00:01:48 I go study 00:01:57 Check ya laters 00:02:05 Mmm...databases algebra 00:03:30 * Psychephylax detaches 01:16:38 docwolf has joined #openacs 01:16:44 good evening 01:17:11 hiya 01:18:14 my comment about MIT proved prophetic. 01:18:31 i'm now convinced that many people at aD rode the "short bus" to school. 01:19:23 LOL 01:19:33 what inspired the epiphany> 01:19:36 check this out 01:19:46 so, there was a thread on slashdot about some "virtual server" patch 01:20:09 where you can turn a craptacular intel clone into a bunch of virtual machines under linux 01:20:41 heh 01:20:46 that sounds.. exciting. 01:20:46 I had experience with a closed-source package for RH that did just that (ensim), so i posted a little message about it 01:21:12 check out what some AC from aD posted as a reply... 01:21:18 http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=23452&cid=2531405 01:21:19 H: http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=23452&cid=2531405 from docwolf 01:21:28 short bus. 01:21:30 all of them. 01:21:46 * markd2 loads over his pitifully slow link 01:23:05 "Piss off, marketting droid. We don't need your kind around here." 01:23:17 that is so wrong -- on SO MANY levels :-) 01:23:26 heh 01:23:38 is that an aD guy? sounds like a normal slashdot flame 01:23:44 no, it's an aD 01:23:54 whoa 01:24:02 aD person -- they recognized my handle. Many developers at aD for whatever reason are hostile 01:24:22 I have no idea what I did.... other than tell them to shut their pie holes & stop flaming the ACS community. 01:24:36 I always thought you were cool 01:24:38 i'm fairly sure I know who posted that message 01:25:11 their hostility is misplaced. it's very sad. 01:25:12 Personally, I don't think anyone (no matter where there degree is from) should do professional development without going through a year or two of tech support 01:25:19 we'd have fewer abortions like ACS/Java 01:26:05 yeah. that project seemed screwed from the outset. 01:32:57 * markd2 is imagining the fantasy where microsoft programmers have to support their own code 01:33:10 * rbm reads the backlog 01:33:18 * rbm things docwolf is cool 01:33:24 s/things/thinks/ 01:37:28 * rbm plays with Pythons 01:37:34 s/s$// 01:43:49 * rbm heads to the meeting 01:44:08 (our Free Software and Linux Club meeting that is) 01:49:32 Mark? 01:49:41 yep 01:51:45 can you check something out? 01:52:01 sure 01:52:04 cool :) 01:52:05 cvs checkout spork 01:52:15 * Psychephylax checks himself out of the insane asylum 01:52:34 pdf or doc? 01:52:44 ugh 01:52:49 put a pdf on a website 01:52:54 affirmative 01:53:31 oh 01:53:33 I can do HTML 01:53:51 html would rule(tm) 01:54:24 © 01:55:21 ok 01:55:49 Oh 01:55:59 Do you know about 3NF and BCNF? 01:56:19 remind me what BC is 01:56:48 and are you wanting stuff to be 3NF? 01:56:57 Boyce Codd Normal Form 01:57:40 Well, my stuff is in some sort of a form, I have to say what it is in 01:57:45 vaguely 01:57:46 i think it's in BCNF except maybe 2 tables 01:58:10 there's some things, like the book I'd do differently 01:58:21 Explain how 01:58:25 like only store Publisher_city once (looking at the diagram) 01:58:42 why is that? 01:58:48 you have it there twice! 01:58:55 Book Entity 01:59:04 the picture 01:59:18 publisher_city at 1:00 and 3:00 01:59:36 heh 01:59:37 fixed 01:59:40 the publisher to be real normal form would break the publisher_city out into another table 01:59:51 What do you want from college students who lack sleep and have presentations for boss :P 02:00:09 hang on 02:00:24 My stuff that is on the site (less the mistake you just told me) is correct? 