00:00:48 cavern nights, gnomic interruptions and whistling bells 00:03:04 sometimes I think that Shakespeare was a fool, but at other times, I wonder how he managed without T.V. and the Web 00:14:46 I wonder if people read letters by lamplight anymore? 00:15:35 * sbp wonders if "Nobody's Business But Mine" is related to "Nobody's Fault But Mine" 00:15:44 * sbp somewhat doubts that it is 00:16:14 (just concedentally similar titles) 00:21:49 "Increver na lista"? 00:29:48 Does G****d have a ten-foot pole? 00:32:11 BenSw (~x@12-249-96-16.client.attbi.com) has joined #swhack 00:32:34 common law is so cool 00:32:38 Hey Ben 00:32:39 hi 00:34:10 hi sean, u ever use Tkinter? 00:35:24 I wrote a text editor using TKInter once 00:36:24 im just trying to put a Entry box on a frame 00:36:44 cant figure out how to use the textvariable= 00:37:02 self.inBox = Entry(frame, textvariable=inthing, width=80).pack(side=LEFT) 00:37:25 sbp has changed the topic to: "Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech." - Benjamin Franklin 00:37:31 dunno 00:37:35 have you tried Google? 00:37:59 yeah ill figure it out .. just though it might be tip of your toung 00:39:25 I'm afraid not. I didn't use it in the editor, it seems 00:43:36 try http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-tkprg/ 00:44:50 thanks i will 00:44:59 pungent lions. Heh, that reminds me of South Park tonight - another controversial episode 00:45:17 with the humorous lions 00:45:32 "pull my thorn" 00:45:34 you get south park on sky? 00:45:46 yep 00:47:10 * BenSw guesses thats its only on saturdays 00:47:35 yep, I think you're right 00:48:36 * sbp wonders about the origin of the phrase "green mountain men" 00:49:25 I was playing with simpsons studio last night, it was weird 00:49:44 heh, indeed 00:50:02 it takes a bit of getting used to... 00:50:07 its hard to get two people in each scene, mine went something like this 00:51:09 homer walks over to cliff falls(stays in air) desk appears, switch scene to beach homers on desk, don't remember the rest, basicly playing around with other characters 00:51:16 * sbp wonders who the guy shouting on "Toad" is 00:51:46 surreal 00:55:20 .time cst 00:55:20 Apr. 13, 2002 7:55 pm US/Central 00:55:46 ah finnaly a right time, all the clocks in my house are screwed up 00:55:51 "Momma's gonna cook some shortnin' bread" 00:55:55 heh 00:56:42 .time whereverIam 00:56:42 error: Site Error occurred: KeyError 00:57:02 ooh a bug in xena 00:57:23 well, it's gone one, and coming up to two too 00:57:32 heh 00:57:45 whereverIam is not a valid key, so xena was right to barf it up all over the channel 00:58:07 xena should find out what your hostname is and find out where you are ;) 00:58:26 right. and then it'd give me a CST time, which is wrong 00:58:28 * BenSw installs python on his new wibm 00:58:36 winibm 01:00:53 well i shouldn't say new ;), its from 1998 or so, though it has usb ports, maybe those people at apple lied ;) 01:01:29 it's funny: I found all of these things that people have forgotten, and stored them in notes. Now I've lost and forgotten them too, although they're still there waiting to be found. But I lost an important one recently, which ticked me off 01:02:13 About St. John the Evangelist. I just can't find it anywhere 01:02:51 * sbp wonders how much Aaron actually uses his HTTP archive 01:22:51 wmf (~wesley@valentine.felter.org) has joined #swhack 01:23:01 hey AaronSw 01:23:13 wmf! 01:23:22 hello all 01:25:21 it's Semantic Web or SWartz or something 01:25:22 no! doesn't any ever read the website... or wmf's website... it's a sound... swhack! 01:25:40 that's for my name, deltab 01:27:23 on second thought... 01:27:32 *** Guest49856 (df@ has joined the channel 01:27:32 sw - > short wave? 01:27:32 semantic web 01:27:32 o 01:27:33 *** Guest49856 has quit IRC () 01:27:35 could convince me otherwise 01:28:20 ooh, this is good: swhack stands for "Semantic Web hack dishwasher", BTW. The "d" got chopped off 01:35:10 sbp, I use my archive only occasionally. i was actually considering deleting it. or sending it to Brewster... 01:40:46 BenSw has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01:47:08 Gotta run: dinner 01:59:32 wmf, tell us your irda story 02:02:29 Hm, this is new: question spamming. 02:02:47 oh, it's not a question 02:03:02 he searched google for the thing he was selling, and then spidered all the emails off those pages, apparently. 02:03:09 "Note: I found your email address while reading your web page pertaining to XML and Acrobat-based forms. Its web's address is shown above." 02:03:51 ok, IrDA 02:04:13 so one day I went to a group meeting 02:04:44 and my thinkpad was emitting sound effects at random times 02:05:13 ok... 02:05:13 this was confusing me and annoying everyone else in the metting 02:05:54 it turned out that my machine was making and breaking IrDA connections with the person next to me 02:05:55 what kind of sound effects? like beeps? 02:06:06 aha 02:06:24 yeah, it has special beeps for when it sees another machine and when the connection breaks 02:06:50 then the other guy figured this out and he started trying to transfer files to me 02:07:02 so I kept rejecting them 02:07:23 meanwhile my boss was giving me dirty looks 02:08:02 nobody else has this problem because their IrDA ports are all on the left, but mine was on the right 02:08:37 Aha. Heh... 02:08:51 and now I won't have that problem any more 02:09:09 I put the IRDA menu thingy up, but i've not used it yet 02:09:33 I used IrDA on my Mac with my cell phone, but it was flaky 02:11:37 I should get a coffee table 02:11:48 what for? 02:12:10 to display your copies of p and a's guide to web publishing 02:12:14 so that I set down things near the couch but not on the floor 02:14:41 heh: "Pent-up news is starting to burst the seams of the Wi-Fi smokehouse, in which I carefully age and rotate stories." 02:29:24 GabeW (~gwachob@12-236-237-100.client.attbi.com) has joined #swhack 02:29:36 GabeW attack! 02:29:43 man 02:29:55 I didn't know I was GabeW the Hun 02:30:37 I saw a swarm of GabeWs join every channel that I'm on :-) 02:30:46 uh, shoulda just been one 02:31:06 of course, you are on 3/4 of the channels I'm one 02:31:07 on 02:31:50 uh oh, time to recharge for kerberos 02:31:58 heh 02:33:43 if it wasn't for kerberos, we'd get nothing done around here 02:36:51 ok, i'm getting offline - toomuch working toaday 02:37:00 gnight all 02:37:26 GabeW has quit ("Client Exiting") 02:38:31 @ http://www.rushkoff.com/blog.html 02:39:14 A: http://www.rushkoff.com/blog.html from AaronSw 02:39:27 A:|Douglas Rushkoff has a weblog 02:39:43 titled item A 02:40:43 A::His new book is "Nothing Sacred: The Case for Open Source Judaism" -- odd, last I heard (before this) was that it was about Open Source Religion. 