IRC log of swhack on 2002-02-13

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:01:01 [gordo]
gordo has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
00:01:22 [Morbus]
i hate this.
00:01:41 [Morbus]
i don't feel like doing css for this crap that works in the X different browsers i look for, so I get to use embedded tables. whee flipping dog.
00:25:04 [tansaku2]
tansaku2 (fwuser@ has joined #swhack
00:35:16 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
00:39:02 [BenSw]
BenSw ( has joined #swhack
00:46:28 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
00:47:09 [Morbus]
whee. making some progress on dnn.
00:47:27 [sbp]
cool. When do you expect to publish it?
00:48:17 [Morbus]
welp, as soon as I figure out this damn stupid win bug
00:48:27 [Morbus]
the latest/nearly final draft is up bow
01:05:17 [kmacleod]
kmacleod ( has joined #swhack
01:05:24 [AaronSw]
01:05:26 [kmacleod]
01:05:27 [sbp]
Hi Ken
01:05:28 [kmacleod]
nice article
01:05:43 [sbp]
and wb Aaron
01:05:58 [AaronSw]
01:06:15 [kmacleod]
the RSS discussion is going very well, afaict
01:06:22 [AaronSw]
about what?
01:06:33 [kmacleod]
01:06:48 [kmacleod]
and more importantly, admin in both flavors
01:06:50 [AaronSw]
oh, cool
01:07:13 [kmacleod]
ie. we're having a seemingly friendly discussion about how this should work in both versions
01:07:17 [AaronSw]
lol! lisa rein is doing the metadata for lessig
01:07:30 [kmacleod]
why's that funny?
01:07:38 [kmacleod]
01:07:47 [AaronSw]
no url :(
01:08:06 [kmacleod]
the only gotcha re. admin in 0.9x is that they want to use PIs <ewwww>
01:08:23 [kmacleod]
apparently they're scared to open the topic of a new RSS 0.9x element
01:08:33 [AaronSw]
01:08:34 [Morbus]
* Morbus tiptoes away.
01:09:25 [kmacleod]
I've emailed Kearney privately that they should just do it, but...
01:10:03 [AaronSw]
it's cool to see that lessig responds to his mail
01:10:09 [kmacleod]
btw, there's an rss-dev poll running if you didn't see it ;)
01:10:31 [AaronSw]
01:11:05 [jeremiah]
hey everyone
01:11:17 [jeremiah]
did you email lessig?
01:11:23 [AaronSw]
01:11:33 [jeremiah]
what about?
01:11:49 [jeremiah]
I mean, was it a thought question that he actually spent time on?
01:12:10 [AaronSw]
i wanted him to get his project working with the plex
01:12:17 [jeremiah]
what project?
01:12:23 [AaronSw]
creative commons
01:12:36 [jeremiah]
do we have networking yet?
01:12:46 [AaronSw]
not really
01:12:53 [jeremiah]
01:14:29 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw wonders where ken got the name poy_mp2
01:14:33 [AaronSw]
err poy_mp3
01:14:58 [jeremiah]
* jeremiah thought lessig would giveaway his books
01:15:17 [AaronSw]
I kept trying to steal one at P2PCon2 but it didn't work.
01:15:21 [jeremiah]
I got one from the library a while ago
01:15:32 [AaronSw]
Anyway, Lessig said yes.
01:15:35 [jeremiah]
it was code and other laws of cyberspace
01:15:36 [jeremiah]
01:15:39 [AaronSw]
"Aaron, Thanks for the note. We're on the same line. We too want a RDF based system, and I'm eager to see if we might be able to work together."
01:16:17 [jeremiah]
that's awesome
01:16:40 [jeremiah]
I need to go upstairs to start on homework
01:16:44 [jeremiah]
otherwise it will never get done
01:16:44 [AaronSw]
k, c'ya
01:16:45 [jeremiah]
01:16:59 [sbp]
neat response from Lessig
01:17:54 [jeremiah]
btw: I've been sort of living a 'real' life in the past few days, excercising, swimming, reading, enjoying myself in general, I'm happy to code anything that we might need though
01:18:10 [AaronSw]
Wouldn't want to ruin your real life. ;-)
01:18:11 [jeremiah]
all those and trying to figure out what system I want to use as my CMS
01:18:18 [Morbus]
01:18:19 [AaronSw]
01:18:33 [jeremiah]
well, I've been trying to do research off the computer, not on it
01:18:35 [AaronSw]
Morbus, he imported like 3 years of posts into MT.
