00:00:04 syn|ack_ (~synack@210-86-60-137.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) has joined #swhack 00:00:13 i wrote an alias for my irc client so I could have one, jillzilla 00:00:15 Hi, synack. love the nick. 00:00:16 Hello 00:00:16 try typing '/nick' 00:00:21 i thought it would be appropriate 00:00:24 jillzilla: thanks 00:00:29 Zircon: you crazy fool, you. 00:00:31 the 'nick' in /nick stands for 'nickname' 00:00:37 jillzilla: I'm going crazy with new ideas 00:01:01 [ foaf:name "Jill Lundqwhatsits"; foaf:nick "jillzilla" ] . 00:01:14 cf. http://xmlns.com/foaf/1.0/ 00:01:26 s/1.0/0.1/ 00:02:02 * jillzilla decides to change her surname to Lundqwhatsits. 00:03:03 :-) 00:03:26 swhack logs are legally binding for that sort of thing, BTW (AFAIK) 00:04:14 "Have I joined some sort of inner W3C cabal?" - Drew McDermott on www-archive discussions 00:04:43 gah, I suppose I have to get a fecking URI for that now 00:04:59 oh for a forum where I can quote with citelessness impunity! 00:05:18 http://www.w3.org/2002/02/mid/200204242347.g3ONl4409554@pantheon-po03.its.yale.edu 00:05:27 'though the mid: thing helps quite a bit 00:05:28 * jillzilla dares sbp to write a rhyming poem with the "citelessness impunity" line as its first line. 00:05:52 * danbri collecting photo URLs and irc nicks for his rdf database... 00:06:09 anybody got a public mugshot url to share? 00:06:25 * syn|ack_ waves good morning at danbri 00:06:29 aaron, sbp -- already got *plenty* of you folk 00:06:33 evening! 00:06:41 * danbri bit confused about the time 00:06:48 :) 00:06:51 * danbri still fiddling with ruby soap server! 00:07:15 dear crap, I need to find a rhyming dicrionary, fast! 00:07:23 danbri: not much headway? Perhaps Ian Macdonald he is using soap4r in the Google interface 00:07:42 * sbp speaks to his encyclopaedia, but it can't even manage a haiku 00:07:42 perhaps <> Ian... 00:08:02 It mostly works. I have SOAP::Lite chatting away to it. I don't have the Java/Axis stuff working as a client yet, and was having trouble debugging. 00:08:46 I've now got a fake mini-server showing me the Axis msgs, so I can compare with what the other clients are sending. Can't get soap4r rich logging to work, but haven't rtfm'd proplery yet either 00:09:21 it's hard sometimes unless you know japanesse.... :\ 00:09:37 ask on -talk, Nahi is quick to respond :) 00:09:41 makes a change 00:11:42 I mean having to read japanese makes a change, not Nahi's responce times 00:12:10 Sean craves a forum allowing citelessness impunity / an altogether simpler place and tightly knit community / to overcome this lack / he'll take his citations back / and end up with a citing craze immunity 00:12:18 whee! 00:12:23 and it nearly made sense, too 00:12:24 danbri: heh 00:12:24 * jillzilla swoons. 00:13:36 heh, I made Jill swoon away in a surprise of joy 00:13:59 Morbus (morbus@s119.terminal3.totalnetnh.net) has joined #swhack 00:14:17 * jillzilla returns gasping to consciousness. 00:14:26 * sbp ^5's Antonella Gambotto 00:14:33 Morbus! 00:15:02 heh, hang on, reference problems 00:15:08 sbp! 00:16:29 anyone beat the tally yet, Morb? 00:16:37 nope. got a few more. 00:16:44 but not the mighty 17 00:16:48 so 17's the figure to... right 00:17:13 tally? 00:17:34 yep, Morbus has this competition thing going on 00:17:46 he's embedded references to comics and cartoons in his latest article 00:18:22 uhuh 00:18:34 referencing publisher and not author should be an imprisonable offense! 00:18:40 there's 20 of em, and so far, the highest count is 17 for "Which show did these characters come from?" 00:18:59 which Morbus was quite impressed at, I might add 00:19:07 *insanely* impressed at. 00:19:15 actually, I've been meaning to take a shot at the quiz myself 00:19:39 although I'm going to mess it up on purpose. the prize scares me a little 00:19:42 yeah? ooh. 00:19:44 heheheh. 00:19:48 yeah, there's a prize, danbri. 00:19:58 ooh. what's the prize? 00:19:59 "something random" from me, in the snail mail. 00:20:02 mu hah. mu hahahahah! 00:20:02 url? 00:20:06 http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/mac/2002/04/23/apache_six.html?page=3 00:20:17 last para is the actual explanation. 00:20:21 chop off the ? to get the full article 00:20:27 there's little chance of my winning, so should be safe! 00:20:36 well, i take bribes ;) 00:20:42 * sbp re-^5's Steele 00:20:59 anyway... 00:21:27 how much is your bribe? ten, twenty? fifty comics? 00:21:43 ama wishlist ;) 00:21:52 nooooo! 00:21:59 ooh, it's your birthday over here 00:22:02 which i have to revise 00:22:07 yeah? 00:22:08 .time 00:22:08 2002/04/25 00:22:07.78801 Universal 00:22:14 buy me a present today, and then i'll ask again tomorrow. 00:22:20 when tomorrow is today. 00:22:21 you know. 00:22:24 so a quasi-happy birthday to you :-) 00:22:31 * Morbus grunts. 00:22:32 bah! 00:22:33 :) 00:22:34 isn't that a happy quasi-birthday? 00:22:41 How old, Morbus! 00:22:46 uh. 19. 00:22:58 Oh, Morbus, did I tell you that my Chinese conversation partner and I found a Chinese name for you? 00:23:07 oh yeah? what's thats? 00:23:09 everybody's 19 on this channel 00:23:16 whoo hoo! 00:23:19 * Morbus ^5's dbp 00:23:21 pfff. 00:23:55 Translation of the Chinese name for Morbus: Big-Funny-Diseased-Moon-Child-Guy 00:24:07 heh, heh. 00:24:23 It's something like Illness-Disease-Moredisease. 00:24:47 whoo Hoo! 00:24:59 did i ever tell you i used to be in a bbs ansi group called infectious? 00:25:09 and that i ran a bbs called the darkened closet? 00:25:11 Unfortunately, I wrote it down on one of the pieces of paper in The Dread Pile. 00:27:17 sbp, finally keeping dnnup to date. 00:27:43 excellent! 00:27:44 faif was keeping me back ;) 00:28:28 * danbri fixes his soap problem, which is now reduced to an rdf query parsing problem, declares victory and heads off to zzz! 00:28:39 * danbri is 19 again next january, _sure_... :) 00:28:52 danbri: weee! 00:28:55 heh. 00:30:16 * AaronSw waves 00:30:43 nite danbri 00:31:29 AaronSw: do you have a movie online now? 00:31:45 Sorry, syn|ack -- I forgot to tape it! I feel really bad. 00:31:59 I'm going to write it up as an article, thought. 00:32:08 :( oh well, these things happen 00:32:29 syn|ack: i don't know you. i'm morbus. uh. who are you? 00:32:45 Morbus, meet syn|ack_. 00:32:53 Hm, my net connection still sucks. Time to move to Phase 2: unplug random things 00:32:54 * Morbus toes the dirt. 00:32:56 syn|ack, meet Morbus. 00:32:56 Morbus: i Morbus, I'm syn|ack - nice to meet you :) 00:33:02 s/i/hi/ 00:33:09 have fun, AaronSw. 00:33:10 gasp! syn|ack?!? we're brothers! here, have some spaghetti. 00:33:12 sit, sit, eat! 00:33:19 you skinny boy, mamma will show you how, like this. 00:33:25 * Morbus twists and rolls. 00:33:28 * danbri grins 00:33:33 * syn|ack_ points to the bottle of wine 00:33:34 * jillzilla gives syn|ack_ a big basket of rolls. 00:33:40 heh, heh. 00:33:44 :) 00:33:46 * jillzilla pours syn|ack_ a big glass of wine. 00:34:09 * jillzilla covers syn|ack_ in olive oil and proceeds to r--oops, wrong channel. 00:34:24 whoo hoo! 00:34:27 * jillzilla mutters. It's the Morbus influence. 00:34:27 * Morbus scoots closer. 00:34:28 heh, good for the skin, ummm...so I'm told of course 00:34:37 mMM. power of morbus, in new bath toy. 00:34:41 * jillzilla has given olive oil massages. 00:34:48 oOOH. 00:35:06 uh oh 00:35:08 you 00:35:10 you've set him off 00:35:15 not for the first time. 00:35:19 heh, heh 00:35:21 rawwwrrr. 00:35:21 heh: "I just heard about two IRC'ers resolving a spelling dispute through hit-counts on Google" -- i bet that was on swhack 00:35:29 lol. 00:35:31 heh! 00:35:33 yeaaaah. 00:35:34 source? 00:35:36 I think I was involved in that. 00:35:44 we do it all the time! 00:36:05 ooh, the internet must be back 00:36:06 thanks to u googlecount, we even automate it 00:36:12 Aaron: where's that from? 00:36:22 You don't just look for spelling corrections? 00:36:23 my kitties sitting outside on the porch, all curled up in a chair. 00:36:25 Rael's weblog 00:36:31 unfortuantey, being characteristically naked, i'm now cold. 00:36:36 * jillzilla coos at Morbus' kitty. 00:36:40 but i can't close the porch, cos kiddie be all alone. 00:36:50 i shall do the next best thing!\ 00:36:53 * Morbus rubs his nipples. 00:36:58 Hm, unpluggng the modem did not seem to help 00:37:01 ahhh. this is how *I* spell relief. 00:38:32 heh. 00:38:43 this is really annoying. i'm tempted to get out the 56k modem 00:38:43 nipple rubbing: stopping chats cold. 00:39:10 mmmm. 56k modem. 00:39:16 then i can listen to you bitch and moan. 00:39:30 heh, you already are 00:39:37 true. 00:40:29 * Morbus drinks some echinacea tea. 00:40:37 really? last I knew it was like 100k. 00:41:11 my pension plan, i mean. 00:41:29 * Morbus begins work on Apache #7. 00:41:41 There's MORE? 00:41:46 heh, heh. 00:41:52 Don't your readers know everythint about Apache yet? As well as cartoons? 00:42:09 that will be maintained as time goes n. 00:43:07 jillzilla's getting sick of my writing. i knew it. 00:43:18 but hey, derrick thought my decepticon piece was a hoot. 00:43:24 * jillzilla beams. 00:43:41 * Morbus bolts 00:45:19 .dns nytimes.com 00:45:20 nytimes.com - 00:45:53 Hm, maybe it's just my DNS that's being slow. 00:46:09 heh. 00:46:13 [[[ 00:46:14 Editor's Note: He won't stop. We tell him to stop, but he points to the rabid amount of reader fan mail, commenting, and linkage, and says he can't - that he's inexplicably drawn into his favored text editor to pen "another missive to the frothing masses." We feel compelled to publish him, fearing what an unstroked ego could do to him. Thus, here is part 7. Enjoy! 00:46:14 ]]] 00:46:19 i love my intros/conclusions. 00:47:18 Oh, Morbus, if I had any respect for you, that would double it! 00:47:25 bwahahaah. 00:47:30 yeah, you sure? 00:47:47 Well, it would still double it, since 2*0 = 0 00:47:55 We were talking about this at dinner. 00:47:59 It's like that old Muppets Show 00:48:10 go on. 00:48:36 kermit and one of the characters are arguing over pay. "I want my salary tripled!" "No, I'm not going any farther than doubling it." "No, tripled!" 00:48:46 ah yes. 00:48:48 that was redone in the m&m commercials too 00:48:50 Then someone asks him "What is your salary now?" "Um, zero." 00:49:03 That sounds like Scooter. 00:49:06 Or Gonzo. 00:49:09 beaker! 00:49:16 i loved beaker. 00:49:24 * jillzilla makes beaker sounds. 00:49:27 beaker was great! 00:49:29 ooOH! 00:49:32 and that cheif 00:49:38 The Swedish Chef! 00:49:42 BORK BORK BORK! 00:49:42 heh heh! 00:49:55 lick quid! 00:49:57 * jillzilla highly recommends google with the language set to bork bork. 00:49:58 i have a cheesey muppet ring on my mobile phone ;) 00:49:59 lick quid! 00:50:02 lick quid! 00:50:05 lickquid? 00:50:08 liquid! 00:50:13 liquid! liquid! liquid! 00:50:25 Morbus: That was on the Electric Company. 00:50:30 nuh uh! 00:50:37 it was that two headed alien! 00:50:42 No way! 00:50:49 and those 2 old guys - they where very funny :) 00:50:51 one with horns who looked mean, and the other guy who looked kinda sleepy. 00:50:56 yes way! 00:51:16 On TEC, it was done with two silhouettes of lips on the left and right of the screen. 00:52:21 .time 00:52:22 2002/04/25 00:52:21.1703 Universal 00:52:31 .time 00:52:31 2002/04/25 00:52:30.5161 Universal 00:52:31 .time 00:52:31 .time 00:52:31 .time 00:52:31 2002/04/25 00:52:31.0773 Universal 00:52:32 .time 00:52:32 2002/04/25 00:52:30.7318 Universal 00:52:33 2002/04/25 00:52:31.2405 Universal 00:52:33 2002/04/25 00:52:31.4996 Universal 00:52:33 .time 00:52:34 2002/04/25 00:52:33.1714 Universal 00:52:35 .time 00:52:36 2002/04/25 00:52:35.2723 Universal 00:52:37 flooood! 00:52:37 .time 00:52:38 2002/04/25 00:52:37.2697 Universal 00:52:39 .time 00:52:40 2002/04/25 00:52:39.1606 Universal 00:52:41 .time 00:52:41 2002/04/25 00:52:41.1382 Universal 00:52:43 .time 00:52:44 2002/04/25 00:52:43.2504 Universal 00:52:46 oh good, time is increasing 00:52:47 I'm not stuck 00:52:52 * Zircon whew 00:52:54 I was worried 00:52:56 * jillzilla hits Zircon. 00:52:58 improper use of /me! 00:53:00 quit it. 00:53:31 we have syn|tax in swhack! 00:53:35 proper usage instructions! 00:53:40 keep away from children! 00:53:44 do not drink while standing up! 00:53:51 jumping up and down will NOT stop a pregnancy. 00:53:58 improper use of /me is frowned upon! 00:54:15 and finally, repetitive bot abusage is grounds for dismissal! 00:54:19 and not just coffee grounds. 00:54:31 we're talking about "bottom of a seven year old charcoal grill" grounds. 00:54:53 ewww. 00:54:58 morbus hath spoken! 00:55:05 * Morbus hears cymbal crashes. 00:56:04 heh. 00:56:14 i dont think "Enjoy and appease the beast!" will make it past the first ORA revision. 01:01:46 looks like the problem was with my base station or something. i switched to wired ether net and everything zooming now 01:01:58 good. 01:02:04 if you want, you can try dling some moby tracks. 01:02:21 ooh, ooh 01:02:44 lemme set it up 01:03:47 I notice that the Times takes a very balanced approach to Co$ in http://www.nytimes.com/2002/04/22/technology/ebusiness/22NECO.html 01:04:20 Ooh, Clambake is #2 hit for "scientology" 01:09:18 * syn|ack_ is curiouse 01:09:23 what does the # denote? 