02:40:59 commented item A 02:46:22 @ http://scriban.com/movabletype/2002_04_12.html 02:46:53 B: http://scriban.com/movabletype/2002_04_12.html from wmf 02:51:54 * wmf sings 02:52:11 numbers, passwords, protocol, it's not enough to save your soul... 03:05:19 * AaronSw AGs 03:06:11 B:|Price Fixing Since 1996 Caused CD Sales Slowdown 03:06:30 titled item B 03:07:23 B::Heh, "Year of the Peer" 03:07:39 commented item B 03:31:54 On building the Segway: "This kind of celebration of failure and culture of open communication also helped overcome a major challenge associated with many startup projects: How to move a group of engineers from the idea mode to the execution mode." 03:32:26 woo! let's hear it for failure! 03:32:50 'It might sound a little far out, but the company even has a special award for the engineer who comes up with the most spectacular failure‹the so-called "frog award."' 03:34:12 AaronSw has changed the topic to: "Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing [censored -ed.]" - Benjamin Franklin 03:35:06 heh: "Women's input into the way things are run would be more beneficial, to be sure. But women leaders aren't necessarily good solely by their virtue of being women. My fave counterexample: Margaret Thatcher." 03:36:31 and then someone else suggestests Carly Fiorina 04:29:58 boy am I glad that microsoft remains committed to exploiting, er, supporting the Mac. maybe they'll actually fix their Entourage bugs 04:36:40 tav (tav@ has joined #swhack 04:36:50 any life? 04:37:04 hey tav 04:37:40 rehi 04:39:37 tav! 04:39:52 wmf, entourage bugs? 04:40:04 so, what's new? 04:40:05 yeah man 04:40:28 like what? 04:40:53 like when you click in a window and it moves the window so that the title bar is where you clicked 04:41:05 oh, i just assumed that was an OS X bug 04:41:06 bought that cinema hd yet? ;p 04:41:16 like when you click on a window and it doesn't come to the front because it thinks it's already in front 04:41:25 ditto 04:41:32 those never happen to me in any app besides entourage 04:41:40 bad carbon mojo 04:41:56 guess so. i'm not sure whether this is good or bad news 04:42:09 -- 04:42:10 13:59:58 [rabataf] 04:42:10 did you ever try to use https:// schemes in py-2.2? 04:42:11 -- 04:42:17 that's been fixed now btw 04:42:25 in 2.2.1? 04:42:29 yea 04:43:38 if I had paid full price for both office 2001 and office X I would be pissed, because office X took so long to come out and it didn't have any interesting new features, nor did it fix the old bugs, but it added new ones 04:44:20 tav: yeah, I ordered the cinema hd; didn't you see it on your credit card? 04:44:47 what's hd in this context? 04:44:56 hi definition 04:45:00 they have cinema-size hard drives? 04:45:00 oh 04:45:09 well, amidst sports cars, and beach houses, it's easy to miss 04:46:55 man i fucking hate being solicited by unknown individuals on opn 04:47:07 for what? 04:47:18 "hey, you're that mysterious tav guy! can you help me with..." 04:47:54 help / info / random chat 04:48:10 i don't mind any of those, but wish they'd do it in the bloody channel 04:48:23 it must be because your tav 04:49:55 heh 04:50:08 hmz, what's with #swhack 04:50:17 what? 04:50:23 the last 2 day logs are abysmal! 04:50:30 where's the rich content? 04:50:47 well, we got some new members... 04:50:48 taxes 04:50:56 the content isn't so rich any more 04:51:05 whose new? 04:51:40 j* 04:51:47 ah 04:52:21 ehm, she was here before wasn't she? 04:52:41 for what value of before? 04:53:01 * tav recalls getting jillzilla to join here back when i hung out here 04:53:34 when did the split happen? 04:53:38 split? 04:53:44 .google momu aaron tav 04:53:45 momu aaron tav: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2002Mar/0015.html 04:54:14 before being `before mid-feb` 04:55:58 she just joined a couple of days ago, so she must have left.... 04:56:18 hmz 04:56:21 remember #google? 04:56:26 yep 04:56:33 anyways, hi jill 04:56:48 talk about more interesting stuff 04:58:07 work on the fucking plesh! 05:06:06 say hi to sbp for me 05:06:22 and tell me when the place becomes interesting again 05:06:22 sure 05:06:27 heh 05:09:12 * tav blows kisses and disappears 05:09:29 tav has left #swhack 05:36:14 wmf has quit ("wmf has no reason") 05:37:15 ooh, rael linked to me. and google says i'm related to him by 5 05:47:58 TODO tomorrow: prepare for number theory talk on crypto 05:48:02 G'nite all 08:46:01 Seth has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10:28:55 cotton (~lynx@digit350.aunet.au.ac.th) has joined #swhack 10:28:59 hi all :D~ 10:52:32 cotton has quit ("we'll either find a way , or make one") 11:30:26 lol @ and tell me when the place becomes interesting again 11:31:38 ooh, I just got a clever bit of spam 11:32:12 Gotta run 13:37:07 fleasures of the plesh 14:30:38 aha! it works because phi is multiplicative and phi(prime) = prime - 1 14:31:06 that's really cute 14:48:27 aw man, I seem to have lost more information! 14:48:33 my Hard Drive must be leaking 14:48:55 heh 14:49:08 quick, maybe you can pick it up with a towel 14:50:28 ah, actually, I found it. phew 14:55:02 you should back up more 14:55:38 well, I do have stuff archived, and I think I have this bit of info. archived twice 14:55:45 it's just difficult to find :-) 14:56:03 archived? 14:56:45 archived 14:56:51 how so? 14:57:08 in zip and on CD 14:57:34 ah. big revenue stream, that. cf. http://www.eastgate.com/catalog/Praystation.html 14:58:31 interesting 14:58:45 * sbp would put a high price on some of his CDs. Eclectic 15:04:10 your hard drive would probably be pretty interesting to see 15:04:25 or your cds... whatever 15:05:04 it would be more disturbing than anything else 15:05:16 that just makes it all the more artistic 15:13:56 * sbp is still trying to select a new .sig 15:14:05 perhaps I should tgz my HD and hash it 15:14:10 heh! 15:14:34 hash "Kindest Regards," 15:14:44 heh, heh 15:15:00 I'm going to drop that altogether, and rely on putting it in by hand 15:15:06 woohoo! 15:15:14 de49f6337440e6217e40d69a74de395383e3f1fd5af6c23684b1291dda885844a4bd02047b10854c89827d898c6cc707e81528886ed7041ab174d83ca3f9d820 15:15:19 'cause it's silly having "cheers" and "Kindest regards" 15:16:12 * sbp checks and concurs 15:16:50 -- 15:16:51 Sean B. Palmer 15:16:57 it's just an arse having so little space, and the annoyance of having to put my name and homepage URI in there 15:16:58 heh, it reminds me of an old .sig I used to have: 15:16:59 This message is top secret. When you have finished reading it, destroy yourself. 