01:18:37 [jeremiah]
like reading my knuth
01:18:52 [Morbus]
i've imported 2 right now. i've got to write a converter for my other 2
01:18:55 [jeremiah] < 3 years of posts
01:19:03 [jeremiah]
I have a few months I need to steal from an old version of radi
01:19:04 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has changed the topic to: Bound together by common creativity
01:19:05 [jeremiah]
01:19:07 [jeremiah]
then I'll be set
01:20:02 [jeremiah]
oh plus school makes me busy as a motherfucker without worrying about changing the world with code and researching :)
01:20:38 [jeremiah]
* jeremiah is away: not here
01:23:59 [AaronSw]
nytol: dinner
01:27:40 [kmacleod]
poy_mp3 is random privacy fodder for yahoo signups. it's from the Cure's Pictures of You
01:28:13 [kmacleod]
the profile used to be better, until at some point they gave the option of "no comment" on all fields
01:48:29 [sbp]
01:48:43 [chumpster]
A: from sbp
01:48:45 [sbp]
A:|'Dinosaur' vomit discovered in quarry
01:48:45 [chumpster]
titled item A
01:48:58 [sbp]
A::"""Scientists believe the vomit, estimated to be 160 million years old, gives vital clues to the feeding habits of ichthyosaurs, marine reptiles that lived at the same time as the dinosaurs."""
01:48:58 [chumpster]
commented item A
01:51:31 [kmacleod]
anybody know anyone running a chump into a wiki?
01:51:59 [kmacleod]
* kmacleod giggles about somebody hearing that over dinner conversation ;)
01:53:56 [Morbus]
01:55:34 [kmacleod]
MoinMoin has a nice feature that makes pages append-only -- it has a form box at the bottom, any wiki text you enter just gets appended to the page
01:55:53 [kmacleod]
for a chump, one would have it prepend, of course
01:56:24 [sbp]
how on earth would one run a chump into a Wiki?
01:56:27 [kmacleod]
hmm, N3 in a wiki... there's a thought
01:56:28 [sbp]
and why?
01:56:37 [sbp]
N3 in a Wiki: been there, done that
01:56:43 [kmacleod]
01:56:48 [sbp]
01:56:48 [kmacleod]
01:56:50 [kmacleod]
01:56:50 [sbp]
01:56:52 [Morbus]
01:56:55 [kmacleod]
* kmacleod ;)
01:56:57 [sbp]
01:57:12 [sbp]
well, Tim and Dan said something about it (although I may have misinterpreted it)
01:57:21 [sbp]
and I used N3 for recording WikiChanges
01:57:26 [sbp]
I also wrote an RDF Wiki
01:57:38 [kmacleod]
I've got an RFC-822 wiki ;)
01:57:50 [sbp]
01:57:54 [sbp]
somewhere on there...
01:58:03 [sbp]
01:58:41 [kmacleod]
I figure "running a chump into a wiki" would be just multiplexing input into the chump page from both a chat and a form on the wiki page, and then the page just gets rolled occasionally
01:59:10 [sbp]
02:00:34 [sbp]
that's quite a neat idea
02:08:40 [wmf]
wmf ( has joined #swhack
02:09:34 [kmacleod]
02:09:45 [kmacleod]
long time no chat
02:09:52 [wmf]
indeed! howdy!
02:12:22 [Morbus]
Morbus has left #swhack
02:13:49 [kmacleod]
working on any fun projects?
02:14:12 [wmf]
yes, but it's secret
02:15:04 [kmacleod]
02:15:13 [kmacleod]
can you say what tech?
02:15:35 [wmf]
it's about low-power computing
02:16:52 [kmacleod]
close to the hardware?
02:16:58 [wmf]
very close
02:17:07 [wmf]
I am desinging chips these days
02:21:07 [kmacleod]
no chit? I didn't know that. awesome!
02:21:22 [kmacleod]
and to think, I read your blog regularly. doh!
