IRC log of swhack on 2001-08-02

Timestamps are in UTC.

03:59:48 [googler]
googler has quit
03:59:53 [googler]
googler has joined #swhack
04:58:11 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has joined #swhack
06:24:28 [Lifter]
Lifter has joined #swhack
06:33:09 [Lifter]
Lifter has left channel
15:00:14 [sbp]
sbp has joined #swhack
15:00:23 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw waves
15:00:29 [sbp]
Hi Aaron
15:00:34 [AaronSw]
Hi Sean
15:02:22 [sbp]
Oh, it' still going
15:02:25 [sbp]
15:46:19 [sbp]
Now that's cool:
15:46:56 [AaronSw]
Isn't it!
15:47:32 [sbp]
Goes right up there next to the picture of you and TimBL, I'll bet
15:47:41 [AaronSw]
For sure.
15:48:08 [sbp]
What was the vegemite challenge all about?
15:50:36 [AaronSw]
Well, in the first RDF WG, they had folks from Netscape, Microsoft, etc. and it was sort of hard to get them to agree.
15:51:13 [AaronSw]
So Eric dared them that if they finished he'd eat a spoonful of vegemit (which he absolutely hates)
15:51:21 [AaronSw]
They closed issues so quickly that day!
15:51:44 [AaronSw]
Eric ate the vegemite, turned green, threw up multiple times, etc.
15:51:56 [AaronSw]
So now it's Brian's turn, he says. ;-)
15:53:55 [sbp]
sbp has quit
15:57:49 [sbp]
sbp has joined #swhack
15:59:52 [sbp]
lol @ Eric ate the vegemite, turned green, threw up multiple times, etc.
16:25:57 [sbp]
sbp has quit
16:27:46 [ASwartz]
ASwartz has joined #swhack
16:27:51 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit
16:28:13 [ASwartz]
ASwartz is now known as AaronSw
17:11:04 [sbp]
sbp has joined #swhack
17:37:41 [sbp]
sbp has quit
18:10:32 []
Disconnected from (ERROR :Closing Link: logster[v123-1.ARSDigita.seg.NET] by (Ping timeout for logster[v123-1.ARSDigita.seg.NET]))
18:10:39 [logster]
logster has joined #swhack
18:10:39 []
Users on #swhack: logster AaronSw googler
20:11:58 [sbp]
sbp has joined #swhack
20:18:31 [sbp]
Have they got to the cyclic transitive relationships thing yet?
20:20:23 [sbp]
Oh, they just did it...
20:23:06 [AaronSw]
20:23:33 [AaronSw]
Pizza is something they can all agree on.
20:23:52 [sbp]
Ooh, pizza
20:29:40 [AaronSw]
logger, off
20:29:46 [AaronSw]
logster, off
20:46:23 [sbp]
yeah, I agree (to nothing in particular if you're reading the logs)
20:46:49 [sbp]
but there are other April fools RFCs, so perhaps more occurances
20:52:40 [sbp]
googler, what is the google IRC bot thing?
20:52:42 [googler]
what is the google IRC bot thing:
20:52:48 [sbp]
googler, what is the googler IRC bot thing?
20:52:50 [googler]
No matches for what is the googler IRC bot thing.
20:53:50 [sbp]
I love this little bit:-
20:53:51 [sbp]
*** Now talking in #twilightzone
20:53:51 [sbp]
*** AaronSw has joined #twilightzone
20:53:51 [sbp]
<AaronSw> I knew you'd be here
20:53:51 [sbp]
*** AaronSw has left #twilightzone
20:54:31 [AaronSw]
But who's there now?
20:54:42 [sbp]
Couldn't care less
20:55:21 [sbp]
Oh, we'd make a good comedy duo sometimes
20:55:22 [AaronSw]
Ooh, you missed the fun.
20:55:30 [AaronSw]
Come back again.
20:55:33 [sbp]
20:55:53 [sbp]
20:55:56 [AaronSw]
20:56:01 [sbp]
20:56:04 [sbp]
sbp has left channel
20:56:06 [AaronSw]
20:57:41 [AaronSw]
googler, rss
20:57:42 [googler]
21:36:31 [sbp]
sbp has joined #swhack
21:47:21 [sbp]
definition of a programmer: one who thinks that indefinite plurals such as other(s) are functions
21:54:23 [sbp]
heh, I like your homepage on, which basically starts, "Hi, I'm Aaron and I'm Jewish"
21:54:46 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw is still working on the proper way to integrate RDF and english...
21:54:54 [sbp]
21:55:27 [sbp]
[ daml:intersectionOf (:Male :Person :Jew :SWDeveloper :American) ] .
21:56:05 [sbp]
Hmm... how many people could satisfy that description?
