IRC log of openacs on 2002-03-29
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 00:02:03 [tontsa]
- tontsa has quit (No route to host)
- 00:20:22 [tontsa]
- tontsa ( has joined #openacs
- 00:22:22 [til]
- hmm, more calendar weirdness
- 00:33:40 [davb]
- davb ( has joined #openacs
- 00:35:42 [til]
- good afternoon, sir davb
- 00:52:53 [davb]
- hello til
- 00:56:00 [til]
- somebody showed me that you can have anti-aliased fonts under kde, and even opera ... impressive
- 00:57:07 [davb]
- cool.
- 00:57:23 [davb]
- Can you turn them off at small sizes?
- 00:57:38 [davb]
- they are useless under 14pt/pixels or so
- 00:57:48 [til]
- good question ... how could i check?
- 00:58:25 [davb]
- Opera 5 for win has a setting for it. I don't know how KDE works, I use XFCE :)
- 00:58:46 [til]
- playing with the zoom feature in opera - it still smoothes small fonts, but i think they look ok
- 00:58:57 [davb]
- and stick with the ms web fonts for most stuff.
- 00:59:01 [davb]
- that is what I do.
- 00:59:15 [davb]
- they look pretty good in Xfree86 4.x
- 00:59:48 [til]
- i am still missing some fonts i am afraid ... for example the url's in the oacs sitemap wont show up
- 01:00:15 [davb]
- really? they shoudl just be serif or sans-serif. I don't think it should be assuming you have any fonts installed.
- 01:00:51 [davb]
- argh another IE patch. I didn't even finish patching from the last 5 times.
- 01:01:48 [til]
- ah i am missing courier - that's why i did not see the patch content in the sdm either ;-)
- 01:03:12 [til]
- * til feels sorry for davb who has to use ie
- 01:03:19 [davb]
- just at work.
- 01:03:34 [davb]
- can't get rid of it, even if you use mozilla, you probably still need to patch it.
- 01:04:01 [til]
- because ie patches are actually patches to the operating system?
- 01:04:24 [davb]
- because IE is inrrecovably intertwined with the OS.
- 01:04:47 [davb]
- for example, the file explorer uses IE etc...
- 01:05:06 [davb]
- windows is totally the opposite of unix, ie each program does one thing well and thats it.
- 01:06:02 [davb]
- in windows land one program does 500 things and other programs borrow parts of it..
- 01:07:48 [til]
- like that the only way to get webdav is iirc to install ie 5
- 01:08:04 [til]
- too bad ...
- 01:27:14 [davb]
- back to algebra, one more test and I am done
- 01:59:49 [rbm]
- davb: A friend of mine says that the "Enough Rope..." book is great
- 02:00:04 [davb]
- cool.
- 02:00:12 [davb]
- first I have to finish my math... :)
- 02:04:24 [rbm]
- Is broken?
- 02:05:15 [rbm]
- I only see blank pages tehre
- 02:05:18 [rbm]
- there even
- 02:05:31 [til]
- works for me
- 02:05:41 [rbm]
- must be mozilla then
- 02:05:55 [til]
- or they installed some rbm-blocker
- 02:06:18 [davb]
- works for me mozilla 0.9.8
- 02:07:04 [davb]
- * davb wonders how hard it would be to switch for a source compiled postgresql to the debian package....
- 02:08:31 [rbm]
- davb: pg_dumpall is your friend
- 02:08:34 [til]
- pg_dump, a bit of editing, psql -f ?
- 02:09:29 [til]
- at least you have to manually execute the postgres.sql script from oacs
- 02:10:13 [davb]
- do I need to dump for 7.1 to 7.2?
- 02:10:53 [davb]
- I might wait until rbms everything packages are done :)
- 02:11:20 [davb]
- actually though I need to keep openacs in CVS becuase I am already using modified code...
- 02:13:10 [til]
- what does that mean: do I need to dump for 7.1 to 7.2?
- 02:13:15 [til]
- ah sorry
- 02:13:27 [rbm]
- davb: Yes you do. 7.2 is a major new version
- 02:13:33 [davb]
- ok. thanks.
- 02:17:06 [rbm]
- is awesome in delivering targeted accurate content
- 02:17:58 [davb]
- yes.
- 02:18:22 [davb]
- I was thinking about what makes openacs special, and thought of amazon.
- 02:18:59 [davb]
- on amazon the list of books, etc.. for sale is not the interesting content. it is the links between what you bought, and what other people bought etc...
- 02:19:15 [davb]
- openacs is designed to build on information like that.
- 02:20:03 [davb]
- am I on the right track here?
- 02:20:30 [davb]
- I want to develop this more. basically its retelling part of the story in "the book".. as related to openacs 4 :)
- 02:20:59 [rbm]
- davb: yes
- 02:21:12 [rbm]
- It looks like I'll get to build an inventory system for OACS 4
- 02:21:22 [davb]
- excellent.
