IRC log of swhack on 2002-04-08

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:00:43 [tomch]
00:01:00 [tomch]
It's understandable, yes. In a sense.
00:01:15 [sbp]
and since he doesn't really have much of an argument (since there isn't much of an argument), what else can he do except revert to sensationalism?
00:01:27 [tomch]
It's not realistic in that it doesn't mesh well with my understanding of reality.
00:01:28 [AaronSw]
I think the key thing to understand is that the MPAA doesn't care about making money, they're much more concerned about _having *control*_
00:01:30 [sbp]
I feel a bit sorry for the guy, actually
00:01:56 [tomch]
Yes, some pity is due
00:01:56 [AaronSw]
Thus rational arguments hold no sway, they must have control.
00:02:33 [sbp]
Aaron: can you back that up? Why would the MPAA value control over money? I always thought of control as being mainly a tool to get money :-)
00:04:32 [tomch]
Alfred Adler would disagree, I believe.
00:05:06 [tomch]
It's nice that we have information spaces encompassing viewpoints as *uhm* diverse as this one.
00:07:13 [tomch]
* tomch wonders about things
00:09:32 [sbp]
Adler: I'm not greatly familiar with him; could you explain?
00:10:51 [tomch]
As far as I remember, he suggested people are motivated primarily by a desire for power.
00:11:14 [tomch]
Freud : sex :: Adler : power
00:11:36 [sbp]
AFAIK, he's a fairly conventional psycologist (and I don't mean conventional in the conventional sense)
00:11:47 [tomch]
* tomch laughs
00:11:54 [sbp]
.google Adler "Masculine protest"
00:11:56 [xena]
Adler "Masculine protest":
00:12:19 [sbp]
Hmm... that's not all that good
00:19:29 [sbp]
Gotta run
00:20:20 [tomch]
00:21:41 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw heads for dinner
01:52:27 [tomch]
tomch has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
02:06:46 [AaronSw]
heh, awesome show on NPR now
02:11:53 [AaronSw]
02:42:35 [AaronSw]
they want power out of fear
02:53:37 [AaronSw]
woo, we built a film canister rocket!
03:26:10 [AaronSw]
Cool, my friend dominik is coming to the talk.
03:32:27 [AaronSw]
ugh, so busy...
03:58:40 [redmonk]
redmonk ( has joined #swhack
04:10:34 [redmonk]
"Testing 1,2,3. Is this thing on?"
04:10:37 [redmonk]
hi all
04:14:19 [AaronSw]
04:15:48 [AaronSw]
lol, i love the photo of you grilling
04:16:24 [AaronSw]
this is classic:
04:16:33 [AaronSw]
caption: "Steve our host, tending to the grilling duties."
04:17:55 [AaronSw]
hm, when'd you shave your head?
04:18:29 [AaronSw]
it's wacky, like redmonk's punk son
04:18:36 [talli]
talli ( has joined #swhack
04:18:44 [GabeW]
GabeW ( has joined #swhack
04:19:54 [AaronSw]
heh: "a nervous father watching his kid ride a bike for the first time. In traffic. At the Indy 500. (!)"
04:21:38 [AaronSw]
argh, i'm starting to think this wart liquid was a bad idea...
04:22:21 [talli]
but it tasted good, right?
04:22:26 [AaronSw]
it used to be a wart, now it's a bloody (literally) crater with white powder all over the place.
04:22:41 [AaronSw]
it says to contact a poison control center immediately if ingested
04:22:57 [AaronSw]
but really, it's just salicylic acid
04:23:53 [AaronSw]
oh, great: "young children may be more likely to get skin irritation from salicylic acid."
04:24:34 [AaronSw]
oh wonderful, it's a poison if it gets into your skin
04:24:40 [AaronSw]
no wonder it hurts so much
04:26:43 [AaronSw]
symptoms of poisoning: Confusion; dizziness; headache (severe or continuing); rapid breathing; ringing or buzzing in ears (continuing)
04:27:01 [talli]
hey! that's just like an orgasm!
04:27:07 [talli]
pass some of that stuff over!
04:27:58 [AaronSw]
this is why my parents won't let me stay overnight for the oacs social ;)
04:28:17 [talli]
04:28:31 [talli]
tell them they have nothing to worry about
04:28:47 [talli]
you'll be chained up so tight you couldn't possibly get yourself into any trouble
04:28:59 [AaronSw]
04:29:30 [AaronSw]
geez, this stuf smells worse than the flaming aerosol downstairs
04:30:00 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw pokes redmonk in the ribs
04:32:30 [redmonk]
sorry all - was watching tv
04:33:23 [redmonk]
shaved my head about 4 months ago
04:33:40 [AaronSw]
i love that photo
04:33:42 [redmonk]
let it grow to various lengths before shaving it again
04:33:47 [redmonk]
04:33:58 [AaronSw]
grill flaming, redmonk checks email
04:34:21 [redmonk]
well, a guy has to have his priorities
04:35:11 [redmonk]
check the photo on
04:36:13 [AaronSw]
heh heh
04:39:52 [GabeW]
GabeW has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
04:45:45 [GabeW]
GabeW ( has joined #swhack
05:10:09 [AaronSw]
argh, what's the theorem about primes between n and 2n?
