IRC log of swhack on 2002-05-21

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:00:16 [Seth]
and apparently everyone accessing it whereever would see the same graphs :)
00:00:30 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw thinks that the time it takes tansaku to switch to python would be paid off by the stuff that we could share
00:01:11 [sbp]
wow, are you reading the logs from last year or something? :-)
00:02:31 [wmf]
wmf ( has joined #swhack
00:02:45 [AaronSw]
last week
00:02:57 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff ( has joined #swhack
00:03:13 [sbp]
so much happens on swhack in a week
00:03:58 [MorbusIff]
sbp: any problem with me taking your ampheta css template and modifying it to ship with the next release/
00:04:09 [sbp]
wow, wmf didn't say "swhack!"
00:04:18 [sbp]
none whatsoever. Share & Enjoy
00:04:20 [wmf]
00:04:46 [MorbusIff]
k. thanks
00:05:27 [wmf]
have y'all seen Joey's latest photos?
00:06:31 [AaronSw]
the ones at
00:06:47 [wmf]
00:07:45 [AaronSw]
oh, i missed the old photos
00:08:03 [wmf]
you must read carefully, young padawan
00:09:30 [AaronSw]
hm, another silent bob ref
00:09:30 [wmf]
woo, new google features
00:09:42 [AaronSw]
oh? you mean the labs stuff?
00:09:49 [wmf]
00:11:37 [AaronSw]
00:12:03 [wmf]
00:13:52 [AaronSw]
hm, my DNS seems to have died again
00:14:21 [sbp]
heh, cool feature
00:15:02 [sbp]
when you put in "Morbus" and "Junk Food" you get "sporks". How delightful
00:15:17 [MorbusIff]
heh, heh.
00:15:23 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw calls voice search
00:15:55 [sbp]
00:16:06 [sbp]
00:16:46 [wmf]
"finally, now someone can program the aibo to play counter-strike with me and it can replace my 7 year old brother"
00:18:09 [Ash]
kickass, all done with lame db maintenance.
00:18:35 [AaronSw]
wow, that is so cool!
00:18:45 [AaronSw]
although it did think "Morbus sporks" was "marcus sports"
00:18:55 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
00:19:40 [wmf]
I sense a "Windows: unsafe at any speed" meme coming on
00:19:52 [Seth]
Seth has quit ()
00:20:34 [sbp]
I sense a "memeometer" meme coming on
00:21:11 [wmf]
uh oh, your metamemology is sending the memeometer off the scale!
00:21:35 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla reads scrollback and laughs. I guess google spelling doesn't know Morbus.
00:21:43 [sbp]
heh, metamemology. that's pretty neat
00:21:50 [MorbusIff]
jillzilla: fix that!
00:21:52 [jillzilla]
In the Morbus realm, sporks are a much heavier presence than sporks!
00:21:57 [jillzilla]
00:22:03 [jillzilla]
In the Morbus realm, sporks are a much heavier presence than sports!
00:22:07 [sbp]
Morbus is a perfectly good word. In ln
00:22:15 [redmonk]
oh, hi wmf
00:22:33 [MorbusIff]
wmf is just an afterthought.
00:22:53 [wmf]
* wmf pouts
00:23:17 [MorbusIff]
00:23:17 [MorbusIff]
wmf needs a cookie!
00:23:54 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla offers wmf an M&M.
00:23:58 [redmonk]
i just un-hid snak, i had not seen.
00:24:03 [redmonk]
was not ignoring wmf
00:24:10 [wmf]
look what you started!
00:24:11 [redmonk]
so there
00:24:19 [redmonk]
hey - enjoy it!
00:28:04 [AaronSw]
I think we need a swhack band, with me, jill and sbp
00:28:14 [sbp]
and Morbus on the sitar
00:28:33 [MorbusIff]
* MorbusIff twangs
00:29:40 [sbp]
* sbp is quite into open D/E tuning at the moment
00:29:55 [AaronSw]
GR: dinner
00:30:55 [AaronSw]
"And she fell in love with the beautiful sitar player" - Moulin Rouge
00:31:09 [MorbusIff]
* MorbusIff ponders.
