00:09:25 rbm has quit (changing universes) 00:16:42 abbaJ (jabba@user-33qs21m.dsl.mindspring.com) has joined #openacs 00:21:10 jmarsden has quit (Leaving) 00:23:00 MadDucks has quit (Ping timeout for MadDucks[c1536889-a.cheyne1.wy.home.com]) 00:29:07 MadDucks (user66@c1536889-a.cheyne1.wy.home.com) has joined #openacs 01:45:35 markd2 (markd@r-41.23.alltel.net) has joined #openacs 02:00:31 tdxdave has quit () 02:33:49 markd2 has quit (Ping timeout for markd2[r-41.23.alltel.net]) 02:48:09 hm. Postgresql 7.1R4 in debian testing... 03:16:17 rbm (roberto@slxwy.dorms.usu.edu) has joined #openacs 03:16:21 moo 04:01:57 Hey Roberto ;) 04:06:31 hey mackducks 06:33:41 PascalS (PascalS@mgz-167-121.pc.fgg.eur.nl) has joined #openacs 06:34:05 moning y'all 06:55:34 PascalS has quit () 07:06:32 GEM has quit (Ping timeout for GEM[MULTICS.MIT.EDU]) 07:19:51 abbaJ has quit (Read error to abbaJ[user-33qs21m.dsl.mindspring.com]: EOF from client) 07:20:28 abbaJ (jabba@user-33qs21m.dsl.mindspring.com) has joined #openacs 07:58:53 PascalS (PascalS@mgz-167-121.pc.fgg.eur.nl) has joined #openacs 08:30:39 PascalS has quit () 08:37:27 rbm has quit (changing universes) 08:37:37 rbm (roberto@slxwy.dorms.usu.edu) has joined #openacs 08:57:15 djg (dirk@pD95016D3.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #openacs 09:34:27 PascalS (PascalS@mgz-167-121.pc.fgg.eur.nl) has joined #openacs 09:41:34 ola (ola@as3-1-3.mal.s.bonet.se) has joined #openacs 10:18:27 bbaquiran (bpb@ has joined #openacs 10:22:58 tdxdave (tdxdave@ip-204-97-175-41.dsl.logical.net) has joined #OpenACS 10:23:11 wow great attendance. 10:23:20 yeah. 10:23:38 were some nice discussions here yesterday 10:23:53 I'll have to check the logs. 10:24:30 we need some non-techie to round those up and write a small summary or something. 10:26:49 good evening. I missed the discussions yesterday. 10:30:56 Right, us coders are way too busy for that kind of stuff :) 10:31:44 no, not too busy. But it might make some people feel more useful. 10:32:27 OTOH, non-techies writing about coding tends to give strange results 10:33:07 PascalS: examples ;) 10:33:49 nothing at hand, just remember your last meeting with a sales person. 10:36:37 is zope big in the netherlands? 10:36:57 dunno. never visit dutch sites :) 10:37:39 Most friends who code tend to work for universities or they are M$-ies 10:38:21 b/c it is pretty damn big in germany 10:38:31 recently another book on it was published 10:38:56 I've never actually seen zope. 10:39:33 www.linux-community.de is a nice site with ugly colors 10:39:41 but good functionality 10:42:17 We must defeat zope! :) Get back to porting 10:43:04 ehrm, personally I don't care about defeating anything. Healthy competition is good 10:43:14 tdxdave: i was just wondering ;) wherever you go, the zope guys are there 10:43:32 something about zope must be very attractive 10:44:05 less complex to install, more out-of-the box. 10:44:11 Of course competition is good. 10:44:18 that were its major points IIRC 10:44:32 I don't think it has more out of the box. Just that it is easier to get it to do something out of the box. 10:44:39 u sure? b/c it seems that a) zope is much more proprietary than acs and b) the learning curve is really step 10:44:45 s/step/steep/ 10:45:19 those were the arguments I last heard. as i said, no personal experience here. 10:45:37 I will find out. I never explored Zope I found ACS and stuck with it. 10:46:40 argh! broken link on Zope web site to Developr's Overview... 10:46:41 be sure to find out what they find attractive from the marketing point of view, technology wise we're probably not too far apart. 10:47:02 Well their web site has alot more news type stuff on the home page. 10:47:14 It seems to have more "projects" going on by the look of the home page. 10:47:22 that makes it look more active 10:47:36 OpenACS really needs to have people work with the community more on their modules. 10:47:39 we should call all the modules 'projects' and see who has more. 10:48:06 It seems that most people build it and then offer to the community (of course that is because of client requirements) 10:48:22 But we don't list activity about modules on the home page. 10:48:44 we probly should. 10:48:53 THe home page it 95% static. Well anyway Openacs.Org is getting redone. We already know that. 10:49:23 yes, but more news on the front page is important, whe should tell talli 10:49:39 if he doesn't know yet 10:49:51 Zope can be used with most popular web servers. 