IRC log of swhack on 2002-05-24

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:00:20 [GabeW]
GabeW ( has joined #swhack
00:02:38 [Morbus]
AaronSw, do you know of anyone who uses mod_content in their RSS? i want to try some more.
00:03:03 [AaronSw]
not really. i think stevej used to but he seems to have taken it down...
00:04:06 [AaronSw]
syndic8 needs a search xml feature
00:04:58 [Morbus]
yeah, that'd be nice.
00:05:02 [Morbus]
suggest it ;)
00:05:32 [AaronSw]
nah, i'm too lame
00:05:46 [eikeon]
* eikeon is back (gone 04:04:57)
00:06:03 [Morbus]
00:06:13 [Morbus]
that's what I said when you suggested req'd _tab ;)
00:09:14 [AaronSw]
brb, found a nearby wireless netw
00:09:56 [Morbus]
00:19:29 [Morbus]
anyone a developer/admin on SF?
00:20:59 [AaronSw]
what kind?
00:21:09 [AaronSw]
hm, well they're around and i can ping, but no dhcp and no getting out it seems
00:21:24 [Morbus]
nevermind. just found it, i thinkl
00:22:13 [AaronSw]
maybe i'll walk over there.
00:22:54 [AaronSw]
[cut to: aaron holding ibook in aaron, walking around randomly while checking signal strength]
00:24:01 [AaronSw]
s/in aaron/in air/
00:27:41 [AaronSw]
gotta run
00:29:22 [Morbus]
heh, heh.
00:32:06 [sbp]
Godd Morning, Good Morning, Good!
00:33:00 [Morbus]
00:33:04 [Morbus]
new amphetadesk developer:
00:42:35 [redmonk]
cool Morb
00:42:39 [redmonk]
good for you
00:42:47 [Morbus]
00:43:00 [Morbus]
ampheta can't parse the W3C feeds, since they preface "item" with the rss namespace.
00:51:54 [walloper]
<lilo> Hi all. Running a FreeBSD channel that does support? Please /msg me, I'm taking a poll. Thanks.
01:01:24 [Morbus]
ooh. aaron is on
01:02:07 [redmonk]
redmonk has quit (Remote closed the connection)
01:03:11 [thelsdj]
i feel honored that i've been on and i've only had a blog for like 11 days heh
01:06:53 [thelsdj]
of course being linked to by dave 15 minutes after i put my first post on my weblog was kinda scary
01:10:02 [jeremiah]
jeremiah ( has joined #swhack
01:10:05 [jeremiah]
01:21:20 [GabeW]
GabeW has quit ("Client Exiting")
01:24:39 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff ( has joined #swhack
01:25:21 [GabeW]
GabeW ( has joined #swhack
01:27:14 [GabeW]
GabeW has quit (Client Quit)
01:30:10 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit (No route to host)
01:35:20 [Ash]
lol @ lilo
01:36:14 [Ash]
who is thelsdj?
01:36:24 [sbp]
some guy
01:36:30 [MorbusIff]
some person who turntables at clubs.
01:36:37 [MorbusIff]
apparently he sells drugs too
01:36:40 [doid-lapt]
doid-lapt ( has joined #swhack
01:36:40 [Ash]
01:36:46 [Ash]
That's what I'm talkin' about
01:36:51 [sbp]
guys, keep it down
01:36:58 [sbp]
the feds could knock at any time
01:37:20 [doid-lapt]
too busy insider trading
01:37:35 [sbp]
01:38:17 [doid-lapt]
hehe, did you see that story?
01:38:36 [doid-lapt]
01:38:41 [Ash]
01:38:41 [doid-lapt]
boring, though
01:38:45 [Ash]
oh man, that slays me
01:38:45 [walloper]
<lilo> Hi all. If you do web stuff, can you take a look at and suggest some simple way to center each of the images in that row of icons? Should be XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliant and generally clean viewing for most browsers. Thanks!
01:38:46 [Ash]
01:39:10 [MorbusIff]
oh my god.
01:39:12 [MorbusIff]
that's fucking hilarious.
01:39:21 [MorbusIff]
01:39:40 [MorbusIff]
OpenProjects: We don't know HTML, but trust us with your important conversations.
01:42:26 [doid-lapt]
heh. Morbus, how's Ampheta going? (Radio is broken)
01:42:41 [MorbusIff]
doid-lapt: do I know you? goddamit, I suck at rememberign shit.
01:42:41 [MorbusIff]
the alpha is going super well.
01:42:51 [MorbusIff]
the only thing left besides new features is docuemntation.
01:42:58 [MorbusIff]
thats my final "bug" - outdated documentation.
01:43:07 [MorbusIff]
should be two weeks to release, but you can alpha if you want.
01:43:15 [doid-lapt]
cool. then again, I'd need publishing anyway - may reinstall
01:43:28 [MorbusIff]
publishing to radio or something else?
01:43:28 [doid-lapt]
But, yes, I'd like to try it!
01:43:35 [MorbusIff]
mmkay. what's your email?
01:43:43 [doid-lapt]
Dunno, was thinking about trying something else
01:43:43 [MorbusIff]
and who are you again? sorry. i suck.
01:43:52 [doid-lapt]
doid at doid dot com
01:44:14 [doid-lapt]
Charles Goodier, weblogger, aspiring middle-aged hacker
01:44:23 [MorbusIff]
doid-lapt: you gonna be on Windows?
01:44:35 [doid-lapt]
yes, mainly
01:44:38 [sbp]
er... we don't allow anyone over 25 on here
01:45:00 [doid-lapt]
25 is middle aged no?