00:31:31 [wmf]
it's a little hard to imagine AaronSw as a rocker, but I guess it could happen
00:31:54 [sbp]
it could happen. And SCI could go metal
00:32:27 [MorbusIff]
hmm. question.
00:32:36 [MorbusIff]
i have a templates/ directory. in that directory are various subfolders, representing various templates.
00:32:51 [MorbusIff]
if I were going to include plugins to those templates, would I include them in the template subdirectories, or in the root of the template directory?
00:32:58 [MorbusIff]
or somewhere else entirely?
00:33:23 [sbp]
in the actual folders, I would suppose, so that people can distribute them
00:33:32 [MorbusIff]
i'm leaning toward the template/ root but then it'll get messy
00:33:48 [sbp]
(actual folders: viz., the subdirectories)
00:33:53 [MorbusIff]
yeah, but then there'd be a copy of the plugin for each folder.
00:34:08 [sbp]
er... but the plugins would be different, right?
00:34:25 [MorbusIff]
well, say a weather plugin. that should be available to every template.
00:34:35 [sbp]
so have a global plugins folder
00:34:40 [MorbusIff]
but if I shipped twenty templates (unlikely), I'd have twenty copies of the plugin.
00:35:06 [MorbusIff]
so /plugins and /templates?
00:35:23 [MorbusIff]
but then, i'd have to make /plugins/templates and stick them all in there.
00:35:28 [MorbusIff]
cos hell, maybe /plugins/scrapers would exist one day
00:37:15 [MorbusIff]
00:37:21 [MorbusIff]
actually, i guess template plugins should be per template directory.
00:37:38 [MorbusIff]
because the templates are visually based, so plugins would have to have their output tweaked for teh temaplte.
00:42:25 [eikeon]
eikeon has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
00:47:29 [wmf]
00:47:30 [wmf]
%shell%> ls -al /dev/burton
00:47:30 [wmf]
brwxrwxrwx 1 root disk 22, 0 Apr 23 1976 /dev/burton
00:48:10 [wmf]
that scared him off!
00:51:07 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff has quit ("")
00:55:07 [AaronSw]
ooh, the google labs logo is so cute
00:55:24 [AaronSw]
i am totally a rocker
00:58:06 [sbp]
Hmm... what kind of music are you into, anyway? I've only ever really heard you mention the Beatles and SCI
00:58:21 [AaronSw]
and radiohead
00:58:28 [sbp]
ah, true
00:58:36 [AaronSw]
i might just have to hook xena up to google glossary
01:00:03 [sbp]
Um... Google Glossary?
01:00:21 [sbp]
ah, got it
01:00:54 [sbp]
pff: "Sorry, there are no definitions for blargh"
01:01:31 [AaronSw]
Definitions for sbp from the web:
01:01:32 [AaronSw]
*Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. SBP consists of the growth of bacteria in ascitic fluid in the abdomen.
01:02:19 [sbp]
oh, how... um...
01:02:45 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla splurts coffee all over the screen.
01:02:45 [sbp]
ooh, Sorry, there are no definitions for blargh
01:02:52 [sbp]
er... damn clipboard
01:02:58 [sbp]
Standard Benefit Plans
01:03:05 [AaronSw]
Survivor Benefit Plan
01:03:15 [AaronSw]
Systolic Blood Pressure
01:03:19 [AaronSw]
School Breakfast Program
01:03:22 [AaronSw]
so cheerful, eh?
01:03:24 [jillzilla]
No, I think you're stuck with the bacterial peritonitis, sbp, at least in my mind.
01:03:31 [sbp]
01:03:41 [sbp]
and why no State Bank of Pakistan?
01:04:00 [AaronSw]
it seems to have some trouble with encoding...
01:04:20 [sbp]
ooh, Jill is either "a Single engine Nakajima torpedo-bomber" or "An unspayed female ferret"
01:04:23 [jillzilla]
01:04:48 [jillzilla]
stars above!