10:50:11 that's because it's PHP, right? 10:50:18 And it uses Python, a very popular language. Unfortunately. 10:50:27 :) 10:50:34 Unfortunately that matters to most people. 10:50:34 rzolf (rolf@adsl-64-167-240-171.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net) has joined #openacs 10:51:14 Plus there are links to 3 articles on the users overview page. How many OpenACS articles are there on independent developer news sites? 10:51:28 hello 10:51:55 ehrm, we'd have to take ACS/Tcl articles and then there are quite a few 10:52:02 I think its a general marketing thing. We have all been busy just getting work done. If someone looks and they are right for OpenACS they know it and stick around. 10:52:15 yeah that's funny how many ppl choke once you use the word "AOLserver"..."Aol-what?" 10:52:23 Really? Are there that many ACS articles out there? 10:52:40 If so I just missed them. 10:52:41 * PascalS found out that rzolf is '* I'm to lame to read BitchX.doc *' according to his name pty 10:52:53 i am too lame to read bitchx.doc 10:53:09 tdxdave: there's a few I worked on - in german 10:53:15 and a few articles on arsdigita 10:54:01 we should as the aD marketeers for a copy of their article clippings. 10:54:12 Aolserver does tend to scare ppl 10:54:32 rz: it's worth it. 10:54:38 oh and let's net forget malte's (and mine) article on Knowledge Management 10:54:39 ;-) 10:54:46 that can be repeated endlessly 10:54:55 and The Book. 10:55:02 which Book? 10:55:04 when is the german KM module going to be released? 10:55:06 The Book 10:55:19 the (Open)ACS bible 10:55:25 rzolf is now known as rolfhanson 10:55:46 rh: that makes more sense 10:56:02 i will change my ircname sometime. 10:56:06 but i dont irc that much. 10:56:07 everybody here knows abut nickserv? to protect your nick name? 10:57:26 does anybody know the Tcl codepage name for us-ascii? 10:57:54 for 'encoding system "us-ascii"' 10:59:40 bbaquiran has quit (Client Exiting) 10:59:57 bbaquiran (bpb@ has joined #openacs 11:00:02 pascal, i do not. 11:03:03 hm 11:03:20 Anyone read this yet: http://davenet.userland.com/2001/07/17/distributedMembershipAndPreferences 11:03:40 passport.com, but then open 11:04:17 we should do stuff like that. that would be a USP 11:04:23 yes, also check dotgnu.org 11:04:27 i'm not sure it is so easy 11:04:47 some company in san francisco tried to hire me to do that back in september 11:04:55 they arent even close to having anything done 11:05:06 passport.com sounds like it will fail in germany anyway 11:05:19 i'm not convinced passport is going to go anywhere 11:05:23 passport.com is not legal in the EU, IMO 11:05:42 When it comes to preferences that is. 11:05:45 PascalS: might be 11:06:02 it certainly is not compliant with german law if servers were parked in germany 11:06:15 s/certainly/probably/ 11:06:25 djg: same here in .nl 11:07:19 in japan, no one uses credit cards or uses the internet for anything besides email. 11:07:24 so it doesnt matter. 11:07:34 .gnu sounds like a good thing to follow closely, see how it develops. 11:07:51 rh: u in .jp? 11:07:58 yes 11:08:58 that was an alienating experience in japan: visa cards are completely useless in jp (being almost useless in germany) 11:09:13 yes, they are. 11:09:44 however it is kind of nice not thinking about paying my credit card bill 11:09:54 I pay with visa in germany sometimes. 11:10:23 but almost everything is direct-debit in .nl 11:11:19 the digital/chipcard cash initiatives are very unsuccessful in .nl because every always uses direct-debit 11:11:34 what is direct-debit? 11:11:42 EuroCard in Germany? 11:11:42 cash card 11:11:55 or wait: we call it EC-Karte 11:11:56 no one even uses debit cards in japan. 11:12:06 they just carry around cash. 11:12:10 djg: yes 11:12:31 * PascalS thinks cash sucks. 11:12:56 cash is ok. 11:13:18 it sucks in the US, because someone will rob you. 11:13:43 it sucks in europe because there is different cash everywhere you go 11:13:43 no, you got to keep getting it from somewhere. debit is safer. Leaves a trail though. 11:14:12 it is ok. 11:14:21 not ideal, but not so bad. 11:14:37 passport is not so interesting, anyway. 