01:15:30 Tube1[Ready] (~Typhoon@f227027.upc-f.chello.nl) has joined #swhack 01:15:41 Tube1[Ready] has left #swhack 01:17:44 synack_ (~synack@210-86-62-17.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) has joined #swhack 01:28:45 Kham has quit ("have a good day all") 01:35:19 s|a has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02:00:39 AaronSw has changed the topic to: the return of sbp 02:00:48 hey wmf 02:00:52 howdy 02:00:58 what's it for. i can set one up pretty easily 02:01:00 you recovered? 02:01:07 HOWDY 02:01:10 nah, don't set one up 02:01:33 I want to put the session grid in a wiki so people can add links to their bloggage 02:01:50 that way other people can easily find notes from each session 02:01:51 recovered from what? 02:01:55 Aha. 02:02:32 I only lost one AC adaptor... 02:02:47 Heh. How many did you have? 02:02:57 at least 3 02:02:58 Any idea where it went? 02:03:20 yeah, I probably left it plugged in under the little round table by the window 02:04:08 http://www.quicktopic.com/boing/H/n4mMPuAasH7 02:05:07 it's not clear that Dan Z is right 02:05:25 I don't understand what Reed was saying 02:14:56 http://www.aaronsw.com/2002/etcon/notes 02:16:39 ok, how do I add links to my notes? 02:17:29 also, the colors are a bit hard to read 02:17:57 yeah, i just fixed the colors 02:18:09 i guess i'll just ad links by hand. 02:18:14 ah, mo' better 02:18:33 I think I'll go put anchors in my notes 02:21:12 http://wmf.editthispage.com/2002/05/16#shirky 02:21:17 http://wmf.editthispage.com/2002/05/16#commons 02:22:05 http://wmf.editthispage.com/2002/05/15#cory 02:23:15 http://wmf.editthispage.com/2002/05/14#tim 02:23:32 http://wmf.editthispage.com/2002/05/14#morris 02:24:12 http://wmf.editthispage.com/2002/05/14#neumann 02:24:18 http://wmf.editthispage.com/2002/05/14#marcs 02:24:45 http://wmf.editthispage.com/2002/05/14#brewster 02:25:03 http://wmf.editthispage.com/2002/05/14#rashid 02:26:53 OK, I think I've got them all. 02:26:59 I didn't blog emergence 02:27:22 yeah, i fixed that 02:27:42 heh, I'm so 20 seconds ago 02:28:09 now to integrate cory 02:28:12 did we blog exactly the same sessions? 02:28:53 i blogged some you didn't 02:29:08 bruce schneirer 02:29:12 ah 02:29:28 you blogged commons, i didn't 02:31:21 another wiki idea: you are what you use? a directory of who uses what kinds of machines 02:50:14 ok, i'm gonna have to set up that wiki now 02:50:35 good thing it's already installed 03:00:01 http://notabug.com/2002/wiki/FrontPage 03:04:35 hm, more URIs to ORA weblogs? http://www.oreillynet.com/1414.html 03:21:01 Oram: "Schneier is a really neat person, despite his illusion that a Gore administration would have protected civil liberties more than the Bush administration does. " 03:21:03 weird 03:38:54 what kind of wiki requires me to log on?? 03:55:51 hm 03:55:55 maybe i set permissions wrong 03:56:05 conference webcast http://technetcast.ddj.com/tnc_catalog.html?item_id=1314 03:56:54 try now 03:57:30 ok 04:00:25 OK, I think I've integrated everything intot he etcon page 04:03:38 Brewster used a TiBook, right? 04:04:09 yes 04:04:25 (it's great to just be able to check my photos to answer that question) 04:12:43 http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/000256 04:12:59 woo! 256th post! 04:14:30 Heh. 04:18:50 I'm glad iPhoto can fix the contrast in my no-flash photos 04:22:36 wow, i already got a thank you note for the notes page 04:33:38 geez, iPhoto is slow. need titanium. 04:34:26 applescript and zope have made loading photos to site so easy. 04:34:57 I should do that 04:34:59 plug in camera. click "download some...". hit rotate button a few times. drag photos onto "upload". 04:35:04 I am such a slacker 04:36:29 at least I don't have to use GraphicConverter any more 04:47:44 I hope I don't run Dave out of disk space... 