15:17:04 - Marshall McLuhan 15:17:08 lol 15:18:10 this lines up nicely:- 15:18:14 -- 15:18:15 Sean B. Palmer 15:18:15 Cartman: Screw you guys: I'm a goin' home 15:19:08 * sbp doesn't really consider using it, though 15:19:11 phew 15:20:16 Sean B. Palmer 15:20:17 This message is yours to share and enjoy. 15:22:53 -- 15:22:59 Sean B. Palmer 15:22:59 email: (C) SBP 2002; .sig: Patent pending 15:23:10 heh 15:23:15 * AaronSw smiles 15:23:55 * sbp is not sure whether to go for soem really obscure thing that'll get people searching for the meaning, or some really kick-ass obscure quote 15:25:40 Vex: "I know what you're thinking, 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here: Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill?" 15:25:45 like Kubrick Jupiter thing 15:25:46 - http://www.treedragon.com/ygg/flea.htm 15:25:53 s/like/like the/ 15:26:01 "Kubrick Jupiter?" he asks, while googling 15:26:22 yeah, the streetsign thing 15:26:50 kinda like the "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" thing, although that was solved 15:27:23 quite an obvious solution too, when you hear it 15:27:24 google doens't know about this kubrick jupiter thing 15:27:33 it should do 15:27:45 obvious? what was the frequency? 15:27:52 .google Kubrick resurrect dead on Jupiter 15:27:56 Kubrick resurrect dead on Jupiter: http://pobox.com/~woneill/sidewalk.html 15:28:14 ah 15:28:30 I don't think that there was a frequency. The guy obviously thought that there was though, and that Rather held the key 15:29:05 well that's not an answer. pfft 15:29:32 well, the question wasn't answered 15:29:49 but the mystery behind the question was lifted 15:30:17 (when they caught the guy that did it... actually, already in prison for murder, IIRC) 15:30:31 as Rather said, it's a shame that they didn't catch him earlier 15:30:55 heh: "Mayor Charlie Luken, a Democrat facing reelection, is playing the issue of the Toynbee Tiles straight down the middle. Asked, for example, if he thinks resurrecting the dead on Jupiter is a good idea, Luken declined to be interviewed." 15:31:04 :-) 15:33:52 actually, i saw a good message that looked like that... 15:33:57 * AaronSw uploads 15:34:51 oh, i think i already uploaded it 15:35:19 ah, yeah: http://www.aaronsw.com/photos/school/IMG_0921.JPG/view 15:35:56 .google "are you a slave to your products" 15:35:57 no results found. 15:36:01 interesting 15:36:11 .google "slave to your products" 15:36:12 no results found. 15:36:17 Hmm... 15:36:26 it's a world exclusive, folks! 15:36:45 actually, that's a good point: I'd probably have to get it from off of the Web 15:37:06 since anything that I find on the Web is subject to a Google search. Even really arcane bits of info. are no longer all that arcane 15:37:35 mayeb you could just put in the robust sig of your homepage 15:37:37 since you just prefix it with ".google ", plop into into swhack, and our glofied vending machine here will display the result 15:37:42 or at least some of it 15:38:09 yeah, but I fiddle with my homepage, so it's bound to change 15:38:15 so? 15:39:20 html swhack seanpalmer infomesh rdfig 15:39:54 Sean B. Palmer 15:39:54 swhack seanpalmer infomesh rdfig phenomic 15:40:07 .google swhack seanpalmer infomesh rdfig phenomic 15:40:09 swhack seanpalmer infomesh rdfig phenomic: http://www.purl.org/net/sbp 15:40:21 .google sbp 15:40:22 sbp: http://www.purl.org/net/sbp 15:40:26 it'd also up the number of phenomic references ;) 15:40:41 -- 15:40:41 Sean B. Palmer, 15:41:01 ah! phenomic 15:41:12 heh. better watch out tho, the state bank of pakistan is gaining on you 15:41:39 heh, heh 15:42:48 Sean B. Palmer 15:42:48 pioneer phenomic python palmer plays pool 15:43:08 heh, cool 15:45:25 * sbp wonders how many great songs have gone unrecorded 15:47:00 I should invent something cool, and then I can do 15:47:08 Sean B. Palmer: inventor of the pig-scraper 15:47:09 hey! that's rude 15:47:13 oh, heh 15:47:13 or whatever 15:47:18 ? 15:47:30 sorry, i thought you were gonna pull a 15:48:00 a what? 15:48:28 * sbp looks around - where'd he go? 15:48:32 a Gail Wynand 15:48:56 save me a .google, could ya? :-) 15:49:14 heh 15:49:41 gah 15:49:42 .google "Gail Wynand" 15:49:43 "Gail Wynand": http://www.angelfire.com/fl4/johngalt/text/wynand.txt 15:49:44 Gail Wynand buys up all the great art and locks it up in his private storeroom so no one can look at it 15:50:32 Hmm... what was that in reference to? 15:50:47 "* sbp wonders how many great songs have gone unrecorded 15:50:47 I should invent something cool, and then I can do" 15:51:24 ah, right. I should have added a colon-hyphen 15:51:34 thus:- 15:51:35 :- 15:51:55 what's bijan call it? smith's stroke or some such 15:52:09 I didn't know that he called it anything 15:53:16 * sbp has been careful to try to record everything lately 15:53:22 well, most good things, anyway 15:53:34 not that anyone will ever get to hear any of it 15:53:58 ah, scheffer stroke 15:54:03 this is cool: http://web.cs.mun.ca/~ulf/csh/ethym-sym.html 15:54:31 hm, I guess that's | 15:54:33 indeed 15:55:11 weird: "A Martian who lacked negation but did have the Scheffer stroke, l, would need to tease out the impossibility from a complex sentence;" 15:56:29 odd. the infinity sign was originillay used for equivalence 15:57:50 yeah, I noted that because it seemed important 15:58:15 cool related page: http://web.cs.mun.ca/~ulf/csh/commcomp.html 15:59:51 heh, i'm #1 related to you: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&safe=images&q=related%3Apurl.org%2Fnet%2Fsbp%2F 16:01:29 heh, heh, heh 16:01:40 we must be friends, google wills it. 16:01:42 that may even deserve a pseudo-bwahaha 16:01:58 on the other hand, a distributed decentralized information storage and retrieval system is #1 related to me 16:01:59 :-) 16:02:04 weird 16:02:21 you have more interesting friends than I, clearly 16:02:23 i think that'd be freenet 16:02:41 your my first human relation 16:03:11 you won't be for much longer if you keep using "your" for "you're" 16:03:27 i'll just have to use "yer" for both 16:03:36 * sbp makes less sense than MacArthur park sometimes 16:03:50 yeah. I'm leaning towards y'all for second person plural 16:03:50 at least you don't start melting in the dark 16:03:58 heh, heh 16:04:14 google also says Plextor is related to me 16:04:26 Plextor? heh 16:04:35 sounds like a super-villain 16:04:35 and aolserver and userland.com 16:04:43 all fear the mighty plextor! 