00:22:51 loggy has joined #openacs 00:22:51 topic is: OpenACS - Free Enterprise Web Toolkit 00:22:51 Users on #openacs: loggy jabba__ foonatz rbm shagster AaronSw Spork yanni chump strainmaker2 00:22:51 This channel is logged: http://www.blogspace.com/openacs/chatlogs/ and blogged: http://www.thedesignexperience.org/openacs/ircblog 00:22:56 anyone? 00:25:34 rownum! 00:32:51 talli has joined #openacs 01:57:13 rafa has joined #openacs 01:57:36 hi 02:10:25 hi 02:11:53 how are you doing roberto 02:12:13 Not too good. But gotta be positive, so not too bad. 02:12:23 what's ip? 02:12:31 s/ip/up/ 02:12:34 :) 02:14:38 what di they do? 02:15:24 rafa: It would take me half an hour to explain, so I'm not going to even try. 02:15:35 I get the picture anyway 02:15:51 have you played with cms? 02:16:13 rafa: A little bit. 02:16:30 I am half argentinean... you can't imagine how many times they told me Rio was Argentinas capital... 02:17:05 In hi school in CA I was once asked if we had TV sets! 02:17:22 that gives you an idea of what some people think of our countries 02:17:47 cms: I am trying to get a demo up 02:18:01 just playing around 02:19:03 have you looked at ETP? It's nice. 02:19:18 rafa: I've been asked if I had ever seen a car. 02:19:36 whow that's even better! 02:19:49 have a look at:http://openacs.org/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=0002tx&topic_id=14&topic=OpenACS%204%2e0%20Testing 02:20:04 I haven't tried ETP 02:20:19 docwolf has joined #openacs 02:20:26 hola 02:20:48 buenos dias 02:21:10 o noches (?) 02:21:19 noches. i'm in michigan 02:25:10 what time? 02:25:57 rbm: I have a set of pages and do not need a complex workflow. You reckon ETP is better? 02:27:17 rafa: ETP is better if you're looking to get something up ASAP 02:27:26 in fact, from what I've heard, ETP is just better. 02:27:54 i'm kinda tooting my own (or luke's) horn, but ETP actually works. which is more than most people can say about CMS 02:29:04 i am trying to show some people how coold OACS is. CMS offers a lot of functionalities that they would find in things like Vignette 02:29:12 davb has joined #openacs 02:29:25 (at least that what the package offers) I am not sure what delivers 02:32:07 Hi 02:32:20 yo 02:35:37 * davb endorses ETP, but CMS does have more buzzword compliance. 02:35:57 what are you trying to show? 02:36:19 reading ETP docs, I see that I am not the only one having problems understanding CMS use 02:36:32 that's why it's better :) 02:36:39 it just doesn't make any sense 02:36:41 I was hoping that the CMS_news demo would put me up to speed quickly 02:36:57 99% of web sites don't need the stuff in CMS. Large corporate organizations THINK they need all the whiz-bang features in CMS. 02:37:05 talli: it makes sense in big projects 02:37:06 luke built it because he spent a day trying to work with it. if luke spends a day working on something with the ACS and makes no progress, it probably sucks 02:37:31 there's nothing in the CMS that can't be built into ETP 02:37:37 ETP uses the CMS data model 02:37:49 but without all the horrible CMS interface code 02:38:23 there's basically no reason ETP can't be used in big projects, at least as well as an unworkable CMS 02:38:31 I havent' seen much of either. what people buying cms is looking for is: 02:38:52 1 content people do not need to learn html to put a page 02:39:11 2. they can design workflows so more than 1 can work on the same doc 02:39:28 3. rol back at any time 02:39:57 well those are the ones that come to my tired mind now ;-) 02:40:10 1) has not been implemented, but will be soon 02:40:23 talli: re 1) cool! 02:40:39 2) no prob, at least not as much as CMS currently has. there's no reason workflow can't be used with ETP 02:40:44 3) it's already in there 02:41:00 i gotta step away. brn 02:41:02 brb 02:41:14 I will have to install it and play a bit ;-) 02:41:33 The data model is really great for ETP. And it is easy to work with it. 02:45:53 tried to download it but get a time out from museatech 02:47:42 You can check it out with OpenACS 4. cvs co edit-this-page from your openacs-4/packages directory. (if you are using CVS) 02:48:26 jabba__ has quit 02:49:22 jabba__ has joined #openacs 02:51:08 It downloaded now.. 02:51:16 cool 02:51:40 any idea why you get a timeout? 