IRC log of openacs on 2001-10-11
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 00:01:21 [loggy]
- loggy has joined #openacs
- 00:01:21 []
- topic is: Welcome to the OpenACS Helpline |
- 00:01:21 []
- Users on #openacs: loggy ASwartz davb yanni til docwolf foonatz shagster chump strainmaker2 abbaJ rbm
- 00:01:22 [ChanServ]
- This channel is logged: and blogged:
- 00:02:34 [ASwartz]
- ASwartz is now known as AaronSw
- 00:19:11 [davb]
- I should probably whip up some docs for the categorization I hacked into Edit-This-Page...
- 00:19:35 [jabba_]
- jabba_ has joined #openacs
- 00:20:03 [abbaJ]
- abbaJ has quit
- 00:27:20 [til]
- til has quit
- 00:43:10 [davb]
- davb has quit
- 00:48:08 [jabba__]
- jabba__ has joined #openacs
- 00:48:42 [jabba_]
- jabba_ has quit
- 00:56:36 [davb]
- davb has joined #openacs
- 01:01:23 [Psychephylax]
- Psychephylax has joined #openacs
- 01:01:35 [Psychephylax]
- man I'm tired
- 01:01:39 [Psychephylax]
- * Psychephylax pokes dave in the eye with a banana
- 01:02:38 [davb]
- davb has quit
- 01:02:44 [Psychephylax]
- muahahaha
- 01:04:56 [davb]
- davb has joined #openacs
- 01:05:04 [Psychephylax]
- * Psychephylax trips dave up
- 01:06:09 [davb]
- woooaaaahhhhh!!!!!!
- 01:06:26 [Psychephylax]
- ?
- 01:08:26 [Psychephylax]
- what did I miss in the last 2 days>/
- 01:09:50 [davb]
- not much
- 01:10:04 [Psychephylax]
- figures ;)
- 01:10:09 [Psychephylax]
- I had fun though
- 01:10:13 [Psychephylax]
- 2 day XML seminar
- 01:10:21 [davb]
- same old stuff. some bugs in the CVS are fixed.
- 01:10:26 [Psychephylax]
- cool
- 01:10:35 [Psychephylax]
- Beta coming soon? :)
- 01:12:30 [davb]
- Alpha is planned for next week I believe. So after that is beta.
- 01:12:36 [davb]
- Like 2 weeks I think.
- 01:12:47 [Psychephylax]
- wooohooo
- 01:13:02 [Psychephylax]
- heh, my databases professor made stupid mistakes
- 01:13:26 [Psychephylax]
- He's not consistent in telling us if the book is allowed to have multiple copies in the system
- 01:13:36 [davb]
- He should hang out with rbm's professor.
- 01:14:09 [Psychephylax]
- And the search, assuming there are no copies, does not require the ID since it's probably going to be the primary key
- 01:14:28 [Psychephylax]
- i mean, if you know the ID, why would you need title, author or year?
- 01:14:34 [Psychephylax]
- the id binds to only one book
- 01:15:25 [davb]
- if the id on the title or the edition (ie paperback, hardcover, etc...)
- 01:15:43 [Psychephylax]
- they would have different ids
- 01:15:48 [Psychephylax]
- Again, he's not consistent
- 01:16:04 [Psychephylax]
- If a book is allowed to have multiple copies even then it's not needed
- 01:16:27 [Psychephylax]
- Say you have 1- bible 2-koran 3-Torah
- 01:16:51 [Psychephylax]
- If you're going to search for a book, why would you enter 1 for Id and bibl to find the bible?
- 01:17:27 [Psychephylax]
- I would assume the user does NOT know the book id and has to find it by author for example
- 01:17:54 [davb]
- of course. ids should not be exposed to the user.
- 01:18:01 [Psychephylax]
- Exactly
- 01:18:01 [davb]
- causes all kinds of problems.
- 01:18:08 [Psychephylax]
- this whole database is based on the book_id
- 01:18:17 [Psychephylax]
- here
- 01:18:31 [Psychephylax]
- look at this-->
- 01:18:39 [davb]
- Well do it right, and explain it to him if he says its wrong.
- 01:18:43 [Psychephylax]
- If you read it, read it carefully
- 01:19:07 [davb]
- Again, this is why I am going to Empire State College where I get to decide what I will learn and how.
- 01:19:08 [Psychephylax]
- Well, this is just prototype GUI and a manual
- 01:19:48 [Psychephylax]
- Well, it's not the problem of what and's just that he had it right in the beginning
- 01:20:07 [Psychephylax]
- then he decided to be funny and add all these constraints that invalidated the system he had right in the first place
- 01:20:16 [davb]
- Oh wait, its a library. Yeah EACH book has to have a unqiue id otherwise you won't know if its in or not.
- 01:20:24 [davb]
- If you have 5 copies, they have to be unique.
- 01:20:26 [Psychephylax]
- Right
- 01:20:32 [Psychephylax]
- But what I'm saying is
- 01:20:52 [Psychephylax]
- When YOU (as a user) go to the library, do you know what book id is assigned to Learn java in 21 days
- 01:20:55 [Psychephylax]
- no
- 01:21:06 [Psychephylax]
- So, I don't understand why that's even a field in the search
- 01:22:51 [davb]
- I think its the patron id (i hope) he's referring to.
- 01:23:11 [Psychephylax]
- Why would you need that?
- 01:23:18 [Psychephylax]
- the system knows it upon your login
- 01:23:42 [Psychephylax]
- capiche?
- 01:24:32 [davb]
- Well it says the interface has to remember the id, not necessarily tell the user what it is. So that once you are logged in it remembers it for every query.
- 01:24:50 [davb]
- Ok, do you want to know where to send the check?
- 01:24:52 [Psychephylax]
- exactly
- 01:25:00 [Psychephylax]
- huh?
- 01:25:14 [davb]
- My renumeration for doing your homework :)
- 01:25:23 [Psychephylax]
- you're not doing my homework
- 01:25:49 [davb]
- I see, you are just sharing the fun!
- 01:26:12 [davb]
- Yeah I know.