01:09:28 unlogged content. 01:09:35 ahh 01:09:44 i should prefix all my text with that then :) 01:10:42 More verisign spam: "Now get the most important ** E-BUILDING BLOCKS ** for profitable e-Commerce. ** FASTER. EASIER. BETTER. **" 01:10:58 * jillzilla gets a code review back. Cool. 01:11:58 Nice. Google into XP? 01:12:14 Not explicitly. But every change is reviewed. 01:12:30 We pair program for some stuff. 01:12:57 We could stand to automate testing more. 01:13:06 anyone leeching from me? 01:13:16 O.K., Morbus! 01:13:19 I've got 20 answers 01:13:25 I'm going to send them to you now... 01:13:37 answers? 01:13:51 * AaronSw goes thru the 147 emails he's received... 01:13:51 mmkay :) 01:14:00 is that what you've been doing? 01:14:30 yep 01:14:33 sent 01:14:48 I thought Chicago was a boring city, but now I must reconsider since it's home to "AlCon, a convention for fans of Weird Al Yankovic" 01:14:49 I'll bet I got like 5 or something 01:14:49 how do pigs eat food? 01:14:58 i need a piglike verb 01:15:07 they snuzzle it 01:15:10 porcine. 01:15:17 snuzzle, nice word :) 01:15:24 they pig it down. pig is a verb! 01:15:24 i'll let you know cos I like you 01:15:24 but no one else! 01:15:38 you mean you don't like me? 01:15:49 heh, heh 01:15:56 I usually hear people indirectly say that someone is eating like a pig, not with the verb, but by making reference to the trough. 01:16:01 they 'pig out' 01:16:16 Whoa, Al is coming to AlCon! 01:16:27 AaronSw, you won't even play my games./ 01:16:28 Nah, pig out, at least here, means to eat a lot of food, not to eat it in a swinish manner. 01:16:35 i'm already using trough! 01:16:35 i need something else ;) 01:16:37 * syn|ack_ thinks 01:16:46 ooh. swinish! 01:16:46 thank you! 01:16:53 yaaaaay! 01:17:59 * jillzilla quietly salutes the anglo-saxons for the word "swine". 01:18:17 oOoh. 01:20:36 Oh my god! My coworker just gave me a new bash idiom! YES! 01:20:44 Ooh, what? what? 01:20:46 I haven't had a new bash idiom in a hundred years! 01:20:51 * jillzilla does the new idiom dance. 01:20:55 WOO! 01:21:03 Is this Ian? 01:21:08 Tell us! Tell us! 01:21:35 Oh, it's actually a /bin/test idiom. 01:21:39 * syn|ack_ wishes his company did code reviews 01:22:19 I didn't know you could use -eq to find out if a variable is numeric, e.g.: 01:22:44 [ "$pgid" -eq "$pgid" ] > /dev/null 2>&1 01:22:44 if [ $? ]; then echo "found noninteger pgid $pgid" 1>&2 ; fi 01:22:56 * jillzilla looks for a way to replace the $? with a || . 01:23:07 Oh, duh. 01:23:33 [ "$pgid" -eq "$pgid" ] > /dev/null 2>&1 || echo "found noninteger pgid $pgid" 1>&2 01:24:31 why would it not be? 01:24:32 * jillzilla notes that AaronSw seems unimpressed. :-) 01:24:43 EncyclopaediaGalactica['new idiom dance'] = "Dance performed by certain female Earthlings upon learning a new bash idiom" 01:24:44 Heh. I'm still trying to figure this out 01:24:45 btw, &>/dev/null 01:24:45 deltab: because I'm reading it from a file that may have been corrupted. 01:25:20 deltab: for both stdout and stderr? 01:25:24 How csh-like. 01:25:29 This must be a bashism. 01:25:29 heh. 01:25:29 can i run this intro through you? 01:25:30 yup 01:25:51 is this going to be about pigs? 01:26:14 uh. kinda, yeah. 01:26:14 why? 01:26:20 lol 01:26:23 Morbus: I hope it's not like having a sword run through me 01:26:35 because I wouldn't enjoy that at all 01:26:36 enough laughter for the morning 01:26:40 * syn|ack_ is away doing yard work 01:26:42 or Technicium-99 01:26:50 have fun, syn.ack.. 01:26:54 anyway, pray continue, dear sir! 01:26:57 heh, heh. 01:26:57 You can run Technicium thru people? 01:27:06 well, it is a first draft. so it could ;) 01:27:15 mmkay. 01:27:15 [[[ 01:27:24

Everyone at GatesMcFarlaneCo is at lunch, chomping away at greasy burgers, lawyering over spilt milk, or maneuvering for a date with the newest intern. You can hear them swining away in the trough the Employee Handboy calls the "Eatery". An eatery? Pff! It's a cafeteria of the clearest High School distinction, filled with cliques, poseurs and posturers, and infantile humor.


And you? Where do you eat? You don't "eat" - you "snack", for you have learning to do. Learning that must not be interrupted by a thoughtless task of food digestion. Oh yes. Your computer, your beloved Apache. She beckons. You answer the call.

01:27:25 ]]] 01:27:48 ... begin article ... 01:27:48 Handboy? 01:27:57 the second para isn't strong enough. 01:28:11 Are you personifying the computer as "she" all along? If not, that sounds a bit out of place. 01:28:15 er/ 01:28:15 handbook 01:28:19 yeah, remove the reference to apache 01:28:33 yeah. 01:28:35 it's hardly relevant, is it? 01:28:58 um. it's like an Apache article, isn't it? 01:28:58 Well, it's relevant, since the article is about apache. but it's redundant, for the same reason. 01:29:11 what Jill said 01:29:19 Your computer, with her lampish neck and Pixar sleekness. She beckons. You answer the call. 01:29:26 heh! 01:29:29 Ohhhh, much nicer. 01:29:41 answer *her* call 01:29:44 yes. 01:29:52 i wouldn't say it's *about* apache - it only mentions it once 01:29:54 Or her siren call. 01:30:06 deltab: it's part of a series of articles. this is the intro to #7. 01:30:18 this fits perfectly, because back in 3 i think, i make mention thatyou got the latest macworld mystery on a purchase order. 01:30:18 and at the time, that was the iLamp. so... 01:30:31 oh, man 01:30:41 Morbus, you rock in a shotglass sometimes 01:30:49 Awesomely. 01:30:52 jillzilla: um, I know that 01:30:58 never mind 01:31:08 deltab: clearly we're each missing something. :-) 01:33:03 gah, he only just finished #6, and already he's working on #7 01:36:23 jill: yes! you *awesomely* rock! a split infinitive, and an abnormal adverb! 01:36:29 I remember when Morbus was just a little man on an IRC channel, before his international Apache fame. 01:36:58 * sbp remembers how that fame came about 01:37:08 MorbusIff (morbus@s117.terminal3.totalnetnh.net) has joined #swhack 01:37:14 Hm, I forgot that bit. How did it come abou? 01:37:42 *you* of all people should know 01:37:55 welp, that didn't last long. 01:38:04 I forgot... 01:38:04 my ppp bugs remain. 01:38:04 for you, Master Swartz, played a superior part in arranging that particular syzygy 01:38:16 Hm, syzygy seems familiar... 01:38:17 .wn syzygy 01:38:17 Morbus: heh, heh 01:38:18 syzygy defined as: 01:38:19 - n : the straight line configuration of 3 celestial bodies (as the sun and earth and moon) in a gravitational system 01:38:31 Oh, that's happening soon. Well, it's a triangle not a straight line. 01:38:46 right. so it's not a syzygy at all, then 01:38:59 Oh, no they're lining up too, I think. Well getting very close. 01:39:05 yep 01:39:18 * sbp has been watching them 01:39:26 no more leechy leech, i got work to do.; 01:39:43 * AaronSw looks innocent 01:39:53 don't need my computer crashing on me anymore 01:39:55 they were lined up afew days ago, I think 01:40:02 uh huh. 01:40:48 Why does GML = Greenwich Mean Time? 01:40:59 In Amsterdam, at least. 01:41:48 planets: http://www.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1908000/1908855.stm 01:43:02 deltab: try again 01:43:34 weird, that BBC URL redirects to the fromt page 01:43:34 planets: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1908000/1908855.stm 01:43:37 http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1946000/1946604.stm 01:43:42 heh, heh 01:43:44 no leechy leech I said 01:43:47 hey! 01:43:59 heh, heh 01:44:30 * jillzilla returns. 01:44:30 maybe later, when i'm not doign any work. 01:44:37 Hm, now that the planets are in alignment, does this mean that danbri will throw a tantrum? Quick, get the camera~ 01:44:49 but everytime the upload freeze happens, i get a kernel anic 01:44:52 sbp: The prohibition of split infinitives in English is nonsense. It's based on Latin grammar. 01:45:12 jill: I know 01:45:23 * jillzilla is now officially confused. 01:45:28 since Latin merges the infinitive form into one word 01:45:29 * jillzilla gazes befuddled at sbp. 01:45:48 defuddle yourself right now! 01:45:57 * jillzilla enters the Defuddler. 01:46:05 * jillzilla emerges calm and confident. 01:46:41 and where, pray, may one obtain such a device as this Acme Defuddler to which you refer? 01:46:53 I dunno. It was just here. 01:47:09 lucky you 01:47:40 I used to have a portable, hand-held defuddler, but it didn't work very well. And besides, I lost it. 01:47:54 shhhhh! you'll start Morbus off again 01:48:04 oops! 01:48:12 * MorbusIff grins lecherously. 01:48:13 note to self: don't mention hand-held devices. 01:48:39 no worries there, jill. i'm not a mere one-hander. 01:48:56 * jillzilla is somehow still worried. 01:49:55 * sbp hopes for some odd distracting event 01:49:59 bwurgele (sbp@m620-mp1-cvx5a.pop.ntl.com) has joined #swhack 01:50:07 bwaarghargaRGARGHARGHJARGHO[SROIGJASRGarhgarhgharghagh! 01:50:09 bwurgele has quit (Client Quit) 01:50:14 that'll do nicely 01:51:02 man. 01:51:02 this paragraph needs to be read aloud by me in a huskish voice. 01:51:06 maybe i'll do that for this article and include an mp3 link. 01:51:09 ooh! 01:51:11

And you? Where do you eat? You don't "eat", you "snack". Many things cross your idea palette, things that simply must not be interrupted by a thoughtless task of food digestion. Oh yes. Your computer, with her lampish neck, Pixar sleekness, and siren-like beauty, beckons. You answer her call.

01:51:48 Hmm... 01:51:51 oh man, i just read it aloud. 01:51:53 "palette" is a bit out of place. 01:51:54 i'm a sexy bitch. 01:51:56 I can't pick up the rhythm on that 01:52:02 yeah, i was using it in regards to food palette., 01:52:07 like your dietary palette. you know. 01:52:08 food palette? 01:52:15 "idea palette" is the best bit! 01:52:18 you've never heard that phrase? 01:52:21 i think its palate, or something. 01:52:23 It jolts me into visual arts imagery. No, I haven't. 01:52:24 .wn palate 01:52:25 palate defined as: 01:52:26 - n : the upper surface of the mouth that separates the oral and nasal cavities [syn: {roof of the mouth}] 01:52:28 Ohhh, palate! 01:52:31 Yes, that would do! 01:52:43 so palate is the right spelling for what I mean? 01:52:51 depends what you mean 01:52:52 Dunno, let's see it again with "palate". 01:53:07 ... Many things cross your idea palate, things that simply must not be interrupted ... 01:53:27 deltab: think painters palate thingy. where all the little circles of paint on it, and the finger hole. 01:53:30 hmmm...it's not an image. 01:53:42 Oh, that is palette. 01:53:55 And it's what was jolting me into a visual arts metaphor from a food metaphor. 01:54:00 But you meant palette. 01:54:05 that's palette 01:54:07 right, right, thats where i'm going with the idea palette thing, but its a play on words with dietary palate (or whateveR), which i know exists. 01:54:08 * AaronSw uploads photos 01:54:17 .google dietary palette 01:54:18 dietary palette: http://www.cancerproject.org/comms/comm01.html 01:54:19 MorbusIff: it's not working for me. 01:54:19 ah, but one can say "my palate has grown more sophisticated" 01:54:31 * jillzilla perks up at sbp's comment. 01:54:50 my palate has grown less sophisticated 01:55:52 heh: "Many ideas etch a sketch, things that simply must not be interrupted by the thoughtless task of food digestion." 01:56:15 s/simply// 01:56:46 Pixar curves? better than sleekness? 01:56:48 going for the James Joyce style there, Morbus? 01:56:49 actually, that strains the comma (doesn't it just)? 01:56:57 i've got too many ishes. (ness, ish, -like) 01:57:22 i don't like etch a sketch. bah. 01:57:51 Morbus has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 01:57:57 MorbusIff is now known as Morbus 01:58:04 * jillzilla goes to dinner. 01:58:10 noooooo! 01:58:12 oh, alright 01:58:20 many ideas garnish your plate? 01:58:32 I'll be back. 01:58:39 s/plate/palette/ 01:58:43 :-) 01:58:51 heh, heh. 01:59:14 yeah, but then garnish doesn't amke sense. 01:59:47 i think i'm gonna go record this 01:59:58 palette is a great word... retroactive, moody, perky, frivolous, tasty, and a little bit risky. delectable 02:00:11 risky or risque? 02:00:18 risqué! 02:00:27 ooh, delectable beauty is even better. 02:00:38 Jill: yeah, that fits in better with Morbus's style of communication 02:00:45 * jillzilla has to agree. 02:00:54 with her "long thin neck" sounds better. 02:00:58 more romantic. 02:01:01 swanlike neck 02:01:04 oOh. 02:01:06 yeah, that works. 02:01:09 If you want romanti...heh, what sbp said. 02:01:12 :-) 02:01:20 It worries me that I was about to say the same thing. 02:01:36 Because we are probably treading on the tarpit of cliches. 02:01:41 great minds think alike 02:01:51 so do cliched minds. 02:02:03 heh! oh man... Homerism coming up 02:02:44 Homer: First I'll just reach in and pull my legs out. Now I'll pull my arms out with my face. 02:03:23 ok. i'm gonna go record this para: 02:03:26

And you? Where do you eat? You don't "eat", you "snack". Many ideas garnish your plate, things that must not be interrupted by the thoughtless task of food digestion. Oh yes... your beloved computer, she with her swanlike neck, Pixar sleekness, and delectable beauty. She beckons. She beckons undeniably. You answer her call.