01:45:17 [sbp]
er, no, it's not
01:45:38 [doid-lapt]
just felt it when I was 25 then
01:45:41 [thelsdj]
MorbusIff: almost, turntabling using unix commands and selling drugs
01:45:52 [thelsdj]
its printed 'The LS DJ'
01:45:54 [MorbusIff]
01:45:59 [MorbusIff]
doid-lapt: first off, read this:
01:46:01 [sbp]
ah, feeling 25 is as good as being it for the purposes of swhack
01:46:12 [MorbusIff]
you'll notice it when you do the alpha-update you'll soon learn about.
01:46:18 [sbp]
that might not be quite true. close enough, perhaps
01:46:28 [MorbusIff]
there's a simple fix for it (it's not crucial by any means), but the fix hasn't been archived yet.
01:46:44 [doid-lapt]
small fonts fine by me
01:46:52 [MorbusIff]
well, unreadable fonts, really.
01:47:01 [MorbusIff]
it's caused by a bug in the Win32 GUI libraries.
01:47:08 [MorbusIff]
just sent you an email.
01:47:20 [walloper]
<lilo> Hi all. Thanks to the many folks who contributed, and x-virge who won the prize.... <img align=middle> did the trick :)
01:47:22 [MorbusIff]
contains two urls. the first contains the initial install, the second contains a small update.
01:47:27 [MorbusIff]
make sure you run both to have the latest code.
01:47:38 [MorbusIff]
align=middle. we HTML mastah!
01:48:17 [thelsdj]
align is outdated! there must be some cryptic way to do it in CSS with 5 <div>'s and 12 <span>'s
01:48:28 [walloper]
<lilo> erm actually <img align="middle"> anyway :)
01:49:00 [Ash]
lilo is so stupid.. lol
01:49:03 [MorbusIff]
doid: i have a utility that can take XBEL and convert it to Mozilla.
01:49:08 [Ash]
Ash has changed the topic to:
01:49:14 [thelsdj]
>lilo< thats not correct XHTML, should be <img align="middle" />
01:49:16 [thelsdj]
01:49:18 [MorbusIff]
i use it to export my bookamrks and then import them into five different browsers on two different os's.
01:49:40 [doid-lapt]
Oh, that's cool - I use Galeon in virtual machines
01:50:04 [thelsdj]
haha damn they were one step ahead of me
01:50:05 [MorbusIff]
yup. it'll work well for you.
01:50:19 [doid-lapt]
Getting a little behind - my pop a/c not working...
01:50:40 [MorbusIff]
01:50:42 [MorbusIff]
i can't breathe!
01:50:44 [MorbusIff]
stupid summer code.
01:52:14 [walloper]
<lilo> Also, thanks to the many people who insisted I should add / just before the > :)
01:52:26 [MorbusIff]
heh, heh.
01:52:30 [walloper]
<lilo> (I already had *grump* :)
01:52:49 [MorbusIff]
oh, now you're just stuck on yourself.
01:55:05 [MorbusIff]
* MorbusIff coughs
01:55:08 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff is now known as Morbus
01:55:10 [doid-lapt]
Morbus: I've got no email - pesky OE!
01:55:16 [Morbus]
01:55:20 [Morbus]
i can paste them here.
01:55:24 [Morbus]
just two urls.
01:55:37 [Morbus]
01:55:40 [Morbus]
01:55:41 [doid-lapt]
And now it's working, cheers
01:55:48 [Morbus]
sigh <G.
01:55:54 [doid-lapt]
01:57:07 [sbp]
lol @ thelsdj and <walloper> <lilo> Also, thanks to the many people who insisted I should add / just before the > :)
01:58:45 [walloper]
<lilo> Hi all. Hint on recent changes to Chanserv SET #foo TOPICLOCK ON. There is no more ChanServ SET TOPIC command. You simply set the topic. If you are identified to NickServ and have at least an ACCESS level of TOPIC (defaults to 10), it will allow you to change the topic. Thanks.
01:59:36 [walloper]
<lilo> Note: For non-operators to change the topic, the channel must be set to MODE -t. Thanks.
02:01:46 [wmf]
wmf ( has joined #swhack
02:01:56 [sbp]
oh man, here we go
02:01:59 [sbp]
go on, say it
02:02:01 [sbp]
get it over and done with
02:02:09 [sbp]
come on now!
02:02:15 [sbp]
say *that* *word*!
02:02:35 [wmf]
02:02:42 [sbp]
02:02:48 [wmf]
02:02:51 [jeremiah]
jeremiah has quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.7 [Mozilla rv:1.0rc2/20020510]")
02:02:53 [Morbus]
heh, heh
02:03:14 [sbp]
oops, I jerked my earphones half out of the comp. socket when you finally said "SWHACK!"
02:06:36 [doid-lapt]
Morbus: I'm a user and I like it. The fonts are fine for me. Can I drop in my Radio mySubscriptions.opml I wonder?
02:06:48 [sbp]
Morb: you can convert XBEL to Mozilla?
02:06:51 [Morbus]
doid-lapt: you should be able to use,.
02:06:52 [Morbus]
sbp, yes.
02:06:54 [sbp]
that must be some program
02:07:01 [Morbus]
its syncasaurus.
02:07:05 [Morbus]
you know about syncasaurus.
02:07:15 [Morbus]
doid-lap: yes, technically, you should be able to.
02:07:17 [Morbus]
i haven't tested it.
02:07:23 [sbp]
next time I need to upgrade I'll just make a few bookmarks and use your program
02:07:24 [Morbus]
if it doesn't work, lemme know, and I'll tell you what to fix.
02:07:45 [Morbus]
k. lemme know if you need help getting it working. there's no docs for it, unfortunately.
02:07:50 [sbp]
syncasaurus: a*HA*. of course
02:07:52 [Morbus]
just some mailing list messages with some samples.
02:08:08 [Morbus]
ok, everyone, I need a settings name.