- 01:26:32 [Psychephylax]
- I should XML him to death for putting this up as a homework
- 01:26:44 [davb]
- Get used to it. It will prepare you for a real job. Actually you already know all about ill-defined specs don't you? :)
- 01:27:04 [Psychephylax]
- * Psychephylax nods, mumbles something about killing Roberto and Don
- 01:27:52 [davb]
- uhoh. Time to take a break I think :)
- 01:27:58 [Psychephylax]
- :)
- 01:28:06 [Psychephylax]
- I didn't get paid today....that's all
- 01:28:14 [davb]
- ick
- 01:28:16 [davb]
- brb
- 01:28:16 [Psychephylax]
- * Psychephylax mumbles something about murdering Jen
- 01:28:20 [davb]
- davb has quit
- 01:33:08 [davb]
- davb has joined #openacs
- 01:33:57 [Psychephylax]
- Here's another one
- 01:34:00 [Psychephylax]
- Paying a fine
- 01:34:07 [Psychephylax]
- Why enter a book id when you're paying a fine?
- 01:56:18 [Psychephylax]
- man i'm tired
- 01:56:21 [Psychephylax]
- tests tomorrow
- 01:56:24 [Psychephylax]
- pointless............
- 01:57:29 [davb]
- sorry to hear that.
- 01:58:02 [Psychephylax]
- 01:58:02 [chump]
- E:,2933,36218,00.html from Psychephylax
- 01:58:15 [Psychephylax]
- E:| Bert - Henchman for Osama Bin Laden?
- 01:58:16 [chump]
- titled item E
- 01:58:29 [Psychephylax]
- E: Somewhat freaky, and funny at the same time
- 01:58:29 [chump]
- commented item E
- 02:00:43 [davb]
- Really weird.
- 02:00:49 [Psychephylax]
- ya
- 02:01:09 [davb]
- I have only seen that one photo though, so I still think its fake.
- 02:01:14 [Psychephylax]
- nah
- 02:01:15 [Psychephylax]
- hold on
- 02:01:37 [davb]
- either that or someone has a really wild sense of humor over there.
- 02:02:47 [Psychephylax]
- if the first one doesn't work
- 02:02:50 [davb]
- wow, that is incredible.
- 02:02:52 [Psychephylax]
- but you know, now that I look at it
- 02:03:06 [Psychephylax]
- The doctored actually a poster in the pictures
- 02:03:21 [Psychephylax]
- like
- 02:03:55 [Psychephylax]
- Camera took a shot of a poster held up by a kid in real life in that poster there's another poster with a (doctored Earnie)
- 02:05:08 [davb]
- I have to reboot. My Windows has gone insane...
- 02:05:12 [davb]
- davb has quit
- 02:08:13 [davb]
- davb has joined #openacs
- 02:08:18 [Psychephylax]
- windows
- 02:08:19 [Psychephylax]
- pshhhh
- 02:08:23 [Psychephylax]
- 10:19PM up 78 days, 12:16, 1 user, load averages: 1.01, 1.01, 1.00
- 02:21:38 [davb]
- I gotta get a Mac to do graphics, then I will be 100% MS free
- 02:42:41 [Psychephylax]
- Graphics?
- 02:42:43 [Psychephylax]
- what kind?
- 02:42:51 [Psychephylax]
- You can probably use Photoshop
- 02:43:03 [Psychephylax]
- Or Macromedia tools (which I think are great)
- 02:43:07 [Psychephylax]
- mmm....acromedia
- 02:43:21 [Psychephylax]
- BLURB: Macromedia applications kick major ass
- 02:43:22 [chump]
- F: Macromedia applications kick major ass from Psychephylax
- 02:43:24 [davb]
- Yeah. Macromedia
- 02:43:30 [davb]
- Freehand and Fireworks.
- 02:43:32 [rbm]
- moo
- 02:43:33 [Psychephylax]
- yeah
- 02:43:35 [davb]
- Plus photoshop.
- 02:43:36 [Psychephylax]
- Those kick ass
- 02:43:38 [davb]
- Hi rbm
- 02:43:43 [Psychephylax]
- ¿oom
- 02:43:58 [davb]
- Gimp is cool, but doesn't work the way I do. I do like the fact that you can script it.
- 02:44:05 [Psychephylax]
- i gotta learn how to do an upside down bang
- 02:44:13 [Psychephylax]
- yah
- 02:44:21 [davb]
- uh keep that off the channel please...
- 02:44:30 [Psychephylax]
- ever seen this:
- 02:44:45 [Psychephylax]
- keep what off the channel?
- 02:45:00 [davb]
- nevermind
- 02:45:19 [Psychephylax]
- my upside down characters mess up Loggy and chimp?
- 02:45:31 [davb]
- heh, read your comment.
- 02:45:39 [Psychephylax]
- oh
- 02:45:41 [Psychephylax]
- you sick puppy
- 02:45:43 [davb]
- Thats cool. I saw that a long time ago.
- 02:45:48 [Psychephylax]
- yeah
- 02:46:01 [rbm]
- davb: It would very hard to make a tool that would work in every possible way that people do.
- 02:46:13 [Psychephylax]
- Roberto, you're so wrong
- 02:46:33 [rbm]
- That doesn't help. If you tell me why, then I may start to believe.
- 02:46:38 [Psychephylax]
- Look at Microsoft..."You do it this way and only this way"...It managed to suit xxx million people
- 02:46:45 [davb]
- Of course. Anyway I like Gimp for gimpy stuff. But most of my graphics work better.
- 02:46:52 [davb]
- Only because they have no clue what they are missing.
- 02:46:58 [Psychephylax]
- i hear that
- 02:47:13 [Psychephylax]
- * Psychephylax imagines a world without Microsoft
- 02:47:15 [davb]
- Thats why people should learn to program.
- 02:47:32 [davb]
- SO that they know the computer is supposed to work for them, not the other way around.
- 02:47:32 [rbm]
- Psychephylax: That's not making tools work on different ways. It's making them work one way (easy) and them forcing that unto people
- 02:47:40 [Psychephylax]
- Just think! 3rd World Hunger, homelessness, unemployment, tsunami and volcano eruptions will instantly be fixed
- 02:47:53 [rbm]
- * rbm opens his new Mozart CD
- 02:47:55 [Psychephylax]
- If only microsoft didn't exist
- 02:48:09 [rbm]
- Oh crap! Forgot that my CD-ROM is in another computer
- 02:48:17 [Psychephylax]
- d'oh!
- 02:48:25 [Psychephylax]
- SEe,
- 02:48:35 [davb]
- ack!
- 02:48:39 [Psychephylax]
- I can see Microsoft marketing their product by showing nude chicks on the boxes
- 02:48:40 [davb]
- I always have a spare.
