IRC log of swhack on 2001-12-11

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:00:09 [sbp]
That is what is referred to in the business as "apostrophe creep"
00:00:49 [AaronSw]
Great, now he's got a whole business in creepy unneeded apostrophes!
00:01:10 [sbp]
What're you callin' creepy'?
00:01:43 [sbp]
Apostrophies Are Us
00:01:56 [sbp]
or, if you want to be cute... (read: freakish)
00:02:02 [sbp]
00:02:16 [sbp]
.google "Apostrophies Are Us"
00:02:17 [xena]
no results found.
00:02:26 [sbp]
.google Apostrophies-R-Us
00:02:27 [xena]
no results found.
00:02:35 [AaronSw]
Any intelligent person would spell it Apostrophies 'R Us.
00:02:49 [sbp]
Any intelligent person would spell it Apostrophies 'R' Us
00:03:16 [AaronSw]
I don't think so!
00:03:16 [sbp]
or, perhaps... "Apostrophies 'r' Us"
00:03:24 [sbp]
I do
00:03:38 [AaronSw]
clearly you're unintelligent
00:03:39 [u9030q3rq]
u9030q3rq has quit ("CGI:IRC 0.4.1 [EOF]")
00:04:06 [sbp]
By what oddball logic did you come to that dumb conclusion?
00:04:22 [AaronSw]
a -> b => c |- d.
00:04:24 [AaronSw]
00:05:36 [sbp]
O.K., so is |- implication or entailment, if you're so smart?
00:06:25 [AaronSw]
I don't have to explain my syntax!
00:06:56 [sbp]
Aha! The truth is out
00:07:42 [sbp]
* sbp bows, and pulls the curtains, comes out for an encore, receives flowers, goes backstage, and then goes to the after-play party
00:09:23 [sbp]
(|- is implication, BTW)
00:09:45 [AaronSw]
(Obviously, but not in my syntax.)
00:11:34 [sbp]
Confused Graffiti: "Heteros, go straight!"
00:11:44 [AaronSw]
Heh heh.
00:16:13 [AaronSw]
00:16:19 [chumpster]
A: I, Cringely | The Pulpit from AaronSw
00:16:30 [AaronSw]
A:|Bob Cringely on the Microsoft Settlement
00:16:31 [chumpster]
titled item A
00:16:44 [AaronSw]
A::Includes a DIY email to the DOJ.
00:16:44 [chumpster]
commented item A
00:21:18 [AaronSw]
A::Gates for his part says: "We will focus more on how our actions affect other companie. We resolve ourselves to becoming an even better industry leader."
00:21:19 [chumpster]
commented item A
00:21:39 [AaronSw]
A::Is it just me or does that sound like "We'll try even harder to be ruthless monopolists."?
00:21:40 [chumpster]
commented item A
00:22:11 [sbp]
Ambiguous language, I agree
00:38:30 [sbp]
Homer: "Ooh, funky"
00:42:47 [sbp]
Homer: "Now I'm lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky"
00:46:43 [AaronSw]
dinnertime, c'ya
00:48:33 [sbp]
00:49:29 [sbp]
heh: """Wow! APPLE linked to my flipping O'REILLY ARTICLE ON APACHE AND OS X - that's just insanely great! The response has been resoundingly good...""" -
01:03:45 [sbp]
01:03:46 [sbp]
Mistake #10: Schools believe students have a basic interest in learning whatever it is schools decide to teach to them.
01:03:46 [sbp]
What kid would choose learning mathematics over learning about animals, trucks, sports, or whatever? Is there one? Good. Then, teach him mathematics. Leave the other children alone.
01:03:51 [sbp]
]]] -
01:05:19 [tansaku]
I was just looking for your O'REILLY ARTICLE ON APACHE AND OS X, but couldn't find it - you have a link?
01:05:50 [sbp]
yeah, sure, it's here:
01:05:59 [tansaku]
01:06:01 [sbp]
Quite good, isn't it? I did rather well on that
01:06:15 [sbp]
Heh, heh. It wasn't mine :-) It was by Morbus
01:06:16 [tansaku]
so your name is also Kevin?
01:06:23 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
01:06:29 [sbp]
Speak of the devil!
01:07:21 [Morbus]
uh oh.
01:07:23 [Morbus]
logster, where am i?
01:07:24 [Morbus]
01:07:25 [Morbus]
01:07:29 [sbp]
We were just discussing your kick-ass article
01:07:51 [Morbus]
uh huh. sure.
01:08:13 [sbp]
The one linked to by... Apple!
01:08:25 [Morbus]
oh yeah, i guess you were <g>
01:08:27 [Morbus]
heh, hhe.
01:08:39 [Morbus]
you like it, tansaku?
01:09:09 [sbp]
"Art is not a brassiere." - I guess this is a refactoring of "A bra should never win the Turner Prize"?
01:09:31 [Morbus]
never heard of that.
01:10:01 [sbp]
I just made it up. Good wuzzunt it?
01:11:00 [Morbus]
a teensy weensy bit ;)
01:19:48 [AaronSw]
01:20:01 [AaronSw]
American High is really creepy, especially since it was filmed write by my house.
01:21:03 [AaronSw]
It's like: that's the school I could have gone to. *shivers*
01:22:37 [sbp]
* sbp decides he should probably watch that
01:22:49 [AaronSw]
Do they have it on in the UK?
01:23:58 [sbp]
01:25:49 [sbp]
"""In true superstar style, she upstaged him, giving Channel 4, who were broadcasting the ceremony live, kittens by declaring, "I want to support any artist who not only has something to say but the balls to say it... At a time when political correctness is valued over honesty I would also like to say right on motherfuckers!"""" -,7369,616274,00.html
01:26:15 [AaronSw]
What's "Giving them kittens" mean?
01:26:59 [sbp]
making them crap themselves
01:27:20 [sbp]
lol: "Creed now lives on the remote Mediterranean island of Alicudi, the furthest of the volcanic Aeolian archipelago from the Sicilian mainland, [...] It is not thought that the island's haphazard electricity supply was an inspiration for his prize-winning piece." - ibid.
01:30:14 [sbp]
The Turner Prize is always quite fun
01:30:29 [AaronSw]
01:30:33 [AaronSw]
01:31:27 [sbp]
hey, looks pretty darn cruddy
01:31:41 [sbp]
* sbp is a harsh but fair critic
01:31:47 [AaronSw]
What does?
01:31:52 [sbp]
01:32:14 [sbp]
Hmm... that abbreviation has to make you wonder
01:32:21 [AaronSw]
Heh heh
01:42:33 [SeanP]
SeanP ( has joined #swhack
01:43:03 [SeanP]
Thought I'd try this again; seemingly to no avail
01:43:15 [sbp]
Sean, it doesn't work. Deal with it
01:43:28 [SeanP]
Make me
01:43:29 [AaronSw]
01:43:40 [AaronSw]
I guess you need a browser that supports content-replacement.