04:49:13 Dave? 04:49:38 oh, right 04:49:38 I'm uploading lots of data to HTP 04:50:40 http://wmf.editthispage.com/pictures/viewer$7553 04:51:20 Awesome. 05:01:52 interesting: http://www.skeptic.com/02.2.shermer-unlikely-cult.html 05:03:16 I knew what that was about before I finished the first paragraph :-) 05:04:21 I think Extropianism and Singularitarianism (phew) are religions in a sense 05:07:32 Hm, I thought they were just weird. 05:22:56 woo! "Alpha testing of Tinderbox for MacOS X is proceeding well. We should be in beta next week." 05:25:11 ooh: http://markbernstein.org/alife1.html 05:27:10 23K hits/day on average? yeah right 05:27:27 230 would be more like it 05:28:02 as he says, scale to fit 05:29:53 synack_ is now known as s|a 06:27:56 * AaronSw backblogs, starting with http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/000255 06:36:32 looks like some punctuation's missing from "choice between property and the American" 06:36:42 way between anarchy and evil communism. 06:36:49 " 06:36:54 bleh 06:37:18 missing punctuation is *not* that extra quote mark :-) 06:38:31 only one o in Morpheus 06:40:30 oh, and could you update dns please? thanks 06:41:14 now: "They've convinced the world that it's a choice between property and the American way or anarchy and evil communism." 06:41:25 what file should i use for DNS? 06:41:41 do i have an account on xia? 06:43:09 data.esp 06:43:52 hm, that name neither decentralized, global nor secure. ;-) 06:44:04 and it contains no hints on how to locate the file 06:44:29 wmf, where'd we go for dinner on tues? 06:44:43 oh, iA? 06:45:36 no, spicy noodles... 06:45:37 mon: iA, tue: spicy 06:46:07 scp://xia.blazingfast.net/%2fservice/tinydns/root/data.esp 06:46:52 one advantage of ripping my CD collection is that I'm going back and listening to all of it 06:51:26 thanks deltab /me updates Makefile; makes 06:51:48 thanks 06:53:25 those still accessing your server for our domains should stop soon 06:54:57 thanks for the use of it 06:57:27 no prob 07:20:00 oierw is now known as oierw|sleep 07:28:05 congrats AaronSw, you're in NTK 07:28:11 thanks 07:28:44 lol, "the keyboard rattling hoardes of Blogistan" 07:33:28 heh, "a geek army of the Republic of Blogistan" 07:36:28 tracking the blogistan meme? 07:37:02 not really 07:37:13 just noting various forms of it 07:42:21 Joey blogged Roger's session 07:44:39 * AaronSw links in Joey 07:45:08 there's nothing like having someone to implement my ideas 07:46:02 hah: "Lightweight. If we ever get a teeny-weeny little 5.2 quake around here, I'll bet you'll pee in your beloved couch." 07:46:14 that's a little harsh 07:48:06 he's brutal. 'Has Steven Johnson ever been even near a ghetto? He looks so WASPy, and my definition of WASP is "someone who steps out of the shower to pee."' 07:50:04 i like this job because i get to read all the weblog entries. 07:50:54 heh: "Sending >500KB attachments is forbidden by the Geneva Convention. 07:50:56 Your country may be at risk if you fail to comply." 07:56:23 ugh, i'm so tired i can barely see. 07:56:38 laters 07:56:44 bye 08:07:05 geez, Brockman has a new book of essays out and I haven't finished his last one 08:37:28 wmf has quit ("press return") 09:40:34 tansaku_in_trans (sam@modem-rack4-modem74.netkonect.net) has joined #swhack 09:42:22 tansaku_in_trans is now known as tansaku_uk 10:30:16 tansaku_uk has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 11:06:24 s|a has quit ("[x]chat") 13:05:59 Kham (kmnguyen@alpha3.csd.uwm.edu) has joined #swhack 13:09:38 oierw|sleep is now known as oierw 13:24:26 Kham has quit (Remote closed the connection) 13:52:05 sbp has changed the topic to: The old grey mare, she ain't what she used to be 14:45:32 .dns lists.hpchabad.org. 14:45:32 lists.hpchabad.org. - 15:19:06 "I lift this clavicle to worlds without number, and bring a new light to the Way, guiding this gate that all may prosper, those who guide and are guided, who light the Way and bask in the light so given....Behold, I open a new world." 