05:10:39 [AaronSw]
oh, bertrand's conjecture
05:15:12 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw lies down to sleep
05:16:39 [redmonk]
redmonk has quit ("cya")
06:00:04 [GabeW]
GabeW has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
08:24:20 [tansaku]
tansaku has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
08:51:57 [sbp]
More odd hash/rdf:about stuff
09:11:46 [sbp]
Argh, I think I'm going to set up an auto-reply thing to people who send "out of office" replies to mailing list traffic
09:12:18 [sbp]
something like: "Sorry, but I am in my office and can't yet reply to your 'out of office' reply"
09:12:45 [sbp]
Hmm... telecons today
09:13:02 [sbp]
For the first time in ages. Heh
10:14:52 [sbp]
* sbp hurls messages about all over the place
11:03:05 [sbp]
removing RDF from XHTML is easy enough:-
11:03:09 [sbp]
11:03:11 [sbp]
<t:stylesheet xmlns:t=""
11:03:13 [sbp]
11:03:15 [sbp]
xmlns="" version="1.0" >
11:03:17 [sbp]
<t:template match="@*|node()">
11:03:19 [sbp]
<t:copy><t:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/></t:copy>
11:03:21 [sbp]
11:03:23 [sbp]
<t:template match="rdf:RDF"/>
11:03:25 [sbp]
11:03:27 [sbp]
]]] - nordf.xsl
11:06:53 [sbp]
or, more compressed:-
11:06:53 [sbp]
<stylesheet xmlns="" version="1.0"
11:06:53 [sbp]
11:06:53 [sbp]
match="@*|node()"><copy><apply-templates select="@*|node()"/></copy>
11:06:53 [sbp]
</template><template match="r:RDF"/></stylesheet>
11:57:05 [tansaku]
tansaku ( has joined #swhack
12:39:18 [lilo]
[Global Notice] Hi all. In a moment we'll need to restart both European and Australian hubbing as well as a few servers in the US and in Europe as a bit of finishing up from the weekend's conversion activity. Please bear with us.
12:40:48 [lilo]
[Global Notice] Further info will be provided on WALLOPS (/umode +w, /mode <yournick> +w) as it progresses and then a final global notice.
12:42:34 [walloper]
<lilo> One European server of two to restart.
12:46:00 [walloper]
<lilo> One more European leaf and then on to the hub.
12:49:44 [walloper]
<lilo> European hubbing will be interrupted momentarily, next.
12:52:14 [tansaku]
tansaku has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
12:55:02 [walloper]
<lilo> Hubbing for Australia is next....
13:01:59 [walloper]
<lilo> One more server, this time in the US (minor server).
13:03:18 [lilo]
[Global Notice] Hi all. We should be finished with the last-minute tweaking. Have a great afternoon!
14:00:21 [AaronSw]
urgh, stomach hurts...
14:12:57 [Ash]
you suck, lilo
14:14:04 [AaronSw]
too bad irc is hierarchical
14:15:12 [Ash]
14:15:14 [Ash]
14:15:43 [sbp]
* sbp waves
14:17:01 [AaronSw]
hey sbp
14:17:30 [Ash]
morning sbp
14:18:16 [AaronSw]
i don't think we'll all be switching to irc-over-freenet anytime soon, tho
14:19:25 [AaronSw]
A:|Google adds SOAP interface?
14:19:44 [chumpster]
titled item A
14:35:05 [AaronSw]
great, i'm getting singularity spam: "The common man must want, need the singularity. This is in place in the bible. See what I mean here:"
14:35:24 [Ash]
14:35:26 [tansaku]
tansaku ( has joined #swhack
14:35:28 [Ash]
<depeche mode>
14:35:36 [Ash]
14:35:38 [Ash]
14:35:38 [Ash]
14:35:43 [Ash]
</depeche mode>
14:35:45 [Ash]
14:45:54 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw heads off for school
15:41:20 [redmonk]
redmonk ( has joined #swhack
15:41:40 [redmonk]
15:46:48 [lfcuser]
lfcuser ( has joined #swhack
15:47:20 [lfcuser]
my machine is pascal.chomsky...
15:47:34 [lfcuser]
15:48:56 [lfcuser]
Gotta run
15:48:59 [lfcuser]
lfcuser has quit (Client Quit)
16:27:12 [wendy]
wendy ( has joined #swhack
16:29:10 [wendy]
wendy has quit (Client Quit)
16:32:56 [redmonk]
redmonk has quit ("cya")
16:48:00 [AaronSw]
talli, looks like the latest flight is at 7pm, when's the social?
16:51:18 [sbp]
singularity spam: heh
16:56:20 [AaronSw]
so i need someone to pick me up at the airport in boston
16:59:14 [sbp]
Pff, how lazy? Walk
16:59:24 [AaronSw]
heh, heh
16:59:33 [AaronSw]
sorry, i don't know how to walk on watter
16:59:45 [sbp]
inflatable shoes
17:16:47 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
17:28:27 [hazmat]
hazmat ( has joined #swhack
17:41:48 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw sets up emacs HTML template
17:41:51 [AaronSw]
17:45:41 [talli]
AaronSw: take the subway
17:45:46 [talli]
it's easy
17:45:55 [AaronSw]
sounds like the best plan
17:45:55 [talli]
and it will take you directly to MIT
17:46:18 [talli]
btw, the social is from 6-9
17:46:21 [talli]
17:47:33 [AaronSw]
maybe folks can come a little early. oh well
17:48:13 [redmonk]
redmonk (~steve@ has joined #swhack
18:39:37 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
18:42:00 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
19:07:57 [redmonk]
sup morb
19:08:16 [sbp]
19:08:48 [AaronSw]
punk son of redmonk!
