbp]
"Robbie's very symptomatic of a lot of people in this country. He's a fake, probably the biggest fake that's ever been - and yet he thinks he's Elvis.
23:53:53 [sbp]
"I had the displeasure of watching his film, Nobody Someday, when it was on telly recently, and I felt like vomiting after about five minutes.
23:53:53 [sbp]
"Apart from that, he's a nice guy."
23:53:54 [sbp]
23:54:14 [sbp]
the good thing about the BBC is that they know how to quote
23:54:35 [sbp]
no dumbassed closing quote-marks on multi-paragraph quotes for them
23:54:42 [AaronSw]
I got Salmon of Doubt last night.
23:54:48 [AaronSw]
DNA likes the Beatles and Bach.
23:55:07 [sbp]
23:55:09 [AaronSw]
"Some people ask me if Orasis is better than the Beatles. I say they're no better than the Ruttles."
23:55:42 [AaronSw]
He specifically likes the Brandenburg Concertos.
23:56:07 [AaronSw]
hm, EOW approaching
23:58:21 [AaronSw]
ah, boingboing finally found linksandlaw
23:58:27 [AaronSw]
i was wondering how long that'd take cory
23:58:58 [AaronSw]