01:43:46 [sbp]
It just won't display text in the window
01:44:03 [SeanP]
01:44:18 [AaronSw]
Yeah, you need a browser that supports content-replacement.
01:44:22 [AaronSw]
What browser are you using?
01:44:29 [sbp]
01:44:34 [AaronSw]
I had it working on like IE4 or something.
01:44:48 [AaronSw]
It was on Windows, but it was pretty old.
01:44:57 [AaronSw]
You might also try
01:44:59 [sbp]
It's not like it's some old wankified thing. It's the latest pile of doggy bag biscuits
01:46:22 [sbp]
I've decided: I'm fashionably lazy. It's fashionable to be lazy
01:46:27 [AaronSw]
01:46:34 [SeanP]
SeanP has quit (Client Quit)
01:47:36 [sbp]
Why Perl? What's the point? Who woke up and thought, "ooh, I know; I'll invent Perl". It was Larry Wall. Why did he do it? So many questions
01:47:47 [Morbus]
01:48:13 [AaronSw]
Heh heh heh.
01:48:21 [sbp]
01:48:26 [AaronSw]
Remember, Perl was around before Python, so you can't give them all the blame.
01:49:33 [AaronSw]
Hmm, this is a pretty theme:
01:50:11 [Morbus]
hundreds? we're talking thousands.
01:54:05 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: SeanP!
01:54:20 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
01:56:23 [sbp]
clearly, someone should paste the DeCSS code into #swhack
01:56:44 [AaronSw]
Oh, we haven't already?
01:56:51 [sbp]
01:57:08 [sbp]
And for that, we suck
01:57:18 [AaronSw]
Well, we wrote some of it in.
01:57:31 [sbp]
but not all of it. I still stand by my slur
02:01:32 [sbp]
02:01:34 [AaronSw]
I wonder what people will think of such a large paste.
02:01:34 [xena]
/* efdtt.c Author: Charles M. Hannum */ /* */ /* Thanks to Phil Carmody for additional tweaks. */ /* */ /* Length: 434 bytes (excluding unnecessary newlines) */ /* */ /* Usage is: cat title-key scrambled.vob | efdtt >clear.vob */ #define m(i)(x[i]^s[i+84])y)c+=y=i^i/8^i>>4^i>>12,i=i>>8^y>14,y=a^a*8^a>8^y/n."[k>>4]*2^k*257/8,s[j]=k^(k&k*2&34) *6^c+~y;}}
02:01:50 [sbp]
Oh, how I laugh
02:01:52 [AaronSw]
02:02:05 [AaronSw]
Once again, that telephone number is:
02:02:07 [AaronSw]
unsigned char x[5],y,s[2048];main(n){for(read(0,x,5);read(0,s,n=2048);write(1,s
02:02:07 [AaronSw]
,n))if(s[y=s[13]%8+20]/16%4==1){int i=m(1)17^256+m(0)8,k=m(2)0,j=m(4)17^m(3)9^k
02:02:08 [AaronSw]
02:02:08 [AaronSw]
02:02:08 [AaronSw]
02:02:10 [AaronSw]
02:02:18 [sbp]
02:02:35 [sbp]
ow, I was drinking at the time, and some drink went up my nose
02:02:47 [AaronSw]
Heh heh.
02:03:12 [AaronSw]
Without line breaks:
02:03:12 [sbp]
02:03:14 [xena]
qB8,unqb8,qT,_^$a[--D]}@INC;s/...$/1$&/;Q=unqV,qb25,_;H=73;O=$b[4]>8^(P=(E=255)&(Q>>12^Q>>4^Q/8^Q))>8^(E&(F=(S=O>>14&7^O) ^S*8^S>=8 )+=P+(~F&E))for@a[128..$#a]}print+qT,@a}';s/[D-HO-U_]/\$$&/g;s/q/pack+/g;eval
02:03:22 [AaronSw]
02:03:22 [AaronSw]
unsigned char x[5],y,s[2048];main(n){for(read(0,x,5);read(0,s,n=2048);write(1,s,n))if(s[y=s[13]%8+20]/16%4==1){int i=m(1)17^256+m(0)8,k=m(2)0,j=m(4)17^m(3)9^k*2-k%8^8,a=0,c=26;for(s[y]-=16;--c;j*=2)a=a*2^i&1,i=i/2^j&1<<24;for(j=127;++j<n;c=c>y)c+=y=i^i/8^i>>4^i>>12,i=i>>8^y<<17,a^=a>>14,y=a^a*8^a<<6,a=a>>8^y<<9,k=s[j],k="7Wo~'G_\216"[k&7]+2^"cr3sfw6v;*k+>/n."[k>>4]*2^k*257/8,s[j]=k^(k&k*2&34)*6^c+~y;}}
02:03:40 [sbp]
heh, heh, heh; we rock, sometimes
02:04:19 [AaronSw]
Heh heh heh.
02:08:25 [sbp]
Python version:
02:08:43 [sbp]
Quite funny
02:08:43 [AaronSw]
umm, that's something different
02:08:49 [AaronSw]
Yeah, isn't it?
02:08:50 [sbp]
02:09:08 [AaronSw]
I was thinking of running it over
02:09:57 [sbp]
running what over what?
02:10:16 [AaronSw]
02:12:27 [Morbus]
whoo! i think i'm done all my email.
02:12:44 [AaronSw]
.email mwahaha // now you're not!
02:12:45 [xena]
email successfully sent.
02:12:47 [AaronSw]
02:12:52 [Morbus]
hehehe :)
02:14:37 [sbp]
heh, heh
02:15:27 [Morbus]
* Morbus is currently listening to 'Hope You Don't Mind' on Johnny Dowd's album 'Pictures From Life's Other Side'.
02:15:27 [Morbus]
02:32:45 [AaronSw]
Ooh, it's Noebl prize time
02:37:58 [xena]
*** xena@esp ( joins
02:37:58 [xena]
*** AaronSw@esp ( joins
02:38:00 [xena]
<AaronSw@esp> hi
02:38:15 [xena]
*** AaronSw@esp ( parts
02:38:18 [sbp]
What on earth are you doing?
02:38:45 [AaronSw]
mirroring this channel to the esp network
02:38:53 [sbp]
02:39:09 [AaronSw]
for some lazy folks
02:39:15 [sbp]
such as?
02:39:25 [AaronSw]
oh, never mind
02:40:19 [jillium]
jillium ( has joined #swhack
02:40:20 [xena]
*** xena@esp ( parts
02:40:26 [Morbus]
02:40:32 [Morbus]
my lord!
02:40:33 [AaronSw]
everyone say hi to jillium. ;-)
02:40:39 [sbp]
Make me
02:40:42 [jillium]
AaronSw was about to tell his tale of the Nobel Prize.