02:51:40 is it the network or the machine? not good for our rep if it's on our side... 02:54:04 it said something lilke socket timeout... did not pay much atention. I just called the url in the browser and saved the file 02:54:24 then installed using files in APM 02:54:54 it installed beatifully in 30 secs, I am looking at it now 02:55:41 bah 02:55:50 * Spork pokes davb in the eye with talli 02:56:10 aiigh! 02:56:16 :) 02:56:22 * Spork pokes dave with a spork 02:56:27 * davb experiences an eye-socket timeout 02:56:32 lol 02:57:00 i showed my resumee to the career center peeps 02:57:10 They like :) 02:57:17 Just a few minor adjustments 02:57:25 cool 02:57:26 i'm all set...now someone give me a job 02:57:50 sorry there aren't any. Here is your spatula... 02:58:13 D'oh 02:58:34 hmmm 02:58:39 Yankees better not lose again today 02:58:47 1 more and they're out of the playoffs 03:00:46 I think I'll do the modem rack tomorrow 03:00:52 I'm not in the mood for ACS ;) 03:04:02 i apologize then but I wanted to thank talli 03:04:09 its really cool! 03:04:22 I already have a couple of pages with my own templates 03:04:40 See! 03:04:46 Its great. 03:04:53 good to hear raga 03:04:56 rafa 03:05:09 * davb is not paid to advertise for ETP... 03:05:15 ETP is really cool. like i said, it actually works :) 03:05:26 ETP roxq0rs 03:05:45 at musea we have our own acronym: TGFL 03:05:47 I spend 3 hours yestarday and 1 today with CMS... 03:05:54 it stands for Thank God For Luke 03:06:01 it tokk 5 min maybe less with this 03:06:33 it really is incredible that aD was able to fuck up one of their most critical apps so badly 03:06:44 now, they have chosen to fire all of their best people. oh well. 03:06:55 Spork has quit 03:06:56 rbm, we really need to get that word "Arsdigita" out of the name 03:07:04 it reflects badly on us 03:07:32 We've been looking for a new name for a while now 03:07:35 rafa, we've managed to build relatively complicated websites in a week with ETP. it's really easy to build templates with 03:08:33 looks like 03:08:38 the aD issue 03:08:45 made it to everyone's "favorite" site 03:08:56 http://forum.fuckedcompany.com/ubb/Forum6/HTML/133309.html 03:08:56 E: http://forum.fuckedcompany.com/ubb/Forum6/HTML/133309.html from docwolf 03:10:07 uhhhh 03:10:26 When I think that aD had everything to succeed and be a great company... 03:10:33 It's sad. 03:11:16 Almost everything. Too bad they lost direction. 03:12:11 Cool word for new name? interiority 03:12:17 There's even a forum on yahoo for ex-aD'ers 03:12:28 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ex-ad 03:12:28 F: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ex-ad from rbm 03:12:30 wow. 03:12:31 rbm: that should be a party... 03:12:36 i should probably join 03:12:43 :) 03:12:49 davb: I agree. 03:14:52 got to go, see u 03:14:57 picaboo 03:15:00 rafa has left #openacs 03:19:50 anyone know who pumpin the puppy is? 03:19:56 no idea 03:20:02 More words to think about: noggin , reservatory 03:20:15 what are you guys talking about? 03:20:18 Thanks to whomever runs ex-ad ;) 03:20:29 I am thinking about names. 03:20:45 brainstorming. 03:21:09 The Noggin Community System -- sounds good to me 03:21:10 I've suggested "supimpa" but someone told me it sounds like a Nissan ad for a car in Mexico 03:21:42 it sounds more like some guy that's on the corner in platform boots and a big floppy hat 03:21:49 named Smooth Willy 03:22:23 i was thinking something like Carnival or something 03:22:40 Just replace ArsDigita with Active. 03:22:43 The Carnivore Community System 03:22:43 Active Community System! 03:22:58 how about Another Community System 03:23:03 heh 03:23:17 no, i think, as ben once said, "community system" has got to go too 03:23:17 how about Brutus 03:23:22 (inside aD joke) 03:23:32 rbm: please remind me what supimpa means... 