- 02:48:42 [rbm]
- * rbm goes to grab it
- 02:48:56 [Psychephylax]
- I make sure I have 2 cd-roms in every computer I have
- 02:49:04 [davb]
- THats why you shouldn't mix entertainement and PCs
- 02:49:24 [rbm]
- brb. Gott turn the computer off to plug the CD in.
- 02:54:22 [Psychephylax]
- ugh
- 02:54:29 [Psychephylax]
- stupid Figure captions
- 02:55:48 [docwolf]
- docwolf has quit
- 02:57:42 [davb]
- Wow this is so cool.
- 02:58:18 [davb]
- In fireworks, you can paint and each bit of paint is an object which you can then, change the width, color, etc.
- 02:59:06 [Psychephylax]
- yeah
- 02:59:29 [Psychephylax]
- I don't recall, can Fireworks export in xml or svg yet?
- 03:01:56 [davb]
- apparently not. Maybe theres an update.
- 03:02:01 [Psychephylax]
- perhaps
- 03:02:05 [Psychephylax]
- soon it will
- 03:02:07 [davb]
- That would be cool.
- 03:02:22 [Psychephylax]
- yeah
- 03:02:29 [Psychephylax]
- <xml>
- 03:02:37 [Psychephylax]
- arg
- 03:02:49 [Psychephylax]
- I can't think of any good things to describe in XML ;)
- 03:04:07 [davb]
- Web sites. (RSS)
- 03:04:39 [davb]
- The chump is available in a custom XML format and RSS
- 03:06:30 [davb]
- Eventually I want to be able to export an OpenACS site to a series of XML files. The content anyway, not the templates.
- 03:08:36 [Psychephylax]
- hmmm
- 03:08:47 [Psychephylax]
- my manual has a bunch of pics
- 03:08:51 [Psychephylax]
- it's 7 megs large
- 03:09:37 [davb]
- which one?
- 03:09:44 [Psychephylax]
- For my database
- 03:09:50 [Psychephylax]
- project thingie
- 03:10:07 [Psychephylax]
- geez it's only 11 I feel like it's 3 am
- 03:10:39 [davb]
- aha.
- 03:10:41 [davb]
- yeah.
- 03:10:42 [rbm]
- * rbm is here
- 03:11:05 [davb]
- I have to finish these graphics before I go to sleep. I have only had like 2 months to work on them.
- 03:11:44 [rbm]
- * rbm has homework to do
- 03:13:03 [Psychephylax]
- rbm, you going for your masters/phd?
- 03:21:02 [rbm]
- * rbm laughs
- 03:21:19 [Psychephylax]
- ?
- 03:21:26 [rbm]
- Psychephylax: No. Not yet at least. I'm getting my undergrad, finishing next semester :)
- 03:21:48 [rbm]
- I plan on going on to a Masters if I find some way to pay for it.
- 03:21:51 [Psychephylax]
- heh
- 03:21:57 [Psychephylax]
- I'm gonna finish this semester
- 03:21:58 [Psychephylax]
- I hope
- 03:22:07 [Psychephylax]
- 2 degrees in 3.5 years! woohoo!
- 03:22:15 [rbm]
- My undergrad is being almost all paid by a scholarship (at least tuition), but I have nothing as of yet for the master.s
- 03:22:27 [Psychephylax]
- ah
- 03:22:30 [rbm]
- What are you finishing?
- 03:22:47 [Psychephylax]
- Computer Science/Applied Math and Stats
- 03:23:14 [rbm]
- Cool. Computer Science/Biology here.
- 03:23:21 [Psychephylax]
- Biology? lol
- 03:23:28 [Psychephylax]
- that's not very computer science related
- 03:23:39 [rbm]
- Yep. I was in Medical School for 3.5 years in Brazil before coming to the U.S.
- 03:23:45 [Psychephylax]
- ah
- 03:23:47 [Psychephylax]
- How old you be?
- 03:23:50 [rbm]
- 25
- 03:23:52 [Psychephylax]
- * Psychephylax guesses 27
- 03:23:53 [Psychephylax]
- ah
- 03:23:55 [Psychephylax]
- so close hehe
- 03:24:17 [Psychephylax]
- * Psychephylax is 22
- 03:24:22 [Psychephylax]
- Just turned :)
- 03:24:27 [davb]
- * davb is old
- 03:24:30 [Psychephylax]
- heh
- 03:24:33 [davb]
- (30)
- 03:24:33 [Psychephylax]
- * Psychephylax guesses 37
- 03:24:36 [Psychephylax]
- oh
- 03:24:36 [rbm]
- I would be 23, but I spent 2 years as a volunteer missionary down in Brazil.
- 03:24:36 [davb]
- heh
- 03:25:19 [davb]
- Yeah buy all I have are two associates degrees.
- 03:25:32 [rbm]
- Psychephylax: I beat you though, 2 degrees in 3 years :-)
- 03:26:01 [Psychephylax]
- you cheated :)
- 03:26:13 [Psychephylax]
- you probably got a bunch of credits
- 03:26:20 [rbm]
- I did :-)
- 03:26:21 [Psychephylax]
- ehehe
- 03:26:24 [Psychephylax]
- No fair
- 03:26:29 [Psychephylax]
- I only had 11 when i started
- 03:26:34 [Psychephylax]
- had I had 30 I would be done already
- 03:26:36 [rbm]
- I think it's fair. Medical School was really tough.
- 03:26:48 [Psychephylax]
- so then you really finished in 6.5 :)
- 03:26:55 [rbm]
- Yeah, I guess that's true.
- 03:27:06 [rbm]
- 'bout time I finish
- 03:27:10 [Psychephylax]
- of course then technically I finished in 4
- 03:27:18 [davb]
- almost time for me to start.
- 03:27:19 [Psychephylax]
- since i took a semester of College Chem in high school
- 03:27:26 [Psychephylax]
- and some AP credits from those stupid tests
- 03:27:41 [Psychephylax]
- * Psychephylax gives dave some popcorn
- 03:27:41 [rbm]
- Hey oomloopy
- 03:27:51 [Psychephylax]
- * Psychephylax departs to get water
- 03:27:51 [davb]
- heh
- 03:28:06 [rbm]
- * rbm lights Psychephylax on fire
- 03:28:19 [davb]
- Wow that Psychephylax really plans ahead
- 03:28:34 [Psychephylax]
- ouch ouch ouch!