02:22:04 [wmf]
I don't write much about it
02:22:27 [kmacleod]
so maybe I should tell you about my scalable, massively distributed, frame-based memory CPU ;)
02:22:44 [wmf]
02:31:07 [AaronSw]
Ooh, the ken-wes reunion!
02:31:19 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff ( has joined #swhack
02:31:33 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff has left #swhack
02:32:37 [AaronSw]
Wow, QT broadcaster sounds cool.
02:32:46 [wmf]
waah, slowdot still hasn't posted my QT 6 submission
02:32:48 [AaronSw]
If my firewire port worked, i'd bring my firewire camcorder.
02:32:57 [AaronSw]
to conferences
02:33:21 [wmf]
I want to get a kritter digital, but they're so expensive
02:33:42 [AaronSw]
hmm. they have those in usb and firewire, right?
02:34:00 [wmf]
firewire only
02:34:18 [AaronSw]
so how do you suggest apple deals with the mpeg patents?
02:35:01 [wmf]
I think they should have just released it and said "all you content producers need to pay the use fee on your own <wink/>"
02:35:59 [AaronSw]
heh. The press release says "The MPEG-4 licensing terms proposed by MPEG-LA (the largest group of MPEG-4 patent holders) includes royalty payments from companies, like Apple, who ship MPEG-4 codecs..."
02:41:18 [AaronSw]
02:41:21 [chumpster]
B: Scientific American: Feature Article: The Worldwide Computer: March 2002 from AaronSw
02:42:25 [AaronSw]
i'm not sure whether to say "I could have written that" or "Scientific American continues to go downhill".
02:54:49 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
02:55:01 [Morbus]
Morbus has left #swhack
02:56:17 [AaronSw]
03:00:20 [AaronSw]
.google faqts
03:00:21 [xena]
03:02:07 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw gets Python homework help requests :0
03:04:43 [wmf]
03:04:47 [chumpster]
C: lemonodor: Lisp Porn from wmf
03:05:52 [AaronSw]
Heh, heh
03:06:52 [AaronSw]
where are the girls with ((()))s?
03:07:35 [wmf]
there's probably a lot of ()() at mardi gras...
03:09:54 [AaronSw]
"Exposing breasts is also illegal, but arrests are rare." -
03:11:15 [AaronSw]
where's the updated G()()gle logo?
03:11:21 [wmf]
03:20:10 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff ( has joined #swhack
03:23:18 [AaronSw]
hmm, Philip dissed Arc
03:26:54 [wmf]
03:27:03 [AaronSw]
03:27:07 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff has left #swhack
03:56:17 [kmacleod]
g'nite folks
03:56:26 [kmacleod]
kmacleod has quit ("Leaving")
04:05:55 [wmf]
04:38:04 [AaronSw]
Roy Fielding: "Life is a distributed object system. However, communication among humans is a distributed hypermedia system, where the mind's intellect, voice+gestures, eyes+ears, and imagination are all components."
05:02:27 [AaronSw]
oh shoot. towel day was yesterday.
05:03:12 [AaronSw]
i had a bad feeling about that.
05:26:34 [GabeW]
GabeW ( has joined #swhack
05:28:39 [AaronSw]
06:09:22 [GabeW]
GabeW has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
06:25:32 [wmf]
wmf has quit ("wmf has no reason")
06:41:00 [GabeW]
GabeW ( has joined #swhack
06:49:08 [GabeW]
GabeW has quit ("Client Exiting")
08:56:54 [tansaku2]
tansaku2 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
10:49:50 [tansaku2]
tansaku2 ( has joined #swhack
11:46:48 [tansaku]
tansaku ( has joined #swhack
12:05:35 [tansaku2]
tansaku2 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
13:17:32 [tansaku]
tansaku has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
13:52:32 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
14:02:51 [AaronSw]
heh, i knew silly tav would send me email on my esp account
14:04:55 [AaronSw]
14:04:57 [AaronSw]
> can you send me a list of dates / assertions / etc that i have made?
14:04:57 [AaronSw]
My memory's not that good. However, I don't think you've made any dates.
14:04:58 [AaronSw]
14:06:19 [Morbus]
where is tav?
14:08:12 [AaronSw]
he's staying of off time-draining communications media
14:08:24 [Morbus]
why? that's silly.
14:08:38 [Morbus]
tell him i miss him. he'll come back for me.