03:23:34 Yeah, 03:23:34 docwolf: elaborate, please? 03:23:35 :) 03:23:38 will the explanation be on yahoo groups? 03:23:45 heh... 03:23:46 So Noggin. 03:23:53 davb: it means "cool", but it's 70's slang 03:23:55 Or we can make up a new work. 03:24:07 s/work/word 03:24:14 WeHateMySQL System 03:24:22 anyway, i was thinking Carnival as a metaphor for the system - a group of many pieces, each of which contributes to make the system different 03:24:32 supimpa.com is taken. 03:24:44 Heh. 03:24:48 talli: gotta have naked chixq0rs if it's going to be carnival 03:24:50 Active Carnival Society? 03:25:16 gotta have naked chicks anyway you look at, IMHO 03:25:19 Stop talking interesting stuff or I'll never get my hmwk done :) 03:25:23 talli: :) 03:25:50 pat colgan suggested a good idea 03:25:54 Ok, noone think until rbm is done with his homework. 03:26:44 davb: :) 03:27:05 to name it after a central plaza 03:27:39 for instance ... 03:28:10 Zocalo 03:28:44 http://www.mexicocity.com.mx/zocal2.html 03:28:44 G: http://www.mexicocity.com.mx/zocal2.html from talli 03:28:50 my thinking 03:29:01 was "functional" 03:29:02 in that 03:29:09 it's no longer a "community system" 03:29:15 G: This great square, called the Zocalo, evokes the place of homage and center of the world which was the heart of the ceremonial nucleus of Mexico-Tenochtitlan. The Zocalo brings together the rhythmic beating of drums, the ankle-rattles of the native dancers and the glowing incense of modern day medicine men. A point of reference, of protest, of ritual and of national celebration, by night it offers an imposing spectacle which culminates in the tumul 03:29:15 commented item G 03:29:18 it's really a "framework" for designing a dynamic site 03:29:26 and the name should reflect that 03:29:34 docwolf: right. 03:29:38 docwolf: good thinking 03:29:43 * davb agrees with everyone ahead to save time... 03:30:04 good point 03:30:10 Small 03:30:10 Pieces Loosely Joined 03:30:21 JOHO 03:30:35 yep. Talli's explaination made me think of it. 03:32:13 Spork has joined #openacs 03:32:23 gah 03:32:25 stupid thing is sporking on me 03:32:55 spork, are you psyche? 03:35:18 G: one of talli's suggestions for the new name 03:35:18 commented item G 03:35:35 Zocalo is not bad actually 03:36:04 although it does kind of sound like zope 03:36:07 which is not good 03:36:33 .com and .org are taken. 03:36:34 yeah 03:36:44 also .net 03:37:50 yeah, but i bet .info is still available :) 03:39:07 zocalo.tv :) 03:42:26 eccentric nucleus (pattern #28 in A Pattern Language) 03:43:04 or #45 Necklace of Community Projects 03:43:22 or #58 Carnival (for Talli) 03:44:47 jabba__ has quit 03:44:52 docwolf has quit 03:45:16 ok guys. i'm crashing. talk to you tomorrow 03:45:22 later! 03:45:29 btw, rbm - i'm volunteering to help with documentation 03:45:34 later 03:45:34 you know those are being blocked because they start with # 03:45:35 Cool. 03:45:37 bye talli 03:45:41 ARHG! 03:45:43 blocked from the logs that is 03:45:44 talli has quit 03:45:45 heh 03:46:05 at least you told me before i got to 204 03:46:29 81 Small Services Without Red Tape 03:46:33 talli: excellent 03:46:38 114 Hierarchy of Open Space 03:46:47 126 Something Roughly in the middle 03:46:55 129 Common Areas at the heart 03:47:01 134 Zen View 03:47:37 172 Garden Growing WIld (for our friends) 03:47:45 178 Compost (or those who are not) 03:48:15 206 Efficient Structure 03:48:51 236 Windows which open wide 03:49:18 Ok enough. Obviously its time for me to go. 03:49:40 I will look at those tomorrow when my brain is working. Thanks for listening! 