02:08:22 [Morbus]
this is a setting in ampheta that means "every X minutes, check for new updates"
02:08:26 [Morbus]
any thoughts on what it should be called?
02:08:35 [Morbus]
"check_every" isn't telling enough.
02:08:38 [sbp]
Bob, Fred, Matilda, Henry, Frank, John...
02:08:44 [doid-lapt]
02:09:22 [Morbus]
i want some sort of "channels" name in there.
02:09:22 [Morbus]
makes it more understandable at first glance.
02:09:34 [sbp]
yeah, that's good: channelcheck_period
02:09:48 [Morbus]
what about duration?
02:09:54 [Morbus]
02:10:05 [Morbus]
period makes sense, but doesn't seem perfect.
02:10:13 [Morbus]
02:10:21 [sbp]
erm... period is the perfect word, surely?
02:10:25 [sbp]
.wn period
02:10:25 [xena]
period defined as:
02:10:26 [xena]
- n 1: an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of his recovery" [syn: {time period}, {period of time}]
02:10:27 [xena]
- 2: one of three periods of play in hockey games
02:10:28 [xena]
- 3: a stage in the history of a culture having a definable place in space and time; "a novel from the Victorian period" [syn: {historic period}, {historical period}]
02:10:29 [xena]
- 4: the interval taken to complete one cycle of a regularly repeating phenomenon
02:10:39 [sbp]
the latter sense
02:10:41 [doid-lapt]
I agree, um... interval?
02:10:41 [Morbus]
right, sbp, its like a single event.
02:10:49 [Morbus]
ah, #4.
02:11:04 [Morbus]
yeah, but still, that's not perfect. its #4 for god's sake.
02:11:08 [Morbus]
02:11:08 [Morbus]
that's pretty good.
02:11:09 [sbp]
heh, heh
02:11:12 [Morbus]
thanks :)
02:12:19 [doid-lapt]
going to fix my fridge would you believe it...
02:12:56 [Morbus]
doid-lapt: is ampheta workign alright for ya?
02:13:17 [doid-lapt]
yep, going to try mySubscriptions now
02:13:22 [Morbus]
02:13:25 [Morbus]
lemme know if it borks.
02:14:26 [sbp]
ooh, Morbus is into 'borks'
02:14:42 [wmf]
is he Swedish?
02:15:14 [sbp]
no, but I'm told that he's a good chef
02:15:21 [Morbus]
bwahahah. who told you that?
02:15:26 [Morbus]
i burn soup for god's sake.
02:15:39 [Morbus]
how many times do I ask you to remind me not to burn my food?
02:15:40 [Morbus]
02:15:51 [AaronSw]
and we always fail
02:15:54 [sbp]
heh, true
02:16:10 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has changed the topic to: KILL ASH
02:16:29 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has changed the topic to: <sbp> er... we don't allow anyone over 25 on here
02:16:42 [wmf]
02:17:01 [eikeon]
eikeon has left #swhack
02:17:04 [AaronSw]
02:17:06 [sbp]
heh, heh
02:17:36 [eikeon]
eikeon ( has joined #swhack
02:17:37 [AaronSw]
wmf, what was his part message?
02:17:44 [sbp]
"sorry... over limit"
02:17:50 [AaronSw]
02:17:51 [eikeon]
02:17:59 [wmf]
AaronSw: what?
02:18:02 [eikeon]
* eikeon silly
02:18:12 [AaronSw]
ne'er mind
02:18:32 [sbp]
ooh, Aaron's gone all poetic
02:18:46 [wmf]
yeah, what's up with that?
02:19:22 [AaronSw]
heh, it passes the Borges test
02:19:36 [wmf]
Borges is the man
02:19:37 [sbp]
* sbp checks his calendar just in case it's 1780 again
02:19:39 [AaronSw]
that must be danbri's fault
02:20:02 [doid-lapt]
hey, Aaron
02:20:07 [AaronSw]
hi doid-lapt
02:20:09 [Morbus]
this isn't rude, right?
02:20:10 [Morbus]
02:20:11 [Morbus]
AmphetaDesk automatically checks for new data from your
02:20:11 [Morbus]
channels, by default, every 60 minutes. If you'd like to
02:20:11 [Morbus]
increase this time (you CAN NOT decrease it), enter the
02:20:11 [Morbus]
number of minutes here.
02:20:12 [Morbus]
02:20:19 [Morbus]
maybe MAY NOT, instead.
02:20:21 [wmf]
02:20:21 [AaronSw]
.wn cannot
02:20:25 [doid-lapt]
Morbus: that did bork it. I changed it back and it works again.
02:20:25 [Morbus]
make it sound like its the polite thing to do ;)
02:20:34 [Morbus]
doid-lapt: gimme a sec, and I'll tell you what to fix.
02:20:41 [sbp]
"you shalln't"
02:21:07 [doid-lapt]
Aaron, did you see you were written up by Dan Gillmor?
02:21:11 [AaronSw]
02:21:20 [AaronSw]
hm, time to go check on the disk again.. brb
02:21:34 [sbp]
heh, Aaron's cooking his discs again
02:21:56 [wmf]
I've heard stranger things
02:22:24 [wmf]
apparently you can fix some stuck LCD pixels by "massaging" the screen (calling jillzila...)
02:22:28 [sbp]
uh oh, with Dave linking to, I'll bet the logs are out of action
02:22:31 [Morbus]
doid: i have a fix for you.
02:23:02 [Morbus]
open up AmphetaDesk/lib/AmphetaDesk/
02:23:25 [Morbus]
look for a routine named "load_my_channels".