11:14:37 In some shops in germany, france and switzerland I can even use my dutch debit cards. very cool 11:15:23 things like distributed KM and bboards might be intersting 11:15:35 businesses are only interested in it for directed marketin purposes. 11:15:38 PascalS: i think you can use dutch debit-cards anywhere in germany 11:15:43 and marketing is not interesting. 11:15:56 rolfhanson: and different currencies...will disappear in a few months 11:16:11 Sure. userland needs distributed login because there are a jillion Manila web sites and to join a discussion you need to login to each one. 11:16:30 dirk: only in bank machines, not all EC-Karte machines in shops accept them. 11:16:49 OpenACS will have distributed features. We are putting XMLRPC in and SOAP will be in there too. 11:16:50 that is ok, but i dont think microsoft cares about userland, aside from possible license fees 11:17:15 what is userland anyway? 11:17:23 SOftware company. 11:17:25 i'm just saying passport = boring, yet it gets tons of press, so all the opensource people start thinking about it 11:17:39 when they could be thinking about building stuff that is ACTUALLY interesting 11:17:41 they did the spec for xml-rpc 11:17:44 i mean...i have seen lotsa (good) postings by Dave Winer... 11:17:47 like...knowledge management 11:18:09 They make a quick content management called Manila. 11:18:16 rpc as in remote procedure calls? 11:18:24 Someone is building a simlar product into OpenACS. 11:18:29 djg: yes. 11:18:37 rolfhanson has quit (work) 11:18:43 I did some SOAP, but even M$ didn't have their libs ready 6 months ago. It was NOT anywhere near transparent. 11:19:18 XMLRPC is better than SOAP for almost everything. 11:19:28 it's certainly a lot simpler 11:20:07 It is better becuase it is simpler. INteroperability is way easier. That is why you use it. 11:20:20 simplicity is not really an issue, if your language supports native SOAP/XML-RPC calls 11:20:29 You don't need to know that the other end is using AOLserver/Tcl or ACS/Java or Zope. 11:20:46 PascalS: correct 11:20:47 PascalS: thats what Dave Winer wants. 11:21:20 souds like a fancier version of RSS 11:21:24 I like RSS 11:21:30 RSS? 11:21:31 it's so simple and usable 11:21:34 is anyone working on XML-RPC or SOAP for AOLserver? 11:22:33 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rss-dev/files/namespace.html 11:23:35 i havent used it in my software 11:23:46 but it looks very convincing b/C it is so simple 11:23:53 brb 11:24:33 bbaquiran: I am 11:24:41 XMLRPC is working great. 11:25:05 tdxdave: can you point me to a website for introductory reading? 11:25:16 www.xmlrpc.org 11:25:23 check out http://openacs.org/sdm/one-package.tcl?package_id=12 11:26:36 tdxdave: is this a server or client (or both?) 11:26:39 RSS is also going into OpenACS 11:27:54 when I get around to it. 11:28:31 Next week I will get back to work on this stuff. 11:31:06 does it mean that with OACS-XMLRPC I can externally execute ANY command? 11:31:26 (apart from access restrictions) 11:32:50 If it is available via XMLRPC 11:33:22 I meant OpenACS/Tcl commands, of course 11:33:30 It just processes the remote procedure calls. You have to build the procedures to know what to do with it. 11:33:56 do you have examples for it? 11:34:00 But basically the ns_xmlrpc takes a remote call and runs the Tcl command with the parameters you send. 11:34:06 (can find them on www.xmlrpc.org prolly) 11:34:18 The examples are in there, but do not use OpenACS yet. 11:35:14 is there going to be a reserved URL stub or something? or is it a content type thing? 11:35:51 a registered proc handls all calls to /RPC2 11:36:06 that is the common convention of XMLRPC. 11:36:26 ah. okay. 11:37:04 login is through basic-authentication or cookies? 11:37:06 You could make a URL for different types of calls if you needed it. 11:37:28 authentications is not handled by XMLRPC. 11:37:52 not even guide lines? 11:38:18 PascalS: Nope. Whatever procedures you call with it should handle the authtentication. 11:38:29 shagster has quit (Read error to shagster[web1.alal.com]: Connection reset by peer) 11:38:43 PascalS: that is why it is so light. 11:39:05 dave: Hmmm. thats going to be a bad thing for XMLRPC then 11:39:53 even when we have XMLRPC, we still need to know which auth-mechanism each and every other site uses. 11:40:22 not really. 11:40:29 ? 11:40:33 they don't have to expose their internal structure. 