15:19:19 Please welcome piper.openprojects.net, a new hidden hub, located somewhere. 15:26:29 justme (justme@p4847.vwr.wanadoo.nl) has joined #swhack 15:29:48 justme_ (justme@p4420.vwr.wanadoo.nl) has joined #swhack 15:30:36 .dns cdindex.org 15:30:57 cdindex.org - gaierror: (-2, 'Name or service not known') 15:49:22 justme has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 16:03:05 justme__ (justme@rot2-p1927.dial.wanadoo.nl) has joined #swhack 16:12:14 justme_ has quit (No route to host) 17:05:25 i wonder where that quote is from 17:12:22 Pimpshiz (Pimpshiz@Mix-Nantes-109-1-58.abo.wanadoo.fr) has joined #swhack 17:12:25 Pimpshiz has left #swhack 17:18:42 ook: http://www.itas.fzk.de/mahp/weber/merkle.htm 17:18:43 err ooh 17:18:48 merkle puzzles using only hashes. neat. 17:19:14 i was telling cory that the neural net training thing was just a new twist on merkle puzzles 17:24:47 justme__ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 17:26:32 Wow, he found it by trying to prove it was impossible. 17:32:32 nebridius has quit (carter.openprojects.net irc.openprojects.net) 17:32:32 eikeon has quit (carter.openprojects.net irc.openprojects.net) 17:32:36 eikeon (~eikeon@jungle.ne.client2.attbi.com) has joined #swhack 17:39:44 Seth (~seth@12-230-243-179.client.attbi.com) has joined #swhack 18:28:07 does anyone know hot to use the standard python http server stuff to access persistent python objects from a html form ? 19:03:58 * AaronSw gets praise from David Stutz about the blog grid 19:09:00 hi arron, how would you use the standard python http server stuff to access persistent python objects from a html form ? 19:25:03 [GlobalNotice] Hi all. We're still running short on main rotation leaf servers for Open Projects Net. We look for T3 or better, multihomed, well-connected and reliable. If you think you might be able to help, please take a look at http://openprojects.net/sponsoring_servers.shtml . Please email me at lilo@openprojects.net if you're interested. Thanks! 19:45:11 blog grid? 19:51:24 Man, this Merkle story is way worse than it appears 19:51:43 blog grid: http://www.aaronsw.com/2002/etcon/notes 19:51:56 Seth, dunno. i don't use the std http server 19:53:19 heh, Sam Ruby has a good point. REST doesn't say anything about how to represent state but explains how to access objects and SOAP says little about accessing objects but does define how to represent state 19:58:24 I think we need to replace the hammer-nail thing with the drunk-car-keys thing in many places. 20:00:04 aaron, well then how would you access persisten python objects from a html form? 20:00:32 i don't think i've ever found a need to do that 20:00:51 but it can't be too hard 20:01:10 it isn't 20:01:24 so how do you do it deltab ? 20:01:45 did you read the answers you got in #python ? 20:02:50 well im trying to grok FastCGI but im a newbee with this 20:03:25 twister seems to be overkill .. i want a simple install of my app 20:04:14 base it on HTTPServer 20:05:15 i didnt get very far with edna, too advanced for me 20:06:35 so how do i do that, how do i base it on HTTPServer ? ... where do i create the instance of the object, inside HTTPServer ? 20:06:49 er, I meant BaseHTTPServer 20:06:54 what object is it? 20:07:12 normally i would create my object by: 20:07:13 Hm, Berkeley sounds like a good place to go to school. 20:07:18 import bot 20:07:43 objectA = bot.wake() 20:07:58 AaronSw, I had a friend who went there, loved it. 20:08:43 Yeah, I'm reading this interview with Whitfield Diffie. He says it's great: good energy, very leftist, lots of good friends. (Of course that was a while ago...) It's also a good sign that the cypherpunks are from there. 20:08:47 so where in BaseHttPServer do i put objectA = bot.wake() ? 