- 03:28:36 [rbm]
- Oh dear umloopy, lord of the diagrams and redundant diagrams, have mercy on us mere mortals
- 03:28:39 [Psychephylax]
- * Psychephylax pours the water on himself
- 03:28:54 [Psychephylax]
- rofl
- 03:28:57 [rbm]
- UMLOOPY is the UML + OO god :-)
- 03:29:03 [Psychephylax]
- nice
- 03:29:11 [Psychephylax]
- You're doing UML now?
- 03:29:21 [rbm]
- * rbm is taking a "Advanced Objected Oriented Development" class
- 03:29:44 [rbm]
- Psychephylax: Yes. I had UML in this class and in a class I took last semester (Software Engineering)
- 03:29:54 [Psychephylax]
- What are you using for UML?
- 03:30:13 [davb]
- argh
- 03:30:29 [davb]
- hmmm
- 03:30:47 [davb]
- I didn;t name it, I'm just the designer.
- 03:31:03 [Psychephylax]
- ah
- 03:31:33 [davb]
- Yes. Object-oriented painting
- 03:50:18 [rzolf]
- rzolf has joined #openacs
- 03:50:49 [rbm]
- rbm has quit
- 03:58:17 [rzolf]
- rzolf has quit
- 04:12:34 [davb]
- davb has quit
- 04:55:56 [rzolf]
- rzolf has joined #openacs
- 04:56:10 [rzolf]
- rzolf is now known as rzolf-san
- 04:57:59 [rzolf-san]
- rzolf-san has quit
- 05:03:15 [foonatz]
- foonatz has quit
- 05:10:35 [rzolf]
- rzolf has joined #openacs
- 05:24:21 [rzolf]
- rzolf has quit
- 05:43:00 [jerryasher]
- jerryasher has joined #openacs
- 05:59:37 [djg]
- djg has joined #openacs
- 07:47:10 [rzolf]
- rzolf has joined #openacs
- 07:47:37 [rzolf]
- is it possible to alter a constraint on a postgres table without dropping the table?
- 08:09:10 [jerryasher]
- I have found you can drop some constraints, but
- 08:09:19 [jerryasher]
- I haven't figured out how to alter the constraing
- 08:09:31 [jerryasher]
- or add a "new" constraint to an existing table.
- 08:11:30 [rzolf]
- i just did it the cheap and sleazy way
- 08:12:08 [rzolf]
- renamed column, added new column with same name as renamed column, with the right constraints. :-/
- 08:12:37 [rzolf]
- i have to rebuild the whole database later anyway, but the client wants to see this change now.
- 08:16:26 [rzolf]
- oh yeah.
- 08:16:36 [rzolf]
- since you're the reservation guy ;-)....
- 08:17:24 [rzolf]
- what do i do, when the client decides they want to have a super user that can stuff more people into rooms that are available in the room?
- 08:29:04 [rzolf]
- rzolf has quit
- 08:51:12 [jerryasher]
- jerryasher has quit
- 09:31:47 [rzolf]
- rzolf has joined #openacs
- 09:34:28 [rzolf]
- rzolf has quit
- 09:47:46 [ola]
- ola has joined #openacs
- 10:35:40 [djg]
- djg has quit
- 12:02:26 [rzolf]
- rzolf has joined #openacs
- 12:43:25 [rzolf]
- rzolf has quit
- 13:00:14 [foonatz]
- foonatz has joined #openacs
- 13:01:03 [davb]
- davb has joined #openacs
- 13:02:54 [ola]
- hi davb.
- 13:03:56 [davb]
- Hey ola. How's it going?
- 13:04:22 [ola]
- straight to hell!
- 13:05:20 [davb]
- Excellent. No point in delaying it ;)
- 13:06:09 [davb]
- I really have to add some content to my web site or something. My most frequent visitors are Google and Scooter, then myself.
- 13:06:21 [ola]
- I've got problems with bind vars and dynamic vars that also change in number from time to time.
- 13:06:29 [davb]
- Ack. That sounds evil.
- 13:06:50 [ola]
- it truly is.
- 13:06:51 [davb]
- I know about bind vars, but haven't tackled any dynamic queries yet.
- 13:07:13 [ola]
- ok.
- 13:07:19 [davb]
- One thing you can do to get it working is just use all Tcl variables $tclvar in the queries.
- 13:07:39 [davb]
- just make sure they are 'quoted'.
- 13:08:36 [davb]
- I can take a look at the query in you want. I will need to learn it anyway. Maybe another viewpoint will help.
- 13:08:56 [ola]
- sure. thanks!
- 13:09:28 [ola]
- I will try to explain first...hold on:-)
- 13:09:49 [davb]
- np, i'll be here all day...
- 13:12:16 [davb]
- 13:12:16 [chump]
- A: from davb
- 13:13:35 [davb]
- A:|David McCusker on writing better resumés
- 13:13:35 [chump]
- titled item A
- 13:13:42 [davb]
- A: for Psychephylax
- 13:13:42 [chump]
- commented item A
- 13:13:57 [davb]
- A: and anyone else. This is great advice explained clearly
- 13:13:57 [chump]
- commented item A
- 13:15:02 [markd2]
- markd2 has joined #openacs
- 13:15:35 [ola]
- hi markd2.
- 13:15:45 [davb]
- hello markd2
- 13:17:27 [markd2]
- hiya
- 13:21:33 [pascal]
- pascal has joined #openacs
- 13:21:46 [pascal]
- hello
- 13:22:14 [ola]
- yo
- 13:22:47 [pascal]
- I am finaly getting back to openacs 4 - but forgot where I can find nsxml
- 13:23:41 [davb]
- 13:23:41 [chump]
- B: from davb
- 13:23:46 [davb]
- B:|ns_xml 1.4
- 13:23:46 [chump]
- titled item B
- 13:23:59 [pascal]
- thx
- 13:24:06 [davb]
- np
- 13:33:50 [alltelsucks]
- alltelsucks has joined #openacs
- 13:34:02 [markd2]
- markd2 has quit
- 13:34:12 [alltelsucks]
- alltelsucks is now known as markd2
- 13:38:07 [ola]
- are you ready, davb?;-) here we go:
- 13:38:23 [ola]
- there's a perl script that extracts info pairs from the mp3 file.
- 13:38:36 [ola]
- one problem is that the number of pairs are different for different mp3s
- 13:38:46 [ola]
- and since plpgsql doesn't handle default values I have to initialize all
- 13:39:01 [ola]
- the vars that can possibly belong to a mp3 to NULL
- 13:39:14 [ola]
- before the "foreach" loop sets the vars for the pairs that REALLY exist.