14:08:40 [AaronSw]
14:35:52 [tansaku]
tansaku ( has joined #swhack
15:11:42 [tansaku]
tansaku has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
17:13:33 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
17:13:35 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff ( has joined #swhack
17:18:40 [GabeW]
GabeW ( has joined #swhack
17:24:24 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff has quit ("")
17:56:13 [sbp]
* sbp waves
18:06:29 [GabeW]
GabeW has quit ("Client Exiting")
18:07:01 [kmacleod]
kmacleod ( has joined #swhack
18:08:27 [kmacleod]
what's the longevity expectations of
18:08:45 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff ( has joined #swhack
18:08:53 [kmacleod]
what's the longevity expectations of
18:08:59 [sbp]
it's expected to last forever
18:09:02 [kmacleod]
anybody following rss-dev?
18:09:05 [sbp]
didn't you just ask that? :-)
18:09:10 [sbp]
18:09:21 [kmacleod]
I reposted for Morbus' benefit
18:09:43 [sbp]
Morbus hasn't got a clue
18:09:45 [kmacleod]
I'm guessing how to respond to the q
18:10:24 [sbp]
* sbp reads Kearney's post again
18:10:27 [kmacleod]
the poll is currently sitting 7-1 for keeping the admin module the way it is
18:11:06 [sbp]
heh, heh
18:11:18 [sbp]
who's the "1"? :-)
18:11:27 [kmacleod]
18:11:33 [kmacleod]
I'm guessing
18:11:38 [sbp]
18:13:45 [MorbusIff]
what? huh.
18:13:49 [MorbusIff]
ok. slowly now.
18:13:58 [MorbusIff]
i just came back from lunch, and i'm lethargic, overweight, and gassy.
18:14:04 [sbp]
heh, heh
18:14:13 [MorbusIff]
and this is my last day of work before a five day vacation.
18:14:53 [MorbusIff]
i haven't read any Kearney stuff today.
18:14:57 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff is now known as Morbus
18:15:27 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw returns
18:15:35 [AaronSw]
You know, I just realized that with QuickTime Broadcaster, we can have videoconferences!
18:16:23 [Morbus]
pfff. as if i wanna see your ugly mug.
18:18:23 [AaronSw]
Heh. And we can get Wes the special pundit edition.
18:18:27 [Morbus]
you know, i've never voted in an rss-dev.
18:25:53 [Morbus]
jeez, i say something and no one talks to me.
18:26:04 [Morbus]
i won't really gas in your general direction. i was just joshing.
18:26:15 [Morbus]
come closer. sit around my camp fire. eat my marshmallows.
18:26:19 [kmacleod]
* kmacleod will pointedly ignore Morbus
18:26:27 [AaronSw]
[ Morbus makes things worse ]
18:26:46 [kmacleod]
so hey! get out and vote!
18:27:24 [Morbus]
i do not make things worse!
18:27:39 [Morbus]
for a while, i didn't know that *I* could vote. i thought it was a WG sorta special people only thing.
18:27:56 [kmacleod]
there's WG votes and member polls, this one is a member poll
18:27:57 [Morbus]
i don't even know what the vote is on. i just ignored them cos i didn't think i had priv's.
18:30:24 [kmacleod]
can you update the link to the policies and procedures, too?
18:30:38 [AaronSw]
what's wrong with it?
18:30:43 [kmacleod]
18:31:05 [kmacleod]
from the group front page
18:31:09 [AaronSw]
works for me
18:31:19 [AaronSw]
err, never mind
18:31:55 [kmacleod]
did you catch the longevity question?
18:32:01 [AaronSw]
18:32:38 [AaronSw]
sbp gave the right answer
18:32:59 [kmacleod]
I see the permanent abstainer voted. Morbus: sure you didn't vote? ;)
18:33:07 [Morbus]
wha? <G>
18:33:12 [Morbus]
no! i haven't voted.
18:33:15 [Morbus]
what's the uri?
18:33:22 [Morbus]
and whats this about 7/1/Kearney?
18:33:58 [kmacleod]
18:34:25 [kmacleod]
1/9, what was happening then?
18:35:08 [kmacleod]
ah, heavy traffic on moving the files
18:36:23 [kmacleod]
or rather, pointing to W3
18:36:32 [AaronSw]
no, i can see the settings, but it doesn't look like i can change them
18:36:36 [AaronSw]
did we ever move the PURL?