- 02:21:31 [davb]
- will you be able to write a little bit about it?
- 02:21:38 [rbm]
- like?
- 02:21:54 [rbm]
- I was hoping I could build on what's already there for e-commerce
- 02:22:10 [davb]
- not sure. I don't know what challenges there will be.
- 02:22:23 [davb]
- that would be nice. will it totally live in openacs or interface with another database?
- 02:22:34 [rbm]
- davb: I'm not sure yet.
- 02:22:41 [davb]
- ok. I won't bug you.
- 02:23:04 [davb]
- My plan is to get people to write up interesting stuff they have done with openacs. so we can have a resource of different ways openacs can be customized.
- 02:23:10 [rbm]
- The client is a gaming store. They do all the inventory in MS works spreadsheets.
- 02:23:20 [davb]
- ah.
- 02:23:53 [davb]
- except now I am working 2 jobs and going back to schoool.... so I am little strapped for time
- 02:23:53 [rbm]
- They have 9 stores and they "update" each other by writing lists on paper and faxing to the other stores, who then enter into their MS Works spreadsheets
- 02:24:03 [davb]
- ouch
- 02:24:54 [rbm]
- Eventually they want to be able to do online sales, mailing lists, wishlists, etc.
- 02:25:04 [davb]
- ah, sounds perfect.
- 02:25:09 [rbm]
- That's basically what e-commerce is supposed to do, so I'm hoping to build on that
- 02:25:50 [til]
- but i am afraid ecommerce is another candidate for rewrite
- 02:26:10 [rbm]
- It'll be interesting to grab the data out of those spreadsheets and stuffing them into OACS
- 02:26:13 [davb]
- were you planning on having them use the web interface for orders? or building a desktop client to access the database?
- 02:26:16 [rbm]
- s/them/it/
- 02:26:37 [til]
- csv is easiest for that i guess
- 02:26:49 [rbm]
- davb: I don't know yet. Possibly both.
- 02:27:02 [davb]
- ok :)
- 02:27:19 [rbm]
- I just talked to the client today, so I haven't given it much thought
- 02:27:39 [rbm]
- til: What's wrong with ecommerce? (haven't used it)
- 02:27:50 [rbm]
- Didn't Flurfly do work on it?
- 02:27:53 [til]
- i started using ecommerce for my online food ordering stuff but ended up doing most of the stuff myself
- 02:27:58 [davb]
- sorry to be so inquisitive :)
- 02:28:08 [til]
- mostly because it was too sophisticated for me in some respects, e.g. a deep sub/sub/category system
- 02:28:10 [rbm]
- davb: no need to be sorry.
- 02:28:41 [davb]
- til: argh... that drives me nuts. that should be intergrated with the rest of the openacs.
- 02:28:49 [til]
- and it's propably badly integrated with oacs4 ... as far as i know it has its own templating system
- 02:28:53 [davb]
- the seperate category systems for different packages.
- 02:29:05 [til]
- oh - and did i mention it sets its own cookies?
- 02:29:11 [davb]
- ruins my whole argument as outlined back there...
- 02:32:20 [til]
- there is propably a lot of great stuff in it, but it needs to be more integrated
- 02:32:36 [til]
- i just see it has an csv bulk upload
- 02:34:00 [rbm]
- davb: I think I'll get "Code Complete" instead. (notice that I stuck the "postgresql-20" code in there to give some money to PG :-))
- 02:35:20 [rbm]
- "Writing Solid Code : Microsoft's Techniques for Developing Bug-Free C Programs" <-- this has _got_ to be a joke
- 02:35:41 [davb]
- not really.
- 02:36:00 [davb]
- those are the techniques for bug-free programs, doesn't mean everyone at MS uses them.
- 02:36:02 [davb]
- :)
- 02:36:14 [davb]
- it is supposed to be an excellent book.
- 02:36:33 [davb]
- rbm: have you read the pragmatic programmer? also very good.
- 02:37:39 [rbm]
- davb: A friend lent it to me, but I only had time to read half of it by the time I had to return it.
- 02:37:58 [rbm]
- I thought it was a great book
- 02:55:20 [vinod]
- vinod ( has joined #openacs
- 02:56:41 [davb]
- hi vinod
- 02:57:07 [davb]
- * davb welcomes another opportunity to avoid to #openacs
- 02:59:57 [vinod]
- heh - hey davb
- 03:00:10 [vinod]
- i'm all for work-avoidance :-)
- 03:10:18 [andyn]
- andyn ( has joined #openacs
- 03:10:56 [andyn]
- andyn has quit (Client Quit)
- 03:10:58 [andyn]
- andyn ( has joined #openacs
- 03:11:05 [andyn]
- andyn has quit (Client Quit)
- 03:18:54 [davb]
- yeah! I finished all the problems in my algebra book!