02:23:31 [Morbus]
right before this line:
02:23:35 [Morbus]
$CHANNELS{ $channel->{xmlurl} } = $channel;
02:23:41 [Morbus]
02:23:43 [Morbus]
02:23:46 [Morbus]
# Radio Userland importing.
02:23:46 [Morbus]
unless ( $channel->{filename} ) {
02:23:46 [Morbus]
$channel->{filename} = create_channel_filename($channel->{title});
02:23:46 [Morbus]
02:23:47 [Morbus]
02:23:49 [Morbus]
and save the file.
02:23:54 [Morbus]
you should be set.
02:24:11 [Morbus]
lemme know if it works.
02:24:40 [AaronSw]
nah, that's a different server, sbp
02:25:45 [wmf]
AaronSw and his vast server farm
02:26:03 [sbp]
he'll be breeding them next
02:26:07 [AaronSw]
i just keep rackin' em up
02:26:09 [sbp]
Vorpal with snicker-snack
02:26:23 [sbp]
02:26:29 [AaronSw]
oops, gotta go again
02:27:13 [wmf]
heh, I just saw an installer put up the GPL and force me to agree to it
02:27:23 [sbp]
heh, heh. whoo!
02:27:44 [sbp]
"this is GPL. How can you disagree? Are you Bill Gates or something?"
02:29:33 [Morbus]
02:30:12 [AaronSw]
Yeah, a lot of OS X installers do that.
02:30:15 [AaronSw]
It's pretty funny.
02:30:53 [Ash]
02:30:58 [Ash]
02:30:59 [sbp]
oh in that case: "GPL. You must accept. Welcome to OS X."
02:31:02 [doid-lapt]
Morbu: nope. I could just edit the opml.
02:31:05 [Ash]
* Ash makes a big brother poster with RMS on it
02:31:13 [sbp]
heh, what Ash said]
02:31:13 [Morbus]
it didn't work? hmf. what happened?
02:31:14 [doid-lapt]
02:31:17 [sbp]
02:31:36 [sbp]
doid is right: the trailing slash is redundant on IRC
02:31:41 [doid-lapt]
It doesn't serve the page
02:31:44 [Morbus]
don't edit the opml! that's cheating.
02:31:51 [Morbus]
does it download the channels?
02:31:58 [Morbus]
can you see files saved in ~/data/channels/?
02:32:21 [doid-lapt]
No, nothing - it doesn't serve the page to the browser, as before
02:32:38 [Morbus]
... could you send me your error_log and your OPML file? if you can?
02:32:44 [Morbus]
er, your AmphetaDesk.log, rather.
02:32:58 [Morbus]
it should be doing a little bit more/less than just not serving the page.
02:33:27 [doid-lapt]
Sure. That's what it did when I simply replaced the file
02:33:35 [Morbus]
02:33:41 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw finds more google banner ads on /.
02:33:47 [Morbus]
i'l have a fix ;)
02:37:39 [doid-lapt]
Sent with thanks
02:38:24 [Morbus]
awesome. i'm working on something now.
02:38:28 [Morbus]
it'll be right in that routine.
02:41:05 [doid-lapt]
sbp, I'm rarely right. There should be slashes after?
02:41:47 [sbp]
I think so
02:42:08 [doid-lapt]
02:42:18 [sbp]
you're very much welcome indeed
02:43:23 [Morbus]
doid-lapt: i have success.
02:43:32 [doid-lapt]
so, is there chat elsewhere on the semplesh / infogami etc?
02:43:32 [Morbus]
lemme do one more test, then join me in #disobey so I can paste the fix to you
02:44:07 [sbp]
yes, #semplesh
02:44:38 [Seth]
* Seth posts first rough draft of Pentals
02:44:49 [doid-lapt]
Morbus, sbp: sure
02:45:33 [Morbus]
who's Set Russell?
02:45:51 [Seth]
02:46:23 [Morbus]
02:46:23 [Morbus]
02:48:48 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff ( has joined #swhack
02:49:44 [MorbusIff]
* MorbusIff grumbles
02:51:54 [AaronSw]
<Morbus> ping?
02:51:54 [AaronSw]
<Morbus> crap.
02:51:54 [AaronSw]
*** MorbusIff ( has joined the channel
02:52:05 [MorbusIff]
02:52:09 [MorbusIff]
well, i guess i wasn't stuck, eh?
02:52:12 [AaronSw]
what i do to test connection is /whois some random name
02:52:34 [MorbusIff]
i'm on 9 channels. its odd for one not to blink in a minute ;)
02:52:48 [MorbusIff]
[10:53] <Server> some: No such nick/channel
02:52:54 [MorbusIff]
wtf, AaronSw? bad advice, you hoe <G>
02:53:31 [sbp]
heh, I'm on 9 too
02:53:48 [MorbusIff]
8 on OPN, 1 elsewhere.
02:54:25 [sbp]
oh, that's 8 then. "elsewhere" doesn't count
02:55:59 [doids]
doids ( has joined #swhack
02:57:43 [AaronSw]
hm, should i back you guys up now or later
02:58:13 [doid-lapt]
doid-lapt has quit ("Bye")
02:58:22 [AaronSw]
i think i'll back you up now.
02:58:24 [doids]
doids is now known as doid
02:58:41 [AaronSw]
02:58:58 [sbp]
back us... up?
03:03:12 [sbp]
.time PST
03:03:20 [sbp]
I said:-
03:03:21 [sbp]
.time PST
03:03:33 [Seth]
7:58 PM
03:03:37 [sbp]
heh, heh
03:03:39 [sbp]
thanks, Seth!
03:03:50 [sbp]
I don't know what's up with xena these days
03:04:11 [sbp]
she seems to be working quite randomly
03:04:13 [Seth]
did you see how i gave you screen credit on the parser?
03:04:32 [sbp]
screen credit?