19:09:00 [Morbus]
* Morbus grunts
19:09:00 [AaronSw]
i think monkinetic is a more apt name for the shaved-head version
19:12:38 [talli]
AaronSw: what's the difference between flying into o'hare or into midway?
19:13:05 [AaronSw]
midway is a old, grungy airport in the middle of nowhere
19:13:16 [talli]
ah, so it's tough to get into the city from there?
19:13:18 [AaronSw]
but it's usually cheaper than ohare
19:13:24 [AaronSw]
well, i'm in the suburbs
19:13:25 [talli]
19:13:37 [AaronSw]
why? find a cheap late flight to midway?
19:13:56 [talli]
no :)
19:14:05 [talli]
sorry, looking for a flight for luke
19:14:11 [AaronSw]
19:14:16 [talli]
he needs to go to chicago to for a presentation
19:14:31 [redmonk]
redmonk is now known as monkinetic
19:14:36 [AaronSw]
yeah, it's farther from the city
19:14:48 [AaronSw]
when's luke coming?
19:15:10 [talli]
just for wednesday
19:15:59 [AaronSw]
this wednesday?
19:18:23 [talli]
19:18:28 [talli]
coupla days from now
19:31:24 [monkinetic]
aaronsw: where did you see a non-shaved-head version of redmonk?
19:31:41 [monkinetic]
oh - htp?
19:31:49 [monkinetic]
(forgot about that one)
19:32:28 [AaronSw]
19:32:34 [AaronSw]
oh, non-shave
19:32:39 [AaronSw]
well, you have two on
19:33:23 [monkinetic]
19:33:28 [monkinetic]
i can never remember
19:33:30 [monkinetic]
19:33:52 [AaronSw]
<monkinetic> i don't read that idiot redmonk's site
19:34:08 [monkinetic]
19:34:17 [monkinetic]
hey - i have an alter ego now
19:34:25 [monkinetic]
i can be evil!
19:34:26 [sbp]
two alter egos
19:34:32 [sbp]
rm, redmonk, monkinetic
19:34:34 [monkinetic]
19:34:37 [AaronSw]
and then Steve
19:34:51 [monkinetic]
well, in my mind rm ==redmonk
19:35:06 [monkinetic]
but cooler
19:35:08 [monkinetic]
19:35:27 [sbp]
which one is the cooler?
19:35:50 [monkinetic]
* monkinetic pokes morbus in eyes, smacks sbp upside head, and scrambles aaronsw's rdf
19:35:59 [AaronSw]
19:36:06 [monkinetic]
* monkinetic runs around gibbering
19:36:24 [sbp]
Pff, that's just what we need on here. A gibbering monk
19:36:42 [monkinetic]
ee ay yesu dominay...
19:37:08 [sbp]
19:37:15 [monkinetic]
19:37:20 [sbp]
19:37:40 [monkinetic]
(was self-smack ala monks in holy grail)
19:37:53 [monkinetic]
* monkinetic smakcs self in head with board
19:39:33 [sbp]
19:39:44 [monkinetic]
rm is coolest, followed by redmonk; monkinetic is cool but evil
19:39:50 [monkinetic]
monkinetic is now known as Mr
19:39:57 [Mr]
19:40:03 [sbp]
19:40:04 [Mr]
Mr is now known as Mr_Ni
19:40:07 [sbp]
Hi Misrte
19:40:13 [sbp]
er... Mister
19:40:17 [Mr_Ni]
Mr_Ni is my quake/Halo name
19:40:39 [Morbus]
have you seen any Knights around?
19:40:44 [Mr_Ni]
he kicks ass in quake, and sucks at Halo (it's the console controllers)
19:41:01 [Mr_Ni]
19:41:45 [Mr_Ni]
Mr_Ni is now known as monkinetic
19:42:17 [monkinetic]
monkinetic is now known as Mr_Ni
19:42:23 [Mr_Ni]
19:42:35 [Mr_Ni]
now i own redmonk, monkinetic, and Mr_Ni
19:42:43 [Mr_Ni]
19:44:01 [sbp]
Aw... I wanted that
19:47:28 [Morbus]
anyone seen neo85?
19:47:35 [sbp]
* sbp giggles
19:47:54 [sbp]
this is going to be an in-joke for years now
19:48:10 [Morbus]
19:48:16 [Morbus]
.google neo85
19:48:17 [xena]
19:48:19 [Morbus]
19:48:22 [AaronSw]
that's so neo85
19:49:11 [Morbus]
apache 2.0 is final.
19:49:12 [Morbus]
19:51:57 [Morbus]
19:51:58 [Morbus]
19:51:58 [Morbus]
19:51:58 [Morbus]
Autoindex'ed directory listings can now be configured to use HTML tables for cleaner formatting, and allow finer-grained control of sorting, including version-sorting, and wildcard filtering of the directory listing.
19:52:00 [Morbus]
19:52:18 [Morbus]
double woo:
19:52:19 [Morbus]
19:52:19 [Morbus]
New directives allow the default start and end tags for SSI elements to be changed and allow for error and time format configuration to take place in the main configuration file rather than in the SSI document. Results from regular expression parsing and grouping (now based on Perl's regular expression syntax) can be retrieved using mod_include's variables $0 .. $9.
19:52:20 [Morbus]
19:52:47 [AaronSw]
What's GA mean?
19:53:01 [Morbus]
i dunno, actually.
19:53:18 [AaronSw]
Golden Animal?
19:53:28 [sbp]
Genetic Algorithm?
19:53:31 [Morbus]
Golden Apportunity?