- 13:39:22 [davb]
- ok
- 13:39:46 [ola]
- and then......I reference ALL the vars separately in the postgresql.xql file for mp3__new, (with some vars preset to NULL).
- 13:39:59 [ola]
- should I reference the vars as bind vars or regular vars?
- 13:40:09 [markd2]
- then you do the hokey-pokey, and turn yourself around
- 13:40:12 [markd2]
- that's what it's all about
- 13:40:38 [davb]
- probably bind vars. They all exist before you call the query so that should be ok.
- 13:41:16 [davb]
- so its like this? SET A NULL SET B NULL SET C NULL
- 13:41:28 [ola]
- yes
- 13:41:36 [davb]
- then you grab the info from the MP3 and enter the data into the appropriate vars?
- 13:41:46 [ola]
- right
- 13:42:39 [davb]
- then mp3__new ( :A, :B, :C ) should work. Is the potential set of vars always the same? That is, is it a fixed set of information where some of the pieces may not be set?
- 13:44:50 [ola]
- well, some vars may be left out in certain mp3s, but may exist in others. so yes there's a fixed number of total vars.
- 13:45:27 [ola]
- now, NULL is quoted if I use bind vars.
- 13:45:36 [ola]
- not so good.
- 13:45:55 [davb]
- hmmmm... that should not confuse Postgresql.
- 13:46:23 [davb]
- I thought that was causing an error last week, but it was something else.
- 13:46:31 [ola]
- I think it does...
- 13:46:46 [ola]
- ok
- 13:48:31 [davb]
- try using an empty string. The bind var converts them to NULL
- 13:48:59 [davb]
- if you want to insert an empty string I think you need to do set var "''"
- 13:49:16 [ola]
- lemme try.
- 13:59:41 [rzolf]
- rzolf has joined #openacs
- 13:59:41 [rzolf]
- ugh
- 14:00:55 [markd2]
- you said it
- 14:12:54 [rzolf]
- rzolf has quit
- 14:15:31 [ola]
- hmm... I get this when initializing to "" (sorry about the pollution):
- 14:15:34 [ola]
- [11/Oct/2001:18:04:50][835.142341][-conn11-] Notice: dbinit: sql(localhost::openacs4): 'create function __exec_69_add_mp3 () returns varchar as '
- 14:15:34 [ola]
- 14:15:34 [ola]
- begin
- 14:15:34 [ola]
- select mp3__new(
- 14:15:34 [ola]
- ''7246'',
- 14:15:35 [ola]
- ''hr644.mp3'',
- 14:15:37 [ola]
- ''Track 12'',
- 14:15:39 [ola]
- null,
- 14:15:41 [ola]
- ''128'',
- 14:15:43 [ola]
- ''Dillinger Four V.god'',
- 14:15:45 [ola]
- ''12'',
- 14:15:47 [ola]
- null,
- 14:15:49 [ola]
- null,
- 14:15:51 [ola]
- ''3'',
- 14:15:53 [ola]
- ''f'',
- 14:15:55 [ola]
- ''1'',
- 14:15:57 [ola]
- ''1'',
- 14:15:59 [ola]
- ''t'',
- 14:16:01 [ola]
- ''44.1'',
- 14:16:03 [ola]
- ''2''
- 14:16:05 [ola]
- );
- 14:16:07 [ola]
- end;
- 14:16:09 [ola]
- 14:16:11 [ola]
- ' language 'plpgsql''
- 14:16:13 [ola]
- [11/Oct/2001:18:04:50][835.142341][-conn11-] Notice: Querying 'select __exec_69_add_mp3 ();'
- 14:16:15 [ola]
- [11/Oct/2001:18:04:50][835.142341][-conn11-] Error: Ns_PgExec: result status: 7 message: ERROR: unexpected SELECT query in exec_stmt_execsql()
- 14:16:18 [ola]
- [11/Oct/2001:18:04:50][835.142341][-conn11-] Error: dbinit: error(localhost::openacs4,ERROR: unexpected SELECT query in exec_stmt_execsql()
- 14:16:21 [ola]
- ): 'select __exec_69_add_mp3 ()'
- 14:16:52 [ola]
- this isn't verbose enough.
- 14:30:47 [davb]
- lose the BEGIN you don't need it with the select.
- 14:32:14 [davb]
- oh. Or you have to set the select to a variable and return the variable.
- 14:33:01 [davb]
- if you take out the begin, also take out the end.
- 14:33:33 [ola]
- thanks. I will try...
- 14:34:01 [davb]
- ok. I apologize if I am confusing you with too much information... sometimes I get carried away.
- 14:39:21 [jabba__]
- jabba__ has quit
- 14:39:21 [ola]
- ola has quit
- 14:41:59 [jabba__]
- jabba__ has joined #openacs
- 14:41:59 [ola]
- ola has joined #openacs
- 14:42:39 [ola]
- davb: how do I set the select to a var? (I'm curious)
- 14:42:48 [pascal]
- pascal has quit
- 14:43:19 [davb]
- Not sure...I think like this v_your_variable = select mp3__new (etc...)
- 14:43:26 [davb]
- or it might be :=
- 14:44:22 [davb]
- But you have to declare the variable first. For your case which is just a simple select that returns the mp3_id of the newly inserted record you just need select mp3__new
- 14:45:21 [ola]
- right.
- 15:03:57 [lilo]
- [GlobalNotice] Hi all. Services will be back up in a moment, after the usual set of splits. Please bear with us.
- 15:04:09 [AaronSw]
- AaronSw has quit
- 15:04:09 [markd2]
- markd2 has quit
- 15:04:09 [foonatz]
- foonatz has quit
- 15:04:14 [ChanServ]
- ChanServ has changed the topic to: Welcome to the OpenACS Helpline |
- 15:04:15 [ChanServ]
- This channel is logged: and blogged:
- 15:05:47 [AaronSw]
- AaronSw has joined #openacs
- 15:05:47 [foonatz]
- foonatz has joined #openacs
- 15:05:47 [markd2]
- markd2 has joined #openacs
- 15:20:03 [Psychephylax]
- morning
- 15:20:47 [ola]
- good evening!
- 15:20:47 [davb]
- hey Psychephylax
- 15:21:10 [Psychephylax]
- man I'm tired
- 15:22:17 [ola]
- put your head in a bucket of cold water for a minute.