03:05:04 [Seth]
yeah .. like that stuff that scrolls on the movies everybody ignores
03:05:43 [Seth]
see under credits in the doc of
03:06:18 [Seth]
in hollywierd .. that's what they work for ... screen credits
03:06:31 [sbp]
ooh, neat, I am in there!
03:06:39 [sbp]
hollyweird: lol
03:07:06 [sbp]
got demo/documentation?
03:07:21 [Seth]
the httpBot takes in pntals now and says them back ... uuu well at least triples still yet
03:07:46 [Seth]
first rough draft of pentals is at
03:08:31 [Seth]
but its real simple to run .. just put the 4 files in a dir and do 'python'
03:10:13 [Seth]
hit it with you favorite browser <http://localhost:8000>
03:10:37 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit (No route to host)
03:57:40 [LoneElf]
LoneElf ( has joined #swhack
03:57:50 [LoneElf]
LoneElf has left #swhack
04:04:18 [uberfunk]
uberfunk ( has joined #swhack
04:25:39 [MorbusIff]
AaronSw: ampheta serious rocks right now.
04:25:54 [MorbusIff]
i just added email links to feed owners, and Radio Userland imports from the filesystem and a URL.
04:26:22 [MorbusIff]
and with that, I say good night ;)
04:26:53 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff has quit ("")
04:33:40 [uberfunk]
anyone alive?
04:36:13 [doid]
Just about, but I'm not really a regular here
04:36:49 [sbp]
* sbp waves
04:37:18 [uberfunk]
this seems like an interesting place to hang out
04:37:31 [uberfunk]
is this mostly a bloggin crowd?
04:37:50 [doid]
I do, some don't
04:37:52 [uberfunk]
of course I know about the blog for this channel
04:38:06 [uberfunk]
I guess I'll just lurk until an interesting topic comes up
04:38:22 [doid]
sbp, you usually awake this time?
04:39:04 [wmf]
uberfunk: #swhack is a cult led by our charismatic leader AaronSw
04:40:00 [uberfunk]
but not a cabal? i'm disappointed
04:41:10 [doid]
it's also a non-existent conspiracy
04:41:47 [wmf]
well, the cult has a cabal at its center
04:48:32 [doid]
with a camarilla protecting the leader
05:01:45 [wmf]
wmf has quit ("you put your weeeed in there...")
05:06:44 [Seth]
Seth has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
08:09:03 [tansaku_uk]
tansaku_uk ( has joined #swhack
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tansaku_uk is now known as tansaku_italia
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tansaku_italia has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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09:10:41 [AndyS]
AndyS ( has joined #swhack
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kensaku ( has joined #swhack
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kensaku has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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kensaku ( has joined #swhack
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kensaku has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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kensaku ( has joined #swhack
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kensaku has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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kensaku ( has joined #swhack
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kensaku is now known as tansaku_italia
12:18:58 [pixel]
pixel ( has joined #swhack
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kensaku ( has joined #swhack
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tansaku_italia has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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kensaku is now known as tansaku_italia
12:50:24 [pixel]
pixel has quit ("")
12:52:18 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
12:59:25 [Morbus]
helloOOo swhackers!
12:59:46 [davb]
davb ( has joined #swhack
13:01:48 [pixel]
pixel ( has joined #swhack
13:02:09 [Morbus]
13:02:22 [Morbus]
just sent you an email.
13:02:36 [pixel]
I just got it too.
13:02:54 [Morbus]
ok. well, don't read it.
13:03:08 [Morbus]
i admitted my homosexuality to you, but decided that it'd be best if i kept it a secret.
13:03:13 [Morbus]
so don'... oh. shit.
13:03:14 [Morbus]
13:03:36 [pixel]
man. a strike out.
13:03:45 [Morbus]
13:03:56 [Morbus]
i own j00 ;)
13:04:22 [pixel]
wow. I didn't know you were a homophobic cross-dressing hermaphrodite! I'm glad you told me.
13:04:58 [Morbus]
yeah, well, i figured since we were getting all close and all
13:06:06 [Morbus]
i just added some awesome stuff to the cvs last night.
13:06:13 [pixel]
13:06:17 [Morbus]
email icons, radio userland file and URL imports, etc.
13:06:19 [Morbus]
wonderful stuff :)
13:06:36 [pixel]
I just installed the .Net framework, and the fucking thing now tells me that I need SP1. Why didn't it install that to begin with?!?
13:06:42 [Morbus]
heh, heh.
13:06:44 [Morbus]
trying out aggie?
13:06:51 [Morbus]
it'd be great if the .net stuff wasn't 20+ megs.
13:06:52 [pixel]
attempting to.
13:06:56 [Morbus]
that's a little big for an aggregator ;)
13:07:00 [pixel]
13:07:09 [pixel]
Aggie itself is fairly small though.
13:07:16 [Morbus]
yah, something like 20k or so?
13:07:18 [pixel]
firing it up.
13:07:26 [Morbus]
lemme know how it works.
13:07:38 [pixel]
the exe is 28k. in total, about 60k.
13:07:50 [Morbus]
next thing I know, you'll be jumping amphetaship and joining his pirate crew.
13:07:55 [Morbus]
13:07:59 [pixel]
I stuck my mychannels.opml in it. seems to ahve read it in fine.
13:08:04 [pixel]
13:08:14 [Morbus]
13:08:31 [pixel]
I like the cross-platormmedness of ampheta.
13:08:43 [Morbus]
don't you only use Windows, though? <G>
13:08:57 [pixel]
so? I'm still a perl guy at heart =)
13:09:00 [Morbus]
13:09:40 [pixel]
i didn't even notice that we're tlaking in swack.
13:09:45 [pixel]
too many windows.
13:10:07 [Morbus]
heh. yeah, trillian does that to you.
13:10:15 [Morbus]
you should bind them to one window.