16:05:30 who should i talk to about letting google index c2 wiki? 16:06:12 probably Ward, or whoever runs the site nowadays 16:06:19 if it's a robots.txt exclusion... 16:06:24 right 16:07:19 Ward: "For example, someone might start a post by explaining that they don't mean to offend. I would remove such an introduction and then edit the remaining comment so that it simply does not offend." 16:07:37 heh, heh 16:08:03 ooh, ward is on AIM 16:08:29 cool 16:09:42 ugh, spangly arsed money guncher: my connection times out too quickly when downloading big files 16:10:02 ooh, ward's son is on (but not ward) 16:10:26 i guess i'll just send an email 16:10:44 ooh, ward bough a blip in the continuum 16:11:19 heh, then it disconnections me entirely 16:11:21 I'm back now, though, clearly 16:11:23 bough? 16:11:27 a loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou? 16:11:29 err bought 16:11:43 Ward: "I'm in the mood to do something new. Wiki traffic is about 3x now what it was when it was last judged noise free. I'd like to find something that will take it to 30x or 300x. I've received many suggestions of things to add. Instead I'm looking for something to take out." 16:12:54 Hmm... 16:18:34 heh, #rdfig is sure interesting this morning 16:18:42 heh, heh. yeah 16:24:37 wow, William Barnes had quite a writing impediment (or accent) 16:26:09 ah, he wrote in to capture his local dialect 16:27:26 quite cool, acutually. I'd like to know where it came from and where it went 16:36:01 What are we hoping for for #swhac? 16:36:04 err #swhack 16:36:10 pardon? 16:36:53 we're hoping for cool bits of reflective poetry, like: Dickinson was a conjouress / of words and their rhythm / she twisted words that didn't fit / and thusly them rhyme 16:38:44 I'm looking for a reasonable group of people for interesting discussion and feedback on a wide variety of topics. 16:38:44 Seth (~seth@12-230-243-179.client.attbi.com) has joined #swhack 16:39:10 er... O.K. 16:39:13 13   Below the raïn-wet bough, my love, 16:39:14 14       Where you did never come, 16:39:14 15   An' I don't grieve to miss ye now, 16:39:14 16       As I do grieve at hwome. 16:39:20 at least i think i am 16:39:33 maybe it's more zen than that 16:40:06 I think so 16:40:31 a swhack is the sound of a hollow sun dappled dingle 16:40:38 it's like a reflecting well. a place i dump my thoughts and then listen to what comes back 16:41:45 a festival of whimsy and the occasional bit of sludge 16:42:29 I think that if you start analyzing swhack too much, you'll go nuts 16:42:40 it's just an IRC channel with some wacky people 16:42:45 I think I've already gone nuts... 16:42:48 and bots 16:42:56 heh, heh 16:43:11 xena has left #swhack 16:43:13 xena (xena@mewtwo.espnow.com) has joined #swhack 16:43:20 it's fun though. I was thinking about it the other day: swhack is by now a serious part of the last year or so 16:43:30 a serious part? 16:43:42 yeah. if it went, I'd miss it dearly 16:44:09 and by "went", I mean that the balance somehow changed unfavourably 16:44:18 because all things are in a state of transition 16:44:38 * sbp has to get the phone 16:44:59 AaronSw has changed the topic to: reflections on 9 months of swhackiness 16:45:23 Yes, I'm always worried about that. Probably too much. 16:47:09 * sbp returns 16:47:22 well, it's an interesting topic, and one that I have more thoughts on... 16:47:34 ...but I have to go and get tea, watch The Simpsons, and be generally lazy now 16:47:51 it's that time again! 16:47:53 :-) 16:47:58 .google "it's that man again" 16:47:59 you can reflect more when you get back 16:47:59 "it's that man again": http://www.zip.com.au/~korman/almanac/goodnews.html 16:48:07 just try and stop me :-) 16:48:13 Gotta run 16:51:04 AaronSw has changed the topic to: reflections on nine months of swhackiness 16:51:12 ronmos 16:55:49 it's a living room of friends 17:03:30 ...flashback sequence... 17:03:35 heh, remember the time Morbus left 17:05:48 * AaronSw reads the first day of logs 17:06:00 heh, xWebL. I think that failed because we were both document nitpickers 17:09:49 all these youngins with their splutch and their respawn 17:10:30 in mah day, if we wanted to have a good time we'd paste a google query 17:11:02 hmph, i really should be working on my talk 17:45:46 * jillium appears and chuckles in delight. 17:47:27 * AaronSw re-reads the PSA not to sign things from stangers 17:47:50 only sign their hashes 17:47:53 hey jillium :) 17:48:24 * AaronSw gets out interviewer microphone 17:48:30 "What does #swhack mean to YOU?" 17:48:39 I was about to ask whom you were interviewing. 17:48:45 But I think I know now. 17:48:55 * AaronSw waves microphone around wildly 17:48:57 Lemme grab a glass of water and lose one of the sweaty shirts I am wearing. 17:50:10 Swhack has a good grasp of the technical issues and challenges the industry faces. It's been around the industry long enough to qualify as an observer; at the same time it is still close to the things that really matter to developers. This is an important perspective that often gets lost in other discussion and commentary. This experience also gives it a perspective that is tempered by experience 17:50:10 but not out of touch. 17:53:04 Thanks, xena. 17:53:07 xena: You're speaking of swhack as an entity, where I see it as a looser collective entity. 17:53:30 * jillium has spent very little time on #swhack and doesn't thing her opinions count for much for that reason. 17:53:37 I'm so glad you didn't mistype that 17:53:48 deltab: HA! 17:53:49 mistype what? 17:53:53 "looser"? 17:54:02 yeah :-) 17:54:03 heh... i was wondering about that 17:54:06 hee. 17:54:12 Swhack integrates the collective options into a middleware solution for end-to-end decision making! 17:54:15 I don't confuse "loose" and "lose" 17:54:36 xena just failed the Turing test. She started to sound like a marketer, not a human being. 17:54:45 Oops, did I say that out loud? 17:54:54 * AaronSw giggles 17:55:19 To be serious for a moment, I used to work at a company that had excellent engineering and no marketing, and I hope never ever to do that again. 17:55:35 hm 17:55:46 * AaronSw dashes off to grab lunch. be right back 17:55:53 mmmmm....lunch..... 17:56:47 * AaronSw reappears 17:56:54 coined a new word: displaylative 17:56:57 .google displaylative 17:56:58 no results found. 18:01:38 what does it mean? 18:02:39 something like excessively designed to look good... 18:06:27 hm. what's with the triangle page numbers in appliec cryptography? 18:06:50 * jillium looks. Hmm, never noticed those. 18:15:57 * jillium fills out her tax forms. 18:16:22 heh, reminds me of wmf's joke 18:16:29 ? 