18:36:48 [Morbus]
well, i can't vote now.
18:37:03 [Morbus]
if i vote, all of you will know it was me, and thats not very anon <g>
18:37:20 [AaronSw]
shut up and vote, boy!
18:38:55 [AaronSw]
18:38:56 [AaronSw]
18:39:00 [chumpster]
D: Apple - Hardware - The new iMac -- Animations from AaronSw
18:39:22 [Morbus]
* Morbus reads proposal.
18:39:33 [Morbus]
hey, this sounds familiar.
18:40:13 [AaronSw]
D:|Pixar animates the new iMac
18:40:14 [chumpster]
titled item D
18:40:42 [kmacleod]
I thought they animated it 10 years ago?! doh!
18:40:52 [Morbus]
why is errorReportsTo have to be a URI?
18:40:55 [AaronSw]
18:40:57 [Morbus]
oh, nevermind i know why.
18:49:54 [kmacleod]
is <admin:generatorAgent rdf:resource="URI"/> the same thing as
18:49:55 [kmacleod]
<admin:generatorAgent rdf:about="URI">
18:49:55 [kmacleod]
<dc:title>Some RDF Generator</dc:title>
18:49:55 [kmacleod]
18:49:55 [kmacleod]
18:49:55 [kmacleod]
18:49:57 [kmacleod]
18:50:29 [kmacleod]
in the sense that in the former, we're just naming the resource and in the latter we not only name the resource but provide properties?
18:51:04 [Morbus]
i'd prefer the latter, myself.
18:51:09 [AaronSw]
they're both equivalent rdf
18:51:11 [kmacleod]
it's kind of a "having your cake and eating it too" response
18:51:20 [AaronSw]
but i don't think the xml folks will like it
18:51:26 [sbp]
they're not equivalent at all
18:51:36 [AaronSw]
err... one entails the other
18:51:43 [sbp]
18:51:50 [sbp]
Hmm... no
18:51:56 [sbp]
the first one seems to be a property arc
18:52:02 [sbp]
the second is a typed node
18:52:09 [AaronSw]
oh... right
18:52:20 [AaronSw]
but that's easy to fic
18:52:22 [AaronSw]
err fix
18:52:26 [sbp]
18:52:34 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw notes this is why I hate RDF/XML
18:52:38 [sbp]
18:53:34 [sbp]
{ [ admin:generatorAgent <URI> ] } vs. { <URI> a admin:generatorAgent . } is so easy to spot
18:53:42 [sbp]
in XML RDF, who knows?
18:55:21 [sbp]
well, The Simspons are gonna be on in a sec
18:55:22 [sbp]
18:55:22 [xena]
2002/02/13 18:56:51.1921 Universal
18:55:25 [sbp]
Gotta run
18:55:37 [sbp]
18:57:32 [kmacleod]
so the latter form (<URI> a admin:generatorAgent) better indicates that URI is a geenrator agent, and also opens it up easier for additional properties?
18:59:41 [AaronSw]
any time you use a uri you can give it additional properties
19:00:10 [kmacleod]
<admin:generatorAgent rdf:resource="URI">
19:00:10 [kmacleod]
<dc:title>Some RDF Generator</dc:title>
19:00:10 [kmacleod]
19:00:10 [kmacleod]
19:00:10 [kmacleod]
19:00:14 [kmacleod]
19:00:42 [kmacleod]
N3 probably would be better ;)
19:00:54 [kmacleod]
where's the N3 cut-n-paste translator?
19:01:03 [AaronSw]
19:01:04 [AaronSw]
<admin:Generator rdf:about="URI">
19:01:04 [AaronSw]
19:01:04 [AaronSw]
19:01:43 [kmacleod]
19:01:58 [AaronSw]
19:02:47 [kmacleod]
"Think about it?"
19:03:06 [AaronSw]
it processes N3 rules
19:03:12 [kmacleod]
19:04:26 [kmacleod]
hmm, it doesn't appear to do XML to N3 in the cut-n-paste :(
19:04:50 [AaronSw]
oh, let me fix that...
19:05:26 [AaronSw]
19:07:46 [kmacleod]
or was it because I forgot the <rdf:RDF>?