02:00:27 so if you have 20 books from O'Reilley, you'd only have Stevastapol, CA in once. vs 20 times with what you have 02:00:53 right 02:01:04 I still don't like author having a direct reference to isbn, but we've been throug hthat before 02:01:26 the diagram doesn't ahve any date, which means you'll have duplicate authors if you ahve more than one title from them 02:01:41 I take that back 02:01:43 my eyes stopped working 02:01:51 ah yes...the lazy eye syndrome 02:01:56 I take back my take back 02:02:05 you'll still have duplicate author data 02:02:16 the birthdate handles the "two john smith" case 02:03:55 the DaysINQueue and DaysOut, are those stored? 02:04:00 yeah 02:04:09 if so, how do you update them? some periodic sweep through the db to update them? 02:04:16 trigger 02:04:21 trigger on what? 02:04:27 trigger on rollday 02:04:35 ok 02:04:40 Remember, we have the librarians manually triggering next day events 02:04:47 I trigger on that :) 02:04:49 ugh 02:04:57 Uh huh.. 02:05:03 * Psychephylax points at the spec sheet...NOT MY IDEA! 02:05:11 heh 02:06:04 i just wanna know if that system satisfies the stupid spec requirement (obviously would be modified for real world data) and what forms might this be in 02:06:31 hmm.. can't help much in the forms department 02:06:52 Well, what about the first part 02:07:08 I'm pretty much 'put it into 3NF, and denormalize if you run into performance problems' 02:07:18 right 02:07:27 BCNF is a little stricter than 3NF 02:08:20 the author thing is not 3NF, and the publisher_city is arguable 02:10:29 * markd2 finishes reading 02:10:31 looks pretty good to me 02:12:00 ok cool 02:12:22 so everything but author is in 3NF 02:13:32 I think so 02:13:35 ok 02:14:27 heh 02:14:44 I think everything is in BCNF or 3NF because of the assumptions we made about authors 02:14:57 Technically, you're correct...It's not in 3NF by real world standards 02:15:05 but it is since authors have unique names 02:15:23 the names is taken care of 02:15:29 I'm talking about if one author has two books 02:17:02 Ah 02:17:03 right 02:33:17 arhg, A domain for a website I am hosting expired last month. 02:34:42 its still active though. 02:36:57 and its still at network solutions ... 02:49:44 markd2 has quit 02:53:13 bah 02:53:18 This is soooooooooooooo confusing 02:53:24 * Psychephylax pokes mark 02:58:01 he has departed. whats up? 02:58:20 databases 02:58:24 Functional Dependencies 02:58:33 Normal forms 02:58:35 Ahhhhhhhh! 02:58:37 Aha. 02:58:50 Oh My I think is the correct exclamation there :) 02:58:59 Ahd people insist on arguing about a network I have seen on paper and they only imagine in their heads 02:59:09 Well of course! 03:03:02 I don't claim to be a pro of the network since I did not design it 03:03:14 but half the people I talk to on a daily basis did 03:03:19 It kinda rubs off 03:03:55 yes. 03:04:28 * davb comtemplates building a new PC for the 3-year-old 03:05:18 Sounds like where I work, we need to duplicate this data in another table because I don't want to have to do a query to run a report. 03:05:38 ? 03:06:22 =) 03:06:23 sorry...the alleged "programmer" at work says its too much effort to do a join of two tables, so just duplicate the data. 03:06:27 Not bad! 03:07:06 these people are getting paid ALOT more than me to spout off crazy stuff like that. 03:07:34 ok, can I come down to "work" and smack this `programmer`? 03:07:51 heh. sure! be my guest. 03:07:54 ok 03:08:02 just give me directions 03:08:10 I'll email them :) 03:08:55 I don't think that will be necessary. He installed windows XP on his computer at home. 03:09:09 hahahahahaha 03:09:15 His death will come soon........ 03:09:17 * Psychephylax hides 03:09:42 Thing is he has windows 2000 also. In fact he has EVERY version of windows. 