18:16:47 tav: what happened to all the rich content? 18:16:47 wmf: taxes. the content isn't rich anymore 18:17:54 perhaps that's less funny if you have to pick taxes 18:22:19 hm, isn't RSA subject to frequency analysis? 18:22:30 i guess the primes are so big that it doesn't matter... 18:23:34 heh, i joined #crypto on a whim and it exists 18:23:36 Wow, OPN has everything. 18:23:42 actually it's pretty devoid of lame people ;-) ... for the most part 18:27:08 * jillium decides to listen to 18:27:12 Elvis while doing taxes. 18:30:18 "It's noooow or never! 18:30:20 " 18:35:50 * AaronSw gets dragged away for a game of Command and Conquer 19:14:42 ooh, C&C 19:14:44 * sbp waves 19:15:58 * AaronSw is back 19:16:12 * sbp meditates on the location of swhack-nature 19:16:49 * jillium is doing her taxes and listening to THE KING! 19:16:55 * jillium boogies. 19:17:15 * sbp is listening to Jelly Roll 19:17:22 * AaronSw listens to Kid A 19:24:53 Aaron, in all seriousness, does a dog have swhack-nature? 19:25:08 oh dear, I wasn't prepared for this 19:25:13 What about a toaster? 19:36:56 hm, we need an audiogalaxy replacement 19:37:03 yes... 19:37:25 I tried some of the others, but they suck 19:41:58 maybe we can pay them off to remove the filters 19:42:09 "we'll pay double what the RIAA is paying!" 19:42:18 heh 19:43:12 man, Maxwell House must have been around for years 19:45:24 a chord network sorted by musicbrianz id would be interesting 19:45:59 who are the brians? :-) 19:46:07 heh 19:46:17 a chord network sorted by musicbrainz id would be interesting 19:56:11 Gotta run 20:57:33 * sbp waves 20:57:43 hey, sbp. 20:58:11 jillll! 20:58:40 * sbp decides that having jill in the channel is a good thing - gives me someone to chat to when Morby and Aaron aren't around :-) 20:59:07 * jillium bows her head for a moment of silence for t3rmin4t0r's backup situation. 20:59:24 sbp: Well, I make a good fallback. I'm a good fallback date, too. 20:59:24 [OLM] 21:00:39 * AaronSw gives up on thinking of fallback backup jokes 21:01:08 * AaronSw goes back to writing "Interlude I: The Sad Story of Ralph Merkle" 21:02:09 he as patents?! argh! :-) 21:02:30 Hmm... with Diffe and Hellman 21:02:38 s/Diffe/Diffie/ 21:06:15 * jillium goes to make a phone call to the UK. 21:07:04 * sbp takes his phones off the hook 21:07:14 that'll fox her! 21:07:36 * jillium listens to the busy signal. 21:07:54 Damn. 21:08:08 don't we have a cool engaged signal, though? 21:08:31 i don't know it. 21:17:14 anyone want to do a secure coin flip? 21:17:25 whee! 21:17:33 sure. Why? 21:17:44 just for fun 21:17:53 let's do this thang 21:17:58 I'm writing it up and I realized I've never done one before. 21:17:58 let's fuck this cat! 21:18:19 ok, we need to agree on a hash function 21:18:23 Oh, wait, I just promised I would go......buy a new phone. 21:18:30 How long will the coin toss take? 21:18:44 it's pretty quick 21:18:48 * jillium stays. 21:18:48 you just need to hash a number 21:18:49 how long does a toss take? 21:18:58 do we all have access to sha1? 21:18:58 * jillium laughs. sbp, read scrollback, dear. 21:19:21 sha1? what's that? I know little of this "sha1" of which you speak 21:19:26 jill@kata:jill$ which sha1 21:19:27 /bin/sha1 21:19:30 sha-1, OTOH... that's a different matter 21:19:31 in python: import sha; sha.new(x).hexdigest() 21:19:45 oh, puhleez 21:19:55 ok, 47ecb1f0cfe2705236effaa24b0c51f4467a92c1 even or odd? 21:20:00 jillium, go first 21:20:03 even! 21:20:12 wait, am I hashing it? 21:20:14 aww, you won! it was 5757452474 21:20:17 or guessing? 21:20:21 just guessing 21:20:24 ohhhh, I see. 21:20:29 You just showed me the hash. 21:20:29 you can verify you won by hasing 5757452474 21:20:36 right 21:20:49 * sbp quickly hashes all numbers up to a billion 21:20:55 * AaronSw tries to think of an odd number that hashes to 47ecb1f0cfe2705236effaa24b0c51f4467a92c1 21:21:13 whee, that was fun. 21:21:20 Bah. 21:21:24 integer overflow. 21:21:56 ok sbp, your turn. even or odd? d7d5ffa2738b1b4a77b29b7d75de21a47f7407a6 21:22:40 * AaronSw whistles, notes he picked a number bigger than 1 billion 21:22:59 Well, that was more fun than a barrel of rabid monkeys! But there is one thing I don't like. Aaron can still play headgames, trying to psych out whether we'll pick even or odd. 21:23:10 AaronSw: oooh, deliciously evil! 21:23:29 ooh, yeah, the old psych-out trick 21:23:49 This is why in a real coin toss the caller calls it while the coin is in the air. 21:23:51 i could also try and read the sha1 spec to find out how to generate another number that hased to that... 21:23:56 So the outcome is not yet determined. 21:24:10 * jillium is unsatisfied with that bit of this protocol. 21:24:18 Got a better suggestion? 21:24:31 call it while my random number generator is running, perhaps? ;) 21:24:32 sorry, got cut off... 21:24:34 er... even 21:24:46 Oh, sbp, that's so three minutes ago. 21:24:53 whoo, i win! it was 587415674412554415454411531 21:24:58 fuckit 21:25:06 * AaronSw grabs sbp's wallet 21:25:30 sbp: did you see my objection? I'm trying to think of a way around it. 21:25:51 jillium, one way is to flip a coin on your side for even/odd 21:25:59 Oh, that's good! 21:26:00 Does that resolve things? 21:26:05 Let's try it. :-) 21:26:21 coin? 21:26:22 alright 21:26:25 Is it acceptable if I use a Canadian coin? 21:26:39 I think that's allowed. Just as long as it isn't a Euro coin 21:26:41 and should the Queen be even or odd? 21:26:53 she's so even 21:26:56 the Queen always gets even 21:27:07 * jillium coos at the cute bears on the back of the twonie. 21:27:26 And there are three bears, which are an odd number. 21:27:39 I always thought it was twoney... or tooney. 21:27:40 But there's one Queen, and that's an odd number too. 21:27:44 the name is pure genius, tho 21:27:44 tooney, I think. 21:27:57 ok, 65142b1202b5115ae85d1917f67038a4c74006f0 even or odd? 21:27:59 Have you heard that another proposed name was "mooney?" 21:27:59 but she has a crown. that's two things, which is even 21:28:05 odd 21:28:10 mooney! heh! 21:28:11 * jillium flips. 21:28:21 bears! 21:28:26 um, i mean odd. 21:28:38 sbp has changed the topic to: Join us in the swhack toss-a-thon! 21:28:39 aw, you won again! it was 53677431108078993422779056521 21:28:44 ROWR! 21:28:49 * jillium rules the world! 21:28:56 er, me too 21:29:08 someone else should pick the number this time 21:29:10 * jillium lets sbp stand next to her on the victory podium. 21:29:22 nah. just gimme the champers 21:29:24 But did you hear the rationale behind the name "mooney"? 21:29:32 no, what was it? 21:29:39 It's the Queen with a bear behind. 