19:07:58 [kmacleod]
I only pasted the fragment I pasted above
19:08:06 [AaronSw]
19:08:26 [AaronSw]
just fix the url is easiest: add a "&from=rdf"
19:09:07 [kmacleod]
I'm not pasting a URI, just pasting the RDF/XML into the box
19:09:21 [AaronSw]
i know
19:09:27 [AaronSw]
i mean to the resulting uri
19:09:36 [AaronSw]
like the web page that gives you an error.
19:09:50 [AaronSw]
gotta run
19:14:48 [kmacleod]
kmacleod has quit ("Leaving")
20:10:57 [sbp]
* sbp waves
20:16:25 [sbp]
<AaronSw> <admin:generatorAgent>
20:16:26 [sbp]
<AaronSw> <admin:Generator rdf:about="URI">
20:16:27 [sbp]
20:16:50 [sbp]
perhaps you mean <admin:generatorAgent rdf:parseType="Resource">
20:17:10 [sbp]
let's all do the "woo, isn't XML RDF lovely" dance!
20:17:42 [sbp]
Hmm... actually, I suck. The object isn't anonymous if it has an rdf:about
20:19:43 [sbp]
[the syntax is illegal]
20:20:12 [sbp]
er... no it's not
20:20:49 [sbp]
20:38:44 [sbp]
Cool - somebody at berkeley (Chaals' student - Nadia) just wrote a little EARL-producing tool
20:39:09 [sbp]
Hmm... but the link is borked
20:40:19 [sbp]
ah, no, it works now
20:40:31 [sbp]
heh: "The Magical Unnamed Test Automating Tool"
20:43:27 [sbp]
kick-ass stuff
20:43:27 [sbp]
* sbp archives it locally...
20:43:49 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw returns from first driving lesson
20:44:16 [AaronSw]
heh, Mom was all paranoid but the driving instructor just thew me behind the steering wheel and into traffic.
20:44:27 [jeremiah]
20:44:32 [jeremiah]
they aren't bad
20:44:38 [AaronSw]
oh, hey there
20:44:39 [jeremiah]
I almost ran a redlight on my second lesson
20:46:14 [AaronSw]
Hmm. The instructor was like, (all in same tone of voice) "Well, do you like comedy? I really like Mel Brooks -- 'Spaceballz' was really great? There's a stop sign there. Did you see that movie? I remember the [quote here]. There's a stop light up ahead. It was really funny when [quote]. You're driving off the road."
20:46:54 [sbp]
20:48:16 [sbp]
heh, heh:-
20:48:16 [sbp]
20:48:17 [sbp]
Jejejejej I said using RDFSchema, not using DAML, using DAML is so easy.
20:48:17 [sbp]
Mr. Palmer, try to do it using only RDFSchema, that was the challenge.
20:48:17 [sbp]
20:48:21 [Morbus]
20:48:24 [Morbus]
good story, AaronSw.
20:48:31 [Morbus]
i came all the way from afkland to read that story.
20:48:36 [AaronSw]
Heh, heh
20:48:46 [sbp]
20:48:47 [sbp]
<DanCon> (just in case I want to send a beer to an XML namespace author) <- aha! maybe that's the use-case for convincing the world that 404s are bad, even for namespace URIs. !
20:48:56 [AaronSw]
20:48:59 [Morbus]
i dunno how to drive.
20:49:39 [AaronSw]
it's not too hard to move the car around. dunno, may get harder as you get older.
20:49:44 [AaronSw]
real problem is just paying attention
20:50:29 [sbp]
yeah: thinking ahead as far as possible
20:56:12 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
20:58:41 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff ( has joined #swhack
20:58:47 [sbp]
20:59:40 [sbp]
Morbus Iff is just a figment of #swhack's imagination. #swhack has a sick imagination
21:00:43 [AaronSw]
Apple on MPEG4 licensing: ".25 for every encoder and decoder with caps at $1.5M and we are happy to pay that."
21:00:58 [sbp]
21:01:14 [AaronSw]
"Unfortunately, there's a second component for all of you to pay as well. $.02 per hour per screen"
21:01:57 [AaronSw]
21:02:03 [AaronSw]
21:02:19 [AaronSw]
"Very nice people there will read your emails. Plese *constructively* provide your feedback..."
