IRC log of swhack on 2001-11-30

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:00:30 [sbp]
Wonderful, I need Perl
00:04:36 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Hi all. This is a global notice since two of the remaining server reups will be disruptive. It'll be a few minutes, but we're almost there. Thanks.
00:08:02 [sbp]
Shall I riskily compile using Borland or Mingw32, or shall I get the ActiveState binaries?
00:08:33 [sbp]
choices choices
00:09:30 [sbp]
heh, so to install Crypto, I needed to install OpenSSL, to install OpenSSL, I needed to install Perl, to install Perl...
00:10:20 [tansaku_sleeping]
tansaku_sleeping ( has joined #swhack
00:10:57 [sbp]
also to install Crypto, I needed Distutils, and also to install OpenSSL, I needed Borland or Mingw32
00:11:23 [sbp]
to install Distutils, I needed Python, which I of course had
00:12:04 [sbp]
I'm currently getting the Borland and ActiveState Perl binaries...
00:13:03 [sbp]
At least now when someone says "Have you installed...", I can just cut them off and say, "yes"
00:14:04 [sbp]
I also have the source for Perl 5, and I could compile it (needs Borland "version 5.02 or later")
00:15:15 [sbp]
Ah, if I wanted to compile that, I'd also need dmake. I got make from somewhere...
00:18:59 [sbp]
Gotta run
00:19:07 [sbp]
sbp has quit ("Homer: 20 dollars? I wanted a peanut!")
00:20:49 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
00:21:14 [sbp]
00:21:16 [sbp]
00:21:18 [sbp]
cr:SHA a rdf:Property; s:label "SHA hash";
00:21:20 [sbp]
a dpo:UnambiguousProperty, dpo:UniqueProperty; # Assume unbreakable.
00:21:22 [sbp]
s:domain string:String;
00:21:24 [sbp]
s:range string:String.
00:21:26 [sbp]
]]] -
00:23:07 [sbp]
apparently, we don't assume that crypto:md5 is "unbreakable", but we do for crypto:sha
00:23:50 [sbp]
Perhaps the range should be crypto:Hash, with a URI like <hash:SHA:wjhf90w30f8w3890fq0398h>
00:24:41 [sbp]
actually, it doesn't need to be, since we never refer to a file using it's hash: the hash URI identifies the hash only. So you always have to introduce a predicate relationship
00:24:56 [sbp]
and if you're going to be linking it with a property, you can identify the string as a Hash anyway
00:27:26 [sbp]
sbp has quit ("Homer: 20 dollars? I wanted a peanut!")
00:34:30 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
00:48:20 [AaronSw]
AaronSw ( has joined #swhack
01:00:33 [sbp]
Hi Aaron
01:00:44 [AaronSw]
hey there
01:03:03 [sbp]
Cryptography in Python is rather annoying
01:04:04 [AaronSw]
No luck yet?
01:06:29 [sbp]
Well, I'm downloading, and downloading, and downloading...
01:07:08 [sbp]
The hashes were incredibly easy; I did them last night. The key-based stuff is just scary
01:07:24 [sbp]
not that the actual built-ins will be all that difficult, it's getting the modules!
01:07:39 [AaronSw]
what sort of hash stuff you doing?
01:07:45 [sbp]
I'm currently getting Perl...
01:07:58 [sbp]
er... it just gets you the hashes of a string
01:08:42 [AaronSw]
what sorts?
01:08:45 [AaronSw]
md5 and sha?
01:08:50 [sbp]
01:09:20 [sbp]
01:09:43 [AaronSw]
just curious
01:10:08 [tav`]
tav` ( has joined #swhack
01:10:10 [sbp]
might be good for checking the validity of an online file before you read it into the store
01:10:32 [AaronSw]
Yeah, lots of uses.
01:11:03 [AaronSw`]
AaronSw` ( has joined #swhack
01:11:17 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has left #swhack
01:11:38 [AaronSw`]
AaronSw` is now known as AaronSw
01:12:34 [sbp]
Hmm... I wonder if I shold bundle what I already have to www-archive, or wait until I've done signatures
01:13:42 [AaronSw]
release early, release often
01:14:09 [sbp]
01:15:13 [AaronSw]
01:20:27 [sbp]
* sbp prepares it
01:23:39 [sbp]
* sbp sends it
01:23:52 [AaronSw]
01:24:06 [AaronSw]
keep sending them stuff and they might give you cvs access ;)
01:24:31 [sbp]
heh, heh
01:28:05 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Four more servers, the last two will be noisy. For detail, set your user mode to +w. Thanks.
01:32:54 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
01:32:56 [tansaku_sleeping]
tansaku_sleeping has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
01:33:34 [tansaku_sleeping]
tansaku_sleeping ( has joined #swhack
01:33:48 [Morbus]
AaronSw, yer back!
01:34:06 [sbp]
no he's not: it's an illusion
01:34:30 [AaronSw]
01:34:32 [Morbus]
oh. bastard.
01:34:36 [Morbus]
01:34:54 [sbp]
01:36:44 [Morbus]
messing around with movable type again
01:42:32 [tansaku_sleeping]
tansaku_sleeping has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
01:43:01 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit ("")
01:48:40 [sbp]
Ah, Perl has downloaded
01:49:41 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Noisy restarts in process, For info, make your user modes +w. Thanks.
01:50:45 [sbp]
sbp has quit ("Homer: 20 dollars? I wanted a peanut!")
01:54:42 [deltab]
deltab has quit (
01:55:10 []
Disconnected from (Connection reset by peer)
01:55:21 [logster]
logster ( has joined #swhack
01:55:21 []
topic is: Odd Text Behavior? Clean it with Morbus!
01:55:21 []
Users on #swhack: logster AaronSw tav` TheTick tav chumpster oierw`
01:55:25 [AaronSw]
Thus is interesting: "[Groove] may not be exported or re-exported to certain countries (currently Afghanistan (Taliban-controlled areas)."
01:55:45 [deltab]
deltab ( has joined #swhack
01:57:19 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw wonders whether to help Farmers in the Senate.
01:59:49 [tav`]
tav` has quit (
01:59:49 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
01:59:49 [TheTick]
TheTick has quit (
01:59:49 [tav]
tav has quit (
01:59:49 [chumpster]
chumpster has quit (
02:00:16 [AaronSw]
AaronSw ( has joined #swhack
02:00:16 [tav`]
tav` ( has joined #swhack
02:00:16 [TheTick]
TheTick (~ash@ has joined #swhack
02:00:16 [tav]
tav ( has joined #swhack
02:00:16 [chumpster]
chumpster ( has joined #swhack
02:00:18 [tav`]
tav` has quit (Excess Flood)
02:00:27 [tav`]
tav` ( has joined #swhack
02:01:43 [tav`]
tav` has quit (
02:01:43 [chumpster]
chumpster has quit (
02:01:43 [TheTick]
TheTick has quit (
02:01:43 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
02:01:43 [tav]
tav has quit (
02:02:04 [AaronSw]
AaronSw ( has joined #swhack
02:02:04 [TheTick]
TheTick (~ash@ has joined #swhack
02:02:04 [tav]
tav ( has joined #swhack
02:02:04 [chumpster]
chumpster ( has joined #swhack
02:02:04 [tav`]
tav` ( has joined #swhack
02:03:54 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (Remote closed the connection)
02:08:34 [AaronSw`]
AaronSw` ( has joined #swhack
02:22:31 [AaronSw`]
AaronSw` has quit ("Terminated with extreme prejudice - dircproxy 1.0.1")
02:22:55 [AaronSw`]
AaronSw` ( has joined #swhack
02:24:49 [AaronSw`]
Hmm, dircproxy seems to have a bug with detach_nicks
02:27:15 [oierw`]
oierw` has quit ("hmm.")
02:29:32 [oierw`]
oierw` ( has joined #swhack
02:42:17 [xena]
xena ( has joined #swhack
02:49:38 []
Disconnected from (Connection reset by peer)
02:49:49 [logster]
logster ( has joined #swhack
02:49:49 []
topic is: Odd Text Behavior? Clean it with Morbus!