19:53:47 [AaronSw]
.acronym GA
19:53:48 [xena]
GA: Garage (real estate), Georgia, Go Ahead (used in chat), Gabon (Internet country code), Gage, Gallium, Gambia, Gamblers Anonymous, Gate Array, Gauge, Geekarea (website), General Accident (British Insurance Company), General Accounting, General Agent, General Alarm, General Alert, General Anesthesia, General Answer, General Arrangement (layout drawing as opposed to detail), General Assembly
19:53:48 [sbp]
Great Ass
19:53:59 [sbp]
no, I prefer my interpretation
19:53:59 [Morbus]
go ahead?
19:54:00 [Mr_Ni]
Mr_Ni has quit (Remote closed the connection)
19:57:45 [sbp]
.google Gage
19:57:46 [xena]
19:58:18 [sbp]
pff, what a silly spelling
19:59:39 [davb]
davb ( has joined #swhack
20:01:21 [sbp]
20:01:29 [sbp]
woo! how are ya? how have you been doing?
20:01:36 [sbp]
welcome back
20:01:51 [davb]
20:02:10 [davb]
besides having to rebuild me mail/web server, everything is good.
20:05:03 [talli]
sbp: if you're near london, there will be an OpenACS social in London on April 26.
20:05:16 [AaronSw]
wow, who's hosting it?
20:05:17 [talli]
they might be able to help you get over your python addiction
20:05:27 [AaronSw]
davb, coming to the oacs social
20:06:19 [davb]
* davb is working very hard to make it.
20:06:32 [talli]
AaronSw: can people come to see your talk, or is it closed?
20:07:18 [AaronSw]
Well, I've invited people to come see it, so it better be open.
20:07:23 [talli]
20:07:35 [talli]
where is it?
20:07:42 [AaronSw]
if not i'll just give them pencils and pocket protectors and they'll look like mit students
20:07:43 [talli]
do you still have the rough draft online, btw?
20:07:46 [talli]
20:07:50 [talli]
and a big friggin' ego
20:07:57 [AaronSw]
heh heh
20:08:15 [AaronSw]
20:08:24 [AaronSw]
it's in 26-152
20:08:48 [redmonk]
redmonk (~steve@ has joined #swhack
20:09:14 [redmonk]
redmonk is now known as monkinetic
20:09:16 [davb]
* davb is planning on crashing it
20:09:25 [AaronSw]
20:09:26 [talli]
AaronSw: i like the "big happy place with free mp3s for all"
20:09:40 [AaronSw]
i think i should move that to the top
20:09:51 [AaronSw]
so people will listen to the talk to find out how to get free mp3s
20:10:12 [talli]
i think pr0n should be there too
20:10:32 [Morbus]
20:11:07 [talli]
l33t pr0n
20:14:23 [Morbus]
20:18:31 [talli]
bittorrent is cool
20:19:01 [AaronSw]
i'm surprised at how many people have heard of bittorrent
20:19:12 [AaronSw]
i guess it did get /.ed...
20:19:34 [Morbus]
i heard of it a bit ago when blanu had sbp, me, and about five other people test the thing ;)
20:19:37 [talli]
i know it because johnseq, a friend of mine and god-like db hacker, told me about it
20:19:46 [AaronSw]
you mean bram, not blanu
20:19:52 [Morbus]
yeah, thats what i said.
20:19:53 [Morbus]
* Morbus coughs.
20:20:01 [Morbus]
stupid text to speech software
20:20:06 [AaronSw]
20:20:38 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw disappears
20:28:33 [davb]
davb has quit ()
20:56:32 [sbp]
lol @ "sbp: if you're near london, there will be an OpenACS social in London on April 26."
20:56:34 [sbp]
but many thanks for the invitation
20:57:41 [sbp]
Gotta run
21:24:05 [Morbus]
AaronSw, how much space does give you for mail?
21:26:26 [AaronSw]
I don't know.
21:42:42 [talli]
hey sbp, what's so funny?
21:43:05 [talli]
tcl is SOOOOO much better than python
21:43:11 [AaronSw]
heh heh
21:43:17 [sbp]
funny: the thought of me being in or near to London
21:43:19 [talli]
* talli ducks behind his steel reinforced titanium shield
21:43:22 [talli]
ah, sorry
21:43:36 [sbp]
* sbp doesn't get out much
21:43:39 [talli]
you never answered me when i asked you where in britain you were
21:43:46 [talli]
so i figured i might mention it
21:44:14 [sbp]
21:44:30 [sbp]
well, if I were 200yds away from the convention, I might have considered it :-)
21:44:36 [talli]
21:44:44 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw thinks sbp needs some sort of teleporter device.
21:44:50 [sbp]
heh, indeed
21:45:01 [sbp]
no, no! I need Ginger!
21:45:09 [talli]
i guess not even beer can tempt you...
21:45:12 [sbp]
and not Mr. Garrison's version, either
21:45:37 [sbp]
aaaaah, bber
21:46:41 [monkinetic]
homer: mmmmmm beeeer
21:55:38 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit ("")
22:02:00 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw updates the Google Weblog
22:02:03 [sbp]
22:02:08 [AaronSw]
got a very nice email from Reg Aubry
22:02:14 [AaronSw]
and then i found a cool trick
22:02:24 [AaronSw]
anyone know about that before now?
22:02:45 [talli]
i knew that about 3 weeks ago, when i submitted it to /.