13:10:23 [pixel]
they are. I think that's what screwed me.
13:10:24 [Morbus]
i have eight channels in one window.
13:10:27 [Morbus]
13:10:29 [pixel]
I have 5.
13:10:32 [Morbus]
your IMs bind to that same window?
13:10:36 [pixel]
(including the irc console)
13:10:40 [pixel]
13:10:41 [Morbus]
i have IRC in one window, and then the IMs freefloating.
13:10:43 [Morbus]
13:11:24 [pixel]
if it would just display the channel name of IM name, rather than all the other shit in the title bars it'd be better. and if I could stop it from scrolling the title I wouldn't be quite as insane.
13:11:42 [Morbus]
13:11:44 [pixel]
the multi-threaded ness of aggie is nice.
13:11:45 [Morbus]
i hid the scrolling thing
13:11:58 [Morbus]
i would see Container IRC as the parent title, and then IRC #swhack as the embedded title.
13:12:02 [Morbus]
no fonts, no topic, etc.
13:12:07 [Morbus]
i figure i read the topic when I join ;)
13:12:26 [Morbus]
oh, you mean the scrolling of the cha... nevermind.
13:12:27 [pixel]
maybe I missed that configuration.
13:12:29 [Morbus]
i'm being dumb
13:13:03 [Morbus]
you wanna see something neat?
13:13:07 [pixel]
13:13:53 [pixel]
it's loading.
13:14:10 [pixel]
shit. port 8888 isn't open through the firewall.
13:14:15 [Morbus]
13:14:19 [Morbus]
sigh. what is?
13:19:55 [pixel]
is ampheta still running?
13:20:01 [pixel]
I think I may have crashed it.
13:20:10 [Morbus]
oh yeah, you did.
13:20:20 [Morbus]
oh wait, did you import the channels, and then show the page?
13:24:42 [pixel]
looks like it worked.
13:24:56 [Morbus]
222 channels? heh. yeah, i'd say so.
13:28:00 [pixel]
13:35:14 [pixel]
13:36:31 [Morbus]
14:04:09 [AndyS]
AndyS has left #swhack
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pixel has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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pixel ( has joined #swhack
14:17:02 [redmonk]
redmonk (~steve@ has joined #swhack
14:17:08 [Morbus]
14:17:15 [redmonk]
14:17:17 [redmonk]
14:17:35 [redmonk]
anyone here got experience building unix utils on os x?
14:17:50 [Morbus]
there's a porting guide available.
14:17:57 [Morbus]
what's up, though? i've done a few C things here and there.
14:18:03 [Morbus]
but it was mindless bungling.
14:18:14 [Morbus]
"line 23 cause a problem? doesn't look important. i'll comment it! wheee!"
14:18:17 [Morbus]
and then they work.
14:18:19 [Morbus]
* Morbus shrugs.
14:18:20 [Morbus]
14:18:29 [pixel]
redmonk: small world. I stumbled upon your blog, was reading it, and then realized it was you.
14:18:49 [Morbus]
swhack: bring people together.
14:19:09 [Morbus]
er, at least, until AaronSw closes it out of dictatorlike boredom.
14:19:56 [pixel]
14:20:03 [redmonk]
from where did you stumble?
14:20:15 [Morbus]
14:20:22 [Morbus]
still some minor bugs in the delete code too.
14:20:24 [redmonk]
morbus: i desperately want to get rdfdb to compile on os x
14:20:37 [Morbus]
what happens when you try?
14:20:42 [pixel]
not quite sure. I got to your blog because of the whole Conversant debacle.
14:20:57 [redmonk]
it can't find gcc
14:21:05 [Morbus]
oh, yeah, i read about that.
14:21:18 [redmonk]
pixel:heh. yeah, we kinda went off - i'm over it now
14:21:18 [Morbus]
"gcc" doesn't exist but "cc" does or something.
14:21:25 [Morbus]
so you need to modify the makefile to point to cc instead.
14:21:26 [redmonk]
hm. same thing?
14:21:40 [Morbus]
they are the same thing, technically, but apple didn't alias them or some such.
14:21:46 [redmonk]
14:21:50 [Morbus]
you may also want to get the april developer's tool. apparently it has gcc 3 in it.
14:21:55 [redmonk]
oooooohhhh, bad things.
14:21:59 [Morbus]
or something new with gcc.
14:22:21 [redmonk]
"initialization discards qualifiers from pointer target type"
14:22:44 [Morbus]
heh. uh. ok. click, uh... "continue" <G>
14:22:47 [redmonk]
the fist of MANY errors. this is gonna be FUN!
14:22:52 [redmonk]
er, first
14:22:53 [Morbus]
14:22:58 [Morbus]
"the fist of many errors!"
14:23:06 [redmonk]
kung fu!
14:23:10 [Morbus]
"you leave my daughter alone, or I attack you with the fist of many errors!"
14:23:14 [Morbus]
yeah, exactly.
14:23:46 [Morbus]
redmonk: you may want to ask in rdfig too.
14:23:49 [Morbus]
somewhere there may know.
14:23:54 [redmonk]
14:24:24 [CaptSolo]
CaptSolo has left #swhack
14:26:55 [redmonk]
some help they are. too good to talk to *me*, obviously
14:26:57 [redmonk]
14:27:03 [Morbus]
14:27:15 [Morbus]
you haven't been initiated.
14:27:27 [Morbus]
no one will speak until the great one acknowledges your presence ;)
14:27:41 [redmonk]
guess not. looking at the number of errors in this thing, it should be initiation enough
14:27:45 [redmonk]
who, AAronsw?
14:27:49 [redmonk]
14:27:59 [Morbus]
* Morbus bursts out laughing.
14:28:05 [Morbus]
14:28:06 [pixel]
please ignore the man behind the curtain.