21:30:00 i had a feeling it'd be something like that... 21:30:06 * jillium grins, thinking of the Canadian who told her that. 21:30:43 Hm, Merkle is VP at Foresight 21:31:00 jillium, wanna pick the number this time? I think you're spying on me 21:31:04 Ooh, a Britishism I don't know, what fun! sbp, what are champers? 21:31:13 Sure, but let me make sure i can hash first. 21:31:14 champagne? 21:31:19 aha. 21:31:22 do you have that drink in America? 21:31:22 That wasn't so difficult. 21:31:26 * jillium kicks sbp. 21:31:28 we do indeed 21:31:44 jillium, what's the hash of 'champers' (w/o quotes) 21:32:00 jill@kata:jill$ echo champers | /bin/sha1 21:32:00 7dcf58885dab44de680877f642a789fc3b42b731 21:32:00 * sbp has to bork IDLE 21:32:24 oh, echo is throwing an extra newline in 21:32:25 getting it to hash that many numbers was so not a good idea 21:32:32 do echo -e 21:32:34 or something 21:32:39 jill@kata:jill$ echo -n champers | /bin/sha1 21:32:39 ba95425cd77922e2638c2426562add02622725f6 21:32:46 yep 21:32:55 very well, then. Grab your coin! 21:33:21 a pringles can lid will have to do... 21:33:27 top is heads 21:33:37 8ee867c09c51dbad936cb76a291c8bb2a8bb7ea4 21:33:38 err, even 21:33:40 queen or bear? 21:33:43 odd 21:33:46 bear! 21:33:48 even 21:33:53 * jillium senses a zero-sum game! 21:33:53 queen 21:33:54 (Actually, lion) 21:34:16 Oh, wait, now I have to figure out what number I used... 21:34:25 heh 21:34:34 it was echo -n 6198768904890234789478937980134598706242 | /bin/sha1 21:34:49 So it was queen! 21:34:58 whoo 21:35:03 i knew she was spying 21:35:13 do you two live together? 21:35:15 Oh, bugger. sbp, which of the countries that makes up the UK is represented by the lion? 21:35:15 redmonk (~steve@ip68-2-102-26.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #swhack 21:35:30 hey redmonk 21:35:37 we're doing secure digital coin flips 21:35:47 Scotland, I think 21:35:47 with jillium and sbp 21:36:03 hmm 21:36:21 And even I am happy with the protocol now. 21:36:38 Cool. I should have used this on the telecon the other day. 21:36:38 AaronSw: I used the twooney to decide whether to make it odd or even. 21:36:46 er, tooney. 21:36:47 Neat. 21:36:57 or howEVER it's spelled. 21:37:28 England and Scotland 21:37:35 9496e6761f29827aaf1cc4f8ad02afddc3a96a19 21:37:35 both lions? 21:37:39 http://www.fotw.ca/flags/gb-eng.html 21:37:40 * jillium flips. 21:37:48 bears! 21:38:04 http://www.fotw.ca/flags/gb-sc-rb.html 21:38:08 Aaron? rm? deltab? 21:38:19 um, odd 21:38:25 i should probably go back to my writeup 21:38:26 * jillium wins AGAIN! 21:38:49 yes, you did... 21:38:56 wait, how did she know? 21:38:58 * sbp wonders how she knew that in advance. oh well 21:39:02 * AaronSw smells something fishy 21:39:06 ew 21:39:38 Oh, wait, it was sbp's number. And when AaronSw said "um, odd" I thought... 21:39:51 * jillium heads in to the committee room for additional drug testing. 21:39:52 875387 if you want to check 21:40:19 woo, it worked. 21:40:32 as Python will attest:- 21:40:33 >>> for x in xrange(1000000): 21:40:33 h[sha.new(`x`).hexdigest()] = `x` 21:40:33 >>> h['9496e6761f29827aaf1cc4f8ad02afddc3a96a19'] 21:40:33 '875387' 21:40:33 >>> 21:40:43 jill@kata:jill$ echo -n 875387 | /bin/sha1 21:40:43 9496e6761f29827aaf1cc4f8ad02afddc3a96a19 21:40:47 openbsd agrees. 21:41:10 Hey, wait a minute. I'm supposed to be buying a phone. 21:41:13 * jillium sighs. 21:41:22 Try not to hash it. 21:41:23 yeah. go buy a phone, and a cup of coffee 21:41:36 try not to make a hash of it, rather? 21:41:41 Whatever. 21:41:44 :-) 21:41:55 * jillium phones sbp just to be annoying. 21:42:08 Heh. 21:42:12 go ahead: I'm *so* using the line by writing to you here 21:42:25 oh, so I could hear the famous engaged signal! 21:42:30 heh, heh 21:42:44 pff, doesn't want to talk to me. only cares about that hussey of an engaged tone 21:43:08 * jillium dials. 21:44:00 beep, beep, beep, beep, beep... 21:44:58 uh-oh. which number is it? 21:45:16 the one ending in 700? 21:45:17 I dunno. you dialed it 21:45:23 heh, heh. yep 21:46:21 I remember when I phoned Aaron once. I was like, "Hi", and Aaron was like, "hey there". that was it 21:46:30 "please check the number and try your call again." 21:46:36 Pff 21:46:41 is the 0 at the beginning real? 21:46:45 Hey... we said other things... after a long pause 21:46:51 the 0: nope 21:46:56 +44 1... 21:47:06 actually 01144 1... 21:47:16 well, y'know what I mean (yeah, yeah) 21:47:22 But I have to dial 20 digits to get to that point. 21:47:38 * AaronSw looks for people to inflict his crypto talk upon. 21:47:41 Be back later. 21:47:43 actually, 21, including the "what language I want to speak" digit. 21:47:44 it's a wonder your finger didn't wear out 21:47:49 poor Ben/Noah 21:47:53 * jillium dials with a stump. 21:48:24 ooh, 946399 has a cool hash 21:48:48 It gave me a US busy signal. 21:49:00 Hmm... perhaps I emigrated 21:49:27 That seems the most likely explanation. 21:49:53 you're lucky I didn't get cut off, y'know :-) 21:50:13 _I_ am lucky? I think you might be misplacing the luck. 21:50:32 no chance of that 21:51:10 * jillium accidentally gets into the French system. 21:51:14 whilst my phone manner is utterly delightful, it has been said that I am an acute bore 21:52:00 * jillium accidentally phones a random person. 21:52:05 heh, heh 21:52:19 i thought your line was busy? 21:52:22 it is 21:52:46 if it were not, then I could not be typing this to you now :-) 21:53:01 so I would have discovered for myself your delightful phone manner. 21:53:33 eek 21:53:36 * jillium gets a ring. 21:53:51 heh, you must have dialled incorrectly 21:54:52 yeah. wrong numbers are never engaged 21:55:05 heh, heh 21:55:51 * jillium is on the phone now. 21:56:28 with whom? a similar numbered counterpart? 22:01:43 I'll bet she's conversing with that engaged signal again 22:01:58 \topic get engaged! ring sbp 22:02:45 actually, the toss-a-thon is over, so I do need to find a suitable replacement... 22:04:02 sbp has changed the topic to: Home of crypto talk authors, and people with delightful phone manners 22:04:51 hi again 22:04:56 hello there 22:05:01 hi sbp 22:05:05 jillzilla! 22:05:11 hi aaron 22:05:27 * redmonk thinks jillzilla should always be spelled with a "!" 22:05:28 actually, she's under the guise of jillium at the moment 22:05:36 !illzilla? 22:06:00 * sbp makes the same mistake, though 22:06:07 "jillzilla" is just a cooler nick 22:06:56 does adding "zilla" make anything cooler? 22:07:03 seanzilla 22:07:11 hmm 22:07:39 clearly not 22:08:37 -bert is another matter, though 22:08:39 jillbert! 