22:02:53 [talli]
* talli curses cmdrtaco for ignoring him
22:02:58 [AaronSw]
22:02:59 [sbp]
Hmm... didn't know about that
22:04:16 [sbp]
22:05:02 [sbp]
the + thing for common words is cool too
22:05:08 [AaronSw]
yeah, that's a great source of info
22:05:48 [sbp]
heh: "Results 1 - 10 of about 2,480,000,000."
22:06:07 [sbp]
and Adobe wins, somehow
22:06:16 [AaronSw]
adobe wins for a lot of things
22:06:20 [AaronSw]
i think it has the highest pagerank
22:06:40 [AaronSw]
all those people with PDF files wanting you to download their reader
22:06:44 [AaronSw]
.google the
22:06:45 [xena]
22:06:51 [AaronSw]
.google click here
22:06:51 [xena]
click here:
22:06:56 [AaronSw]
oh, that's new
22:07:13 [sbp]
cool: -filetype:pdf
22:07:19 [AaronSw]
22:07:28 [AaronSw]
.google in
22:07:28 [xena]
22:07:35 [AaronSw]
.google if
22:07:36 [xena]
22:07:47 [AaronSw]
.google why
22:07:47 [xena]
22:07:49 [sbp]
.google sp
22:07:50 [xena]
22:07:53 [sbp]
.google as
22:07:54 [xena]
22:08:29 [AaronSw]
wow, AtAT is #3 for as
22:08:54 [sbp]
a is for, b is for, c is for
22:09:13 [AaronSw]
woo! z is for zmag!
22:10:07 [sbp]
two cool ones:-
22:10:09 [sbp]
.google s
22:10:10 [xena]
22:10:12 [sbp]
.google x
22:10:13 [xena]
22:10:16 [AaronSw]
that's odd
22:11:09 [sbp]
s in GNU because of Stallman'*s*
22:11:13 [sbp]
quite weird
22:11:42 [AaronSw]
and x is for "You are receiving this message because you need to upgrade your browser or have disabled JavaScript." oh, oops
22:11:54 [talli]
AaronSw: are you a zmag reader?
22:12:17 [AaronSw]
no, but i got to support my friends in the liberal establishment
22:12:23 [talli]
22:12:29 [talli]
i don't think zmag is "liberal"
22:12:41 [sbp]
and yet my poor page languishes:,%20s,%20s,%20s,%20s,%20s,%20s,%20s,%20s,%20s,%20s,%20s,%20s
22:12:56 [AaronSw]
22:13:00 [AaronSw]
since when is that your page?
22:13:10 [AaronSw]
it might work better if you gave it as a <title>
22:13:18 [sbp]
22:13:23 [talli]
i've been of half a mind to speak with michael alpert about making zmag db-backed
22:13:29 [AaronSw]
s/liberal establishment/insanely-liberal underground/
22:13:38 [talli]
i have a good friend whose father publishes often in zmag
22:13:43 [AaronSw]
22:14:04 [talli]
no, the term liberal is a bit too soft. i think most writers and readers of zmag would prefer radical
22:14:05 [AaronSw]
I read MonkeyFist, if it counts for anything...
22:14:17 [talli]
not familiar with monkeyfist
22:14:23 [talli]
radical or leftisth
22:14:26 [sbp]
* sbp is in total awe
22:14:30 [sbp]
this is just incredible
22:14:32 [AaronSw]
22:14:35 [sbp]
"insanely-liberal" is the best description of Aaron that anyone has ever coem up with!
22:14:43 [AaronSw]
heh heh
22:14:47 [sbp]
22:14:54 [AaronSw]
s/insanely great/insanely liberal/
22:15:13 [sbp]
er... pardon?
22:15:26 [talli]
liberal connotes a bit too mainstream, a bit to centrist. also, it's too close to the enlightenment liberalism, which really is today's conservativism
22:15:37 [sbp]
so great that you do your substitutions backwards? :-)
22:15:45 [AaronSw]
22:16:01 [talli]
so al gore is "liberal". chomsky is radical
22:16:02 [AaronSw]
I meant that Steve Jobs should say the Mac is "insanely liberal!"
22:16:16 [sbp]
oh, right. heh, heh
22:16:30 [AaronSw]
MF calls themselves " independent progressive"
22:16:51 [AaronSw]
I like what the Media Foundation says: "We are not left or right, but straight ahead."
22:16:52 [sbp]
Hmm... how is swhack politically oriented?
22:17:25 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
22:17:41 [AaronSw]
loggy is a libertarian (in the British sense)
22:18:01 [sbp]
who the feck is loggy, anyway?
22:18:19 [talli]
progressive is a better term
22:18:22 [sbp]
like we aren't being logged enough already
22:18:26 [talli]
all of this is semantical, but then so is politcs
22:18:37 [sbp]
semantical? heh
22:18:54 [talli]
is that a word?
22:19:04 [talli]
i should hope so
22:19:06 [talli]
i used it
22:19:29 [AaronSw]
so did sbp
22:19:32 [talli]
anyway, run from the term liberal. rush limbaugh likes to use it
22:19:35 [sbp]
"semantic" is the word that you were looking for
22:19:44 [talli]
of course it is
22:19:52 [talli]
so i can say, "all of this is semantics"
22:19:52 [sbp]
it is! really
22:20:04 [talli]
but am i not allowed to use semantical?
22:20:17 [sbp]
Homer: Perhaps, but let's not get bogged down in semantics
22:20:22 [talli]
it's a word
22:20:31 [sbp]
I forbid it
22:20:39 [talli]
well, that's a better reason
22:20:45 [sbp]
we have three forbidden words on this channel
22:20:48 [talli]
i will abide by your forbissions
22:20:49 [sbp]
only three, mind ou
22:21:04 [sbp]
and semantical is one of them. Argh, you made me say it again!