02:03:31 i'll wav it for ya 02:03:52 snack...maybe you graze. 02:04:10 heh, I've been constantly singing "Natural Woman" by Carole King all night. I was just about to write "Jill, you make me fell like... hang on" 02:04:13 Oh, I love the "garnish your plate". 02:04:22 sbp: rowr. 02:04:26 I used to sing that song to my skis. 02:04:35 heh! oh man 02:04:46 how I chortle 02:04:56 Morbus: I likes that, I does 02:05:08 is the last sentence too short? 02:05:12 no 02:05:28 No, it's perfect after the long sentences that precede it. 02:05:38 * Morbus goes to record. 02:05:49 I can just imagine you saying "You *anser* her call.... rawrw!" 02:05:55 lol. 02:06:04 oOoh, i'll do an alternate version of me rawring. 02:06:06 02:06:08 we must teleconference one day 02:06:20 My heart is going thubba thubba. 02:06:26 the suck ass thing is, i gotta go to the win machine, record it, disconnect, send it via email to my mac, and then compress down to something usable for eeryone. 02:06:27 pain in the ass. 02:06:43 heh, I have to do similarly weird acts to record 02:07:23 this is going to be so freakola 02:07:41 (imagine a period after every word. Full stop!) 02:07:52 oh man, thast came out good! 02:07:55 480k wav file. 02:07:58 now for the rawring one. 02:08:04 too big! 02:08:39 "Hello. This is Morbus Iff. I'd just like to read you something that I read on the men's room wall" 02:08:49 (in a freaky British accent) 02:09:01 hehehe 02:09:06 ew, the rawr came out bad. 02:09:17 man, ths is gonna be the hilight of my night. 02:09:47 the first time I've heard the Morbster speak, IIRC 02:10:11 I've never heard any of you speak. 02:10:21 who *are* you, anyway? :-) 02:10:27 sbo, you're gonna love it ;) 02:10:34 I was thinking more: what *are* you? 02:11:00 Morbus wav? where? 02:11:24 nowhere yet 02:11:27 dammit. 02:11:32 Oh, no. How does one listen to a .wav in Linux? 02:11:35 i keep getting too close to the mic on my rarw. 02:11:41 jillzilla: i'll send it in mp3. 02:11:43 jillzilla: play 02:11:45 i think i have a converter around here. 02:11:48 cool. 02:11:56 * jillzilla imagines the mike melting down on the rawr. 02:12:10 jillzilla: and rec to record 02:12:13 does itunes convert? 02:12:18 rec? 02:12:21 * jillzilla runs man. 02:12:38 jillzilla: those are provided with the sox package 02:12:45 Sorry, redhat. 02:13:17 this applescripting is really frustrating 02:13:19 Oh, excellent! I've been looking for this! 02:13:40 jillzilla: chances are it's already installed 02:13:46 Oh, it is. 02:13:59 pl/ 02:14:02 ok. 02:14:03 got them done. 02:14:07 disconnecting to email them to myslf. 02:14:08 brb 02:14:08 Morbus has quit ("http://www.disobey.com/") 02:14:09 Is sox a linuxism, or does it exist under bsd? 02:14:40 Argh, gotta get dinner. brb. 02:14:57 you'll miss the world premiere of Morbus Iff Presents! 02:16:08 sox itself should run on any unix-like system, but playback and recording is limited to some 02:16:14 see http://home.sprynet.com/~cbagwell/sox.html 02:19:56 Morbus (morbus@s116.terminal3.totalnetnh.net) has joined #swhack 02:20:04 * jillzilla returns. 02:20:13 just in time, too, O Jill 02:20:36 Perfect. 02:20:49 Miffington: how goes it? 02:20:49 * Morbus checks his email. 02:21:07 jillzilla: do you need them in mp3? 02:21:09 they're only 400k. i can compress them into wav later. 02:21:19 er, mp3 later. 02:21:23 I'll try tehm in wav. 02:21:43 k 02:23:34 ok. 02:23:39 they're at 02:23:39 O.K. 02:23:45 called "qq" and "qq2" 02:23:48 2 is with the rowr 02:23:54 turn your volume up ;) 02:24:14 sbp, what's my ip? 02:25:01 i need to do 'em better if I do use them in the article. 02:25:05 they're kinda low qual right now. 02:25:16 of course, i only have a low qual mic 02:26:30 your connection seems to be borking out 02:26:51 note his address has changed 02:26:51 or has borked out entirely 02:27:01 er... huh? 02:27:36 was s119, now s116 02:27:37 no, there's just no reply 02:27:49 hmm, that too 02:28:08 perhaps it's the PPP problem 02:28:41 addr? 02:28:54 IP address 02:29:14 so close... 02:29:33 xena agrees: error: [Errno socket error] (113, 'No route to host') 02:29:48 I got "no route to host" as well. 02:30:03 what a tease 02:31:30 ooh! I have 0.9 seconds of qq2 02:31:55 wow... that is so. Er... well. I'd say scary, but that's too vague 02:31:58 Hello, everyone. The hubbing issues we suffered earlier have left our routing a little wonky. Since most of Europe is sleeping or just starting their days, we're going to move a few things around to get back to our usual setup. So, you may see some splits in the next few minutes, they are intentional, and should only last momentarily. Thank you! 02:32:11 I've got "and yo..." 02:32:25 sbp: "most of Europe is sleeping" 02:32:32 yeah, deltab. go to bed 02:32:36 :-) 02:32:42 hee 02:33:34 MorbusIff (morbus@s107.terminal3.totalnetnh.net) has joined #swhack 02:34:41 here you go: http://www.disobey.com/detergent/sounds/ 02:34:42 Morbus, any news on the qs? 02:35:08 I heard 0.9 seconds of the second! 02:35:18 and it scared the crap out of me :-) 02:35:19 sbp: http://www.disobey.com/detergent/sounds/ 02:35:23 Yikes! 02:35:27 they're both there./ 02:35:29 bwahahah 02:35:31 what? 02:35:31 yeah, yeah, I'm getting it 02:35:33 Morbus sounds so young and tame. Like a children's storybook reader 02:35:45 ... wearing a suit 02:35:47 oh yes. send your children to morbus :) 02:36:02 get them to play with him in the bath! 02:36:04 his toy, that is 02:36:12 rawr! 02:36:21 the Morbus action figurine 02:36:24 rawr! 02:36:25 oh for a faster connection 02:36:29 Morbus sounds *exactly* like I imagined him! 02:36:35 bwahahaha. really? kickass. 02:36:42 and describe that sound to me ;) 02:36:43 i always imagined Morbus to sound deeper and throatier 02:36:58 well, i cna, but i'm practically whispering here. 02:37:01 older, grungier 02:37:06 grungier. 02:37:07 * jillzilla quivers at the "rawr". 02:37:09 thanks bitch. 02:37:14 :) 02:37:24 you sound like some suited intern 02:37:25 MorbusIff: take me now. 02:37:26 quivers? hehehe 02:37:33 whoo HOo... 02:37:37 women fawn for my voice! 02:37:38 ;) 02:37:55 :) 02:37:58 "Must not be interrupted". Hi. I'm not all porsh 02:38:13 You just sound so... friendly. 02:38:20 hehehe, yeah? 02:38:28 friendly...hmmm... 02:38:43 heh, I'm going to set the "rawwwrw" as my computer intro 02:38:48 lol. 02:38:49 whoo./ 02:38:51 Next to Morbus I sound like one of the Teletubbies. 02:38:57 eh oh! 02:39:00 ehoh! 02:39:52 * jillzilla has to get a microphone. 02:40:22 Hm, I feel left out. Everyone knows my voice from my widely-acclaimed films. 02:40:30 i haven't heard your voice. 02:40:31 I've never heard your voice, AaronSw. 02:40:43 Then you *must* download one of my widely-acclaimed films! 02:40:50 I don't have a film viewer. 02:40:56 how big are they? 02:40:58 * sbp finds a sound clip of himself to put online 02:41:00 * jillzilla kind of sucks, where software is concerned. 02:41:00 Hm, none of those feature my real voice, but then Morbus didn't use his real voice either. 02:41:09 i don't talk much. 02:41:11 and this one isn't my real voice either :-) 02:41:12 not like verbally. 02:41:15 "real" voice? 02:41:37 ooh, sbp, i wanna see. 02:41:38 Er, yeah. They're all stage voices. 02:41:46 * AaronSw looks for an audio recorder for OS X 02:41:47 I wanna hear sbp! 02:41:50 wht'd you use, Morbus 02:41:51 mmkay. you play judy, i'll play punch 02:41:54 sbp has an awesome voice. 02:41:57 AaronSw: i used sndrec32.exe ;) 02:42:02 pf 02:42:18 Morbus: Look what you've done. You started a trend. 02:42:28 yuh yuh yuh 02:42:35 everyone's gotta compete with the morbomachin. 02:42:41 sigh. everywhere i go, jill, everywhere i go. 02:42:51 the groupies... 02:42:53 the fame.... 02:43:00 O.K., this is going to be me doing a Homer impression... 02:43:01 the fans throwing money... 02:43:02 ...sigh... 02:43:08 and underwear 02:43:17 ...and latex underwear... 02:43:24 and soiled underwear 02:43:39 and sweat-and-secretion soaked panties... 02:44:00 and underwear with "morbus wuz here" written on them with a sharpie 02:44:17 * jillzilla hands Morbus a laundry marker. 02:44:25 ooh. even better. 02:44:43 sbp: you about ready there? This is getting out of control. 02:44:44 * MorbusIff chuckles. 02:44:50 just thinking of AaronSw saying "friendly" 02:45:00 I'm imagining him saying it in a perky way. 02:45:03 "friendly!" 02:45:04 Noah just put a "Inside! GNU/Linux. Inside!" sticker on my forehead 02:45:16 * jillzilla waves to Noah. 02:45:24 Is Noah your brother? 02:45:30 no, noah's a carpenter. 02:45:31 Yep. 02:45:35 right, what format do people want? 02:45:41 mp3 or wav. 02:45:47 don't care. 02:45:48 He's the middle brother, BenSw's the youngest. 02:45:51 the wav is about 800KB (and it's only 10 seconds. heh) 02:45:55 AaronSw: Don't let Noah see what Morbus and I were saying about panties. 02:45:58 jeez, mine was 22. 02:46:09 That looks like it's about it, everyone. Thanks for bearing with us. May everyone have a pleasant day, and we appreciate your using the Open Projects Network. 02:46:33 three looges. 02:47:50 heh, heh. 02:48:08 i'm just hoping i crash the machine. 02:48:09 02:48:12 anyone know a free tool to generate preview icons for images on OS X 02:48:15 so you can see how it feels ;) 02:48:26 graphic converter ;) 02:48:36 Hmm, only 16 minutes left. 02:48:38 heh, heh 02:48:48 open them all in gc on the default settings, and it should add them automatically, AaronSw. 02:48:56 Ah, awesome. 02:48:56 brb 02:48:57 else, there's a "convert" feature where you can add a resorce 02:49:09 16 mins? not too shabby 02:49:15 it drives me nuts. i always turn it off. 02:49:26 bwahahah. 02:49:37 i just heard "oooh, my na..." of the part i have downloaded 02:50:21 * MorbusIff switches to his cable connection to download faster 02:50:39 it's "hello, my na..." :-) 02:51:22 Morbus has quit (No route to host) 02:51:44 AaronSw: someday, i'm gonna read three bears to a audience of kids. 02:52:06 cool 02:52:16 if you go down to the woods today... 02:52:41 teddy bears' picnic? 02:53:44 right on, jillster! 02:54:11 * jillzilla whistles the tune. 02:54:25 We had this little bear, that would whistle the tune whenever you touched it. 02:54:46 I like the tune because it's in a minor key. 02:54:52 Once it got caught under the desk and we couldn't reach it and it kept whistling and whistling... we all went insane 02:55:04 lol 02:55:07 * jillzilla laughs in sympathy. 02:55:12 * sbp wonders what a picnic with Jill and Morbus would be like 02:55:21 Morbus would bring the ants! 02:55:23 heh! 02:55:46 mmm. ants. 02:56:25 I'd bring the cheese and crackers! 02:56:31 Heh, I love this photo: http://www.aaronsw.com/photos/uk2001/IMG_1049.JPG/view 02:56:51 Jill could bring the secret inside knowledge on the world's grestest search engine 02:57:07 what's it of? slow connection at the mo' 02:57:29 only six minutes left. 02:57:41 It's your face superimposed on the Windows Media Player screen 02:57:44 oh, it's my monitor 02:57:48 I like that one too. 02:57:52 so it looks like you've downloaded a movie of yourself watching a movie of yourself 02:58:10 of course it's slow, you've 10 people downloading your sound file 02:58:20 note the cool Simpsons poster in the background 02:58:55 heh. it's weird seeing a picture of my monitor on my monitor 02:58:59 Heh. 02:59:00 There's a better picture of your posters. 02:59:08 http://www.aaronsw.com/photos/uk2001/IMG_1054.JPG/view 02:59:39 what's in the reflection on http://www.aaronsw.com/photos/uk2001/IMG_1069.JPG/view ? 02:59:46 camera? 02:59:51 yep 02:59:52 oh man. how embarrasing. I look like such an idiot 03:00:06 he isn't kidding: "Providing embarassing photos for your amusement" 03:00:06 story of my life 03:00:20 * AaronSw uploads today's photo 03:01:42 oooh. 03:01:51 ooh, it's done downloading 03:01:51 you have girly posters and an ilamp. 03:01:57 wow, that impression is uncanny 03:02:01 oh, red phone booth! 03:02:18 * sbp bows 03:02:20 What do you say? "appearabletafetalleee"? 03:02:21 hehehehe, just finished the wav as well. 03:02:40 I believe you have a letter for me 03:03:27 Ah. 03:03:46 what the smeg is IMG_1069, anyway? :-) 03:04:10 It's an art exhibit at the national theater 03:04:21 MorbusIff, Noah wants to know if you watch Invader Zim 03:04:30 yup, i do. 03:04:38 been a fan of vasquez and slg for years and years 03:04:41 Noah: "It's funny." 03:04:56 Noah: "what's slg?" 03:05:02 slave labor graphics. 03:05:05 Noah has been downloading JTHM off the Internet. 03:05:10 Noah: "Oh." 03:05:19 * jillzilla likes Invader Zim. But I've only seen the pilot. 03:05:19 yeah, vasquez draws jthm, published by slg. 03:05:19 Today's photo: http://www.aaronsw.com/photos/misc/IMG_1393.JPG/view 03:05:26 jillzilla: it was recently cancele.d 03:05:32 So I heard. :-( 03:05:33 with no plans of vhs/dvds. 03:05:52 But it's available on alpine or bittorrent, don't recall which. 03:05:59 Noah: "Tell them two new episodes of invader zim came out. abducted and sad sad tale of chickenfoot" 03:06:01 BitTorrent 03:06:05 Sock Puppet! 03:06:16 AaronSw: see, I told you I was senile. 03:06:36 * sbp listens to the rest of the song 03:07:50 * Ash la la la 03:08:18 one of this year's takes is better 03:09:06 * jillzilla wonders if she really should sign work email with: 03:09:10 Jill, contemplating beer 03:09:36 MorbusIff has quit ("http://www.disobey.com/") 03:11:38 wheee, I'm done with the all-of-my-time-for-two-days process. 03:12:20 I think I'll...gasp...go home. 03:12:29 * AaronSw provides labels and silly commentary to http://www.aaronsw.com/photos/uk2001/IMG_1054.JPG/view 03:12:38 and nearby 03:12:43 heh! 03:13:53 "Ooh, more Simpsons! Can't get enough of them. We all pile onto the couch just as the Simpsons family piles onto theirs." 