03:10:49 Aha. I just figured it out. We need more programmable toys! 03:11:15 heh 03:11:18 All the electronic computer-like toys are not programmable. 03:11:42 They are if they work at VB 03:11:43 ack 03:11:44 CV 03:11:47 Like LEGO, you can build anything you want. Also they have robots which are programmable. 03:11:58 ? 03:12:03 heh 03:12:13 Also, then I can play with them. 03:13:38 MINDSTORMS Dark Side Developer Kit (9754) 03:14:24 Which is a robot kit to build an AT-AT 03:14:26 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00004T30V/ref=cm_list/002-3543771-4665619 03:14:26 I: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00004T30V/ref=cm_list/002-3543771-4665619 from davb 03:14:39 I:|Mindstorms Dark Side Developer Kit 03:14:39 titled item I 03:14:57 MS should change the .NET framework to the Dark Side Developer Kit :) 03:19:13 rofl 03:19:46 Anyway that is an ultimate nerd toy. Star Wars, Lego, its a robot, what else do you need? 03:24:45 time for me to sleep. g'night! 03:24:54 later 03:24:56 davb has quit 03:52:56 jerryasher has joined #openacs 03:57:18 jerryasher has changed the topic to: 'openacs | libre web toolkit | http://openacs.org' 04:19:51 docwolf has quit 04:32:25 aegrumet has joined #openacs 04:36:52 jerryasher has quit 04:52:14 [GlobalNotice] Currently scheduled dancer-ircd conversion: 01/10/10 10:10:10. Details to follow. 05:04:07 [GlobalNotice] YY-MM-DD 01-11-11 11:11:11 PST is the now set conversion time. Oops. So I got the month wrong ;). 05:09:34 tcl question, what does prepending a \# to uplevel signify ? 05:10:18 as in uplevel \#[adp_level] {codeblock} 05:14:58 [GlobalNotice] I really shouldn't be doing these messages today... proper date: YY-MM-DD 01-11-10 11:11:11 PST 05:20:53 hazmat has quit 05:31:02 mooooo 05:40:48 hey rbm 05:49:26 aegrumet has left #openacs 12:17:22 ola has joined #openacs 14:07:31 davb has joined #openacs 14:11:14 * AaronSw reconnects 14:14:44 good morning davb! 14:16:09 brr! woke up this morning and there was snow outside... 14:17:00 Woah! we don't have any yet, but it was 20 degress F 14:17:34 how much is that in Celcius? 14:17:52 too tired to thing about it. Approx -10 I think. 14:18:39 * davb installs tinydns on his debian box. 14:19:16 -6.66 according to this: http://www.pitt.edu/~rsup/tempconv.html 14:19:27 cool. 14:19:55 * davb has no idea why the US is so dumb about C/F and metric etc... 14:20:09 I intalled tinydns erlier today.. 14:20:31 s/erlier/earlier 14:20:37 Cool. I am attempting to move my DNS over to the cable and be free of DSL. I have to transer a domain at network solutions. Its evil. 14:21:19 heh 14:21:35 Cool. the debian installer creates all the proper users/groups for tinuydns. 14:21:38 I hate DNS stuff and firewalls:-) 14:22:58 Yeah. I also have to duplicate my email setup. that is tricky. its qmail/courier-imap/vpopmail 14:23:14 DJ Bernstein's documentation is mighty good but he doesn't cover *my* case. 14:23:33 Oh, that is not fun. Did you try the mailing list archives? 14:24:23 I learned alot from the qmail archive. 14:25:17 Wow. that was easy. 14:25:23 not yet but I think I'll have to consult it. 14:25:48 oops, I forgot to START tinydns :) 14:26:24 don't tell me it's because of Debian it's easy. :-) 14:26:48 markd2 has joined #openacs 14:26:56 hi markd2 14:27:06 greetings 14:27:14 No its easy because of daemontools! 14:27:26 :) 14:28:25 0.76? 14:29:11 I think so. 14:29:25 Whatever was new two months ago or so when I reinstalled this box. 14:29:44 ok 14:29:46 maybe 0.75 14:31:26 cool. I just got my new company domain. 