22:21:15 [sbp]
Wumpus is one of the others
22:21:19 [sbp]
22:21:35 [sbp]
"Aaron" is the third. Not allowed
22:22:17 [AaronSw]
can i speak?
22:22:29 [sbp]
22:22:36 [sbp]
technically not
22:23:09 [AaronSw]
Oh well.
22:23:17 [sbp]
but you will anyway, just like talli started splurting out the word "semantical". I really don't know what this channel is coming to
22:23:31 [sbp]
I blame Morbus, of course
22:23:50 [AaronSw]
can one say w-u-m-p-u-s?
22:24:07 [AaronSw]
err "w-u-m-p-u-s"
22:24:13 [sbp]
no. one may, however, say "the crappy w-thing"
22:24:35 [talli]
sbp: i think i might buy you a segway since you HAVE to get out
22:24:43 [sbp]
heh, heh
22:24:46 [talli]
these rants against words are getting over the top
22:25:02 [sbp]
I just like certain things to be certain ways
22:25:13 [sbp]
hey, at least I didn't ban a whole character
22:25:17 [sbp]
eh, Morbus?
22:25:19 [talli]
what do you think of the word "problematical"?
22:25:21 [AaronSw]
compare google on sean palmer and sean * palmer
22:25:23 [Morbus]
22:25:46 [sbp]
.google Sean Palmer
22:25:47 [xena]
Sean Palmer:
22:25:52 [sbp]
yeeeeah, that's me
22:25:54 [AaronSw]
well, not the first hit
22:26:18 [AaronSw]
look at all the sean palmer fan sites
22:26:33 [sbp]
yeah, they're pretty neat :-)
22:26:50 [AaronSw]
but why do they play "Staying Alive"?
22:27:14 [sbp]
This is the mystery of the Seanists
22:29:03 [sbp]
* sbp tends to stay away from the fansites, actually
22:30:08 [sbp]
it's funny: I hope that the famous S.P. types his name into Google one day
22:30:17 [sbp]
he'll be like: "what the crap?!"
22:31:05 [AaronSw]
yeah, but why would he mispell his name?
22:31:15 [AaronSw]
.google shaun palmer
22:31:16 [xena]
shaun palmer:
22:31:24 [sbp]
not that one
22:31:30 [sbp]
the actor, not the snowboarder
22:31:38 [sbp]
and downhill mountain biker
22:32:04 [AaronSw]
he's not famous. pff
22:32:37 [sbp]
well, he's only a little less famous than me, according to Google, so he must be fairly famous
22:33:40 [AaronSw]
he's not even in imdb
22:33:45 [sbp]
22:34:10 [AaronSw]
odd, i didn't notice that google let you search by last-updated time
22:40:27 [AaronSw]
wow, rms is making comic strips now
22:40:49 [sbp]
cool. pointer?
22:40:55 [AaronSw]
22:41:03 [AaronSw]
22:41:27 [sbp]
22:42:11 [sbp]
Hmm... not too bad
22:42:58 [sbp]
not what you'd call a "bwahahahaha!" comic, though. More of a "heh, yeah" comic
22:44:17 [sbp]
heh, now this is a "bwahahahaha!" comic:
22:44:23 [AaronSw]
wow, they've got a score for the free software song
22:44:46 [sbp]
cool. I should record it!
22:45:04 [AaronSw]
22:45:39 [AaronSw]
and then the beatles filk, of course:
22:46:34 [sbp]
dear oh dear
22:47:04 [sbp]
22:54:46 [AaronSw]
Michael Moore: "It's 9 PM and the phone rings and it's a pollster . . . 'Hi, I'm a polllllsterrrrr . . . Do you approve of our president? Hm?' And the guy on the phone is like, 'Uh, yes, Mr. Pollster! We approve! Everybody approves! The kids approve, the dog approves! Look at the cat! The cat approves. Approve, cat!'"
22:58:10 [jeremiah]
jeremiah ( has joined #swhack
22:58:13 [jeremiah]
22:58:26 [jeremiah]
sorry I keep getting offtopic in plesh
22:58:47 [AaronSw]
it's ok
22:59:00 [jeremiah]
ah you're doing all your flying and stuff on the same day too
22:59:31 [jeremiah]
would they let me sit in the class during your lecture?
22:59:39 [AaronSw]
i expect so
22:59:56 [AaronSw]
i better email philip, since you're like the 5th to ask
23:00:08 [jeremiah]
23:00:23 [jeremiah]
it'd be neat if I could get off the train like at MIT
23:00:27 [jeremiah]
so I don't have to do secondary transport
23:00:38 [jeremiah]
looks like the train runs through there
23:00:47 [AaronSw]
the T takes you pretty close, and MIT is eminently walkable
23:01:22 [jeremiah]
23:01:26 [jeremiah]
especially with hours on my hands
23:01:47 [jeremiah]
are you going to tour the campus?
23:02:42 [sbp]
Gotta run
23:02:49 [jeremiah]
hey sbp
23:02:52 [AaronSw]
tour? oh, like prospective student tour?
23:03:02 [jeremiah]
yeah (prospective student)
23:03:28 [jeremiah]
if you leave at 6:58pm that means you'll miss most of the OpenACS social
23:03:48 [jeremiah]
is this a greenspun thing?