03:15:00 "Stu is Sean's friend, who is training to become an architect. He dropped by to check his email and chat with Sean. Unfortunately, having read one-too-many Internet scare stories in the British tabloids, he declined to have a picture of his face on the World Wide Web." 03:15:44 "Wow, look at the clock: time for the first Simpsons of the day! Run, don't walk, to the television." 03:15:52 so true 03:15:59 good commentary 03:16:09 although nothing about the guitar? 03:16:29 "Sean watches Windows Media Player showing a reflection of him watching Windows Media player showing ..." 03:16:35 I'm doing them in backwards order 03:16:42 ah 03:17:44 "Nothing to wake you up like a good bit of email and IRC, eh? Sean connects to his many friends across the world with this seemingly dull gray box." 03:17:53 Not sure how I feel about pictures of me and my name being so close together, though... 03:18:03 Blargh 03:19:01 I know the feeling. After codecon was the first time for me. 03:19:20 first time for what? 03:19:24 oh, photos 03:19:32 Yes, photos and my name together on the web. 03:19:34 "Ah, what better way to start the day than with a TV, comfy chair and guitar. The music calms his nerves, he says. I think he's just trying to postpone reading the inevitable hate mail he receives because of his staunch positions on Web accessibility." 03:19:41 there are *Jill* photos? 03:19:49 Yes, some. 03:19:51 *chuckle* 03:20:03 I recieved surprisingly little 03:20:05 heh! 03:20:07 .google jill lundquist 03:20:08 jill lundquist: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2002Mar/0015.html 03:20:14 * jillzilla laughs. 03:20:34 I want more surreal email 03:20:59 Hey, there's someone by my name in Edmonton. 03:21:18 "tav holds up his trademark "hmz" providing an answer to all the questions we attempted to ask him." 03:21:21 sbp: http://kode-fu.com/shame/codecon/butter.html 03:21:55 I actually do like AccordionGuy, as lukewarm as I look in that picture of him and me. :-) 03:22:38 Heh. 03:23:02 http://kode-fu.com/shame/codecon/day_3.html 03:23:21 My favorite picture of myself is the third one on that page. Where I'm bathed in red light. 03:23:39 funny, I've visited that top page before, I'm sure. Didn't know you were on it, though 03:24:03 Heh, that photo makes you look so 03:24:10 so...? 03:24:25 * AaronSw weighs how to finish the sentence 03:24:36 * jillzilla taps her fingers expectantly. 03:25:11 Jillish 03:25:12 I was going to say male, but after looking at it carefully I'm not so sure. Semantic satiation, i think. 03:25:39 "Semantic satiation" is an awesome phrase. 03:26:03 Hmmm...I think I look feminine in that picture. For once. 03:26:18 Heh. 03:26:39 http://kode-fu.com/shame/codecon/images/day_3/PIC00031.jpg 03:26:41 Perhaps it's just the company. 03:26:52 not found 03:26:58 the company: heh! 03:26:59 hmmm. 03:27:11 Not found...are you sure? 03:27:17 pretty sure 03:27:17 It works for me. 03:27:24 Works for me too 03:27:37 * jillzilla raises an eyebrow at sbp. 03:28:17 Web archive to the rescue 03:28:37 It's on the page you already downloaded. 03:28:45 oh. heh 03:28:54 bottom right. 03:29:01 * sbp is such a scanner 03:29:05 * AaronSw uploads Boston photos 03:29:22 to http://www.aaronsw.com/photos/boston2002/ 03:29:42 Hmm... the pictures are all borkified in my cache 03:29:45 perhaps that's why 03:30:03 reload? 03:30:10 can't be bothered 03:30:18 * jillzilla feigns offense. 03:30:22 hmph! 03:30:23 * sbp is onto the Boston photos now 03:30:36 heh, heh 03:30:59 what's that say on the computers, Aaron? 03:31:15 * jillzilla remembers that she was going home. 03:31:17 Night, all! 03:31:24 c'ya! 03:31:34 on which computer? 03:31:39 G'nite, jill! 03:32:04 the ones being projected onto the screens 03:32:29 in 73 or 74? 03:32:51 dunno. it won't load now 03:33:03 in 74 it's Hal Abelson surfing some w3c web page on web services 03:33:11 ah 03:33:16 that's probably it 03:33:34 * sbp plays "Love In Vain" 03:35:07 I hope jill wasn't offended by my comment earlier. 03:35:17 I meant none. 03:35:28 Hm, I htink I crashed Zope. 03:36:19 heh, well, I'd rethink your photo-criticism phraseology a bit if I were you :-) 03:36:28 Heh. 03:36:38 semantic satiation, semantic satiation, semantic satiation, semantic satiation, semantic satiation, semantic satiation, semantic satiation 03:36:50 * sbp moves on through the decates to "Mr. Sandman" 03:37:05 Hm, it's very hard to (get|have|experience|feel) semantic satiation (with|on|for|) "semantic satiation". 03:39:14 the Detroit airport was scary: http://www.aaronsw.com/photos/boston2002/IMG_1391.JPG/view 03:39:39 surreal 03:40:09 and then some 03:40:29 "then tell him that his lonesome nights are over" 03:43:06 did you find anyone at the W3C? 03:43:14 No. :( 03:43:23 TimBL was in Japan, EricP was sick, Sandro was at home. 03:43:29 Janet Daly wasn't in her office. 03:43:35 is http://www.aaronsw.com/photos/boston2002/IMG_1379.JPG/view the real 200? 03:43:44 Well, it's the real 545 03:43:47 ugh 03:43:57 What do you mean by "the real"? 03:44:11 the office of the W3C 03:44:14 Oh, and Dennis was out of town 03:44:19 Yes, that's where the W3C is. 03:44:28 And all the other famous stuff. 03:44:53 it must have sucked so much to go all that way and not find anyone 03:44:56 how was the talk? 03:45:04 Mine? It went really well. 03:45:06 you haven't said much about it yet 03:45:11 It wasn't really all that way. Maybe two blocks. 03:45:32 I did get a real Internet connection though, so it wasn't a total loss. 03:45:33 well, from IL it's a long way 03:45:38 Ah, yeah. 03:45:55 It was rather disappointing. I was hoping to see at least Sandro. 03:46:08 I did get to see EricP's office though, it was awesome! 03:46:11 * sbp listens to "Gershwin Plays Gershwin - Rhapsody In Blue" 03:46:15 heh, cool 03:46:17 photo of it? 03:46:20 Bunk beds, Christmas lights, trees 03:46:23 I forgot to take a photo. 03:46:26 :-( 03:46:28 oh well 03:46:37 let me ask google 03:46:37 and you forgot to video the talk! that was bizarre 03:46:46 were J and eikeon there? 03:46:50 nope 03:46:56 aw, bummer 03:48:19 J has the PleshHD religion: http://www.kingprimate.com/stories/2002/04/22/replacingHeirarchialFilesy.html 03:48:35 Hm, he hasn't updated since yesterday. 03:48:54 I was really worried that eikeon or J had come and gotten lost. That would have really sucked. 03:49:15 wow, this performance is incredible 03:49:24 heh, indeed 03:58:12 Hmm... Jill reminds me (just a very little bit) of Victoria Wood 03:58:25 heh, sorry, these things bug me 03:59:07 I'm like this worse on the streets (oh man, that guy really reminded me of someone - but who???) 03:59:37 this is so neat: http://www.hisoftware.com/developer/earlpublisher.htm 03:59:56 commercial EARL implementation! 04:00:28 Whoa, it's your EARL too! 04:00:36 :-) 04:00:47 That is so cool. 04:01:27 we had a big discussion about it today 04:01:42 some of the people that worked on it were asking how best to make the data forwards compatible 04:01:54 everyone seems quite happy, so that's good 04:04:00 Hmm... I think that Morbus reminds me of someone too, but I'm still nto sure who 04:05:41 Morbus's voice is so East Coast American comic book gamer developer 04:06:13 * sbp is currently listening to "Everybody's Talkin'", mind you 04:06:58 heh: East Coast American comic book gamer developer 04:09:40 Jill, when you get back: how do you spell eleoesymentric? 04:09:48 * AaronSw asks Google 04:09:54 .spell eleoesymentric 04:09:57 potential spellings for eleoesymentric are: electrodynamic, enzymatically, unsymmetrical, elegantiarum, anisometropia, unsymmetrically, uncharismatic, unassimilated, enlistments, inseminator 04:10:05 heh 04:11:13 sbp has changed the topic to: S'Wonderful: 'Swhack 04:11:32 heh! https://answers.google.com/answers/main?cmd=threadview&id=5025 04:12:10 scary question :-) 04:12:28 whyzat? 04:12:46 "Hi there. what's the best way to launder money?" 04:12:57 That is *so* sterotypical. 04:13:10 actually, I don't know what the feck I'm talking about 04:13:25 yeah, well, but, still, anyway 04:16:44 heh: http://www.counterpane.com/images/cryptokid.jpg 04:17:16 learn young 04:17:28 it's no secret anymore 04:18:11 I wonder if M will publish the results of his quizzy thing? 04:19:59 anyway... 04:20:02 Gotta run 04:38:51 Wow, beautiful Paul Prescod. 04:44:07 http://www.xml.com/lpt/a/2002/04/24/google.html 04:55:08 GabeW (~gwachob@12-236-237-100.client.attbi.com) has joined #swhack 04:59:37 AaronSw: it's a goodie isn't it? 05:00:03 i saw the draft on rest-discuss 05:00:03 Yep. 05:02:32 Paul's articles are what has interested me to look at REST more closely and possibley remodelling my current SOAP prototype into a RESTful one 05:03:04 I should join rest-discuss, but i probably wouldn't read i... 05:03:11 it's pretty low volume 05:03:15 That's great! Paul deserves an award, I think 05:03:33 i think there have been 3 msgs all day today 05:03:43 common is up to 5'ish 05:04:07 alright, i'm subscribing 05:04:18 I'm sure your article - should you still decide to be doing it will be great as well ;) 05:05:55 I'm definitely doing it, if only as penance for not remembering to tape. ;-) 05:07:53 I look forward to it. 05:11:27 Thanks. 05:12:07 awww...mis quoted the ruby source 05:12:16 wasn't ruby-dev, but was ruby-talk 05:12:47 somehow I think i'll be thanking you after I read it :) 05:12:56 :-) 05:14:55 hmm...the google API WSDL makes sense to me 05:15:37 goes to show that I still don't really understand how REST is implemented at both the client and the server 05:20:52 Hm. 05:20:56 * AaronSw starts writing his article. 05:22:40 and further reading the REST wiki (been doing that most of last week) I know I'm not the only one that feels that way. Frustrating, because the wiki seems slightly abstract from how to do a REST application 05:32:33 Building a REST application is a rather simple thing. 05:32:57 Simply have a web server that responds to GET, POST and PUT, using each when it is meant to. 05:33:12 REST is a philosophy, not a specific system like SOAP. 05:33:48 REST compares to the philosophy of RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) as Semantic Web Services (the thing my article/slides describe) compares to SOAP. 05:34:28 sure i get that bit 05:34:42 but then how do you access complex resources? 05:35:05 complex resources? 05:35:10 like say a client wants to get back a Person 05:35:16 or am I thinking about his all wrong? 05:35:28 you have to change the abstraction your application uses 05:35:56 GET HTTP/1.1 05:36:03 the server should return a description of that person 05:36:08 .google REST 05:36:09 REST: http://www.restministries.org 05:36:16 .google RESTwiki 05:36:17 RESTwiki: http://internet.conveyor.com/RESTwiki/moin.cgi/FrontPage 05:36:24 GabeW: i've been reading the wiki 05:36:33 yeah 05:36:43 AaronSw: ok, sure what if the data is non textual ? 05:36:50 what do you mean? 05:37:00 use a different "accept" http header? 05:37:14 i guess i am thinking objects and not just strings 05:37:25 objects can be serialized to strings, no? 05:37:34 just as SOAP serializes them to XML 05:37:49 with XMLSchema? 05:38:25 well, with whatever serialization spec you choose... xmlschema doesn't provide any object mapping 05:38:29 can REST use SOAP? 05:38:39 ok, that is kind of what i was getting at, but there is really no standard approach which - if everyone does there own thing doesn't it make it hard to talk to each other, no? 05:39:12 tansaku_xr: uh, well, i spose you could do RESTish things with SOAP envelopes 05:39:36 tansaku_xr: um, that's like asking if TCP can use HTTP 05:39:53 would be nice to have a framework that could do these things for you. A RESTing framework :) 05:40:11 from reading the wiki it sounds like REST is just the philosophy describing POST/GET/PUT etc. 05:40:25 I mean SOAP is just an message format (I thought) 05:40:36 tansaku_xr: yeah, thats largely right 05:40:51 so I would have thought that I can send a SOAP message using this philosophical approach 05:40:56 I mean, you can use SOAP in the body of a GET/POST/PUT 05:41:29 is there a REST implementation or something? 05:41:40 or is HTTP1.1 a REST implementation? 05:41:41 but the RESTish wayto interpret this is that you are getting or putting a resource whose "value" is a soap envelope, right? 05:42:01 HTTP1.1 could be said to be a REST architecture 05:42:02 GabeW: can you give me a resource to look at that would be used for object mapping? 05:42:23 uh, well, I could make one up 05:42:44 REST certainly doesn't provide all the specification that SOAP does 05:42:53 so is the REST concept just a description of something we already have? or is it suggesting something more, something to compete with WSDL? 05:43:01 actually it sounds like more work doing the REST approach... 05:43:24 tansaku_xr; it's what we already have 05:43:40 tansaku_xr: i think the main difference is REST focuses on resources, SOAP tends to focus on operations 05:43:50 syn|ack - thats it in a nutshell 05:44:05 * syn|ack_ dances 05:44:16 a nutshell dance? :) 05:44:22 i mean, think of the tuple-space approach to distributed computing 05:44:38 (ie javaspaces/linda/etc) 05:44:54 thats another RESTish architecture 05:45:12 * syn|ack_ ponders 05:45:38 the atoms of functionality are modifications of the state of resources 05:45:47 whereas in RPC land, the atoms of functionality are rpc messages 05:46:40 so is REST stateless? 05:46:46 ah 05:47:04 tansaku_xr: i don't see why you couldn't use sessions to make it stateful 05:47:08 what you mean by stateless? 