11:41:13 If you expose a procedure to the world via XMLRPC you have to specify what parameters you acceot with it. 11:41:29 what kind of highlevel transport is defined for XML-RPC? just HTTP or also SMTP et al.? 11:41:31 So if you need username/password, the caller sends it. 11:41:51 XMLRPC just uses HTTP. Although it can be used with others, its not in the spec. 11:42:06 For anything more complex, you need SOAP. 11:42:12 or something else. 11:42:20 or just XMLRPC++ 11:42:40 Of course, but Dave Winer trademarked XMLRPC I think. 11:43:14 a call like 'ns_xmlrpc login my.server.com pascal sillypassword' would be very useful 11:44:20 PascalS: xmlrpc doesn't define that. You can call any procedure you want to define. So if the server has a method called "login" you can call it. 11:44:44 PascalS: but you are right ns_xmlrpc specifically could be made a little easier to use. 11:45:25 problem is, ns_xmlrpc doesn't know which parameters will be username/password. 11:46:40 Aha. XMLRPC parameters are ordered, not named. 11:47:07 like any ordinary language. 11:47:50 SO you have to pass them in the correct order and number. 11:48:03 jah. 11:48:48 I wonder how Python is baking in XMLRPC to the standard distribution. Specifically how they handle XML parsing. 11:49:20 It would be nice to have to built into Tcl too. But I think we want to use AOLservers HTTP services. 11:50:06 Next week I should have a version of ns_xmlrpc what will work with any AOLserver and nsxml, without OpenACS (it uses 2 procs I think from OpenACS) 11:50:46 the actual handling of xml should be in Tcl probly. No need to do it in Aolserver 11:51:00 But then its s...l...o...w 11:51:12 unless you use an external parser written in C. 11:51:14 I don't understand why we have ns_xml instead of a xml package for tcl... 11:51:38 no, I meant in C but as an Tcl package 11:51:52 not an aolserver module 11:53:31 ppl are talking about authentication on the xmlrpc list 11:54:19 Aha. Well tclxml and tcldoc eventually will be Tcl packages that use external C parsers. 11:54:56 I would like to use them. Much nicer interfaces. 11:55:01 tclxml.sourceforge.net 11:55:21 thats what i meant. Maybe an aolserver module is simpler to build than vanilla Tcl package (i'v never tried) 11:56:08 AOLserver doesn't like Tcl packages right now. Maybe 4.0 11:56:15 will be better. 11:56:43 Hmmm. didn't know that. 12:06:16 Well it is more like it doesn't know what to do with them. 12:06:25 * tdxdave has to go to work. 12:06:33 I will be back in about an hour. 12:06:34 * PascalS was already working again 12:06:43 i'll be here 12:06:48 tdxdave has left channel 12:21:57 til (yann@ has joined #openacs 12:22:09 moo rbm 12:22:27 zzzirk has quit ([x]chat) 12:59:23 tdxdave (dave@ has joined #openacs 13:08:59 PascalS: here is your secure authenticated XMLRPC: Thought I mention PKI in the mix. PKI is public key infrastructure. I've been 13:08:59 +working on PKI ecosystem for nearly a month. I'm also going to make a draft 13:08:59 +version of GXMP. GXMP is an extension to XML-RPC that has the following feature 13:08:59 +security token, public key, routing, and digital signature. 13:09:10 from the xmlrpc mailing list. 13:09:36 I know PKI. 13:10:49 But x.509v3 doesn't cut it. We need something like SPKI or PGP/GPG infrastructures 13:11:38 Ok. I'll take your word for it. Thats not my area. 13:12:14 The problem with PKI is nobody is willing (right fully so) to trust companies like verisign 100% (remember the Microsoft fiasco, where they 13:13:44 Right. 13:13:51 just a sec 13:13:54 brb 13:31:37 took a bit longer - that was my wife asking about strong encryption with GPG :) 13:32:06 Cool. My wife does not ask about encryptiopn. 13:32:20 verisign actually issued a certificate to someone pretending to be M$. They revoked the certificate, but the damage has been done. 13:32:40 my wife even groks databases (and is not a CS graduate) 13:34:11 GXMP is probly a not so good idea, there are already other XML-crypto initiatives. 13:34:12 Yes, every time I get something frm MS in IE I check to make sure it is not one of those certificates. 13:34:35 Just download and enable CRL support. 13:34:45 It's in your internet explorer options. 13:34:54 But nobody enables that :( 13:35:06 that's why PKI has sorta failed. 13:35:42 Cool. Never heard of it. 13:35:54 see what i mean? 13:36:26 it's under the security heading in advanced options. 