02:40:51 [sbp]
* sbp waves
02:41:10 [AaronSw]
Ok, so in 1995 Joseph Rotblat won the Nobel Peace prize for Pugwash
02:41:11 [AaronSw]
02:41:35 [AaronSw]
And my late grandfather was a big contributor to Pugwash.
02:41:50 [AaronSw]
So my Dad got to go to the ceremony, which was quite exciting.
02:42:05 [AaronSw]
And he brought us all the little Nobel prizes, except they were made of chocolate.
02:42:47 [AaronSw]
And it sounded like a lot of fun, so I want to go to one of the ceremonies one day.
02:42:56 [AaronSw]
Thus ends my story. The floor is open for questions. ;-)
02:43:16 [Morbus]
02:43:19 [jillium]
02:43:19 [Morbus]
would you bring me home chocolates
02:43:23 [jillium]
* jillium waves to Morbus.
02:43:31 [Morbus]
hi jillium! nice to see you hear.
02:43:33 [Morbus]
here, even.
02:43:42 [AaronSw]
I will definitely bring you chocolates Morbus.
02:43:47 [Morbus]
02:44:15 [AaronSw]
Hmm, I need to remember more exciting parts of these stories.
02:44:39 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
02:46:01 [Morbus]
02:46:10 [Morbus]
AaronSw, any idea how to open a gui ie from the command line? and pass it a url?
02:46:29 [AaronSw]
I'd pipe it thru the command line applescript thing.
02:46:45 [Morbus]
dunno how to do that.
02:47:37 [AaronSw]
echo 'tell "Internet Explorer"\n\topen url $1\nend tell' | osascript
02:48:12 [Morbus]
syntax error: Expected end of line but found unknown token. (-2741)
02:48:37 [Morbus]
man, i never knew about this osascript thign
02:48:37 [AaronSw]
s/open url/OpenURL/
02:48:52 [Morbus]
same error.
02:49:39 [Morbus]
comes from osascript.
02:49:51 [AaronSw]
02:52:24 [AaronSw]
02:52:35 [AaronSw]
It works from Python, but not from AppleScript
02:52:56 [Morbus]
yeah, you can also do osascript -e, but that fails too.
02:53:36 [AaronSw]
Might be easiest to grab the Python OSA
02:53:50 [Morbus]
is that built in, or do i have to dl something?
02:54:01 [AaronSw]
you need to download the Python OSA
02:54:12 [AaronSw]
app("Internet Explorer").GetURL('')
02:54:17 [AaronSw]
Is this for Ampheta?
02:54:33 [Morbus]
no. i just have a maintenance page on gamegrene that does stuff, and i'm sick of running it myself ;)
02:56:28 [AaronSw]
Yeah, so email that guy and ask him for the OSA
03:00:27 [Morbus]
odd. i can't even run this script from applescript editro.
03:00:51 [AaronSw]
yeah same here
03:01:39 [Morbus]
i'm always getting expected end of line ".
03:02:17 [AaronSw]
yeah same here
03:02:26 [AaronSw]
Unless I use the Python thing.
03:02:58 [jillium]
* jillium waves. I have too many channels open. My head is spinning. Later, folks.
03:03:01 [AaronSw]
03:03:06 [jillium]
jillium has left #swhack
03:05:44 [Morbus]
03:06:04 [Morbus]
whoa, i see.
03:06:09 [Morbus]
it *needs* application before "IE"
03:06:15 [Morbus]
tell application "Internet Explorer"
03:06:15 [Morbus]
GetURL ""
03:06:15 [Morbus]
end tell
03:06:16 [Morbus]
03:06:17 [AaronSw]
03:06:17 [Morbus]
that works fine.
03:06:37 [AaronSw]
03:07:08 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw wanders off
03:11:05 [Morbus]
AaronSw, this script works:
03:11:06 [Morbus]
osascript -e 'tell application "Internet Explorer"' -e 'OpenUrl ""' -e 'end tell'
03:11:29 [Morbus]
and it echoes -2 to the screen.
03:22:27 [Morbus]
well, that's lame.
03:22:49 [Morbus]
AaronSw, on my box, if IE isn't opened before this script is run, then the classic ie is attempted, not osx.
03:24:04 [Morbus]
good. the script runs fine if you just substitute icab.
03:24:41 [Morbus]
03:24:42 [Morbus]
03:25:06 [Morbus]
and they don't have to be open.
03:25:10 [Morbus]
just wish i could get the X IE.
03:32:30 [AaronSw]
rename the old ie
03:32:42 [AaronSw]
or the new one
03:32:59 [AaronSw]
i wonder if you can provide a path
03:33:05 [Morbus]
does that work? i thought there was some magic inside the app that controlled the as name.
03:33:17 [AaronSw]
yeah, that too
03:35:29 [Morbus]
yeah, you were right.
03:35:29 [Morbus]
the renaming worked.
03:37:11 [AaronSw]
03:50:19 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
04:35:41 [AaronSw]
04:35:47 [chumpster]
B: Independent News from AaronSw
04:37:33 [AaronSw]
B:|Incredible First-Person Story of Afghan Anger
04:37:34 [chumpster]
titled item B
06:16:08 [AaronSw]
I'm a mojo multimillionaire!
06:16:29 [AaronSw]
06:16:47 [chumpster]
C: from AaronSw
06:17:33 [AaronSw]
C:|MojoNation 0.999 Released (Really Good Edition)
06:17:34 [chumpster]
titled item C
06:17:51 [AaronSw]
C::I'm a mojo multimillionaire!