03:49:55 davb has quit 04:57:32 G: 04:57:32 http://www.mexicocity.com.mx/zocal2.html 04:57:33 (talli) This great square, called the Zocalo, evokes the place of homage and center of the world which was the heart of the ceremonial nucleus of Mexico-Tenochtitlan. The Zocalo brings together the rhythmic beating of drums, the ankle-rattles of the native dancers and the glowing incense of modern day medicine men. A point of reference, of protest, of ritual and of national celebration, by night it offers an imposing spectacle which culminates 04:57:34 (talli) one of talli's suggestions for the new name 05:11:43 foonatz has left #openacs 05:21:43 Spork has quit 05:21:43 rbm has quit 05:21:43 AaronSw has quit 05:21:44 Disconnected from irc.openprojects.net (Connection reset by peer) 05:21:56 loggy has joined #openacs 05:21:56 topic is: OpenACS - Free Enterprise Web Toolkit 05:21:56 Users on #openacs: loggy shagster Spork rbm AaronSw 05:21:56 This channel is logged: http://www.blogspace.com/openacs/chatlogs/ and blogged: http://www.thedesignexperience.org/openacs/ircblog 05:22:40 chump has joined #openacs 05:23:06 yanni has joined #openacs 05:23:23 strainmaker2 has joined #openacs 05:28:34 jerryasher has joined #openacs 06:06:20 rzolf has joined #openacs 06:08:18 jerryasher has quit 06:12:25 rzolf has quit 06:15:51 rzolf has joined #openacs 06:16:07 if i have a query 06:16:10 that all of the sudden 06:16:14 got really really slow. 06:33:17 anyone awake 06:56:52 rzolf has quit 07:22:22 rzolf has joined #openacs 08:06:26 rzolf has quit 08:07:06 djg has joined #openacs 09:04:11 jerryasher has joined #openacs 10:42:45 ola has joined #openacs 10:44:09 hey everyone! 11:39:07 rzolf has joined #openacs 11:50:34 rzolf has quit 12:55:04 f/quit 12:55:07 djg has quit 13:25:51 davb has joined #openacs 13:29:33 AaronSw has quit 13:47:44 shagster has quit 13:47:54 shagster has joined #openacs 13:50:56 shagster has quit 13:50:59 shagster has joined #openacs 13:57:37 AaronSw has joined #openacs 13:57:37 shagster has quit 14:00:14 shagster has joined #openacs 14:01:53 shagster has quit 14:03:08 shagster has joined #openacs 14:05:07 shagster has quit 14:06:50 shagster has joined #openacs 14:18:44 shagster has quit 14:18:45 shagster_ has joined #openacs 14:20:16 shagster_ has quit 14:20:55 shagster_ has joined #openacs 14:23:01 shagster_ has quit 14:26:44 I need to fetch a brand new mp3_id for mp3__new. is this the same as an object_id? 14:27:08 yes. 14:27:44 there is a view acs_object_id_seq but i doesent return a thing 14:28:50 That is for oracle/postgresql compatability. You can call acs_object_id_seq.nextval and get the next id in the sequence. You never need to call that. 14:30:16 aha. like this: select acs_rel_id_seq.nextval; ? 14:30:26 yes. 14:30:28 cool. 14:30:32 thanks 14:30:40 np 14:33:14 yes. mp3__new calls acs_object__new, gets the object_id and stuff it into mp3_mp3s 14:33:19 as the mp3_id 14:38:11 ah. so the way I ported it is wrong? : 14:38:13 create function mp3__new (integer,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,integer,varchar,varchar,integer,boolean,integer,integer,boolean,numeric,integer) 14:38:13 returns integer as ' 14:38:13 declare 14:38:13 p_mp3_idalias for $1; -- default null 14:38:13 p_file_pathalias for $2; -- default null 14:38:14 p_titlealias for $3; -- default null 14:38:20 ... 14:38:47 hmmm.. 14:39:05 I take mp3_id as a parameter 14:39:38 no, i think that's ok... you should. All of the __new functions do. Just the way you use it is to pass NULL as the id. 14:40:07 aha 14:40:48 acs_object_new accepts an ID also. I think you COULD use your own ID numbers instead of taking the ones acs_object__new assigns you. 14:43:49 davb has quit 14:47:31 vinod has joined #openacs 14:48:44 hi vinod! 14:49:00 hey ola! 14:49:12 davb has joined #openacs 14:49:19 power outage... 14:49:37 vinod: do you need some help with the docs? 14:50:15 ola: well, rbm is putting together a document that outlines our documentation plan 14:50:16 I can convert to DocBook and PDF... 14:50:29 but undoubtedly, we'll need all the help we can get :-) 14:51:00 ola: cool! I'm a DocBook newbie, so I'll probably need your help 14:53:24 davb: is your hard drive ok? 14:54:04 yeah, but its not mine anyway :) 14:57:35 AaronSw has quit 15:01:03 Where does chump log to again? 15:02:20 http://www.thedesignexperience.org/openacs/ircblog/ 15:05:31 davb: thanks 15:06:10 np. its easy for me to remember. 