13:36:58 what is crl? 13:37:08 Certificate Revocation List 13:37:12 ah 13:37:18 i'm on mozuilla 13:37:21 hooked on mozilla 13:37:32 has support for it too. 13:37:35 I usually use Opera myself. 13:37:41 what about cookies in the netherlands? 13:37:46 Dont have mozilla handy here, so cant check it. 13:37:49 are they enabled by defaultin IE? 13:38:10 b/c in germany they arent 13:38:11 yes, why shouldn't they be enabled? 13:38:20 shagster (mkovach@web1.alal.com) has joined #openacs 13:38:24 they are set to "Ask me before I accept" 13:38:37 crossite cookies arent, AFAIK 13:39:34 that's only in the germany german IE 13:39:42 ola has quit (Ping timeout for ola[as3-1-3.mal.s.bonet.se]) 13:39:44 not in the austrian german or swiss-german ie 13:40:06 ah. well I tend to not use translated software. 13:40:15 My windows has been US/UK 13:41:35 yes mozilla has crl too 13:41:44 good. 13:42:34 There is a small chance that I will work on OpenACS/(S)PKI integration, including issueing certificates 13:43:07 last time I checked the libs had not been completed, so I postponed my efforts 13:43:50 My project could use something that is a bit better (though by no means perfect) than passwords. 14:10:14 derfy (derfy@fcy-5.soho.enteract.com) has joined #openacs 14:16:03 djg: I got no reply from bogdan@ 14:21:45 PascalS has left channel 14:38:48 zzzirk_slc (lzirkel@ has joined #openacs 14:49:52 markd2 (markd2@r-41.158.alltel.net) has joined #openacs 14:49:53 bbaquiran has quit (Ping timeout for bbaquiran[]) 14:55:39 zzzirk_slc has quit (Ping timeout for zzzirk_slc[]) 14:55:45 zzzirk_slc (lzirkel@ has joined #openacs 15:33:58 zzzirk_slc has quit (Read error to zzzirk_slc[]: EOF from client) 15:37:23 ola (ola@as3-1-3.mal.s.bonet.se) has joined #openacs 15:37:36 jmarsden (jonathan@host213-122-75-147.btinternet.com) has joined #openacs 15:39:24 Greetings porters... anyone know the status of a non-interactive OpenACS4 installer? (So I can RPMify OpenACS4) 15:40:11 AaronSw (Snak@sdsl-64-7-4-87.dsl.chi.megapath.net) has joined #openacs 15:41:07 I would like one. 15:42:05 I remember someone (Don?) saying there were plans for one, way back, but I was wondering if anyone had actually made progress with the non-interactive installer since then... 15:42:31 I haven't heard about it. It would be very useful. 15:42:32 bbaquiran (bpb@ has joined #openacs 15:43:27 Yes, now OpenACS4 core is mostly done, it makes sense to try and set up an easy install forit so testers can quickly get started trying it out... at least, that's my hope. 15:44:02 I'll post on the bboard and see if anyone has any input there... 15:44:40 It only requires a couple of clicks and entering your email/password and system info anyway. 15:45:05 True, but how do I get an RPM install script to do that... :-) 15:45:27 Of course. 15:46:59 I could try doing a weird Perl script that pretends to be a web browser and puts in the email address of root on the local machine, and sort of fake things out that way, but it's probably not a good idea... better to have the right installer... 15:47:59 moo 15:48:41 Hi Roberto... 15:51:31 hey dave, jmarsden 15:51:40 jmarsden: nice to see you around here :-) 15:52:19 Thought I'd try it out and see who used it. Grabbed an IRC client just to be here. 15:53:49 excellent 15:53:56 are you another UT cowgod? 15:56:19 * AaronSw wonders if anyone else is going to the Chicago aD event tonight... 16:00:56 too far to drive 16:01:01 :-) 16:01:07 me too: 16:04:05 zzzirk (lzirkel@ has joined #openacs 16:04:22 zzzirk has quit ([x]chat) 16:04:36 * AaronSw is leaching off the AirPort connection at the local Apple Market Center -- just watched the keynote 16:04:51 thats cool 16:05:07 zzzirk (lzirkel@ has joined #openacs 16:06:39 hey zzirk 16:06:50 What's up rbm? 16:07:01 I got OpenACS 4 installed on my laptop last night 16:07:11 cool 16:07:26 Problems during the installation were found in the CR and then ACS Messaging (I assume it relies on CR) 16:08:20 I'm trying to get up to speed to the point that I can use it and then possibly Michael and Ben and I can start looking at maybe helping out with porting a package (or packages). 16:09:58 Messaging relies on CR, yes 16:10:05 cool 16:10:28 I figured as much. 16:11:18 I was using the 07-17 snapshot so going with CVS wouldn't have necessarily gained me anything. Although I ought to get the code from the CVS server just so I can keep it more up to date. 16:14:05 uhoh I wonder if the patchs I sent Dan broke something... 