06:17:52 [chumpster]
commented item C
06:59:53 [GabeW]
GabeW has quit ("Client Exiting")
08:05:07 [karld]
karld (~karld@macy.Stanford.EDU) has joined #swhack
08:45:59 [tav`]
tav` has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
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karld has left #swhack
09:07:25 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
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chumpster has quit (
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deltab has quit (
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AaronSw ( has joined #swhack
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chumpster ( has joined #swhack
09:35:25 [chumpster]
chumpster has quit (
09:35:26 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
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deltab has quit (
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AaronSw ( has joined #swhack
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deltab ( has joined #swhack
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chumpster ( has joined #swhack
11:11:07 [chumpster]
chumpster has quit (
11:11:07 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
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deltab has quit (
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AaronSw ( has joined #swhack
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chumpster ( has joined #swhack
11:13:03 [tansaku]
tansaku has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
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tansaku ( has joined #swhack
14:16:12 [AaronSw]
.seen anubis3
14:16:13 [xena]
anubis3 seen joining #infoanarchy ~ 1 day(s) 10 hr(s) 28 min(s) 8 sec(s) ago
14:54:08 [AaronSw]
14:54:09 [xena]
2001/12/11 14:55:41.4487 Universal
15:52:28 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
15:53:44 [sbp]
"New! Search 3 billion documents using Google" -
15:57:21 [sbp]
15:57:22 [sbp]
Those TAG participants nominated and elected by the W3C Membership (in
15:57:22 [sbp]
alphabetical order by last name) are:
15:57:22 [sbp]
* Paul Cotton, Chair of W3C XML Query Working Group and Member of
15:57:22 [sbp]
the XML Protocol Working Group (Microsoft Corporation)
15:57:22 [sbp]
* Roy Fielding, Co-author of HTTP/1.1 (eBuilt, Inc. and Chairman of
15:57:23 [sbp]
the Apache Software Foundation)
15:57:25 [sbp]
* David Orchard, Member of the W3C XML Core and XML Protocol
15:57:27 [sbp]
Working Groups (BEA Systems)
15:57:29 [sbp]
* Norman Walsh, Member of the W3C XSL and XML Core Working Groups,
15:57:31 [sbp]
and the URI Interest Group (Sun Microsystems)
15:57:33 [sbp]
* Stuart Williams, Member of the W3C XML Protocol Working Group
15:57:35 [sbp]
(Hewlett-Packard Company)
15:57:39 [sbp]
Those TAG participants appointed by the W3C Director (in alphabetical
15:57:41 [sbp]
order by last name) are:
15:57:43 [sbp]
* Tim Bray, Co-editor of W3C XML 1.0 (
15:57:45 [sbp]
* Dan Connolly, Semantic Web developer, former W3C HTML Working
15:57:47 [sbp]
Group Chair and XML Activity Lead (W3C)
15:57:49 [sbp]
* Chris Lilley, Chair, W3C SVG Working Group, and W3C Graphics
15:57:51 [sbp]
Activity Lead (W3C)
15:58:10 [sbp]
]]] -
16:22:37 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
16:28:27 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
16:43:10 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
17:07:18 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
18:23:23 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
18:23:52 [Morbus]
new version of trillian looks good!
18:23:56 [Morbus]
damn! the user list is on the left now!
18:24:12 [Morbus]
Morbus has left #swhack
18:24:27 [sbp]
Heh, heh, heh
18:50:34 [AaronSw]
Ooh, TAG announcements.
18:52:15 [sbp]
Oh, at last. How long has it been since they came out? I thought you'd be running around like an excited poodle at the whiff of it
18:52:22 [AaronSw]
I would be if I was home. ;-)
18:52:30 [AaronSw]
Just got back from a nice walk.
18:53:11 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
18:53:20 [Morbus]
18:53:27 [Morbus]
this time, its not gonna log me off. no.
18:53:35 [AaronSw]
I must say I am disappointed with these TAG results. They do seem to represent their constituency, though.
18:54:00 [sbp]
Who would you have voted in, then?
18:54:01 [Morbus]
oh great!
18:54:06 [Morbus]
now the flipping window doesn't blink.
18:55:03 [AaronSw]
I'd have voted for Mark Baker, Roy Fielding... dunno who else was nominated.
18:55:29 [sbp]
heh, I *knew* you'd say those two. REST, REST, REST...
18:56:48 [AaronSw]
18:57:10 [chumpster]
D: 20 Year Archive now Available on Google Groups from AaronSw
18:58:39 [AaronSw]
D:Some highlights include [TimBL's summary of the WorldWideWeb project|] and the [GNU Announcement|].
18:59:12 [sbp]
sbp has quit ("Homer: 20 dollars? I wanted a peanut!")
19:02:02 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
19:16:42 [AaronSw]
OK, so my votes would be for: Roy Fielding, Mark Baker, Myself...
19:17:03 [AaronSw]
Crazy thoughts: Rohit Khare, Pat Hayes, Edd Dumbill, Ray Ozzie, Philip Greenspun
19:17:19 [AaronSw]
Obviously sbp if he was running.
19:17:35 [AaronSw]
It's hard to think of anyone else who really understands the Web.
19:17:45 [AaronSw]
19:18:06 [AaronSw]
Dave Winer would be an interesting addition.
19:18:32 [AaronSw]
Obviously a lot of W3C people do, but I want to try and pick non-W3Cers
19:19:20 [AaronSw]
Mark Nottingham
19:21:08 [AaronSw]
Ooh, David Gelernter would be awesome to have
19:21:42 [AaronSw]
Mark Miller, but I hear he turned it down.
19:26:22 [AaronSw]
Clay Shirky would be interesting.
19:26:34 [AaronSw]
19:26:40 [AaronSw]
Henrik of course.
19:42:34 [AaronSw]
And what about Larry Masinter?
19:46:38 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
19:47:08 [Morbus]
* Morbus grumbles
19:48:06 [AaronSw]
19:49:40 [AaronSw]
D::Some highlights include [TimBL's summary of the WorldWideWeb project|] and the [GNU Announcement|].
19:49:43 [chumpster]
commented item D
19:50:00 [AaronSw]
D::I'm now convinced more than ever that they need to team up with [The Internet Archive|].
19:50:00 [chumpster]
commented item D
19:51:33 [Morbus]
hey AaronSw.
19:51:40 [AaronSw]
19:51:58 [Morbus]
how are ya?
19:52:27 [AaronSw]
19:53:01 [Morbus]
do you still like me?
19:53:25 [AaronSw]
of course
19:53:29 [Morbus]
ok. phew.
19:55:09 [Morbus]
someone hates me. i can feel it.
19:56:01 [AaronSw]
19:57:00 [Morbus]
ever heard of
19:57:01 [Morbus]
19:57:31 [AaronSw]
19:57:34 [AaronSw]
19:57:42 [Morbus]
i'm not even getting that.
19:57:45 [Morbus]
19:59:36 [AaronSw]
19:59:37 [AaronSw]
20:00:00 [chumpster]
E: Ceres-Ly -- A Ceres Weblog from AaronSw
20:00:30 [AaronSw]
E::Kenneth Tompkins really likes [Ceres|].
20:00:31 [chumpster]
commented item E
20:04:25 [AaronSw]
E::If only it was Carbonized...
20:04:28 [chumpster]
commented item E
20:04:39 [Morbus]
i've got so much flipping stuff to read and do.
20:04:53 [Morbus]
its like the God Of Shit Morbus Likes had Diahreaa all day.
20:05:02 [AaronSw]
20:20:34 [Morbus]
my new article should be out friday.
20:21:12 [AaronSw]
20:24:12 [Morbus]
so that stupid osascript thing we did, doesn't seem to work through cron.
20:24:22 [Morbus]
it opens the browser, but never shifts off the URL.
20:24:32 [Morbus]
the first time it ran through cron, CrashReporter complained that osascript had crashed.
20:24:40 [Morbus]
20:24:51 [Morbus]
i'll probably just create a normal AS, and then "open -a" it,
20:24:53 [Morbus]
20:31:05 [AaronSw]
what do you mean by "shifts off"
20:31:35 [Morbus]
it never opens the url - it never even seems to past the GetURL (or OpenURL) request.