01:05:10 [AaronSw]
related phrases: Jack and Jill Off    Jill Poke   Jack and Jill  
01:05:27 [sbp]
Jack and Jill Off? heh, heh, heh
01:05:38 [jillzilla]
Jill Poke is a phrase?
01:05:55 [AaronSw]
It's apparently "A log unloading device"
01:06:13 [jillzilla]
I like that.
01:06:28 [deltab]
oh, glossary is working for you?
01:06:32 [sbp]
I think it should be a verb. "Give it a Jill Poke!"
01:06:41 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla ices her neck.
01:06:45 [sbp]
to Jill Poke: to unload a log
01:06:50 [AaronSw]
Yeah, it works but the links on the front page are broken.
01:07:01 [deltab]
01:07:04 [sbp]
stop all this Jillery Pokery and talk straight log!
01:07:05 [AaronSw]
ooh, it has synonyms
01:07:06 [AaronSw]
.wn bed
01:07:14 [AaronSw]
lol @ jillery pokery
01:07:23 [jillzilla]
sbp> stop all this Jillery Pokery and talk straight log! <--- hee!
01:09:15 [jillzilla]
01:09:36 [sbp]
heh, it reminds me of when Niles' ice melts
01:09:46 [jillzilla]
what happpens?
01:09:52 [sbp]
well, his ice melts
01:09:56 [jillzilla]
01:10:33 [jillzilla]
Argh, my levator scapulae feel like those of my clients who had been in nasty accidents.
01:10:59 [sbp]
01:11:26 [jillzilla]
Argh, my Latin is inadequate. I think the plural is levatores scapulaes or levatores scapulares or something.
01:11:32 [sbp]
01:11:34 [sbp]
Niles: [taking some ice from the wine cooler.] Ice?
01:11:34 [sbp]
Daphne: Yes, I could use some right now. [she lets it slip down her
01:11:34 [sbp]
gown, she steals a glance at his butt.] Oh yes, that's better.
01:11:34 [sbp]
Where's your piece?
01:11:34 [sbp]
Niles: [in his daze, he doesn't know whether he's in heaven or not:]
01:11:35 [sbp]
It's melted. I'll get another.
01:11:36 [sbp]
01:11:52 [AaronSw]
what's the & encoding for apostrophe?
01:11:58 [sbp]
01:12:04 [jillzilla]
01:12:18 [AaronSw]
odd, my web browser doesn't like that
01:12:21 [jillzilla]
01:12:26 [sbp]
odd indeed
01:12:40 [redmonk]
you're all freakin odd. what's the suprise?
01:12:47 [AaronSw]
let's get even
01:12:58 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw rm's redmonk
01:13:04 [redmonk]
redmonk has left #swhack
01:13:11 [redmonk]
redmonk (~steve@ has joined #swhack
01:13:14 [redmonk]
stop that!
01:13:15 [AaronSw]
01:13:19 [sbp]
heh, heh
01:13:24 [AaronSw]
good thing i had a recent backup
01:13:43 [redmonk]
* redmonk feels like the doctor in Voyager
01:13:44 [wmf]
I walk away for a minute, and look what happens!
01:13:47 [sbp]
backup of what?
01:13:48 [deltab]
hmm, voice search seems a bit broken - I got 154 pages of javascript before I stopped it
01:14:10 [AaronSw]
deltab, i think it needs a gui browser
01:14:15 [AaronSw]
it does weird noreloading stuff
01:14:15 [jillzilla]
sbp: a recent backup of himself?
01:14:19 [sbp]
wmf: a conversation breaks out!
01:14:24 [sbp]
heh, heh
01:14:32 [wmf]
you call this a conversation?
01:15:14 [AaronSw]
hm, actually voice browser wqorks for me in links
01:15:51 [wmf]
AaronSw: see them new iBooks?
01:15:55 [AaronSw]
no, where?
01:16:08 [AaronSw]
01:16:10 [wmf]
Apple announced them today
01:16:22 [AaronSw]
i hate you, apple!