05:47:10 but i don't really know 05:47:16 or url re-writing 05:47:36 synlack_ well that's what cookies are for right 05:47:48 * syn|ack_ nogs 05:48:35 GabeW: I'm not sure what I mean, I guess I mean that HTTP is not stateful, and I guess neither is RPC, but you said "the atoms of functionality are modifications of the state of resources" 05:48:48 right - the resources have state 05:48:48 and my question sort of just followed naturally 05:49:12 it's an interesting area, but somethign I definately need to play with and jump some hurdles with 05:49:36 but resources still have state in rpc, the question is whether the protocol is stateful or not 05:49:41 I went through the excercise of changing an app from RPCish to being RESTish and it was not that hard and was really easy to describe 05:50:01 tansaku_xr: yeah, but define "stateful protocol". just so we're clear. 05:50:22 GabeW: a stateful protocol distinguishes the order of messages that can take place 05:50:40 hmm 05:50:41 perhaps he means something like TCP as opposed to UDP ? 05:50:51 ok, got it 05:51:06 well, HTTP is stateful by that definition - you have to have a request before a response... 05:51:21 GabeW, but that's responses in different directions 05:51:30 I mean if I am a client and you are the server 05:51:40 I can send you any request at any point 05:52:05 whereas in some stateful protocol, I could only send you a TRANSMIT_DATA request, after a GREETING request, say 05:52:44 * syn|ack_ sounds like he is being described 05:53:43 anyway, I write all my software interfaces in HTML and use HTTP to access the software, so I think I'm already RESTed 05:54:10 well, I can't send the Content of a request until I send two CRLFs.... I think I do know what you are getting at though. 05:55:52 I think restful applies primarily to app-to-app distributed communication (maybe not...) though a user-useable "representation" of a resource could be HTML and that would technically be RESTful 05:56:17 GabeW: right, but that's ordering within a single message from you to me, I'm talking about restrictions on the ordering between pairs of request and response 05:56:31 yeah 05:56:39 example of stateful? 05:57:10 and when I say I write my software interfaces in HTML that means I can communicate with them in a distributed fashion 05:58:09 yeah, but you aren't a "system", tansaku_xr ;-) 05:58:10 well to expand my above example, I would have to send you a GREETING request, get an acknowledgement from you, then send a TRANSMIT_DATA request, and then starting receiving data from you 05:58:20 GabeW: but my browser is 05:58:38 ah, so stateful == more than request/response protocol? 05:58:48 where you will maximize reuse though is client -> server (do some work) -> server then back to client, no? 05:58:59 and since I can access things through a browser, I can access them through other apps 05:59:11 which is hopefully where you could take advantage of a service sort of paradigm 05:59:12 yes, stateful == more than request/response protocol? 05:59:33 tansaku_xr: sure, as I said, I think you could consider getting HTMl representation of a resource to be restful 05:59:34 synlack: not sure 05:59:57 GabeW: sure, although the important part is the HTTP not the HTML 06:00:22 right - if you got XML, or a picture, or a audio file describing the resource, that would still be restful 06:00:44 query on the http1.1 spec here, you could use conneg (read about it briefly in one of Paul Prescods papers) to give back html, xml or whatever at the server end, no? 06:00:49 and to summarise our "stateful" discussion, the point is that when I interact with you I put you into different states, and in some states you can only handle certain request/response paris 06:00:56 paris --> pairs 06:01:35 "and in some states"... hmm. 06:02:29 I mean, you *could* ddo that, but in general, state wouldn't affect the ability to "respond" to messages - maybe the state change would be error-causing 06:02:31 right, like you can only handle a TRANSMIT_DATA request when you are in the state of just having responded to a GREETING request 06:02:47 ok 06:02:47 synlack: not sure what conneg is 06:02:57 content negotiation? 06:03:10 the question is, is tristero (which is xml-rpc) restful 06:03:43 I don't think it is 06:03:50 syn|ack_ the server can pass back whatever content it likes, but I don't think thats part of http (but then I don't know it so well) 06:04:05 but maybe I don't know tristero well enough 06:04:16 http://www.neurogrid.net:8080/tristero/servlet/forum?action=list 06:04:21 tansaku_xr: yes, but the client specifies what it wants back this way 06:04:27 I think any XML-RPC thing would not be 06:04:27 (but initially the rpc in XML-RPC makes me think it may not be restful) 06:04:51 syn|ack_ sure it can do that, but I don't know that it's specified at the http level, it might just be in the request body 06:05:07 don't let the rpc in XML-RPC fool you 06:05:08 :) 06:05:09 AFAIK it is in the headers 06:05:16 i mean, if messages are defined as getting a representation or changing the state of a resource then its restful 06:05:25 as a rough rough definition 06:05:27 see the above link for my implementation of a tristero search service 06:05:51 don't let the XML in XML-RPC fool you :-) 06:06:09 syn|ack_ I'll take your word for it - I've never used that functionality in http 06:06:24 deltab: sure I'm leaving the XML implementation to others :) 06:06:47 XML-RPC doesn't allow full XML 06:07:01 GabeW: hmm, I guess tristero isn't about changing the state of resources, but I still designed an interface to it that uses GET/POST etc. 06:07:02 also, the focus on uri to specify semantics is another hallmark of REST 06:07:21 I don't think there is a "bright line" test for RESTfulness 06:07:58 well, anyway I better go and do some *real* work - catch you later 06:08:01 * tansaku_xr slips off 06:08:03 ok 06:08:15 cya tansaku_xr 06:08:23 fcya 06:10:04 tansaku_xr: in case you see this later and you are curious, i think this goes over it ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2295.txt 06:13:28 GabeW has quit ("Client Exiting") 08:08:38 @ http://www.aaronsw.com/2002/6171talk/talk 08:08:53 comments very gratefully appreciated 08:09:10 A: http://www.aaronsw.com/2002/6171talk/talk from AaronSw 08:09:21 A:|The Semantic Web (for Web Developers) 08:09:37 titled item A 08:09:40 A::The article version of the talk I gave at MIT. Comments are very gratefully appreciated. 08:09:56 commented item A 08:10:30 A::I really like this piece, I think it might be a big thing, perhaps becoming a Semantic Web Primer or O'Reilly book. 08:10:47 commented item A 08:11:00 is that your article AaronSw? 08:11:06 Yep. 08:11:12 boy that was fast! 08:11:18 * syn|ack_ bookmarked it 08:11:22 :-) 08:11:29 Now I better get some sleep. 08:11:32 thank you very very much 08:11:38 Whoa, it's 3AM! that went by quick 08:11:38 sleep easy 08:11:42 :) 08:11:45 No problem. Thanks! 08:56:15 syn|ack? 08:56:54 Any chance you've got some RAA data bundled up? I want to make a companion piece to http://www.xml.com/lpt/a/2002/04/24/google.html using HTTP / content negotiation 08:57:56 That's a *great* article by Paul Prescod 08:58:20 XML.com Copyright © 2000 O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 08:58:33 ahead of its time too! (or ORA should buy a better content management system...) 09:06:51 morning danbri 09:07:17 yes i read that earlier, he posted that draft on rest-discuss earlier last week 09:07:28 I'm reading AaronSw's latest.... 09:07:32 http://www.aaronsw.com/2002/6171talk/talk 09:08:32 danbri: sorry to say I haven't bundled it up, however i can .tgz it and you more then likely run it from the root 09:09:13 i've been reading most of the evening so far, and was doing yard work during the day 09:10:27 If you could tgz it that'd be cool 09:10:43 after reading Pauls polished article i thought we definately should REST it - I played with a REST prototype for a silly bookmark manager to try and get a feel for it 09:10:44 right now I'm using the other SOAP service, but it has previously seemed unstable 09:11:00 I think we can find a halfway house between REST and SOAP 09:11:05 ...and do the world a favour by documenting it 09:11:22 That was in part the goal of having the soap-encoding to rdf xslt transform 09:11:43 Paul's article downplays the utility of SOAP Encoding, but there are a bunch of tools that use it, and it can be handy 09:12:00 his article says encoding is fine 09:12:18 he says you can happily use that with REST 09:12:36 no? 09:12:47 how do you want it danbri, email, dcc ..? 09:15:38 not sure I understand how triples can represent database 09:15:40 a url woudl be ideal, but email is fine too 09:15:58 i have no where to put it - sorry 09:16:10 danbri@w3.org ? 09:16:14 sure 09:16:35 whats your real name again; so I watch case your msgs goes into the spam trap 09:16:52 s/real/full/ 09:17:01 Holden Glova 09:17:21 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/interest/soaptech/xslt/_autordf.rdf is an example of an RAA record as triples 09:17:34 sent... 09:17:36 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/interest/soaptech/xslt/_autordf.nt is more clear -- the ntriples format 09:17:52 oh great, rdf crashing konq 09:17:55 thanks 09:18:00 oops, sorry! 09:18:04 heh 09:18:09 np 09:18:14 be back in 10 have to dry dishes 09:27:22 back 09:27:56 danbri: keep in mind this has been a quick prototype and ideas have changed much, some refactorings haven't been fully completed yet 09:28:19 for example, i don't like returning a Hash, i would have preferred to return my RAA::Proxy 09:29:57 * syn|ack_ Ahhs at the triples 09:30:08 now that makes more sense 09:32:38 Queries are done in terms of triple patterns with bits missing 09:32:51 * danbri learns about postgres fulltext query -- http://techdocs.postgresql.org/techdocs/fulltextindexing.php 09:33:51 * syn|ack_ is reading AaronSw's article based on MIT talk 09:34:03 have a look at the rdfauthor query tutorial, http://rdfweb.org/people/damian/RDFAuthor/Tutorial/ for eg of rdf queries done visually 09:34:22 * danbri disagrees with a few of aaron's comments, should send him some notes 09:34:54 the 'http://me.etc' represents a person thing --- misleading to introduce that up front, that claim causes more trouble than its worth 09:35:16 "tag:sandro@world.std.org,2001-06-05:Taiko is a persistent identifier, called a TAG," 09:35:23 heh, is that OSX theme? 09:35:28 ...suggests that other URI forms are not persistent 09:35:42 its an OSX app, he's porting it to swing now 09:35:58 ...again introduces a potential rathole 09:36:11 bascially any topics that cause churn on the uri@w3.org list best avoided in rdf/sw intros :) 09:37:10 * danbri not sure about Zooko's law either, esp suggestion that urischeme security is a boolean 09:41:58 ack! 09:42:25 * syn|ack_ just noted the tests in raa-succ won't even run 09:42:32 no prob 09:42:48 * danbri adds you to anti spam whitelist 09:42:50 i haven't been able to do any work on it in over a week but last time I was i was adding functionality 09:43:21 I bought a house and moved last month and have been settling in 09:43:30 sorry 09:44:11 I remember! Don't beat yourself up. I had all kinds of grand plans for rdf query over raa/rdoc/etc data, not done that yet... 09:46:28 OK, I untarred it. CAn you suggest which files to investigate first? 09:46:43 actually those plans you had would work good with a RESTful solution, no? 09:46:52 indeed 09:46:59 I'm a RESTful person 09:47:04 ok, the raa-import.rb is the file that queries the RAA and makes the xml data 09:47:07 my plans have been RESTing 09:47:12 heh 09:47:20 that is what i had in mind to run in a cron job 09:47:36 every 1 hour, 2 hours whatever 09:47:50 raa-wrapper-client.rb is a simple client 09:47:53 its doing... something... 09:48:03 * danbri leaves it and grabs breakfast 09:48:08 later! 09:48:12 cya :) 09:48:30 I'll keep logs in #rdfig when I do some more on this. #swhack is too silly for such serious work ;-) 09:48:35 * danbri ducks, runs 09:48:41 cu 09:48:49 what do you mean logs? 09:48:59 IRC chat logs 09:49:08 as in bot logging? 09:49:09 this is public, archived, as is #rdfig 09:49:11 yup 09:49:24 * syn|ack_ has been unexposed to this sort of thing 09:49:27 see http://rdfig.xmlhack.com/ and nearby for two kinds of logs -- full, and url-commentaries 09:49:37 the bot should warn you when you join the channel 09:49:49 gotcha 09:49:53 cu later dan 09:49:56 oh 09:49:59 ? 09:50:00 so that script finished 09:50:04 where's the data etc? 09:50:15 raa-import.xml 09:51:07 cool, it worked 09:51:18 * syn|ack_ breathes a sigh of relief 09:51:19 legal xml too! 09:51:20 :) 09:51:21 does it deal w/ japanese characters? 09:51:26 no 09:51:28 that hosed some of my stuff 09:51:42 hmm...hadn't thought of that 09:51:45 anyway, gotta run 09:51:49 okie 10:46:51 night guys 10:46:52 syn|ack_ has quit ("[x]chat") 11:28:45 pixel (~pixel@ns.bhsi.com) has joined #swhack 12:43:22 davb (~dave@rrcs-nys-24-97-22-203.biz.rr.com) has joined #swhack 12:43:32 * pixel waves. 12:50:22 Morbus (~morbus@morbus.totalnetnh.net) has joined #swhack 12:50:41 * pixel waves 12:51:23 bah! 12:59:07 bah? 13:05:32 hey. you're in rael's blog. 13:10:42 i know :) 13:21:37 * sbp waves 13:21:42 hi. 13:50:09 ah! log:uri should return a list of URIs 13:50:25 ooh, plus one could note the definitive URI for a resource 13:50:32 s/URI/URI-ref/g 13:51:16 = . :definitiveURI "http://example.org/#blargh" . 13:51:31 note that :definitiveURI is a kind of chain of daml:equivalentTo and log:uri 13:51:45 (rather, a subproperty of that chain) 13:55:53 Hmm... TextPath with RegExps would be so cool 13:59:55 [[[ 13:59:56 00:00:29 Zircon: you crazy fool, you. 13:59:56 00:00:31 the 'nick' in /nick stands for 'nickname' 13:59:57 00:00:37 jillzilla: I'm going crazy with new ideas 13:59:59 ]]] 14:05:07 actually, to make it easier: '(?:(\d\S+) ([^\n]+))' 14:05:10 then you can do... 14:05:11 dict(re.compile(re.compile(r".