20:09:55 such that i can access it from the html form? 20:11:05 It be rather astonishing to me if *all* the 'hip'ness of berkeley disappeared. 20:12:26 Of course, at wesleyan, a key part of the campas tour is to point out where they made the acid to pay of the Dead. 20:13:15 I wonder if they still do Zonker day and Uncle Duke day. 20:13:42 Heh! 20:14:11 According to Lerner, student organized activities like Zonker Harris Day help prefrosh get a feel for what he called the "eclectic nature" of Wesleyan, and of WestCo itself. 20:14:11 20:14:11 "I thought it went extremely well," said Benjamin Rhatigan Õ03, the WesFest intern. "We were really satisfied with the turnout and the responses of the prefrosh." 20:14:11 Hmm. 20:14:28 What I recall about ZH day is that they hand out free drugs outside the dining hall. 20:14:54 i spose i would create a class based on BaseHTTPServer and in the constructor for the class put self.objectA = bot.wake() 20:15:24 "I was completely stoned out of my mind and had a really good time," said Manny Sharma Õ01. "I saw Slip, a groove-oriented rock band, and they were really good. Later the DJ came out and played. It was fun, it was just a bunch of people milling around having a good time." 20:15:25 20:15:25 According to Perez-Longobardo, there was some initial apprehension about the event from the administration. She said Hill was concerned about drawing negative publicity regarding the drug theme of the event, especially in light of the recent press coverage in The New York Times of nudity at WestCo. 20:15:27 Heh. 20:15:38 * bijan was strongly againts nudity at WestCo. 20:16:00 class BotHTTPServer(BaseHTTPServer): 20:16:07 but then how do i access objectA from the html form ... i mean i guess im not running a cgi handeler 20:16:33 deltab, with you so far :) 20:17:28 bijan was against nudity? 20:18:03 *at westco* 20:18:07 Elsewhere was fine :) 20:22:33 It seems fitting that XRML, the Extensible Rights ML is covered by patents. 20:24:13 Heh. 20:24:14 deltab, ok i got: 20:24:15 def __init__(self,): 20:24:16 self.me = bot.wake() 20:24:45 is that right ... then how do i get the cgi handler going or do i use somethig else? 20:25:03 you don't want CGI 20:25:07 * AaronSw heads off to write 20:25:31 so what gets the imput from the form? 20:25:36 read the docs for BaseHTTPServer 20:25:49 you define handlers for GET etc. 20:42:42 Seth: what sort of interaction will there be? 20:43:32 from a input line you might get a assertion like {seth is great} 20:43:52 for that you want to do 20:44:33 me.assert('seth','is','great') 20:44:45 input how? 20:44:57 then the server responds with a html form about all the info about seth 20:45:44 form input 20:46:14 just a single string? 20:46:29 yeah the input in that case would be just a single string. 20:47:25 is there already an interface for entering those strings, e.g. from stdin? 20:47:39 the code for the bot is at http://robustai.net/mentography/bot.py 20:47:46 ah 20:47:55 thanks 20:48:11 haha "This isa API" 20:49:02 so now im trying to attach that to a server so that i can converse with it through html forms 20:49:19 hmm, please don't put __ __ around names you invent yourself 20:49:43 sorry, im a bozo with python still :( 20:50:44 what should i use there, ___ triple underlines? 20:50:55 __ __ indicates a name that has some special meaning to python 20:51:21 so just take off the __ entirely? 20:51:26 yeah 20:51:30 k 21:09:48 is sbp around? i need a sanity check 21:10:08 or anyone else who cares about standards bodies... 21:10:27 yes? 21:11:22 Alright, I'll email you the thing I wrote. Let me know what you think. 21:12:49 I won't read it for a while, I'm watching 24 :-) 21:12:55 Heh. 21:14:09 * sbp waves 21:14:11 do you want comments on or off-log? I was just about to email you 21:14:23 they're 9.5 on the pedantometer 21:14:51 sbp! 21:15:07 either one, thanks 21:15:41 you ought to add a type to the