15:06:13 Was it you that posted that CSS reference linx the other day? 15:06:18 I have to get the search working. 15:06:20 8-) 15:06:21 Probably. 15:06:28 I'm looking for it. 15:06:47 like I said, I have to get search working. I'll have to get the information in the database one of these days. 15:07:14 Or just use static pages to index them.... 15:08:37 all I can find is one on 10/4 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Guide/Style 15:09:38 there's more css links here: http://www.thedesignexperience.org/radio-blog-day.adp?entry_date=2001%2d10%2d09 15:09:53 I also need to categorize my weblog so the CSS stuff is easier to find. 15:10:55 I think that's the one 15:15:00 davb: that's good stuff! 15:15:59 Yep. 15:21:50 hey guys, can you help me select the 13 most interesting keys from the following list: :-) 15:22:06 1: artist - Digger 15:22:07 2: album - PowerbaitTCO 15:22:07 3: title - I Want My Hat Back 15:22:07 4: genre - 15:22:07 5: copyright - 1 15:22:07 6: stereo - 1 15:22:09 7: padding - 1 15:22:11 8: frame_length - 12 15:22:13 9: size - 2295612 15:22:15 10: frequency - 8 15:22:17 11: mm - 2 15:22:19 12: bitrate - 112 15:22:21 13: layer - 1 15:22:23 14: ms - 972.285714285704 15:22:25 15: frames - 184468 15:22:27 16: time - 02:43 15:22:29 17: version - 2.5 15:22:31 18: mode - 1 15:22:33 19: secs - 163.972285714286 15:22:35 20: ss - 43 15:22:37 21: vbr - 0 15:25:52 maybe I missed something when it comes to overloading functions, but I don't think I can have them all (21) plus about six more in the db..?! 15:26:28 You can have up to 36 parameters in a function? 15:26:32 s/?// 15:26:52 in postgresql?? 15:27:26 yes 15:27:35 how does overloading work? 15:28:05 I read the code referenced from the FAQ, but still dont get it. 15:28:36 There can be more than one function with the same name. Postgresql checks the parameters to determine which function you are calling. 15:29:09 So you could have function(integer) and function(integer,varchar) 15:30:24 For OpenACS, you would figure out the most popular choices and create a function that had some of them set explicitly instead of passed in. 15:30:47 so I can insert in the first one and update some columns in the second? 15:30:57 Most of the functions have way more parameters than are actually used. 15:31:07 Yes, but that would be bad form for OpenACS, i think. 15:31:19 you'd want mp3__new and mp3__update 15:31:22 or something like that. 15:31:57 hmmm. 15:32:34 true 15:32:56 Check out acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-item.sql 15:33:06 I was thinking I could decimate the params to 13 (plus some other necessary). 15:33:41 That is probably tricky. You might need to split it into 2 functions. Essential info, and optional info. That was you can set them all if they exist. 15:34:06 strainmaker2 has quit 15:34:08 but you would have to backport that to the oracle version. 15:35:52 strainmaker2 has joined #openacs 15:38:34 vinod has quit 15:41:10 doh! I'm still confused - mp3__new needs to insert more than 16 values 15:41:42 how should I split it? 15:43:32 insert a few in the first mp3__new and then update the other values in the next mp3__new with a different set of params, or what? 15:44:13 I have an idea, don't know if its good. 15:44:23 ok. 15:44:27 cool. 15:44:30 Create 2 helper functions that handle the insert. insert_1 and insert_2. 15:44:41 wait 15:44:44 that doesn't work. 15:44:46 argh 15:45:18 thanks for trying! :-) 15:45:31 rbm: don't postgresql functions only take 16 parameters? 15:46:13 otherwise there would be no problem.. 15:46:32 davb: I thought it was 30-something. But I could be wrong. It doesn sound kind of high. 15:46:48 Maybe it was 16 but we are pushing the team to bump it to 32 or something. 15:47:22 yeah, I think that's it. 15:49:05 Ok. So ola needs two functions Mp3_new whichs creates the acs_object and maybe inserts tha name, artist, length and bitrate or something. 15:49:16 then another function that sets the rest of the mp3 information. 15:52:09 ..and the I would call them inside a transaction?? 