IRC log of openacs on 2001-11-22

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:06:01 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Hi all. If you're using custom channel levels, please let us know. Apparently it's possible to reset all channels' levels with a single command, which ignores a channelname option if specified. 8)
00:06:30 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] As the person who made that goof, I can tell you that command is not going to stay around. ;)
00:15:23 [ElectricElf]
[GlobalNotice] Apparently there's some confusion. Just to clear things up, the command which reset all the levels is only available to services administrators. Not even regular opers/network admins have access to it. There are 13 people who can the RESETLEVELS command on this network :)
01:35:04 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw disconnects
02:12:28 [markd2]
markd2 (~markd2@ has joined #openacs
02:19:03 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw reconnects
02:46:21 [abbaJ]
abbaJ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
02:46:42 [talli]
talli ( has joined #openacs
03:35:56 [talli]
talli has quit ("Peace & Protection 4.00 FINAL BETA")
03:42:41 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] Hi all. If you got caught earlier today in the reset of custom channel levels, and you need your levels reset, please check in on #openprojects. You might want to leave the levels standard this time around, though....particularly, turning off AUTOOP is highly recommended on Open Projects. Regardless, if you need help with fixing your levels, please drop by. Thanks.
03:43:03 [lilo]
[GlobalNotice] s/need your levels reset/need your levels reconfigured/
04:38:54 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw reconnects
04:43:30 [markd2]
markd2 has quit ("Bork")
04:53:57 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw disconnects
05:25:01 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw reconnects
06:21:43 [docwolf]
docwolf has quit (
06:21:43 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
06:25:25 [AaronSw]
AaronSw ( has joined #openacs
06:25:33 [ChanServ]
[#openacs] This channel is logged: and blogged:
06:25:34 [docwolf]
docwolf ( has joined #openacs
06:28:32 [dent]
[GlobalNotice] Applogies for that rather large disruption, someone used a command which sends the ircd into an infinite loop, and caused our hub to crash. Oops. That hub has been upgraded to .26 so it won't be a problem anymore (took the opportunity while it was crashed). There are only a 4 servers left running with the old version. Again, our appologies.
06:39:17 [docwolf]
docwolf has quit (
06:39:17 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
06:40:26 [docwolf]
docwolf ( has joined #openacs
06:40:26 [AaronSw]
AaronSw ( has joined #openacs
06:40:35 [ChanServ]
[#openacs] This channel is logged: and blogged:
07:38:56 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
07:39:39 [AaronSw]
AaronSw ( has joined #openacs
08:38:53 [rafa]
rafa ( has joined #openacs
08:39:46 [rafa]
08:39:58 [rafa]
anyone from musea?
08:51:01 [docwolf]
docwolf has quit (
08:51:01 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
08:51:01 [GEM]
GEM has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
08:51:01 []
Disconnected from (ERROR :Closing Link: loggy[~openacs-l@] (Ping timeout: 181 seconds))
08:51:11 [loggy]
loggy ( has joined #openacs
08:51:11 []
topic is: Welcome to #openacs, where halloween is every day.
08:51:11 []
Users on #openacs: loggy rafa
08:51:11 [rafa]
rafa has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
08:54:42 [shagster]
shagster ( has joined #openacs
08:54:42 [chump]
chump ( has joined #openacs
08:54:42 [GEM_]
GEM_ (~mcmullan@MULTICS.MIT.EDU) has joined #openacs
08:54:42 [AaronSw]
AaronSw ( has joined #openacs
08:54:42 [docwolf]
docwolf ( has joined #openacs
08:54:48 [ChanServ]
[#openacs] This channel is logged: and blogged:
08:56:00 []
Disconnected from (Connection reset by peer)
08:56:06 [loggy]
loggy ( has joined #openacs
08:56:06 []
topic is: Welcome to #openacs, where halloween is every day.