14:28:24 [Morbus]
fly, my monkies, fly!
14:28:39 [Morbus]
Morbus has changed the topic to: fly, my monkies, fly!
14:29:45 [pixel]
14:33:34 [kensaku]
kensaku ( has joined #swhack
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tansaku_italia has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
14:47:16 [Morbus]
14:47:18 [Morbus]
14:47:18 [Morbus]
[10:47] <Morbus> hey, nacho, you like perl?
14:47:18 [Morbus]
[10:47] <Morbus> stupid bot.
14:47:18 [Morbus]
[10:47] <nacho> dumb human
14:47:19 [Morbus]
14:48:13 [pixel]
14:49:46 [sbp]
aha, it was dilbert00.gif!
14:58:08 [redmonk]
sbp: what's this about age dicrimination in swack?
14:58:17 [redmonk]
er, discrimination
14:58:35 [tansaku_italia]
tansaku_italia ( has joined #swhack
14:59:17 [kensaku]
kensaku has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
15:01:12 [sbp]
age discrimination? heh, heh
15:01:22 [sbp]
we decided that if you're 25 in spirit, that's acceptable
15:04:09 [redmonk]
* redmonk builds berkeley db on os x
15:04:17 [redmonk]
thx. heh
15:04:51 [redmonk]
sbp: so i've had this app idea for, well, what seems like a decade now
15:04:58 [redmonk]
6 years really
15:05:06 [Ash]
Ash has changed the topic to: fly, my monkies, fly! || <redmonk> what's this about monkey discrimination in swhack?
15:05:22 [redmonk]
i could never figure out what datastore to use
15:05:26 [Ash]
hey redmonk, i was cracking up at your blog entry that was linked to from winerlog.
15:05:42 [redmonk]
b/c it's a very web-like information space
15:05:53 [redmonk]
ash: hehe. i got a winerlog link. that rocked
15:06:04 [Ash]
yeah, it was funny
15:06:05 [Ash]
15:06:27 [redmonk]
so i finally found rdfdb, and realized that it's pretty much what i've been looking for
15:06:42 [Ash]
these aren't the data stores you're looking for
15:06:44 [Ash]
move along
15:06:50 [Morbus]
15:06:56 [redmonk]
actually, rdf in general is what i needed, rdfdb just makes it easy to store/query
15:07:30 [redmonk]
course then it wouldn't build :)
15:07:48 [redmonk]
(see, Morbus? I'm weening myself from noses. ;) )
15:08:42 [redmonk]
* redmonk watches db3 build go by on terminal. Mmmmmm, Terminal
15:09:02 [Morbus]
from noses?
15:09:08 [redmonk]
15:09:09 [Morbus]
15:09:11 [redmonk]
15:09:14 [Morbus]
15:09:14 [Morbus]
15:09:19 [Morbus]
man, i forgot all about that.
15:09:20 [Morbus]
15:09:22 [redmonk]
15:09:29 [redmonk]
and here i've been feeling guilty
15:09:32 [Morbus]
15:09:38 [Morbus]
heheh. man, i can't even remember what the url on that was.
15:09:41 [Morbus]
15:09:45 [Morbus]
i think i have alzheimers.
15:09:47 [redmonk]
15:12:02 [Ash]
.google midget nose fetish
15:12:05 [xena]
midget nose fetish:
15:12:29 [redmonk]
Launchbar rocks
15:16:34 [Morbus]
i've been meaning to use it.
15:16:37 [Morbus]
never got aroudn to it.
15:18:29 [redmonk]
15:18:39 [redmonk]
i rarely use the dock any more
15:18:46 [redmonk]
it is SO convenient
15:18:52 [redmonk]
go get it. now.
15:19:17 [Morbus]
i have tons of things in the dock.
15:19:28 [Morbus]
i used popup folders/docked in OS 9 all the time, so the dock was a dream for me.
15:19:39 [Morbus]
i've heard so many good things about launchbar
15:19:56 [Ash]
15:20:34 [Ash]
president of USOC claims a bachelor's and PhD on her resume
15:20:42 [Ash]
(that she never had)
15:20:46 [redmonk]
15:20:47 [Ash]
15:20:49 [Ash]
man, what losers
15:21:03 [Ash]
"There are some things on my resume that I should have corrected, and I didn't," Baldwin said in an interview.
15:21:08 [Ash]
* Ash laughs
15:21:13 [Ash]
"Oops, did I say I was a PhD? My bad!"
15:24:52 [pixel]
"I always thought it was OK to stretch the truth on your resume"
15:24:53 [pixel]
15:26:20 [pixel]
I dno't understand why it would have needed to be corrected. It shouldn't have been on there to begin with right?
15:26:39 [pixel]
I guess I could put that I had a PhD on mine too, since at some point in my life, I expect to get one.
15:37:14 [walloper]
<lilo> "I lift this clavicle to worlds without number, and bring a new light to the Way, guiding this gate that all may prosper, those who guide and are guided, who light the Way and bask in the light so given....Behold, I open a new world."
15:37:35 [walloper]
<lilo> Please welcome the resurrected, a European hub, located somewhere.
15:43:52 [sbp]
-> *lilo* oh, come on, you *have* to tell us where that quote's from. We're just going to explode from anticipation otherwise; there'll be bits of OPN patrons all over the shop, and do you really want to have to live with that?
15:47:44 [pixel]
lilo has said that same phrase before:
15:49:26 [sbp]
he says it every time a new hub gets added
15:50:58 [pixel]
now I'm very curious.
15:55:39 [Ash]
shut up lilo
15:55:41 [Ash]
15:55:56 [Ash]
.google lilo sucks ass
15:55:57 [xena]
lilo sucks ass:
15:56:52 [pixel]
different lilo =)
15:57:26 [Ash]
pixel: lilo on OPN is the lilo mentioned on
15:59:39 [pixel]
ah! you're right!