02:49:49 []
Users on #swhack: logster xena oierw` tav` chumpster tav TheTick
02:53:20 [AaronSw`]
AaronSw` ( has joined #swhack
02:53:50 [AaronSw`]
AaronSw` has left #swhack
02:54:04 [AaronSw`]
AaronSw` ( has joined #swhack
02:55:46 [deltab]
deltab ( has joined #swhack
03:09:14 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
03:09:39 [AaronSw`]
hey morbola
03:09:56 [Morbus]
03:10:06 [Morbus]
your stupid fink install x11 doesn't work in fink .31
03:10:36 [AaronSw`]
I didn't mean it literally!
03:10:50 [Morbus]
oh. heh.
03:11:01 [Morbus]
so i do fink install system-xfree86?
03:11:13 [Morbus]
and then xfree86-rootless?
03:11:56 [AaronSw`]
I think just xfree86-rootless will do it.
03:12:03 [AaronSw`]
it should install system-xfree86
03:12:26 [Morbus]
sudo /sw/bin/fink install xfree86-rootless
03:12:28 [Morbus]
Reading package info...
03:12:28 [Morbus]
Information about 251 packages read.
03:12:28 [Morbus]
Failed: no package found for specification 'xfree86-rootless'!
03:12:28 [Morbus]
stupid thing
03:12:38 [AaronSw`]
03:12:38 [Morbus]
oh, the -rootless is ni nstable
03:12:50 [AaronSw`]
not for me
03:12:51 [Morbus]
apparently, i need to install xfree86-base first.
03:12:53 [AaronSw`]
do a fink selfupdate
03:13:00 [Morbus]
i just downloaded it yesterday
03:13:04 [AaronSw`]
you're missing 8 packages
03:13:17 [AaronSw`]
Morbus, i don't think it matters, packages are updated separately from the software
03:13:19 [Morbus]
Failed: no package found for specification 'selfupdate'!
03:13:28 [Morbus]
oop. nevermind
03:13:30 [AaronSw`]
no, just fink selfupdate, no install
03:13:33 [Morbus]
forgot to remove install
03:14:28 [AaronSw`]
03:17:54 [Morbus]
one of my feature requests in fink is coming in the next cversion. whoo.
03:18:20 [Morbus]
not fink
03:18:20 [Morbus]
movable type.
03:18:25 [Morbus]
sheesh. wheres my head, silly?
03:18:34 [AaronSw`]
in the clouds?
03:19:04 [Morbus]
prolly. woth that toilet paper guy
03:19:04 [Morbus]
but you may not remember him.
03:20:12 [AaronSw`]
Hmm, do you have 9pt MPW font?
03:20:21 [AaronSw`]
03:21:05 [Morbus]
nope. i use mishawaka 9 for all coding/text. and this window :)
03:22:27 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
03:22:35 [Morbus]
ah. oh. hmm. if you find it, lemme no what you thinkl
03:22:35 [AaronSw`]
Why do you prefer it to Monaco?
03:23:04 [AaronSw`]
Mishawaka is too Eudoraey for me.
03:23:09 [AaronSw`]
hey sbp
03:23:13 [sbp]
Hi there
03:23:26 [Morbus]
i don't remmeber. been using it for a long long time though. i think it had something to do with better rendering of 1/l o/0/O
03:23:29 [AaronSw`]
I think use of :GetHashValue is the same kind of mistake as saying "click here" in a web page.
03:23:36 [Morbus]
and a larger periud character too
03:23:36 [Morbus]
03:24:24 [sbp]
yes, it's not a great little idiom: but please don't gather semantics from the class name, which isn't even a label
03:24:45 [Morbus]
jesus crhsit, this fink is going forever
03:24:53 [Morbus]
oh. just finished.
03:25:08 [AaronSw`]
sbp, like it or not, we will
03:25:21 [AaronSw`]
yeah, fink takes awfully long, but it's not exactly its fault
03:25:31 [Morbus]
yeah, that rootless thing worked now.
03:25:39 [AaronSw`]
03:25:44 [Morbus]
now, this installs all the crap - does it make any GUI icons? or shell startx only?
03:26:01 [AaronSw`]
no, it should make /Applications/XDarwin
03:26:03 [sbp]
well, that's just as bad as thinking of <p> as a paragraph element, no matter what the namespace
03:26:16 [AaronSw`]
No it's not.
03:26:20 [Morbus]
oh. cool.
03:26:28 [AaronSw`]
It's like saying <paragraph> is a paragraph element. ;-)
03:26:29 [Morbus]
good. i like run and forget ;)
03:26:39 [Morbus]
you like docboot <para> better?
03:26:48 [AaronSw`]
not really
03:27:04 [AaronSw`]
<p> is easier to type, since i type it a lot
03:27:43 [Morbus]
03:28:02 [AaronSw`]
AaronSw` is now known as AaronSw
03:31:57 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
03:32:12 [AaronSw]
SF is being slow...
03:40:07 [AaronSw]
This is weird. X crashes and it leaves no error messages...
03:40:28 [AaronSw]
Maybe it doesn't like my monitor...
03:44:10 [sbp]
which one?
03:44:32 [AaronSw]
the other one
03:44:37 [sbp]
03:44:40 [AaronSw]
maybe it doesn't like me having 2
03:51:59 [sbp]
does it know that you have two?
03:53:33 [AaronSw]
03:53:42 [AaronSw]
03:53:43 [AaronSw]
Display mode: Rootless Quartz
03:53:43 [AaronSw]
Screen 0 added: 1152x747 @ (0,21)
03:53:43 [AaronSw]
Screen 1 added: 1152x870 @ (1152,-414)
03:53:43 [AaronSw]
Screen 0 placed at X11 coordinate (0,0).
03:53:43 [AaronSw]
Screen 1 placed at X11 coordinate (1152,-435).
03:53:45 [AaronSw]
Using keymapping provided in /System/Library/Keyboards/USA.keymapping.
03:53:46 [AaronSw]
Display mode: Rootless Quartz
03:53:48 [AaronSw]
Screen 0 added: 1152x747 @ (0,21)
03:53:51 [AaronSw]
Screen 1 added: 1152x870 @ (1152,-414)
03:53:52 [AaronSw]
Screen 0 placed at X11 coordinate (0,0).
03:53:54 [AaronSw]
Screen 1 placed at X11 coordinate (1152,-435).
03:53:57 [AaronSw]
waiting for X server to shut down
03:54:03 [AaronSw]
04:23:44 [GabeW]
GabeW ( has joined #swhack
04:28:51 [AaronSw]
I really need to do something about this desk...
04:53:34 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw sets the TiVo to record Good Morning America on Dec. 3
05:02:57 [GabeW]
GabeW has quit (
05:02:57 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
05:02:57 [deltab]
deltab has quit (
05:02:57 [xena]
xena has quit (
05:02:57 [tav`]
tav` has quit (
05:02:57 [chumpster]
chumpster has quit (
05:02:57 [TheTick]
TheTick has quit (
05:02:57 [tav]
tav has quit (
05:03:47 [sbp]
sbp has quit ("Homer: 20 dollars? I wanted a peanut!")
05:04:00 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
05:05:18 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Killed ( ( <-
05:06:06 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
05:06:06 [GabeW]
GabeW ( has joined #swhack
05:06:06 [deltab]
deltab ( has joined #swhack
05:06:06 [AaronSw]
AaronSw ( has joined #swhack
05:06:06 [xena]
xena ( has joined #swhack
05:06:06 [chumpster]
chumpster ( has joined #swhack
05:06:06 [TheTick]
TheTick (~ash@ has joined #swhack
05:07:12 [AaronSw]
I wish I knew about,1367,48742,00.html when I was trying to fix my system.
05:08:30 [sbp]
heh, cool stuff
05:17:46 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: SeanP!
05:17:58 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
05:23:12 [AaronSw]
I need to play more Go.
05:24:01 [sbp]
heh, heh
05:24:13 [AaronSw]
Then I can play Gess.