20:31:54 [AaronSw]
20:32:00 [Morbus]
yeah. it is.
20:32:05 [AaronSw]
you did put "application" in, right?
20:32:48 [Morbus]
20:32:59 [Morbus]
i needed that for the script to even do anything.
20:34:27 [Morbus]
aaron, what's the magic to turn off popups in mozilla?
20:34:42 [AaronSw]
i thought you knew
20:34:47 [Morbus]
i forgot.
20:35:08 [AaronSw]
logster, grep -i mozilla.*dom
20:35:53 [logster]
I'm logging. I found 1 answer for 'mozilla.*dom'
20:35:54 [logster]
0) 2001-12-11 20:35:08 <AaronSw> logster, grep -i mozilla.*dom
20:36:38 [AaronSw]
i dunno offhand
20:36:49 [Morbus]
i thought you knew
20:36:53 [Morbus]
20:36:59 [AaronSw]
i didn't memorize it
20:37:05 [AaronSw]
i put it in the logs :)
20:37:10 [Morbus]
heh, heh.
20:38:46 [Morbus]
01,00search on your box for a file called "all.js" and edit the following line:pref("browser.urlbar.showPopup", true);
20:42:28 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
20:42:48 [Morbus]
ahoy, matey!
20:42:49 [AaronSw]
20:44:03 [Morbus]
split pea hates us! he really hates us!
20:44:09 [Morbus]
talk to us, split pea! talk to us!
20:45:04 [sbp]
Damn right I hate you
20:45:16 [Morbus]
* Morbus gulps.
20:45:31 [sbp]
* sbp thinks it's time for a good ol' fasioned showdown
20:45:37 [sbp]
er... sorry, I mean ho'down
20:45:55 [AaronSw]
his rival was hot / he drew first and shot
20:46:03 [AaronSw]
and then changed the song to a ho'down
20:46:18 [sbp]
and Rocky Racoon, went back to his room, only to find Gideon's Bible...
20:46:35 [AaronSw]
Morbus was surprised / he gulped and he jived
20:46:35 [AaronSw]
and asked sbp for the low-down
20:46:57 [sbp]
I remember walking into a music store, when that was playing, and asking the person I was with who it was...
20:47:08 [AaronSw]
Heh heh.
20:47:57 [sbp]
* sbp is recovering WWW history from Google; thanks Google!
20:48:42 [AaronSw]
Heh heh.
20:48:46 [AaronSw]
I knew you would do that.
20:48:56 [sbp]
He he he
20:49:01 [Morbus]
in 1814 we took a little trip.
20:49:10 [sbp]
Where to?
20:49:13 [Morbus]
along with col. jackson down the mighty mississip!
20:49:47 [sbp]
Ah, the Mississip'. Powerful good
20:49:54 [AaronSw]
The funniest thing is that TimBL could spell back then.
20:50:04 [AaronSw]
It must go bad with age, like sight and hearing.
20:50:07 [Morbus]
i have no clue what you guys are talking about.
20:50:21 [AaronSw]
i'm talking 'bout
20:50:22 [sbp]
Neither do we
20:50:41 [Morbus]
ah. yes, 20 year google :)
20:51:07 [Morbus]
20:51:23 [Morbus]
check out that awesome url :)
20:51:25 [AaronSw]
Heh, the W3C still maintians their /TheProject.html URI.
20:51:38 [AaronSw]
heh heh, Morbus
20:52:03 [Morbus]
that was before disobey even existed. ah. the days :)
20:52:10 [AaronSw]
TimBL: "SGML (ugh! but standard) mark-up"
20:59:54 [sbp]
20:59:54 [sbp]
Doug Thompson has written what I felt was a thoughtful article on
20:59:54 [sbp]
censorship -- my acceptance or rejection of its points is not
20:59:54 [sbp]
particularly germane to this posting, however.
21:00:00 [sbp]
]]] -
21:00:14 [sbp]
That's an example of a USENET article that TimBL used in his original proposal
21:00:32 [sbp]
Whilst I could not find all of Doug Thompson's thing, I did find one followup...
21:00:39 [sbp]
21:00:47 [sbp]
Which includes elements of the original :-)
21:03:00 [sbp]
Well, Google are certainly missing a few messages
21:03:39 [AaronSw]
Lots of interesting old DanC postings:
21:03:43 [AaronSw]
21:03:57 [AaronSw]
21:03:59 [AaronSw]
Oh Nooooooooo!
21:03:59 [AaronSw]
I thought I could post my 2 cents worth without bashing, but
21:03:59 [AaronSw]
now I've started an X-vs-Mac thread.
21:04:00 [AaronSw]
I'll just say that given the state of Mac software before
21:04:00 [AaronSw]
Multifinder, I'm pleased with Apple's multi-tasking offering.
21:04:00 [AaronSw]
Originally I thought it was useless, but now that I have enough
21:04:02 [AaronSw]
memory and some good software, I find it very useful.
21:04:04 [AaronSw]
I'm outa here before I create another monster.
21:04:06 [AaronSw]
(did I at least spell everything right this time?)
21:04:08 [AaronSw]
21:04:10 [AaronSw]
21:04:12 [AaronSw]
21:05:17 [AaronSw]
DanC uses N3 in 1991!
21:05:35 [AaronSw]
That also seems to be his first mention of the WWW
21:06:02 [sbp]
lol @ N3
21:06:07 [AaronSw]
"[I would like to see the world-wide web adopt MIME solutions for these issues, though.]"
21:06:17 [AaronSw]
Well, it's a lot like N3 -- they didn't have bNodes back then, you see.
21:07:02 [sbp]
They are certainly missing some posts... Hmm...
21:07:37 [AaronSw]
DanC: "I'm working on a DTD for something called the HyperText Markup Language used by the World-Wide Web project. It's a fairly mundane DTD, with headers, lists and such; no minimization or anything. The idea is that mere mortals should be able to write parsers and generators for this language."
21:07:52 [] has changed the topic to: WWW History Extravaganza
21:08:08 [AaronSw]
BLURB:WWW History Fun
21:08:10 [chumpster]
F: WWW History Fun from AaronSw
21:08:42 [AaronSw]
F::TimBL's [first post|].
21:08:43 [chumpster]
commented item F
21:09:32 [AaronSw]
F::TimBL [summarizes the WorldWideWeb project|].
21:09:34 [chumpster]
commented item F
21:11:28 [AaronSw]
F::TimBL's [original proposal|] quotes a Usenet article in '89, of which we can only find [remnants|].
21:11:29 [chumpster]
commented item F
21:11:55 [AaronSw]
F::DanC's [first post|] has him starting a flame war.
21:11:56 [chumpster]
commented item F
21:12:20 [AaronSw]
F::DanC's [first mention of the WWW|] back in 1991 seems to use some ancient N3.