22:08:51 hehe 22:10:36 * sbp assumes that jillbert is off buying her phone after all 22:37:08 * sbp plays Columbia, Oasis 22:37:35 sbp has changed the topic to: "Shall I Trust These Men, And Not This Man?" - Columbia 22:37:54 [not from the song, BTW] 22:40:59 .google Branle 22:40:59 Branle: http://www.streetswing.com/histmain/z3branl1.htm 22:41:57 bitsko (~ken@kmacleod.static.iaxs.net) has joined #swhack 22:42:14 hey Ken 22:42:17 hey 22:44:21 just an interesting piece of trivia ;) 22:44:27 [OLM] 22:47:42 Hmm... I should release n3s tonight 22:48:18 the documentation is still a bit sparse, though... 22:48:33 n3s? 22:48:56 yep 22:48:57 a Notation3 preprocessor/editor 22:49:34 howdy 22:49:47 talk went reasonably well... looks like i don't have time to cover knapsack 22:49:50 ooh, bitsko! 22:50:01 so has anybody created a PEP (Py proposal) for n3 syntax yet? ;) 22:50:38 don't think so 22:50:47 although it's not all that infeasible 22:51:52 ooh, that reminds me: has anything firmed up on URI to namespace/localname mapping? is it possible to convert from URI to ns/ln and back again losslessly? 22:52:14 no 22:52:47 * sbp plays Go Let It Out. Great song 22:52:53 is it still an open issue? does it belong to TAG or some other group? 22:52:58 nope 22:53:05 why would n3 syntax be in a PEP? 22:53:12 literals in source 22:53:17 it's impossible to roundtrip in current RDF, and that's it. End of discussion 22:53:20 i thought the tag took it up 22:53:21 is it being integrated into Python? 22:53:29 literals in source? 22:53:42 well, the QName issue is still rampant, of course 22:53:45 wmf (~wesley@valentine.felter.org) has joined #swhack 22:53:49 swhack! 22:53:51 wmf! 22:53:59 it's a wmf-bitsko reunion party! 22:54:00 literal triples in python source 22:54:10 hey bitsko 22:54:12 for whatever reasy 22:54:15 hey wes 22:54:16 ah, right. 22:57:14 re. the roundtripping between URI and qname, part of that question comes from deciding how to represent the URI/qname internally in a language, where you can use them for names of attributes or methods 22:57:44 I think DanC is still trying to convince people of concatenation... 22:57:47 in Py, I used a tuple of NS/lname, which worked beautifully, but isn't so RDF friendly 22:58:19 ah, yep: http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/ilist#rdfmsQnameUriMapping-6 22:58:34 concatenation is fine, as long as somewhere it says that the lname is the last component of the URI. if concatenation doesn't require or imply a '/' or '#', that's the problem 22:59:11 (I know I talking to people who know more about this than me, so pretend like that's a request for confirmation ;) 22:59:21 why's it a problem? you just grab the alst character and use that as a localname 22:59:54 huh? 23:00:13 yes, that item on the issues list sounds right on the mark 23:00:37 foo:bar -> foo.org/bar -> ns1:r (foo.org/ba, r) 23:04:49 thought that's what you meant. sure, that makes a "legal" qname if you are, say, serializing some data structure, but it's not very useful in general use 23:05:24 and ns1:bar is better? 23:06:21 when I'm typing in n3 or python? yes. or is that not what you meant? 23:06:53 hm, i guess i don't follow your "not very useful in general use" comment. what more do you want? 23:07:49 I want reversability. if in my py code I store to an attribute ns1:bar, and then serialize that structure, I for sure want the serialization to be some-prefix:bar too 23:08:15 good implementations will do that 23:08:23 not if it's "simply 23:08:31 heh? 23:08:40 s/e/u/ 23:08:50 ah. right. so keep a qname=firstpart mapping and then do matches on that 23:09:21 ugh. i mean foo->http://foo.org/ kind of thing, i forget the right terms 23:09:25 " concatenation. as Aaron's saying, if one writes to ns1:bar and it gets serialized some-funky-namespace:r, that's not a good thing, I would think 23:09:38 uh oh, my pismo isn't charging 23:09:51 are you part of the ac adapter recall? 23:10:07 right, so you keep a list of the mappings, as Aaron said. that's an implementation issue 23:10:23 recall: http://www.apple.com/adapterexchange/ 23:11:08 well, it may be an implementation issue, but it seems it would be one that everybody would have to agree to or there wouldn't be compatibility! 23:11:24 thus raising to the level of standard, not merely implementation 23:12:08 i don't see the incompatibility. want to chat about it in #rdfig? 23:12:11 AaronSw: no, I have the UFO adaptor 23:12:18 maybe I'm overconcerned, and URIs *should* be write-only 23:12:19 ah, the yo-yo 23:12:34 did you break the cord part? that happened to me 23:12:39 but I think I broke the plug just now 23:12:47 i wound it too tight and severed the connection from the plug to the cord 23:12:56 you could see thru the clear cord to see it was broken 23:13:08 uh oh, I see sparks 23:13:13 and i saw sparks 23:13:16 hmm, a side benefit to see-through cords! 23:13:25 apparently i wasn't the only one because the new ones have reinforced edges 23:13:43 I only have 39 minutes left! 23:13:57 your life will end in 39 minutes. what will you do next? 23:14:17 be reincarnated as a rat 23:14:20 quick, i'll email you some electricity 23:14:39 .seen jillium 23:14:46 must be a long phone call 23:15:11 indeed 23:15:18 RFC3251-compliantly? 23:15:31 on a completely different subject, if anyone remembers the ULTra PRT that was discussed on /. a couple of times last month, a US company in Texas has just put up their first 45ft of guideway for testing of their system. 23:15:40 deltab: heh! 23:16:16 cool pre-requisites 23:16:19 I wonder if Apple has a 3251-implementation 23:17:01 that'd be great: "There's no step 2!" 23:17:15 * AaronSw laughs very loudly 23:17:31 and with airport? there's no step 1! 23:17:39 wmf: re. HDTV on your Friday item, our local Time Warner has 2 HBO, 2 Showtime, and the local CBS channel in HDTV 23:17:42 ahaha 23:17:44 they'd have to rename it teslaport 23:17:54 yay 23:18:28 ok, duct tape has been applied 23:18:48 is it working again? 23:18:54 nope 23:19:16 Tom Ridge has upgraded the situation to code red 23:19:24 34 minutes 23:19:28 sbp: is AN3 only what you have documented on that page, or is it defined elsewhere? 23:19:45 and what does AN3 stand for anyway 23:19:54 Fry's is open until 7 23:19:59 Abbreviated 23:20:05 can you get there in 34 minutes, tho? 23:20:14 sure, it's 6 minutes away 23:20:14 sbp, keyowrd? 23:20:19 it says on the page :-) 23:20:21 quick, run! 23:21:00 wmf has quit ("grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr") 23:21:05 * sbp cross RFC 1149 with RFC 3251, and ends up with Electricity via. Avian Carrier 23:21:13 * jillium reappears. 