01:16:22 [AaronSw]
this is the second time!
01:16:39 [rik]
rik has quit (
01:16:55 [rik]
rik ( has joined #swhack
01:17:06 [wmf]
that's gotta hurt
01:17:28 [sbp]
just cash in your new one
01:17:49 [AaronSw]
heh, i can just imagine walking into the apple store and doing that
01:17:55 [jillzilla]
People who know a lot about whiplash and are very suggestible should never even get IN to cars.
01:18:20 [redmonk]
01:18:24 [sbp]
well, as long as you have the receipt... :-0
01:18:28 [redmonk]
01:18:29 [sbp]
01:18:36 [redmonk]
"I have whiplash!"
01:18:51 [AaronSw]
01:19:29 [AaronSw]
Google Glossary: squid (n) someone who rides crazier than you do
01:19:45 [jillzilla]
redmonk: I do have a tiny bit of it. I'm trying to reassure myself that it's not going to last more than a couple of weeks.
01:19:53 [wmf]
Apple's pimping realMyst on the new iBook
01:19:57 [jillzilla]
Oh, squid! I haven't heard that term in a while. I love that term.
01:20:04 [redmonk]
01:20:20 [jillzilla]
rm: thanks. ice is helping a lot.
01:20:46 [redmonk]
01:20:54 [redmonk]
jill: good
01:21:39 [sbp]
Homer: Yes, I am the highly suggestible type
01:21:57 [jillzilla]
sbp: A Homer quote for all occasions!
01:22:12 [sbp]
Homer: Damn right
01:22:22 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla is pleased to have sbp around.
01:23:21 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla swallows 800mg of ibuprofen.
01:23:31 [sbp]
heh, I actually enjoyed the last wekk, though
01:23:43 [jillzilla]
I bet. What did you do?
01:23:49 [AaronSw]
these logs are so sad. i am going to turn moderation on next time i leave.
01:23:53 [sbp]
heh, it must be so useful being a masseuse :-)
01:23:54 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla thinks it is good to diverge from routine.
01:24:12 [jillzilla]
Yes, I learned a lot of useful stuff in massage school. :-)
01:24:19 [jillzilla]
AaronSw: pfft.
01:24:29 [AaronSw]
01:24:31 [sbp]
just kick-ban people when they get to boring
01:24:34 [sbp]
01:24:51 [AaronSw]
"Oh, naziAaron is in town, everyone change your nicks!"
01:25:10 [sbp]
heh, that sounded like Morbus for a minute
01:25:47 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla suspects it actually *is* Morbus!
01:26:41 [sbp]
Morb on Vorpal?
01:26:53 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla does a search on Vorpal.
01:27:38 [redmonk]
01:28:48 [jillzilla]
Woo! My Latin-speaking coworker informed me that the plural of levator scapulae is levatores scapulae.
01:28:56 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla considers proposing to her colleague.
01:32:08 [AaronSw]
Paranoid Android on iTunes visualization is so trippy...
01:35:17 [AaronSw]
Ooh, Stu stopped by. I wanted to ask him what he thought of the Fountainhead.
01:35:25 [AaronSw]
And a Pattern Language
01:35:35 [jillzilla]
Argh, must read more.
01:35:55 [AaronSw]
A Pattern Language is an amazing book.
01:36:00 [jillzilla]
Hmm, to do by hand or to automate...
01:36:08 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla ponders.
01:36:28 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla remembers she has already written a script that can be adapted. Woo.
01:36:43 [redmonk]
01:36:55 [redmonk]
redmonk has quit (""you people are too smart for me"")
01:37:12 [sbp]
* sbp looks around - what people?
01:37:13 [AaronSw]
You have a script to read books for you?
01:37:29 [jillzilla]
No, to generate nonsequiturs.
01:37:36 [sbp]
just to turn the pages, probably. whiplash
01:37:57 [AaronSw]
Who mentioned nonsequiturs?
01:38:02 [AaronSw]
01:38:03 [sbp]
to generate nonsequiturs? ah, that'll be the reason for the Goodwin Sands
01:38:05 [jillzilla]
I did. Just now.