23:03:50 [jeremiah]
notice the dog
23:04:10 [AaronSw]
i couldn't find a later flight
23:04:14 [AaronSw]
greenspun teaches the class, yes
23:04:23 [jeremiah]
23:04:29 [jeremiah]
is ACS part of his class?
23:05:05 [jeremiah]
if you email philp also ask him what train gets you closest to MIT
23:05:19 [jeremiah]
I have a feeling it's one of the four boston ones
23:05:20 [AaronSw]
well, what part of MIT do you want to get to?
23:05:28 [AaronSw]
which train are you taking?
23:05:29 [jeremiah]
wherever you're speaking
23:05:32 [jeremiah]
23:05:42 [jeremiah]
maybe not the same train
23:05:49 [jeremiah]
oh, they must mean the boston subway
23:05:52 [AaronSw]
last year he required use of aolserver, this year the students can use whatever they want
23:06:00 [AaronSw]
yeah, the T is the boston subway system
23:06:08 [jeremiah]
alright that makes sense now
23:06:16 [jeremiah]
(about the T)
23:19:41 [AaronSw]
it looks like the Back Bay station is the closest, you'll just have to cross the river from there
23:19:59 [AaronSw]
23:20:01 [jeremiah]
23:21:03 [AaronSw]
23:21:27 [jeremiah]
23:21:35 [jeremiah]
now I don't have to worry too much about not exercising that day
23:21:37 [jeremiah]
23:21:59 [jeremiah]
(sick perversion makes him want to tak ea farther away station and walk farther)
23:22:39 [AaronSw]
23:22:50 [AaronSw]
just hope the weather is good ;)
23:23:11 [jeremiah]
23:23:17 [AaronSw]
when it's nice out, crossing the charles like that is beautiful
23:23:20 [talli]
uh, back bay station for what?
23:23:24 [AaronSw]
23:23:30 [talli]
ah, no
23:23:31 [jeremiah]
23:23:36 [jeremiah]
23:23:41 [talli]
get off amtrak at South Station
23:23:42 [jeremiah]
talli: what's better?
23:23:44 [AaronSw]
if you're lucky, you might even get to see the snoods
23:23:49 [talli]
take the redline to Kendall Sq
23:23:56 [jeremiah]
yeah, I might meet up with my sister too
23:23:58 [jeremiah]
in boston
23:24:02 [talli]
south station is on the redline
23:24:07 [jeremiah]
I'd rather just walk across the bridge
23:24:25 [jeremiah]
how far is copley square from cambridge?
23:24:27 [talli]
uh, ok. but i think back bay may be a little far
23:24:32 [talli]
copley is too far to walk
23:24:33 [jeremiah]
apparently my neighbor has some statues he made in there
23:24:37 [talli]
unless you have a few hours
23:24:38 [jeremiah]
23:24:53 [jeremiah]
ah well, I don't like the neighbor anyways
23:25:32 [jeremiah]
my mom wants me to schedule an interview but it looks like I'm totally off target to do that
23:26:23 [AaronSw]
23:27:00 [AaronSw]
MIT has this thing where they interview you where you live, though
23:27:19 [jeremiah]
23:27:29 [AaronSw]
23:27:37 [jeremiah]
with a 3.8 GPA the only way I'll get in there is with an interview
23:28:31 [jeremiah]
(if that)
23:28:51 [jeremiah]
oh shit I could meet up w/ masukomi too
23:29:14 [talli]
uhm, has a 3.8 GPA all of a sudden gotten bad?
23:29:18 [talli]
am i that old?
23:29:22 [talli]
3.8 out of 4?
23:29:25 [jeremiah]
talli: I'm 38th in my class
23:29:28 [jeremiah]
not really
23:29:31 [jeremiah]
we have weighting
23:29:42 [jeremiah]
so it's more like 3.8 out of four, with many classes being worth 4.5 or 5
23:29:55 [talli]
you're fine
23:30:25 [talli]
and, from the people i've interacted with that went to MIT, you're better off going somewhere that won't force an ego on you because you use emacs
23:30:29 [jeremiah]
talli: do you go to MIT?
23:30:34 [talli]
no, i didn't
23:30:47 [jeremiah]
yeah, I've heard bad things about it
23:30:50 [talli]
jeremiah: where else are you looking to go to school?
23:31:04 [jeremiah]
talli: UVA or just about anywhere in Virginia
23:31:12 [jeremiah]
maybe Berkeley
23:31:31 [talli]
UVA is a great school. i know a couple people who went there and they are exceptional
23:31:35 [talli]
berkeley is great too
23:31:38 [jeremiah]
my brother went there
23:31:41 [jeremiah]
uva, tha tis
23:31:41 [talli]
what do you want to study?
23:31:58 [talli]
rather, what do you want to get out of college?
23:32:12 [jeremiah]
not sure, i mean an obvious choice is computer science but I'm leaning towards other fields which just use compsci
23:32:16 [talli]
if you want an experience, go somewhere you feel comfy and you can learn about life
23:32:30 [jeremiah]
I put down Nuclear Engineering on my SAT form and got like 20 letters from military schools
23:32:30 [talli]
if you want an education, then go to a small school where you'll interact with teachers
23:32:38 [talli]
23:33:08 [talli]
i finished my degree at tufts, but started at pomona college in southern cal
23:33:08 [jeremiah]
iirc I filled out all the SAT fields so that if I got a high score the government would get scared
23:33:19 [talli]
23:33:27 [jeremiah]
it was like... biological enginerring
23:33:30 [jeremiah]
structural engineering
23:33:36 [jeremiah]
nuclear engineering
23:33:39 [talli]
i didn't like either one, but tufts was nice because it was in boston
23:33:43 [talli]
pomona was a better ed, though
23:33:50 [jeremiah]
I think my sister worked at tufts hospital
23:33:55 [talli]
tufts sucks
23:34:01 [jeremiah]
she's going to some school there now for buisness, not sure which one
23:34:01 [talli]
but then, so do most institutions
23:34:16 [talli]
uva sounds like a really cool place.