08:56:06 []
Users on #openacs: loggy docwolf AaronSw GEM_ chump shagster
08:56:08 [ChanServ]
[#openacs] This channel is logged: and blogged:
09:09:15 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw disconnects
09:56:40 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
09:56:40 [GEM_]
GEM_ has quit (
09:56:42 [GEM_]
GEM_ (~mcmullan@MULTICS.MIT.EDU) has joined #openacs
09:56:57 [AaronSw]
AaronSw ( has joined #openacs
11:22:10 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
11:22:24 [AaronSw]
AaronSw ( has joined #openacs
12:58:33 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
12:58:38 [AaronSw]
AaronSw ( has joined #openacs
13:12:50 [AaronSw]
AaronSw has quit (
13:18:38 [AaronSw]
AaronSw ( has joined #openacs
14:53:53 [markd2]
markd2 ( has joined #openacs
15:07:12 [vinod]
vinod (~vinod@ has joined #openacs
15:15:27 [markd2]
15:15:30 [markd2]
Merry Gluttony Day!
15:17:05 [markd2]
markd2 is now known as markd2cat`
15:17:21 [markd2cat`]
markd2cat` is now known as markd2
15:19:12 [vinod]
Happy Turkey Day!
15:19:31 [vinod]
* vinod is hoping no one gets sick today :-)
15:21:17 [markd2]
I'd like my turkey rare please
15:21:29 [markd2]
mmmm.. pork tartare
15:21:41 [docwolf]
i'm taking some prophylactic doxy
15:21:43 [docwolf]
i will be fine.
15:21:48 [markd2]
sounds kinky
15:21:51 [vinod]
15:22:24 [docwolf]
dudes... this phone/palm thing is insane.. i was just using AIM on it.
15:22:55 [vinod]
what phone/palm thing?
15:22:59 [docwolf]
15:23:04 [docwolf]
i went nuts yesterday
15:23:07 [docwolf]
entered a manic phase
15:23:11 [docwolf]
and before i knew it
15:23:13 [docwolf]
15:23:14 [chump]
A: from docwolf
15:23:20 [docwolf]
became part of the family.
15:23:38 [docwolf]
those assholes at best buy were egging me on
15:23:49 [docwolf]
"everyone gather round to see the freak that buys the $400 phone..."
15:24:26 [vinod]
cool - that thing looks sleek
15:25:23 [vinod]
is it usable as a palm? (ie big enough buttons for an old fogey like me to use)
15:30:26 [markd2]
vinod is still a young fogey
15:30:29 [markd2]
* markd2 is a middle-aged fogey
15:32:55 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw reconnects
15:33:11 [vinod]
* vinod looks forward to all the wisdom he'll gain upon becoming a middle-aged fogey
15:33:13 [til]
til ( has joined #openacs
15:35:26 [markd2]
or at least the wisdom teeth
15:35:29 [markd2]
no wait, you're not a DDS.
15:35:34 [markd2]
15:35:41 [vinod]
15:36:05 [vinod]
i still have my wisdom teeth and damn the dentist that tries to take em away!
15:41:00 [docwolf]
vinod -- the palm piece is OK
15:41:13 [docwolf]
the phone interface is a little awkward for "one-handed dialing",
15:41:27 [docwolf]
but it's nice having hundreds of people in the phone list that you can reach with like 3-taps
15:42:29 [docwolf]
also, for mega-sloths such as myself
15:42:49 [docwolf]
having moviefone, weather, etc... is cool
15:43:28 [vinod]
that is cool
15:43:42 [docwolf]
.. and being able to look at amazon book reviews when i'm in B&N... priceless :-)
15:43:50 [vinod]
ever since the qualcomm pda-phone thing, i've been hoping to get one, once it's mature
15:43:59 [vinod]
true, true :-)
15:44:01 [docwolf]
this one is pretty good.
15:44:06 [docwolf]
the sound quality is amazing.
15:44:11 [docwolf]
much better than my old startac
15:44:28 [docwolf]
not sure about battery life yet, which could be an issue.
15:44:44 [docwolf]
and the size is OK. it's much smaller than that kyocera palm phone
15:44:54 [docwolf]
because they shrunk the screen.