01:38:19 [jillzilla]
chezns does indeed stand for Chez Non Sequitur.
01:38:20 [sbp]
she did, Aaron. it's in the logs too
01:38:38 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla points at sbp as an eyewitness.
01:38:51 [sbp]
* sbp recieves his kickback
01:39:03 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla dccs it.
01:39:15 [sbp]
01:39:25 [wmf]
all right, what kind of illegal activity is going on in here? I want to join in!
01:40:05 [sbp]
feck, we're bantering again
01:40:08 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla looks innocent.
01:40:18 [jillzilla]
sbp: NO! Say it ISN'T SO!
01:40:29 [AaronSw]
What are we dccing?
01:40:41 [wmf]
I'll bet y'all are napsterizing everything that isn't nailed down
01:40:49 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla napsterizes AaronSw.
01:40:55 [jillzilla]
No we aren't!
01:41:06 [AaronSw]
wmf convinced me to meet him in person. He's one of those government agents that solicit children to have sex with them over IRC.
01:41:16 [AaronSw]
That's why he's so interested in the dccing.
01:41:27 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla refuses to dcc AaronSw to wmf.
01:41:34 [wmf]
01:41:53 [sbp]
ugh, remove me from these logs, could ya? :-)
01:42:08 [jillzilla]
I was chatting with drue at codecon, and I mentioned how many people I had met that I had previously known online, and how surprised I was at only experiencing a little bit of meatspace shock.
01:42:19 [jillzilla]
sbp: You are sullied with banter.
01:42:38 [jillzilla]
Drue commented that he had never heard the term "meatspace shock" and had used "devirtualization."
01:42:50 [wmf]
jillzilla: well after you stalked me, I guess you shouldn't be shocked at meeting me
01:42:59 [jillzilla]
I commented that "meatspace shock" was more Anglo-Saxon and therefore cut more to the heart, not one of these sissy latinization things.
01:43:10 [jillzilla]
wmf: I was horrified, of course.
01:43:56 [wmf]
%shell%> ls -al /dev/burton
01:43:56 [wmf]
brwxrwxrwx 1 root disk 22, 0 Apr 23 1976 /dev/burton
01:44:01 [wmf]
er, no
01:44:13 [wmf]
horrified? I can't imagine why...
01:44:18 [jillzilla]
Anyway, we talked about the different connotations of "meatspace shock" and "devirtualization," and drue really finished the conversation by saying cheerfully that it depended on the situation. If you got to that hotel room, he said, and the 14-year-old girl you were supposed to be meeting turned out to be Special Agent Johnson, it was definitely...and then we said together, "MEAT SPACE SHOCK!"
01:45:07 [jillzilla]
jillzilla is now known as Special
01:45:15 [Special]
Special is now known as SpecialAgentZill
01:45:16 [AaronSw]
jill is sandro
01:45:19 [AaronSw]
err Special
01:45:22 [sbp]
heh, that so didn't work
01:45:30 [wmf]
because you and drue know a lot about meeting 14 year olds in hotel rooms?
01:45:31 [SpecialAgentZill]
01:45:35 [SpecialAgentZill] *** Notice -- Too many nick changes; wait 20 seconds before trying again
01:45:40 [SpecialAgentZill]
* SpecialAgentZill sulks.
01:45:40 [AaronSw]
01:45:46 [SpecialAgentZill]
SpecialAgentZill is now known as SpcialAgentZilla
01:45:47 [wmf]
* wmf laughs at SpecialAgentZill
01:45:50 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw sings Secret Agent... Zill! Secret Agent... Zill!
01:46:02 [sbp]
* sbp just sobs
01:46:22 [SpcialAgentZilla]
* SpcialAgentZilla laughs. That song so confused me for years. Because I heard "Secret Asian Man" and couldn't figure out WTF he might mean by that.
01:46:28 [SpcialAgentZilla]
SpcialAgentZilla is now known as jillzilla
01:46:43 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla gets to one of the difficult bits of Kid A.