- 03:19:02 [davb]
- now on to geometry and trig.
- 03:20:59 [vinod]
- woohoo!
- 03:21:04 [vinod]
- nice going davb
- 04:10:09 [davb]
- davb has quit ("Client Exiting")
- 04:10:09 [vinod]
- vinod has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- 04:25:11 [andyn]
- andyn ( has joined #openacs
- 04:47:50 [hazmat]
- hazmat has changed the topic to: OpenACS 4.5 Beta available: || Waiting For DotLRN (Godot)
- 04:49:25 [til]
- haha
- 04:49:39 [til]
- GodotLRN
- 04:49:57 [til]
- go, dotLRN, go!
- 06:41:05 [lin_guy]
- lin_guy ( has joined #OpenACS
- 06:41:26 [lin_guy]
- lin_guy has left #OpenACS
- 07:22:02 [rbm]
- rbm has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- 07:23:04 [talli]
- talli ( has joined #openacs
- 07:38:32 [paje]
- paje has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- 07:39:07 [talli]
- paje, you miserable bastard. always running off...
- 08:14:15 [hazmat]
- hi talli
- 08:14:15 [talli]
- talli has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- 13:46:59 [davb]
- davb ( has joined #openacs
- 13:48:07 [davb]
- hi
- 13:55:09 [Psychephylax]
- Psychephylax ( has joined #openacs
- 14:03:15 [Psychephylax]
- I need web space
- 14:09:08 [davb]
- what kind of service?
- 14:12:11 [Psychephylax]
- just some basic web space
- 14:12:27 [Psychephylax]
- Although sometimes it gets lots of hits :)
- 14:12:49 [davb]
- I use cornerhost
- 14:13:02 [davb]
- 14:13:02 [oacs-chump]
- A: from davb
- 14:13:06 [Psychephylax]
- yeah, the trick is that I don't want to pay for it :)
- 14:13:14 [davb]
- oh, sorry, can't help you :)
- 14:13:20 [Psychephylax]
- I'm working on it though
- 14:13:30 [Psychephylax]
- I suggested to my boss we set up a box running apache :)
- 14:13:47 [Psychephylax]
- I work for an ISP after all
- 14:13:53 [davb]
- ah, yeah true.
- 14:23:24 [Psychephylax]
- need to format the box and harden it though
- 14:23:31 [Psychephylax]
- Maybe install Snort on it
- 14:23:36 [Psychephylax]
- and some firewall software
- 14:25:03 [Psychephylax]
- I wish they never blocked port 80 on my ISP
- 14:25:26 [davb]
- yeah, that is a pain
- 14:25:53 [Psychephylax]
- brb
- 14:25:56 [Psychephylax]
- Psychephylax has quit ()
- 14:27:04 [Psychephylax]
- Psychephylax ( has joined #openacs
- 14:27:10 [Psychephylax]
- ahhh...console based
- 14:27:13 [Psychephylax]
- that's how I like it
- 15:21:05 [davb]
- bbl torture^H^H^H^H^H^H^H meeting...
- 15:29:57 [Psychephylax]
- hmm
- 15:43:28 [Psychephylax]
- hi ho...hi ho...upgrading the kernel I go...
- 15:44:22 [Psychephylax]
- davb, old blogs are funny to read
- 16:17:21 [k2pts]
- k2pts (~nkd@ has joined #openacs
- 16:20:28 [vinod]
- vinod ( has joined #openacs
- 16:20:39 [k2pts]
- hey vinod
- 16:21:07 [vinod]
- hey k2pts
- 16:21:24 [k2pts]
- have you had the chance to try openacs with pg-7.2
- 16:21:56 [vinod]
- yeah, well, with 7.2rc2, but mostly to check that installation worked. haven't banged on it too hard
- 16:22:12 [k2pts]
- it doesn't work for me and can't figure out what's wrong
- 16:22:22 [k2pts]
- it's the same problem as sometime ago...
- 16:22:39 [k2pts]
- it resets the connection to postgresql just after
- 16:22:47 [k2pts]
- generating secret tokens...really strange
- 16:22:51 [k2pts]
- also,
- 16:23:38 [k2pts]
- I have upgraded one database from 7.1.3 to 7.2 and it fails whenever I try to access /admin/site-map (there's a query that makes use of all three pools but I don't think that's must be something else)
- 16:24:48 [vinod]
- weird. does PG report an error? or just crash
- 16:25:11 [k2pts]
- just crash...I haven't looked at this very deeply and I intend to try it more tonight...
- 16:25:39 [Psychephylax]
- hey vinod
- 16:25:45 [vinod]
- hey Psychephylax
- 16:25:47 [k2pts]
- sometime ago, when rc1 or rc2 was released, we had the same problem with wouldn't show the submit button, remember? it's similar
- 16:26:04 [k2pts]
- the symptoms that is
- 16:26:20 [vinod]
- yeah. it thought that had something to do with oids being used
- 16:26:33 [k2pts]
- could you explain a bit more...