15:53:20 call them inside a db_exec_plsql. A pl/pgsql function is a transaction. 16:09:54 w;) 16:16:25 [GlobalNotice] Hi all. Services will be back up in a moment, accompanied by the usual splits. Thanks for your patience. 16:16:59 strainmaker2 has quit 16:16:59 chump has quit 16:16:59 jerryasher has quit 16:17:20 chump has joined #openacs 16:17:20 jerryasher has joined #openacs 16:17:20 strainmaker2 has joined #openacs 16:17:34 This channel is logged: http://www.blogspace.com/openacs/chatlogs/ and blogged: http://www.thedesignexperience.org/openacs/ircblog 16:52:58 Is there anything like this that actually works? How hard would it be to do with free software that already exists? 16:52:59 http://ifolderdemo.novell.com/ 16:52:59 A: http://ifolderdemo.novell.com/ from davb 16:53:26 A:| Novell iFolder automagically synchronizes files on many machines 16:53:27 titled item A 16:54:07 A: You need a Novell ifolder server plus an ifolder client for each client machine 16:54:08 commented item A 17:09:21 markd2 has joined #openacs 17:24:16 curtisg has joined #openacs 17:25:43 Hi everyone. What's new? 17:26:18 hiya 17:26:29 vinod has joined #openacs 17:26:34 hey vinod! 17:26:38 Meet Curtis - a friend of mine 17:26:47 hey markd2! 17:27:05 hey curtis, sorry to hear you're associated with mark ;-) 17:27:11 Hah! 17:27:22 Don't worry, I am thousands of miles away from him. 17:27:30 turns out we grew up within 20 miles of each other 17:27:53 cool - where was that again? arkansas? 17:27:56 And now we are on the same IRC channel! It's a small world! 17:28:03 Yep, home of Bill Clinton 17:28:07 and others. 17:28:07 * markd2 sings an annoying song 17:28:18 * vinod covers his ears 17:29:21 * curtisg looks for the control panel 17:29:22 how was the musical, markd2? 17:29:27 pretty good 17:29:30 tonight is opening night 17:29:48 cool! which musical are you doing? 17:30:19 * curtisg scratches his head in puzzlement, then gives up 17:30:26 "Annie Get your Gun" 17:31:16 ahhh... i've never seen that one 17:31:46 me neither 17:31:51 but I know the music pretty well now :-) 17:32:07 haha - single focus... i like it :-) 17:32:32 and the stage is behind me 17:34:00 All I have is a pennywhistle. 17:34:13 sounds like something from an Ian Flemming novel 17:34:25 oh, 'loggy' is a logbot. and chump is a bot that looks for urls that are posted 17:34:37 they don't get logged 17:34:42 Pleased to meet you loggy and chump. 17:35:04 I got a blurb when I signed on warning me that it was logged. 17:35:12 ah, cool 17:35:15 So I better not say anything I will regret later. 17:35:41 yeah, it's mostly so we can immortalize all the great tidbits that markd2 spouts off 17:35:58 like that 17:36:01 * rbm is having trouble printing from cups 17:36:04 haha 17:36:36 i haven't used cups 17:36:56 I wish printing on Linux was more standardized. 17:37:15 me too. i think i used magicfilter 17:39:29 I just don't print. 17:40:00 * curtisg is having trouble drinking from cups 17:40:10 save your dixie cups! the south will rise again! 17:40:16 * vinod hands curtisg a straw 17:40:22 * curtisg slurps 17:40:24 Thank you. 17:41:00 davb has realized the mythical paperless office 17:43:59 I have the printer on my desk, which is good, except its an HP IIID and takes up a considerable amount of real estate. 17:44:14 I had a 4L, pretty small 17:44:39 You need "WHERE sno NOT IN" 17:44:42 oops 17:44:56 Progeny Debian has a really nice setup interface for printing, but it just does not work with my printer. 17:47:09 Anybody want a LaserWriter IIfx? 17:47:13 argh! 17:47:13 heh 17:47:28 CUPS doesn't feel like printing my PS output 17:49:39 AaronSw has joined #openacs 17:51:45 http://www.pbs.org/cringely/pulpit/pulpit20011011.html 17:51:45 B: http://www.pbs.org/cringely/pulpit/pulpit20011011.html from davb 17:52:01 B:|Cringely says Broadband Internet Access is Dead 17:52:02 titled item B 17:52:19 anyone know how to use magifilter? 17:52:42 sorry, that is what I have and I can't convince it to print. 