05:24:14 [AaronSw]
05:24:16 [chumpster]
A: from AaronSw
05:24:24 [AaronSw]
A:|Gess: Go + Chess
05:24:25 [chumpster]
titled item A
05:24:32 [AaronSw]
A::via [Zooko|]
05:24:33 [chumpster]
commented item A
05:25:09 [sbp]
oh, man...
05:25:45 [AaronSw]
A::Zooko: "It turns out that it is as much fun as Go, plus as much fun as Chess! (That is, the amount of fun you get from playing a game of Gess is equal to the amount of fun you would get if you played a game of Go and then played a game of Chess and then added the respective funnness together.)"
05:25:46 [chumpster]
commented item A
05:27:35 [sbp]
* sbp was just reading that...
05:30:50 [AaronSw]
Mark Baker: """I'd point out that "about:" appears to me to be designed to be a relative URI; if IE supported "about:", it wouldn't pop up Communicator's info screen, it would pop up one about IE."""
05:31:28 [sbp]
heh, heh, heh
05:31:59 [AaronSw]
He was serious.
05:32:39 [sbp]
that's what makes it funny :-)
05:32:46 [AaronSw]
he, he, heh
05:33:28 [AaronSw]
05:33:30 [chumpster]
B: from AaronSw
05:33:47 [AaronSw]
B:|ScrollKeeper: Open Source Document Management
05:33:48 [chumpster]
titled item B
05:33:50 [AaronSw]
B::By Kendall Clark
05:33:51 [chumpster]
commented item B
05:34:05 [AaronSw]
B::Also includes info on "OMF: Free Software's Dublin Core Lite".
05:34:06 [chumpster]
commented item B
05:45:06 [AaronSw]
.google mullenewz
05:45:07 [xena]
06:13:43 [AaronSw]
06:13:43 [xena]
2001/11/30 06:15:16.1087 Universal
07:01:38 [sbp]
07:01:38 [xena]
2001/11/30 07:03:11.0538 Universal
07:01:44 [sbp]
Gotta run
07:02:55 [GabeW]
GabeW has quit ("Ba-bye!")
07:03:26 [AaronSw]
I think we all need sleep
07:04:14 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
07:05:29 [tansaku_sleeping]
tansaku_sleeping ( has joined #swhack
07:08:55 [tansaku_sleeping]
tansaku_sleeping is now known as tansaku
07:28:44 [chumpster]
chumpster has quit (
07:28:44 [TheTick]
TheTick has quit (
07:28:44 [xena]
xena has quit (
07:28:44 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
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deltab has quit (
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deltab ( has joined #swhack
07:29:47 [TheTick]
TheTick (~ash@ has joined #swhack
07:42:35 [AaronSw]
AaronSw ( has joined #swhack
07:42:46 [chumpster]
chumpster ( has joined #swhack
13:19:41 []
Disconnected from (Connection reset by peer)
13:19:48 [logster]
logster ( has joined #swhack
13:19:48 []
topic is: Odd Text Behavior? Clean it with Morbus!
13:19:48 []
Users on #swhack: logster chumpster AaronSw tansaku deltab TheTick
13:36:40 [deltab]
deltab has quit (
13:36:41 [deltab]
deltab ( has joined #swhack
13:40:25 []
Disconnected from (Connection reset by peer)
13:40:52 [logster]
logster ( has joined #swhack
13:40:52 []
topic is: Odd Text Behavior? Clean it with Morbus!
13:40:52 []
Users on #swhack: logster TheTick tansaku
13:48:58 [chumpster]
chumpster ( has joined #swhack
13:48:58 [deltab]
deltab ( has joined #swhack
13:48:58 [AaronSw]
AaronSw ( has joined #swhack
13:49:18 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Hi all. We've got one consistent bug appearing and we're looking at it now.
13:53:25 [oierw``]
oierw`` ( has joined #swhack
14:00:23 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
14:00:23 [chumpster]
chumpster has quit (
14:00:23 [deltab]
deltab has quit (
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deltab ( has joined #swhack
14:02:56 [AaronSw]
AaronSw ( has joined #swhack
14:03:23 [chumpster]
chumpster ( has joined #swhack
14:12:46 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
14:14:50 [Morbus]
uh. AaronSw, there's no logger log for 11-29.
14:16:34 [AaronSw]
14:16:55 [AaronSw]
Sure there is:
14:17:07 [Morbus]
not on the index.
14:17:28 [AaronSw]
It's there... but not in order...
14:17:35 [Morbus]
14:17:43 [AaronSw]
Hmm. Odd.
14:21:27 [AaronSw]
14:21:30 [chumpster]
C: from AaronSw
14:21:43 [Morbus]
o lord in heaven.
14:21:49 [AaronSw]
C:|Former Beatle George Harrison Dies of Cancer
14:21:50 [Morbus]
he's chumping that fucking beatle. sigh.
14:21:50 [chumpster]
titled item C
14:22:37 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Hi all. We may not have that much warning when the new code is put up. It should stabilize the situation though. Please bear with us. Thanks.
14:25:11 [Morbus]
40+% discount at bookpool on ORA books
14:25:26 [AaronSw]
14:25:32 [chumpster]
D: from AaronSw
14:25:43 [AaronSw]
D:|WSJ: Banruptcy May Shutter Excite@Home
14:25:44 [chumpster]
titled item D
14:25:45 [Morbus]
14:25:50 [Morbus]
oh. ok. yeah, heard about that.
14:25:58 [AaronSw]
D::"AT&T's broadband unit, which is trying to buy Excite At Home's network assets, said it can shift about 20% of Excite At Home users quickly to its own systems if the service closes this week."
14:25:59 [chumpster]
commented item D
14:26:14 [AaronSw]
D::I use AT&T's Excite@Home Service. :-(
14:26:15 [chumpster]
commented item D
14:26:34 [AaronSw]
.google bookpool
14:27:37 [xena]
xena ( has joined #swhack
14:28:27 [AaronSw]
.google bookpool
14:28:28 [xena]
14:28:59 [AaronSw]
Ooh, *43%* off.
14:30:32 [Morbus]
mmhmm... real good.
14:30:39 [Morbus]
i've ordered from there before. i love bookpool
14:30:46 [Morbus]
any tech related crap, i go straight there.
14:33:07 [Morbus]
so what are you gonna do if excite goes down?
14:39:34 []
Disconnected from (Connection reset by peer)
14:39:42 [logster]
logster ( has joined #swhack
14:39:42 []
topic is: Odd Text Behavior? Clean it with Morbus!
14:39:42 []
Users on #swhack: logster TheTick xena Morbus chumpster AaronSw deltab oierw``
14:40:02 [AaronSw]
I'll have to go back to... <gasp!> dialup.
14:40:14 [AaronSw]
feel my pain
14:40:37 [tansaku]
tansaku ( has joined #swhack
14:41:21 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit (
14:51:32 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Hi all. We're currently restarting the servers, beginning with an extremely slow connection. You'll see the change move through the network and, we think, leave stability behind it. Please bear with us.
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14:57:23 [logster]
logster ( has joined #swhack
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topic is: Odd Text Behavior? Clean it with Morbus!
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Users on #swhack: logster TheTick xena chumpster AaronSw oierw`` deltab
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tansaku ( has joined #swhack
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oierw`` has quit (
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deltab has quit (
15:00:08 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw disconnects
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* AaronSw reconnects
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AaronSw` ( has joined #swhack
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AaronSw` is now known as AaronSw
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logster ( has joined #swhack
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topic is: Odd Text Behavior? Clean it with Morbus!
15:04:27 []
Users on #swhack: logster deltab oierw`` AaronSw
15:04:36 [TheTick]
TheTick (~ash@ has joined #swhack
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tansaku ( has joined #swhack
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chumpster ( has joined #swhack
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xena ( has joined #swhack
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AaronSw has quit (
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AaronSw ( has joined #swhack
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Morbus ( has joined #swhack
15:16:22 [Morbus]
mmkay. i hope this is it for today.