- 16:26:57 [vinod]
- i was hoping you wouldn't ask that :-)
- 16:27:01 [vinod]
- lemme find the bboard thread
- 16:27:09 [k2pts]
- that would be great thanks
- 16:28:31 [vinod]
- here it is:
- 16:28:43 [vinod]
- not sure if it's the same problem you're talking about
- 16:30:43 [k2pts]
- ok, I'll have to ping Don about it...any news if dotlrn is going to be released today, finally I mean
- 16:31:09 [vinod]
- i haven't heard - hopefully it will
- 16:31:37 [k2pts]
- yeap
- 16:31:52 [k2pts]
- ok vinod, thx for that thread...we talk later
- 16:32:01 [k2pts]
- I'm going to play a bit with a fresh install
- 16:32:17 [vinod]
- cool - i'll keep my fingers crossed :-)
- 16:32:35 [k2pts]
- heh
- 16:32:37 [k2pts]
- l8r
- 16:32:51 [k2pts]
- k2pts has left #openacs
- 16:34:06 [k2pts]
- k2pts (~nkd@ has joined #openacs
- 16:34:09 [k2pts]
- that was quick
- 16:34:18 [k2pts]
- it's already that's not it :)
- 16:35:52 [vinod]
- hmmm .... i'm stumped then. once that problem was fixed, pg installed smoothly for me on 7.2rc2
- 16:36:34 [k2pts]
- don't know if I'm missing something but it looks strange to me...I did try a fresh install and it has the same problem
- 16:38:05 [k2pts]
- anyway, I'll head out and try to figure this out...
- 16:38:10 [k2pts]
- k2pts has left #openacs
- 16:43:38 [davb]
- hi vinod
- 16:43:47 [vinod]
- hey davb
- 17:03:49 [andyn]
- andyn has quit ("leaving")
- 17:06:30 [k2pts]
- k2pts (~nkd@ has joined #openacs
- 17:06:52 [k2pts]
- vinod still there? I need a second opinion
- 17:08:20 [vinod]
- hey k2pts
- 17:08:39 [k2pts]
- hey
- 17:08:51 [k2pts]
- here's the log dump, I need a second opinion
- 17:09:30 [k2pts]
- [29/Mar/2002:19:03:25][1505.9226][-conn6-] Notice: INSTALL-HACK-LOG-BEN: version_id is 2383
- 17:09:30 [k2pts]
- NOTICE: identifier "apm_package_version__add_dependency" will be truncated to "apm_package_version__add_depend"
- 17:09:30 [k2pts]
- NOTICE: identifier "apm_package_version__add_dependency" will be truncated to "apm_package_version__add_depend"
- 17:09:30 [k2pts]
- NOTICE: identifier "apm_package_version__add_dependency" will be truncated to "apm_package_version__add_depend"
- 17:09:30 [oacs-chump]
- Label NOTICE not found.
- 17:09:31 [oacs-chump]
- Label NOTICE not found.
- 17:09:32 [oacs-chump]
- Label NOTICE not found.
- 17:09:32 [k2pts]
- NOTICE: identifier "apm_package_version__add_dependency" will be truncated to "apm_package_version__add_depend"
- 17:09:33 [oacs-chump]
- Label NOTICE not found.
- 17:09:36 [k2pts]
- NOTICE: Message from PostgreSQL backend:
- 17:09:36 [oacs-chump]
- Label NOTICE not found.
- 17:09:38 [k2pts]
- The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend
- 17:09:40 [k2pts]
- died abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.
- 17:09:42 [k2pts]
- I have rolled back the current transaction and am
- 17:09:44 [k2pts]
- going to terminate your database system connection and exit.
- 17:09:46 [k2pts]
- Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.
- 17:09:48 [k2pts]
- [29/Mar/2002:19:03:29][1505.9226][-conn6-] Notice: Ns_PgExec: Trying to reopen database connection
- 17:09:50 [k2pts]
- [29/Mar/2002:19:03:29][1505.9226][-conn6-] Notice: Opening test-cvs-db on localhost
- 17:09:52 [k2pts]
- [29/Mar/2002:19:03:29][1505.9226][-conn6-] Error: Ns_PgOpenDb(postgres): Could not connect to localhost::test-cvs-db: FATAL 1: The database system is starting up
- 17:09:55 [k2pts]
- [29/Mar/2002:19:03:29][1505.9226][-conn6-] Error: Error sourcing /web/test-cvs/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/installer/packages-install.tcl:
- 17:09:58 [k2pts]
- Database operation "0or1row" failed (exception NSDB, "Query was not a statement returning rows.")