15:59:53 [pixel]
from the URl i thought it was linux lilo.
16:02:54 [kensaku]
kensaku ( has joined #swhack
16:03:04 [pixel]
did lilo ever respond to your question?
16:03:21 [tansaku_italia]
tansaku_italia has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
16:05:06 [sbp]
well, he hasn't said anything on wallops, which is miffing
16:11:02 [redmonk]
* redmonk minimizes snak, goes back to work. FWOOOOSH!
16:12:03 [hBitsko]
hBitsko (~ken@ has joined #swhack
16:12:18 [hBitsko]
where's #RESThack?! ;)
16:13:03 [Morbus]
ah, the joys of out of context:
16:13:04 [Morbus]
16:13:04 [Morbus]
[12:13] <@Morbus> k. don't make them too crackwhorish though.
16:13:04 [Morbus]
[12:13] <@Morbus> i don't want christians kicking my ass ;)
16:13:05 [Morbus]
16:13:21 [hBitsko]
I recently had a swift tour of the architectures of several blogging tools, and I must tell you that most are way, way overengineered, and I believe it's largely resolved by RESTful concepts applied at the local programming level
16:22:00 [redmonk]
which tools?
16:22:47 [hBitsko]
this last one was Roller
16:23:02 [redmonk]
16:23:33 [redmonk]
when you say 'solved' to what are you referring?
16:23:50 [redmonk]
er, 'resolved'
16:24:03 [kensaku]
kensaku has quit (Connection timed out)
16:27:04 [hBitsko]
Roller has this really complicated architecture with dozens of classes (and probably an equivalent number of support classes) for each of the major "object types" you'd find in a weblog. seems kinda natural, if you're an OO person, but if they were to simply "unwrap" all of the objects and just make them "resources", they'd cut in half the size of the application and I don't believe they'd lose an ounce of functionality, in fact they may gain a
16:27:05 [hBitsko]
16:27:39 [redmonk]
true; Roller suffers from a malady I like to call "J2EE"
16:27:58 [redmonk]
16:29:53 [hBitsko]
I'm usually more general and call it "OO purism"
16:30:04 [redmonk]
yeah, true
16:30:24 [hBitsko]
it's not a beef with OO, per se, but most OO apps could do well by using more "plain data containers"
16:30:34 [redmonk]
16:34:14 [hBitsko]
k. time to go to X-Fest. too bad it's too cold :( only should get to 60 today in the Twin Cities
16:35:15 [hBitsko]
mid-60s tomorrow will be better
16:37:47 [hBitsko]
bye now
16:37:49 [hBitsko]
hBitsko has quit ("Leaving")
17:29:08 [aaronsw_]
aaronsw_ (~aaronsw@ has joined #swhack
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aaronsw_ is now known as ASw
17:29:28 [ASw]
xena doesn't work because it depends on Zope which esp hasn't set up yet
17:31:11 [ASw]
well, the backup took too long so i killed it and was gonna go with shrinkwrap but the disk file is screwed up again
17:31:14 [ASw]
so i'm blogging
17:31:27 [ASw]
while it looks for overlapping files
17:31:29 [redmonk]
when all else fails, blog
17:31:57 [ASw]
17:32:09 [ASw]
hm, i can probably check my mail from here
17:34:29 [ASw]
heh, how to read your mail from the command line:
17:34:30 [ASw]
ls | tail | xargs more
17:35:13 [ASw]
I think Frank is trying to be sarcastic, but I actually like his new primer draft
17:46:43 [ASw]
heh: "Using N3 is bad idea. Nobody excpet a few RDF aficionados konws anything about N3. No action and continue to use the current system.
17:46:44 [ASw]
17:48:02 [ASw]
heh, heh, i raised 52 issues and so "WG Action: thank him 52 times"
17:48:05 [ASw]
ooh; "Special thanks are due to Aaron Swartz for a very thorough and revealing review of the last call draft.
17:48:28 [sbp]
Gotta run
17:51:07 [Morbus]
18:03:53 [tav-]
tav- has quit (
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tav- ( has joined #swhack
18:05:51 [tav-]
tav- has quit (Excess Flood)
18:17:31 [Ash]
<Sexual Harassment Panda> Panda?
18:29:35 [DeSharq]
DeSharq ( has joined #swhack
18:37:15 [ASw]
18:51:03 [ASw]
ooh, Steve has the same camera as I do
18:51:36 [redmonk]
DESharq: found that the newest version of db is OS X compatible
18:51:46 [tav``]
tav`` ( has joined #swhack
18:51:54 [redmonk]
(at least it includes OS X in it's list of *n*xes)
18:52:03 [redmonk]
v. 4.0.x
18:52:17 [redmonk]
Asw: which Steve
18:52:25 [ASw]
Steve Jobs, man
18:52:29 [DeSharq]
* DeSharq mumbles something about never having worked with either
18:52:29 [redmonk]
18:52:55 [redmonk]
oh well. just thought i'd mention it
18:53:04 [DeSharq]
* DeSharq nods
18:53:18 [DeSharq]
* DeSharq nods pleasantly
18:53:27 [ASw]
Heh, he calls them iApps
18:54:40 [redmonk]
where are you, ASw?
18:55:06 [ASw]
i'm at home, waiting for my computer to finish fixing this other ocmputer.
18:55:32 [ASw]
but i'm watching the iPod introduction
18:55:38 [ASw]
18:55:48 [redmonk]
why are you ramblng on about Steve jobs?
18:55:49 [redmonk]
18:55:59 [redmonk]
i was like, huh?
18:56:02 [ASw]
19:01:49 [ASw]
"An iBook is really portable but the iPod is *ultra*-portable."