17:52:58 i just did: 17:53:02 apt-get install magicfilter 17:53:07 magicfilterconfig --force 17:53:24 input filter: dj550c 17:53:30 * rbm is apt-getting 17:53:46 device path: /dev/usb/lp0 17:53:54 I think my actual parallel port setup is broken. 17:54:14 the stumbling blocks i had were getting the usb device setup and then figuring out which filter in the list corresponded to my printer 17:54:35 davb: yeah, i haven't used my parallel ports 17:55:54 My other plan is to set it up so I can print across the network using a printer on a windows machine. 17:59:20 Still no go for me 18:06:02 does it give you an error? 18:07:53 I was using cups. Got rid of it, installed lprng and it worked fine 18:08:57 cool! 18:15:11 rbm check it out: http://slashdot.org/articles/01/10/12/1423233.shtml 18:17:29 davb: I had seen that 18:17:32 Too expensive for me 18:19:26 yeah. 18:19:41 I just saw that part. 18:21:34 talli has joined #openacs 18:21:45 heeelooo heeelooo 18:21:51 hey talli 18:22:22 que pasa markd? 18:22:30 nada pasa 18:22:31 on a conf.call 18:22:54 with aD dudes? 18:23:01 hi talli 18:23:59 abbaJ has joined #openacs 18:27:14 LyX is so cool 18:27:24 rbm: an old PC with this is better http://www.evation.com/orders/online.html 18:28:31 There are cheaper IR receivers 18:28:48 Wow. Cool. 18:28:57 I'll have to look into that. 18:29:15 I did my jukebox with a keypad, but an IR would've been somewhat better. 18:29:30 You can get an IR receiver at RadioShack 18:29:41 spiffy. 18:29:59 Don't forget you have to get a display 18:30:01 * rbm goes to eat 18:31:36 http://dailynews.yahoo.com/fc/Business/Polaroid 18:31:36 C: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/fc/Business/Polaroid from talli 18:31:47 C: Polaroid files for Chapter 11 18:31:47 commented item C 18:35:23 wow, that kinda sucks. 18:37:13 the dawn of cheap digital cameras probably did them in 18:37:16 who gets the patents? 18:44:04 They were supposed to be making money on cheap digital cameras. 18:44:11 At least, that was the idea. 18:44:28 I got tired of peeling off the back of the camera after each shot 18:46:21 I guess you don't have to be a dot-com loser to screw up big time. 18:58:49 what do you guys think about setting up a new web/db forum at an "objective" URl? 18:58:54 i have openweb.org 18:59:16 do you think there's anyway of resuscitating web/db so that it might be like the web/db of old? 19:02:16 vinod has quit 19:03:08 damn vinod 19:04:08 talli: not a bad idea. But I think the attraction for web/db was ACS mostly. What exactly would people talk about on your forum? 19:05:55 Actually it was the AOLserver/Oracle forum mostly. 19:07:16 dunno 19:07:20 web/db :) 19:12:38 talli: ok, What might be more interesting is a forum about the community building and information sharing aspects of this type of software. 19:13:54 BTW, that is a cool domain name. 19:26:54 markd2 has quit 19:49:10 thanks davb. i managed to find it right as it was expiring 19:49:24 we should set up some kind of open source activism site on it 19:53:51 'lo all 19:53:55 Hey AaronSw 19:53:57 hi CurtisG 19:54:01 hi DavB 19:54:12 talli: yeah especially with the W3C patent stuff going on. 19:55:36 C:that really sucks 19:55:36 commented item C 20:08:54 davb: yes, i agree 20:09:05 we should think of something to do 20:09:20 I think we've got the W3C patent stuff taken care of. 20:09:33 we're goign to be (hopefully) building an activist app soon enough 20:09:46 Even Apple, who's a member of the Patent Working Group has been convinced to turn against RAND 20:09:48 either way, there are plenty of IP related issues to be active over 20:10:17 cool. 20:10:51 btw, guys. here is an (almost) alpha version of OpenACS 20:10:59 http://openacs.museatech.net 20:10:59 D: http://openacs.museatech.net from talli 20:11:11 wow. I was just going to ask. 20:11:25 D: Almost alpha (not pre-alpha) view of the new OpenACS.org 20:11:25 commented item D 20:11:39 D:Oooh, pretty... 20:11:40 commented item D 20:14:06 D:Bug about not closing
 in the recent posts sidebar
20:14:06  commented item D
20:14:32  Anyone know if Philip ever posted pictures of his RV?