+?ID = '([^\n]+)'", re.S).findall(doc)[0]).findall(doc)) 14:05:47 result: {'00:00:37': " jillzilla: I'm going crazy with new ideas", '00:00:29': ' Zircon: you crazy fool, you.', '00:00:31': " the 'nick' in /nick stands for 'nickname'"} 14:08:47 ugh, redundant syntax. can probably abbreviate it to "# (?:(\S+) ([^\n]+))" or less 14:10:10 heh, ironically, that should work for these logs 14:10:33 syn|ack has quit (devlin.openprojects.net irc.openprojects.net) 14:10:45 syn|ack (~glova@ has joined #swhack 14:14:01 syn|ack has quit (devlin.openprojects.net irc.openprojects.net) 14:14:25 syn|ack (~glova@ has joined #swhack 14:15:00 Morbus has left #swhack 14:15:59 syn|ack has quit (devlin.openprojects.net irc.openprojects.net) 14:16:22 syn|ack (~glova@ has joined #swhack 14:17:58 CygBot (~sbp@m984-mp1-cvx3b.pop.ntl.com) has joined #swhack 14:25:23 $ python -c "import re, urllib as u; doc = u.urlopen('http://blogspace.com/swhack/chatlogs/2002-04-25.txt').read(); print \`dict(re.compile(re.compile(r'(.+?)').findall(doc)[0]).findall(doc))\`[:200]" 14:25:24 > {'03:33:34': ' * sbp plays "Love In Vain"', '01:17:59': ' * jillzilla quietly salutes the anglo-saxons for the word "swine".', '09:16:10': ' danbri@w3.org ?', '00:40:29': ' > [end] 14:25:25 CygBot has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14:25:25 syn|ack has quit (devlin.openprojects.net irc.openprojects.net) 14:25:25 syn|ack (~glova@kaniere.alchemy.co.nz) has joined #swhack 14:35:29 if any channel deserves a big fat +P, it's #swhack 14:35:51 has lilo ever even been in here? doubt it 15:04:51 CygBot (~sbp@m252-mp1-cvx3b.pop.ntl.com) has joined #swhack 15:04:56 $ perl -e '@bits=("to you", "dear Mooorbus"); for (@bits[0,0,1,0]) { print "Happy birthday $_\n" }' 15:04:59 > Happy birthday to you 15:04:59 > Happy birthday to you 15:05:00 > Happy birthday dear Mooorbus 15:05:00 > Happy birthday to you 15:05:00 > [end] 15:05:02 CygBot has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15:05:16 O I LOEV U LIELO!@$# 15:05:17 *g* 15:05:32 Morbus (~morbus@morbus.totalnetnh.net) has joined #swhack 15:05:38 how the hell... 15:06:30 MorbusIff (~morbus@morbus.totalnetnh.net) has joined #swhack 15:07:11 sbp has changed the topic to: perl -e '@bits=("to you", "dear Mooorbus"); for (@bits[0,0,1,0]) { print "Happy birthday $_\n" }' 15:07:32 Morbus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15:07:40 wtf? 15:08:34 I guess I don't need the @bits 15:09:18 I just wanted to show off my stunning knowledge of the array namespace 15:09:19 is anyone netsplitting, or is it just me? 15:09:24 it's just you 15:09:29 everyone else is fine 15:09:43 i think you can do print "" for ( yadda ) 15:09:48 that'd removed your brackets. 15:09:54 ooh 15:09:57 * sbp tries it 15:10:43 sbp has changed the topic to: perl -e 'print "Happy birthday $_\n" for (("to you", "dear Mooorbus")[0,0,1,0])' 15:10:56 much nicer :) 15:11:03 mega-neat! 15:12:58 MorbusIff is now known as Morbus 15:38:03 #swhack is too silly for such serious work ;-) 15:38:15 er. 15:38:16 bwahahahaha 15:38:27 man, it feels so fake the second time around. 15:38:29 * AaronSw refrains from trying the topic. it'll probably erase his hard drive 15:38:39 heh 15:39:02 :-) 15:41:51 nice one liner. 15:42:36 we'll have him loving perl yet ;) 16:08:14 SethR (~seth@12-230-243-179.client.attbi.com) has joined #swhack 16:10:45 redmonk (~steve@ has joined #swhack 16:11:21 hi all 16:11:22 jillzilla! 16:11:39 monk! 16:11:48 morbie! it's your birthday?!? 16:12:39 yeah :) 16:13:06 sweeeet 16:13:24 Hi Jill, rm 16:13:33 oh, jill's not here. *chuckle* 16:13:59 hi sbp 16:14:08 i never did get that stupid channel regsitered 16:15:39 ugh 16:16:02 and i want to start one for a group of friends 16:16:04 too 16:16:12 this irc thing is annoying 16:16:16 ;-) 16:16:29 HI JILLZILLA 16:17:13 aaagh, the caps!! 16:17:24 * redmonk shields his eyes 16:18:40 REDMONK, MY KEYBOARD IS BROEKN 16:18:41 *g* 16:18:49 * Zircon wonders if redmonk has any tree files 16:19:07 * redmonk is in arizona, may have some cactus files 16:20:00 ah. 16:20:03 Yeah, I know what you mean. 16:20:24 I grew up 6 miles from the Arizona/Utah border 16:20:25 rm: run DELCACTUS 16:20:27 heh 16:20:30 DELCACTUS!!! 16:20:47 find / -unlink & -name delcactus 16:21:02 lol 16:21:25 that's better, since i'm on os x 16:21:58 gee, i should run random commands told me by strange irc H4XX0RS 16:23:07 /kick Zircon :ash in disguise 16:23:47 did y'know htere's a #hack -- you should go there 16:24:38 * AaronSw falls over laughing 16:24:53 Hi. I have some tree files on my computer, and I think they're making my hard drive slow 16:24:53 can anyone tell me how to remove them? 16:25:00 [silence in #hack] 16:25:15 :-) 16:25:27 probably not a clever thing to say in a channel with so many ops... 16:26:01 LOL. 16:27:18 heh heh 16:27:21 LOL! 16:27:48 redmonk: http://blogspace.com/swhack/chatlogs/2002-04-05.txt 16:28:11 It's MORBAS's birthday? 16:28:22 i saw the TOPIC 16:30:46 * sbp joins #whack - it's not quite #swhack, it's not quite #hack 16:33:31 * AaronSw rads the logs 16:36:34 no matter who you vote for, the government always get in 16:38:20 heh @ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!! 16:41:27 shouldn't Aaron be back by around about now? 16:41:38 yes, but they canceled my flight because the bathroom was stinky 16:41:44 what? 16:41:46 heh! 16:41:47 the pilot didn't want to fly the plane, it was making him sick 16:41:51 heheh 16:41:59 two of the stewardesses apparently fell ill from the flight in 16:42:24 the only other flight went thru detroit and got in at 11PM 16:42:44 I can see the headline "Plane misses liftoff time. Captina says bathroom stinks like shit" 16:43:20 headline "captain sues newspaper over being called 'Captina'." 16:43:31 heh @ fositivies 16:44:15 (I'm a sloppy typer. it's bad when I code) 16:45:21 hm, telecon in 15 16:52:50 hey aaron 16:52:57 hi 16:53:00 * AaronSw checks clock 16:53:12 redmonk: HI 16:53:29 could you spare a logger for one of my channels? 16:53:32 GabeW (~Gabe@12-236-237-100.client.attbi.com) has joined #swhack 16:53:38 (should have /msg'd that) 16:56:31 which one? 17:00:37 huh? "mcdermott was convicted." 17:00:41 drew mcdermott? 17:07:09 17:23:05 17:23:16 y0y0y0y 17:24:08 kevin ditched us 17:25:30 hmm? 17:25:51 convicted? 17:30:47 huh? "mcdermott was convicted." 17:30:49 .time 17:30:49 2002/04/25 17:30:10.046 Universal 17:30:49 * logster is already logging 17:31:30 why did logster reverse:- 17:31:30 convicted? 17:31:31 hmm? 17:31:32 ? 17:31:52 probably because loster likes you more 17:32:09 perhaps it's cause I was grepping, or my connection's slow... 17:33:21 .time 17:33:21 2002/04/25 17:32:34.9139 Universal 17:33:21 soon find out 17:33:21 heh @ * jilzilla decides to change her surname to Lundqwhatsits. 17:35:15 wow: Sean craves a forum allowing citelessness impunity / an altogether simpler place and tightly knit community / to overcome this lack / he'll take his citations back / and end up with a citing craze immunity 17:35:15 * AaronSw swoons too 17:35:16 :-) 17:35:31 heh, heh: 2001-11-28 23:51:26 What's with sbp and "make Me" 17:37:39 sbp, have you read my article thingy? 17:37:54 skimmed it: will review in full when I have some time 17:38:02 * sbp sits back in his chair and twiddles his thumbs 17:38:10 heh, I'll take a look at it 17:38:22 article thingy? 17:38:24 oh, actually one comment that I had immediately was about XML vs. NTriples 17:38:34 the things in XML and in NTriples look rather similar 17:38:41 and although it's obvious to us that they're not... 17:38:53 you might want to explain the difference to people 17:39:34 heh, XML uses <> for QNames, and NTriples use x:y for QNames, and <> for URI-refs. Oh well 17:39:49 hm. 17:40:29 it's one of those things that unless you're a total beginner, you're not likely to think about it 17:40:39 weird. my muppets story is in the logs, but i totally missed all the other things people were saying 17:40:47 muppets story? 17:41:02 2*0=0 17:41:47 lol @ we have syn|tax in swhack! proper usage instructions! keep away from children! do not drink while standing up! jumping up and down will NOT stop a pregnancy. 17:42:12 man, that was ages ago :) 17:42:28 i'm just going thru logs while i was in boston 17:42:30 wow, I missed that 17:42:33 really? 17:42:37 oh? 17:42:40 man, I thought that joke fell flat. 17:42:43 i guess no one was listening. 17:43:03 sbp probably missed my simpsons dis too then 17:43:55 yes 17:44:00 whrereres's that? 17:44:12 heh, those Morbus rules are great 17:44:16 what on earth was I doing? 17:44:22 see http://www.powazek.com/zoom/log/archive/00000391.shtml 17:44:32 ah! it was the 20 questions thing 17:45:29 oh shoot. tv turnoff week starts today 17:45:37 oh, that. yeah, there are lots of divided opinions on the latest series 17:45:48 AaronSw has changed the topic to: TV Turnoff Week | Morbus' Birthday | Morbus Turnoff Day 17:45:59 actually, in general, I think that DABF** is better than BABF** and CABF** 17:46:10 what's with the abf? 17:46:26 it feels as if they're trying to get too many out... I think they need to take more breaks, produce fewer shows 17:46:39 because even Maxtone-Graham has said that the ideas are running out 17:46:44 Al Jean said a similar thing, IIRC 17:47:07 so they just can't go at the same rate anymore, IMO. but they are, because they've got contracts to fulfill I suppose 17:47:24 that's the Simpsons episode number syntax... 17:47:49 having said that, once again DABF** has been pretty good 17:49:15 right, but why are they all ABF? why not D** 17:49:24 Pff, dunno 17:49:34 the episode numbers appear to be a whim 17:49:45 apparently, 7G** was from sector 7G... 17:49:47 Morbus Turnoff Day? This I *have* to see. 17:50:00 no, you can't see it: you have to turn it off 17:50:06 Jill! 17:50:18 heh, heh 17:50:32 Hello! 17:51:12 Hello! 17:51:24 wind is really whistling today 17:51:33 * jillzilla envies people with weather. 17:51:46 AaronSw: They're unique across Fox, I think 17:51:56 Ah, inteesting. 17:52:15 ABV for BtVS, ABH for Angel iirc 17:52:18 whistle while you blow, whistlin' up the snow... da da da da, da da da da, whistle while you blow 17:52:28 note the uncharacteristic "while" 17:53:11 Jill, when you get back: how do you spell eleoesymentric? 17:53:35 ooh, and:- 17:53:35 03:58:12 Hmm... Jill reminds me (just a very little bit) of Victoria Wood 17:54:11 * jillzilla googles on Victoria Wood, having no idea who that might be. 17:54:34 British comedienne 17:54:47 "Victoria Wood is a talented comedy actress/writer/singer who has built up a national reputation following a string of self-written TV plays, films and sketch shows." 17:54:50 .wn Victoria Wood 17:54:50 error: unable to define Victoria Wood 17:55:17 .wn #swhack 17:55:18 Ah, she is ineffable. 17:55:27 .wn Swhack 17:55:31 say it! 17:55:42 sbp: reminds you in style or in looks? 17:55:57 er, well I'm not sure what your style is, so I'll go with looks 17:56:04 mnot's working on a REST framework 17:56:09 source? 17:56:19 (Private communication) 17:56:25 naughty! 17:56:31 but nice 17:56:43 any more details? 17:57:41 * jillzilla contemplates eleoesymentric. 17:57:41 Aaron? come on - you can't just say that someone's working on a REST framework and leave it at that! give us the dirt 17:58:00 Fine. Under duress: http://www.mnot.net/wallal/ 17:58:21 lol: "WARNING: THIS IS UNSUPPORTED BETA SOFTWARE. YOU MAY CONTACT THE AUTHOR WITH QUESTIONS OR SUGGESTIONS; HOWEVER, YOU MAY NOT GET AN ANSWER. BE PREPARED TO FIDDLE WITH IT YOURSELF. YOU MIGHT END UP WRITING A WHOLE NEW PIECE OF SOFTWARE, LIKE I DID. I THINK I'LL STOP YELLING NOW." 17:58:48 * jillzilla laughs. 17:59:10 tansaku_xr, REST is stateless 17:59:21 * sbp tries hard to resist making an "under duress" comment 17:59:36 a little late now 17:59:39 I'll show you "duress". 17:59:52 show me undress instead and i'll give you a quarter 17:59:58 * Morbus runs back into his cave. 18:00:04 heh 18:00:09 :-) 18:00:16 Gotta run 18:00:20 simpsons? 18:03:26 "bascially any topics that cause churn on the uri@w3.org list best avoided in rdf/sw intros :)" 18:03:39 the goal was with the exact opposite in mind 18:04:49 .google eleoesymentric 18:04:50 no results found. 18:04:58 Hi, SethR. 18:05:09 * SethR waves 18:05:32 its just that im into symmetry .. any type will do 18:05:35 Hey, anyone wanna help me move on 18 May? 18:05:51 I don't have much stuff, so I'm thinking five or six people get it done in an hour and a half. 18:05:54 * AaronSw checks calendar 18:06:09 jillzilla: didn't you just move? 18:06:11 I'm buying a tasty lunch! 18:06:16 GabeW: Yeah, in December. 18:06:19 Sorry, it's a Jewish holiday, jillzilla. 18:06:29 Uh-oh. That means L and C won't be available either. 18:06:39 jillzilla, you in silicon valley? 18:06:42 yep. 18:06:50 too bad 18:06:57 GabeW: I just hear the call of the wild goose...have to move... 18:07:17 No, seriously, I found a better place which is cheaper, and this way I get to get away from the housemate who doesn't talk to me. 18:07:25 And I don't even have to break a lease to do it. 18:07:29 SethR: where are you? 18:07:35 wait, this is the house downtown? 18:07:37 renton, wa 18:07:46 GabeW: Yes! 18:08:02 Where is Renton? What part of the state? 18:08:13 * jillzilla is too lazy to look it up. 18:08:28 renton is half in canada, half in usa 18:09:04 ok, log reading is done 18:09:23 loggy, stop reading our logs 18:09:23 * loggy is not logging 18:09:26 lol 18:09:27 loggy, on 18:09:27 * loggy is logging 18:09:31 stop doing that! 18:09:35 * Zircon chuckles 18:09:36 * jillzilla dies laughing. 