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tansaku has quit (
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TheTick has quit (
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deltab has quit (
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TheTick (~ash@ has joined #swhack
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oierw`` ( has joined #swhack
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Morbus has quit (
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Morbus ( has joined #swhack
15:29:21 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
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AaronSw ( has joined #swhack
15:31:12 [Morbus]
grumble, grumble
15:31:24 [Morbus]
is it just be or has the servers been flaky this whole week?
15:33:21 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
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AaronSw ( has joined #swhack
16:03:18 [Morbus]
cha doing?
16:03:48 [AaronSw]
not ,much
16:03:59 [AaronSw]
16:03:59 [xena]
usage: . <python-code>
16:04:00 [xena]
- xena will attempt to execute the python-code in a restricted environment, sending any printable results to IRC
16:04:17 [AaronSw]
. print
16:11:46 [deus_x]
deus_x ( has joined #swhack
16:11:56 [Morbus]
morning, deus.
16:29:06 [kmacleod]
kmacleod ( has joined #swhack
16:29:13 [Morbus]
hey ken.
16:29:16 [kmacleod]
16:29:26 [AaronSw]
hi ken
16:29:36 [AaronSw]
do you know why orchard docs are gone?>
16:29:44 [kmacleod]
which ones?
16:29:53 [AaronSw]
the ones at
16:30:44 [kmacleod]
no. I think it was a config change. I'll check. brb.
16:30:45 [kmacleod]
kmacleod has quit (Client Quit)
16:31:05 [AaronSw]
Heh, they named their system chomsky.
16:36:58 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
16:37:23 [sbp]
* sbp plays "I Want To Tell You"
16:38:10 [AaronSw]
Tell me what?
16:38:13 [AaronSw]
You can talk to me.
16:38:16 [kmacleod]
kmacleod ( has joined #swhack
16:38:17 [AaronSw]
You can talk to meeeeee.
16:38:29 [kmacleod]
appears to be a config chaneg
16:38:39 [sbp]
"I feel hung up and I don't know why"
16:38:55 [kmacleod]
I'll look into hosting elsewhere. Is there anything you're looking for right away?
16:39:17 [AaronSw]
no, I was just recommending it to some folks yesterday and they were surprised.
16:39:38 [Morbus]
kmacleod, have you ever used POE?
16:40:14 [sbp]
"Within You Without You"
16:40:25 [Morbus]
16 Candles, on the Oldies station here.
16:41:20 [kmacleod]
Morbus: I don't recall, the name escapes me, what is it?
16:41:53 [sbp]
sbp has changed the topic to: "We were talking, about the love we all could share [...] with our love, we could save the world" - George Harrison, Within You Without You
16:42:09 [AaronSw]
You're making me cry...
16:42:24 [Morbus]
kmacleod: Perl Object Environment, or something similar. it's an event queue, that fakes multithreaded without forking.
16:42:28 [Morbus]
16:42:34 [Morbus]
oh god.
16:42:42 [Morbus]
those were flipping george harrison songs?
16:42:49 [Morbus]
i'm so sick of beatles masturbation. goddamn it.
16:43:01 [AaronSw]
You're making me laugh...
16:43:12 [Morbus]
i'm glad he's dead. maybe you flipping yuppies will move on <g>
16:43:26 [kmacleod]
AaronSw: re Orchard, I'm no longer maintaining that. if you know someone who wants to pick over the RSS bits and bring them back to life, let me know
16:43:37 [AaronSw]
16:43:45 [AaronSw]
What are you maintaining these days, then?
16:43:54 [kmacleod]
my job ;)
16:43:57 [Morbus]
16:44:24 [AaronSw]
Heh, that's a rare commodity around here.
16:45:42 [kmacleod]
also, since the Perlish XML bits of Orchard/C fell into disfavor (due to lateness and need to get something running), there's little interest in the main component of Orchard
16:46:14 [kmacleod]
it's too bad, as you know it had a very nice paradigm for dealing with XML and namespaces
16:46:33 [AaronSw]
Yeah, that is too bad.
16:46:55 [kmacleod]
and MOC, altho incidental, rocked ;)
16:47:30 [kmacleod]
Morbus: re. POE, I remember it now, but I've never used it.
16:47:47 [Morbus]
* Morbus nods.
16:48:51 [AaronSw]
C::"""``The thing that pleases me the most about it is that young people like it,'' Harrison said in an interview with the AP. ``I think the popular music has gone truly weird. It's either cutesy-wutesy or it's hard, nasty stuff. It's good that this has life again with the youth.''"""
16:48:52 [chumpster]
commented item C
16:49:08 [Morbus]
16:50:56 [chumpster]
chumpster has quit (Remote closed the connection)
16:51:02 [Morbus]
16:51:05 [kmacleod]
Morbus: you're a Perlist? have you played with Inline?
16:51:19 [Morbus]
even the chumpster doesnt like gh.
16:51:25 [Morbus]
kmacleod, yes, and no.
16:51:29 [AaronSw]
No, i took it down to fix the link
16:52:21 [chumpster]
chumpster ( has joined #swhack
16:52:25 [kmacleod]
MOC (in Orchard) was similar to Inline, except the other direction, it added garbage collection and objects to C to make C easy to work from Perl (and Py or Tcl)
16:52:58 [kmacleod]
it had native support for XML namespaces at teh object attribute level ;)
16:53:06 [Morbus]
kmacleod, i'm looking into POE only because i want to multi-thread my app, only i want to do it generically enough that it works across multiple os's.
16:53:11 [Morbus]
16:53:31 [Morbus]
ultimately, i need to thread three main components - a webserver, a gui window, and a downloaded.
16:53:33 [sbp]
ooh, you're multi-threading Amphy at last?
16:53:34 [Morbus]
downloader, rather.
16:53:41 [Morbus]
well, looking into it.
16:53:46 [sbp]
good, good...
16:53:47 [Morbus]
i won't actually do anything until 1.0
16:54:09 [AaronSw]
C:See also [George Harrison: Albums, Songs and Lyrics|].
16:54:31 [Morbus]
this POE thing isn't truly a multithreader - it just seems like an advanced queue system.
16:54:40 [Morbus]
which i've kinda sorta done with the webserver/gui in ampheta.
16:55:04 [sbp]
chumpster doesn't seem to have ingested that
16:55:09 [kmacleod]
"event dispatcher", as described, works for me ;)
16:55:13 [AaronSw]
C::See also [George Harrison: Albums, Songs and Lyrics|].
16:55:14 [chumpster]
commented item C
16:55:48 [Morbus]
event dispatcher?
16:57:34 [kmacleod]
er, "event loop": POE is a cooperative task scheduler at its heart. [...] POE's task scheduler is basically an event loop.
16:58:12 [Morbus]
heh, heh. from rocco caputo, the maintainer of POE:
16:58:12 [Morbus]
16:58:13 [Morbus]
If you haven't noticed, I'm kind of excited about AmphetaDesk maybe
16:58:13 [Morbus]
using POE. Don't hesitate to tell me to cut it out if I'm being too
16:58:14 [Morbus]
helpful. :)
16:58:15 [Morbus]
16:58:30 [kmacleod]
16:58:35 [Morbus]
he's getting bonus points already ;)
16:59:03 [kmacleod]
gotta run. tty'all later
16:59:04 [kmacleod]
kmacleod has quit ("Leaving")
17:00:49 [deus_x]
Oh hey, I am in this channel.
17:01:05 [Morbus]
17:01:08 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
17:11:08 [AaronSw]
C::The [BBC reports|]: "Fans have been laying floral tributes outside the Abbey Road recording studios in London, where the Beatles recorded almost all their work, at his Friar Park home in Henley-on-Thames and outside the Cavern Club in Liverpool."
17:11:10 [chumpster]
commented item C
17:12:54 [AaronSw]
C::"In New York, fans began gathering before dawn at Strawberry Fields"; "mayor of Henley Tony Laine said the town was flying a flag at half mast."