21:12:21 [chumpster]
commented item F
21:12:57 [AaronSw]
F::DanC [asks for help with his HTML DTD|]: "It's a fairly mundane DTD, with headers, lists and such; no minimization or anything. The idea is that mere mortals should be able to write parsers and generators for this language."
21:12:58 [chumpster]
commented item F
21:16:24 [AaronSw]
F::Even back in 1992, DanC [was looking for|] "information processing where the computer has knowledge of the semantics of the information behind the presentation", after hearing Douglas Engelbart speak on it.
21:16:25 [chumpster]
commented item F
21:19:02 [Morbus]
hey, AaronSw, any idea. well, nevermind. its a long story.
21:19:04 [Morbus]
no time for it now.
21:19:10 [Morbus]
concerns mozilla and xhtml.
21:19:12 [AaronSw]
umm, ok
21:19:48 [Morbus]
i could give you the bug report if you want.
21:19:52 [Morbus]
but its long, confusing, and obtuse.
21:20:04 [Morbus]
its stopped me from basically using xhtml every single place i got
21:20:10 [AaronSw]
F::DanC [says|] "I have fought tooth-and-nail with implementors and information providers to acutally use the SGML standard, and I'm gaining ground."
21:20:11 [Morbus]
i go, because i don't know how to fix it.
21:20:13 [chumpster]
commented item F
21:20:21 [AaronSw]
give it to bugzilla
21:20:32 [AaronSw]
i hope it's not too bad
21:20:44 [Morbus]
its already at bugzilla. its been there since the dawn of time.
21:20:48 [Morbus]
and there's a big squabble over what's right.
21:20:50 [Morbus]
its not so good.
21:20:52 [AaronSw]
21:21:02 [AaronSw]
send me the link sometme and i'll take a look
21:21:03 [Morbus]
rougly speaking, when you use xhtml, mozilla assigns weirdass lineheights to pages.
21:21:09 [AaronSw]
21:21:11 [Morbus]
for example, if you have moz on your box, go to with it.
21:21:16 [Morbus]
you'll see that the table is all fucked up.
21:21:28 [Morbus]
well, not the table, but the spacing of the elements within the tables.
21:21:32 [AaronSw]
does it work if you take the DTD out?
21:21:38 [Morbus]
yeah, it doesn.
21:21:40 [Morbus]
it does, yes.
21:21:44 [AaronSw]
or css it right?
21:21:55 [Morbus]
the bug reports suggests its because of mozilla's strict mode.
21:22:02 [Morbus]
this happens even if you don't use css.
21:22:04 [AaronSw]
makes sense
21:22:23 [AaronSw]
yeah, but can you use css to set the line-heights to be correct?
21:22:49 [Morbus]
i've tried that, and they suggest that in the zilla, but nothing worked magically. anything i did to make it look good in moz killed the other browsers.
21:23:25 [AaronSw]
21:26:14 [Morbus]
on what site, i was able to min. the effect by doing a font-size: 12px for the body tag, but that trick didn't work on other sites.
21:26:31 [Morbus]
on one site, rather.
21:26:44 [AaronSw]
21:28:16 [AaronSw]
F::DanC uses his catch-phrase "We believe in the interconnectedness of all things" for [the first time|].
21:28:21 [chumpster]
commented item F
21:29:12 [Morbus]
if youre bored:
21:31:13 [AaronSw]
so did you try setting CSS line-height on the page?
21:31:18 [Morbus]
21:31:37 [Morbus]
and that screwed every other browser i tested by scrunching the words together to be nearly unreadable.
21:31:52 [AaronSw]
21:32:11 [Morbus]
or rather, scrunching them enough to not pass my anal standards ;)
21:32:21 [AaronSw]
and you tried:
21:32:23 [AaronSw]
* using 'display: block' on the images (works in many situations, but not all,
21:32:23 [AaronSw]
and logically preferred)
21:32:23 [AaronSw]
* using 'vertical-align: bottom' on the images
21:32:44 [Morbus]
i didn't, since it happened on pages and sections of pages where there were no images nearby
21:32:50 [AaronSw]
21:34:58 [Morbus]
i guess i'll have to try and do some more test cases.
21:35:07 [Morbus]
i reported this as a bug a year ago, which was then reassigned to this one.
21:35:31 [AaronSw]
I assume you read
21:36:05 [Morbus]
i haven't, no.
21:36:19 [Morbus]
i'm not looking for super correct evil standards. i'm looking for the one that works the best in all browsers back to 4.
21:37:59 [AaronSw]
then i guess you should take out the doctype
21:38:10 [Morbus]
that's about the only solution i came to as well.
21:38:14 [Morbus]
which is a pain in the ass :)
21:38:43 [AaronSw]
21:40:09 [Morbus]
in the newer pages, i do try to validate them. but its a pain if i have to k... wait!
21:40:14 [Morbus]
shit, duh, this rocks!
21:40:16 [Morbus]
yay. nevermind.
21:40:23 [Morbus]
found a way around that. kinda sorta.
21:40:34 [AaronSw]
21:41:04 [Morbus]
i'll just remove the doctype if a moz browser hits the page. easy to do with ssi's.
21:42:52 [Morbus]
lol :
21:43:10 [em]
em ( has joined #swhack
21:44:02 [AaronSw]
21:44:05 [AaronSw]
hi em
21:44:13 [em]
howdy AaronSw :)
21:44:15 [Morbus]
em. i know em somewhere.
21:44:23 [em]
howdy Morbus :)
21:44:29 [Morbus]
heyas :)
21:44:29 [AaronSw]
em is supreme vegemite leader of the semantic web
21:44:36 [Morbus]
oh right, right. i thi. yeah. ok.
21:44:37 [AaronSw]
he chatted with you about amphetadesk
21:44:48 [Morbus]
apple likes me, too :)
21:44:51 [em]
been a while, Morbus
21:44:59 [AaronSw]
em, do you have any good newsgroup posts?
21:45:03 [Morbus]
i know. it has. i don't hang in the same alleys as you.
21:45:32 [em]
* em think this is not neccessary a bad thing for morbus
21:45:37 [AaronSw]
Heh heh.
21:45:52 [Morbus]
21:46:07 [Morbus]
i think the last conversation you and i had was about what you were going to eat.
21:46:20 [em]
newgroup posts.. nope... here in part to lurk, and see if i've got a new test area for annoChump bridge
21:46:30 [AaronSw]
Ah, perhaps so.
21:46:39 [em]
-> annoChump rough blurb
21:47:18 [em]
but mostly lurking :)
21:47:37 [AaronSw]
I've had some fun setting up the chump but I haven't done as much as I should.
21:48:35 [em]
i'm intersted inpart to start grafting things together.. whole greater than the sum of the parts thing, etc.etc.
21:50:02 [AaronSw]
21:50:06 [chumpster]
G: from AaronSw
21:50:12 [Morbus]
"And then the true meaning of Christmas came through, and the Grinch found the strength of ten Grinches plus two."