- 17:10:00 [k2pts]
- while executing
- 17:10:02 [k2pts]
- "ns_pg_bind 0or1row nsdb0 {
- 17:10:04 [k2pts]
- select count(*) from pg_class
- 17:10:06 [k2pts]
- where relname = lower(:table_name) and
- 17:10:08 [k2pts]
- relname !~ '^pg_' and relkind = 'r'
- 17:10:10 [k2pts]
- ..."
- 17:10:12 [k2pts]
- ("uplevel" body line 1)
- 17:10:14 [k2pts]
- invoked from within
- 17:10:16 [k2pts]
- "uplevel $ulevel [list ns_pg_bind $type $db $sql"
- 17:10:18 [k2pts]
- invoked from within
- 17:10:20 [k2pts]
- "if { [info exists bind] && [llength $bind] != 0 } {
- 17:10:22 [k2pts]
- if { [llength $bind] == 1 } {
- 17:10:24 [k2pts]
- return [eval [list ns_pg_bind $type $db -bind $bind $sql]]
- 17:10:26 [k2pts]
- ..."
- 17:10:28 [k2pts]
- invoked from within
- 17:10:30 [k2pts]
- "db_exec 0or1row $db $full_name $sql"
- 17:10:32 [k2pts]
- invoked from within
- 17:10:34 [k2pts]
- "set selection [db_exec 0or1row $db $full_name $sql]"
- 17:10:35 [k2pts]
- ("uplevel" body line 2)
- 17:10:38 [k2pts]
- invoked from within
- 17:10:39 [k2pts]
- "uplevel 1 $code_block "
- 17:10:42 [k2pts]
- invoked from within
- 17:10:44 [k2pts]
- "db_with_handle db {
- 17:10:46 [k2pts]
- set selection [db_exec 0or1row $db $full_name $sql]
- 17:10:48 [k2pts]
- }"
- 17:10:50 [k2pts]
- (procedure "db_string" line 7)
- 17:10:52 [k2pts]
- invoked from within
- 17:10:54 [k2pts]
- "db_string table_count {
- 17:10:56 [k2pts]
- select count(*) from pg_class
- 17:10:58 [k2pts]
- where relname = lower(:table_name) and
- 17:11:00 [k2pts]
- relname !~ '^pg_' and relkind = 'r'
- 17:11:02 [k2pts]
- }"
- 17:11:04 [k2pts]
- (procedure "db_table_exists" line 2)
- 17:11:06 [k2pts]
- invoked from within
- 17:11:08 [k2pts]
- "db_table_exists apm_packages"
- 17:11:10 [k2pts]
- (procedure "ad_acs_kernel_id" line 1)
- 17:11:12 [k2pts]
- invoked from within
- 17:11:14 [k2pts]
- "ad_acs_kernel_id"
- 17:11:16 [k2pts]
- (procedure "populate_secret_tokens_db" line 3)
- 17:11:18 [k2pts]
- invoked from within
- 17:11:20 [k2pts]
- "populate_secret_tokens_db"
- 17:11:22 [k2pts]
- (file "/web/test-cvs/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/installer/packages-install.tcl" line 46)
- 17:11:23 [k2pts]
- invoked from within
- 17:11:25 [k2pts]
- "source $__file "
- 17:11:32 [k2pts]
- take a look and I want to show you something
- 17:11:36 [k2pts]
- db_table_exists apm_packages is never called inside ad_acs_kernel_id
- 17:11:40 [k2pts]
- so that's strange, I don't know if I'm missing something obvious I would really appreciate any ideas
- 17:12:28 [vinod]
- k2pts: actually, look at the packages-install.tcl file. ad_acs_kernel_id is defined as a proc in that file and calls db_table_exists
- 17:13:09 [k2pts]
- oh you're right. I was looking under acs-tcl
- 17:13:33 [vinod]
- yeah. for some reason it's redefined to override the acs-tcl def
- 17:16:10 [davb]
- it looks like postgresql is dying before it gets to that...
- 17:16:41 [k2pts]
- davb: any idea, why's that happening?
- 17:16:53 [k2pts]
- here's how I start my postgresql:
- 17:17:11 [k2pts]
- su -l postgres -c 'export LANG=C; /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -N 200 -B 1000 -o "-S 2000" -S -D /usr/local/pgsql/data '
- 17:17:16 [davb]
- not really :)
- 17:17:41 [davb]
- I have all my setting in postgresql.conf.. let me look
- 17:17:48 [k2pts]
- ok
- 17:19:02 [davb]
- my connectsions (-N) is default (32)
- 17:19:11 [davb]
- my shared buffers are 256
- 17:19:22 [k2pts]
- so does that mean that I might be running out of memory
- 17:19:40 [davb]
- maybe. that seems like alot of shared buffers. they are 8k each I think...
- 17:20:12 [k2pts]
- ok, I'll give it another shot
- 17:20:22 [davb]
- oops, my max connections is actually 64...