17:12:55 [chumpster]
commented item C
17:13:42 [deus_x]
Hmm... Finally caught up on the AmphetaDesk talk in here while I wasn't paying attention :)
17:14:09 [Morbus]
heh :)
17:14:47 [deus_x]
Hmm, maybe I should talk over here instead of in ICQ :)
17:15:10 [Morbus]
yeah, here is logged, at least ;)
17:15:56 [deus_x]
But as for the Mac OS X thing... right now, it doesn't help out with needing to install any perl modules, expat, & etc. But, I think it could, if I included in the project building the binaries and modules within the app bundle
17:16:39 [Morbus]
yeah, that'd be nice.
17:17:03 [deus_x]
What always bugs me about that in OS X is multiple copies of libraries, frameworks, etc bundled with each app, but at least it makes for easy installs.
17:17:59 [deus_x]
And as for forking... it's been awhile since I tried much cross-platform perl. Did they actually get a working fork() on Windows and Mac? I imagine so...
17:18:51 [Morbus]
i think they have a working fork over on windows. i'm not sure on the mac. haven't really done any fork work in a while.
17:19:25 [deus_x]
That was kinda where I thought complete POEification would come in handy, if some platform hated fork(). I know they all hate threads right now.
17:19:26 [Morbus]
as for os x- yeah, what i want to do in the future is have a /cpan/ directory within the source. so that people won't have to fiddle with MCPAN or what have you.
17:19:56 [deus_x]
Does the perl2exe in Windows just bundle all that stuff up with it?
17:20:50 [deus_x]
The unfortunate thing with POE, though, is that it's got a bit of a learning curve on it
17:21:16 [Morbus]
right - same with the RuntimeBuilder for MacPerl.
17:21:23 [Morbus]
perl2exe makes a single exe.
17:21:36 [Morbus]
RuntimeBuilder creates a "shared libs" directory that contains the compiled XS stuff.
17:23:39 [Morbus]
so the webserver could be handled with POE::Component::Client::HTTP
17:23:58 [deus_x]
Ahh, yeah I can basically do that with the OS X stuff, but as far as I know there's no tool to do it. But should be easy enough to just do module builds in a local shared libs within the bundle
17:24:26 [deus_x]
Well, the PoCo::Client::HTTP is for downloading from URLs I think, but there's also a Server::HTTP
17:24:46 [Morbus]
cool - and we can slap a custom gui on the thing? kinda like a duplicate of the windows GUI? (url forthcoming)
17:25:04 [Morbus]
17:25:23 [Morbus]
i have a MacPerl gui that does and looks like that. but its buggy. not releasable.
17:26:31 [deus_x]
Morbus: Pretty much I duplicated the Windows GUI in what I built last night, down to the banner image, log window, and menu items mostly
17:26:43 [Morbus]
super cool.
17:26:51 [Morbus]
is the gui logo separable from the client?
17:26:56 [Morbus]
from the bundle, rather?
17:27:16 [Morbus]
like - could people stick a new jpg/pict/etc into the gui/ subdir and see it on next run?
17:27:24 [Morbus]
this is super neat <g>
17:27:29 [deus_x]
I think so... I just used the macos_logo.pict directly. I think you could swap that image out
17:27:39 [Morbus]
dont' suppose you could make a carbon one either for the 9.x lusers? <G>
17:27:52 [Morbus]
yeah, that's what the win32 gui does. and what my buggy classic gui does.
17:28:08 [deus_x]
You'd have to use Icon Builder for the macosx_icon.icns I made, though. Need a better Icon though, preferrably 128x128. I kinda scaled up the existing icon and blurred it
17:28:17 [deus_x]
Alas, I don't know a thing about Carbon :)
17:28:36 [Morbus]
heh, on the icon. yeah. fixing that junk is one of the things i need to do 'fore the next release.
17:28:41 [Morbus]
ah twell ;)
17:28:54 [deus_x]
But, that takes 2 seconds to replace, whenever there's a new one
17:37:03 [Morbus]
logster, where am i?
17:37:03 [Morbus]
17:37:05 [Morbus]
thanks, logster
17:39:06 [deus_x]
Nifty bots
17:39:49 [Morbus]
17:39:56 [Morbus]
yeah, hey, you know anything about POE::Preprocessor?
17:40:13 [Morbus]
Rocco sent me a little unreleased IRC program thingy he wrote in POE, and its complaining about not finding that module.
17:40:15 [Morbus]
on win32.
17:40:20 [Morbus]
and it's not on activestate's ppm.
17:40:34 [deus_x]
Ooh, no, he was talking about that before... trying to remember what magic he was doing with it.
17:40:38 [Morbus]
.google xml::preprocessor
17:40:38 [xena]
17:41:04 [deus_x]
A whole cast of automated characters in here
17:41:15 [Morbus]
yeah, there's more bots than people ;)
17:41:30 [Morbus]
.google poe::preprocessor
17:41:31 [xena]
poe::preprocessor: /url?sa=U&start=1&q=
17:44:33 [deus_x]
Are you working with a CPAN-acquired version of POE?
17:45:03 [Morbus]
a PPM version of it.
17:45:05 [deus_x]
I seem to remember his CPAN releases far out-date his releases at trying to remember
17:45:35 [deus_x]
Ah. Urk, yeah he uses OS2 instead of Windows, if you can believe that
17:46:51 [deus_x]
Oh, and I just uploaded some things to Specifically, AmphetaDeskX.tar.gz, and ampheta-gui-deusx.tar.gz. The first is my and the second is my gui/ dir tarballed
17:47:35 [deus_x]
You might also have to stick a check in on $^O to check for 'darwin' and use in lib
17:47:41 [deus_x]
I think I tweaked a few things
17:47:57 [deus_x]
Oh wait, but that file's not in my tarball. Doh. I should just tarball my whole CVS checkout
17:48:02 [Morbus]
17:48:12 [Morbus]
i'm heading off to lunch right now, anyways. so no rushing.
17:48:14 [deus_x]
I thought I was being efficient :)
17:48:18 [Morbus]
plus i'm no where near a mac being at work.
17:48:23 [Morbus]
17:48:24 [deus_x]
Figured you might want to peek at it though :) Ahh... okay
17:49:00 [Morbus]
does the gui tarbull have any sort of magic "morbus sucks ass at pbuilder" instructions? <g>
17:49:45 [deus_x]
Hmm.. not really :) Mostly you open the AmphetaDeskX.pbproj in gui/AmphetaDeskX/ and hit build. From there, you can tweak & etc
17:49:55 [Morbus]
oh. ok. that seems simple, i think.
17:49:59 [Morbus]
i should be able to figure out the rest.
17:50:06 [Morbus]
cool. this rocks :)
17:50:07 [deus_x]
If anything breaks on the build, it's probably because I accidentally made some paths absolute somewhere...
17:50:18 [Morbus]
hey AaronSw, a OS X gui for Ampheta! Wheee!
17:50:28 [AaronSw]
17:50:40 [deus_x]
I still have to implement some things for the GUI to send messages to the perl daemon, but that's coming up next
17:50:54 [deus_x]
So for now, it's mostly just a pretty log tail
17:51:07 [deus_x]
Was pretty quick to whip up
17:52:06 [Morbus]
yeah, log tail was all the gui really did anyways, so that's awesome.
17:52:29 [deus_x]
And I stuck a quick timed channel auto-refresh hack in there too
17:52:34 [Morbus]
i was actually thinking of removing the menubar from the win32 anyways, and having everything in the systray.
17:52:43 [Morbus]
bwahahah. that's on the TODO for the next version <g>
17:52:44 [deus_x]
Since the "refresh Channels" menu item didn't work
17:52:54 [deus_x]
Yeah, I was thinking of playing with a Dock Menu on the OS X gui too
17:52:55 [Morbus]
yeah, none of those hooks are in the
17:52:58 [Morbus]
17:53:07 [Morbus]
i like you :D
17:53:17 [AaronSw]
Does it have a coOoOl Aqua interface?
17:53:21 [deus_x]
Mostly I stuck it in the gui_listen() since that was called frequently. Big Fat Hack.
17:53:36 [Morbus]
17:53:36 [deus_x]
Heheh. This Cocoa stuff is fun.
17:53:44 [AaronSw]
Cocoa rocks!