01:46:56 [jillzilla]
And if you listen, he really does sing "Secret Asian Man".
01:47:00 [wmf]
* wmf sees the bomb and sighs
01:47:07 [jillzilla]
01:47:15 [eikeon]
eikeon ( has joined #swhack
01:47:30 [wmf]
OmniWeb sets up you the bomb about once or twice a day
01:48:00 [jillzilla]
Ah. That bomb.
01:48:30 [wmf]
reminds me of a funny story about one of the first people to crash a Mac. they saw the bomb and ran screaming
01:48:41 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla is sceptical.
01:48:44 [jillzilla]
but amused.
01:48:59 [sbp]
sbp has changed the topic to: Eschew Swhack
01:49:01 [jillzilla]
After a few months, they stayed put screaming.
01:49:04 [jillzilla]
Poor sbp.
01:49:13 [sbp]
sbp has left #swhack
01:49:19 [jillzilla]
* jillzilla sighs.
01:50:20 [jillzilla]
jillzilla has changed the topic to: black clouds of gloom hang above swhack.
01:50:27 [wmf]
the story about a usability test on the mouse is funny too. they didn't tell the subject how the mouse worked to determine whether it was intuitive. the guy just looked at it and said "wtf"
01:50:48 [jillzilla]
I couldn't figure it out. I hated macs because I couldn't figure out how in hell to use them.
01:54:22 [AaronSw]
The first mouse, made out of a butter dish, was pretty cool.
01:54:36 [AaronSw]
er, well, the first Apple mouse thing.
01:54:55 [jillzilla]
jillzilla has left #swhack
01:56:40 [syn|ack]
hmm...anyone by chance have any XSL FO references aside from zvon? zvon doesn't tell me what they do, just lists them and their attributes
01:57:47 [AaronSw]
Hey, where'd jill go?
01:58:03 [syn|ack]
* syn|ack shrugs
01:58:05 [syn|ack]
she just left...
01:58:10 [AaronSw]
I was going to tell her about reading books while riding my bike.
01:58:25 [syn|ack]
sounds a bit "on the edge" :)
02:07:23 [AaronSw]
Feel free to send me a copy of the Pi soundtrack too.
02:07:49 [Seth]
Seth ( has joined #swhack
02:07:55 [wmf]
careful, I hear that Pi soundtrack is dangerous stuff
02:08:39 [wmf]
first it's the Pi soundtrack and before you know it you're selling your organs for your OONTZ habit
02:10:09 [AaronSw]
02:18:09 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw puts all sorts of private info in his backblogging since no one will read them
02:27:23 [syn|ack]
hmm...i need something like <br> but for XSL FO - would anyone know?
02:32:01 [rik]
rik has quit (
02:32:29 [rik]
rik ( has joined #swhack
02:32:58 [AaronSw]
re: Costa Del Backyard
02:33:19 [AaronSw]
I saw a letter from "King of Prussia, PA" in the New Yorker and thought that the King of Prussia had actually writtn in.
02:34:08 [wmf]
bizarre name for a city
02:34:13 [walloper]
<lilo> Hi all. Bit more rehubbing of Europe in process. That last bit seems to have been instability in a new hub; I have another hub to test that looks a lot better.
02:36:57 [rik]
rik has quit (
02:37:20 [rik]
rik ( has joined #swhack
02:38:41 [walloper]
<lilo> Oops, three out of four down, one was not configured properly. Looks very fast though.
02:39:30 [walloper]
<lilo> Actually that was two out of three. But I may try a fourth.
02:44:53 [walloper]
<lilo> 3 of 4 seem to be working fine, trying the last one in a sec
02:45:15 [rik]
rik has quit (
02:45:23 [rik]
rik ( has joined #swhack
02:46:50 [walloper]
<lilo> Okay, looking good at this point. Expect some instability in European local leaf servers, though, if this hub doesn't work out. We'll keep you posted!
03:04:21 [AaronSw]
very bizarre name
03:06:11 [AaronSw]
heh, i have the same experience as rik
03:09:00 [AaronSw]
Heh, when I was in Montreal all the cab drivers pretended to only speak french.