21:50:14 [AaronSw]
Hmm, wonder why autotitle didn't work that itme.
21:50:17 [Morbus]
21:50:31 [AaronSw]
G:|annoChump Overview
21:50:32 [chumpster]
titled item G
21:50:42 [AaronSw]
G::From [Eric Miller|]
21:50:44 [chumpster]
commented item G
21:51:46 [Morbus]
heh. "WARNING: Site contains Comic Sans font " - from
21:51:57 [em]
* em would be interested for pointer to chumpster modifications... wonders if chumpster better models annotations
21:52:20 [AaronSw]
Not really, unfortunately.
21:52:25 [em]
21:52:26 [em]
21:52:29 [AaronSw]
I like where SemantiChimp is going with that, tho
21:53:02 [em]
yes, me too... bizan have an ETA for this?
21:53:12 [em]
21:53:18 [AaronSw]
yeah, it's like 3 months ago or something ;/
21:53:24 [em]
21:53:30 [AaronSw]
.beats calculation in one line of python: n=time.gmtime(); return int(math.floor(n[3]*3600+n[4]*60+n[5]+(60*60)/86.4))
21:53:32 [em]
yeah, thats what I recall as well
21:53:50 [em]
ok... back to work... talk later
21:53:54 [AaronSw]
21:54:03 [Morbus]
21:55:37 [em]
* em reminds himself to bring up peerkat/amphetedesk discussions here some time
21:55:46 [AaronSw]
good idea
21:55:46 [Morbus]
21:55:55 [AaronSw]
oops, correction to code above:
21:55:56 [Morbus]
you mean, i've been missing them somewhere else?
21:56:10 [AaronSw]
.beats calculation in one line of python: n=time.gmtime();return int(math.floor((n[3]*3600+n[4]*60+n[5]+(60*60))/86.4))
21:56:31 [Morbus]
21:56:48 [AaronSw]
BLURB:W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG) Dream Team
21:56:51 [chumpster]
H: W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG) Dream Team from AaronSw
22:01:03 [AaronSw]
H::Roy Fielding, Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, Larry Masinter, Mark Baker, Aaron Swartz ;)
22:01:03 [AaronSw]
H::Luminaries: David Gelernter, Mark Miller
22:01:03 [AaronSw]
H::Friends: Dan Brickley, Sean B. Palmer, Mark Nottingham
22:01:03 [AaronSw]
H::Interesting people: Dave Winer, Clay Shirky
22:01:03 [AaronSw]
H::Wild guesses: Rohit Khare, Pat Hayes, Edd Dumbill, Ray Ozzie, Philip Greenspun
22:01:04 [chumpster]
commented item H
22:01:07 [chumpster]
commented item H
22:01:09 [chumpster]
commented item H
22:01:13 [chumpster]
commented item H
22:01:16 [chumpster]
commented item H
22:01:30 [AaronSw]
H::Obviously a lot of W3C people would be appropriate, but I wanted to spread things around a little.
22:01:32 [chumpster]
commented item H
22:07:50 [AaronSw]
H::See [the TAG homepage|] for more.
22:09:15 [AaronSw]
H::The current five elected members are: Paul Cotton, Roy Fielding, David Orchard, Normal Walsh, Stuart Williams.
22:09:21 [chumpster]
commented item H
22:10:31 [Morbus]
22:10:32 [chumpster]
commented item H
22:11:11 [chumpster]
chumpster has quit (Remote closed the connection)
22:12:11 [chumpster]
chumpster ( has joined #swhack
22:12:29 [Morbus]
Real Player for OS X coming soon Real Networks told Vance Martin: "There are plans to have a version of Real Player that supports Mac OS X released after the first of the year."
22:12:39 [AaronSw]
22:12:43 [Morbus]
22:15:10 [Morbus]
Niche writes Well it appears that those on a dailup who want to get Linux better be prepared to stay online for a few days to get their favorite distro. Apparently Red Hat has put an end to the sale of their very cheap software (ususally going for about $5) software on retailers like CheapBytes and Walnut Creek. You can check out the whole story, here.
22:18:11 [DanC]
DanC ( has joined #swhack
22:18:14 [Morbus]
22:18:17 [Morbus]
hey Dan!
22:18:22 [AaronSw]
hi DanC
22:18:27 [DanC]
hey! tim's first post! I've been looking for that for AGES!
22:18:54 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw send loads of thanks to Google and its many contributors
22:19:37 [DanC]
I'm pretty sure I read that first post. From my office at Convex.
22:19:59 [AaronSw]
22:20:29 [DanC]
hmm... I still have the "Mr. Grape" thingy we tossed around in the office back then... somebody picked it up on a late-night pizza run. One of those $1.29 playground balls. We named a supercomputer after it..
22:20:46 [AaronSw]
Mr. Grape?
22:20:57 [DanC]
well, yeah. Mr. Grape.
22:21:02 [Morbus]
22:21:03 [DanC]
it's a purple playground ball.
22:21:19 [DanC]
it's popped now; you can wear it on your head like a hat now.
22:21:31 [AaronSw]
Heh heh heh.
22:21:41 [DanC]
* DanC could take a picture of my 2-year-old doing just that, if he had a bit more free time
22:22:49 [DanC]
hmm.. I have a tape (yes, a tape. like in the 1960's computer movies) of my home directory from convex; I wonder if it shows that I read that alt.hypertext article.
22:23:23 [AaronSw]
when you pulled it out of your computer did it start singing Daisy, Daisy... sorry ;)
22:23:35 [AaronSw]
It's weird because for some reason Google doesn't recognize comp.infosystems.www as a valid group, so it's hard to get to a lot of the postings.
22:23:56 [Morbus]
heh, heh @ daisy.
22:23:57 [DanC]
holy cow... ( ... I forgot about that.
22:24:26 [AaronSw]
Heh heh heh.
22:25:20 [AaronSw]
It's hard to find more from TimBL since he switched to another address, and for some reason Google says "No pages were found containing "berners-lee"."
22:27:07 [AaronSw]
F::Actually, TimBL's [very first post|] was reporting a GCC bug.
22:27:08 [chumpster]
commented item F
22:27:44 [DanC]
aha... seeds of XML: (OK, a generic Minimal SGML routine: I don't want to
22:27:44 [DanC]
mess with short references or variant syntaxes.)
22:29:01 [Morbus]
22:29:03 [Morbus]
22:30:35 [DanC]
that ancient N3 is lisp, by the way. from the WAIS stuff, which came from thinking machines, a lisp shop.
22:30:48 [AaronSw]
Hmm, it's a weird LISP syntax.
22:31:11 [AaronSw]
the only lisp syntax i've really seen is s-exps and that new thing
22:31:44 [DanC]
(:type "TEXT":content-type "text") is a perfectly good s-expression
22:31:53 [AaronSw]
oh, well you left out the ()s!