23:34:28 [jeremiah]
23:34:37 [talli]
do you care about your GPA?
23:34:41 [jeremiah]
I've decided I don't want to go any farther south than I am now (williamsburg va)
23:34:49 [talli]
23:34:52 [jeremiah]
I don't carea bout my gpa in college, I care about how it is now so I can get into a good college
23:35:14 [talli]
well, you'd be surprised that by the time you're a senior, you may be thinking abotu grad school
23:35:15 [talli]
then it matters
23:35:20 [jeremiah]
23:35:23 [jeremiah]
well that's the thing
23:35:27 [jeremiah]
I really favor MIT for grad school
23:35:43 [jeremiah]
I don't know about undergrad
23:35:46 [jeremiah]
30K a year seems wasteful
23:35:47 [AaronSw]
masukomi is in cambridge?
23:35:52 [jeremiah]
she's in boston
23:36:00 [jeremiah]
or was once
23:36:11 [jeremiah]
* jeremiah has known masukomi for like 2 years now
23:36:14 [AaronSw]
heh: "you're better off going somewhere that won't force an ego on you because you use emacs"
23:36:20 [talli]
if you know you want grad school, and that is really important, then look at what the multiplier is for the schools you're interested in
23:36:24 [jeremiah]
we manage to jump communities but still know each other
23:36:33 [jeremiah]
what is a multiplier?
23:36:38 [jeremiah]
the percentage that go to grad school?
23:36:54 [talli]
many grad schools use a multiplier for your undergrad GPA due to grade inflation
23:37:03 [talli]
for instance, the hardest thing about stanford is getting in
23:37:13 [talli]
after that, your grades are pretty much a joke
23:37:18 [talli]
huge grade inflation
23:37:26 [jeremiah]
23:37:53 [jeremiah]
I'd really like to live in that area, was thinking of Stanford
23:37:53 [talli]
however, for a smaller school like Swarthmore (known to be the hardest undergrad ed in the country) or Williams, they may multiply your GPA by like 1.1 or soemthing
23:37:59 [jeremiah]
except flying back east would be a bitch
23:38:14 [talli]
eh. i grew up a few miles from stanford. not a very interseting place
23:38:17 [talli]
nice weather, though
23:38:28 [jeremiah]
well the valley is an interesting place
23:38:32 [jeremiah]
but so is boston
23:38:41 [talli]
the valley is a cultural waste land
23:38:52 [talli]
it's a horrible place. lotsa tech, but ugh
23:39:28 [jeremiah]
ok here we go, for my choices of study I put: data processing, compsci, nuclear technology, mathematics, computer engineering
23:39:33 [jeremiah]
although i do remember it being more scary
23:39:36 [jeremiah]
at one period in time
23:39:55 [jeremiah]
sort of disappointing, I swear I had bio and structural in there some time
23:40:30 [talli]
data processing, huh?
23:40:38 [jeremiah]
* jeremiah notes that he doesn't wanna major in data processing anymore
23:40:45 [jeremiah]
well... the thing is most of the options they give sound rediculus
23:40:46 [talli]
good boy
23:40:54 [talli]
are you a senior or a junior?
23:40:57 [jeremiah]
23:41:11 [talli]
do you want a really rigorous tech edu?
23:41:27 [jeremiah]
so I figured I should put something like data processing that is still compsci but says that I know what I'mt alking about, versus putting something like "software engineering"
23:41:29 [jeremiah]
23:41:31 [talli]
you may want to look at schools like harvey mudd, caltech or CMU
23:41:45 [jeremiah]
I've heard the environment around CMU sucks
23:41:56 [talli]
mudd is a great school for tech. tiny, focused, lotsa nerds
23:41:58 [jeremiah]
caltech seems interesting, hard as shit to get into though
23:42:00 [jeremiah]
where's mudd?
23:42:08 [talli]
mudd is part of the claremont schools
23:42:13 [talli]
in claremont, CA
23:42:17 [jeremiah]
23:42:21 [talli]
where the smog goes to die
23:42:29 [jeremiah]
is that bad?
23:42:37 [talli]
it 45 east of LA
23:42:43 [jeremiah]
23:42:51 [talli]
but you'll be hard pressed to find a better tech education
23:43:06 [talli]
small school, like 800 people (on a campus with 4 other schools)
23:43:14 [AaronSw]
the two people i know at MIT right now say they really like it
23:43:15 [talli]
6 tech classes a semester
23:43:28 [AaronSw]
geez, this is like #colleges all the sudden
23:43:32 [talli]
23:43:35 [talli]
i'll stop
23:43:41 [AaronSw]
23:43:53 [talli]
the only thing i can pontificate on longer is israel ;)
23:48:27 [AaronSw]
the one problem with MIT is that all the students seem insanely busy... except for the ones that are insanely bored and stick 4-port hubs in teddy bears
23:51:24 [AaronSw]
Oops, dinner time
23:51:29 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw disappears
23:51:31 [jeremiah]
yeah, running time
23:51:33 [jeremiah]
talk to you later
23:57:44 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))