15:45:36 [docwolf]
i guess the pricing is OK too.
15:45:49 [markd2]
you can get some higher-powered contacts to read the screen better
15:45:54 [docwolf]
for the super-sloth, sprint has 1000 "daytime" minutes
15:46:02 [docwolf]
and 7500 "nighttime minutes"
15:46:05 [docwolf]
for $79.95
15:46:14 [docwolf]
add $5.00 a month for internet crapola
15:48:06 [vinod]
wow - i think i use like 150 minutes a month
15:48:14 [vinod]
* vinod needs to start calling more people
15:50:01 [markd2]
blarg. I hate phones
15:50:06 [markd2]
I prefer email and IRC. more natural
15:50:16 [markd2]
or food.
15:50:55 [vinod]
markd2 has a food-phone?
15:54:53 [markd2]
it's a very sophisticated fax machine
15:55:03 [markd2]
"Robin! to the Food Phone!"
15:55:21 [docwolf]
15:55:27 [vinod]
haha - i'm not sure i want to know where the fax comes out
15:55:40 [docwolf]
is kozmo still in business? I can use my wireless device to get ben & jerrys and porn
15:56:05 [markd2]
mmmm.. Ben & Jerry's Porn....
15:56:12 [vinod]
docwolf is never leaving home again
15:56:16 [docwolf]
15:56:17 [markd2]
"Hey baby, I've got a Vermonster in my pocket"
15:56:22 [docwolf]
15:56:22 [vinod]
15:56:24 [docwolf]
papa johns pizza
15:56:30 [docwolf]
has an online ordering site
15:56:33 [docwolf]
it's like a miracle.
15:56:46 [vinod]
that's some good pizza - for a chain
15:56:47 [markd2]
oooh - where
15:56:55 [markd2]
wonder how far they deliver
15:56:59 [docwolf]
i'm not sure if they are national
15:57:03 [docwolf]
i know they are regional for sure
15:57:16 [markd2]
There was one in NoVA, but I haven't seen one up here yet
15:57:17 [docwolf]
they are more popular in fla. than dominos
15:57:29 [markd2]
Just pizza glut and Pizze Outlet (which suxors)
15:57:34 [markd2]
and some really good local places
15:57:44 [markd2]
there's a pizza and sub shop in walking distance
15:57:46 [markd2]
very dangerous
16:02:06 [docwolf]
south florida is sort of blessed
16:02:14 [docwolf]
in that we have so many NY transplant/mafiosi
16:02:20 [docwolf]
that we have decent pizza places.
16:02:32 [docwolf]
... but none have the punishing e-commerce power of papa johns
16:09:57 [vinod]
boston pizza sucks - makes me crave pizza slut sometimes
16:10:23 [docwolf]
yeah.. it's odd that boston pizza is so bad
16:12:46 [markd2]
16:12:53 [markd2]
a lame-ass attempt at NY style
16:12:57 [markd2]
at least what I could find
17:06:32 [markd2]
markd2 has quit ("Bork")
17:25:49 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw disconnects
20:24:11 [vinod]
vinod has quit ("changing universes")
20:40:53 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw reconnects
20:45:49 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw disconnects
21:00:19 [donb]
donb ( has joined #openacs
21:02:26 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw reconnects
21:03:00 [donb]
donb has quit (Client Quit)
21:41:02 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw disconnects
21:41:56 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw reconnects
21:56:56 [vinod]
vinod (~vinod@ has joined #openacs
23:05:37 [rafa]
rafa ( has joined #openacs
23:06:10 [rafa]
23:23:26 []
Disconnected from (Connection reset by peer)
23:23:37 [loggy]
loggy ( has joined #openacs
23:23:37 []
topic is: Welcome to #openacs, where halloween is every day.
23:23:37 []
Users on #openacs: loggy vinod til docwolf chump shagster GEM_ AaronSw
23:23:37 [ChanServ]
[#openacs] This channel is logged: and blogged:
23:37:02 [AaronSw]
* AaronSw disconnects
23:49:29 [til]
* til wonders how to package his tcl application