- 15:23:35 [Psychephylax]
- if I can find a bucket I would
- 15:23:43 [Psychephylax]
- anyhoo
- 15:23:57 [Psychephylax]
- I'm off to go see if someone at the career center will take a look at my resumee
- 15:24:03 [davb]
- Psychephylax
- 15:24:04 [davb]
- A:
- 15:24:04 [chump]
- 15:24:05 [chump]
- David McCusker on writing better resumés
- 15:24:06 [chump]
- (davb) for Psychephylax
- 15:24:07 [chump]
- (davb) and anyone else. This is great advice explained clearly
- 15:27:42 [Psychephylax]
- that was interesting
- 15:27:53 [Psychephylax]
- I might try that sometime
- 15:27:56 [Psychephylax]
- but now I go
- 15:28:10 [Psychephylax]
- must go have it looked at then go cram for a test at 12:50
- 15:29:26 [Psychephylax]
- * Psychephylax detaches
- 15:41:14 [shagster]
- shagster has quit
- 15:46:38 [shagster]
- shagster has joined #openacs
- 16:05:18 [davb]
- hmmm.
- 16:06:39 [talli]
- talli has joined #openacs
- 16:08:04 [davb]
- Hi talli.
- 16:11:47 [talli]
- hey guys
- 16:18:11 [ola]
- hello talli
- 16:25:45 [foonatz]
- foonatz has quit
- 16:40:26 [rbm]
- rbm has joined #openacs
- 16:41:02 [rbm]
- rbm has changed the topic to: OpenACS - Free Enterpris Web Toolkit
- 16:41:10 [markd2]
- markd2 has changed the topic to: OpenACS - Free Enterprise Web Toolkit
- 16:41:11 [rbm]
- rbm has changed the topic to: OpenACS - Free Enterprise Web Toolkit
- 16:41:14 [markd2]
- now with a Jello Scene!
- 16:41:16 [rbm]
- hehehe
- 16:41:17 [rbm]
- :-)
- 16:53:15 [foonatz]
- foonatz has joined #openacs
- 16:59:05 [rbm]
- oh, moo BTW
- 16:59:16 [rbm]
- Wow, somebody asked about me on the boards
- 16:59:20 [rbm]
- s/boards/bboards/
- 17:07:32 [markd2]
- yeah
- 17:07:38 [markd2]
- you probably owe him money
- 17:10:45 [rbm]
- I do?
- 17:10:57 [rbm]
- Oh, gotcha :-)
- 17:28:23 [davb]
- BLURB: DavB needs to build an acs-service-contract for ns_xmlrpc
- 17:28:23 [chump]
- C: DavB needs to build an acs-service-contract for ns_xmlrpc from davb
- 17:28:25 [rbm]
- * rbm heads to class
- 17:28:44 [davb]
- BLURB: Also I am planning on one to generate RSS feeds
- 17:28:44 [chump]
- D: Also I am planning on one to generate RSS feeds from davb
- 17:30:55 [talli]
- where can a girl learn about acs-service-contract stuff?
- 17:32:05 [davb]
- Mostly just the bboard. They are still working on the final docs.
- 17:32:44 [davb]
- Or you can email Neophytos.
- 17:33:58 [davb]
- talli: I am just throwing this out for admin interface, I thought of it while I was using it. Three links always available from every page. Site Map, APM, Users (groups?)
- 17:41:25 [ola]
- davb: I agree that we should make life easier for the admin!
- 17:41:52 [davb]
- Its just a little thing. Probably could be hacked into the template pretty quickly.
- 17:46:25 [ola]
- yeah. a new subsite uses another master-template, though.
- 17:46:30 [davb]
- Aha.
- 17:46:35 [davb]
- Yeah I was just learning that.
- 17:47:12 [davb]
- how does a subsite find its templates?
- 17:48:11 [davb]
- oops. I forgot I was working on static-pages. I'll take up the admin interface redesign later...
- 17:48:18 [ola]
- it's decided from the parameters of each subsite, I think.
- 17:48:28 [ola]
- heh
- 17:48:55 [davb]
- Ok. Well that's good. That way they can be customized. I just figured it would be handy for the default admin pages to have something like that for the major tasks.
- 17:49:37 [ola]
- absolutely
- 17:53:32 [ola]
- when you play around a little with the templating system you notice that there's an inconsistent use of master-templates sub-templates and so on across modules..
- 17:53:41 [davb]
- ack.
- 17:53:52 [ola]
- we should look over this some day.
- 17:54:16 [davb]
- Yeah, of course. I get the feeling that this was developed by seperate groups and they never talked to one-another.
- 17:55:36 [ola]
- still 50+ times better than OACS 3.X, of course!
- 17:56:04 [davb]
- Yeah. I love the basic system. The templating system is great. Writing a nice set of default templates is easy because the system works.
- 17:57:30 [markd2]
- 3.X grew very organically
- 17:57:48 [ola]
- one thing I want as soon as possible is the ability to dump and restore parameters to/from a file
- 17:57:58 [davb]
- Yes.
- 17:58:12 [davb]
- I actually want the ability to dump and entire site to a set of XML files
- 17:58:18 [davb]
- * davb is not ambitious at all...
- 18:00:06 [ola]
- what woud be the main benefit of the XML approach?
- 18:01:39 [davb]
- Portability. That is, say I decide to switch to ZOPE or Manila :)
- 18:01:57 [ola]
- hmm...
- 18:01:58 [davb]
- You could just dump tbe DB. Not much difference really.
- 18:02:18 [davb]
- but it sounds cooler in XML
- 18:02:28 [ola]
- hehe
- 18:02:55 [davb]
- The point would be if CMS vendors agreed on a common format to dump site contents into.
- 18:03:03 [davb]
- WHich is not really likely.
- 18:03:38 [ola]
- does PG 7.1.3 dump/restore without problems?
- 18:03:51 [davb]
- Not sure.
- 18:03:59 [davb]
- I am not real strict about backing up.
- 18:04:19 [davb]
- I did easily dump frm 7.0.x to 7.1.3 though.
- 18:04:41 [ola]
- me neither, but I will have to wise up sooner or later.
- 18:04:51 [ola]
- :-)
- 18:05:21 [davb]
- Yeah. I am pretty sure it works fine though. Actually I am missing a view or two but I am just waiting to switch my site over to 4.
- 18:06:10 [ola]
- cool. thell me how it went, will ya? ;-)
- 18:06:26 [ola]
- s/thell/tell
- 18:06:38 [davb]
- np. Basically I am going to lose the 4 bboard posts in my database.