21:02:19 [sbp]
21:02:28 [sbp]
21:04:57 [AaronSw]
open source quicktime streaming server lets you set up an MP3 stream
21:05:21 [sbp]
.google SW Hints and Tips
21:05:22 [xena]
SW Hints and Tips:
21:05:36 [sbp]
heh, I can use Google to search my local hard drive!
21:05:41 [AaronSw]
21:06:16 [AaronSw]
HTML-based interface to control the playlist, iTunes to listen to the feeds.
21:07:17 [AaronSw]
can create your own front-end
21:11:40 [AaronSw]
Sun is Apple's partner with QTSS.
21:13:14 [AaronSw]
Sun delivers "Content, Communication, and Commerce to anyone, anywhere, on any device".
21:13:27 [AaronSw]
"The 3Cs and the 4(?)As."
21:17:20 [AaronSw]
[Apple guy says Sun servers aren't "cute and cuddly"]
21:21:31 [AaronSw]
Today's word appears to be "standards".
21:21:50 [AaronSw]
Ericsson: "We drive standards and support standards and live by standards."
21:25:49 [AaronSw]
Looks like they're streaming movies to this guy's phone.
21:31:23 [MorbusIff]
sniff. my bottom bio hasn't been changed on ora.
21:31:31 [AaronSw]
i-mode guy is thanking W3C for their standards, sounds like.
21:31:37 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff has quit ("")
21:32:01 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff ( has joined #swhack
21:32:32 [MorbusIff]
who the hell put THAT button there?
21:32:37 [MorbusIff]
MorbusIff is now known as Morbus
21:45:13 [AaronSw]
Wow, the NSA sent in Debian patches.
21:45:44 [Morbus]
AaronSw: daypop shows your blog for a search on morbus.
21:45:51 [AaronSw]
21:48:44 [Morbus]
21:48:52 [chumpster]
E: How to make AIM bots. from Morbus
21:48:57 [Morbus]
E:\Description: the bot helps save aim from hackers i u tell it that some one is hacking on aim it will tell us thank you
21:49:06 [AaronSw]
it's E::
21:49:19 [Morbus]
ok. whoever decided it was ok to fuck with the syntax should be shot.
21:49:21 [Morbus]
E::Description: the bot helps save aim from hackers i u tell it that some one is hacking on aim it will tell us thank you
21:49:22 [chumpster]
commented item E
21:49:26 [AaronSw]
it's always been that way
21:49:38 [Morbus]
so i should yell at the blanubot?
21:49:42 [AaronSw]
21:49:51 [Morbus]
21:50:17 [AaronSw]
argh! no R2D2 video -- so unfair.
22:55:01 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
23:16:51 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
23:31:33 [sbp]
* sbp waves
23:36:49 [Morbus]
hey there
23:37:07 [sbp]
Mr. Iff, and how are you? What's up with your Weblog?
23:37:13 [Morbus]
importing it now.
23:37:24 [Morbus]
i had to reimport it just now, cos i was being anal.
23:37:33 [Morbus]
about internal db ids, and how they're used for permalnks.
23:40:11 [Morbus]
i probably won't do anything with it til next week.
23:41:08 [sbp]
how'd you like my "imagination" quote?
23:41:16 [sbp]
20:59:40 <sbp> Morbus Iff is just a figment of #swhack's imagination. #swhack has a sick imagination
23:41:38 [Morbus]
when did that happen? that's great!
23:42:04 [sbp]
you entered the channel, but I think it must have just been your client coming back
23:42:20 [Morbus]
ah. jeez. that's good.
23:42:58 [sbp]
what is this channel good for if it isn't a dumping ground for kick-ass quotes
23:43:47 [Morbus]
in about 10 minutes, dnn will be live. wheee.
23:43:53 [sbp]
23:43:56 [tansaku]
tansaku ( has joined #swhack
23:43:56 [sbp]
23:44:03 [sbp]
Hi tansaku
23:50:47 [Morbus]
* Morbus hits "Rebuild"
23:51:46 [Morbus]
it lives!
23:53:35 [jeremiah]
23:54:03 [Morbus]
23:54:08 [jeremiah]
23:56:19 [Morbus]
* Morbus now corrects all the errors he *just* noticed.
23:59:00 [tansaku]
hi sbp