23:21:14 http://infomesh.net/2002/n3s/n3s.txt 404: Not Found 23:21:18 long phonecall, eh? 23:21:20 Sounds like zapping flying birds. 23:21:24 Long phone call! 23:21:32 gah, what is it with people and their abuse of # today? 23:21:35 electricity over phone 23:21:49 heh 23:22:07 we randomly guessed that you said # for anyone that cares: http://infomesh.net/2002/n3s/ 23:22:14 and redistributed it to those who care (log readers) 23:22:15 heh. thanks 23:22:29 AaronSw: http://hiob.fanfiles.net/sonst/killer.jpg 23:22:44 * [deleted] does the Happy Good Phone Call dance. 23:22:58 heh! @ killer.jph 23:23:00 err jpg 23:24:52 s/cross/crosses/ 23:25:00 (in the action way back when) 23:25:18 sbp: I'm not getting it about how it guesses prefixes, what's it doing there? 23:25:38 maybe it has a list of well-known prefixes 23:25:39 it has a big list of them stored internally 23:25:42 n'er mind 23:25:50 I actually did a survey of the most commonly used prefixes on my HD 23:26:19 * sbp has megs and megs of N3 23:27:17 but he's not come up with a solution for world peace yet 23:27:29 well, I tried cwm *.n3... 23:27:38 but there were syntax errors! ugh 23:27:51 ick 23:28:06 can you imagine feeding c.15MB of N3 into CWM and getting it to --think? heh 23:28:12 monokrom (mekanik100@208-58-239-1.s1.tnt1.atnnj.pa.dialup.rcn.com) has joined #swhack 23:28:14 heh 23:28:32 do you have the results of the prefix survey up? i assume you did something like grep "@prefix" *.n3 | sort -u 23:29:04 no I wrote a Python program to regexp, sort, and count them properly 23:29:11 just a small thing 23:29:20 404 http://infomesh.net/2002/n3s/n3s.txt 23:29:25 I know! argh! 23:29:40 well, upload it already! 23:29:53 I haven't put it up yet. When you distribute a single half-baked file to people in confidence, you don't expect to have to put in all the linked files 23:30:04 make me 23:30:30 I haven't even made the binary yet. still debugging 23:30:47 well, testing. the debugging stopped ages ago, so perhaps it passes 23:30:55 for some months I've thought that n3 could do with an @alias directive 23:31:05 @alias a rdfs:type 23:31:14 @alias => log:implies 23:31:40 sounds good 23:31:59 I didn't want to interrupt the discussion the other day 23:32:01 well, except that allowing => would mean tokenizing everything... 23:32:18 you'd hardly have been "interrupting" with an apt and important point! 23:32:41 I think that :-, =, and => are shoddy, in all honesty 23:32:51 does n3s have it's own new n3 parser? I'd heard... things... about the cwm n3 parser. 23:32:55 :- should be is, = should be eq, and => should be implies 23:33:09 yep, it has a tokenizer 23:33:20 but not a parser 23:33:27 bitsko, have you looked at the yapps-based parser? 23:33:29 it's nicer 23:33:39 i actually think sbp should have built on that... 23:33:40 well, that's a parser, of sorts. But not a processor. Define both 23:33:50 For extra credit, write both 23:34:09 nah, I don't like the Yapps stuff when Python has a perfectly good regexp facility 23:34:21 plus it's an extra dependency 23:34:26 too much baggage 23:34:32 ugh: -- it was so good until the # 23:34:33 yes, I just recently was playing with Py parsers. got almost a half-done implementation of a gpic->Wiki/Py/SVG thingy done when I found that MoinMoin already has a GUI graphics editor 23:34:36 s/when/as/ 23:34:44 until the #: heh, heh 23:34:52 heh 23:34:53 I did that so that CWM would break it nicely 23:35:30 some things are nicer 23:36:01 nah, I wasn't particularly concerned that it got lost 23:36:25 bitsko talks to himself... 23:36:53 "Pretty prints the output, removing comments and other useless material" 23:36:57 comments aren't useless! 23:37:04 ah, but they should be in RDF 23:37:13 lots of good data being hidden 23:37:14 useless to the program 23:37:17 hmph 23:37:27 * sbp ^5's deltab 23:37:48 doesn't mean they shouldn't be converted into other fromats 23:37:59 what about stuff like # @@fix this 23:38:16 * bitsko thinks gpic for a Wiki would be bliss. should probably just finish it ;) 23:38:25 * sbp should write a triples annotation thing 23:38:35 * sbp probably won't do, though 23:39:03 hm? "rdf:type :gunge blargh ." 23:39:14 why doesn't blargh have a : ? 23:39:32 and keyowrd is still mispeled 23:40:02 i used to think everyone should spell mispeled, but then i realize it wouldn't be mispelled if that happened 23:41:47 Ash (~amathews@ has joined #swhack 23:41:54 HELLO ASH 23:41:58 hey, did our friend neo85 ever come back? 23:42:02 nope :( 23:42:03 HELLO AARONSW HOW R U TODAY 23:42:06 aww 23:42:08 that sucks :-( 23:42:11 blargh is a keyword 23:42:14 maybe he broke his computer 23:42:17 ehehe 23:42:18 WMF AND I ARE HAX0RING PLANETS 23:42:32 haha 23:42:32 .http://infomesh.net/2002/apr-test.n3 23:42:33 OH SWEET, TEH PLANAT HAXORING!@$ 23:42:33 @keyword a, this, blargh . @use gunge, blargh . @use a, some . @prefix default . @prefix : . a gunge blargh . some great this . wonderful a some . some a blargh . ?x ?y ?z . 23:42:47 oh. /me reads up on @use 23:43:38 and seems you forgot to quote here: "$ n3s -s '@prefix default . Sean likes TV'" 23:45:33 oops 23:45:36 i think "$ n3s -p" will be a useful friend 23:46:38 xena has quit (Remote closed the connection) 23:46:48 why the unusual option letters? 23:47:01 which ones are unusual? 23:47:21 while I'm mumbling to myself, does anyone know of anything like gpic available anywhere? gpic is like TeX math mode, but for graphics, like 'box "N3"; arrow; box "XML"' 23:47:23 usually - to read from stdin 23:47:27 p: pipe; u: URI; s: string; t: tokenize; d: debug; i: input 23:47:34 -f or nothing before filenames 23:47:42 bitsko, sounds like graphviz 23:47:56 right... I've always used -p for pipe, for some reason. Just a quirk 23:48:06 -c or nothing before code in an arg 23:49:08 well, the code's easy enough to modify :-) 23:49:57 ta da: http://infomesh.net/2002/n3s/n3s.txt 23:53:07 the .tar.gz of the binary is also available 23:54:41 redmonk has quit ("cya") 23:55:54 wow. graphviz is pic on steroids. thx 23:57:42 np 23:57:43 aargh, n3s puts spaces around my po pairs 23:57:50 i think we need a --bijam 23:57:53 err bijan 23:57:59 of course. it would be much more difficult to take them out 23:58:12 it just does ' '.join(tokens) basically 23:58:21 after removing the space before ; and around () 23:58:41 it could do the same with [] 23:58:46 it could 23:58:49 and . 23:58:52 and {} 23:59:08 but why would it do a silly thing like that? I wrote it so that I'd use it, don't forget 23:59:17 wmf (~wesley@valentine.felter.org) has joined #swhack 23:59:30 ok, I found a Wallstreet AC adaptor 23:59:54 phew