14:31:34 excellent 14:31:48 it's greek. polyxena.net 14:31:49 ola-master-of-the-universe.com 14:32:02 almost:-) 14:32:15 Cool. 14:33:03 it translates to something like "many guests"... 14:33:39 * davb installs qmail from debian package 14:33:52 the real challange is customizing it for my wacky setup. 14:34:18 after this I will be 100% debian for my servers :) 14:36:03 ola has quit 14:36:25 Or "collector of many episodes of Xena, Warrior Princess" 14:37:56 ola has joined #openacs 14:39:55 Or "collector of many episodes of Xena, Warrior Princess" 14:40:09 argh. ucspi-tcp is not building... 14:41:34 time to do it the old-fashioned way :) 14:42:53 That worked. 14:44:54 davb: are you going to install qmail the old-fashioned way as well? 14:45:20 if so you might want to tru my qumailinst script. 14:45:39 s/tru/try 14:46:16 s/qumailinst/qmailinst 14:48:09 I am trying the debian package, but its not working because the ucspi pacakge is not installed. argh. I'll try that. where can I get it? 14:48:19 I'm not sure it works with the latest daemontools though: http://www.infogettable.net/software//qmailinst.txt 14:49:13 oops. I already installed daemontools and uscpi. 14:50:37 now I need to install qmail by hand. The debian package at least creates all the users/groups I needed. 14:57:39 dumb questions. in passwd whats the name after the second number for? ie 14:58:05 qmaill:*:11111:11111:what is this homedir 15:00:58 from the man page: The gecos field can be set by the 15:00:58 user. It is expected to be a comma separated list of personal data where 15:01:00 the first item is the full name of the user. 15:01:21 oh ok. 15:01:26 cool, thanks. 15:01:33 np 15:02:27 The debian installer uses a different group than the life with qmail instructions. 15:03:58 damn traitors. 15:04:46 * AaronSw disconnects 15:05:33 well its installed. now to make it RUN and customize it. 15:18:59 well, shit 15:19:02 I'm going to fail my test 15:23:22 aegrumet has joined #openacs 15:23:33 which test? 15:23:52 databases 15:25:35 you seemed to be doing pretty well last night 15:25:58 Yeah but that's diff from what he will ask on the test 15:26:07 by the way, I modified it some more 15:27:39 cool. lemme know what we got on it :-) 15:28:03 yeah one question I had for you 15:28:05 was... 15:28:30 My friend did a "Wrote" table mapping authors to books 15:28:40 I didn't think it was necessary but I could be wrong 15:28:54 in the Real World you'd want it 15:28:57 and...the second question is...do I need a table for relations such as "book is a copy" 15:29:00 but we know this isn't the real world 15:29:18 hello aegrumet 15:29:40 Or something like BookCopy IsOn shelf 15:30:12 the IsOn is a relation but I satisfy it by having an attribute of BookCopy that binds it to a specific book so I did not see a need to have a "IsOn" table 15:31:46 that works 15:31:53 ok 15:31:54 a copy can't be on more than one shelf at a time, 15:31:59 so no need for a seperate table 15:32:02 right 15:32:22 I vaguely recall my professor stating something along the lines of "You need a table for every relation" but maybe that was just a dream 15:32:42 abbaJ has quit 15:32:45 Psychephylax: as long as you know everything about normalization and Codd's twelve rules you should be ok (and if you can spell "orcle" that might give you an extra point). 