16:14:08 * tdxdave ducks 16:15:36 Patches to the CR? 16:15:57 rbm: How do I load packages into the system? 16:16:06 I added a new version of content_item__new to support static-pages. 16:16:25 zzzirk: I'm more into porting than using the system. 16:16:35 zzzirk: Go to the admin pages. 16:16:45 (at this point at least) 16:16:50 Well, when did your patch get applied? I guess I could try an earlier snapshot. 16:17:05 Its in there. what sort of error did you get? 16:17:11 rbm: I mostly meant so I could try other packages out. Do you just get them from CVS? 16:17:47 tdxdave: It bombed during installation, but you know I don't recall the error. I'm going to be doing it again some time today so I'll let you know. 16:18:11 ok. I haven't reloaded the data model in a few days. 16:18:32 I went through the bootstrap process if that makes any difference. 16:22:09 Okay, I got the package installation figured out... 16:23:40 Well, I'm kinda hosed until I get the acs-messaging package installed and it relies on content repository. I guess I'll have to take a look into what that error might be after all. 16:23:47 Sooner than I thought at least. :-) 16:24:04 I am trying it right now... 16:24:43 zzirk: sholdn't the error(s) be logged in your log file from when you attempted the install? 16:25:37 Hmmm, probably. Hadn't thought about looking there. Actually, if you mean the server log then it won't be because it was logging to the screen when I did the installation. 16:26:27 OK... worth checking -- easier to cut and paste from a log than to reinstall just to get the error messages :-) 16:26:32 there should be error messages in the server log. 16:26:35 Simply trying to load the CR as a package after installation seems to blow up. Don't know if that is a problem or something that shouldn't happen, but... I'm gonna reinstall again and I'll let you know what the error is. 16:27:17 CR installed out. I just checked it out from CVS. I did not update the whole tree because I haven't committed static-pages yet. (rbm: yeah I know, commit early blah blah :)) 16:27:36 s/out/ok 16:28:21 So would that be in last night's snapshot? I'll grab that really quick. 16:28:54 Good. actually, this is another thing a non-interactive installer would give us -- we could maybe have something that tries to install the nightly tarball just after it is made, and warns the CVS guardians if it finds that the install fails... 16:29:08 I can't get into CVS anonymously due to our nazi firewall... 16:29:19 ick. 16:29:54 zzzirk: you can't say ssh to some other host and set up a PPP tunnel over SSH and bypass your firewall that way ... grin?! 16:31:41 I actually thought about that this morning. I haven't tried it yet. We do actually use that to allow ourselves to get in through our firewall from home when we need to. I send an email to myself at work and my macyhine then opens a tunnel that I can get into. 16:32:25 Ok, I'm extracting the nightly tarball right now. The biggest problem is that my test machine right now is my old 233Mhz laptop. 16:32:36 It's just kinda slow doing the install of the datamodel. 16:33:07 all the more reason to deal with logs of errors rather than reinstalling every time... :-) 16:33:59 Yep, I changed it to log to a file instead of logging to the screen (no foreground mode) 16:37:10 zzzirk: are you using Oracle or Postgresql? 16:37:36 Postgresql. I guess I could also set it up to work against our Oracle development box though. 16:37:48 I should setup PG on that box so I could test both environments. 16:38:34 It would definitely make doing these installs a lot faster (since it's a quad Xeon box ;-) 16:38:43 just a little. 16:38:47 hehe 16:39:10 Yeah, I'll have to maybe look into doing that one of these nights if I get a chance. 16:39:16 Good luck. I have to go now... 16:39:27 Thanks, seeya later 16:39:39 no problem. 16:39:41 tdxdave has left channel 17:16:55 I'm so sick of this whole thread on openacs. 17:17:25 rbm the 'leadership' thread you mean? 17:18:30 Yeah. 17:18:52 * markd2 too 17:18:58 Me too... I've carefully avoided it completely, though I did email Ben direct in response to his request... 