- 18:06:55 [davb]
- unless someone coughs up a conversion script real soon.
- 18:06:58 [davb]
- :)
- 18:07:50 [ola]
- let's hope 4.x is the FINAL version...:-)
- 18:08:24 [davb]
- I suspect the data model is fairly stable. It is flexible enough to be useful for awhile.
- 18:10:00 [ola]
- the big question is for how long clients will accept Tcl, IMHO.
- 18:10:50 [davb]
- The only people I have talked to about OpenACS didn't care how it did it, as long as it did what I said it could do. They were more interested in what the final product would do.
- 18:10:58 [davb]
- (both of them)
- 18:11:21 [ola]
- sounds promising.
- 18:11:59 [rbm]
- * rbm returns from skipping his generals class to work
- 18:12:18 [ola]
- davb: Have you done any OpenACS client work?
- 18:12:20 [davb]
- Basically that works for clients who are not planning on maintaining it inhouse. An who don't have a CTO.
- 18:13:05 [davb]
- ola: I had a good project, and got 2/3 of the money out of the client, but then she disappered. Actualyl she is still active on EBAY, but doesn't answer email or phone calls from me.
- 18:13:24 [davb]
- It was a 3.x ecommerce. Quite educational.
- 18:13:38 [ola]
- not too shabby..
- 18:13:55 [davb]
- Yeah, but now I can;t point to the finished site :(
- 18:14:34 [davb]
- right now I am working on a "top-secret" project with a guy with great ideas, but no money.
- 18:15:03 [ola]
- I havent even done my own site yet, but I aim at having it ready before christmas..
- 18:15:09 [davb]
- * davb is great a picking them huh?
- 18:15:14 [davb]
- Cool.
- 18:15:31 [ola]
- "top-secret" you say... tell me about it. ;-)
- 18:15:43 [davb]
- right now I am getting paid $15/hour to fold booklets.
- 18:18:06 [davb]
- ola: I can say its a community based site that will take advantage of every aspect of OpenACS 4.
- 18:18:31 [ola]
- I and my brother will try to get some clients to work with. A problem, though, is that they may want the whole interface translated to swedish...
- 18:18:55 [ola]
- davb: cool. good luck!
- 18:18:58 [davb]
- That would
- 18:19:18 [davb]
- The system needs a languahe parameter so you can just template all that out.
- 18:19:35 [davb]
- Note : I am not volunteering for that one.
- 18:19:38 [davb]
- :)
- 18:19:43 [ola]
- I dont think the acs-lang package installs properly.
- 18:19:45 [ola]
- hehe
- 18:20:05 [davb]
- You have to be careful with rbm around...:)
- 18:20:13 [ola]
- maybe I'll look at it some day
- 18:20:31 [ola]
- does he bite?
- 18:20:50 [rbm]
- why?
- 18:21:00 [rbm]
- Oh.
- 18:21:54 [davb]
- Watch out DomingoA touched acs-lang.
- 18:22:25 [ola]
- woah!
- 18:22:28 [davb]
- But it says testing.
- 18:24:22 [ola]
- one thing I dont understand (amongst many) is how the message catalog in acs-lang ties in to say mp3jukebox...
- 18:24:57 [davb]
- probably doesn't.(just guessing). I suspect the package has to be setup to support it.
- 18:24:58 [ola]
- s/amongst many/amongst many things
- 18:25:55 [ola]
- but how many are supporting it?
- 18:26:23 [ola]
- my guess: almost none..
- 18:26:40 [davb]
- me too. It was probably planned, but never implemented...
- 18:27:37 [davb]
- After the release I suspect we need to get some teams together to tackle these type of things.
- 18:29:16 [ola]
- yes. a massive amount of small patches can probably solv anything..
- 18:29:27 [davb]
- Or a paying client that wants it done...
- 18:29:30 [ola]
- s/solv/solve
- 18:32:28 [ola]
- rbm: you can be my mp3-tester if you ask politely;-)
- 18:32:55 [rbm]
- ola: Wouldst thou allow me to test your mp3 work?
- 18:33:26 [ola]
- I just might.:-)
- 18:40:49 [vinod]
- vinod has joined #openacs
- 18:41:23 [davb]
- Hey vinod.
- 18:41:53 [vinod]
- hey dave!
- 18:42:57 [rbm]
- * rbm goes to eat
- 18:44:20 [ola]
- hi vinod
- 18:45:01 [vinod]
- hey ola!
- 18:51:42 [davb]
- * davb has an idea!
- 18:51:50 [ola]
- cool
- 18:52:17 [davb]
- uhoh... its breaking down already...
- 18:52:43 [vinod]
- don't worry - i'm sure you'll have another one soon ;-)
- 18:52:50 [davb]
- but I think I might have a solution...
- 18:52:55 [davb]
- thanks vinod!
- 18:52:58 [vinod]
- :-)
- 18:54:03 [ola]
- in the meanwhile, what is this?
- 18:54:07 [ola]
- Error: Ns_PgExec: result status: 7 message: ERROR: mp3_votes_user_id_fk referential integrity violation - key referenced from mp3_votes not found in users
- 18:54:47 [vinod]
- sounds like you're adding a row into mp3_votes with a user_id that doesn't occur in the users table
- 18:54:54 [vinod]
- thus the foreign key violation
- 18:55:02 [ola]
- strange
- 18:55:04 [davb]
- argh. vinod types faster than me :<
- 18:55:16 [vinod]
- :-) i don't waste time having ideas
- 18:55:20 [davb]
- heh
- 18:57:56 [bartt]
- bartt has joined #openacs
- 18:59:46 [davb]
- Anyway know anything about util_httppost? Say would it be easy to make util_httpSpost using ns_httpsopen from nsopenssl?
- 18:59:57 [ola]
- vinod: aha. they had shifted order.
- 19:00:29 [ola]
- the vars in the .xql file, that is.
- 19:00:50 [talli]
- so the "great" vinod has returned
- 19:00:59 [vinod]
- ola: yeah, that's unfortunately a common problem with converting from oracle to pg
- 19:01:10 [talli]
- what do you want, vinod?
- 19:01:13 [vinod]
- talli: so you finally acknowledge my greatnesss
- 19:01:19 [talli]
- money? love? power?
- 19:01:23 [talli]
- you can't have 'em.
- 19:01:38 [talli]
- you lost your rights when you signed over your soul to the devil.
- 19:01:41 [talli]
- be gone with you!