15:32:53 s/orcle/oracle 15:33:04 ola doesn't ge tan extra point 15:33:09 go back to your Xena tapes 15:33:11 abbaJ has joined #openacs 15:33:51 heh 15:33:57 lol 15:34:03 ola what are these 12 rules 15:34:17 * AaronSw reconnects 15:34:18 i want the "No Frills" version of the rules too 15:40:54 I don't even know what they will ask me 15:41:08 eh..I guess that's why they call it a test... ;-/ 15:41:23 Rule 1: no pooftas 15:41:30 pooftas? 15:41:33 Rule 2: No member of the faculty is to 15:41:33 maltreat the Abbos in any way at all .... if 15:41:33 there's anybody watching 15:41:40 Rule 3: no pooftas 15:41:48 Rule 4: Now this term, I don't want to catch 15:41:48 anybody not drinking 15:41:51 etc etc 15:41:54 * Psychephylax gives Mark a cookie in hopes of distracting him 15:42:08 (Monty Python routine involving close to 12 rules) 15:42:15 oh 15:44:32 can't find it 15:46:00 http://www.rraz.co.uk/alexs/python/MontyPython3.htm 15:46:00 A: http://www.rraz.co.uk/alexs/python/MontyPython3.htm from markd2 15:46:09 A: Monty Python Bruces Sketch 15:46:09 commented item A 15:47:16 http://www.mwscomp.com/visrules.html 15:47:17 B: http://www.mwscomp.com/visrules.html from ola 15:47:45 :B|Afew of Codd's twelve rules 15:47:57 :B| Afew of Codd's twelve rules 15:48:09 hmm 15:48:52 heh 15:48:53 B:| A few of Codd's twelve rules 15:48:53 titled item B 15:49:53 hmmmmm 15:50:11 * davb checks yesterdays log because qmail is not repsponding on port 25 15:50:18 heh 15:50:29 qmail-smtp 15:50:40 I'm copying over a tcpserver config now 15:50:56 * Psychephylax listens 15:51:13 yep 15:51:16 I like the 4th rule 15:51:24 (i didn;t get far enough in life with qmail apparently) 15:53:33 lol 15:53:46 I am printing out the 12 rules now 15:53:56 On the test i will write 1 sentence and get an A :) 15:54:19 "This database does not satisfy these rules so I refuse to do the problems" 15:54:27 and staple the rules on top 15:54:28 lol 15:54:49 You have to explain WHY is doesn't satify the rules. 15:54:55 i can do that 15:54:57 :-D 15:55:07 It's rather simple too 15:55:17 because the person who designed the database did not understand the rules 15:55:19 lol 15:57:01 yeah! 15:57:07 qmailsmtpd is listening! 15:57:55 qool 15:58:25 here too! 15:58:26 woo hoo! 16:01:05 yeah! 16:01:14 Now I have to install the rest of the crap I need. 16:01:46 WTF, courier-imap installs EMACS20??! 16:02:07 and Python 1.5 and Python 2.1 16:02:30 also POSTGRESQL??? 16:02:33 weird. 16:03:13 mmmm 16:03:15 emacs 16:03:23 I think my apt is going insane. 16:03:42 oh wait... 16:03:44 maybe not. 16:03:53 Still thats alot of crap for a little mail package. 16:04:24 i'm going to travel to school 16:04:33 this box hasn't been updated in awhile. 16:10:15 good luck on the test 16:10:39 thanks 16:10:53 * Psychephylax leaves 16:11:18 * davb wait impatiently for the email from network solutions 16:20:27 I think I will disable POP3 and just use IMAP. 16:40:23 wow. Rzolf has a mention. http://www.ftrain.com/cute_animals.html 16:40:39 * AaronSw disconnects 17:18:25 adler has joined #openacs 17:18:31 hello 17:18:38 greetings 17:18:53 is there I can participate in off-topic converstations? 17:19:08 s/there/this where/ 17:19:14 sure! 17:19:43 markd2 has changed the topic to: Welcome to #openacs, the OpenACS hotline and off-topic cnversation channel. Now fortified with docwolf! 17:19:54 markd2 has changed the topic to: Welcome to #openacs, the OpenACS hotline and off-topic conversation channel. Now fortified with docwolf! 17:19:57 damn O key 17:20:05 great. I'll just idle in the background and occasionally chime in with a worthless and personal remark 17:20:23 excellent 17:24:14 Great. 17:24:43 So I need to setup virutal domain support for Qmail. I am choosing vpopmail because I set it up before and it works with courier IMAP. Anyone else ever use this? 17:25:26 or any other package? 