22:32:00 [DanC]
22:32:16 [DanC]
each of the thingies inside the () is an s-expression too, though
22:33:07 [AaronSw]
22:33:40 [DanC]
:type is a symbol. an atom.
22:33:45 [DanC]
"TEXT" is a string
22:33:46 [DanC]
and so on
22:34:11 [AaronSw]
makes sense
22:34:29 [DanC]
symbols that start with ":" are kinda special; they're treated as constants, rather than variables, in common lisp
22:34:58 [DanC]
sorta the opposite of N3's _:foo
22:37:56 [Morbus]
bah. i need to find an excel template for payrolling writers.
22:38:05 [AaronSw]
22:39:52 [AaronSw]
F::TimBL announces [his new release|] which surfs all sorts of protocols.
22:39:53 [chumpster]
commented item F
22:42:28 [AaronSw]
F::TimBL announces [the new "XMosaic" browser|]. I vaguely remember seeing an announcement about this.
22:42:30 [chumpster]
commented item F
22:43:01 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
22:45:32 [AaronSw]
F::TimBL [corrects a "FUNDAMENTAL MISUNDERSTANDING"|] by explaing the power of downwards compatibility: "Hypertext turns out to be a neat idea BECAUSE it can represent menus to start with. When you really get into it, you often find that you need a little more. (Look at the Panda project which started just so as to get a little descriptive text above a gopher menu!)."
22:45:36 [chumpster]
commented item F
22:46:21 [DanC]
DanC has left #swhack
22:50:48 [Morbus]
Morbus has left #swhack
23:04:25 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
23:05:23 [sbp]
Aaron, *please* fix the logs (it keeps happening):
23:05:31 [AaronSw]
what does?
23:06:01 [AaronSw]
logs seem to work fine for me
23:06:45 [sbp]
Hmm... they're working now
23:06:58 [sbp]
I keep getting:-
23:06:58 [sbp]
23:06:59 [sbp]
23:06:59 [sbp]
could not connect to "" (opening connection)
23:06:59 [sbp]
23:07:12 [AaronSw]
Yeah, that's what happens when the server gets overloaded and kills itself
23:07:35 [sbp]
wow, em in #swhack?
23:07:41 [AaronSw]
23:07:44 [AaronSw]
and DanC
23:08:31 [sbp]
Heh, cool TAG dream team
23:09:13 [sbp]
23:09:14 [sbp]
23:09:15 [sbp]
22:20:46 <AaronSw> Mr. Grape?
23:09:15 [sbp]
22:20:57 <DanC> well, yeah. Mr. Grape.
23:09:15 [sbp]
22:21:02 <Morbus> heh
23:09:15 [sbp]
22:21:03 <DanC> it's a purple playground ball.
23:09:15 [sbp]
22:21:19 <DanC> it's popped now; you can wear it on your head like a hat now.
23:09:22 [sbp]
]]] -
23:09:25 [AaronSw]
23:09:46 [sbp]
DanC came in here and started talking about Mr. Grape? What is it with this channel?
23:09:59 [AaronSw]
Heh heh heh.
23:10:28 [] has changed the topic to: The Preeminent Discussion Group about Mr. Grape
23:10:46 [] has changed the topic to: The Preeminent "Mr. Grape" Discussion Group
23:11:25 [sbp]
23:11:26 [xena]
no results found.
23:11:30 [sbp]
23:18:43 [sbp]
F::cf. the [|first (main) www-talk] message; not started until October 1991
23:18:45 [chumpster]
commented item F
23:22:23 [sbp]
Wow, this is all really great stuff
23:22:35 [AaronSw]
Blog it!
23:23:51 [sbp]
I'm basically reading the "already blogged" stuff
23:23:57 [AaronSw]
I see.
23:25:30 [sbp]
F::It's hillarious that the only follow-ups in the thread completely ignored TimBL
23:25:33 [chumpster]
commented item F
23:25:58 [AaronSw]
Heh heh heh.
23:26:36 [AaronSw]
F::It just goes to show you the value of persistence. I'm sure that even nowadays if you tried to suggest the Semantic Web was a solution to somebody's problem they'd ignore you.
23:26:38 [chumpster]
commented item F
23:27:15 [sbp]
Yes, good point
23:27:54 [sbp]
It happened a bit on semanticweb today... arguing with PFPS about the relative merits of N3 and CWM, although he does have a bit of a case with N3
23:28:07 [AaronSw]
semanticweb being?
23:28:12 [sbp]
23:28:16 [AaronSw]
23:28:21 [AaronSw]
Didn't know PFPS was on there.
23:30:03 [sbp]
Neither did I :-) He came out of the woodwork. And Seth
23:30:34 [sbp]
* sbp notices em is still in the channel
23:31:04 [AaronSw]
Indeed he is.
23:32:29 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
23:32:41 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
23:40:58 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw smacks sbp
23:41:35 [sbp]
* sbp jumps
23:41:37 [sbp]
23:41:47 [AaronSw]
You bad little FUDer
23:42:11 [sbp]
oh, you got the email :-)
23:42:18 [sbp]
Heh, heh, heh, I thought you'd like it
23:43:15 [sbp]
23:43:15 [sbp]
> I think you have identified the muddy waters, any person
23:43:15 [sbp]
> of course can construct schemas containing terms identified
23:43:15 [sbp]
> by a namespace URI, but there is no 'authority' behind the
23:43:15 [sbp]
> definitions of terms identified by that URI.
23:43:15 [sbp]
Unless you use a "#" on the end.
23:43:18 [sbp]
[Looks around] Who said that?
23:43:22 [sbp]
]]] -
23:43:41 [sbp]
[sound of much laughing]
23:44:06 [sbp]
Heh, your reply is a bit weak. Oh well
23:44:10 [AaronSw]
Heh heh.
23:44:27 [sbp]
* sbp will let it be; really doesn't care - it's TAG's problem now
23:44:32 [AaronSw]
I didn't want to get DC riled up again.
23:44:41 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw is glad Roy is on the TAG for this reason.
23:45:49 [sbp]
* sbp is that TimBL's the TAG chair for this reason.
23:46:11 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw is glad Roy looks like he can beat up TimBL for this reason.
23:46:35 [sbp]
Hash vs. Slash showdown!
23:48:23 [sbp]
DC riled up: nuts to it. They're sensible and intelligent enough to know that we're baiting
23:52:29 [AaronSw]
Man, I really want to enter the Apple Design Awards, but I doubt I'll have any apps until OSA AS Studio comes out.
23:52:39 [AaronSw]
There's always next year, I guess.
23:52:59 [AaronSw]
23:56:43 [AaronSw]
There are a lot of Web-clueful people on the Freenet project.
23:56:58 [AaronSw]
Brandon Wiley got used RDF files for Freenet searching.