17:54:00 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw goes to check on the Python bindings
17:54:45 [deus_x]
There we go. Two AmphetaDesk tarballs, one's my CVS source, one's my app.
17:55:05 [Morbus]
17:55:12 [Morbus]
i'll check them out when i get back from lunch.
17:55:20 [Morbus]
and then actually run them later tonight when i get home ;)
17:56:12 [Morbus]
pfft. of course, is slow for me today. i knew it.
17:57:34 [Morbus]
would the dock thingy be done in cocoa too?
17:58:37 [deus_x]
Yup, pretty easy to add a dock menu in cocoa
17:58:47 [Morbus]
bb in about 30.
17:58:57 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit ("Trillian (")
18:00:04 [deus_x]
deus_x has quit ("Leaving IRC - dircproxy 1.0.1")
18:07:32 [chumpster]
chumpster has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
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Disconnected from (ERROR :Closing Link: logster[~swhack-lo@] (Ping timeout: 182 seconds))
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logster ( has joined #swhack
18:07:38 []
topic is: "We were talking, about the love we all could share [...] with our love, we could save the world" - George Harrison, Within You Without You
18:07:38 []
Users on #swhack: logster AaronSw oierw`` tansaku TheTick deltab xena
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chumpster ( has joined #swhack
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deus_x ( has joined #swhack
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oierw`` has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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oierw` ( has joined #swhack
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deus_x has quit ("Leaving IRC - dircproxy 1.0.1")
18:44:38 [AaronSw]
BBC has some funny graphics:
18:45:18 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
18:45:56 [AaronSw]
18:45:59 [chumpster]
E: BBC News | EDUCATION | School test results 'useless' say critics from AaronSw
18:46:15 [AaronSw]
E::"The results show little more than a teacher's ability to coach children for that one test, and not their all-round achievements, according to Professor Dylan William of King's College, London."
18:46:16 [chumpster]
commented item E
18:46:34 [AaronSw]
E:This comes as a surprise? Still, it's good to see the BBC saying something like this.
18:46:49 [Morbus]
Morbus has left #swhack
18:52:30 [Morbus]
Morbus ( has joined #swhack
19:03:30 [Morbus]
grumble. grumble
19:08:27 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw is itching to find out what IT is...
19:08:37 [Morbus]
check it out:
19:08:48 [Morbus]
its a little personal scooter thingy
19:08:53 [AaronSw]
I know.
19:09:12 [AaronSw]
It doesn't make things any easier.
19:09:22 [GabeW]
GabeW ( has joined #swhack
19:09:31 [Morbus]
hmm? doesnt make things any easier?
19:09:40 [AaronSw]
err, knowing that.
19:09:46 [Morbus]
um. why?
19:09:47 [AaronSw]
Heh, neat GUI
19:09:55 [Morbus]
oh, bwahaha.
19:09:56 [AaronSw]
cuz its so vague
19:09:58 [Morbus]
i thought you were talking about the gui.
19:10:03 [Morbus]
i'm liek wha? make easier? huh? <g>
19:10:04 [AaronSw]
oh, heh
19:11:35 [AaronSw]
19:11:47 [chumpster]
F:,46862, from AaronSw
19:12:03 [AaronSw]
F:|Ginger/IT to be announced on Good Morning America on Dec. 3
19:12:04 [chumpster]
titled item F
19:12:20 [AaronSw]
F::See also this [email thread discussing the upcoming book|] on Ginger.
19:12:21 [chumpster]
commented item F
19:25:47 [deus_x]
deus_x ( has joined #swhack
19:26:03 [Morbus]
19:26:14 [deus_x]
Mmm... lunch
19:26:25 [Morbus]
yeah, same here. i had an interesting sandwich.
19:26:41 [Morbus]
roast beef, feta, hot mustard. was weird
19:26:55 [deus_x]
that does sound slightly weird
19:30:08 [Morbus]
was good though.
19:30:26 [Morbus]
just grabbed the poe cvs.
19:30:32 [deus_x]
19:30:33 [Morbus]
saw the samples/httpd.perl thing.
19:30:38 [Morbus]
its big!
19:30:39 [Morbus]
19:30:48 [deus_x]
Me, I'm eating vegetarian mexican spicy food bowl something casserole or other
19:30:52 [Morbus]
and the preforking one too
19:30:59 [Morbus]
OoOh. i like spicy food
19:31:07 [deus_x]
Hmm... I should check that out, it's been awhile since I last saw it
19:31:19 [Morbus]
i'm sure there are better ones.
19:31:28 [deus_x]
Oh yeah, I have a screenshot of my hack from last night at, too
19:31:41 [Morbus]
yeah, i've already shown it to a few people ;)
19:31:59 [Morbus]
that icon that you have is actually gonna be changed, i think.
19:32:07 [Morbus]
to a pill shaped one (the windows one).
19:32:09 [deus_x]
Nothing to write home about, but it's running :)
19:32:23 [deus_x]
Oh, that's cool. Takes me about 5 minutes to make a new icon from a PNG
19:32:25 [Morbus]
is that icon the same one in the cvs for the mac?
19:32:36 [Morbus]
i can't remember. haven't touched that part in a while.
19:32:40 [deus_x]
Actually I think I used the Linux version
19:32:45 [Morbus]
oh. heh.
19:33:15 [Morbus]
yeah, i'm gonna focus on the pill one which is used on windows. the one that's on the Xgui doesn't shrink down well. loes a lot of detail in a systray
19:34:25 [Morbus]
heh. forgot i had this in my bookmarks:
19:35:11 [deus_x]
Oh hell... not another one of those :) hehe
19:35:33 [Morbus]
heh, heh :)
19:36:30 [deus_x]
Ack... brb, have to reboot
19:36:55 [deus_x]
deus_x has quit ("Leaving IRC - dircproxy 1.0.1")
19:38:37 [Morbus]
AaronSw, have you networked a os x and win32 comp before?
19:38:43 [AaronSw]
19:38:48 [Morbus]
19:41:15 [kmacleod]
kmacleod ( has joined #swhack
19:41:28 [kmacleod]
kmacleod has left #swhack
19:41:36 [kmacleod]
kmacleod ( has joined #swhack
19:43:04 [Morbus]
ooh. new version of jabberfox came out.
19:43:13 [kmacleod]
Morbus: using AmphetaDesk, is there a way to get items in time order, regardless of source, or would that require polling too often? (since RSS doesn't include post-time <sigh>)
19:44:20 [Morbus]
its possible, yes, just not with the current code.
19:44:26 [kmacleod]
and a feature request: use a click-thru for the site that moves it "down" the list after you've read it
19:44:47 [Morbus]
that's part of the a todo, actually. after 1.0, channel data will be moving into a Storable DBM, so we can do much better sorts of analysis on it.
19:44:57 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw sets up #ginger
19:44:58 [kmacleod]
hmm... just locked up on me
19:45:01 [Morbus]
like, "don't show after 3 days, only show new items" etc...
19:45:15 [Morbus]
windows? or linux?
19:45:50 [Morbus]
i wax poetic a bit about channel DBMS in the TODO on sf.
19:46:01 [kmacleod]
windows. upon un-minimizing it from the taskbar
19:46:27 [Morbus]
that's "normal", i would say. can you still navigate through the webpages?
19:47:17 [Morbus]
after normal startup, amphetadesk shifts back and forth between gui listening and webserver listening.
19:47:20 [kmacleod]
ah! I closed the browser, that's most of what's "locked up" about it ;) I need to reload the URL
19:47:43 [Morbus]
so, smetimes you'll refresh or go to the gui window and it wont refresh right away cos the listener is on the webserver at that moment.
19:47:52 [Morbus]
thus the big reason i'm looking into poe and forks and threads, etc. ;)
19:50:09 [dngor]
dngor ( has joined #swhack
19:50:18 [kmacleod]
hmm, reloading the URL doesn't seemed to revivify...
19:50:28 [Morbus]
yeah, it doesn't.
19:50:33 [memephage]
memephage (rcc@ has joined #swhack
19:50:33 [Morbus]
it won't even look again until another hour.
19:50:40 [Morbus]
hey rocco!