17:25:33 no, but if you need help with a good custard recipe, /msg me 17:26:31 Ok. 17:27:59 argh! 17:28:11 I need to compile courier-imap too! This is a pain. 17:28:30 heh 17:28:30 http://www.redhat.com/support/resources/gotchas/7.1/images/rhn_register1.gif 17:28:31 C: http://www.redhat.com/support/resources/gotchas/7.1/images/rhn_register1.gif from markd2 17:28:47 C: Redhat support image for registering a system profile 17:28:47 commented item C 17:29:13 davb: why? It's in Debian. 17:29:21 davb: BTW, working with courier can be a pain 17:29:36 On, never mind. I was confused with Cyrus 17:30:19 rbm: fun that has occured this morning: ucspi-tcp wouldn't build from the debian package. Without that qmail wouldn't build frm the debian package. without that vpopmail won't build frm the debian package. 17:30:25 :) 17:30:39 Oh. qmail. 17:30:41 So I installed Qmail, ucspi-tcp from source. 17:30:51 I wish drb would let people distribute binaries. 17:30:57 I could probably use postfix, but then i would have to read those docs too. 17:31:08 the ucspi-tcp package is not up-to-date. 17:31:15 I think that is the main problem. 17:31:26 rbm: talk to me about the doc roadmap. :) 17:35:31 adler: errr 17:36:06 if you could hand off the work, I would take it as much as was feasible. 17:36:17 I am handing off work. 17:37:43 talli mentioned that he was supposed to help 17:42:57 Talli is helping. 17:44:16 misposo, zzzirk: http://fslc.usu.edu/about/directions.adp <-- take a look and tell me if it makes sense 17:44:18 ooops 18:32:43 talli has joined #openacs 18:32:53 hey guys 18:33:00 hey talli 18:33:27 her markd 18:35:10 hi talli 18:41:00 hey talli 19:05:17 hazmat has joined #openacs 19:20:39 adler has quit 19:30:37 hmmmm 19:37:31 courier imap is working, but the userdb authentication is not... 19:37:33 Cypers has joined #openacs 19:37:56 anyoen can help me on whats the command to change the mtu on openbsd? 19:38:46 Cypers has left #openacs 19:41:28 * davb forgets it and install courier-imap from source. 19:42:10 davb_ has joined #openacs 19:42:10 davb has quit 19:42:16 davb_ is now known as davb 20:12:44 ARGH, I can't compile courier-imap due to some missing library 20:13:22 heh 20:13:26 welcome to hell^H^H^H^H unix 20:13:53 :) 20:13:57 I think I found it. 20:14:51 So does anyone know of a good package to do virtual mail domains with qmail? 20:15:18 virtual mail domains? 20:15:24 * markd2 isn't conversant with the lingo 20:15:49 IE I have one mail server. It serves mail for multiple domains. None of the people who have mail accounts have user accounts. 20:15:58 oh 20:16:03 :) 20:16:14 I've got some docs on doing it with POP3 20:16:31 actually linked off of qmail.org. lemme dig it up 20:16:36 thanks 20:17:15 http://www.pgregg.com/projects 20:17:15 D: http://www.pgregg.com/projects from markd2 20:17:30 D: Single UID Qmail Mailbox How-To 20:17:30 commented item D 20:17:41 I haven't worked on the outgoing mail problem 20:17:59 e.g. letting bob@loudounsymphony.org who has a random @home IP send mail relayed through my machine 20:18:28 That is tricky/impossible and usually not necessary unless his ISP is really a jerk. 20:18:53 He should be able to just use his ISPs SMTP with whatever email address he wants. 20:18:54 davb, why not use cyrus instead of courier? 20:19:35 never mind 20:19:38 hazmat: No clue. I setup courier on the other machine and its working. I am trying to recreate the config on this machine. I'll look at it if this doesn't work. 20:20:42 talli has quit 20:21:01 does it play nice with Qmail? 