03:19:28 [AaronSw]
I got to meet Rael's wife at etcon, and found out he has a child. But I didn't get to meet the child. *pout*
03:30:38 [AaronSw]
rik reinvents foaf/rdfweb!
03:30:46 [AaronSw]
... in XML
03:32:50 [AaronSw]
GabeW is under the illusion that this channel is about the semantic web
03:33:21 [AaronSw]
i am so tempted to kill this channel
03:33:48 [AaronSw]
But instead, I think I will keep off of IRC for a week.
03:33:49 [AaronSw]
03:33:52 [AaronSw]
err Goodbye.
03:33:55 [AaronSw]
03:55:32 [cruzn]
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05:39:53 [Ash]
* Ash yawns
06:18:29 [wmf]
wmf has quit ("BitchX: the OTHER white meat")
09:28:28 [rik]
* rik yawns too.
09:30:45 [rik]
* rik blinks
09:30:55 [rik]
* rik wonders what experience AaronSw was talking about.
09:47:55 [sandro]
Sounds like he's talking about the "cab drivers pretended to only speak french"
09:49:08 [rik]
hm. i think he was talking about something during the netsplit.
09:49:37 [rik]
09:49:52 [rik]
* rik shrugs
09:49:52 [sandro]
could be, especially if you've never had that experience in Montreal. :-)
09:50:05 [rik]
i've never been to Montreal.
09:51:35 [rik]
hum. suppose i'd better pounce on something smaller than me for breakfast then
09:52:37 [sandro]
or bigger and very, very slow-moving.
09:53:06 [sandro]
say, a cow.... or a field of wheat. or a refrigerator. :-)
11:04:42 [rik]
11:04:54 [rik]
i had a loaf of toast.
11:05:43 [quasi]
yummy ;)
11:07:15 [rik]
* rik nodnod
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* Seth waves to dettab
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* Seth make that Seth waves to deltab
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Seth has quit ()
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* Seth waves at deltab
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17:40:47 [redmonk]
yo yo yo
17:42:25 [pixel]
17:42:44 [Morbus]
yo. yo. yo.
17:43:18 [redmonk]
sup boys
17:43:25 [redmonk]
(and girrls! jill?)
17:56:46 [sandro]
sandro has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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18:25:01 [Ash]
18:26:16 [redmonk]
yo ash
18:26:37 [redmonk]
pleasant time-zone appropriate greetings to you
18:28:10 [Ash]
18:28:34 [Ash]
man, today is insane.
18:55:03 [redmonk]
"It's craaaaaaaaaazy ASH day!"
18:57:29 [Ash]
18:57:30 [Ash]
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pixel has quit ("")
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19:51:44 [Morbus]
ampheta is shaping up nicely.
19:52:42 [redmonk]
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19:53:23 [Morbus]
you don't care! shuddup! <G>
19:53:30 [redmonk]
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sandro has quit ("Getting off stoned server - dircproxy 1.0.1")
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22:03:06 [syn|ack]
quick question if anyone can help. I want to link resources together, is XLink recommended by people here? I'm prett unknowledageable about this sort of thing. Any recommendations to readings perhaps?
22:52:14 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
22:55:35 [Seth]
syn, what about RDF ?
22:57:53 [syn|ack]
Seth: I don't understand RDF really, is that what's used for?
22:58:07 [syn|ack]
Seth: and why would you prefer it to something like XLink?
22:59:28 [xena]
xena has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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23:11:08 [Morbus]
23:14:10 [Morbus]
23:14:10 [Morbus]
i need home remedies for sore throats.
23:14:19 [Morbus]
got any?
23:25:07 [rik]
chiken soup.
23:25:20 [Morbus]
what about cup of noodles ;)
23:25:33 [rik]
* rik shrugs
23:25:51 [rik]
23:25:54 [rik]
that'll solve it.
23:26:09 [Morbus]
heh, heh.
23:31:30 [redmonk]
redmonk has quit ("cya")