19:50:56 [dngor]
good morning! my name's rocco. i'm a first-time caller. :)
19:51:05 [Morbus]
kmacleod, this is the poe guy :)
19:51:42 [Morbus]
so, anyways, yeah, ampheta won't look at the channels for another hour. you can right click systray to do a channel refresh, but if it sees that the local copy has been grabbed within the hour, it won't chekc for an update.
19:52:04 [Morbus]
forcing of updates is planned, but the cheat right now is to wipe out ~/data/channels/ and systray-refresh.
19:54:33 [dngor]
19:54:33 [dngor]
dngor has left #swhack
19:54:50 [dngor]
dngor ( has joined #swhack
19:58:04 [Morbus]
this memephage bot of yours is just like our chumpster.
19:58:14 [Morbus]
kinda sorta.
19:59:08 [dngor]
i got the idea from's scribot
19:59:32 [Morbus]
this is an example of the chump:
20:00:43 [Morbus]
probably my first major experiementations with poe will be irc related.
20:01:13 [kmacleod]
gotta run. ttyl
20:01:15 [kmacleod]
kmacleod has quit ("Leaving")
20:01:45 [dngor]
i've had a lot of fun with the IRC component so far. it's written by the guy who did Net::IRC
20:01:57 [Morbus]
oh. that's nice :) ...
20:02:05 [Morbus]
yeah, infobot is using it in their next dev release too.
20:02:11 [Morbus]
poe, that is.
20:03:26 [dngor]
memephage is much nicer when the <title> fetching works.
20:06:20 [Morbus]
20:09:03 [Morbus]
so any ideas on my PoCoJobQueue problem?
20:09:40 [dngor]
it's not included with POE. most of the components are CPAN modules
20:09:53 [Morbus]
ah. ok.
20:20:32 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
20:24:05 [Morbus]
hey sbpster
20:24:59 [SeanP]
SeanP ( has joined #swhack
20:25:39 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: SeanP!
20:25:39 [SeanP]
SeanP is now known as sbp
20:25:41 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Client Quit)
20:25:51 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
20:27:16 [sbp]
This place gets more and more corwded every time I come in
20:27:27 [Morbus]
memephage is another bot.
20:27:37 [Morbus]
for every one blood, there's two bytes ;)
20:27:43 [sbp]
20:27:48 [GabeW]
AaronSw is a bot too
20:27:51 [sbp]
yeah, it has the links thing
20:27:58 [sbp]
20:28:01 [dngor]
so am i
20:28:07 [Morbus]
yeah, a dumb one. he likes gharrison and then tries to get chumpster to talk about it.
20:28:14 [sbp]
dngor: botsnack
20:28:14 [Morbus]
i, robot, indeed!
20:28:21 [dngor]
sbp: :)
20:28:28 [sbp]
heh, heh, heh
20:28:44 [Morbus]
sbp, dngor is the creator of POE, that thingy thingy i was talking about earlier.
20:28:54 [sbp]
POE? Sound like a Teletubby
20:29:01 [Morbus]
eh oh!
20:29:01 [Morbus]
20:29:13 [sbp]
.google POE
20:29:13 [Morbus]
i told you were scooped the teletubbies right?
20:29:13 [xena]
20:29:19 [Morbus]
.google devil shat teletubbies
20:29:20 [xena]
devil shat teletubbies:
20:29:21 [sbp]
20:29:29 [sbp]
.google dngor POE
20:29:29 [xena]
dngor POE:
20:29:47 [dngor]
.google perl object environment
20:29:48 [xena]
perl object environment:
20:30:23 [dngor]
close enough :)
20:30:30 [Morbus]
heh, heh.
20:31:27 [sbp]
Ho hum, wonderful fun
20:31:28 [Morbus]
what i was thinking of doing, was to poe the webserver and gui, and then fork (if possible) the get's.
20:32:05 [dngor]
that's way doable. see, uhm, and in the memephage source
20:32:19 [dngor]
and, i guess, :)
20:32:34 [Morbus]
so, i should have this up and running by tonight, then, right? <G>
20:32:44 [AaronSw]
sbp, have you seen my new channel? #ginger
20:32:47 [dngor]
there's a bit of a learning cliff
20:33:21 [Morbus]
that's what deus_ex told me (he's the guy who told be about poe).
20:33:27 [sbp]
Aaron: I have now :-)
20:33:30 [Morbus]
he's also the guy who whipped out an osx gui for amphetadesk. in a day. it rocked.
20:33:32 [AaronSw]
20:35:24 [Morbus]
yeah, this PoWebServer thingy is nice.,
20:35:27 [dngor]
most of the memephage .pm files are self-contained libraries that hide some POE bits behind normal function calls
20:35:36 [Morbus]
well, it looks nice ;)
20:37:25 [Morbus]
logster, where am i
20:37:25 [Morbus]
I'm logging. I don't understand 'where am i', Morbus. Try /msg logster help
20:37:29 [Morbus]
logster, where am i?
20:37:29 [Morbus]
20:37:58 [sbp]
logster, where is Morbus?
20:38:10 [logster]
I'm logging. I found 1 answer for 'where is Morbus'
20:38:11 [logster]
0) 2001-11-30 20:37:58 <sbp> logster, where is Morbus?
20:38:17 [Morbus]
20:40:08 [GabeW]
my cable modem is still on...
20:40:36 [Morbus]
you have e@h too?
20:41:38 [AaronSw]
Mine too.
20:42:49 [memephage]
memephage has quit (Remote closed the connection)
20:43:07 [GabeW]
I have attbroadband (att@home, I guess)
20:43:42 [AaronSw]
F::This is the email thread which leaks lots of fascinating details from the author who has followed around the Ginger team almost since the beginning. Definitely worth a read.
20:43:43 [chumpster]
commented item F
20:47:41 [GabeW]
Ginger has a *lot* of hype to live up to
20:47:47 [AaronSw]
20:47:56 [AaronSw]
I'll be happy if it flies. :)
20:48:06 [sbp]
F::"""[|Amazon taking Ginger/IT orders?] The price information is not available, but says you can still order Ginger from them.""" - [|]
20:48:07 [chumpster]
commented item F
20:48:16 [GabeW]
It seems to me that if it was such a big deal, it wuoldn't need all the hype.. hmm
20:48:30 [AaronSw]
Well, the hype leaked out, y'see.
20:49:26 [dngor]
that's... that's like wiki syntax
20:49:28 [GabeW]
well, if its such a big deal, that's great !
20:49:42 [GabeW]
yes, it is
20:49:47 [GabeW]
like wiki syntax
20:50:27 [Morbus]
dngor's in love ;)
20:51:26 [sbp]
I expect a running commentary from Aaron when it gets announced...
20:51:36 [AaronSw]
20:51:42 [AaronSw]
Probably will be one.
20:51:44 [Morbus]
yeah, i wanna see little quicktimes of him scotting around.
20:51:52 [Morbus]
with a bandana. and a big old scimitar.
20:52:15 [Morbus]
he'll be Swashbuckling AaronSw with YippeKaiYaiYay BattleCry
20:52:22 [AaronSw]
20:52:45 [Morbus]
does anyone know of any mud that's been run over irc?
20:58:39 [dngor]
i've seen a bot serve Zork to a channel once, but that's not what you're asking. :)
20:59:11 [Morbus]
21:00:56 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
21:04:00 [dicebot]
dicebot ( has joined #swhack
21:04:00 [dicebot]
I am a dice-rolling bot.
21:04:07 [Morbus]
21:04:18 [Morbus]
i'm a POE master! i can run the sample script!
21:04:22 [Morbus]
* Morbus does a little dance.
21:04:33 [Morbus]
roll 2d12
21:04:35 [dicebot]
Morbus: You rolled a 13 (11 + 2)
21:04:39 [Morbus]
whoo! i am 'reet! <G>
21:06:37 [eliza237]
eliza237 ( has joined #swhack
21:06:51 [Morbus]
eliza, role 2d10
21:06:52 [eliza237]
That is interesting. Please continue.
21:07:02 [Morbus]
how do i feel about roll 2d10?