20:25:15 markd2 has quit 20:25:39 yes, google is my friend, http://www.abiglime.com/webmaster/articles/cgi/062398.htm 20:25:56 i use postfix... 20:26:13 maybe I will too :) 20:30:10 anyone want to be a guinea pig for an acs_python package? 20:31:51 markd2 has joined #openacs 20:39:38 maybe after I finish this email mess.... 20:40:51 suceess, i have mastered the upvar/level hell that is acs-templating :-) 20:40:57 * hazmat dances a litte jig 20:42:15 that is very impressive! 20:45:17 actually i haven't mastered it, its just a hack... but it works. 20:47:05 woo hoo! 20:47:38 well shiznat! 20:47:45 or shall I say SHAZBOT! 20:47:53 i didn't do well at all 20:48:07 :-( 20:48:11 yeah 20:48:17 He asked no sql questions 20:48:30 and they were all about BCNF and Functional dependencies 20:50:09 Psychephylax: Looks like my database class test 20:50:13 Average was 66 20:50:16 ah 20:50:24 Well, we'll see what happens 20:50:38 Had he given us real attributes I would have done better 20:51:02 same here 20:51:21 Oh well 20:51:23 He just gave us "A->B and C->D" and things like that 20:51:24 it was only 20% 20:51:27 yes 20:51:29 Same here 20:51:50 If R is ABCDEFGH and you have FDs {GH->A ..etc ) 20:51:54 I can't think in letters 20:51:56 Problem is my professor is a stupid jerk who makes all these "rules" that are never written and that nobody in the world follows. 20:52:19 * Psychephylax wonders if rbm is sharing a professor with Psychephylax 20:52:28 It's the db professor archetype 20:52:34 heh 20:52:51 thats all relational algebra. 20:53:04 Noone needs to know it unless they are writing a database. 20:53:07 aegrumet has left #openacs 20:53:10 The reason he makes all these "rules" (that he _never_ writes) is so he can be as arbitrary as he wants on grading 20:53:18 heh 20:53:22 sounds about right 20:53:37 I just know I'll rock the project 20:53:39 And the final 20:53:48 Just like I rocked the first test =) 20:53:54 aneways 20:53:56 My professor's tests are like this: 10 questions. Miss a question and your grade drops a whole letter. 20:54:01 lol 20:54:09 I gotta go program 20:54:14 be back later I hope 20:54:22 * rbm leaves for a bit 20:54:25 * Psychephylax detaches 21:13:00 yippee! it works. I have no idea how :) 21:13:59 Now I just have to move the maildirs and change the MX records. 21:15:24 is this that single-UI mailbox thing? 21:15:51 Yes. I am using Qmail/CourierIMAP with Vpopmail. It makes it nice to manage the virtual domains. 21:16:04 It also does POP3, but I didn't bother turning it on. 21:16:05 nice 21:17:15 It should have wokred the other way, but I could not get it to work except with passwd user accounts. 21:19:19 oops. 21:19:31 I erased my tinydns data file. 21:19:34 the trrricorder must be broken 21:20:53 nevermind, its still there. 21:21:07 yay! 21:21:12 * markd2 fixes the trrrricorder 21:26:08 weird, I broke the DNS somehow. Oh I know. 21:26:58 can you get to www.thedesignexperience.org ? 21:29:58 lemme try 21:30:26 thanks 21:31:30 I found a nifty small local co-location shop. I gotta call though... 21:35:03 I can't even access the site by domain name from itself. I believe i screwed up the DNS (again) 21:36:12 gotta go. 21:36:15 davb has quit 22:19:25 ola has quit 23:00:01 talli has joined #openacs 23:00:11 hey guys 23:02:39 yo 23:03:16 markd2, what is up with te aolserver listserv? does it work? 23:03:30 i keep trying to register but it never lets me view the archives 23:03:34 I've been getting the daily update 23:03:36 it tells me i'm confirmed 23:03:37 erm dugest 23:04:27 i don't get any 23:07:17 ah, i'm in. thanks 23:39:38 talli has quit 23:42:44 davb has joined #OpenACS 23:47:05 davb has quit 23:59:54 abbaJ has quit