18:10:02 heh, heh. 18:11:10 jillzilla: bram wants to stay close to Santa Clara for etcon.. perhaps you could offer a space on the floor in exchange for moving help? 18:11:11 renton is a burb of Seattle ... not to be confused with that Redmon eval hangout of persons unnamed 18:11:34 GabeW: All he has to do is ask. 18:11:47 Although I already ahve someone crashing, so there might not be room. 18:13:59 .google EBNF N3 18:13:59 EBNF N3: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/ntriples 18:14:28 nope not really 18:14:36 seth, http://infomesh.net/2002/n3qname.html 18:14:58 thanks, aaron :) 18:15:43 it's not EBNF but close enough 18:17:30 google was on ABC ann CNN ... the dot com that didnt die 18:18:32 .google google ABC 18:18:32 google ABC: http://directory.google.com/Top/Arts/Television/Networks/ABC 18:19:11 no help there 18:32:36 * AaronSw updates http://vorpal.logicerror.com/ 18:36:16 Ooh, Derek Powazek Tinderbox Templates: http://www.eastgate.com/Tinderbox/GetTemplates.html 18:40:37 hmf. 18:40:40 can't get this weblog ping to work. 18:42:59 hrm. 18:48:29 This is a WALLOPS message for the Open Projects Network. These messages contain non-critical comments and announcements and detailed server admin information. To turn them off, turn off user mode 'w'. On most clients: '/mode -w'. Thanks. 18:52:24 LIELO 18:52:31 .google tinder boxing 18:52:32 tinder boxing: http://www.ngex.com/personalities/voices/default.htm 18:52:37 Things to bear in mind about splits. OPN obviously wants to avoid them whenever possible though sometimes things happen that are beyond our control. 18:52:49 Is it just me, or did lilo just do a wallops to tell us how to turn off wallops? 18:53:13 We can't help it if we are total incompetents. Please bear with us. 18:53:21 You should be aware that the messages you get indicating splits, though, are a bit different from other networks. 18:53:33 jillzilla: Yes, he did. 18:53:40 just checking. 18:53:47 hehe 18:53:48 :) 18:55:15 As a result of DoS attacks we sustained during late 2000, some changes went into the design of the new server code. When a split happens, you will *always* see it as if the server "irc.openprojects.net" is splitting off from the server you are on. The only way to gauge the size of the split is to use whatever facilities your client has for listing users who have been split. 18:56:42 Be aware as well that when you /whois a user, they will appear to be signed onto "irc.openprojects.net" rather than a specific server. Again, this is a design change which resulted from our previous experiences with user attacks. 18:57:13 Nothing prevents you from providing information to other users about what server you are on, but it's not displayed automatically. Thanks. 18:58:18 GabeW has quit ("Client Exiting") 18:59:15 huh. 18:59:19 couldn't get the xml-rpc working. 18:59:23 but got the POST working fine. 19:01:54 heh @ loggy, stop reading our logs 19:02:56 O.K., so... 19:03:00 We *sow* the seed 19:03:05 Nature *grows* the seed 19:03:10 and we *eat* the seed 19:03:50 Glad you got that sorted out, sbp. 19:03:58 http://www.theonion.com/onion3815/counterpoint_space_program.html 19:04:03 @ http://www.theonion.com/onion3815/counterpoint_space_program.html 19:04:16 that was pretty funny 19:04:27 [[[ 19:04:28 [15:02] oh, DrBacchus, i have some more fun for you. 19:04:28 [15:02] check out http://www.disobey.com/detergent/sounds/ 19:04:28 [15:03] i want to say something irrelevant here 19:04:28 [15:03] its me reading a paragraph from my next article: apache #7 19:04:28 [15:03] * Morbus chuckles. 19:04:30 [15:03] heh 19:04:32 [15:04] That's hilarious. 19:04:34 [15:04] 19:04:36 [15:04] You're a sick puppy 19:04:38 [15:04] lol. whoo! :) 19:04:40 [15:04] i enjoy myself. 19:04:41 B: http://www.theonion.com/onion3815/counterpoint_space_program.html from Zircon 19:04:42 [15:04] Morbus++ 19:04:44 [15:04] lol:) 19:04:46 ]]] 19:04:48 no, Jill... you've really got to think about it 19:04:54 I mean, we *sow* the seed 19:04:58 B:|Point-Counterpoint: The Space Program 19:04:58 nature *grows* the seed 19:05:01 .wn sow 19:05:02 sow defined as: 19:05:03 - n : an adult female hog 19:05:04 - v 1: place (seeds) in the ground for future growth; "She sowed sunflower seeds" [syn: {sough}, {seed}] 19:05:04 and then we *eat* the seed 19:05:05 - 2: introduce into an environment; "sow suspicion or beliefs" [syn: {sough}] 19:05:06 - 3: place seeds in (the ground); "sow the ground with sunflower seeds" [syn: {inseminate}, {sow in}] 19:05:15 female hog. hmm 19:05:16 titled item B 19:05:27 * jillzilla stares at sbp. 19:05:45 I love Point-Counterpoint 19:05:57 "Oooh, Look At Me, I read _The Economist_!" 19:06:21 "On weekends, I like to sit out on my porch in my wicker chair with my bifocals and my subscription copy of The Economist . Then, when I go to a professor's wine-and-cheese party later that night, I can casually mention all the fancy stuff I read about NASA and Venezuela and Gen. Pervez Musharraf in my fancy magazine and impress everybody." 19:06:23 lol 19:06:48 no, no! we *sow* the seed, nature *grows* the seed, and then we *eat* the seed! 19:06:53 "I say, old chap, here comes Lord Smartingford of Braintonshire! Shall we dine upon a nice cup of tea, then? We can discuss the economy, and the global situ-AYYY-tion, and ever so many other matters! I am so very versed in such matters, reading as do I The Economist, just as soon as the postman delivers it by the estate, don't you know. I find that only the right cracking coverage of The E-CON-omist keeps me jolly-well informed and all that, wou 19:06:53 it's just so great! 19:06:53 ldn't you agree? Mmm, yes, I did think you would!" 19:07:13 I'm not following, sbp. 19:07:46 Zircon: righto! splendid! this is jolly-spiffing marvellous 19:07:54 Aaron: we *sow* the seed 19:08:01 nature *grows* the seed 19:08:04 and then we *eat* the seed 19:08:13 that's it. it's simple, and beautiful 19:08:14 Maybe you should do an audio recording. 19:08:21 Hmm... perhaps I should 19:08:55 * sbp would find it difficult - lots of household activity at the moment! 19:09:02 jillzilla has boundless generosity 19:09:42 audio recording! 19:09:57 jillzilla's like some mega cornucopia of exispeciferous bounty 19:13:47 .google exispeciferous 19:13:48 exispeciferous: http://blogspace.com/swhack/chatlogs/2001-09-24.html 19:13:53 heh, heh 19:14:25 02:23:20 *cough* Alzofratz *cough* 19:14:32 .google Alzofratz 19:14:32 Alzofratz: http://blogspace.com/swhack/chatlogs/2001-12-13 19:14:36 whee! 19:15:13 hey, I won that one 19:15:20 wow google is really indexing this stuff fast now :) 19:15:41 nah, bollocks is it. it's always *so* slow when it comes to the swhack logs. I'm not sure why 19:15:51 in fact, we even had to send mail to www-archive once 19:15:55 just to get it to index us 19:16:09 bullocks is it? 19:16:11 But now that jill is here... 19:16:31 .wn bollock 19:16:32 bollock defined as: 19:16:33 - n 1: one of the two male reproductive glands; "she kicked him in the balls and got away" [syn: {testis}, {gonad}, {testicle}, {ball}, {ballock}, {nut}, {egg}] 19:16:34 - 2: a pulley-block at the head of a topmast [syn: {bullock block}] 19:16:59 yeah. Jill will make everything better! 19:17:02 :-) 19:17:19 oh you mean as in 'bullshit' 19:17:33 right. I guess it's a Britishism 19:18:12 anyway i wish i could get my speaktomecatalog pages indexed as fast as this dumb swhack log 19:18:19 actually, Morbus and I have had some inspirational and highly intellectually charged conversations on the subject... 19:18:32 heh. you just need to link to them more often 19:18:40 put them in your .sig! 19:19:04 people would thing it shameless advertising 19:19:16 of course. what else are .sigs for? :-) 19:20:48 thing is wouldnt it goof up the indexing .. i mean when i write as seth@robustai.net im not talking about talking products, but when i write as seth@speaktomecatalog.com i am ... if i mix the two im confusing the public 19:21:56 SeanP (~sean@m9-mp1-cvx3b.pop.ntl.com) has joined #swhack 19:22:14 2001-10-14 15:10:35 homepage: oh, please. a homepage is a narccistic outlet for getting things you like ranked highly on Google. 19:22:19 * SeanP prods sbp's client 19:23:22 you could try sending jillzilla chocolates instead 19:23:56 I could do what with the what now? 19:23:59 [OLM] 19:24:07 Aaron, I think something's up with Vorpal 19:24:11 it won't let me connect 19:24:14 SeanP is now known as sbp` 19:24:38 it asked me for ident once, and now it just won't connect at all 19:27:16 walloper has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19:27:27 walloper (~nobody@ has joined #swhack 19:27:32 SeanP (~sean@ has joined #swhack 19:27:32 notZakim (~swhack-br@ has joined #swhack 19:27:33 loggy_1 (~swhack-lo@ has joined #swhack 19:27:33 * loggy_1 is logging 19:27:47 SeanP has quit (Excess Flood) 19:28:06 Aaron (~aaronsw@ has joined #swhack 19:28:17 AaronSw has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19:28:41 ugh 19:29:01 * SethR thinks im cute 19:29:06 Aaron is now known as AaronSw 19:29:19 SeanP (~sean@ has joined #swhack 19:29:24 hi 19:29:26 seems like vorpal hiccuped 19:29:28 * SethR names his api module ment 19:29:34 heh, just a bit... 19:29:36 loggy has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19:29:36 redmonk has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19:29:36 AaronSw is now known as AaroNSw 19:29:38 * SethR then he can go 19:29:56 AaroNSw is now known as AaronSw 19:30:05 * SethR and the class of graphs = ograph 19:30:13 * SethR so he can go: 19:30:26 sbp has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19:30:46 SeanP has quit (Remote closed the connection) 19:30:53 argh! 19:30:54 * SethR SethBot=ment.ograph() 19:31:04 SeanP (~sean@ has joined #swhack 19:31:05 sbp` is now known as sbp 19:33:10 SeanP has left #swhack 19:33:11 I wonder whether to move xena to vorpal. 19:33:17 SeanP (~sean@ has joined #swhack 19:33:37 I wonder whether to move xena to vorpal. 19:33:42 right, now we're getting somewhere 19:33:48 er... would they let you? 19:33:56 I guess you'd just run a clone? 19:34:07 yeah. since mu2's going daaaaaaaaawn 19:34:12 oh, right 19:34:18 what's up with that? 19:34:23 is it really going for good? 19:34:33 nothing is forever with tav 19:34:55 jillzilla has changed the topic to: nothing is forever with tav 19:34:55 pixel has quit ("http://www.perceive.net/") 19:35:03 sbp has quit () 19:35:07 SeanP is now known as sbp 19:35:43 what's deltab going to do? 19:36:03 about what? 19:36:11 well, about the connection 19:36:58 * Morbus finishes up a plugin for blagg,. 19:37:28 .google blagg 19:37:28 blagg: http://jkor.com/blagg 19:37:34 .google rael blagg 19:37:34 rael blagg: http://www.indianmarket.net/kc-artist-roster.html 19:37:40 bwahaha. 19:37:44 man, that first page is horrible. 19:37:49 sbp: http://www.oreillynet.com/~rael/lang/perl/blagg/ 19:39:37 .change 7821 gbp to usd 19:39:37 7,821.00 (United Kingdom Pounds (GBP)) makes 11,383.62 (United States Dollars (USD)) 19:39:50 Wow, that's quita a bit of money. 19:41:35 .wn crazy 19:41:36 crazy defined as: 19:41:37 - adj 1: affected with madness or insanity; "a man who had gone mad" [syn: {brainsick}, {demented}, {distracted}, {disturbed}, {mad}, {sick}, {unbalanced}, {unhinged}] 19:41:39 - 2: (informal) foolish; totally unsound; "an impractical solution"; "a crazy scheme"; "half-baked ideas"; "a screwball proposal without a prayer of working" [syn: {half-baked}, {screwball}, {softheaded}] 19:41:40 - 3: marked by foolish or unreasoning fondness; "she was crazy about him"; "gaga over the rock group's new album"; "he was infatuated with her" [syn: {dotty}, {gaga}, {enamored}, {infatuated}, {in love}, {smitten}, {soft on(p)}, {taken with(p)}] 19:41:40 - 4: (informal) possessed by inordinate excitement; "the crowd went crazy"; "was crazy to try his new bicycle" 19:42:02 yeah, so like tav must be doing his nut over mu2 19:42:32 "Tenerife boss Pepé Mel at least provided a bit of entertainment, doing his nut on the sideline when Francisco López Llompart (Xisco to his mates) stepped up" 19:42:46 "And of course his FBI partner (across the street from Big Momma's house) is doing his nut when he sees all this on the video camera." 19:42:47 Is it a Britishism? 19:42:52 I believe so 19:42:52 * danbri noticed the '#swhack' channel tab turned blue, wonders who takes his name in vain 19:42:58 I'm always interested to learn a Britishism I haven't heard before. 19:43:03 danbri: that was *ages* ago! 19:43:17 danbri! 19:43:37 heheh 19:43:42 er, 19:44:08 brb 19:45:21 Hm, telecon in 15 and I need to get some food. 19:46:31 second telecon of the day 19:46:56 -- http://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/ -- anyone going to glastonbury festival? 19:46:57 I'm about to ask something incredibly embarrassing. 19:46:59 What is rdf? 19:47:08 * sbp waves 19:47:12 .google RDF 19:47:13 RDF: http://www.w3.org/RDF 19:47:33 danbri: That URI just killed mozilla for me. 19:47:46 get a real browser (TM) 19:47:54 suggestions? 19:48:01 lynx? :-) 19:48:02 redmonk (~steve@ has joined #swhack 19:48:11 hey, welcome back rm 19:48:12 yuck 19:48:19 I prefer links to lynx. 19:48:44 hey 19:49:02 jillzilla, http://www.aaronsw.com/2002/6171talk/talk for description of RDF/Semantic Web 19:49:20 .acronym rdf 19:49:21 rdf: Resource Description Framework (W3C), Radial Distribution Function, Radio Direction Finder, Rapid Deployment Force, Rate Decrease Factor (ATMF), Rate Distortion Function, Reality-Distortion Field (attribute shared by charismatic leaders, like Steve Jobs of Apple Computers where the term originated), Record Definition Field, Recursive Digital Filter, Refuse-Derived Fuel(s), Remote Delivery 19:49:22 Facility (Pentagon Renovation Project), Remote Diagnostic Facility, Remote Distribution Frame (Sprint), Repeater Distribution Frame (ITU-T), Resource Description Format, Resource Description Framework, Revised Delivery Forecast, Robust Dependent Fault, Route Designator Field 19:49:23 what is rdf? eek, I'm stuck for a one liner. If you know XML, it's a convention for using XML for semi-structured data exchange. Kinda halfway house between XML's unconstraining notion of well-formedness, and over-constraining notion of DTD/XMLSchema validity. 