21:57:31 [sbp]
Shame we don't have an SW on which to run the query :-)
21:57:43 [AaronSw]
22:01:03 [sbp]
where does the pickle Python library come from? Is it built in?
22:02:04 [sbp]
Hmm... yes, it is
22:07:12 [AaronSw]
Ooh, you were right.
22:07:17 [AaronSw]
<jang> ow many people are interested in being the editor/document layout person
22:07:17 [AaronSw]
<jang> graham is
22:07:26 [sbp]
22:07:43 [AaronSw]
<danbri> danbri is
22:07:56 [sbp]
Wow! Oh, I should have bet you money...
22:08:09 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw is interested in nitpicking
22:08:16 [AaronSw]
<danbri> (danbri is...interested in being on any group working on document partitioning)
22:08:21 [AaronSw]
22:09:40 [sbp]
* sbp notes that he can't start PWS...
22:11:34 [sbp]
Hmm... perhaps I have to go offline to run it
22:11:38 [sbp]
sbp has quit
22:24:59 [AaronSw]
Hey, I just had a thought:
22:25:11 [AaronSw]
If I edit the RDF spec, we could write it in xWebL!
22:27:47 [sbp]
sbp has joined #swhack
22:27:58 [AaronSw]
Hey, I just had a thought:
22:27:59 [AaronSw]
If I edit the RDF spec, we could write it in xWebL!
22:28:01 [sbp]
It worked, and I'm quite impressed
22:28:04 [sbp]
22:28:13 [sbp]
22:28:19 [AaronSw]
22:29:19 [AaronSw]
ickwiki: cool
22:29:22 [sbp]
It'd be neater if it formatted e.g. string.replace(w,'\n\n','<br /><br />'), but since I haven't got a clue what it's doing
22:29:39 [sbp]
I'm not gonna be the one to mess it up :-)
22:29:58 [sbp]
Plus, it seems to be winning the shortest Wiki thing
22:32:26 [AaronSw]
heh: dict-is-short-for-dictator-cuz-gui-was-already-in-use-ly y'rs
22:33:02 [sbp]
22:33:23 [AaronSw]
from PythonLanguage
22:33:25 [AaronSw]
Heh: <jang> ph: it's startling that ean entire country waiting for us to make up our minds
22:34:19 [AaronSw]
must be some pun on dict and BDFL
22:38:33 [sbp]
Red Dwarf quote:-
22:38:33 [sbp]
Love is what makes us different from animals, Lister.
22:38:34 [sbp]
No, what makes us different from animals is that we don't use our tongues to clean our own genitals.
22:38:37 [sbp]
[end quote]
22:38:56 [sbp]
Last time, Lister, I only failed by the narrowest of narrow margins.
22:38:56 [sbp]
You what? You went in there, wrote "I am a fish" four hundred times, did a funny little dance, and fainted.
22:39:00 [sbp]
[end quote]
22:39:22 [sbp]
I wrote "I am a fish" ahundereds of times in an exam once just for a laugh. Didn't faint at the end though (maybe I did a mock one)
22:39:35 [sbp]
I think I did a similar thing with "Screw Flanders" too
22:39:39 [AaronSw]
22:40:10 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw runs the RDF parser tests on ARP
22:40:31 [sbp]
All in all, a hundred percent successful trip.
22:40:31 [sbp]
But sir, we lost mister Rimmer!
22:40:31 [sbp]
All in all, a hundred percent successful trip.
22:40:33 [sbp]
[end quote]
22:40:36 [sbp]
love it!
22:40:46 [AaronSw]
22:42:09 [sbp]
do you know of any Quine programs written in Python?
22:42:33 [sbp]
ah, thank you Google
22:42:47 [sbp]
22:43:22 [sbp]
and hence:-
22:43:22 [sbp]
22:45:53 [AaronSw]
22:46:33 [sbp]
I could replicate my Webpage across the world, reducing the need for storage space
22:46:48 [AaronSw]
err, wouldn't you be increasing it?
22:47:00 [sbp]
Aha! That must be how viruses start out. a) with the idea in the line above, b) with the knowhow to do it, and c) nuts enough to carry it through
22:47:09 [sbp]
thankfully, I only have a)
22:47:28 [sbp]
Nah, because I'd be using other people's storage space, which doesn't count
22:47:50 [AaronSw]
...signs of a virus-maker
22:48:23 [sbp]
22:48:40 [sbp]
Wasn't one of the biggest viruses of all time accidental?
22:48:56 [AaronSw]
the worm?... that's a matter of controversy
22:50:22 [sbp]
isn't everything?
22:52:11 [AaronSw]
23:20:13 [sbp]
sbp has quit
23:22:49 [sbp]
sbp has joined #swhack