- 19:01:46 [vinod]
- peace and understanding, that's all i need
- 19:01:55 [vinod]
- vinod has left #openacs
- 19:02:04 [vinod]
- vinod has joined #openacs
- 19:02:25 [vinod]
- is talli gone yet?
- 19:02:35 [davb]
- heh.
- 19:03:00 [vinod]
- davb: i haven't used util_httppost
- 19:03:39 [davb]
- I think it will "just work" but I am not sure. SSL is negotiated by the server before the HTTP request right?
- 19:03:41 [talli]
- * talli slaps vinod around a bit with a large trout
- 19:03:58 [vinod]
- davb: don't know. SSL is a black art to me
- 19:04:07 [davb]
- Thanks.
- 19:04:09 [vinod]
- mmmm... trout
- 19:04:12 [talli]
- vinod, are you not a master of the black arts?
- 19:04:21 [davb]
- Anyway, some guy was asking me about it. I don't need it yet.
- 19:04:23 [vinod]
- no, that's markd2
- 19:04:28 [talli]
- you and your fancy lernin'
- 19:04:37 [vinod]
- i'm a master of the brown arts (being indian and all)
- 19:05:07 [davb]
- black arts=>oracle
- 19:05:21 [vinod]
- and breadmaking
- 19:05:26 [davb]
- heh.
- 19:05:28 [vinod]
- and ballooning
- 19:05:43 [davb]
- Hey, BTW, I got my balloon bug kit last night!
- 19:06:01 [vinod]
- uhoh, not you too?
- 19:06:23 [davb]
- my 3-year-old wanted it, but he can't make the bugs yet...
- 19:06:52 [vinod]
- cool! I expect bug pics on your homepage soon
- 19:07:03 [davb]
- oh yeah. cool.
- 19:07:53 [davb]
- you have to wait for me to get a digital camera...
- 19:08:18 [vinod]
- yeah, i need to get one of those too
- 19:11:28 [markd2]
- what's this about black art balloon bugs?
- 19:11:49 [davb]
- heh.
- 19:12:12 [davb]
- not quite.
- 19:12:32 [markd2]
- what's a balloon bug kit? (the bugs I know how to do would be tough for a 3 year old)
- 19:13:17 [davb]
- Yeah. Its probably for older kids, but he doesn't care. So I get to make them.
- 19:19:30 [vinod]
- vinod has left #openacs
- 19:38:36 [bartt]
- davb, I compared util_httpopen with ns_httpsopen and the look similar enough that it might work.
- 19:39:21 [bartt]
- Probably all you have to do is to rework util_httppost into ns_httpspost.
- 19:39:52 [bartt]
- If you do, let me know how it went.
- 20:00:41 [davb]
- Thanks bartt!
- 20:04:12 [jabba__]
- jabba__ has quit
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- ola has quit
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- jabba__ has joined #openacs
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- ola has joined #openacs
- 20:06:25 [talli]
- talli has quit
- 20:06:57 [davb]
- davb has quit
- 20:13:25 [ola]
- ola has quit
- 20:27:10 [Psychephylax]
- * Psychephylax gives Mark a cookie
- 20:29:59 [markd2]
- mmmmmmm
- 20:34:00 [Psychephylax]
- :0
- 20:34:05 [Psychephylax]
- I got my databases grade back
- 20:34:09 [Psychephylax]
- 85..woohooo
- 20:36:35 [Psychephylax]
- * Psychephylax pokes Mark in the nose with a peeled banana
- 20:37:37 [markd2]
- mmm.. nannas
- 20:37:54 [Psychephylax]
- :/
- 20:37:57 [Psychephylax]
- where's Dave
- 20:44:08 [Psychephylax]
- i think I'll buy a knife
- 20:45:07 [markd2]
- heh
- 20:45:12 [markd2]
- * markd2 suggests a spork
- 20:45:21 [markd2]
- I don't think those have been banned from airports yet
- 20:46:01 [Psychephylax]
- sporks?
- 20:46:05 [Psychephylax]
- Eh
- 20:46:29 [Psychephylax]
- If I have a knife, I can always get a spork by holding up a Taco Bell at knife point
- 20:48:38 [markd2]
- true
- 20:48:56 [Psychephylax]
- :)
- 20:49:03 [Psychephylax]
- Psychephylax is now known as Spork
- 20:49:38 [Spork]
- i need to go home and see if the rebuilders finished
- 20:50:56 [Spork]
- * Spork stabs markd2
- 20:55:08 [Spork]
- laters
- 21:01:49 [bartt]
- bartt has quit
- 21:12:49 [vinod]
- vinod has joined #openacs
- 21:27:55 [rbm]
- moo
- 21:28:05 [markd2]
- moobaby
- 21:28:31 [vinod]
- moolah
- 21:29:11 [vinod]
- markd2: sorry to hear about your upcoming change in employment status
- 21:31:17 [rbm]
- Anyone planning to come to our mini-OpenACS forum concurrent with our 2nd USU Free Software & Linux Forum in Nov?
- 21:33:07 [vinod]
- when is it?
- 21:33:34 [rbm]
- Nov 15th. Bruce Perens is our keynot speaker.
- 21:33:39 [rbm]
- s/keynot/keynotel
- 21:33:45 [rbm]
- argh. keynote even
- 21:35:32 [vinod]
- don't think i'll be able to make it (i would love to, though!)
- 21:36:13 [markd2]
- such is life
- 21:37:12 [vinod]
- yeah... any clues with what you want to do after your time off?
- 21:37:27 [markd2]
- maybe yak herding
- 21:37:42 [vinod]
- cool! need an apprentice?
- 21:37:48 [markd2]
- heh
- 21:37:55 [markd2]
- a little too eager this one is
- 21:38:29 [vinod]
- haha - you noticed?
- 21:38:49 [markd2]
- and on that note (?), I'm off to play a musical. be back tomorrow
- 21:38:52 [markd2]
- markd2 has quit
- 21:41:19 [rbm]
- hard to see the dark side is.
- 22:24:05 [vinod]
- vinod has quit
- 22:38:15 [shasha]
- shasha has joined #openacs
- 22:43:19 [rbm]
- hola thre
- 22:43:23 [rbm]
- s/thre/there/
- 22:54:01 [shasha]
- shasha has quit
- 22:54:47 [talli]
- talli has joined #openacs
- 22:54:52 [talli]
- hey guys
- 22:54:56 [talli]
- anyone here?
- 22:56:06 [talli]
- talli has quit
- 23:01:55 [rbm]
- * rbm is here