17:19:01 Just When You Thought It Was Ddead 17:19:01 I think I'll stop posting to those threads completely. It's almost pointless and only generates more noise 17:19:52 It's like a horror movie. The bad guy always comes back. 17:20:10 Roberto: on a more positive topic... where are we regarding OpenACS4 user docs? 17:20:15 * markd2 takes off his hockey mask 17:20:48 jmarsden: Nothing has been done there, although it is _really_ necessary. 17:21:12 I've been meaning to start the 4.x Documentation Project for weeks (months?) but didn't want to divert porting resources. 17:21:31 Agreed... can you maybe publish an outline or a contents page for the documents you have in mind, or something to get that underway. 17:21:37 I'm not porting... :-) 17:22:10 jmarsden: Ahh! Sure thing! 17:22:47 I'm trying to get exim to accept relay from my AOLserver 17:22:59 Anyone has experience with exim? 17:24:15 There's probably a #exim channel you coudl ask on? 17:24:23 Hmmm. I think I got it 17:24:43 Yep. Cool! 17:24:55 derfy has quit (Leaving) 17:24:57 jmarsden: Good suggestion. This is OPN after all :) 17:25:11 rbm: exactly :-) 17:26:19 til has quit ([x]chat) 17:30:32 jmarsden has quit (Ping timeout for jmarsden[host213-122-75-147.btinternet.com]) 17:37:50 y 17:40:21 !y? 17:43:18 AaronSw has quit (Gotta Run) 18:11:46 bbaquiran has left channel 18:30:06 rbm: you here anywhere? 18:30:28 I'm looking for information about where errors are logged to during installation of OpenACS. 18:37:49 AaronSw (Snak@c930384-a.hlndpk1.il.home.com) has joined #openacs 19:07:43 Is anyone working on the 4.x port? 19:09:11 many people, i think 19:09:41 Er, here . 19:10:13 well, roberto is, and tdxdave is (but he's not here right now) 19:10:17 I'm was getting ready to port Intranet, but it seems that there isn't much intranet to port :I 19:20:46 The Intranet in ACS Classic 4.x is pretty much nonexistent. 19:24:20 That's what I've read. 19:24:42 Joy :P It looks like I'll be writing Intranet. 19:24:59 jmarsden (jonathan@host213-122-198-47.btinternet.com) has joined #openacs 19:25:04 think of it as an Exciting Deveopment Project 19:26:14 I'm sure there would be a lot of grateful consumers of such a package. 19:26:24 Well, I'm not too upset about it. 3.x's intranet is the biggest kludge. 19:26:49 There are a lot of nice ideas in there, but I never looked at how they were implemented. 19:26:54 It's a Character Building Product 19:27:04 So hopefully I can find the devel docs for 4.x on arsdigita somewhere and build it up from there. 19:32:01 jmarsden has quit (Ping timeout for jmarsden[host213-122-198-47.btinternet.com]) 19:33:01 I'll restate my earlier question now that a few people have joined: 19:33:15 I'm looking for information about where errors are logged to during installation of OpenACS. 19:33:40 MadDucks : drop some mail to aegrumet@arsdigita.com. I think he worked on the 4.x intranet 19:34:00 zzzirk: I don't know if there are other logs besides the server log 19:34:35 Well, in the server log I don't get anything about any error really... I can give you a log snippet if you want, but I can't seem to see any real error message. 19:35:12 How about the error log? 19:36:03 Well, which log is which. One seems to be an access log and the other is server log. Let me look though. 19:37:50 I only have two log files, one is access log and the other is server log 19:39:31 jmarsden (jonathan@host213-122-16-9.btinternet.com) has joined #openacs 19:40:35 zzzirk: try grep Error *log and see what shows up 19:41:38 I have 4 entries in openacs-4-error.log (which is the server log) 19:43:14 OK, are they huge or can you paste any that look interesting here? 19:43:24 Here are the results of my grep: 19:44:38 openacs-4-error.log:

Error: 19:44:55 back in a sec. 19:45:00 zzzirk has quit ([x]chat) 19:45:12 zzzirk_slc (lzirkel@ has joined #openacs 19:45:39 Okay, here is a snippet from a log file: 19:45:57 [18/Jul/2001:11:45:32][25643.4101][-conn0-] Notice: DROP 19:45:57 [18/Jul/2001:11:45:32][25643.4101][-conn0-] Notice:

Acs-content-repository not installed. 19:45:57

Error: 19:45:57

19:45:59 [18/Jul/2001:11:45:32][25643.4101][-conn0-] Notice:

  • Installing data model for ACS Messaging 4.1.1... 19:46:13 Notice it says *Error* on one line 19:46:25 and then the next thing is Installing ACS Messaging... 19:46:53 Not very clear what the heck is going on. Am I forgetting some importatnt step in the installation? Everything else seems to go pretty smooth. 19:48:07 That does look strange. Does acs-messaging rely on acs-content-repository?? 19:48:17 Yep it does. 19:48:25 And it obviously fails after that point as well. 19:48:39 So the real issue is what caused the notice about "Acs-content-repository not installed" 19:48:57 The case of the Acs-content-respository is unusual... 19:49:09 upper case A lower case cs... why? 19:49:11 Exactly! 19:49:29 typo? 19:49:43 OK, stand by while I search for that exact string in the CVS copy IO haev here... 19:51:01 I'm not seeing that string with that case at all. 19:51:02 GEM (mcmullan@MULTICS.MIT.EDU) has joined #openacs 19:51:20 zzzirk: did you have to type in tht package name somewhere?? and did you type it with that case?? 19:51:35 No I didn't. 19:51:59 OK, can you cd to the top of yoru CVS tree (or unpacket tarball) and do: 19:52:10 grep -rl Acs-content-repository * 19:52:18 and see what filenames if any come back? 19:52:22 I got the CVS try just this morning. 19:52:42 Me too... but that string came from *somewhere*! 19:52:43 markd2 has quit (bbl) 19:52:52 I get nothing back. 19:53:07 It looks like it could be [string totitle ...] results 19:53:30 Hmmm... yes, that could be it. 19:53:48 Can you manually attempt to install acs-content-repository. and what happens when you try? 19:54:13 Not that it would necessarily help, but I can let you step through the install and see what I get back during the bootstrap if you want. 19:54:54 I'm probably not the best person to do that with... I'm not an OpenACS4 guru (yet?) 19:55:44 Well, I've been working on an ACS Classic 4.x project for the past 5 months so I've not followed OpenACS porting like I'd like to have so I'm not really up to much either. 19:56:38 Are there any clues in the log file earlier than the notice that it didn't install the CR that shed some light on this? 19:56:50 such as why it didn't install it :-) 19:58:24 Not that I can really see. I do get some sort of abort statements in a couple of places... Hang on I'm trying to determine where. 19:59:05 I did find a couple instances of "string totitle ..." in acs-content-repository directory 20:01:35 CHeck out those aborts, sound smore likely a source of trouble to me... 20:03:01 I'm doing a little more checking in that area. 20:03:24 Right before the aborts start there are a string of calls to acs_object_type__create_type and I'm looking into those. 20:07:39 shagster has quit (Read error to shagster[web1.alal.com]: Connection reset by peer) 20:08:29 zzzirk_slc has quit ([x]chat) 20:10:16 * rbm goes to class 20:14:52 steveW (steve@host213-122-72-179.btinternet.com) has joined #openacs 20:19:20 markd2 (markd2@r-41.20.alltel.net) has joined #openacs 20:20:37 Hi markd and steveW 20:21:05 Hi, got here just in time to miss all the action 21:10:36 steveW has quit (Client Exiting) 21:34:16 jmarsden has quit (Ping timeout for jmarsden[host213-122-16-9.btinternet.com]) 21:46:22 jmarsden (jonathan@host213-122-127-232.btinternet.com) has joined #openacs 21:52:02 markd2 has quit (Bork) 21:56:40 ola has quit (ircII EPIC4-1.0 -- Are we there yet?) 22:06:10 shagster (mkovach@web1.alal.com) has joined #openacs 22:07:26 AaronSw has quit (Gotta Run) 22:12:34 jmarsden has quit (fontana.openprojects.net zsoldos.openprojects.net) 22:16:06 djg has quit ([BX] Reserve your copy of BitchX-1.0c18 for the Sony Playstation today!) 23:17:36 rbm_ (roberto@slxwy.dorms.usu.edu) has joined #openacs 23:19:35 rbm has quit (Ping timeout for rbm[slxwy.dorms.usu.edu]) 23:24:17 rbm_ is now known as rbm 23:24:28 These disconnects are annoying 23:25:53 Hi ROberto! 23:26:09 Brazil was amazing, incidentally 23:37:47 Hi hal 23:37:50 oops 23:50:47 gilbertw (gilwong@atlrel2.hp.com) has joined #openacs 23:52:09 rbm: are you managing this doc: http://openacs.org/4/porting-resources.html 23:53:07 gilbertw: yeah 23:53:21 It's authored by Vinod tho. 23:53:28 I need to get comments going there 23:54:17 ok. there's a thread on the QE and QD that I started. Don's updated the wp presentation with some new info 23:54:40 oh, excellent 23:54:42 the day in the life of the porter should have a little section on proc and proc_doc 23:55:08 send mail to vinod about it 23:55:10 it looks like the query extractor keys off of proc_doc or ad_proc 23:55:12 ok 23:55:26 now I gotta dig up his email :)