21:07:04 [eliza237]
Tell me more about such feelings.
21:07:10 [Morbus]
21:07:10 [eliza237]
Please go on.
21:07:20 [Morbus]
ask me about my colon!
21:07:21 [eliza237]
Is it important to you that your colon?
21:07:29 [eliza237]
eliza237 has quit (Remote closed the connection)
21:07:38 [dicebot]
dicebot has quit (Remote closed the connection)
21:11:13 [dicebot]
dicebot ( has joined #swhack
21:11:13 [dicebot]
I am a dice-rolling bot.
21:11:22 [Morbus]
dicebot, show me something
21:11:24 [dicebot]
Morbus: go to eh?
21:11:27 [Morbus]
heh. cool.
21:11:32 [dicebot]
dicebot has quit (Remote closed the connection)
21:14:39 [dngor]
dngor has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
21:15:39 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
21:21:08 [AaronSw]
sbp, found some flying quotes...
21:25:58 [dicebot]
dicebot ( has joined #swhack
21:25:58 [dicebot]
I am a dice-rolling bot.
21:26:25 [dicebot]
dicebot has quit (Remote closed the connection)
21:26:38 [dicebot]
dicebot ( has joined #swhack
21:26:38 [dicebot]
I am a dice-rolling bot.
21:26:56 [GabeW]
dicebot, roll
21:27:02 [GabeW]
21:27:06 [Morbus]
roll 12d6
21:27:06 [dicebot]
Morbus: You rolled a 31 (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 4)
21:27:12 [Morbus]
ah. ok. doesn't support priv's.
21:27:24 [Morbus]
started getting mad at it for not responding to me ;)
21:27:41 [Morbus]
dicebot, show me something
21:27:41 [dicebot]
Morbus: go to eh?
21:28:19 [xena]
xena has quit ()
21:28:35 [dicebot]
dicebot has quit (Remote closed the connection)
21:29:14 [xena]
xena ( has joined #swhack
21:34:38 [xena]
xena has quit ()
21:35:07 [xena]
xena ( has joined #swhack
21:36:14 [Morbus]
head ... hurts ...
21:38:51 [xena]
xena has quit (Client Quit)
21:40:46 [Morbus]
damn,, xena, what's up?
21:41:11 [AaronSw]
Killarny killed it.
21:41:19 [Morbus]
what's that?
21:42:06 [AaronSw]
Killarny is xena's developer
21:42:30 [Morbus]
oh. so, hey, what'd you find out about cocoa/python. anything?
21:42:53 [AaronSw]
21:42:59 [AaronSw]
not much
21:43:22 [AaronSw]
I emailed the guy to see what's up
21:43:43 [xena]
xena ( has joined #swhack
21:45:08 [xena]
xena has quit (Remote closed the connection)
21:46:15 [Morbus]
feedreader 2.0 beta is out.
21:47:57 [xena]
xena ( has joined #swhack
21:48:05 [Morbus]
21:49:12 [Morbus]
21:49:16 [Morbus]
nice name for a CMS:
21:50:20 [AaronSw]
Heh heh heh.
21:50:34 [xena]
xena has quit (Client Quit)
21:56:43 [sbp]
sbp has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
21:58:25 [xena]
xena ( has joined #swhack
22:07:36 [dngor]
dngor ( has joined #swhack
22:09:31 [Morbus]
22:09:32 [Morbus]
22:09:33 [Morbus]
Two black eyes for computer-related free speech: A federal appeals court has upheld an order prohibiting publishing or even linking to the DeCSS DVD-cracking code, and a New jersey judge has dismissed Princeton professor Edward Felten's suit claiming that the DMCA has a chilling effect on the publication of computer security research results. We're headed full-tilt towards a world where public discussion of software security issues is illegal
22:09:34 [Morbus]
22:09:45 [Morbus]
22:10:16 [AaronSw]
22:10:26 [AaronSw]
The Felten one isn't so bad.
22:10:32 [Morbus]
what the fuck are they smoking over there?
22:10:33 [GabeW]
oh fuck -,88811,
22:10:33 [AaronSw]
They dismissed it because the RIAA stopped harassing him.
22:10:52 [GabeW]
"A federal bankruptcy court judge in San Francisco today said that the broadband network of Excite@Home will be shutdown on Friday at midnight PST (3:00 AM EST) if a deal with its cable partners and creditors is not reached, sources at the proceedings tell Dotcom Scoop."
22:11:01 [AaronSw]
oh shoooooy
22:11:05 [Morbus]
22:11:09 [Morbus]
i mean, (
22:11:18 [GabeW]
but then it goes on to say that the judge really thinks they'll come to a deal today
22:13:36 [AaronSw]
22:13:38 [AaronSw]
i hope so
22:14:01 [AaronSw]
ok, gotta go
22:14:04 [AaronSw]
c'ya all
22:14:06 [GabeW]
22:14:09 [dngor]
22:21:44 [sbp]
sbp ( has joined #swhack
22:38:54 [sbp]
* sbp sends out messages about bNode labels and so on
22:39:01 [xena]
xena has quit (Remote closed the connection)
22:39:24 [xena]
xena ( has joined #swhack
22:55:51 [Morbus]
Morbus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
22:59:57 [deus_x]
deus_x ( has joined #swhack
23:00:34 [deus_x]
Oh, look, it's a dngor!
23:00:52 [dngor]
yet another!
23:01:27 [deus_x]
Getting sucked into the POEification of AmphetaDesk?
23:01:52 [dngor]
i've staunched the tide with a pre-emptive flood of advice and source code
23:02:31 [dngor]
hopefully it'll give me time to regroup and kill some tasks first
23:02:33 [deus_x]
Whoo hoo!
23:02:47 [deus_x]
Well, I've bene offering some help on the POE front too since I want to put that hat on again. Been awhile
23:02:59 [deus_x]
Though I did make an initial Mac OS X GUI for the app, that was fun.
23:03:12 [dngor]
Morbus said it rocks. that's excellent
23:03:58 [deus_x]
It's got a little ways to go, but I'm digging Cocoa. And with the whole UNIX side of OS X, I want to see more GUIs driven by geeky UNIX stuff behind it (like, say a perl mini-app server)
23:04:26 [deus_x]
But I'm impressed by this AmphetaDesk thing that runs on damn near everything
23:05:14 [deus_x]
Maybe somehow I'll work a POE FTP server into the mix :)
23:06:20 [dngor]
that would rock. all POE FTP efforts have so far ended in failure except one.
23:06:28 [dngor]
and the one that works doesn't do PORT
23:06:46 [deus_x]
Really?? Wow. I didn't think imne was actually all that hot
23:06:51 [dngor]
... but it is a sexy app, if its author can be trusted.
23:06:54 [deus_x]
23:07:34 [dngor]
it coordinates mp3 uploads to affiliate sites, according to the author. part of the design goal is to push files from one ftp server to several others at the exact moment.
23:07:34 [deus_x]
I wonder if I could POE-ify Net::FTPServer. That thing impresses me
23:07:51 [deus_x]
Ooh, well that's a pretty neat idea, like an FTP reflector?
23:08:07 [dngor]
yeah, but never hosting the files locally.
23:08:36 [deus_x]
Ahh, so it maintains FTP outgoing connections, and directly fireman-carries from the incoming FTP to the outgoing FTPs?
23:09:00 [deus_x]
I see wheels spinning in POE
23:09:44 [dngor]
no, it apparently connects to two ftp servers and has one of them send and the other receive
23:10:16 [deus_x]
Oh, so it downloads from one, is not an FTP server in and of itself
23:11:54 [sbp]
* sbp laughs; Morbus has a lot to answer for
23:22:08 [dngor]
true, it doesn't do any serving of its own.
23:22:25 [dngor]
it's not even a proper ftp client. it just parses enough of the protocol to push files around.
23:22:52 [dngor]
from what i've heard, anyway. the guy kept asking how to do it for two weeks.
23:23:53 [deus_x]
Hmm.. weird. I was doing stuff straight from an RFC..
23:29:29 [dngor]
dngor has quit (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)