- 17:20:32 [davb]
- my sort_mem is 2000
- 17:21:13 [Psychephylax]
- .
- 17:21:20 [davb]
- ,
- 17:21:26 [k2pts]
- davb: I have 512MB, so I think it should handle that
- 17:21:27 [vinod]
- :
- 17:21:49 [davb]
- sure. I am totally guessing. I don't even really know what those do. I just copied vinod :)
- 17:22:00 [vinod]
- haha
- 17:22:08 [vinod]
- and i just copied someone else
- 17:25:23 [davb]
- what ?! I thought that advice was guaranteed!
- 17:25:26 [k2pts]
- ok, testing again
- 17:25:31 [davb]
- :)
- 17:26:06 [k2pts]
- davb: you have the default settings...I think I copied mine from Henry
- 17:26:10 [vinod]
- heh - sorry davb. you should know by now to ignore anything i say :-)
- 17:26:15 [k2pts]
- that was for 7.1.3 though
- 17:26:26 [davb]
- ah. right. I haven't tried 7.2 yet.
- 17:28:55 [k2pts]
- same thing...and I also get
- 17:28:57 [k2pts]
- [29/Mar/2002:19:34:35][2027.3076][-conn0-] Error: QD_LOGGER = Error parsing queryfile /web/test-cvs/packages/acs-subsite/www/register/user-new.xql:
- 17:30:47 [k2pts]
- there's no such file
- 17:31:30 [vinod]
- i had a similar problem. the file is present in the openacs-4-5 CVS branch, but not in the main branch
- 17:33:21 [k2pts]
- interesting
- 17:34:10 [k2pts]
- I would expect that changes go into the devel branch and then merge...that's strange...I thought that that was don's plan...
- 17:34:21 [vinod]
- i'm still confused about how to work with CVS and this new branch. should fixes be made to both branches?
- 17:34:38 [davb]
- no. fixes go in the beta branch.
- 17:34:45 [davb]
- new development goes in the devel branch.
- 17:34:50 [k2pts]
- is that right davb?
- 17:34:55 [davb]
- when beta is done, the fixes will be merged back into devel
- 17:35:05 [davb]
- so hopefully beta will be over soon.
- 17:35:08 [k2pts]
- yes but I think that don said the opposite, I might be wrong
- 17:35:09 [vinod]
- so that means that the devel branch might not be usable temporarily because some missing files aren't merged in yet
- 17:35:38 [davb]
- I am surprised there ar emissing files. I was using the main branch right befoer it was split.
- 17:36:02 [k2pts]
- could be, if what davb is saying is true...I really thought it was the opposite going on...
- 17:36:20 [k2pts]
- I'm trying to update my beta branch and see if there were any changes lately
- 17:36:22 [davb]
- that was what I got out of the bboard thread...
- 17:36:36 [vinod]
- k2pts: i think davb is right. don said that beta fixes would be merged back into dev
- 17:36:45 [k2pts]
- ok
- 17:36:55 [vinod]
- and that putting fixes in both branches will complicate the merge
- 17:37:21 [k2pts]
- yes that's the post...I thought it was vice versa, whatever, I haven't applied any patches since beta
- 17:37:33 [k2pts]
- I don't see any changes on the beta branch though
- 17:37:55 [davb]
- don said he was going to work on applying patches this weekend.
- 17:41:59 [k2pts]
- really, strange
- 17:42:16 [k2pts]
- have to try again with the beta branch, see if it works that way
- 17:49:23 [k2pts]
- same thing
- 17:52:07 [k2pts]
- any ideas?
- 17:52:25 [davb]
- I can't even get 7.2 to install...
- 17:52:32 [k2pts]
- heh
- 17:53:53 [vinod]
- i blew my 7.2 install away last wk, so i can't test right now
- 17:54:12 [k2pts]
- anyway I have to head out... davb: if you have any luck with this one, I would appreciate if you could email me so that I know I missed something but it's really strange...I can't think a reason for getting this behavior (backend dying)
- 17:54:32 [davb]
- my either, very strange. I'll let you know if I get it to work.
- 17:54:37 [k2pts]
- thx
- 17:54:38 [k2pts]
- l8r
- 17:54:41 [k2pts]
- k2pts has left #openacs
- 17:56:37 [davb]
- I am getting this error: usr/lib/postgresql/bin/pg_encoding: relocation error: /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/pg_encoding: undefined symbol: pg_char_to_encoding
- 17:56:37 [davb]
- initdb: pg_encoding failed
- 17:58:29 [vinod]
- are you using the .deb?
- 17:58:42 [davb]
- yeah apt-get install postgresql
- 17:59:05 [davb]
- it won't install, and I can't remove it either...
- 17:59:49 [davb]
- oh remove -f works..
- 18:01:39 [vinod]
- i've always done pg from source, but i'll probably change to the debs soon
- 18:02:02 [davb]
- I always used source too :) maybe I still will.