20:15:34  talli: what do you think of the idea of a custom interface for an ETP application? That is a certain application would use different pages than the default.
20:28:37  how do you mean?
20:31:14  I'm not exactly sure, just something I was thinking about. If I decide to do it, I'll build it and then show you what I mean.
20:31:22  But for now I have to go...
20:31:26  davb has quit
20:37:26  bartt has joined #openacs
20:39:41  ola has quit
20:40:13  pat has joined #openacs
20:46:36  hola pat
20:46:47  are you a first time acs'er?
20:46:55  welcome to the openacs IRC channel
20:47:06  we open our arms to embrace you with love
20:50:47  talli has quit
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21:19:45  docwolf has joined #openacs
21:20:04  howdy
21:21:01  curtisg has quit
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21:56:38  Spork has quit
22:07:14  * AaronSw upgrades loggy
22:07:57  loggy has joined #openacs
22:07:57  topic is: Welcome to the OpenACS Helpline | http://www.openacs.org/
22:07:57  Users on #openacs: loggy bartt abbaJ AaronSw rbm yanni strainmaker2 jerryasher chump 
22:07:57  This channel is logged: http://www.blogspace.com/openacs/chatlogs/ and blogged: http://www.thedesignexperience.org/openacs/ircblog
22:32:30  * AaronSw creates http://blogspace.com/openacs/
22:32:30  bartt has quit
22:34:36  davb has joined #OpenACS
22:43:04  * rbm arrives
22:43:12  hi rbm.
22:43:50  Hey AaronSw, care to discuss blogspace a little bit. Specifically, I am wondering if it allows for multiple content items on a page.
22:44:03  Not yet... but it should.
22:44:33  I don't have a lot of time to work on Blogspace, lately... I'm on to other things.
22:44:57  Yeah. OK. Just wondering. 
22:45:04  I think ETP does a lot of what I inteded it to do.
22:45:11  at least the first round, anyway
22:45:59  hi everyone.
22:46:17  Aha. OK, well I am working with ETP so I guess I have a good start then.
22:46:56  I am trying to figure out the best way to have multiple editable sections on a page with #anchors to the differernt sections.
22:47:15  Obviously I can just write then in the content as HTML, but I want the system to be aware of the links.
22:47:15  Hmm, actually there's a lot of things ETP doesn't have... but it's a good start
22:47:46  Yeah, I was thinking that pages should be structural so you could visit a group of items, the items individually, a list of the items, etc.
22:47:53  the system should unserstand the structure.
22:47:59  AaronSw has left #openacs
22:48:00  AaronSw has joined #openacs
22:48:07  Might be time to talk to Luke. I think I am thinking of all the features he is thinking of, but he hasn't gotten to them yet.
22:48:38  That would be very interesting. 
22:48:54  I just need to think about it a little more.
22:49:26  hazmat has joined #openacs
22:49:27  Basically I think what it needs is extendable attributes that can be multiple.  
22:50:16  I gotta write this stuff down and get back to work on static pages. I think I will be searching the chump with that. 
22:51:58  argh. Xblog and Webword have trouble keeping their XML consistent with their web sites. 
22:54:20  davb, know about syndic8.com?
22:54:47  openacs.museatech.net is kicking some serious butt
22:54:53  yeah. I am on the syndication list.
22:55:06  yumm. playdoh pizza
22:55:25  is syndic8 the same as carmen's headline thingy..?
22:55:50  no, but from the creator of Headline Viewer
22:59:24  ahh. that explains why the web page vaguley familiar
23:21:26  jabba_ has joined #openacs
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