19:49:37 It's a format for serialzing databases. 19:49:44 There we go, Resource Description Framework. That's fine. Oh, thanks, danbri, AaronSw. 19:50:01 jillzilla: You're supposed to be keeping the new google RDF interface quiet 19:50:02 It's a framework for describing resources too. 19:50:02 sheesh 19:50:17 tim bray's piece, http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2001/01/24/rdf.html is a nice intro 19:50:22 telecon-10 minutes. time to put some pants on 19:50:37 anyway, its handy for cataloguing photos etc, people... 19:50:40 telecon like teleconference? Why wear pants? 19:50:58 heh, heh 19:51:00 because my legs are cold 19:51:08 Ah, that's a good reason. 19:51:14 independent clauses! 19:51:19 And I don't want to splurt milk out of my nose again. 19:51:25 lol 19:51:28 like I did on RDF Core. 19:51:40 pants prevent nose-splurted milk? 19:51:51 when you wear them on your head, yes 19:51:58 Oh, what was I thinking! 19:51:59 well, pants make me warm, which means i'm less likely to be cold, which means i'm less likely to sneeze... 19:52:03 :-) 19:52:29 sbp: were you thinking of UK pants or US pants? 19:52:49 jill: ah! somewhere in between. having said that, scenes from Blackadder come back to me... 19:53:00 sbp: yes! I was thinking of those too! 19:53:01 wibble! 19:53:04 heh! 19:53:10 [[[ 19:53:11 dinnertime when the oven is full of banana muffins ;) 19:53:11 * sbp ^5's Jill 19:53:11 ]]] 19:53:13 ew. 19:53:25 [[[ 19:53:27 [15:53] * quasi wishes that Morbus had warned about that .wav - it doesn't work well at dinnertime when the oven is full of banana muffins ;) 19:53:28 ]]] 19:53:30 there we go. 19:53:38 the best description of co-depiction is http://swordfish.rdfweb.org/discovery/2002/02/paths/allabout.jsp?mbox=mailto%3Ame@aaronsw.com&mbox2=mailto%3Ame@franksinatra.com 19:54:09 no... I still think that sbp => hjs is just the best 19:54:24 oh, I suppose this means I should restart mozilla. 19:54:30 is that available, sbp? 19:54:31 Morbus: sorry for screwing up your quote deeley... 19:54:38 available: er... 19:54:39 arse-waver 19:54:58 should add that to the swhack style guide 19:55:05 telecon - 5 19:55:09 * AaronSw grabs headset 19:55:20 can't find it in FTP, so I'll have to put it up later 19:55:25 ssg: heh,h eh 19:55:27 for now... 19:55:29 Gotta run 19:56:48 * danbri wonders why he's #'ing 20:04:00 oh, heh, the conference call is tomorrow! 20:04:20 2 today, 2 tomorrow. hm 20:12:03 * AaronSw sings: X and Y sittin' on IRC. P-R-O-C-R-A-S-T-I-N-A-T-I-N-G. (gotta say the last bit fast) 20:12:57 Neat. AMK is looking at autogenerating REST code. 20:13:44 When I met RM Jr. I said "Hey aren't you the guy who destroyed the Internet?". He repied "Apparently not. It's still there." 20:17:05 RM Jr. ? 20:17:11 RetardMan? 20:17:46 Robert Morris 20:18:03 Oh! Hello, duh. 20:18:05 Sorry. 20:18:10 I was reading that sentence wrong. 20:18:28 I thought someone was saying zooko destroyed the Internet. 20:18:31 ha ha. 20:18:37 * Zircon kicks zooko for asking that 20:19:05 I bet RTM has heard that 8,216,821,312,602e9783 times 20:19:10 yeah 20:19:26 RTM did some neat work in Lisp @ viaweb 20:19:39 Oh, I didn't know he worked at viaweb. interesting 20:21:12 "I lift this clavicle to worlds without number, and bring a new light to the Way, guiding this gate that all may prosper, those who guide and are guided, who light the Way and bask in the light so given....Behold, I open a new world." 20:21:44 Please welcome kornbluth.openprojects.net, a hidden hub located somewhere 20:21:52 Heh. 20:23:48 we lost it on the intarweb, and are not sure where it went 20:31:02 Aaron: Pro-Cast-Rin-At-I-N-G 20:31:15 Hm 20:31:45 Chandler: His is *so* cute! O.K., so what does it mean when they look like the Village People? 20:31:50 s/His/He/ 20:32:13 and now back to your regularly scheduled shows 20:32:37 * sbp seems to be deleting an awful lot of FoRK mail lately 20:32:49 You mean you actually read that junk? 20:33:02 no. I delete it 20:33:14 I have scripts to delete it 20:33:28 oh wow, I think this is the best Spam subject ever:- 20:33:29 "Where's Your 'Germ Spreading' Plunger??" 20:33:33 lol 20:33:43 are they selling them? 20:33:49 heh, they are indeed 20:34:10 "Introducing P[...]M[...] the world's first decorative ANTIBACTERIAL plunger cover and bathroom DEODORIZER!" 20:34:32 ooh! ooh! send me ten! 20:34:55 .wn plunger 20:34:55 plunger defined as: 20:34:56 - n 1: someone who risks losses for the possibility of considerable gains [syn: {speculator}] 20:34:57 - 2: someone who gambles extravagantly 20:34:58 - 3: a part of a machine that has a plunging or thrusting motion [syn: {piston}] 20:36:02 it's sad: it ever so nearly makes sense 20:37:25 6:16 - not bad 20:37:49 we're almost outnumbering the buggers 3 to 1 20:38:12 wtf is notZakim doing here? 20:38:18 notSure 20:38:37 it came back on during the Vorpal hiccup 20:38:48 notZakim has quit (Remote closed the connection) 20:39:10 3 1/5 to 1! 20:39:32 davb has quit () 20:39:36 ugh 20:39:47 heh 20:39:59 ah, actually that evens things out! I'm sure he did that on purpose 20:40:13 Heh. 20:41:46 monk: spelling err on your OORenderers page 20:41:50 ^ redmonk 20:42:17 redmonk: you around? got some questions. 20:42:57 well color him red and call him a monk. he must be out 20:43:08 dammit. 20:43:10 he would do that. 20:43:17 now i have to keep his bookmark in my root. 20:43:25 hey 20:43:36 monk! 20:43:41 hey, you got some time? 20:43:43 yo 20:43:47 sure, a bit 20:43:51 wazzup 20:43:59 mmkay: http://www.redmonk.net/stories/omniOutlineRenderers#link0.324100745363 20:44:04 s/easch/each/ 20:44:16 heh 20:44:22 secondly: concerning templates. you say you throw the template in your first heading? 20:44:27 how is the first heading determined? 20:44:30 in the notes field 20:44:37 what happens if I sort by a different column? 20:44:44 of the top-most left-most heading 20:44:45 hm. 20:44:46 actually, what happens with different columns? 20:45:05 this is real simple - no columns are taken into acct 20:45:09 AaronSw: Yeah.. RTM and Paul Graham co-founded viaweb. 20:45:10 (iirc) 20:45:11 simply an outline renderer 20:45:12 ah. ok. 20:45:21 cool 20:45:23 (not a spreadsheet renderer ;-)) 20:45:25 so, technically, with that in mind, that also answers my sort question. 20:45:33 bascially 20:45:34 hey, you shuddup. its not a spreadsheet 20:45:35 sorry 20:45:42 don't say sorry. thanks for doing this. 20:45:49 i hope to actually play with it soon. 20:45:55 ok 20:45:56 cool 20:46:51 anyone here look at Zoe yet? 20:47:05 http://homepage.mac.com/zoe_info/Education5.html 20:47:18 Gotta run 20:47:41 cya 20:48:30 I donwloaded i, but its confusing 20:48:44 i can't get it to download 20:49:01 probably one of those apps where you have to be in the developer's head to get it ;-) 20:52:25 aaron - would you email me the tgz? 20:52:29 actually, i take it back 20:52:39 what happens when you try to download? 20:52:39 you do? 20:52:44 ugh 20:52:49 what? 20:52:51 it starts, and never finished 20:52:56 hm. 20:53:02 i've tried it a dozen times 20:53:05 with ie, moz, and curl 20:53:40 i've never had much luck with itools filesharing 20:53:44 personally 20:53:51 jsut a sec 20:55:15 ping me in 2min 30 sec 20:55:47 k 21:00:13 heeh 21:00:18 ping aaronsw 21:00:26 heh 21:06:34 ZOE 21:09:32 .wn dictionary 21:09:32 dictionary defined as: 21:09:33 - n : a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them [syn: {lexicon}] 21:17:39 good morning all 21:23:32 moving utility server, small netsplit 21:26:06 ScuBa (~ScubaStev@ has joined #swhack 21:26:23 hello 21:27:49 ScuBa has quit () 21:28:30 Zircon has quit (Remote closed the connection) 21:29:00 Morbus has quit ("http://www.disobey.com/") 21:30:26 Ash_ (~aaron@ has joined #swhack 21:33:11 Ash_ is now known as GreenLantern 22:10:53 Heh: "As perhaps you've noticed, this is a wild, wacky time for [deleted]. But then, every time is a wild, wacky time for [deleted]." 22:16:35 * AaronSw writes up the story of his trip. 22:17:32 "I went to Boston. Nobody was there. I gave a talk, and went home." 22:17:41 :-) 22:18:13 "plus! plus, I forgot to *tape* the talk, narking Sean off no end" 22:18:46 actually, I'd like to know more about what you did 22:18:51 where will you be publishing it? 22:19:33 Probably on my weblog. 22:40:25 .google cluefulness 22:40:26 cluefulness: http://2020hindsight.editthispage.com/2000/01/09 22:42:44 interesting word 22:45:11 just read it in the rant about google's soap api ... im obsessed with the first usage of a term ... ive always though that people should get points in life for coining new words that get used 22:45:31 ah, we like etymologies here on swhack 22:45:48 what's that? 22:45:50 cf. one of the sections in http://infomesh.net/geirlyfr 22:45:55 .wn etymology 22:45:56 etymology defined as: 22:45:57 - n 1: a history of a word 22:45:57 - 2: the study of the sources and development of words 22:46:23 relivance to swhack ? 22:47:15 sean, im trying to grok you recommendation: prefix = ([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)? | '_' 22:47:24 swhack is a place where all sorts of bric-a-brac gets thrown about. Etymologies make for good intellectual bric-a-brac 22:47:38 it's just a regular expression 22:47:42 ive noticed 22:47:51 davb (dave@alb-24-58-162-46.nycap.rr.com) has joined #swhack 22:48:03 why is the trailing | '_' necessary? 22:48:17 because '_' is the special prefix for bNodes 22:48:30 what does A-Za-z0-9_ imply? 22:48:54 or do all regualr expressions end in _ 22:49:03 no, it's the _ character 22:49:13 any character in 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_' 22:49:38 so why the trailing | _ ? 22:49:52 sorry im just learning about regular expressions 22:49:52 .google site:evolt.com sprocket regular expression 22:49:53 no results found. 22:49:57 gah 22:50:06 http://evolt.org/article/Regular_Expression_Basics/20/22700/index.html 22:50:19 the Python documentation is quite good too 22:51:01 http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/re-syntax.html 22:51:27 i gotta reboot ... bill *ucked up again 22:51:30 SethR has quit () 22:52:13 * sbp wonders what/who bill is, and what it/s/he ucked 22:55:48 heh, it was only about a year ago that Aaron was teaching me RegExps. Not even that, in fact 22:56:00 Heh, so funny. 22:56:12 SethR (~seth@12-230-243-179.client.attbi.com) has joined #swhack 22:56:15 * AaronSw posts his travelogue (sp?) 22:56:24 sp: looks right 22:57:11 heh, this is just so great: http://www.aaronsw.com/photos/misc/IMG_1368.JPG/view 22:57:29 :-) 22:57:57 whee: http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/000233 22:58:01 alright: http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/000233 22:58:08 snap 22:58:24 * AaronSw fixes a typo 22:58:36 ok, time to grab headset. telecon-2 22:59:22 wow, do you have to link to your talk so much? :-) 22:59:50 I just linked once. 23:00:09 heh @ "liberate" the terminals 23:00:20 yeah, for like three paragrahps 23:00:35 huh? three paragraphs? 23:00:42 oh, heh 23:01:30 GabeW (~Gabe@12-236-237-100.client.attbi.com) has joined #swhack 23:01:48 hello GabeW 23:02:09 alo 23:02:18 heh: I looked around for copies of the GPL to be mailed, but didn't find any. 23:02:31 * sbp should use "quotes" more often 23:04:37 "CLIENT EXITED" 23:04:51 hm: *** zookochinesefood is now known as zookosimpsons 23:06:06 wow, your trip seemed like a odd time. It's like you went half way across the country and had to potter around 23:06:20 .wn potter 23:06:21 potter defined as: 23:06:22 - n : a craftsman who makes pottery [syn: {ceramicist}, {ceramist}] 23:06:23 - v 1: do random, unplanned work or activities [syn: {putter}, {mess around}, {tinker}, {monkey}, {monkey around}, {muck around}] 23:06:23 - 2: work lightly; "The old lady is pottering around in the garden" [syn: {putter}] 23:06:24 - 3: move around aimlessly [syn: {putter}, {potter around}, {putter around}] 23:06:26 cool stuff about GNU, though, and lol @ the DCMA badges 23:06:38 * AaronSw puts on a DMCA button 23:06:48 :-) 23:07:03 23:10:31 .google "Y'all come back now!" 23:10:33 "Y'all come back now!": http://sngaming.com/majarchgalleria/theme-woodsy.html 23:12:25 Mmmkay 23:14:55 hey, I've just noticed that #swhack has been xoot free for many days now 23:15:56 it says it's deleting win98, are you sure it's ok? 23:16:08 Yes, those are just the tree files. You're fine 23:16:20 heh, heh 23:17:18 "the continuing saga of xoot, neo, and their tree files" 23:19:55 GabeW has quit ("Client Exiting") 23:21:54 i remember reading the "Green Lantern" as a kid... 23:22:41 xena has quit (Remote closed the connection) 23:24:54 xena (xena@mewtwo.espnow.com) has joined #swhack 23:30:13 heh: http://www.salon.com/politics/comics/2002/04/13/caribou/index.html 23:35:23 that's just brilliant. 23:36:18 chump, chump, chump, chump, chump! 23:40:34 there should be URL sharing between #infoanarchy and here 23:48:34 heh 23:48:40 @ http://www.salon.com/politics/comics/2002/04/13/caribou/ 23:49:26 C: http://www.salon.com/politics/comics/2002/04/13/caribou/ from AaronSw 23:49:44 C:|George Bush introduces the "Make it Better Button" 23:50:00 titled item C 23:54:02 do'a wher's the swhack chump page? 23:55:29 oh i found it 23:56:42 datestamped Google search result URIs! 23:57:54 Hmm... you could prove them with Alexa, if the results weren't blocked