- 18:02:29 [vinod]
- heh
- 18:03:25 [davb]
- ah. it is picking up on my old 7.1.3 install...
- 18:03:32 [davb]
- that was from source...
- 18:04:23 [davb]
- yeah!
- 18:04:35 [davb]
- i removed /usr/local/pgsql from
- 18:04:57 [davb]
- brb
- 18:04:59 [davb]
- davb has quit ()
- 18:14:36 [talli]
- talli ( has joined #openacs
- 18:24:19 [vinod]
- hey talli
- 18:24:38 [talli]
- hey vinod
- 18:24:50 [vinod]
- i take it you caught that red-eye
- 18:25:08 [Psychephylax]
- pink eye?
- 18:25:11 [talli]
- actually, i didn't
- 18:25:20 [vinod]
- oh, you were just ignoring me
- 18:25:25 [talli]
- but i left the office really late, and when i did i forgot your phone number
- 18:25:30 [vinod]
- haha
- 18:25:34 [vinod]
- nice excuse
- 18:25:48 [vinod]
- i've heard that one from every girl i've asked out
- 18:25:56 [talli]
- haha
- 18:26:17 [talli]
- well, the difference was that i was actually looking for some action
- 18:26:23 [talli]
- so it's both of our losses
- 18:26:24 [vinod]
- lol
- 18:26:28 [vinod]
- glad you didn't call
- 18:26:34 [talli]
- haha
- 18:27:33 [vinod]
- hey Psychephylax - i'm going to russia next week
- 18:35:47 [Psychephylax]
- really?
- 18:35:48 [Psychephylax]
- What part
- 18:36:05 [vinod]
- moscow - for 4 days
- 18:36:08 [Psychephylax]
- cool
- 18:36:12 [Psychephylax]
- Tell them I said hi :-D
- 18:36:25 [vinod]
- i'll write it in spray paint on the kremlin
- 18:37:24 [Psychephylax]
- lol
- 18:37:31 [vinod]
- :-)
- 18:37:55 [vinod]
- i can't wait. it should be a lotta fun
- 18:40:04 [Psychephylax]
- Don't get arrested!
- 18:40:11 [vinod]
- haha
- 18:41:08 [davb]
- davb ( has joined #openacs
- 18:41:12 [davb]
- hi.
- 18:41:23 [talli]
- yo davb
- 18:41:30 [davb]
- hi talli, welcome back
- 18:41:36 [talli]
- thanks
- 19:03:23 [Psychephylax]
- man, sometimes my friends really piss me off
- 19:03:24 [vinod]
- vinod has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- 19:10:39 [davb]
- vinod doesn't take criticism to well
- 19:13:55 [Psychephylax]
- heh
- 19:14:43 [Psychephylax]
- must compile FBSD kernel
- 19:28:11 [davb]
- talli: hows momentum?
- 19:33:40 [Psychephylax]
- me thinks he's ignoring you
- 19:33:45 [Psychephylax]
- :)
- 19:50:23 [Psychephylax]
- Dave
- 19:50:32 [Psychephylax]
- you still host chump and loggy on your home machine?
- 19:50:38 [davb]
- yep
- 19:50:45 [Psychephylax]
- k
- 19:50:46 [davb]
- just chump
- 19:50:51 [davb]
- * davb reads...
- 19:51:07 [Psychephylax]
- * Psychephylax writes faster than dave reads so dave can't stop
- 19:51:25 [davb]
- the problem is I write faster then I can read
- 19:51:56 [Psychephylax]
- lol
- 19:53:30 [Psychephylax]
- You know
- 19:53:32 [Psychephylax]
- Friday's suck
- 19:53:35 [Psychephylax]
- I want to go home
- 20:01:46 [talli]
- talli has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- 20:04:33 [andyn]
- andyn ( has joined #openacs
- 20:05:29 [andyn]
- andyn has quit (Client Quit)
- 20:09:12 [markd2]
- markd2 ( has joined #openacs
- 20:11:36 [davb]
- hi markd2
- 20:11:42 [davb]
- congrats!
- 20:12:56 [Psychephylax]
- On?
- 20:13:03 [Psychephylax]
- * Psychephylax gives markd2 a cookie just in case
- 20:13:18 [davb]
- exactly
- 20:13:29 [markd2]
- hiya
- 20:13:29 [markd2]
- thanks!
- 20:14:09 [Psychephylax]
- :-D
- 20:15:10 [davb]
- hmmm, is intarray not included in postgresql 7.2?
- 20:18:18 [davb]
- looks like it should be in there somewhere...
- 20:24:39 [davb]
- hmmm. I am having a problem reloading a database into postgresql frm a dump.
- 20:25:06 [davb]
- it says I am the wrong user. if I am postgres it looks for the db owner user. if I am that user, it looks for postgres...
- 20:28:10 [til]
- davb: try to delete all \connect lines from the dump file
- 20:28:24 [til]
- at least thats what worked for me
- 20:33:03 [til]
- are you upgrading from 7.1 to 7.2? the you have to psql -f the postgres.sql file from oacs
- 20:36:15 [davb]
- ah.
- 20:36:21 [davb]
- ok.
- 20:36:24 [davb]
- thanks for both.
- 20:37:00 [davb]
- seen on IRC: ""If we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made of meat?""
- 20:38:02 [til]
- heh
- 20:38:48 [davb]
- cool,
- 20:38:56 [davb]
- but intarray still does not exist.
- 20:39:12 [til]
- what is that? a pg function?
- 20:39:42 [davb]
- yeah. its part of 7.1 in contrib.
- 20:39:47 [davb]
- needed for openfts.
- 20:39:56 [davb]
- the next version of openfts doesn't use it.
- 20:40:05 [davb]
- s/doesn't/won't
- 20:40:07 [til]
- i wish i knew anything about openfts
- 20:40:19 [davb]
- its cool. :)
- 20:40:27 [til]
- i know ;)
- 20:40:49 [davb]
- in the context of openacs at least, it works great. I have no idea how it works though :)
- 20:41:29 [til]
- have a good example handy? is it enabled on your site?
- 20:41:46 [davb]
- yes. www/
- 20:42:02 [davb]
- the chump weblog is in there.
- 20:42:26 [davb]
- :( no dotlrn news yet...
- 20:42:27 [til]
- wow
- 20:42:45 [til]
- see /topic ;)
- 20:46:36 [markd2]
- * markd2 joins the Beckett Line
- 20:48:03 [davb]
- hmmmm... yahoo gave me a free email account. should I turn off the spam them turned on for my account, or send it to my free yahoo account and clog up their mail server...
- 20:48:30 [davb]
- yahoo has reset all the marketing preferences for everyone's accounts to YES. nice of them hmmmm?
- 20:49:30 [davb]
- I asked for EVERYTHING! and turned on html mail.
- 20:50:34 [markd2]
- can you forward accounts to each other
- 20:50:37 [markd2]
- set up a spam mail loop
- 20:52:00 [til]
- paje, slashdot
- 20:52:11 [til]
- oh, he is gone
- 20:52:18 [markd2]
- noooo!!!!!!
- 20:52:37 [til]
- markd2, slashdot
- 20:53:28 [til]
- til, slashdot
- 20:53:29 [til]
- Yahoo Knows Best, Resets Users' Marketing Prefs
- 20:56:48 [Psychephylax]
- :-/
- 21:01:51 [markd2]
- "slashdot is to be avoided"
- 21:01:57 [markd2]
- "if you must see it, use instead"
- 21:02:11 [markd2]
- "99.9% fewer natalie portman posts"
- 21:08:11 [davb]
- I just read the front page.
- 21:11:28 [andy_]
- andy_ ( has joined #openacs
- 21:13:27 [andy_]
- andy_ has quit (Client Quit)
- 21:19:15 [andyn]
- andyn ( has joined #openacs
- 21:19:56 [andyn]
- andyn has quit (Client Quit)
- 21:20:21 [andyn]
- andyn ( has joined #openacs
- 21:20:26 [andyn]
- andyn has quit (Client Quit)
- 21:24:05 [davb]
- davb has quit ()
- 21:45:29 [Psychephylax]
- Psychephylax has quit ("Psychephylax has no reason")
- 21:55:09 [talilee]
- talilee (~talli@ has joined #openacs
- 22:36:47 [til]
- anybody know where the to_interval() func comes from? there seems to be yet another 7.1-> 7.2 issue
- 22:37:28 [til]
- ah, it's in acs-events
- 22:37:45 [til]
- calendar week-view bombs on 7.2
- 22:37:48 [til]
- grr
- 22:46:12 [til]
- what on earth does this do, and why won't it work under 7.2 anymore: return '''''''' || interval__number || '' '' || interval__units || '''''''' || ''::interval'';
- 22:46:42 [til]
- this is the body of the to_interval function
- 22:50:57 [markd2]
- that's pretty intense
- 22:51:12 [til]
- i think removing some ' will help
- 22:52:56 [markd2]
- I feel the urge to backslash randomly
- 22:53:08 [til]
- in 7.2 it ends up as string ''3 days'::interval' ... while in 7.1 it is casted to an interval
- 22:53:34 [til]
- don't confuse it with emacs programming ;)
- 22:57:22 [til]
- so can anyone tell me if i should not replace that with this: return (interval__number || '' '' || interval__units)::interval; ?
- 22:57:36 [til]
- seems to work under both versions
- 23:14:44 [til]
- how could i believe that the acs-events drop script would work
- 23:28:37 [markd2]
- markd2 has quit ("Bork")
- 23:33:38 [talilee]
- talilee has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))